1. ) are used by writers to establish a message.

a. Tone c. Tone word

b. Message d. Word message

2. ) I am very delighted that my teachers exert effort in communicating with us— not just

because it is their job, but because of the love and compassion they have for the learners.

What word in the statement signals a positive message?

a. Love c. Effort

b. Exert d. Delighted

3. )None of the Grade 8 learners are allowed to go out to get their modules due to age

restriction imposed by the government to mitigate COVID-19 infection risk. What word signals

a negative message in the statement?

a. None c. Infection

b. Mitigate d. Restriction

4. )"Aye, aye, captain. I will do what I am told," yelled the young cadet. What word in the

statement signals a positive message?

a. Do c. Told

b. Aye d. Yelled

5. ) Neither of my internet service providers satisfies my needs for online class. What word in

the statement indicates a negative message?

a. Online c. Internet

b. Neither d. Satisfies

6. )You can’t expect me to finish this difficult task after a week. Such work takes time to

complete. The proverb to be applied here is _____.

a. Better late than never

b. Rome wasn’t built in a day

c. The pen is mightier than a sword

d. Good things come to those who wait​


Answer 1

All parts Answers:

Option a) Tone wordOption d) DelightedOption b) MitigateOption c) ToldOption b) NeitherOption a) Better late than never  

Tone words are special terms that assist an author convey their attitude towards the topic. The general connotation of a word is either favourable, negative, or neutral. Tone words enable writers to convey whether they have a favourable, unfavourable, or neutral attitude towards the subject at hand.

As they pursued one another around the park, the children yelled with joy. The kids were thrilled to see that there were enough cookies for everyone to have two. She genuinely [=greatly appreciates] her new position. Some people appear to get enormous joy in hearing of other people's tragedies or Mitigate.

Learn more about Tone word Visit: brainly.com/question/12176973


Related Questions

Read the poem look up.

1. describe the times in the poem that you could have missed out on if you hadn’t

looked up from your phone. comment on* these situations.

2. consider your own use of mobile phones and social media. discuss* the advantages

and disadvantages of being constantly online. you may include examples from your

own life. pealeees hep me it is eksamen i have to sen it after 40 munitt​


In the poem "Look Up," the situations one could have missed out on if they hadn't looked up from their phone include witnessing beautiful natural scenery, engaging in meaningful conversations, and building deeper connections with others.

These situations emphasize the importance of being present and appreciating the world around us rather than being constantly absorbed in our devices.

Considering one's own use of mobile phones and social media, some advantages of being constantly online include staying connected with friends and family, having access to information, and staying updated on current events.

However, disadvantages include decreased face-to-face interactions, negative impact on mental health, and missing out on valuable life experiences, as portrayed in the poem. It is crucial to find a balance between being connected online and being present in our surroundings.

To know more about poem, refer here:



Complete question:

Read the poem look up.

1. describe the times in the poem that you could have missed out on if you hadn’t

looked up from your phone. comment on* these situations.

2. consider your own use of mobile phones and social media. discuss* the advantages

and disadvantages of being constantly online.

Read this sentence from a student essay and then answer the question in the boy who harnessed the wind William faces the villagers who think he is foolish which choice best revises the sentence so that it offers text evidence from the boy who harnessed the wind


A possible revision that offers text evidence from "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" is:

According to the book "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind," William had to confront the villagers who believed he was foolish. For instance, in chapter 7, when William tells his father that he wants to build a windmill to generate electricity, his father initially dismisses the idea and says, "Electricity is for white people, William. It's not for us" (p. 60). Similarly, when William presents his project to the chief, he scoffs at him and says, "You want to harness the wind? What are you, a madman?" (p. 73).

This revision incorporates the title of the book, "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind," to provide context, and then cites specific examples from the text to support the claim that William faced opposition from the villagers who doubted his abilities. By using quotes from the book, the sentence is more credible and persuasive.

Know more about evidence here https://brainly.com/question/15880833?#


What exactly does helpful, collaborative feedback look and sound like? In this discussion, you'll work with your peers to ensure that your feedback is actually relevant and helpful.

Let's read Arnold's post:

Overall, I think a good guide is to focus your feedback on something specific, even if that means it's a relatively small thing. Big, sweeping observations like "Your organization is messy" or "I don't understand your argument" are really unhelpful and overwhelming. Instead, it's best to focus on one small piece of the overall organization and suggest a specific change; for example, "How about using a transitional phrase at the end of your introduction to guide the reader into your first claim?"

Create one post that answers the following prompt:

You will be providing feedback to peers. Suggest two guidelines for the group to follow to collaborate successfully.

Create two posts that:

Reply to your peers' comments and questions


Helpful, collaborative feedback is essential for productive discussions and learning experiences. To ensure relevant and constructive feedback, here are two guidelines for the group to follow: Be specific and focused;  Maintain a positive and respectful tone.

When providing feedback, pinpoint particular areas or aspects that can be improved. Avoid generalizations and concentrate on a single element, like Arnold's example of using a transitional phrase to improve organization. This allows the recipient to better understand the suggestion and implement changes more effectively.

Constructive feedback should be given in a supportive manner. Encourage your peers by acknowledging their efforts and offering solutions rather than simply pointing out flaws. By keeping the conversation respectful and positive, the group creates an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and can learn from each other.

To know more about feedback visit:



Did you know that children believe they should be involved in the selection and ejection of their teachers and administrators? Children particularly say this in their fifth and middle school years. When they receive a poor grade for classwork, they place the responsibility on the instructor and demand that they be fired because they are not performing their duties properly.

The position I opted for was that Schrum Memorial Middle School students ought to be involved in the selection and dismissal of their teachers and administrators. I vehemently dispute this assertion. These are my motivations: One, students lack the necessary experience for both. Two, having the student fill either of these roles may have an impact. Third, if the student discovers that they have fired administrators and good students and have hired teachers who don't care about the education of the other students, it may be difficult for them to get employment.
Some Background Information: A kid back at Elementary School wished they’re teacher was fired because they got a bad grade on their test and the teacher was apparently “not helping them”. They weren't paying attention in class, the teacher claimed, despite her best efforts to assist them.
Kids believe it's cool that they should be involved in the hiring and firing of their teachers, but they are unaware of the potential consequences for their own careers. It will be difficult for them to find employment because they fired all the teachers who were supposed to be instructing the students.


It is common for children to have a limited understanding of the complexities involved in selecting and dismissing teachers and administrators. Their perceptions are often influenced by their personal experiences in the classroom, which may be different from those of other students. Therefore, allowing students to make these decisions can lead to unfair outcomes and may not be in the best interest of the school or the students.

How to explain the information

The responsibility of selecting and dismissing teachers and administrators should rest with the school administration, who have the necessary experience and training to make informed decisions. They are responsible for ensuring that the school has qualified and competent staff who are committed to providing quality education to the students.

Furthermore, having students make these decisions can create an environment of instability and uncertainty, which can negatively impact the learning experience. Students need a stable and supportive learning environment to achieve academic success and reach their full potential. Allowing them to make such important decisions may cause stress and anxiety that can hinder their academic progress.

In conclusion, while it is essential to listen to student feedback and opinions, it is not appropriate to involve them in the selection and dismissal of teachers and administrators. These decisions should be left to the school administration, who have the necessary experience and expertise to make informed decisions in the best interest of the school and its students.

Learn more about feedback on:



In paragraph 4, Douglass uses figurative language when refers to "bread of knowledge" In what way is knowledge "bread"



This was used to describe the education he received from Sophia Auld.

Explanation: In paragraph 4 of his narrative, Frederick Douglass uses the metaphor of "bread of knowledge" to describe the education he received from Sophia Auld, the wife of his slave owner. The metaphor compares knowledge to bread, a basic necessity of life, which sustains and nourishes us.

Douglass was denied education as a slave, so the knowledge he gained from Sophia was invaluable to him. By using the metaphor of "bread of knowledge," he emphasizes the importance of education in empowering and liberating individuals from oppression. Just as bread is essential to sustain the body, knowledge is essential to sustain the mind and soul. Douglass also implies that knowledge is something that can be shared and passed on, like bread that can be broken and shared with others.

When Jack agrees to follow Prince Charmant, Jill says:
Have you lost your head?
O. This is the best way to save our mother.
What are you talking about?
You are also under a spell!


Jack needs to use twice as much force to lift his twice as heavy body up the same set of steps. Jill, however, possesses just as much "power" as Jack. Jill works half as hard and spends half the time.

Who was locked up in the dungeon by Prince Charming?

Ella eventually thinks about ending the union. She finds out that the royal family places a high importance on beauty, not because the prince thinks they are truly in love. When she ultimately asks to cancel the engagement, she is imprisoned in the dungeon until she changes her mind.

Is there a love story in Jack and Jill?

At the age of twelve, Jack and Jill cross paths at a summer camp. Although they became great friends, romance didn't seem to blossom between them.

To know more about Prince Charmant, visit:



According to the text which two factors most influenced the desire of native-born Americans to limit immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe in the 1920?

A. the immigrants' wealth levels

B. the immigrants' political beliefs

C. the immigrants' religious beliefs

D. the immigrants' educational levels

E. the immigrants' ethnic backgrounds


According to the text, the immigrants' religious beliefs most influenced the desire of native-born Americans to limit immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe in the 1920.

The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality.

Immigrants were generally more willing to accept lower wages and inferior working conditions than native born workers. Therefore, option (C) is correct.

Learn more about immigrants:



Analyze the relationship between resistance to technological progress and the continual advancement of new technologies. Use information from the passage to support your analysis


The relationship between resistance to technological progress and the continual advancement of new technologies can be complex and multifaceted.

On one hand, it is natural for some individuals and groups to resist new technologies due to concerns over potential negative impacts on society, the economy, or the environment. For example, some people may worry about the effects of automation on jobs and employment, or the implications of social media for privacy and mental health.

However, despite these concerns, new technologies have continued to advance and evolve over time, often driven by market demand, scientific progress, or the need to address pressing social and environmental challenges. This suggests that, while resistance to technological progress may slow down or complicate the development of new technologies in some cases, it ultimately does not prevent the overall march of progress.

Moreover, resistance to new technologies can also play a positive role in shaping the direction and impact of technological innovation. By raising awareness of potential risks and challenges associated with new technologies, critics and skeptics can push for more responsible and ethical development and use of these tools. Additionally, resistance to one type of technology can create opportunities for the development of alternative technologies that may be more socially or environmentally sustainable.

Overall, while resistance to technological progress may pose challenges and obstacles for the development of new technologies, it ultimately does not prevent or stop the continual advancement of new technologies over time. However, resistance can play a critical role in shaping the direction and impact of these technologies, and in promoting more responsible and ethical innovation.

To know more about new technologies:



After reading the book "Who Is Malala Yousafzai?" Write a summary that includes the main idea plus 4-5 supporting details. ​



Who Is Malala Yousafzai? by Dinah Brown and Who HQ is a book about a young girl who risked her life for her beliefs and fought for the education of millions. The main idea of the book is to tell the story of Malala Yousafzai, a young girl from Mingora, Pakistan, who was shot by the Taliban for advocating for the rights of women and girls to receive an education. The book provides several supporting details about Malala's life, including her childhood dream of becoming a doctor, her love of learning, and her decision to speak out against the Taliban's ban on girls' education. The book also highlights Malala's bravery and determination in the face of adversity, as well as the global impact of her activism. Overall, the book is an inspiring tribute to a remarkable young woman who has become a symbol of hope and courage around the world.


In "a lesson before dying", Why does Gaines begin the novel with jefferson's trial, verdict, and sentencing but without providing the specific names of any of those involved?


Ernest Gaines begins "A Lesson Before Dying" with Jefferson's trial, verdict, and sentencing to immediately establish the racial injustice and discrimination that Jefferson faces as a black man.

By omitting the specific names of those involved, Gaines creates a universal tone that highlights the systemic racism faced by African Americans. The focus is on the dehumanizing treatment of black people in the justice system, rather than on individual characters.

Additionally, the lack of specific names allows the reader to focus on the themes of the novel and the development of the characters, particularly Grant and Jefferson. As the novel progresses, the reader becomes more invested in the lives of these two characters and their journey towards self-discovery and redemption.

Overall, by beginning the novel in this way, Gaines effectively sets the tone for the rest of the book and establishes the central themes of racism, injustice, and redemption.

To know more about Lesson Before Dying visit:



Explain the contrast Scout draws between the court where Tom was tried and “the secret courts of men’s hearts”. In what ways are hearts like courts? (pg. 323)



i got you :)


Scout draws a contrast between the court where Tom Robinson was tried and the "secret courts of men's hearts" in Chapter 23 of Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Scout notes that in the court of law, there are rules, procedures, and evidence that are presented to determine the guilt or innocence of a person. However, in the secret courts of men's hearts, there are no rules or procedures that govern how people judge one another. People judge based on their own biases, prejudices, and personal experiences. These secret courts, therefore, are often more unjust and unfair than a court of law.

In this sense, Scout is suggesting that people's hearts are like courts in that they make judgments about others. However, unlike a court of law, people's hearts are subjective and influenced by their own personal biases and experiences. The verdicts in these secret courts of men's hearts are often not based on fact or evidence but rather on feelings and emotions.

Additionally, Scout suggests that people's hearts can be even more dangerous than courts of law because they can perpetuate injustice and prejudice without any accountability. Unlike a court of law, which has a system of checks and balances, people's hearts can operate unchecked, leading to harmful and unfair judgments.

Overall, Scout's contrast between the court where Tom was tried and the secret courts of men's hearts highlights the inherent flaws in human judgment and the need for individuals to recognize and address their own biases and prejudices.

Final answer:

Scout contrasts the formal court of law, which is swayed by racism, with the internal moral court within individuals. Both make judgments, though the 'hearts' often judge based on personal beliefs and experiences.


In Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout draws a contrast between the formal court where Tom Robinson is tried and 'the secret courts of men’s hearts'. The court where Tom is tried represents the institutional legal system and its attempt to provide justice. However, the decision reached is influenced by racial prejudice, thereby failing to offer true justice. On the other hand, 'the secret courts of men's hearts' symbolizes the personal, internal judgment and biases that individuals harbor. In a way, 'hearts' are like courts because they both make judgments based on available evidence, though the ‘hearts’ make judgments based on personal beliefs and experiences, not necessarily on factual evidence or fairness.

Learn more about the Contrast of Courts here:



Suppose you are a secretary of the cultural committee of your school. Your school has decided to organise a music competition among four Houres.
Now publish a notice for students informing about the competition


The notice for students informing about the competition is given below

What is the notice?

Attention all students!

Our school's Cultural Committee announces a music competition between four Houses on May 12 by 10am . We invite all music enthusiasts to participate and demonstrate their skills.

The competition has four categories: vocal/instrumental solo/group. Each house must participate in all. To register, students must submit names to House reps by May 11 by 10am. Rehearsals in school auditorium on May 11 by 12pm . Winners get prizes & represent houses in inter-school music comp. Show off skills & support your House. See you there!

Best regards,

Milda Hills

Secretary of the Cultural Committee

Learn more about notice from



1. How was the success of the railroads influenced by propaganda?

A. Railway proponents convinced the public to donate money to railroad construction. B. Companies began advertising national trade and shipping, which bolstered railway traffic C. Business owners sent representatives across the country by rail to advertise and sell their products.

D. Railway promoters spread word that the opportunities for personal and financial advancement were only achievable through migration


We can see here that the success of the railroads was influenced by propaganda in the following way: D. Railway promoters spread word that the opportunities for personal and financial advancement were only achievable through migration

What is propaganda?

The term "propaganda" describes the use of facts, theories, or opinions—often in a biased or deceptive manner—to persuade or manipulate people's attitudes, convictions, and actions.

Propaganda in the form of advertising and promotional activities that emphasized the advantages of railway transportation had an impact on the railways' ability to succeed.

Promoters of the railroads employed a variety of strategies, such as disseminating the idea that emigration was the only way to achieve chances for professional and financial progress, to urge people to support and use the railroads.

Learn more about propaganda on https://brainly.com/question/19340115


part 1 1. whish one is incorrect ? a)person-people b)woman-women c)child-children d)pen-pencil


The incorrect pair among the options provided is: d) pen-pencil. The correct answer should be a pair of words with a singular form and its plural form.

The other pairs, a) person-people, b) woman-women, and c) child-children, all consist of a singular form and its corresponding plural form. While the other options follow the rule of changing the suffix person to people, woman to women, and child to children to indicate plural form, the word pen does not have a corresponding plural form with a different suffix.

The plural form of pen is simply pens, which is formed by adding -s at the end. Similarly, the plural form of pencil is pencils. It is important to understand the rules of pluralization in English to avoid making errors in writing and speaking. Knowing the plural forms of common nouns helps in effective communication and clear expression of ideas.

To know more about plural refer here:



What was Juliet’s reaction to Capulet wanting her to marry Paris ?


Answer:Act 1, scene 3 Lady Capulet informs Juliet of Paris's marriage proposal and praises him extravagantly. Juliet says that she has not even dreamed of marrying, but that she will consider Paris as a possible husband if her parents wish her to.


Juliet refuses to marry and her father threatens to disown her. Juliet begs her mom to assist her however she refuses and leaves Juliet with the the Nurse, who moreover tries to persuade her to marry Paris. You can take a show up at the whole scene and watch it in overall overall performance here.

What is Juliet's response to Lady Capulet about her marriage to Paris?

Lady Capulet informs Juliet of Paris's marriage recommendation and praises him extravagantly. Juliet says that she has no longer even dreamed of marrying, however that she will suppose about Paris as a manageable husband if her mother and father prefer her to.

Juxtaposed with the Nurse's reflections on Juliet's childhood is Lady Capulet's speak of the proposed swimsuit between Juliet and Paris. In her relationship with Juliet, Lady Capulet appears some distance away and cold, gazing for Juliet's complete obedience in agreeing to the marriage.

Learn more about Juliet’s reaction to Capulet here:



When the young Daniel Webster mourned George Washington’s death in 1800 as the loss of the Union’s “great political cement,” he was moved to add the following haunting image: “I already see, in my imagination, the time when the banner of civil war shall be unfurled . . . and when American blood shall be made to flow in rivers by American swords!” For anyone who lived through the acrimonious1 politics of the 1790s, such foreboding thoughts did not seem out of place. Similar premonitions ran through the signal events of early American political history.

Lincoln firmly took his stand in defense of the transcendent2 ideal of the Union as the sine qua non3 for the success of the American experiment in republican government. Indeed, as the conflict wore on, he spoke more and more frequently not just of the Union but of “the nation.” When he did speak of “the Union,” he presented it not as a means to an end but as an end in itself, something worthy of sacrifice in its own right. Lincoln well understood that the future of constitutional liberty, and the most worthy social reforms, depended in a fundamental way upon a strong and cohesive nation. ”

Select the correct answer.

Which is the best inference about Lincoln’s interpretation of his primary presidential duty?

to sacrifice constitutional liberty for the good of the nation
to follow Washington’s directive to be political cement for the nation
to create a new form of republican government for the Union states
to preserve the country’s founding principle of a nation of states


Answer:The preservation of the country's foundational premise of a nation of states is the best indication ...


Which is NOT considered an additional cost beyond tuition for higher education? answer choices. Textbooks and supplies. Academic counseling. Room and board.


Academic counseling is not considered an additional cost beyond tuition for higher education. The correct answer is option b.

It is a service provided by most institutions to support and guide students through their academic journey, and it is typically included in the tuition and fees.

Textbooks and supplies, room and board, transportation, and other personal expenses are among the additional costs that students may incur when pursuing higher education. These costs can vary depending on the institution's location, the student's living arrangements, and their lifestyle choices.

It's important for students to budget and plan for these additional costs in order to manage their finances effectively during their time in college or university.

The correct answer is option b.

To know more about Academic counseling refer to-



Complete Question

Which is NOT considered an additional cost beyond tuition for higher education? answer choices.

a. Textbooks and supplies.

b. Academic counseling.

c. Room and board.

How will technological tools for teaching and learning promote the salient features of the K to 12 Curriculum?


Technological tools for teaching and learning can promote the salient features of the K to 12 Curriculum in several ways.

First, these tools can provide interactive and engaging learning experiences for students, which can help them better understand and retain the material. For example, educational games and simulations can help students learn complex concepts in a more enjoyable and accessible way.

Second, technological tools can also facilitate collaboration and communication among students, which is an important part of the K to 12 Curriculum. Online discussion forums, video conferencing, and other tools can allow students to work together on projects and assignments, even if they are not physically in the same location.

Finally, technological tools can also provide teachers with valuable data and insights into student learning. Tools like learning management systems and assessment software can help teachers track student progress and identify areas where additional support may be needed.

Overall, technological tools for teaching and learning can help promote the salient features of the K to 12 Curriculum by providing interactive, collaborative, and data-driven learning experiences for students.

To know more about technological tools:



NO LINKS NO LINKS someone write 8-10 sentences on one of these

#1 -- At the end of Act III, scene ii, Brutus and Cassius are "rid like madmen from Rome. " Describe the conversation that Brutus and Cassius might have. They should discuss the time period between Caesar's death and the riot Antony has unleashed. What do they have to say to each other?

#2 -- Although Brutus and Cassius are "rid like madmen from Rome," pretend that Brutus and Antony have a chance to converse, perhaps outside of Rome. If Brutus and Antony were to have a conversation after Caesar's assassination and Antony's speech, what would they say to each other?


The circumstances leading up to and following Julius Caesar's murder are shown in the fist scene.

The scene is from Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare that details the events leading up to Caesar's murder and its consequences. The incident in question occurs immediately after Brutus and the other conspirators deliver their statement in the Roman Forum following the assassination. It is reasonable to speculate as to what Brutus and Cassius may have said to one another as they ride like madmen from Rome based on play's overall setting and the events that came before this moment.

Where Brutus and Cassius talk about the interval between Caesar's passing and the riot Antony has instigated, this is where the conversation can be built. They agree that they must leave Rome to assemble their armies and are in danger. They also talk about necessity of organizing populace, articulating their purpose, and being ready for a fight. Their chat demonstrates their dedication to their goal and willingness to take the required actions to see it through, even in grave peril.

Read more about Julius Caesar on:



A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word. please select the best answer from the choices provided t f


The given statement, A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word. please select the best answer from the choices provided is True.

A synonym is a word that has the same meaning or a similar meaning as another word. It is used to replace a word to avoid repetition or to add variety to a sentence. Synonyms are useful in communication as they allow people to express themselves more clearly.

For example, instead of saying "He is a very intelligent person," one could say "He is a very bright person." This conveys the same meaning, but with a different word. Synonyms can also help to express shades of meaning that may not be captured by a single word.

For example, "happy" has a slightly different meaning than "joyful," and using both words can help to capture the sentiment more accurately. Synonyms are especially useful when writing, allowing writers to use more precise language and reduce repetition.

know more about synonym here




it is TRUE


Review the introduction on page 1 of the
Passage. How is Heraclitus's statement about
"the tension of opposites" reflected in the poem?
by showing that the speaker perceives the snake
as both a guest and an intruder
by highlighting how the snake's stillness contrasts
with the speaker's activity
by demonstrating how the speaker's kindness
contrasts with the snake's hostility
by emphasizing that the speaker is filled with both
fear and suspicion


The statement of the "tense of opposites" in the introduction is reflected in the poem through the speaker's perception of the snake as both a guest and an intruder.

At the beginning of page 1 of the passage, the author mentions Heraclitus' statement about "the tension of opposites". This idea is reflected in the poem through the speaker's perception of the snake as both a guest and an intruder.

The snake is a wild creature that enters the speaker's space uninvited, which can be interpreted as an intrusion. However, the speaker also recognizes the snake as a creature deserving of kindness and respect, which can be interpreted as hospitality. The tension between the guest and the intruder position of the snake creates a sense of ambiguity and complexity that echoes the idea of ​​"the tension of opposites". 

Learn more about the poem:



The narrator was placed on the deck of the ship because


His captors feared he might die below deck

Which quotation best demonstrates how a character’s dialogue conveys a theme about the dangers of isolation?


The quotation that best demonstrates how a character's dialogue conveys a theme about the dangers of isolation is from Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein": "I am solitary and abhorred."

This quote by the Creature highlights the negative consequences of isolation, as he struggles with being ostracized and alienated due to his appearance. This theme serves as a warning against the dangers of isolation, showcasing how it can lead to feelings of loneliness, rejection, and bitterness, ultimately affecting one's mental and emotional well-being.

The Creature's dialogue effectively communicates this theme, as his despair and desperation emphasize the need for human connection and the perils of living in isolation.

To know more about Frankenstein refer here:





A thematic statement for The Great Gatsby can be constructed as follows: Although relationships can be meaningful, one cannot be fully satisfied by love alone. The situation of Gatsby who sought love from Daisy proves this to be true.

How to construct the statement

To construct the thematic statement about The Great Gatsby, we will not just state a central lesson in the text, but we will also need to provide an instance that illustrates the point.

The situation of Gatsby who loved Daisy but never got to marry her is good evidence of the theme of love not being the only requisite factor for relationships.

Learn more about themes here:



Please HELP

You have previously chosen a side to an issue, stated a claim, and you have written ideas about your claim in your Argument Organizer. Now you will use your ideas from the organizer (and tips from this lesson) to write the introduction to your argument. Write three or more complete sentences. Remember to include:

Overview: provide general information about your topic

Explanation: describe why your issues is controversial

Claim: present your stand on your issue that excludes all personal feelings and the pronoun "I"

Write in a formal style using the third person point of view.

Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Save your work to your computer or drive.

Submit your work in 06. 06 A Strong Introduction


The best types of exercise for the body and the mind are sports and games. Around the world, people take part in a variety of sports.Others are meant to be enjoyed outside, while some are meant to be played indoors. While some are relaxing, others are physically demanding.

The majority of physical sports entail some amount of risk, but in some, the risk level can put the participant perilously near to death.Sports are a terrific method to exercise, but there are risks involved occasionally.

Some athletes may risk their lives in the sake of excitement and physical prowess. They do all kinds of dangerous things, including scale mountains, fly down slopes, crash into one other, and much more. So, more caution is appropriate.

To learn more about sports, visit:



Fatima only likes coffee with milk and sugar in it. Based on the

information in passage 1, we can understand that


Fatima only likes coffee with milk and sugar in it. Based on the information in passage 1, we can understand that Fatima is not a fan of black coffee and prefers the taste of coffee with milk and sugar.

Fatima favours coffee that has been sweetened and milkened. She appreciates the sweetness and creaminess that these ingredients provide to the coffee since they counteract its sharpness.

She might also like the taste of the coffee with the milk and sugar, since it can produce a distinct and delectable flavor profile. The addition of milk and sugar can also make the coffee a more satisfying and full alternative to a meal or snack.

To learn more about Fatima link is here



The complete question is:

Fatima only likes coffee with milk and sugar in it. Based on the information in passage 1, we can understand that ______________ .

Media analysis can be best described as:

A. Avoiding emotional responses to media texts.

B. Connecting the different parts of a media text with the producer's


C. Forming an opinion about the valuesmarried by a particular media


D. Understanding how to rate production values from low to high.



Media analysis can be best described as:
B. Connecting the different parts of a media text with the producer's goals.

Media analysis can indeed be described as connecting the different parts of a media text with the producer's goals.

Media analysis involves examining various elements of a media text, such as its content, structure, messaging, and techniques, to understand how they contribute to the intended message or purpose of the media producer.

By analyzing a media text, one can identify and interpret the choices made by the producer, including the selection of visuals, sound, language, and narrative techniques.

These elements are often strategically crafted to convey specific messages, evoke certain emotions, or influence the audience's perception and interpretation.

Connecting the different parts of a media text with the producer's goals is an essential aspect of media analysis.

It requires identifying and examining the various elements and techniques used in the media text and understanding how they align with the overall objectives and intentions of the media producer.

This analysis helps reveal the underlying motivations, values, and ideologies that drive the creation of the media text.

To learn more about techniques, refer below:



What would be an example of extrinsic motivation? Because your mom promised a new game system if you made straight A's, you work extra hard in school. Because you love to dance, you keep taking ballet and practice hard to improve. O Reading is your favorite subject, so over the summer you read twenty books in an effort to fill up your reading list. You know exactly what you want to get out of an assignment, and you work hard until it is the way you want it. ​


"Because your mom promised a new game system if you made straight A's, you work extra hard in school." would be an example of extrinsic motivation. So the option A is correct.

When someone is motivated by external rewards or penalties, this is known as extrinsic motivation. In this instance, a reward—the promise of a new gaming system—motivates the kid to put out more effort in the classroom.

Since the parent is providing it, the reward belongs to someone outside of the student and is not something they are born with. Extrinsic motivation, which frequently takes the form of positive reinforcement, is an effective technique for encouraging someone to carry out a particular task.

Furthermore, the reward does not have to be tangible; it could instead take the form of verbal acknowledgement or praise for accomplishing a task. So the option A is correct.

To learn more about extrinsic motivation link is here



The complete question is:

What would be an example of extrinsic motivation?

A. Because your mom promised a new game system if you made straight A's, you work extra hard in school.

B. Because you love to dance, you keep taking ballet and practice hard to improve.

C. Reading is your favorite subject, so over the summer you read twenty books in an effort to fill up your reading list.

D. You know exactly what you want to get out of an assignment, and you work hard until it is the way you want it.

Circle the correct answer. Which sentence from the passage best supports the idea that Michael Jordan is a talented basketball player? Ð "In the third quarter, I felt like I couldn't catch my wind, Jordan said. I was just trying to get myself through it. "" B "In the fourth quarter, Jordan scored 18 more points. " C С "Then, with only 25 seconds left in the game, he scored a 3-point shot, and the Bulls beat the Jazz by only two points. " D "I almost played myself into passing out just to win a basketball game,' Jordan admitted later. "â



C) "Then, with only 25 seconds left in the game, he scored a 3-point shot, and the Bulls beat the Jazz by only two points."


C best supports the idea that Michael Jordan is a talented basketball player because the sentence states that he scored a 3-point shot, which is relatively difficult and requires much skill in basketball to do so, and additionally in only 25 seconds which is extremely short. Lastly, the sentence ends with 'The Bulls beat the Jazz by only two points', proving that The Bulls were able to beat the Jazz because of Michael Jordan's 3-point shot.

Based on details from the passage, what can the reader infer about louis xiv?

he wanted to ensure that ballet stayed the most popular form of dance.

he was interested in educating people around the world about ballet.

he was interested in dance because he wanted to please his father.

he wanted to ensure that ballet retained particular styles and forms.


The passage suggests that Louis XIV wanted to ensure that ballet retained particular styles and forms, option D is correct.

The passage mentions Louis XIV's interest in ballet and his establishment of the Royal Academy of Dance. From these details, it can be inferred that Louis XIV was invested in the preservation and development of ballet as an art form.

This suggests that he wanted to ensure that ballet retained particular styles and forms, as well as that it continued to evolve and improve under the guidance of the Academy. There is no indication that Louis XIV was solely interested in keeping ballet as the most popular form of dance, nor that he aimed to educate people around the world about ballet, option D is correct.

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The complete question is:

King Louis XIV used dance as a way to identify the social status of his community. Being able to dance required lots of training which was very expensive. If you held a high position, you probably knew the proper steps of the dances done at the social balls. Louis used these balls as a way to excerpt his power over the people. During his early years, it is said that he performed as Le Roi Soleil (The Sun King) at least six times. This role resembled that of all the planets in a solar system rotating around the sun which was at the center of the universe. In doing so his message was to tell his people that he was of high status and in overall control of determining who was of high status as well.

Question: Based on details from the passage, what can the reader infer about louis xiv?

A) he wanted to ensure that ballet stayed the most popular form of dance.

B) he was interested in educating people around the world about ballet.

C) he was interested in dance because he wanted to please his father.

D) he wanted to ensure that ballet retained particular styles and forms.

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