Interpret In lines 69-70 of the excerpt from The Prelude, what does the speaker mean when he says his heart "had been turned aside//From Nature's way"?


Answer 1


With these lines, the narrator who says that he has become disoriented and does not know what to believe anymore.


When the narrator states that he has strayed from the path of nature, he is referring to nature itself, that is, he is referring to his own beliefs, opinions and convictions. This shows that the narrator went through a moment of so much disappointment that it left him confused, disoriented, unable to believe in his own reasoning and in what he felt was correct and appropriate. In other words, the narrator has lost his essence, his nature and does not know what else to do.

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What ability is associated with linguistic intelligence?



Linguistic intelligence is a part of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory that deals with individuals' ability to understand both spoken and written language, as well as their ability to speak and write themselves.


I hope this helps! I would really appreciate it if you would please mark me brainliest! Have a blessed day!

HELP PLZ QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The answer for this problem would be B. Why? Well The government was not afraid of sending people to the moon because we were the first ones to go there. Second America CAN NOT just place a flag on the moon and call it americas territory, that’s not how it works. Third, NASA is funded by the government so therefore they did not run out of money because the only way they’d run out of money is if the government ran out. So therefore B is the most logical answer because it is A LOT cheaper to use satellites instead of rockets. Hope this helps!


I would say D.


This is because the excerpt talks about how great the NASA missions were, until the U.S Government stopped funding them. The article provides no evidence that the Government was afraid, and satellites also cost quite a lot to get into space. As for the third statement, that is only one piece of the entire excerpt. So using the process of elimination, we can determine that the answer is the last one.

In 3 ways how did Brian’s use his hatchet to help him survive and describe each one


how would you like me to answer, not very much else to read here such as clues haha

I really need help with this question





because a semicolon look like dis ;

Answer: a. Jan's cellphone is new; it doesn't work very well


Well first of all, it's the only one with a semi-colon in it. Secondly, in order to properly use a semicolon, you have to have two independent clauses. This means if the sentence was separated from the semicolon, it will still work (though they have to be closely related).

Describe a time that someone you admire showed integrity. Do you think it was hard for that person to do the right thing?



this is something you should do yourself


i can give some advice though! start the sentence with "one time (the persons name) showed integerty was when (insert time place, etc)"

and end it with (thats why i admire (put the persons name here) for showing integrity


just think of a time when ur parents or friends,, or someone you know,, basically admitted to being wrong in a situation and/or had to apologize.


I'm sorry if this doesn't help,, but if it does,, that'd be great,, !! Good luck,, :)

correct the sentence 1.yes park road elementary school will has a book fiar in februray
2.march 6 2005 is my sisters wedding



1) Yes, Park Road Elementary School will have a Book Fair in February

2) March 6, 2005, was my Sister's Wedding.




They participated in sacrifices also

what ways do you think unequal resources can be addressed so that all students have safe and effective access to learning?


Answer: Build relationships  

Relationships and the importance of them in the classroom never goes away. As the education pendulum flies back and forth, one thing that you can always count on still being at the forefront of making a difference in the classroom is the idea of relationships. If you don’t have a relationship with your students the work you do on a daily basis will be flat and not nearly as effective as what it could be. Take the time to build connections with each and every one of your students. What makes them tick? What are their interests? What are their hopes and desires? These are all things that you continue to build and cultivate as the year progresses—community and relationship building does not just stop after the first two weeks. Regardless of class size or other circumstances that have an impact on the classroom, this is number one for a reason!

Be intentional with your lesson planning

As you sit down and plan out the upcoming week, really give some thought to how you are going to reach all your students. What are the various entry points students are going to need to access the curriculum and reach your lesson target? Or perhaps, how can you help engage students at the start so they are ready to learn? Would a morning meeting or quick team building activity in table groups help get the kids primed for learning? Have a warm-up to settle and set a tone. Review the learning targets for the lesson to inform the students and tune them in.

Use a balanced data approach  

Using data to drive your instruction and decisions is vital. However, it needs to be done in a balanced approach to where you are taking into consideration your students and the direct knowledge you have about them. As educators, we are lucky that we know more about our students than what can be represented on a test. Use this information to help drive your instruction and decisions. How can you leverage this knowledge to help improve outcomes for kids? Are there additional ways that you can help support your students? Apply formative practices that not only will inform you of the “Are they getting it?” factor, but also use them to inform your students about their own progress.

Have high and consistent expectations

Most of us believe we have high expectations for kids, which is good. However, don’t let your high expectations limit your students with what they can accomplish. Your students will reach and often surpass your high expectations and when they do, don’t hold them back. Often our perception of what they can accomplish limits them, even when they are set at high levels.  Push the students and they will surprise you…and you might surprise yourself. Also, those expectations need to be held consistent throughout the building. Expectations are the constitution of the school and need to be known and upheld in all areas at all times. Students from trauma or adverse backgrounds have significant difficulties adapting to differing systems or environments.

Scaffold instruction to grade level standards

Kids need access to grade level curriculum and grade level expectations. Yes, some students are not ready for it but if we keep playing catch-up by working on math facts when they are in middle school, they are never going to get exposed to higher level thinking. Educators need to find ways to expose all students to grade level curriculum and standards while scaffolding their learning or finding ways to provide intervention to them outside of the core instruction.

Teach vocabulary explicitly

Vocabulary, vocabulary, and more vocabulary. You’ve read the research: students coming from a poverty background have been exposed to an incredible shortage of words compared to their peers brought up in a middle class home. What does this mean to you as an educator? You have to go double time to expose kids to vocabulary that is varied, challenging, and new to them. Students need a rich vocabulary environment to catch-up and this doesn’t mean that you teach the same themed words that come with the various seasons. You have to be intentional about this and constantly on the lookout for opportunities to build this. Focus not only on the Tier 3 words which are content-specific but provide ample exposure to the Tier 2 words that provide meaning and comprehension.

Get your students engaged and excited

If you aren’t engaged and excited, your students won’t be engaged or excited, it’s as simple as that. You have to look for ways to connect the learning and content standards back to your students. How can you capture their attention? Show your excitement and get passionate! Use relevant practices and put the students in charge of their own learning. Groups, pairs, share outs, questions, and reflections encourage deeper thinking and provide meaning.


What the other person said ‍♀️



article from news journal
An article from a news journal. Did this b4

What something you're looking forward in 2021?



Being able to start dancing and summer :D also i posted a question not so long ago pls answer it if u know the answer if u dont then pls dont


from Inaugural Address
by President John F. Kennedy

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need—not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Select all the correct answers.
Which two statements best describe the purpose of the passage?
The purpose of the passage is to let people know that weapons are needed, but they need not simply be used in battle.
The purpose of the passage is to inspire Americans to be selfless in their service to the nation and the world.
The purpose of the passage is to invoke all Americans to fight against poverty, disease, and war, for the betterment of mankind.
The purpose of the passage is to inform Americans about the nation's rich, historic past.
The purpose of the passage is to let the world know that the American soldiers have fought bravely in the war.





omg ,all that you have ahhhhhh

correct the sentence 1.his shirt is missing too buttons to be mended too you gonna finish that book by friday



1. His shirt is missing two buttons to be mended too.

2. Are you going to finish that book by Friday?

hope this helps

have a good day :)


Which statement best describes the significance of the alluison to phaeton



While expressing her impatience for reuniting with Romeo, Juliet alludes to Phaeton's chariot in the above lines. According to Greek mythology, Phaeton was the son of Phoebus, the sun god. One day Phaeton asked his father that he be allowed to ride the sun chariot.

Explanation:can i have brainliest plzzzzz

What kind of assembly is not a protected by the first amendment



Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child por no graphy, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that vio lates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial

Explanation: hope it helps here for ur help






The theme is Appearances can be deceiving


I did it and got it right :)

I need help with this answer I don’t know it



Ok, but ur question is incomplete.

A meaningful sentence for embarked would be- My friends and I embarked on a trail to enjoy a hike and be one with nature.
true or false


Answer: true

Explanation:   Hope this helped! * I took quiz*

my uncle and aunt ........... in the south. A, live B, lives C, are lives​


My uncle and aunt live in the south.

When the next noun or adjective starts with a consonant sound, use a. When the noun or adjective that follows starts with a vowel sound, use an. Keep in mind that pronunciation, not spelling, is important. Thus option A is correct.

What is the use of are and s in the sentence?

To decide whether to use is or are, take into account the noun's singular or plural form.Use is if the noun is singular. Use are if the noun is plural or there are multiple nouns.

When the verb's subject is a third-person singular, the -s suffix is exclusively added to normal verbs in the present tense in English. This -s is distinct from the plural -s. Do not mix the two up. The verb does not take a -s since the subject, “Lisa and Ronald,” is a third-person plural subject.

Therefore, my uncle and aunt( live ) in the south.

Learn more about sentence here:


According to "Barrington Irving, Pilot and Educator," what is the main goal of Irving's nonprofit organization, Experience Aviation?



The goal of Irving's non-profit organization is to increase the number of young people interested in working in aviation or other careers related to science and mathematics.


Barrington decided to use his knowledge of aviation and education to help young people in elementary and public schools to pursue a career in aviation or work with science and technology. He recognizes that these areas have little interest and dedication from young people and that is why he decided to build a non-profit organization that taught and guided young people in these careers. The focus of Barrington's organization was elementary and high school students. where they could learn about these areas on summer holidays.



Answer: i think he means that its dark and its a new day which is basically early in the morning.

Explanation: for example 2:30am is in the morning but its not day time yet that could be what he means im not sure sorry if im wrong im only in 8th grade ya know

If there well be a fight in our sisterhood, what would be the best thing to do aside from stopping them​



Just say sorry to her and give her a chocolate


ok if u are the 3rd person, and see two sis fighting, u probably join them, bcuz involving another person would gradually stop them from fighting.....


Try it out!

In one to two sentences, identify the bold words as an independent clause, dependent clause, or phrase, and explain their functions within the sentence


This question is incomplete. Here's the complete question.

Jessica ate the cookies that her daughter baked for her.

In one to two sentences, identify the bold words as an independent clause, dependent clause, or phrase, and explain their functions within the sentence.

Answer: dependent clause


A phrase refers to a combination of words that don´t have a subject-verb component and are used as a single part of speech.

An independent clause is a simple sentence that can stand alone, as it has a subject and a verb. It can also be accompanied by other clauses or phrases in a complex sentence.

In this example, "Jessica ate the cookies" is an independent clause that is followed by an independent clause to form the complete complex sentence. A dependent clause requires an independent clause to complete a sentence because it cannot stand on its own. Such is the case of the bold words in this example.

The prefix ana- means "against." The word root arch means "rule."

In which sentence is the word anarchists used correctly?

A) The anarchists are laws that govern behavior within the tribe.
B) Anarchists plan to overthrow the president and destroy the government.
C) You can use anarchists to draw a perfect circle or a straight line.
D) The lawyer's anarchists helped her prepare a very strong case.



B i think


Sorry if im wrong


Anarchists plan to overthrow the president and destroy the government.


what do u think is going on?​



I think that those two men are being put in a box full of stuffing for an experiment.

I hope this helps you.

Choose the two lines from the passage that best support your answer
"Don't be discouraged, Jada," said Miguel.
"Well, we had better go in and join the banquet."
"Jada was one of only thirty students accepted to the
school last year."
"I'll never get Remus ready for the competition at this
rate!" Jada said.
"Miguel, can you help me put Remus back into the
barn? I don't want to be late for the first-day



I’m not sure but I think it’s A



the correct answers are a) "Don't be discouraged,Jada," said Miguel." c) "Jada was one of only thirty students accepted to the school last year."


just got the answer correct on my test.

I asked him 'what are you doing' into indirect speech​



I asked him what was he doing?

Other than scanning food to determine nutrition or scanning pills to determine type, what are some other uses you could predict for this scanner?


link isn’t real xx don’t use it

The body's consumption and utilization of food and other nutrients. It takes three steps to properly eat. The food or drink is converted into nutrients by the body.

What is Nutrition?

An organism uses food to sustain its life through a biochemical and physiological process known as nutrition. It gives living things nutrition that can be processed to produce energy and chemical building blocks.

Malnutrition results from insufficient dietary intake. Although it frequently focuses on human nutrition, nutritional science is the study of nutrition. What nutrients an organism needs and how it gets them depends on the type of creature.

Consuming organic or inorganic material, absorbing light, or a combination of these is how organisms gain nutrients. Others must eat other species in order to receive pre-existing nutrients, while some may manufacture nutrients internally by eating fundamental components.

All life forms require several chemicals, including carbon, energy, and water. Animals need complex nutrients like proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, and they get them by eating other living things.

For the purpose of replacing foraging and improving human nourishment, humans have created agriculture and cooking. Nutrients are provided to plants by the soil and the environment.

Learn more about Nutrition, here


The authors' description of the video in the first paragraph serves primarily to
question a widespread assumption regarding women's participation in computer science
illustrate a particular perspective on the importance of learning to code
present computer scientists as a socially responsible community
emphasize that learning to code requires both aptitude and dedication
explain how learning to code prepares students for coveted jobs





Took the test


B. illustrate a particular perspective on the importance of learning to code


Answer B

Correct. In the first paragraph, the authors describe the ways in which the video’s participants encouraged people to learn to code, using quotations to illustrate different participants’ positions on this subject. The authors then go on to present some other writers’ criticisms of the video. By documenting the perspectives in the video and presenting differing opinions, the authors enter the conversation about how to promote coding by engaging with positions that have already been put forward and argued about in this conversation.

Read the excerpt from The Giver and answer the questions that follows.
Jonas, nearing his home now, smiled at the recollection. Thinking, still, as he wheeled his bike into its
narrow port beside the door, he realized that frightened was the wrong word to describe his feelings, now
that December was almost here. It was too strong an adjective.
He had waited a long time for this special December. Now that it was almost upon him, he wasn't frightened,
but he was... eager, he decided. He was eager for it to come. And he was excited, certainly. All of the
Elevens were excited about the event that would be coming so soon.
What is the meaning of eager as it is used in the excerpt?
distracted by another thought
o careful about approaching something
O looking forward to something
o worried about the future



so i read this in 7th grade i think but im in 9th now but im pretty sure that its either c or d but im leaning more to c


Reread lines 5-13. What is the author's purpose in explaining Kauzlarich's feelings about Izzy? Support

your answer with explicit text evidence.


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers. However, when searching the internet, I was able to find a question exactly like yours, which showed that the question refers to the text "The good Soldiers."


The author's goal is to show that Iraq is a place capable of promoting happiness.


"The Good Soldiers" is a novel about the experiences of American soldiers in the troops sent to Iraq in 2007.

Among these soldiers, you know Kauzlarich, someone who has a very negative view of Iraq and its inhabitants, until he meets Izzy, an Iraqi who has become his friend. The friendship between them is very strong and true, capable of bringing a lot of happiness to Kauzlarich. This makes him understand that Iraq can promote happiness to somebody and that Iraqis can be very nice people.

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