How did Alexander the Great maintain his power after conquering new lands ?


Answer 1


Alexander built many new cities in the lands he conquered, including Alexandria in Egypt.Alexander claimed the Macedonian throne and killed his rivals before they could challenge his sovereignty. He also quashed rebellions for independence in northern Greece.His campaign of conquests from Greece spanned across Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Afghanistan, and India. He extended the boundaries of his Macedonian Empire as far east as the city of Taxila in modern-day Pakistan.Following his conquest of Asia Minor, Alexander broke the power of Achaemenid Persia in a series of decisive battles, including those at Issus and Gaugamela; he subsequently overthrew Darius III and conquered the Achaemenid Empire in its entirety.Thanks to his father, Alexander's army was largely a professional one. In earlier times, Macedonians would stop fighting during the harvest, but Philip and Alexander paid the men enough that they could afford to be soldiers full-time. This meant they were often better trained than their adversaries.

Answer 2


Alexander the Great maintained his power after conquering new lands through a variety of methods:

Strategic alliances: Alexander formed strategic alliances with local rulers and elites in the lands he conquered. He allowed these individuals to retain some power and authority in exchange for their support and loyalty.

Cultural assimilation: Alexander encouraged cultural assimilation in the lands he conquered. He adopted local customs and practices and allowed his soldiers to marry and have families with local women. This  created a sense of unity and shared identity among the diverse populations under his rule.

Military presence: Alexander maintained a strong military presence in the lands he conquered to maintain order and prevent rebellion. He also appointed trusted generals to govern these territories to firmly establish his authority.

Propaganda: Alexander used propaganda to maintain his image as a powerful and invincible ruler. He cultivated a larger-than-life persona through public displays of strength and bravery. He exaggerated and embellished his military victories in accounts written by his supporters.


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The mandate system was established by the treaties ending World War I. Under this system, the victors of World War I were given responsibility for governing former German and Ottoman territories as mandates from the League.


Under Mandate system, the victors of World War I were given responsibility for governing former German and Ottoman territories as mandates from the League---- True.

A form of colonialism that is recognized internationally is the Mandate System. It allowed command over previous German and Ottoman regions to individuals from the Class of Countries after The Second Great War.

The Command Framework was an endeavor to stop the pattern of war and battling about vanquished land by appropriating the place that is known for the imploded Ottoman Domain and the states of Germany. The mandate system distributed colonies in Asia and Africa that had previously been ruled by Germany and the Ottoman Empire to Allied nations.

Learn more about Mandate system:


Complete Question as follows:

The mandate system was established by the treaties ending World War I. Under this system, the victors of World War I were given responsibility for governing former German and Ottoman territories as mandates from the League. True or False.






Which four major events doomed the Qing Dynasty? Select all that apply.

the Second Opium War

n the Manchu Rebellion

the First Opium War

the Taiping Rebellion

the Great Floods of 1884

m the Boxer Rebellion

the Japanese invasion


Four major events that doomed the Qing Dynasty include the First Opium War (1839-1842), the Second Opium War (1856-1860), the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), and the Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901).

The Qing Dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to 1912. It faced several challenges that eventually led to its downfall.

The First Opium War resulted in China ceding Hong Kong to the British and opening up treaty ports for foreign trade, while the Second Opium War further weakened China's power and resulted in the Treaty of Tianjin.

The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war that caused immense damage and resulted in the loss of millions of lives. The Boxer Rebellion was an anti-foreigner and anti-Christian movement that ultimately failed, but further weakened the dynasty's power.

In conclusion, the combination of internal conflicts and foreign aggression ultimately led to the downfall of the Qing Dynasty.

To know more about First Opium War visit:


The return of a past state, situation, or ruler.



The concept of a past state, situation, or ruler returning is often referred to as a "restoration" or "reinstatement." This refers to the idea of restoring something or someone to a previous state or position of power.

In historical contexts, restorations typically occur after a period of upheaval, such as a revolution, war, or another significant event that resulted in the displacement or removal of a particular ruler or government.

The restoration may involve bringing back a previous monarch or political leader who was deposed or reinstating a particular political or social order that existed before the upheaval.

Restorations can be seen as attempts to restore stability and order to a society that has experienced significant disruption. However, they can also be controversial, as they may involve a reassertion of power by a particular group or individual, potentially at the expense of others.

To learn more about historical contexts


Complete question:

How can we describe the concept of a past state, situation, or ruler returning?

You are an officer in the Athenian army. The Persians have just landed at Marathon to invade Greece


As an officer in the Athenian army during the Persian invasion at Marathon, you must strategize and mobilize your troops to defend Greece against the enemy forces.

To accomplish this, begin by gathering intelligence about the Persian army, such as their numbers, weaponry, and battle strategies. Next, assemble your Athenian forces and form a battle plan, taking into consideration the terrain, your soldiers' strengths, and potential weaknesses of the Persian forces.

This could include using the element of surprise or taking advantage of the geographical features around Marathon, such as hills and narrow passages. Additionally, form alliances with neighboring city-states, such as Sparta, to strengthen your army and improve your chances of success.

Ensure that your soldiers are well-trained, motivated, and ready for battle. Finally, engage the Persian forces with confidence and a strong tactical plan to defend Greece and secure victory at Marathon.

To know more about Persian invasion click on below link:


During the Middle Ages, what institution was the center of musical life?

The church

The castle

O The king's court

The merchant's living room



During the Middle Ages, the institution that was the center of musical life was the church. Music played an important role in religious ceremonies and worship, and many of the most important composers and musicians of the time were associated with the church. Monks and other religious figures were responsible for preserving and transmitting musical traditions, and many of the earliest notated musical works were chants and hymns used in religious services. The church also played a significant role in the development of musical notation, which allowed for the more precise recording and transmission of musical works. Overall, the church was a key institution in the development and dissemination of music during the Middle Ages.


What was the name of the bill that eventually became the 18th amendment?.


The name of the bill that eventually became the 18th Amendment was the Volstead Act.

The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution, also known as the Prohibition Amendment, was ratified in 1919 and made it illegal to manufacture, transport, or sell alcohol within the United States. The amendment was a response to the Temperance movement, which had been advocating for the prohibition of alcohol since the mid-19th century.

The Volstead Act, named after Congressman Andrew Volstead, was the bill that provided for the enforcement of the 18th Amendment. The act was passed by Congress in 1919, shortly after the ratification of the 18th Amendment, and defined the terms of Prohibition, including the legal definition of intoxicating liquor and the penalties for violating the law.

To know more about 18th Amendment , click here.


What kind of parallelism does this proverb use? Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. (Proverbs 10:12) parabolic synonymous contrasting single-sentence


Contrasting is the kind of parallelism this proverb uses Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

In Bible, Proverbs 10:12 says Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.  which means that Hatred can create conflicts, but love covers all sins and it explains that Love and hate are opposites, and their effects are opposites as well.

To cover sins means to prevent people from seeing or discovering something bad. In the Bible strife means an act of contention, or contention for superiority. The repetition of grammatical elements in a piece of writing to create a harmonious effect is known as Parallelism.

To learn more about  Parallelism:


How did hitler’s views compared with American Veiws in the same time period?


Hitler's views were vastly different from American views during the same time period.

Hitler believed in a totalitarian government with a focus on racial purity and the superiority of the Aryan race. He also believed in the elimination of those he deemed inferior, particularly Jews. In contrast, America was a democratic society with a focus on individual rights and freedoms.

While there were certainly issues with discrimination and racism in America during this time period, it was not promoted or endorsed by the government or mainstream society.

The two sets of beliefs were fundamentally incompatible and eventually led to the United States entering World War II to combat Hitler's regime.

To know more about totalitarian government click on below link:


Which themes for government action emerged during roosevelt's first hundred days as president ​


relief to individuals; economic recovery; reforms to avoid future economic disaster

Unit 7 Briefly describe ONE piece of evidence used in the excerpt to support the argument made in the excerpt.

Briefly explain how ONE piece of evidence not mentioned in the excerpt could be used to support, modify, or refute the argument in the excerpt.

Briefly explain how ONE process discussed in the excerpt compares with the earlier United States decision to participate in the Spanish-American War


Sure, I'd be happy to help. Can you please provide me with the excerpt you are referring to?

What was the primary reason the exodusters left the south?.


The primary reason the Exodusters left the South was to escape racial violence, oppression, and economic hardship.

The term "Exoduster" refers to African Americans who migrated from the Southern United States to the Midwest and West in the late 19th century. The Exodusters were motivated by a variety of factors, including racial discrimination, violence, and economic hardship in the South.

After the end of slavery, African Americans in the South continued to face systemic racism and oppression, including Jim Crow laws, sharecropping, and other forms of economic exploitation. Many white Southerners were also hostile towards African Americans, and violence against them was common.

To know more about Exodusters , click here.


The "covenantal dynamic" refers to what, specifically


The "covenantal dynamic" refers to the idea that the relationship between God and humanity is based on a covenant or agreement.

In this agreement which God promises to protect and bless his people if they follow his laws and commandments. This concept is central to the Judeo-Christian tradition, and emphasizes the idea of a reciprocal relationship between God and humanity, in which both parties have responsibilities and obligations to each other. The covenantal dynamic is also closely related to the idea of a chosen people, in which God chooses a specific group or nation to be his special representatives on earth.

The concept of the covenantal dynamic is present throughout the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, where God makes a series of covenants with his chosen people, including the covenant with Noah, the covenant with Abraham, and the covenant with Moses. In each of these covenants, God promises to protect and bless his people, but also requires them to follow certain laws and commandments.

The covenantal dynamic has had a significant impact on the development of Judeo-Christian theology and ethics, emphasizing the idea of a reciprocal relationship between God and humanity, and the importance of following God's laws and commandments. It has also been influential in shaping the idea of a chosen people, and the role of Israel and the Church in God's plan for humanity.

Overall, the covenantal dynamic represents an important aspect of the Judeo-Christian tradition, emphasizing the idea of a reciprocal relationship between God and humanity, and the importance of following God's laws and commandments in order to receive his protection and blessings.

To learn more about the covenantal dynamic, refer here:


What examples of the ""prayers of self-righteousness and hypocrisy"" can be found in pre-civil war society?


One instance is seen in the prayers of slaveholders who used Christianity to excuse their ownership and ill-treatment of enslaved people. These slave owners would go to church and pray, but their actions away from the church belied their alleged faith. They would keep treating slaves as property rather than as persons made in the likeness of God.

The life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth serve as the foundation of the Abrahamic monotheistic religion of Christianity, commonly referred to as Christianism. It is the most significant and widely practiced religion, with almost 2.4 billion adherents, or one-third of the world's population. In 157 countries and territories, Christians—those who follow it—are regarded to be the majority of the population.

Most Christians maintain the belief that Jesus is the Son of God, who's coming as the Messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (known in Christianity as the Old Testament) and recorded in the New Testament. With regard to Christology, Ecclesiology, Ordination, and the nature of Justification and Redemption, Christianity still has Western and Eastern branches.

Learn more about Christianity here:


I need help with these! Thank you


On April 19, just after dawn, the beginning salvos of the "Shot Heard Round the World" were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts. 500 militiamen from the colonies were outnumbered and were compelled to leave.

Did the first shots of the Revolutionary War ring out in Concord?

The phrase "shot that circled the world" refers to the first shot fired at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, which started the American Revolutionary War and led to the creation of the United States.

On April 19, 1775, around 700 British soldiers received what they thought to be top-secret orders to destroy colonial military supplies in Concord, Massachusetts, which ultimately led to the commencement of the fight.

Option (a), The claim is incorrect because he performed it by himself.

Why did Paul Revere set out at twilight?

In order to alert Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British soldiers were en approach to seize them, the Sons of Liberty gave Paul Revere orders to ride to Lexington, Massachusetts, on this specific night in 1775.

How did Paul Revere react when he noticed the British?

The British planned to boat across the Charles River to Cambridge before going on to Lexington, according to Paul Revere, who observed two lights hanging in Boston's Christ Church. Revere notified the colonies he passed about the British by shouting, "The Regulars Are Coming Out!" while on his bike.

The three were captured by British forces in Lincoln. Prescott and Dawes were able to flee after Revere was returned to Lexington and released after questioning. The trip gave the colonists advance knowledge of the British Army's preparations, which was crucial to their success in the subsequent fights.

Learn more about Sons of Liberty:


The people of the city-state/polis of _____ valued citizens with strong minds and bodies. They lived by the sea and did lots of trading, created colonies, and did farming to get the food and other things they needed. They loved learning from other cultures and formed a democratic society where all citizens could participate in government.



The people of the city-state/polis of Athens valued citizens with strong minds and bodies. They lived by the sea and did lots of trading, created colonies, and did farming to get the food and other things they needed. They loved learning from other cultures and formed a democratic society where all citizens could participate in government.

The city-state of Athens was a vibrant center of culture, trade, and politics in ancient Greece. The Athenians had a deep appreciation for knowledge and learning, and they were known for their intellectual curiosity and love of philosophy, art, and literature. They were also a people who valued physical fitness and strength, and they saw the pursuit of knowledge and the development of the body as complementary goals.

Living by the sea, the Athenians were natural traders and seafarers, and they used their maritime connections to establish colonies throughout the Mediterranean region. They were also skilled farmers, and they relied on agriculture to provide the food and resources necessary for their growing population.

To know more about democratic society, click here.


A dozen eggs cost $0. 88 in January 1980 and $1. 77 in January 1980 and $22. 36 in January 2018. A) By what percentage did the price of eggs rise? B) By what percentage did the wage rise? C) In each year, how many minutes did a worker have to work to earn enough to buy a dozen eggs? D) did workers' purchasing power in terms of eggs rise or fall?



The price of eggs rose by 139.77%. The wages rose by 159.10%. In each year, a worker has to work 6.97 minutes to earn enough to buy a dozen. Workers’ purchasing power in terms of eggs is rise.

a) First we will calculate the rise in price of eggs

Rise in price of eggs = Price in 2015 - Price in 1980

= 2.11 - 0.88

= 1.23

Percentage change = rise in price / price in 1980 × 100

= 1.23 / 0.88 × 100

= 139.77%.

b) First, we will calculate rise in wages.

Rise in wages = wages in 2015 - wages in 1980

= $19.64 - $7.58

= $ 12.06

Percentage change = rise in wages / wages in 1980 × 100

= 12.06 / 7.58 × 100

= 159.10 %

c) Minutes worker have to work to earn enough to buy dozen eggs in 1980 = ( cost of dozen eggs in 1980 × 60) / wages in 1980

= (0.88 × 60) / 7.58

= 52.8 / 7.58

= 6.97 minutes

​ Minutes worker have to work to earn enough to buy dozen eggs in 2105 = ( cost of dozen eggs in 2015 × 60) / wages in 2015

= ( 2.11 × 60 ) / 19.64

= 126.6 / 19.64

= 6.45 minutes.

To know more about rise in prices:


Correct question:

A dozen eggs cost $0.88 in January 1980 and $2.11 in January 2015. The average wage for production workers was $7.58 per hour in January 1980 and $19.64 in January 2015.

a. By what percentage did the price of eggs rise?

b. By what percentage did the wage rise?

c. In each year, how many minutes did a worker have to work to earn enough to buy a dozen eggs?

d. Did workers’ purchasing power in terms of eggs rise or fall?

What’s the newest exhibit at the national museum of egyptian civilisation?.


The newest exhibit at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization is the "King Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh" exhibit.

The exhibit, which is the largest ever dedicated to the famous ruler, includes over 150 artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun, as well as objects that were found in his tomb but had never been seen before. Visitors to the exhibit will be able to explore the life of the young king and learn about the ancient civilization of Egypt.

The artifacts on display will include some of the most iconic items from Tutankhamun's tomb, such as his golden mask, his throne, and his chariot. Other pieces include statues, jewelry, amulets, weapons, and other objects. Visitors will also be able to learn about the burial practices of the Ancient Egyptians through interactive displays.

The exhibit also includes a 3D model of the Valley of the Kings so visitors can explore the world of Tutankhamun and get a better understanding of his life and burial.

To know more about Egyptian Civilization, click here:


1. Research about advantages and disadvantages of the location of Philippines in terms of climate, weather, eclipse and season. Conduct an interview to some of their schoolmates. 2. Gather your research and explain how to make a newspaper article. ​


The Philippines' location provides both advantages and disadvantages in terms of climate and weather patterns, as well as exposure to eclipses and seasonal changes.To write a newspaper article, one must gather relevant information, create an outline, and follow the standard structure of a news story.

The Philippines' location in the Western Pacific Ocean makes it prone to typhoons and tropical storms, which can cause flooding and landslides. On the other hand, the country's location in the tropics means it enjoys a warm climate and plenty of sunshine. The Philippines is also located within the path of the "Ring of Fire," making it prone to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Before writing the article, research and gather facts about the topic. Then, create an outline that includes the headline, the lead, the body, and the conclusion. The headline should be brief and eye-catching, while the lead should summarize the most important information in a compelling way. The body should provide additional details and quotes from sources, while the conclusion should summarize the article and provide any additional information.

Learn more about Philippines:


Which statement best completes this diagram?
The Confederate
forces win the Battle
of Bull Run.
The Confederacy shifts its largest armies to western states.
The Confederacy takes control of most of the border states.
The Union realizes it will not be able to easily defeat the Confederacy.
The Union gives up its plans to attack Virginia by sea.


Option (c), It is acknowledged by the Union that defeating the Confederates won't be easy.

Which Confederate general was victorious in the Battle of Bull Run?

General Pierre G.T. Beauregard's Rebel army utterly destroyed a sizable Union force commanded by General Irvin McDowell on July 21, 1861, in what is considered to be the first important land engagement of the Civil War.

After trying to flank Confederate positions, the Federal soldiers under General Irvin McDowell crossed Bull Run but were unsuccessful. In the end, the rebels prevailed, and the Federal army retreated to the Washington, DC, fortifications.

What relevance did the Confederate victory at Bull Run have?

The first big, significant battle of the Civil War began at Bull Run. The ferocious combat there had made it clear to both the North and the South that the struggle would be brutal and drawn out.

Learn more about General Irvin McDowell:


5 similarities between the dragon dance of china and the samba of brazil


Both use music and dance to express joy and celebration. Both began as folk dances used to celebrate events and festivals. Both involve large groups of performers. Both use colorful costumes and props. Both involve intricate and complex movements and steps.

1. Both the dragon dance of China and the samba of Brazil are traditional dances that are performed during festivals and celebrations.

2. Both dances are accompanied by music, with the dragon dance traditionally featuring drums and other percussion instruments and the samba typically accompanied by a live band.

3. Both dances incorporate intricate footwork and dynamic movements, with the dragon dance featuring a series of quick and precise steps and the samba featuring a series of more complex rhythms and body isolations.

4. The dragon dance of China and the samba of Brazil both involve a group of people, with one person in the center leading the dance and the other dancers following suit.

5. The costumes worn by the dancers of both the dragon dance and the samba are highly ornate and colorful, with the dragon dancers wearing elaborate dragon costumes and the samba dancers wearing bright, flowing costumes.

To learn more about dragon dance link is here


which of the following mirrors the important u.s. supreme court case brown versus board of education in 1954? a. a civil suit against a teacher who misused the property of a public university in california b. a criminal suit against a person who murdered a school's board member c. a lawsuit against a school that refused admission to an african-american student d. a lawsuit against a school that exceeded its intake limit of the number of students in a class


A lawsuit against a school that refused admission to an African-American student mirrors the important U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.

Option C is correct

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools based on race was unconstitutional, overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). The case was brought by African-American parents in Kansas who sued the local school board for refusing to admit their children to white schools.

Similarly, a lawsuit against a school that refused admission to an African-American student challenges racial segregation in education, which was the core issue in Brown v. Board of Education. The case demonstrates the importance of equal access to education regardless of race, and the role of the courts in protecting the constitutional rights of individuals.

Option C is correct

To know more about  supreme court    here


Compare Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan's debate answers to inflation


In comparing Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan's debate answers to inflation, we can see distinct differences in their approaches to tackling this economic issue. Carter, a Democrat, focused on government intervention and regulation, such as implementing wage and price controls.

He aimed to curb inflation by restraining demand and managing the money supply. Reagan, a Republican, emphasized free-market principles and proposed supply-side economic policies to address inflation.

Carter believed in a hands-on approach where the government played a central role in managing the economy. This included efforts to stabilize prices and control wages to prevent excessive inflation. He also supported monetary policies that aimed to regulate the money supply and keep inflation in check.

On the other hand, Reagan's approach centered on reducing government interference in the economy. He advocated for lower taxes and deregulation to spur economic growth, believing that a growing economy would naturally lead to lower inflation rates.

Additionally, Reagan supported tight monetary policies to restrain inflation, such as those implemented by Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.

In summary, Jimmy Carter's approach to combating inflation focused on direct government intervention and regulation, whereas Ronald Reagan emphasized the importance of free-market policies and reducing government interference to promote economic growth and control inflation.

To know more about inflation refer here:



(A) to stress how British forces relied on combat aircraft from the United States

(B) to highlight problems encountered by Hitler as the war developed

(C) to illustrate how World War II spread beyond Europe into Africa

(D) to emphasize America's critical role ending the war in Europe


The section "U.S. Military Might" likely emphasizes America's crucial role in ending the war in Europe and highlights its significant contributions to the Allied victory. Thus the correct option is D.

Depending on the context, the main reason for having the section named "U.S. Military Might" in a particular text or article may change. However, based on the available options, it is likely that the main motivation is (D), which highlights America's crucial contribution to putting an end to the war in Europe.

The key achievements made by the American military in the European theatre, such as their involvement in the liberation of Paris, the Normandy invasion, and the defeat of Germany, may be highlighted in this section. It may also serve as a reminder of how crucial the American military might be to winning the war and giving the Allies triumph.

Learn more about U.S. Military:


The correct question will be: What is the primary purpose or main reason for the inclusion of the section titled "U.S. Military Might" in the text or article that you are referring to?

(A) to stress how British forces relied on combat aircraft from the United States,

(B) to highlight problems encountered by Hitler as the war developed,

(C) to illustrate how World War II spread beyond Europe into Africa, and

(D) to emphasize America's critical role in ending the war in Europe.

How were Texas women divided in their fight for reform



As an independent republic and as a state in the United States, Texas granted women no voting rights. Men and women were partners in hardship and work but not in politics and government. Many people, including many women, thought that the status quo should not be disturbed. Custom and tradition held that government was the prerogative of men and hence outside of women's sphere. In the minds of many Texans, woman suffrage was more than a political issue and deemed a dangerous threat to the social order. In contrast, supporters of woman suffrage pointed out that women were citizens and taxpayers and, as such, should be entitled to a voice in the affairs of government. The formidable task of changing public opinion took decades over multiple generations.

Describe one situation in which you sought guidance from the Lord and He guided you. Describe the circumstances, how you responded and what God did. What were the results?


Seeking divine steerage via prayer or meditation all through uncertainty can offer a route. Being open and acting in religion can deliver readability, reason, and peace.

In times of uncertainty or problem, in search of guidance from the Lord can provide peace and course. There have been countless times in which people have sought divine guidance thru prayer or meditation, and acquired answers or steerage in numerous methods, along with scripture, impressions, or the counsel of others.

In such conditions, it's vital to be open and receptive to the steering acquired and to behave on it in religion. The consequences can range however regularly deliver a sense of readability, purpose, and peace.

Learn more about meditation:


What is this reading mostly about? how the georgia state flag should be flown properly how the georgia state flag was designed and created why the georgia state flag was changed in 1956 why the georgia state flag was changed in 2001


The reading is for the most part about why the Georgia state flag was changed in 2001. Thusly, choice (C) is exact.

It gives data on the reasons and setting behind the choice to alter the state flag of Georgia in 2001. The text probably examines the verifiable, political, and social factors that prompted the change and may likewise cover popular assessments and discussions encompassing the issue.

By zeroing in on the 2001 flag change, the perusing plans to give experiences into the meaning of the adjustment and its suggestions for the state's personality and imagery. It could likewise investigate how the new plan was picked and the effect of the change on Georgia's inhabitants and the more extensive local area.

Thus, choice (C) is right.

Learn more about Georgia, from:


Your question is incomplete, probably the complete question is-

What is this reading mostly about?

(a) how the georgia state flag should be flown properly

(b) how the georgia state flag was designed and created

(c) why the georgia state flag was changed in 1956

(d) why the georgia state flag was changed in 2001

how long did it take for the Japanese American to travel from their home to their camp


Only hours until they were POWs

Throughout World War II, more than 120,000 individuals of Japanese descent were removed from their residences and transferred to internment camps by force.

How long did it take for the Japanese American to travel from their home to their camp

Depending on the specific location and nature of each camp allocated to them, transport duration varied greatly between different groups.

For instance, those residing along the West Coast had to abandon their homes and companies within mere days after the implementation of an executive order bestowing removal authority upon officials.

Afterward, they were issued temporary assembly centers before being relocated further to more permanent receiving camps located in distant regions throughout the western states of America. The journey from such assembly locations toward enduring imprisonment facilities could span multiple days if not entire weeks.

Read mnore on Japanese Americanhere


Admiral George Dewey once said, "the office of the President is not such a very difficult one to fill, his duties being mainly to execute the laws of Congress. " Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain why


It is not possible to completely agree with the statement "the office of the President is not such a very difficult one to fill, his duties being mainly to execute the laws of Congress." said by Admiral George Dewey.

While it is true that one of the President's main duties is to execute the laws of Congress, the role of the President extends beyond that. The President also has the responsibility of:
1. Acting as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
2. Nominating and appointing key government officials, including judges and ambassadors.
3. Negotiating treaties with other countries, subject to Senate approval.
4. Making executive orders, which have the force of law.
5. Granting pardons and reprieves for federal offenses.
6. Delivering the annual State of the Union address to Congress.
7. Ensuring national security and handling international diplomacy.Therefore, while executing the laws of Congress is a crucial aspect of the President's duties, it is only one of many responsibilities that come with the office. The President's role is complex and requires the ability to navigate various aspects of government and diplomacy. Thus, it is important to consider these additional responsibilities when evaluating the difficulty of the role.

know more about duties of president here:


2. Which idea about Prometheus from Passage 1 does the illustration emphasize?

A. He is able to persuade Zeus.


B. He takes fire without permission.


C. He is proud of creating humanity.

D. He suffers for his loyalty to humans.


The illustration in Passage 1 emphasizes the idea of Prometheus as a rebel and a revolutionary figure. The image shows Prometheus standing tall with his fist raised in the air, defying the authority of the gods.

This reflects the passage's description of Prometheus as a "champion of mankind" who defies the "tyranny" of the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humans. The image also portrays Prometheus as a heroic figure, willing to risk his own safety for the betterment of humanity.

Overall, the illustration reinforces the idea that Prometheus is a symbol of rebellion and resistance against unjust authority.

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Determine whether the given triangle has no solution, one solution or two solutions. Then solve the triangle.questions 1) mquestion 2)mquestion 3)m What is the volume of a right rectangular prism with a length of 4. 8 meters, a width of 2. 3 meters, and a heightof 0. 9 meters?O4. 968 m3O9. 936 m3O 11. 94 m3O 34. 86 m3PLS ANSWER FAST I WILL GIVE BRAINIEST!!!!! A car travels at a constant speed of 40 miles per hour. How far does the car travel in 45 minutes? The quantity of a product manufactured by a company is given by Q = aK^{0.6}L^{0.4}where a is a positive constant, Kis the quantity of capital and Listhe quantity of labor used. Capital costs are $44 per unit, labor costs are $11 per unit, and the company wants costs for capital and labor combined to be no higher than $330. Suppose you are asked to consult for the company, and learn that 6 units each of capital and labor are being used, (a) What do you advise? Should the company use more or less labor? More or less capital? If so, by how much? Cual fue el nudo de Juan salvador gaviota? Accommerceclassroommasteryconnect5 hackssocrative iil readtheory | boardc infinite campusmeltaleilliure435 168 19 110lithium berylum boron carbon nitrogen oxygen flourine neonli be b c f ne7 911 12 1416 19 20which of these elements would have the largest atomic radius? You decide to work fewer hours per week, which results in an 8% decrease in your pay. what percentage increase in pay would you have to receive in order to gain your original salary again? Will mark as brainliest!!!Should por or para be used?Sabes__qu calle pasa el autobs?___el lunes tengo que terminar la tarea __la clase de qumica. Summer in new york city written by Marcus pullman summary for chapters 1,2 and 3 for 5 grade Under Regulation 187, what must producers provide to a consumer if they are authorized to offer products that provide for both a fee-based and commission-based structure?A) Nothing- Such products can no longer be sold in New YorkB) A disclosure notice that the product's compensation structure could bias the producer's recommendation C) A comparison form that shows the difference between the products D) The form from the producer's insurer that authorizes such permission Segment cd is the mid segment of trapezoid wxyz what is the value of xy? Danielle's basic cell phone rate each month is $29.95. add to that $5.95 for voice mail and $2.95 for text messaging. this past month danielle spent an additional c dollars on long distance. her total bill was $62.35how much did danielle spend on long distance? Use the estimated angle to find the distance of the life-raft from the lighthouse. Mongolian women had an impact on military and political decisions.TrueFalse Ent willIn Chapter II, Douglass expresses his belief that education will set him free. What does he mean by this? Is this essentially an optimistic view? If he couldvisit us today, do you think he would still hold this view?|helpp ?? plss ?? if u dont know it pls dont answer it. And no links pleeassee The acts in a talent competition consist of 10 instrumentalists, 12 singers, and 8 dancers. If the acts are ordered randomly, what is the probability that a dancer performs first? 2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences written by exam candidates. In some cases more than one answer is possible. 1 He started walking back to the shop where he left his bike the day before. People saw that Anita cried, but nobody could help her. The street party was something that we organised for weeks before the holidays. 4 I used to be a member of a swimming club for about ten years. 5 We were very surprised as we knew that the house was empty for nearly thirty years. 6 I listened, and it was clear that someone walked across the floor. 7 When you look back, people didn't used to worry about what they ate. 8 I wanted to go to Egypt because I used to decide that I wanted to be an archaeologist. 2 3 The formula for the volume of a prism is V = area of base x height. What is the volume and surface area of each of these prisms? Show your thinking I need helpp5x+3=2x-15 Need help please show work