What theme is developed in both ""the cave of eternal night"" and ""the pencil bandit""?


Answer 1

The theme developed in both "The Cave of Eternal Night" and "The Pencil Bandit" is the triumph of good over evil. This theme is present throughout both stories, as the protagonists overcome challenges and ultimately defeat the antagonists.

In "The Cave of Eternal Night," the protagonist must venture into a dark, mysterious cave in order to retrieve a magical artifact that has the power to restore light to the world. Along the way, they face various obstacles and enemies that test their courage and determination. By overcoming these challenges and emerging victorious, the protagonist proves that goodness and light can prevail over darkness and evil.

Similarly, in "The Pencil Bandit," the protagonist is faced with a cunning and elusive thief who has been stealing valuable items from the local community. Through their persistence and resourcefulness, the protagonist manages to uncover the identity of the thief and put an end to their crime spree. In doing so, they demonstrate the importance of standing up for justice and the power of good over evil.

Both stories, although differing in their settings and characters, convey the message that goodness can triumph over adversity and that even in the darkest of times, hope and light can be found. This theme of good over evil serves to inspire and encourage readers to always persevere and stand up for what is right, no matter the challenges they may face.

Know more about The Cave of Eternal Night here:



Related Questions

Attempt an ideal definition for justice and demonstrate how this attempted ideal definition commit any of the problem associated with defintions.


An ideal definition of justice could be: "Justice is the fair and impartial treatment of individuals within a society, based on the principles of equality, fairness, and the rule of law, while respecting human rights and ensuring that every individual receives what is due to them, both in terms of rewards and punishments."

This definition attempts to encompass various aspects of justice, including fairness, impartiality, and adherence to legal principles. However, this attempted ideal definition may encounter some problems associated with definitions.

First, it might be considered overly broad, as it covers a wide range of principles and concepts, making it difficult to apply in specific situations. Second, it may be perceived as vague, since terms like "fair" and "impartial" can be open to interpretation and may mean different things to different people.

Lastly, this definition could be accused of being culture-specific, as it assumes that all societies value the same principles, which might not be the case. Different cultures may have varying ideas about what constitutes justice, and what is considered fair or impartial may differ significantly across societies.

To know more about justice refer here:



You remembered so keenly the special and singular length of some such space as your elders called a half-an-hour—so keenly that you spoke of it to your sister, not exactly with emotion, but still as a dreadful fact of life. Based on the context of the passage, the word special suggests that a half hour is something that is. The phrase from the passage that best helps the reader understand the meaning of special is


The phrase that best helps the reader understand the meaning of the word "special" in the passage is "called a half-an-hour."

This phrase implies that a half-an-hour is not just any length of time, but rather a specific and designated amount of time that has a name and is recognized as different from other periods of time.

The use of the word "called" emphasizes the idea that a half-an-hour is a unique and distinct unit of time, and the fact that the narrator and her sister discuss it as a "dreadful fact of life" further underscores its significance.

Overall, the passage conveys the idea that a half-an-hour is a special and notable period of time that is deeply ingrained in the narrator's perception of the world around her.

To know more about phrase refer to-



What is the theme of the poem?
A. Music is an essential part of holiday celebrations around the world.
B. Holiday joy and memories can be made from small, simple moments.
C. Elders should pass holiday traditions from one generation to the next.
D. Time with loved ones during the holidays is more important than gifts.



The poem’s theme is a lesson about life or a comment about human nature. To determine the theme, begin by determining the core idea. Then check for features such as the structure, sounds, word choice, and any poetic devices throughout the poem.

In a poetry, the speaker expresses his or her thoughts and feelings about a subject by saying what he or she thinks and feels about it. You can figure out a poem’s meaning or theme by looking at the reflections and other features in the poem. Examine the dialogue and actions of the characters to determine the comic strip’s theme.

What are the TWO rhetorical
strategies used in this ad?
Explain your answer.


There are several rhetorical strategies used in this ad, but two common ones are: Emotional appeal ,Repetition

Explain Emotional appeal and Repetition?

Emotional appeal: The ad appeals to the emotions of the reader by using a catchy and memorable slogan that promotes teamwork. The phrase "teamwork makes the dream work" creates a sense of unity and inspires readers to work together towards a common goal.

Repetition: The ad uses repetition to reinforce the message and make it more memorable. The phrase "teamwork makes the dream work" is repeated several times throughout the ad, which helps to emphasize the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving success.

To know more about rhetorical visit:



How do these excerpts work together to develop a

central idea?

read the excerpt from "remembering to never forget:

dominican republic's 'parsley massacre" by mark


passage a:

this week, people from around the world are expected to

gather in the dominican republic for a "border of lights"

commemoration that aims to "honor a tragedy long

forgotten, and unknown to many people. "

passage b:

trujillo, as the border of lights website explains, fed and

nurtured anti-haitian sentiment and created an

atmosphere that still excludes ethnic haitians from

becoming part of "the dominican melting pot. "

the method his soldiers used in 1937 to try to identify

those who would be killed was cruelly unique. when

confronting someone in the lands along the border with

o memmott uses a specific example to describe

trujillo's cruelty.

memmott argues that all memories should be


o memmott explains that the border of lights

commemoration is an adequate way of honoring


o memmott explains that the tragedy is not well known

today and then shows why it is worth remembering.


The two excerpts work together to develop the central idea that the Parsley Massacre is a tragedy that should never be forgotten.

Passage A introduces the commemoration and explains that it is intended to honor a tragedy that is "long forgotten, and unknown to many people." This passage helps to establish the importance of remembering the massacre and raises awareness of this dark chapter in Dominican history.

Passage B provides more details about the massacre, including the method used by Trujillo's soldiers to identify the victims. This passage also highlights the lasting impact of the massacre, which continues to exclude ethnic Haitians from Dominican society.

Together, the two passages create a powerful argument for remembering the Parsley Massacre. They show that this tragedy was not only a horrific event, but also one that has had a profound impact on the Dominican Republic. The commemoration is an important way to honor the victims and to ensure that this tragedy is never forgotten.

Here are some specific ways that the excerpts work together to develop the central idea:

Passage A introduces the commemoration and explains its purpose, which is to honor a tragedy that is "long forgotten, and unknown to many people." This passage helps to establish the importance of remembering the massacre and raises awareness of this dark chapter in Dominican history.

Passage B provides more details about the massacre, including the method used by Trujillo's soldiers to identify the victims. This passage also highlights the lasting impact of the massacre, which continues to exclude ethnic Haitians from Dominican society.

The two passages are connected by the theme of remembrance. Passage A introduces the commemoration, and Passage B provides more details about the massacre that the commemoration is intended to honor.

The two passages use different rhetorical strategies to develop the central idea. Passage A uses a more emotional appeal, while Passage B uses a more logical appeal.

Overall, the two excerpts work together to create a well-rounded and persuasive argument for remembering the Parsley Massacre.

Learn more about excerpts,here:



"Paul Revere's Ride" was first published in December 1860, just as South Carolina seceded from the Union. Longfellow acknowledged

changing certain factual details in the poem that help to dramatize Paul Revere's role. Write a 200-word essay describing why he might

have made these changes and what you imagine his key objectives were in writing the poem. Consider the style, themes, and his free

use of "facts to accomplish these objectives.


"Paul Revere's Ride," first published in December 1860, coincided with a critical period in American history when South Carolina seceded from the Union.

Longfellow made certain changes to factual details in the poem to dramatize Paul Revere's role, with the key objectives of inspiring patriotism and unity in the face of impending conflict.

One reason Longfellow altered details was to emphasize the heroism of Revere, elevating him to a symbol of American bravery and dedication.

By presenting Revere as the sole rider alerting the colonists of the British approach, Longfellow effectively created a legendary figure for the American public to rally behind. This approach allowed him to foster a sense of national pride and connection to the founding principles of the United States.

Another objective in making these changes was to instill a sense of urgency and tension in the poem.

By using a narrative style and focusing on the dramatic aspects of Revere's ride, Longfellow was able to engage readers emotionally, highlighting the sacrifices made by the early patriots for their country.

This allowed him to create a sense of collective responsibility and inspire solidarity among Americans during a time of division.

In conclusion, Longfellow's alterations of factual details in "Paul Revere's Ride" aimed to dramatize Revere's role and create a powerful, emotional narrative that could resonate with his contemporaries.

By elevating Revere to a heroic symbol, instilling a sense of urgency, and emphasizing the importance of unity and patriotism, Longfellow hoped to inspire a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity among Americans in a time of crisis.

To learn more about patriots, refer below:



To ensure that she will never marry Paris, Juliet


A asks Friar Laurence to poison him.

B decides to tell her parents that she is already married.

C intends to kill herself if the potion fails.

D plans to hide in the forest until Romeo comes.


To ensure that she will never marry Paris, Juliet decides to tell her parents that she is already married. So the option B is correct.

Juliet's strategy is to inform her parents that she is already married in order to prevent her from ever falling in love with Paris. Her parents have set up an arranged marriage for her and Paris, so she is making a last-ditch effort to avoid it.

Juliet hopes that by telling her parents that she is already married, they will be compelled to give up the marriage idea. Juliet's parents may not accept her claim and may react to her plan with shock, rage, and disbelief.

They can be upset with her for going against their advice and taking issues into her own hands as well. Furthermore, even if her parents do accept her story, they might still insist that she get married to Paris in order to restore their honor. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about Juliet link is here



How do these lines develop the theme that nature has power over human efforts?

They compare snow to a natural substance (wool) and illustrate it covering the road, a symbol of human progress.

They suggest either snow or rain, but the deeper meaning of decay over time is clear, too.

They depict a lot of rain from a leaden (gray) sky that smooths the wrinkles in an old dirt road.

They suggest the madness that eventually overtook the author of the poem


The lines develop the theme that nature has power over human efforts by using vivid imagery to show how natural elements like snow, rain, and a gray sky can impact and even undo human progress.

By comparing snow to wool and showing it covering the road, which is a symbol of human progress, the lines suggest that nature can easily overpower human efforts.

Similarly, the depiction of rain smoothing the wrinkles in an old dirt road highlights how even the most enduring human creations will eventually succumb to the forces of nature over time.

The suggestion of madness in the final line also reinforces the idea that nature can be an unpredictable and powerful force that can overwhelm human efforts and even drive individuals to their limits.

Overall, the lines emphasize the idea that humans must always be mindful of nature's power and work to find ways to coexist with it rather than trying to dominate it.

To learn more about power, refer below:



According to the text, which of the following best
describes the result of protests against the Vietnam

A. North Vietnam used chemical bombing to attack the U.S. so Nixon withdrew troops.
B. Women were drafted in the war because
men violently rioted outside military offices.
C. President Nixon removed American troops
from Vietnam after several years of protest.
D. College students were afraid of getting
arrested, so they stopped burning their draft


Answer: C


Concurring to my information cutoff of September 2021, the reply is C. President Nixon expelled American troops from Vietnam after a few a long time of dissent. The dissents against the Vietnam War were a noteworthy calculate in forming open conclusion and eventually affecting the government's choice to pull back American troops from Vietnam. President Nixon reported the withdrawal of troops in 1973, after a few a long time of challenge both locally and globally.

Why should a movie producer consider filming a new version of The First Men in the Moon? Create a 6-8 slide multimedia presentation to market your idea for this movie to a production company


Slide 1: Introduction
Title: "The First Men in the Moon: A Timeless Classic Reimagined"
Subtitle: "Why a New Adaptation of H.G. Wells' Masterpiece is Essential for Modern Audiences"

Slide 2: Novel's Impact
- Classic work of science fiction by H.G. Wells
- Significant influence on modern space exploration stories
- Offers a unique perspective on human curiosity, exploration, and ethics

Slide 3: Modern Relevance
- Resurgence of interest in space travel and exploration (e.g., SpaceX, Mars missions)
- Opportunity to explore current issues, such as environmentalism and the impact of technology on society
- Potential to resonate with audiences seeking thoughtful, character-driven sci-fi

Slide 4: Visual Effects & Cinematic Appeal
- Advances in CGI and visual effects technology offer opportunities for more immersive and realistic depictions of the Moon's landscape and creatures
- Potential for stunning visuals that captivate and inspire audiences
- Combines action, adventure, and thought-provoking themes for broad appeal

Slide 5: A Diverse & Talented Cast
- Opportunity to showcase a diverse ensemble of talented actors
- Chance to explore complex character relationships and human emotions in the face of the unknown
- Strong performances can elevate the story's impact and message

Slide 6: Marketable & Profitable
- Classic H.G. Wells name recognition, along with an established fan base
- Success of other recent sci-fi reboots/adaptations (e.g., War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man)
- Opportunity for merchandising, sequels, and spinoffs

Slide 7: Conclusion
Title: "The First Men in the Moon: A New Vision for a Classic Tale"
Subtitle: "Bringing a Timeless Story to Life for a New Generation of Audiences"

To learn more about moon, refer below:



Romeo and Juliet apparently fall in love at first sight. When do they find out that they are members of the enemy families? Who tells them?

I need to this before Monday


Romeo and Juliet find out that they are members of enemy families in Act I, Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet".

It is at the Capulet's party that they first meet and fall in love. However, they do not realize each other's identity until after they have fallen in love.

It is Juliet's nurse who tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet, and it is Romeo who tells Juliet that he is a Montague. This realization creates a conflict for the two lovers. Their families have a long-standing rivalry and would not approve of their relationship.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet, here:



Per. For example, this next statement gives the organizing principle and then states the claim of the thesis. "We will first describe the Platonic view of the true God. Second, we will examine the Scriptural description of the true God. Third, we will compare the correspondence between the Platonic view of God and the Scriptural description of God. This will demonstrate that the sovereign, predestinating God is the only true God. "


The organizing principle of this statement is that the author will compare the Platonic view of God with the Scriptural description of God to demonstrate that the sovereign, predestinating God is the only true God.

The statement outlines a three-step process:

Describing the Platonic view of GodExamining the Scriptural description of GodComparing the two views to demonstrate the supremacy of the sovereign, predestinating God as the only true God.

This statement presents a clear thesis that the author intends to argue throughout the text.

Know more about Platonic here https://brainly.com/question/20874314#


Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A in act 1 scene 2 of Julius Caesar

A. "Another general shout!/ I do believe that these applauses are/For some new

honours that are heap'd on Caesar. " (Lines 139-141)

B. "That you do love me, I am nothing jealous; / What you would work me to, I have

some aim" (Lines 169-170)

C. "Brutus had rather be a villager/ Than to repute himself a son of Rome/ Under

these hard conditions as this time/ Is like to lay upon us. " (Lines 179-182)

D. "I am glad that my weak words / Have struck but thus much show of fire from

Brutus. " (Lines 183-184)


The detail from the text that best supports the answer to Part A in Act 1 Scene 2 of Julius Caesar is "Brutus had rather be a villager/ Than to repute himself a son of Rome/ Under these hard conditions as this time/ Is like to lay upon us." (Lines 179-182).(C)

This quote shows Brutus' dissatisfaction with the current state of Rome and his concerns about the potential consequences of Caesar's growing power. He would prefer to live a simple life as a villager rather than be part of a Rome that is subjected to a tyrannical ruler.

This highlights Brutus' internal conflict, as he is torn between his love for Rome and his loyalty to Caesar. This detail is significant because it sets the stage for Brutus' eventual decision to join the conspiracy against Caesar, revealing the complex emotions and motivations behind his actions.

The other quotes (A, B, and D) do not provide as much insight into Brutus' feelings and struggles, making option C the best choice.

To know more about tyrannical ruler click on below link:



if you were an author, what pseudonym would you use?


If I were to write, I would probably write under a pseudonym that meant something to me. This could be something as simple as my initials, or something deeper like my grandmothers name combined with my mothers maiden name.
For centuries, the use of pseudonyms has been implemented in writing by various notable authors wanting to conceal their true identities. Writers use pseudonyms for a variety of reasons, and many successful, classic writers are more widely known by their pen names than their real ones.

When Winston and Julia pledge to carry out terrible orders from the Brotherhood, they do not suspect that __________.
Question 10 options:

O'Brien will be punished for turning off the telescreen

they will never have a mission from the Brotherhood

O'Brien is really Emmanuel Goldstein

Party members are recording what they say as evidence against them


When Winston and Julia pledge to carry out terrible orders from the Brotherhood, they do not suspect that they will never have a mission from the Brotherhood. The correct option is B.

How to explain the information.

In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, it is later revealed that the Brotherhood is a fabrication of the Party, created to trap and identify thought criminals like Winston and Julia.

Winston and Julia's pledge to carry out terrible orders from the Brotherhood is a significant moment because it ultimately leads to their betrayal and capture by the Party.

Learn more about Brotherhood on



Explain why Hamlet is having emotional difficulties. Be sure to include at least 3 pieces of evidence from the text (movie script). This should be a well-detailed paragraph.

Your answer


Hamlet is having emotional difficulties due to a variety of reasons that are depicted in the movie script.

Firstly, he is devastated by the sudden death of his father, King Hamlet, and is struggling to come to terms with his loss. In Act 1, Scene 2, Hamlet expresses his grief by saying, "But two months dead: nay, not so much, not two" (line 138), highlighting the overwhelming nature of his sorrow. Additionally, he is further burdened by the hasty marriage of his mother, Queen Gertrude, to his uncle, Claudius, who has usurped the throne. This betrayal has left Hamlet feeling deeply hurt and betrayed, as evident in his soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 2, where he says, "O, most wicked speed, to post / With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!" (lines 156-157).

Finally, Hamlet is also struggling with his own existential crisis, questioning the purpose of life and the nature of death. This is demonstrated in his soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1, where he famously says, "To be, or not to be: that is the question" (line 64). In conclusion, Hamlet's emotional difficulties are a result of his grief over his father's death, his sense of betrayal by his mother and uncle, and his existential crisis.

To know more about emotional difficulties:



In this passage, a young soldier is preparing himself for his first battle of the American Civil War.

Various veterans had told him tales. Some talked of gray, bewhiskered hordes who were advancing with relentless curses and chewing

tobacco with unspeakable valor, tremendous bodies of fierce soldiery who were sweeping along like the Huns. Others spoke of tattered and

eternally hungry men who fired despondent powders.

Still, he could not put a whole faith in veterans' tales, for recruits were their prey. They talked much of smoke, fire, and blood, but he could

not tell how much might be lies. They persistently yelled "Fresh fish!" at him, and were in no wise to be trusted.

However, he perceived now that it did not greatly matter what kind of soldiers he was going to fight so long as they fought, which fact no

one disputed. There was a more serious problem. He lay in his bunk pondering upon it. He tried to mathematically prove to himself that he would

not run from a battle,

Which describes how the young soldier's behavior reveals a moral dilemma?

1. His agitation about how he will perform reveals his fear that he is secretly a coward,

2. His feeling that the laws of life are useless makes him fear that he is becoming an outlaw.

3. His lack of trust in the older soldiers reveals that he fears he is losing his faith in humanity.

4. His feeling that it doesn't matter who he is going to fight reveals that he is losing his compassion,


The young soldier's behavior reveals a moral dilemma as he lies in his bunk pondering his upcoming battle. He is agitated about how he will perform, fearing that he is secretly a coward.

Correct option is 1.

He feels that the laws of life are useless, making him fear he is becoming an outlaw. His lack of trust in the older soldiers reveals that he is losing faith in humanity, as they persistently yell “Fresh fish!” at him and he cannot be sure how much is lies.

Furthermore, he has a feeling that it doesn't matter who he is going to fight, showing that he is losing his compassion. The young soldier's fear of these moral dilemmas and his inability to tangibly assess his own courage demonstrate the difficulty of facing a battle and the moral implications of war.

Correct option is 1.

know more about moral dilemma here



Can you do a textt about django unchained





10. "Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people.... Propaganda works on the
general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this
What is the best meaning of ripe as used in this quote?
A. Resembling fruit
C. Rich or intense smell
B. Fully grown or developed
Mature judgment





Ripe is typically used in the sense of describing someone. Not comparing them to a fruit.

1. After the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the end of slavery, there was equality for all races. I agree or disagree because.....

2. Prejudice means only treating someone differently because of the color of his or her skin. I agree or disagree because.....

3. It is better to remain ignorant than to learn something that may be more painful. I agree or disagree because.....

4. Poor people deserve to be poor because if they really wanted to not be poor, they would just get a job and work to earn money. I agree or disagree because.....

5. The Great Depression only affected the people who lived and worked on farms or in areas where they relied on agriculture. I agree or disagree because.....

6. Physically disciplining children is wrong. I agree or disagree because.....



1. Disagree, although slavery was abolished, systemic racism continued, and discriminatory laws and practices prevented full equality for all races.

2. Disagree, prejudice can also be based on cultural, religious, or other characteristics.

3. Disagree, ignorance perpetuates ignorance and hinders progress towards equity and justice.

4. Disagree, poverty is a complex issue affected by various factors such as systemic inequality, lack of opportunities, and societal barriers.

5. Disagree, the Great Depression had widespread impacts on various sectors and regions, including urban areas and industries.

6. Agree, there are more effective and humane ways to discipline children that do not involve violence or harm.

If you are going to school
A. Dependent clause
B. Independent clause
C. Prepositional phrase
D. Participial phrase​


A. Have a great day

As their world becomes increasingly cruel. what do the small moments of kindness, like an extra piece of bread or a shared prayer, mean to Eliezer and his father at Auschwitz.


Answer: The moments where Eliezer experiences small joys and acts of kindness help to prove Wiesel's theme of human beings retaining a voice in all circumstances, regardless of how dire the situation may be.  In a speech entitled "The Perils of Indifference," Wiesel speaks quite powerfully about the idea of being able to take action in the name of righteousness and justice in any and all circumstances.  Human beings never lose their voice unless it is by conscious and deliberate choice.

fix the one word that is used incorrectly?I was surprised to learn that Tim Oliver, whose given hundreds of presentations
at conferences and university events, is actually terrified of public speaking.


The word "whose" is used incorrectly here. The correct word to use in this context is "who has".

The sentence "I was surprised to learn that Tim Oliver, whose given hundreds of presentations at conferences and university events, is actually terrified of public speaking" contains a grammatical error.  

The original sentence uses the pronoun "whose" to describe an action performed by Tim Oliver. This is not a correct use of the word "whose," which is a possessive pronoun used to show ownership or belonging.

A correct way to express the same idea is to use the present perfect tense of the verb "to have," which is "who has." This construction indicates a completed action in the past with a connection to the present.

The revised version of the sentence that is appropriate could be:

"It was surprising to discover that Tim Oliver, who has presented at numerous conferences and university events, is actually terrified of public speaking.

To learn more about tenses or fixing the incorrect word,



After reading the book "Who Is Malala Yousafzai?" What are 4-5 vocabulary terms you've learned from this book.​



After reading the book "Who Is Malala Yousafzai?" some of the vocabulary terms I have learned are: advocate, Taliban, fundamentalist, oppression, and activism.


Elizabeth is taking the SATs she comes from a prestigious upper class background. Due to her background Elizabeth has had several experiences with worldly values and customs. Elizabeth may have an easier time taking the SAT and other student from a low class background because of her extensive _____

A. Grade inflation

B. Cultural capital

C. Credentialism

D. Sorting


Based on the given information, Elizabeth may have an easier time taking the SAT than another student from a low-class background because of her extensive cultural capital. Thus the correct option is B.

In the given case, it is explained that Elizabeth is taking the SATs; she comes from a prestigious upper-class family. Elizabeth has had various encounters with global beliefs and customs as a result of her upbringing.

Cultural capital is defined as whatever social and symbolic worth that specific aspects of culture have in society, such as education, social status, and cultural knowledge. It is the belief that some people and groups have greater access to cultural possibilities than others.

Learn more about cultural capital, here:



What were the two miracles the missionaries experienced when escaping General Ma in the book Mildred Cable?


In the book "The Story of Mildred Cable" by David B. Parker, Mildred and her companions experienced two miracles when escaping General Ma's forces in China. The first miracle occurred when the group was traveling by boat down a treacherous river.

They were in danger of being caught by General Ma's army when suddenly a dense fog descended, hiding their boat from view. The fog was so thick that the boat was able to pass by the enemy soldiers undetected, allowing the group to reach safety.

The second miracle occurred when the group was crossing a mountain pass. They were again in danger of being caught by General Ma's army when suddenly a blizzard struck. The blizzard was so severe that it forced General Ma's army to stop their pursuit, allowing the group to cross the pass and reach safety on the other side.

These two events were seen as miraculous by the missionaries and were interpreted as divine intervention. They were grateful for the protection and believed that it was a sign of God's presence and guidance in their lives.

Know more about missionaries here



Compare and contrast the characters of Ezekiel and Amos. What traits make Ezekiel special? Include at least three traits and specific evidence from the text to support your answer


Ezekiel differs from Amos in that he was prone to symbolic behaviors, unusual visions, and even trances (though deducing that he was a cataleptic from these and his words "I fell upon my face" [1:28] is entirely superfluous).

Who exactly is Ezekiel?

In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Ezekiel is recognized as a Hebrew prophet. In Judaism and Christianity, he is also considered as the author of the Book of Ezekiel, which contains prophecies about the fall of Jerusalem and the restoration of Israel in the sixth century BCE.

Ezekiel is a Hebrew name for a boy that meaning "strength of God." Ezekiel gets his name from the Hebrew word Yechezkel, which means "God will strengthen." Ezekiel, regarded as one of the greatest prophets of his day, wrote the book that bears his name in the Old Testament and was one of the prisoners taken to Babylon during the first fall.

Learn more about Ezekiel:

. Circle the odd one out according to the pronunciation of the letters that are in bold. marks) a) Cyst b) Gas cynic gesture c) Consul unsure d) Chauffeur sachet AMMAR USH Fill in the blank cylinder gait census chaos cycle grace insult parachute​


they don’t let the birds in…

Is the word in bold letters an adjective, predicate adjective, or adverb? the price of the stock was higher this week than last week.
a. adjective b. predicate adjective c. adverb


The word "higher" in the sentence "The price of the stock was higher this week than last week" is a predicate adjective.

Correct option is B.

A predicate adjective is an adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun and is used in a predicate clause. A predicate clause is a clause that contains a subject and verb and is used to describe the subject. In this sentence, "higher" is used to describe the stock, which is the subject.

Predicate adjectives follow a linking verb such as "be" or "seem". In this sentence, "was" is the linking verb that connects the predicate adjective "higher" with the subject "the price of the stock". Predicate adjectives usually come after the linking verb, as is the case here.

Predicate adjectives can provide information about the subject such as size, color, shape, and condition. In this sentence, the predicate adjective "higher" tells us that the price of the stock has increased. It is important to note that predicate adjectives are not adverbs, which modify verbs, or adjectives, which modify nouns.

Correct option is B.

know more about predicate adjective here



How does paragraph 4 of the text contribute to the overall passage?
A. by proving that caves can be comfortable
B. by connecting the history of cave living to the present day
C. by explaining how the Matmata learned to dig into sandstone
D. by questioning why people would live underground


B. By connecting the history of cave living to the present day.
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