Read the two passages.

Passage 1

I work as a tour guide here at the mountain. Climbers sometimes hire me to guide them to the summit. I know all there is to know about Everest. First of all, it is the highest mountain on Earth. In 1979, the area surrounding Everest was designated as a natural world heritage site. It sits on the border between Nepal and Tibet, which is a region of China. In fact, the border runs right up over the peak of the mountain. The summit of Everest soars high above the clouds at an astonishing 29,029 feet. That's almost as high as airplanes fly! On the summit of Everest, climbers stand as close to the stars as they can with both feet still on Earth. I have stood on the breathtaking summit myself almost a dozen times. The feeling is unbelievable, so it is no wonder this towering mountain has attracted climbers for centuries.

Passage 2

To experience Mount Everest, most people who want to climb the mountain hire a tour guide. Tour guides are experts on the mountain and many have climbed the mountain successfully on several occasions. Most of these tour guides have a deep interest in the history of the mountain. They can give climbers valuable information such as explaining that Everest is a natural world heritage site, sits between the border of Nepal and Tibet, and that the border between these two places is right over the mountain peak. Tour guides can also explain different stats to climbers and remind them that they are on one of the highest mountains in the world. Though the trip to the top of the mountain can be grueling, the view from the summit usually astonishes and satisfies those who make it safely.

How does the point of view impact what the reader learns about in each passage?

1 The first-person point of view in Passage 1 allows the reader to learn about how it feels being on the summit, while the third-person point of view in Passage 2 allows the reader learn more about the benefits of tour guides.

2 The first-person point of view in Passage 1 allows the reader to learn about the visible damage to the mountain seen by the author, while the third-person point of view in Passage 2 focuses more on the solutions to the problems.

3 The third-person point of view in Passage 1 allows the reader to learn about where most climbers are from, while the first-person point of view in Passage 2 allows the reader to learn more about the feeling of meeting different climbers.

4 The third-person point of view in Passage 1 allows the reader to learn about the height of the mountain, while the first-person point of view in Passage 2 allows the reader to learn about how it feels standing on the summit.


Answer 1


it's number 2


sorry for answering so late at night

Answer 2
i’m pretty sure the answer should be two

Related Questions




I cant read it all but I think its A


The whole passage isnt present but the best answer is A

What would life be like without the support of women?



A world without the support of women would be very different from that in which we live in. It would be a world in which everyone must be self sustaining, it would be an angrier world, and it would be a world without feeling, emotion, and passion.


The answer depends on what you want in life, and what you value the most.

Saudi Arabia is a perfect example what a male-only society is like for those curious to know. Women are not to be seen, except to be hidden behind a wall, or a veil. They have no rights and no power of decision. They can be killed over the most trivial reasons without any charges facing the man. It is perhaps no coincidence that the Saudi female demographics takes a sudden dip when they are at the peak of their youth, beauty and honor-killing age.

Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to contribute to religion, laws, politics. They (most of them) are not allowed to drive, bicycle, purchase or manage vegetables that have a penile appearances (ex bananas, cucumbers, eggplant), or be seen exposing any skin, be seen outside their home without a male guardian. No matter how young the male is he is in charge of and superior to the Saudi woman, even if the male is three years old, and she must obey him. The women are non-entities, only a permittable presence to give birth to children and to cook. Nothing else. They don’t even have the authority to make decisions in their own home, within their own four walls to which their are prisoners. They only exist, nothing else. With this idealistic male society you basically end up with is a very cold, emotionally stagnant and vicious society - a world shaped by men and a world constantly promoting and enabling hundreds of years of wars and bloodshed. Even nature around it seems to struggle with depression and flowers don’t bloom and everything is dusty, hot, dry and sandy.

If you prefer that - then yes, I guess your life and world would be much better off without women.

In contrary to that image you will find that the most successful and progressive nations in the world, and even through history, are the ones where women have had a greater presence. Their lives exist in tandem with men, not as an inferior or a superior - but just as important part of sharing life. And the more free the women are over their life and decisions, the more peaceful the countries tend to be in general. Take Scandinavia, for example, where women enjoy the highest degree of equal rights to men in the world. These societies, cultures and politics of social justice and equality for all was built on a huge influence from women and how women view the world around them. Women have a natural sense of tenderness for nature, for animals and for ‘the round peg in the square hole’. They feel empathy towards the marginalised. So they are the unseen force behind the laws of equal rights for all, protection of nature and animals, the right for people who are different, for gays, for minorities. In other words it’s women’s demands and views that are behind the laws that creates a democratic society. A peaceful and liberal society is the result.
If you prefer a Scandinavian society versus a Saudi one, then no, your life would not be better without women but you would stagnate and suffer greatly.

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEED THIS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I'M DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think of a movie or a book in which someone has to stand up to a group. Why does this character refuse to follow along and engage in herd behavior? In other words, what makes this character different? What would you have done if you were in this character’s shoes?

1. Write in complete sentences.
2. Some of your sentences should be simple sentences, others compound and have one or two compound-complex sentences in your paragraph.
3. Provide details in your writing.
4. Make sure you are addressing the ACTIONS and the CAUSES of people's behavior.

PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REAL ANSWERS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The Karate Kid


This character refuses to join Cobra Kai Karate because he knows that it isn't real karate. I would have done the same thing as this character did.


This worked for me


Well a book would be abandoned house escape.

May is brave and courageous because she took the risk of being unpopular by facing the moving up challenge.  May is brave because she wanted to outsmart her class while she was doing the challenge in the abandoned house.  Madison O'Connor stated, “ May single-handedly brought an age-old Franklinville Junior High tradition to a halt after she successfully outwitted her classmates during her stay in a local abandoned house.” The quote i chose shows how may wasn’t afraid to ploy the kids at the house alone. This also shows how she wasn’t scared to stay in the abandoned house.  All in all, this is why May Shennon is a brave and courageous person.

in chapter one of “Lord of the Flies,” the conch shell is a major symbol for something. What does the conch shell represent and how so? Use two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer.



Image result for in chapter one of “Lord of the Flies,” the conch shell is a major symbol for something. What does the conch shell represent and how so? Use two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer.

In Lord of the Flies, the conch shell is the first discovery, and it brings the scattered boys together, beginning as a mystical symbol of leadership and order. Ralph uses it to assemble the boys after they are stranded on the island, and as a result, he is elected chief.


The conch shell is a symbol of civilization and authority. When Ralph blows it and the boys hear they all gather together for meetings. Then they get a chance to talk if they are holding it. ”I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking.”   But when Piggy gets knocked off the cliff by the boulder, he's holding the conch. He's trying to use the symbol of civilization to be able to talk and get his glasses back but he gets knocked off the cliff, falls to his death, and the conch gets destroyed too. It symbolizes the end of civilization and authority on the island. This is when the boys get savage.


which words did Lewis Carroll chose to rhyme with the words below?



It would be Denial!


In the book "The past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried" who are the main characters? Answer quickly.



Dino and July :)


A Teacher’s Defense to Homework:
1. Who is the intended audience of the article? Why did the author write the article?
2. In paragraph 3 , the author says she uses homework to “supplement” the notes she gives in class. What does supplement mean in this opinion piece? Use context clues and a dictionary to help you decide. Then tell why the author thinks it necessary to supplement her notes with homework.
3. How does the author strengthen her argument in paragraphs 5 and 6?
4. Why does the author say there is room for compromise in paragraph 7?
5. At what age does the author say homework becomes more important, and how does she provide evidence to support her claim?



1. The attended audience is Parents and/or Guardians

2. Supplement - something that completes or enhances something else when added to it. She is trying to see if the kids were paying attention i class and to see who need extra help understanding the work.

3. your gonna have to do this one.

4.your gonna have to do this one as well.

5. at about 7 to 8 years old, you can go back and look at the evidence that she provides to finish the answer


Which details from Julius Caesar support the inference that Brutus had noble motives when he killed Caesar?

Select the two correct answers.

"Antony: All the conspirators, save only he, did that they did in envy of Caesar."

"Brutus: Good reasons must of force give place to better."

"Brutus: O Cassius, I am sick of many griefs."

"Brutus: Did not great Julius bleed for justice' sake?"





I think

i’d go with the second one

will give brainliest Read the following passage:

Cheddar, Swiss, Gorgonzola, and Parmesan are all different types of cheeses we see in so many different types of food, but are cheeses safe to feed to your dog? Cheese in excess amounts can often cause digestive problems for many dogs. Many dogs are lactose intolerant at some level. Excess amounts of cheese given to canines can also lead to potentially greater risks, such as death. However, some veterinarians say that feeding cheese to your puppy can be quite beneficial. When dogs are recovering from illness, feeding them small amounts of cheese can be a good source of protein and vitamins A and B. It's also a great place to hide medication without them knowing.

If you were adding to this summary, which statement below would best support the main idea?

I have noticed that my dogs do not like cheese.

Cheese is too expensive to feed to dogs.

Dogs only like certain types of cheeses.

It is best to experiment with small amounts of cheese to check your dog's tolerance.



It is best to experiment with small amounts of cheese to check your dog's tolerance.


It is best to experiment with small amounts of cheese to check your dog's tolerance.


heello!! I need help w this PLEASE, im so close to 50:(



Producing water bottles uses huge amount of oil

Plastic water bottles can be harmful to the environment

Most plastic water bottles aren't recycled


Hope this helps ^-^

This is the first chapter of a story I wrote, pls leave any feedback. I have more on a site called wattpad so if you like it my username is The_Hawaiian_Sloth



great writing


i also use wattpad and i kind of had writers block but your a talented writer as i read your story and loved it most readers love long chapters so keep that in mind  


Amazing Story! My only critque, would to have someone else you know check it, or read it aloud. If you do that you can see fi the story makes sense or not. Other than that AMAZING! ::)))


Read the following passage:

He sighed and looked about him. "This is no world for men," he said. "And yet in a way--it appeals."

He became silent for a time, then commenced his meditative humming.

In the excerpt above, the reader can infer that:

Mr. Cavor is upset that the moon is not like earth.
Mr. Cavor is a deeply religious man.
Mr. Cavor is feeling light-headed.
Mr. Cavor is thinking about staying on the moon.



I believe it's A, if not, I apologize

Can someone tell me if these are right .


They are right I took the test in one of my classes

Which excerpt from A Night to Remember, describes how the setting begins to change?

When Edward A. Kent, another table companion, found her after the crash, she gave him an ivory miniature of
her mother for safekeeping."

“It was just as well, for the slant in the deck was steeper, and even the carefree were growing uneasy."

"In a moment she reappeared with the picture and was rushed into the boat."

“On the bridge, as Fourth Officer Boxhall and Quartermaster Rowe fired off more rockets, Boxhall still couldn't
believe what was happening."



B.) "It was just as well, for the slant in the deck was steeper, and even the carefree were growing uneasy."


Hope this helps!!!

Read Zion National Park:

In 1917, Horace Albright visited the canyon created by the Virgin River in southwestern Utah. He was amazed at the beauty of the colorful cliffs. Albright determined that this national monument would become a popular tourist destination. The official name of the monument at that time was Mukuntuweap National Monument. It had been named in honor of the Paiutes who lived in the region. Albright thought that the name was difficult to pronounce and proposed a name change. President Woodrow Wilson renamed the monument Zion National Monument, which became Zion National Park in 1919. The number of people visiting the park increased from approximately 300 in 1914 to 1,814 people in 1919.

Zion National Park is known for its many hiking trails. The shortest trail leads to one of the popular destinations: Weeping Rock, a cliff face with a hanging garden. Over the years, water made its way through the Navajo sandstone of the cliff, traveling through pores and creating canyons. Eventually, the water encountered a layer of rock that was impermeable. The water was unable to continue down, so it traveled horizontally. At Weeping Rock, the water comes through the pores of the sandstone. The amount of water that flows out of the rock can be a trickle or a stream, giving the impression that the rock is crying. Vegetation grows in shaded areas of the cliff with water coming through the rock. As the plants grow out of the rock face, they give the illusion that they are hanging in the air.

In the last century, word spread of Zion National Park's many natural treasures, like the Weeping Rock. Roads, trails, and visitor centers were built. More people traveled to Zion in order to hike, horseback ride, and go canyoneering. The Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel was constructed by 1930. Visitors still use the tunnel to travel from Zion to the Grand Canyon or Bryce Canyon. Now, park rangers are facing problems created by having too many visitors. Trails and campgrounds are overused and need repairs. Visitors are straying off the trails to create their own, thereby damaging the vegetation. Rangers are considering the best ways to protect this national park and maintain its beauty for future generations.

Select the sentence from the text that explains the cause of Weeping Rock's unusual water flow.



the water comes through the pores of the sandstone. The amount of water that flows out of the rock can be a trickle or a stream, giving the impression that the rock is crying.


Your answer is C The water was unable to continue down, so it traveled horizontally.


I did the quiz.

Question 1
Part A

Which statement best explains how hope is treated in both "Malala the Powerful" and "The Strangers That Came to Town"?

In "Malala the Powerful," Malala receives cards from many supporters; in "The Strangers That Came to Town," Mr. Duvitch works at a meatpacking plant.

In "Malala the Powerful," Malala's father refuses to shut down his school; in "The Strangers That Came to Town," Father punishes Tom and Andy for their prank.

In "Malala the Powerful," Malala's efforts help more girls go to school; in "The Strangers That Came to Town," the Duvitches are finally accepted by their neighbors.

In "Malala the Powerful," Malala has to go through several surgeries to recover; in "The Strangers That Came to Town," Andy and Tom replace the Duvitches' fish.
Question 2
Part B

Which details from "Malala the Powerful" and "The Strangers That Came to Town" best support the answer to Part A?

Select two correct answers.

“The Malala Fund, created in her name, is helping to send 40 girls in Pakistan to school.”

“Some 132 million children and teens around the world do not attend school, often because they must work to help support their families or because they have no school to go to.”

"'Get into the rowboat,' Father said in the same steely tones. 'You are not to come back until you've caught sixty-one fish to repay Mr. Duvitch.”

"So they started inviting Mr. and Mrs. Duvitch to the community parties. It wasn't long before the Duvitch boys and girls started making friends in the community."


C) In "Malala the Powerful," Malala's efforts help more girls go to school; in "The Strangers That Came to Town," the Duvitches are finally accepted by their neighbors.

B) Some 132 million children and teens around the world do not attend school, often because they must work to help support their families or because they have no school to go to.”

Part A:

The  statement that best explains  hope is treated in both "Malala the Powerful" and "The Strangers That Came to Town":

C) In "Malala the Powerful," Malala's efforts help more girls go to school; in "The Strangers That Came to Town," the Duvitches are finally accepted by their neighbors.


The  statement that best explains hope is treated in both "Malala the Powerful" and "The Strangers That Came to Town" is that In "Malala the Powerful," Malala's efforts help more girls go to school; in "The Strangers That Came to Town," the Duvitches are finally accepted by their neighbors.

To cherish a crave with expectation and to need something to happen or be genuine trusts for a advancement trusting for the leading

Thus, the correct answer is C.

Part B:

The details from "Malala the Powerful" and "The Strangers That Came to Town" best support the answer to Part A is :

B) Some 132 million children and teens around the world do not attend school, often because they must work to help support their families or because they have no school to go to.”


The details from "Malala the Powerful" and "The Strangers That Came to Town" best support the answer to Part A isis Some 132 million children and teens around the world do not attend school, often because they must work to help support their families or because they have no school to go to.”

To cherish a crave with expectation and to need something to happen or be genuine trusts for a advancement trusting for the leading.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

The Strangers That Came to Town, So they started inviting Mr. and Mrs. Duvitch to the community parties. It wasn't long before the Duvitch boys and girls started making friends in the community."

Learn more about "Malala the Powerful":

neeeeeedddddddddd hheeellllppppp plz plz plz plz ......


Answer: Th is a test

Explanation: Jk) First box 11 second box 31

Read the two passages from "Protecting the Great Barrier Reef."

Passage 1

The authorities that manage the Great Barrier Reef consider climate change to be the greatest threat to the reef. Warming ocean temperatures are causing a phenomenon called coral bleaching. Coral has a substance called algae living in it. The algae provides the coral with up to 90 percent of the energy it needs. When the water is too warm, coral will release the algae living in its tissue. This causes the coral to turn completely white. One coral releases its algae, it begins to starve. Coral can sometimes survive bleaching, but it is under considerably more stress afterward. Unfortunately, coral bleaching due to climate change is not the only challenge faced by the reef.

Passage 2

The good news is that steps are being taken to manage this problem. Responsible farming practices helps minimize harm to the Great Barrier Reef. It is important that fertilizers and pesticides are used properly. Equally important is using less of them and only when necessary. It is also important for farmers to learn how to properly manage and avoid soil erosion. The Queensland Farmers' Federation is an organization of 2,600 farmers who have land along the Great Barrier Reef. They have joined together to work towards better land management practices. This sort of action is vital to the ongoing protection of the Great Barrier Reef.

What would make the structure of Passage 1 more similar to the structure of Passage 2?

1 The author could focus Passage 1 more on the causes of coral bleaching and how it affects the coral.

2 The author could focus Passage 1 more on comparing and contrasting healthy and unhealthy coral.

3 The author could include possible solutions to the problem in Passage 1.

4 The author could include more dates to show the order of events in Passage 1.


The option that would make the structure between the two passages similar would be option 3, which shows:

" The author could include possible solutions to the problem in Passage 1."

What is textual structure?It's the way to organize the text.It is the order in which the sentences will be presented in the text.

Passage 2 shows solutions that will be taken to solve a problem related to the Great Barrier Reef. This shows that the passage uses a problem-and-solution structure, emphasizing the benefits that the solutions would bring to agricultural practices.

Passage 1, on the other hand, does not show solutions to the problems generated by coral bleaching. Therefore, it would be necessary to present solutions to have a structure similar to passage 2.

Learn more about textual structure:


What Tall Tales hero is said to have created the Great Lakes with his giant footprints? John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill


Answer: Paul Bunyan


Plz give brainliest I need it to get next rank

Paul Bunyan crated the Great Lakes with his grant footprints




A preposition sits in front of (is “pre-positioned” before) its object. It is useful to locate prepositional phrases in sentences since any noun or pronoun within the prepositional phrase must be the preposition's object and, therefore, cannot be misidentified as a verb's direct object.


Answer:  you  can  creat  with  marker  and  paint    and  sticker   and  pencils


Which sentence is written in the passive voice?

A. Yesterday, the student wrote a paper during class about the effects of recycling in public schools.
B. The paper about the effects of recycling in public schools was written by the student yesterday during class.
C. The student wrote an essay during class yesterday about the effects of recycling in public schools.
D. Yesterday during class, the student wrote a paper about the effects of recycling in public schools.


The answer is B (was written)

A or B & D is the same answer as A

Read this excerpt from The Way to Rainy Mountain.

You know, everything had to begin, and this is how it


Which of the three types of narrative used in the novel does this excerpt

belong to?


A. Historical record

B. Short narrative

C. Instruction


D. Myth




just did the test                                                                                                                                                

The excerpt belongs to the narrative of Historical Record. Notice that the narrator references an event and how it began, hence a historical narrative. (option A)

What is a narrative?

When a good story is to be told, the author must present and connect the events in a certain way. This method of presenting events in an appealing way is called Narrative.

Narratives usually comprise of the beginning, middle, and end.

Learn more about narratives at:

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEED THIS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I'M DESPERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think of a movie or a book in which someone has to stand up to a group. Why does this character refuse to follow along and engage in herd behavior? In other words, what makes this character different? What would you have done if you were in this character’s shoes?

1. Write in complete sentences.
2. Some of your sentences should be simple sentences, others compound and have one or two compound-complex sentences in your paragraph.
3. Provide details in your writing.
4. Make sure you are addressing the ACTIONS and the CAUSES of people's behavior.

PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REAL ANSWERS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer: I think they refuse to because they know whats right from whats wrong. I think this character is different because he or she is making their own path or doing what they think is right and not following other people. If I was in the characters shoes I would do the exact same thing I would be a leader and not a follower.


How have you seen the impact of inflation on the things you buy?

At least 5 sentence pls



Inflation is often referred to as a “measure of the increase in the price of goods and services over time”. Inflation not only affects the cost of living – things such as transport, electricity and food – but it can also impact interest rates on savings accounts, the performance of companies and in-turn, share prices.

As measures of inflation rise, this reflects a reduction in the purchasing power of your money. In other words, this impacts your ‘buying power’, as you’re now able to buy less with your money.

In the UK, there are two main inflation-rate measures;

the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and;

the Retail Price Index (RPI).

They look at different items and are calculated using different formulas. The CPI covers the cost of hundreds of items that households are likely to purchase – many on a daily or weekly basis – including things like food, clothing, cinema tickets, etc.

The CPI doesn’t take into account housing costs and mortgage interest payments, as this is included in the RPI measure. The RPI measure is used to index various prices and incomes, including tax allowances, state benefits, pensions and index-linked gilts. RPI has been superseded in recent years by CPI and is no longer formally ranked as a UK National Statistic.

Although we are unable to stop the rates of inflation, taking measures to protect your wealth could help to limit its harmful impact.

How will inflation affect my money?

When it comes to the cost of living, a rising inflation measure means it has become more expensive to maintain our previous lifestyle. If your income hasn’t increased over the measured period by at least the rate of inflation, then your buying power will have fallen, as the costs of goods and services will have increased over that time.

Inflation doesn’t just affect our everyday expenses, but could also impact our savings, investments and pensions.

Cash savers

Cash savers could be hit particularly badly, as the purchasing power of our money falls. Consider the following example: if you invest the amount needed to buy a car into a bank account for 5-years – at an annual interest rate of 1% – and the cost of cars over the same period increases by 2% per annum, then at the end of the period you would need to add more money to be able to buy the car.

Think about how the cost of living has already changed since you were a child. A high rate of inflation combined with a low rate of interest, means the money we have saved in potentially poorly performing savings accounts could be seriously hit, having a detrimental effect for cash savers.

If inflation, as is usually the case, is higher than interest rates, then in real terms your returns will become negative, meaning you may want to think about whether cash is the best place to stay in the long-term (for instance, high street savings accounts and cash ISAs.)

You could consider alternative methods for saving, such as investing in assets that have traditionally increased at a higher rate than inflation. Options could include considering investments that are inflation-linked, like some National Savings Accounts or government loans, investing in property, or in stocks and shares.

Every month the ONS collects more than 100,000 prices of goods and services from a wide range of retailers across the country - including online retailers.
Prices are updated every month and price collectors visit the same retailers each time in order to monitor identical goods and make sure they are comparing like with like.
All these prices are combined using information on average household spending patterns to produce an overall prices index.
It also takes into account how much we spend on different items.

Read the two passages.

Passage 1

Its stunning natural scenery makes the Great Barrier Reef a popular tourist destination. About two million people visit the reef each year. Most of those visitors are domestic tourists. This is largely due to the fact that Australia is so far away from most places. There are lots of different ways to experience the Great Barrier Reef. Visitors can go diving, fishing, swimming, and enjoy water sports. Some people choose to tour the reef by airplane or helicopter, and others may tour the reef by boat. Tourists can take in the spectacular scenery from a small dinghy or a grand superyacht. There are even glass-bottomed boats that let passengers view the underwater wildlife and scenery. Adventurous visitors may seek out one of the handful of havens where they can swim with wild dolphins. One of the major appeals of these activities is that most of them do not require special training or expensive equipment. There is no one way for people to experience the reef. Regardless of the activities people choose, they encounter some of the most stunning maritime scenery on the planet.

Passage 2

On our visit to the Great Barrier Reef this last summer, we discovered how stunning this natural wonder is. We weren't alone. Thousands of tourists joined us to take in the wonders that the reef offers. Though we were among thousands, many people, like us, were from Australia. It makes sense I guess, as Australia is quite isolated and harder to travel to. We just felt lucky to experience this amazing reef alongside other Australians and people from all over the world. There were so many activities to choose from. We decided to go snorkeling. We also took a ride in a glass-bottomed boat. We saw so many fish on that boat trip, and we even saw a giant stingray! After a long day at the beach and out on the water, we heard what some other tourists had experienced during the day. There was one thing we agreed on: the Great Barrier Reef offered some of the most incredible underwater scenery any of us had ever seen.

What information does the reader learn from Passage 1 that is not included in Passage 2?

1 The reader learns about a larger variety of activities people can do to experience the reef.

2 The reader learns about a tourist's point of view while visiting the reef and what made it special.

3 The reader learns about how glass-bottomed boats were made and why they are exciting for tourists.

4 The reader learns about which activities were enjoyable for tourists and which should be avoided.





i did the test and got it right! <3

By reading both the passages given above, the reader knows about a larger variety of activities people can do to experience the Great Barrier Reef. Hence, option A holds true.

Who is a reader?

A person who performs the activity of reading any given form of literary composition is known as a reader. A reader reads multiple forms of compositions such as story, poems, novels, essay, sonnet, etc.

The passage 1 mentioned above does not provide the reader with any information regarding the variety of activities that can be done to get the experience of reef, which is expressed in the second passage .

Hence, option A holds true regarding a reader.

Learn more about a reader here:


Which answer choice best corrects the vague pronoun in this passage?

Sid and I were riding our skateboards to the park. As we were going down the hill, Sid started going too fast. His skateboard crashed right into a bench! But he was okay, and it wasn’t damaged, either.

A) Sid and I were riding our skateboards to the park. As we were going down the hill, he started going too fast. He crashed right into a bench! But he was okay, and it wasn’t damaged, either.

B) Sid and I were riding our skateboards to the park. As we were going down the hill, Sid started going too fast. His skateboard crashed right into a bench! But he was okay, and his skateboard wasn’t damaged, either.

C) Sid and I were riding our skateboards to the park. As Sid was going down the hill, Sid started going too fast. Sid’s skateboard crashed right into a bench! But Sid was okay, and it wasn’t damaged, either.

D) Sid and I were riding our skateboards to the park. As we were going down the hill, Sid’s started going too fast. His skateboard crashed right into it! But he was okay, and it wasn’t damaged, either.


Answer: that is be d

Explanation: because it is the only one that makes since

Which sentence correctly uses punctuation to separate coordinating adjectives?

Talented, charismatic Mark, wowed the audience with his recitation of the famous Hamlet monologue.

Talented charismatic Mark wowed the audience with his recitation of the famous Hamlet monologue.

Talented, charismatic Mark wowed the audience with his recitation of the famous Hamlet monologue.

Talented charismatic, Mark wowed the audience with his recitation of the famous Hamlet monologue.






#3 Talented, charismatic Mark wowed the audience with his recitation of the famous Hamlet monologue.


Only the two adjetives are separated by a comma (no commas before or after them)

Pick one idea to do a quick write about?
( What Would You Make Free? )
If you could make one thing in the world free of charge to everyone, what would you choose and why?
Bad Idea
Write a short story that starts with this line: “I should have known it was a bad idea, but that didn’t stop me.”



can u post question because ur pic is not clear

1. If I could make one thing in the world free it would be education. In a lot of places in the world they do have free education, but some places do not. Everyone should be able to learn and become successful free of charge. Education being free for everyone could change the way we live life on this planet.
2. I should’ve known it was as a bad idea. The water in the aquarium just looked too tempting. But now I look ridiculous. When they say do you want to go swimming with the dolphins I guess they didn’t mean in a aquarium. The workers are treating me like i’m crazy when really it’s their fault. They left the door opened and any one could have gotten in, plus I kind of slipped. Now i’m soaked and smell sea food. (sorry the second one is bad i was in a rush)

if someone you make me brainlist i will do it back but you'll have to tell me how to do it



When you answer somebody's question answer

or somebody answer your question the publisher of the question will see a option saying mark as brainliest.

heres some dialogue prompts from nonsense I've said today

do enjoy

"what I lack in height and common sense I make up for in sarcasm"

"wait, is this a question or a She-ra reference?"

"I'm being bombarded by slopes and other nonsense"

"I don't know why my brain went to koi fish"

"sometimes I shock myself when I remember I'm related to these imbeciles"

"Today, we do math stuff"

"the enemies to lovers trope is most likely responsible for 90% of my problems"

"it's when you fall in love with someone for saying 'son of a biscuit' that you realize your sanity has gone south"

hope this helps some writers out there :)





actually this helps lol
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