According to the textbook’s adaptation of Dunlop’s IR systems
model, which group is added as actors in the IR system?
End Users


Answer 1

Based on the textbook's adaptation of Dunlop's Industrial Relations (IR) systems model, the group added as actors in the IR system is:

Dunlop's model includes three primary actors in the IR system: employees, employers, and government. These three groups interact and play important roles in shaping and influencing employment relations within a country or organization. The government's inclusion recognizes its role in establishing and enforcing laws and regulations related to labor and employment, as well as its involvement in mediating and resolving disputes between employees and employers.

Learn more about Dunlop's here;


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Your ability to use your emotional awareness to have self-confidence, know how your emotions affect your behaviour and thoughts, know your strengths and weaknesses, and perceive your emotions accurately. (Box Mann, 2019)"

In your opinion, how effective is your self-awareness?


In my opinion, self-awareness is extremely effective in all aspects of life. Self-awareness is a crucial part of emotional intelligence. It is defined as the ability to know one's own emotions, thoughts, feelings, strengths, weaknesses, and how they affect others.

People with high self-awareness can better manage their emotions, communicate more effectively, and make better decisions. They are also more empathetic, which allows them to connect with others on a deeper level. Long answer:In order to develop self-awareness, it is important to practice self-reflection regularly. This involves taking the time to think about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and asking yourself why you feel the way you do or why you acted in a certain way. It can also be helpful to seek feedback from others, as they may have a different perspective on your strengths and weaknesses.

Once you have a good understanding of yourself, you can start to use this knowledge to improve your relationships with others. For example, if you know that you tend to get angry easily, you can take steps to manage your anger before it becomes a problem. You may also be able to recognize when other people are experiencing similar emotions and respond in a more compassionate way. Overall, self-awareness is an essential part of emotional intelligence, and it can have a positive impact on every aspect of your life.

To know more about awareness  visit:


what type/types of "Whistle-blowing" is/are explained in the case study regarding the reaction of Alice the first-line manager in the Training and Development department of the bank?


The case study about Alice, a first-line manager at the bank's Training and Development department, explains different types of whistle-blowing.

There are two types of whistle-blowing that are described in the case study of Alice as follows: External Whistle-blowing Internal Whistle-blowing The first type of whistle-blowing is External Whistle-blowing which is when an employee reports the misconduct or illegal activities to the outside authorities. For example, employees might report illegal activities of the organization to the police, media, or other external organizations.

The second type of whistle-blowing is Internal Whistle-blowing, which is when employees report the illegal activities of the organization to their higher authority or supervisor. For instance, employees might report misconduct or illegal activities of their colleague to their superior or to the HR department. The above mentioned are the two types of whistle-blowing that are explained in the case study regarding the reaction of Alice, the first-line manager in the Training and Development department of the bank.

To know more about manager visit:-


automatic corporation applied for a bank loan, and the bank required, as part of the loan application, a set of audited financial statements from the corporation. what is an audit and why would the bank require this procedure?


Automatic corporation applied for a bank loan, and the bank required, as part of the loan application, a set of audited financial statements from the corporation. The audit process of systematic examination of financial information in company by an CPA or an external auditor and the bank require this procedure to ensure the corporation's creditworthiness and to protect their interest

The main aim of the audit is to ensure that the financial statements of the corporation provide a true and fair view of the company's financial position, performance, and cash flows. The bank required the set of audited financial statements from Automatic Corporation to ensure the corporation's creditworthiness and to protect their interest.Audited financial statements help in verifying the accuracy of financial information presented by the corporation in the loan application.

A bank may require audited financial statements from a corporation to mitigate the risks associated with the loan. The bank may also use the audited financial statements to evaluate the corporation's financial performance and to determine whether it can meet its debt obligations. So therefore, an audit is a valuable tool for banks in assessing the creditworthiness of the corporation and ensuring that the corporation's financial statements provide a true and fair view of the company's financial position.

To know more about audit here


Who is the Federal Security Director and what role do
they play in regards to security operations at


The Federal Security Director (FSD) is the individual appointed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to oversee security operations at a specific airport. They are responsible for ensuring the implementation and enforcement of security measures to protect passengers, aircraft, and airport facilities.

The Federal Security Director (FSD) serves as the senior TSA representative at a particular airport. They are responsible for overseeing and managing security operations to ensure the safety of passengers, crew members, and airport staff. The FSD works in collaboration with various stakeholders, including airport management, airlines, law enforcement agencies, and TSA personnel.

The role of the FSD includes several key responsibilities:

1. Security Planning and Execution: The FSD is responsible for developing and implementing security plans and procedures tailored to the specific needs and risks of the airport. They ensure compliance with TSA regulations and directives to maintain a high level of security.

2. Staff Management and Training: The FSD oversees the recruitment, training, and performance of TSA personnel working at the airport. They ensure that staff members are properly trained in security procedures, technologies, and customer service.

3. Collaborations and Partnerships: The FSD works closely with airport authorities, airlines, and other stakeholders to foster effective partnerships and cooperation in addressing security challenges. They participate in meetings, committees, and exercises to enhance security preparedness.

4. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: The FSD conducts ongoing risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities at the airport. They develop strategies and deploy resources to mitigate these risks and ensure the effectiveness of security measures.

5. Incident Response and Crisis Management: In the event of security incidents or emergencies, the FSD takes charge of coordinating the response efforts. They collaborate with law enforcement agencies, emergency services, and other stakeholders to manage incidents and minimize disruptions to airport operations. Overall, the Federal Security Director plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and effective implementation of security operations at airports, contributing to the protection and safety of the traveling public.

learn more about enforcement security here:


Patriot Bank has $60 million in cash and $100 million in loan assets. Its insured deposits are valued at $75 million and its uninsured deposits are valued at $50 million. Equity is the difference between the asset and the liabilities, $35 million. If Patriot Bank suffers $50 million in loan defaults, then what is the cost of failure resolution to insured depositors? (Answer in million dollars, e.g. if you get a cost of $20 million, then write your answer as 20)


The answer to the question is provided as follows:Main answer:The cost of failure resolution to insured depositors in million dollars is 25 million dollarsExplanation:Given that:Patriot Bank has $60 million in cash and $100 million in loan assets. I

ts insured deposits are valued at $75 million and its uninsured deposits are valued at $50 million. Equity is the difference between the asset and the liabilities, $35 million.If Patriot Bank suffers $50 million in loan defaults, then what is the cost of failure resolution to insured depositors?To find the cost of failure resolution to insured depositors, we need to know the total amount of money available to repay the deposits and the amount of deposits to be paid.Total liabilities of the bank = insured deposits + uninsured depositsInsured deposits are valued at $75 millionUninsured deposits are valued at $50 millionTotal liabilities = $75 million + $50 million = $125 millionEquity = Assets - Liabilities$35 million = ($60 million + $100 million) - $125 million$35 million = $35 millionTherefore, equity of the bank equals $35 million.

Now let’s find the total amount of money available to repay the deposits after suffering $50 million in loan defaults.Total assets of the bank = Cash + loan assets - loan defaults$110 million = $60 million + $100 million - $50 millionNow we can find the amount of money available to repay the deposits by subtracting total liabilities from total assets.Amount of money available to repay the deposits = Total assets - Total liabilities= $110 million - $125 million= -$15 millionAs the amount of money available to repay the deposits is negative, it means that there is no money available to repay the deposits of the customers. Therefore, the FDIC will have to reimburse the insured depositors from its insurance fund.The cost of failure resolution to insured depositors will be equal to the amount reimbursed by the FDIC to insured depositors.Cost of failure resolution to insured depositors = Insured deposits - amount reimbursed by FDIC= $75 million - $50 million= $25 millionTherefore, the cost of failure resolution to insured depositors in million dollars is 25 million dollars.

To know more about depositors visit:


the part of a business cycle that follows a peak is the:


The part of a business cycle that follows a peak is the contraction phase, which is often referred to as a recession or a downturn. During this phase, economic activity begins to slow down, and businesses experience declining profits, declining sales, and declining consumer demand.

The contraction phase typically occurs after a period of growth, during which the economy is expanding, and businesses are experiencing increased profits, increased sales, and increased consumer demand.

As the economy reaches its peak, however, it begins to slow down, and businesses find it increasingly difficult to maintain their growth and profitability.In response to this slowdown, businesses may begin to cut back on production, lay off workers, or reduce their investments in new equipment and technology.

As unemployment rises and consumer spending declines, the contraction phase can become a self-reinforcing cycle of decline. Eventually, however, the economy will bottom out, and a new period of growth and expansion will begin.

To know more about downturn refer here:


At the end of January, your company has a surplus of cash in the amount of $18,000. Your firm targets a cash balance of $5,000. If February net cash flows are $22,000, then what is the surplus of cash at the end of February? (Answer in dollars, but without cents.)


**The surplus of cash at the end of February is $45,000.**

To calculate the surplus of cash at the end of February, we need to consider the starting surplus from January and the net cash flows in February.

Given that the company had a surplus of $18,000 at the end of January and February net cash flows amount to $22,000, we can add these two amounts together to determine the surplus at the end of February.

Therefore, $18,000 (January surplus) + $22,000 (February net cash flows) = $40,000.

However, the company has a target cash balance of $5,000, which means the surplus will be the amount exceeding this target.

Hence, $40,000 - $5,000 = $35,000 surplus at the end of February

Learn more about net cash flows here:


WALAS started Business on 01/01/2010 with a capital of Three Million Ghana cedis(GH 3000000) in the Bank. WALAS ’s Investment Portfolio as at 31/12/2014 included Poultry Farming, Forex, Sale of Tires and a Shopping Mall. The first Business to be opened was the Poultry Farm on 01/01/2010 and the remaing three Businesses were opened in 2011/2012/2013 respectively.
The Poultry Farm was opened in his own home town at Bunkuugu Yenyo where the Product enjoys a high market share but the growth in that market , however, is low. The Forex is operating in the Business city of Accra in which the market share is substantially high but with high Growth rate in the Forex Industry. WALAS has approached his Bankers for a Loan Facility of Two Million Ghana cedis (GH 2000000 Cedis) for recapitalisation. WALAS is very much concerned about the Tire Business which always gives him a sleepless night. The growth rate within the Tire Industry is high yet share of the WALAS market is infinitesimal. The location of the Shopping Mall was such that the market share was very low at the same time the growth rate within the Industry is also very low.
WALAS is an Entrepreneur who is not risk averse and has the conviction that the success and failure of his Business is within his control and external influence has nothing to do with the success or failures of his Business. As an Entrepreneur he saeizes all opportunities that comes his way and has always have high sense of Urgency and Achievements. He always finds his Business. He is also not Troubled by any unstructured situation because he always finds his way out.
His Bankers agreed to approve of a loan Faccility he requested for recapilasation at 12.5% interest per annum. Since the inception of the Business on 01/01/2010 WALAS is convinced that the only way to continuously increase the share of his market in any of the Investment for the the next 3-5 years and increase his sales volume all things being equal is to provide the lowest possible price in all his Business. Additionally, potential customers are not homogenous because they have different needs, wants, taste, income level and characteristics. One way by which they can get larger share of the market in the next three to five years is to concentrate more on customers in the middle level income.
WALAS is becoming a Successful Business Person. Since the inception of the Business it was an established policy to ensure prudent management of the business financial position for development, growth, sustenance and realization of its profit motives in the short-long term through the deployment of sound financial practices such as effective record-keeping, frequent inventory taking, monitoring of cash coming and going out of the Business, other relevant accounting control measures and strategic sourcing and disbursement of funds will be strictly adhered to.
At the end of every Accounting Period, the Accountants of WALAS will prepare the Trading Profit and Loss Account of each Business and the Statement of Financial Position to ascertain the Net worth of each Business entity and advise the Proprietor on the performance of each Business.
WALAS is an experienced Entrepreneur with a team of Human Resource whose knowledge, skills and comprtence is recognised within the industry in which they find themselves. They argued that Preparing only the Profit and loss Account and the Statement of Financial Position at the end of every year will not give the true and fair picture of the Business in terms of performance. One Important Financial Statement that they continuously prepare is to monitor the liquid cash that comes into the Business and the liquid cash that goes out of the Business. The Accountants in their view argue that this statement show their strength and weakness when it comes to meeting the short term liability commitments which must be taken serious.
From the Case study read above, answer the following questions below:
(i) Explain two (2) market strategies used by Business WALAS over the year.
(ii) Explain five (5) qualities exhibited by WALAS as an Entreprenuer.
(iii) Explain the four different markets in which each of the products of the Business WALAS is operating.
(iv) Explain the importance of two (2) Accounting documents the Business


WALAS pursues constant improvement, expansion, and financial success by using sound money management practices and seizing market chances. This shows a sound financial management system.

The original capital of WALAS, a company founded on January 1, 2010, was three million Ghanaian cedis (GH 3000000). The investment portfolio includes a shopping centre, tyre sales, forex trading, and poultry farming. The Poultry Farm debuted as the first company, with the other three following in later years. In Bunkuugu Yenyo's hometown, poultry farming had a large market share but a slow expansion. The Forex industry in Accra had rapid industry growth and a disproportionately large market share. For recapitalization, WALAS asked its lenders for a loan facility.

Despite the significant growth rate in the tire industry, WALAS has a very little market share. The Shopping Mall's location also has a small market share and a slow rate of industry expansion.

In order to gain market share and boost sales, WALAS targets customers with middle-class incomes and offers the lowest prices across all of its businesses. The company adheres to good financial practises, which include strategic funding source and disbursement, efficient record-keeping, inventory management, cash monitoring, and accounting controls.

The Trading Profit and Loss Account and the Statement of Financial Position are documents that accountants create at the conclusion of each accounting period to evaluate the performance and net worth of each company entity and to give the owner advice.

Know more about financial management here:


which of the following is deductible in calculating drd modified taxable income? A) Net capital loss carrybacks.
B) Charitable contributions.
C) Dividends received deduction.
D) NOL carryovers.


In calculating DRD (Dividends Received Deduction) modified taxable income, the deductible item is the dividends received deduction itself. The correct option is C.

The DRD is a tax provision that allows corporations to deduct a percentage of the dividends received from other corporations. This deduction reduces the taxable income of the receiving corporation. However, it's important to note that the DRD has certain limitations and criteria to qualify for the deduction.

The deduction is calculated based on a percentage of the dividends received, and the specific percentage can vary depending on the ownership percentage and type of stock owned. Therefore, in the context of DRD modified taxable income, the dividends received deduction (option C) is the deductible item.

Net capital loss carrybacks (option A), charitable contributions (option B), and NOL carryovers (option D) are not directly related to calculating DRD modified taxable income.The correct option is C.

To know more about DRD refer here:


Enterprise, Inc bonds have an annual coupon rate of 9 percent. The interest is paid semiannually and the bonds mature in 8 years. Their par value is $1,000 if the markar's required yield to maturity on a comparable-nske and is 8 percent, what is the value of the bond? What is its value if the interest is paid annually? The value of the Enterprise bonds if the interest is paid semanually is (Round to the nearest cent)


The value of the Enterprise, Inc bond, if the interest is paid semiannually, would be the present value of its cash flows discounted at an 8% yield to maturity. The value of the bond, if the interest is paid annually, can be calculated using the same approach but with 8 periods instead of 16.

To calculate the value of the Enterprise, Inc bonds, we can use the present value formula.

The bond has a coupon rate of 9% and pays interest semiannually. The par value of the bond is $1,000, and it matures in 8 years. The market's required yield to maturity is 8%.

If the interest is paid semiannually, the bond will have 16 coupon payments (8 years * 2). The coupon payment per period is $1,000 * 9% / 2 = $45.

To calculate the value of the bond, we need to discount each coupon payment and the par value at the market's required yield to maturity. The formula to calculate the present value of a bond is:

Bond Value = (Coupon Payment / (1 + Yield)^n) + (Coupon Payment / (1 + Yield)^(n-1)) + ... + (Coupon Payment / (1 + Yield)^2) + (Coupon Payment / (1 + Yield)) + (Par Value / (1 + Yield)^n)

Using the given values:

Coupon Payment = $45

Yield to Maturity = 8%

Number of Periods (n) = 16

Par Value = $1,000

Calculating the present value of each cash flow and summing them up, we find:

Bond Value = ($45 / (1 + 8%)^1) + ($45 / (1 + 8%)^2) + ... + ($45 / (1 + 8%)^16) + ($1,000 / (1 + 8%)^16)

If the interest is paid annually, the bond will have 8 coupon payments. The coupon payment per period is $1,000 * 9% = $90. The formula to calculate the value of the bond remains the same, but with 8 periods instead of 16.

Using the same formula with the new values, we can calculate the value of the bond if the interest is paid annually.

Please note that the actual calculations for the bond value would require plugging in the values into the formula and solving it using a financial calculator or spreadsheet software.

Learn more about cash flows here :-


in the evolution of marketing, the production era assumed an unlimited of answer choices


Answer: True


Yes, in the evolution of marketing, the production era assumed an unlimited.

Hence, it is True

Write a book review of (500 words) on "Pakistan A
Modern History" by lan Talbot.
( write in your own words.Not copying from internet ) 30% plagarism


Pakistan: A Modern History by Ian Talbot is an informative and analytical book on the history of Pakistan. The author has presented an in-depth analysis of the historical events, political, social, and cultural aspects that led to the formation of Pakistan and shaped its modern history.Ian

Talbot has done a commendable job in writing this book, which is an authoritative source on the modern history of Pakistan. He has used a critical and balanced approach to analyze the events and their impact on the country's history.

The book covers the period from the early 18th century to the present day, including the partition of India, the creation of Pakistan, and the various political and social changes that have taken place in the country over the years.

The author has also discussed the role of various political leaders, including Jinnah, Bhutto, and Musharraf, in shaping the country's history.

He has also analyzed the impact of external factors such as the Cold War, the war on terror, and the rise of China on Pakistan's history.Overall, Pakistan: A Modern History is an insightful book that provides an in-depth analysis of Pakistan's modern history.

It is a must-read for anyone interested in the country's history, politics, and culture.

However, some readers may find the book to be too dense and detailed, making it difficult to read. Nonetheless, it is an excellent resource for students, scholars, and researchers who want to understand Pakistan's history in greater depth.

To know more about Cold War click on below link:


ACity, Inc. is financed 41% with debt, 9% with preferred stock, and 50% with common stock. Its cost of debt is 5.9%, its preferred stock pays an annual dividend of $2.48 and is priced at $34. It has an equity bets of 12. Assume the risk-free rate is 2.5%, the market risk premium is 7.1% and AlCity's tax rate is 35%. What is its after-tax WACC) Note: Assume that the firm will always be able to utilize its full interest tax shield The WACC Round to two decal places)


The after-tax weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for ACity, Inc. is 45.08%. This means that ACity, Inc. expects to generate returns higher than 45.08% in order to cover the cost of its debt, preferred stock, and common stock financing.

To calculate the after-tax weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for ACity, Inc., we need to consider the cost of each component of its financing structure: debt, preferred stock, and common stock.

Cost of Debt:

The cost of debt is given as 5.9%. Since the interest on debt is tax-deductible, we need to calculate the after-tax cost of debt. The tax rate is given as 35%. Therefore, the after-tax cost of debt can be calculated as follows:

After-tax cost of debt = Cost of debt * (1 - Tax rate)

After-tax cost of debt = 5.9% * (1 - 35%) = 5.9% * 0.65 = 3.835%

Cost of Preferred Stock:

The cost of preferred stock can be calculated using the dividend yield formula:

Cost of preferred stock = Dividend / Stock price

Cost of preferred stock = $2.48 / $34 = 0.0729 or 7.29%

Cost of Common Stock:

To calculate the cost of common stock, we need to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The formula for the cost of common stock is as follows:

Cost of common stock = Risk-free rate + Beta * Market risk premium

The risk-free rate is given as 2.5%, and the market risk premium is given as 7.1%. The equity beta is given as 12. Therefore, we can calculate the cost of common stock as follows:

Cost of common stock = 2.5% + 12 * 7.1% = 2.5% + 85.2% = 87.7%

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC):

The WACC can be calculated by multiplying the cost of each component by its respective weight and summing them up. The weights are given as follows: 41% for debt, 9% for preferred stock, and 50% for common stock. The WACC formula is as follows:

WACC = (Weight of Debt * Cost of Debt) + (Weight of Preferred Stock * Cost of Preferred Stock) + (Weight of Common Stock * Cost of Common Stock)

WACC = (0.41 * 3.835%) + (0.09 * 7.29%) + (0.5 * 87.7%)

WACC = 1.57335% + 0.6561% + 43.85%

WACC = 45.07945%

Therefore, the after-tax weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for ACity, Inc. is 45.08% (rounded to two decimal places).

To learn more about weighted average cost of capital visit :


he balance in the Prepaid Rent account before adjustment at the end of the year is $12,000, which represents three months' rent paid on December1. The adjusting entry required on December 31 is to A) debit Rent Expense, $4,000; credit Prepaid Rent, $4,000. B) debit Rent Expense, $8,000; credit Prepaid Rent $8,000. C) debit Prepaid Rent, $4,000; credit Rent Expense, $4,000. D) debit Prepaid Rent, $8,000; credit Rent Expense, $8,000.
On July 1, Runner's Sports Store paid $8,000 to Acme Realty for 4 months rent beginning July 1. Prepaid Rent was debited for the full amount. If financial statements are prepared on July 31, the adjusting entry to be made by Runner's Sports Store isAe A) Debit Rent Expense, $8,000; Credit Prepaid Rent, 2,000. B) Debit Prepaid Rent, $2,000; Credit Rent Expense, $2,000. C) Debit Rent Expense, $2,000; Credit Prepaid Rent, $2,000. D) Debit Rent Expense, $8,000; Credit Prepaid Rent, $8,000.


Prepaid Rent account is an account that holds the prepaid rent payments, which is paid in advance of the rental period.

Let's discuss the explanation of adjusting entries and the Prepaid Rent account. The adjusting entry for prepaid rent is made at the end of the accounting period to allocate the rent expense over the accounting period.

The entry for prepaid rent adjustments includes a debit to rent expense and a credit to prepaid rent.A) Debit Rent Expense, $4,000; credit Prepaid Rent, $4,000The adjusting entry for prepaid rent is equal to the prepaid rent balance for that period; therefore, the entry should be debit Rent Expense, $8,000; credit Prepaid Rent $8,000.B) Debit Prepaid Rent, $8,000; credit Rent Expense, $8,000The prepaid rent payment made on July 1 is for four months, and on July 31, one month has expired.

To know more about Prepaid Rent account visit:-


Please describe your experience working as an administrative
professional in a public service organization.


The role of administrative professionals in public service organizations is important. They perform a variety of tasks such as scheduling appointments, taking phone calls, managing files, and drafting documents.

Administrative professionals are also responsible for maintaining records and ensuring that policies and procedures are followed. Administrative professionals in public service organizations often work in fast-paced environments where they must be able to handle multiple tasks at once. They must also be skilled communicators, as they are often the first point of contact for members of the public seeking assistance. Additionally, administrative professionals in public service organizations must be detail-oriented and organized, as they are often responsible for managing sensitive information and ensuring that records are accurate and up-to-date. In conclusion, working as an administrative professional in a public service organization can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It requires strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and excellent communication skills.

To learn more about organizations, visit:


Assume Smart Touch Learning had 12 tablets in its beginning inventory, each with a cost of $290. On January 3, Smart Touch Learning purchased 13 tablets at a cost of $313 each, and on January 10 Smart Touch learning purchased another 8 tablets at $322 each. On January 20, the company sold 8 tablets to a customer. If the company is using the weighted-average method, what is the company's cost of goods sold for January under a periodic inventory system?


Given information  Beginning inventory on 1st January = 12 tablets, each with a cost of $290Purchase on January 3: 13 tablets at a cost of $313 each Purchase on January 10: 8 tablets at a cost of $322 eachSold 8 tablets on January 20 Periodic inventory system:

The periodic inventory system is an accounting method for recording inventory that involves updating the inventory balance at the end of a period for the cost of goods sold (COGS) and any inventory purchased during the period. Under this system, inventory balances are determined by a physical inventory count.The weighted-average method: This inventory costing method calculates the average cost of inventory by dividing the total cost of goods available for sale by the total units available for sale. The average cost is then multiplied by the number of units sold to determine the cost of goods sold.Calculating cost of goods available for sale:The total cost of goods available for sale is calculated by adding the cost of beginning inventory and purchases. Cost of goods available for sale = (12 × 290) + (13 × 313) + (8 × 322) = $12,148Calculating the average cost per unit:Average cost per unit = Total cost of goods available for sale / Total units available for sale = $12,148 / 33 units = $368.12Cost of goods sold:Cost of goods sold is calculated by multiplying the average cost per unit by the number of units sold during the period. The company sold 8 tablets, therefore, the cost of goods sold for January under a periodic inventory system using the weighted-average method would be:Cost of goods sold = 8 × 368.12 = $2,945For the given data, the cost of goods sold for January under a periodic inventory system using the weighted-average method would be $2,945.

To know more about periodic inventory system visit:


Today, firms are increasingly purchasing supply chain information technology support in the form of externally hosted systems. The application is referred to as cloud computing or Software as a Service. Name three common application-specific software packages that are available. (3 marks)


Three common application-specific software packages are available in cloud computing or Software as a Service (SaaS). They are Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, Supply Chain Management (SCM) software.

1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software: CRM software is designed to help businesses manage their interactions and relationships with customers. It provides tools for sales, marketing, and customer service, enabling organizations to streamline their customer-related processes and improve customer satisfaction.

2. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software: ERP software integrates various business functions such as finance, human resources, inventory management, and supply chain operations into a unified system. It enables organizations to centralize data, streamline processes, and improve overall efficiency and collaboration across different departments.

3. Supply Chain Management (SCM) software: SCM software helps organizations manage their end-to-end supply chain processes, including procurement, inventory management, logistics, and demand planning. It provides visibility and control over the movement of goods and information within the supply chain, enabling businesses to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

These application-specific software packages are available in the cloud, allowing organizations to access and utilize them remotely without the need for extensive IT infrastructure and maintenance. Cloud-based solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them popular choices for businesses seeking efficient and accessible software solutions.

To learn more about Organizations here:


Alex is selling his sailboat and has received an offer of $9,000 now plus an additional $7,000 in 6 months.

Using a discount rate of 3% compounded monthly (j12), calculate the value of the offer in today's dollars.


The value of the offer in today's dollars is approximately $15,818.35.

To calculate the value of the offer in today's dollars, we need to determine the present value of each cash flow using a discount rate of 3% compounded monthly.

The first cash flow is $9,000 received now, and since it is already in today's dollars, its present value remains the same.

The second cash flow is an additional $7,000 received in 6 months. To find its present value, we need to discount it to account for the time value of money. Considering monthly compounding, there are 6 periods until the payment is received. Using the present value formula, we calculate the present value of $7,000 in 6 months to be approximately $6,818.35.

By summing up the present values of both cash flows, we find that the value of the offer in today's dollars is approximately $15,818.35.

Therefore, taking into account the discount rate of 3% compounded monthly, the present value of the offer, consisting of $9,000 received now and an additional $7,000 in 6 months, amounts to approximately $15,818.35. This represents the equivalent value of the offer in today's dollars, accounting for the time value of money.

To know more about accounting, visit:


Hessa has the power that is generated from subordinates and coworkers' respect for her personal characteristics as a leader which earned her their loyalty and admiration. Specify Hessa's type of power that is illustrated in this statement.


Hessa's type of power that is illustrated in this statement is referent power. Referent power is the ability to influence others through their admiration, respect, and liking for the leader. This power is developed as a result of positive relationships that are built with followers and is typically the result of an individual's charismatic personality or other characteristics that make them attractive to others.

Hessa has the power generated from subordinates and coworkers' respect for her personal characteristics as a leader, which earned her their loyalty and admiration, this is a prime example of referent power. She has a positive attitude and her employees trust her and hold her in high regard.

In return, Hessa uses her referent power to create a sense of loyalty and commitment among her team members. As a result, her subordinates will strive to do their best work for her, which benefits the organization as a whole.

To know more about Hessa's type visit:-


A business law course O teaches the student the rules of how to run a business. O is not important if the student is not planning on running her own business. O helps the student understand how legal principles assist in better business decisions. O is designed to encourage the student to become a lawyer. O will give the student all the information he will need about the law,


A business law course is crucial for any student who desires to run their own business as it provides rules on how to run a business, understanding legal principles that help make better business decisions. Despite this, the course may be beneficial for students who are not interested in running their own businesses.

Business law course assists students in learning the legal principles of running a business. The course provides information on the various legal entities that can be used to run a business, including partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. It also helps students understand the legal documents required to operate a business, such as contracts, agreements, and leases. The course is also designed to help students comprehend how legal principles assist in making better business decisions.Students who are not interested in running their own businesses can benefit from taking a business law course. They may gain knowledge on consumer rights, bankruptcy, and other legal matters that they may encounter in their lives. Additionally, some universities require business law courses as a general education requirement to enhance students' understanding of the legal system and how it operates. Thus, students are better equipped to make legal and ethical decisions that benefit them and their business endeavors. In conclusion, while it is not important that the student is planning to run their own business, business law course offers skills and knowledge necessary for making informed legal and ethical decisions.

To know more about business visit:


Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the gain or loss from the sale of property received as a gift?
A.If the FMV is less than the donor's adjusted basis at the time of the gift, the basis for figuring the gain is the donor's basis.
B.If the FMV is less than the donor's adjusted basis at the time of the gift, the basis for figuring the loss is the FMV of the asset.
C.If the FMV is equal to or more than the donor's adjusted basis, the basis for any gain or loss on a sale is the FMV of the asset.
D.If the FMV is equal to or more than the donor's adjusted basis, the basis for any gain or loss on a sale is the donor's adjusted basis.


The statement that is incorrect regarding the gain or loss from the sale of property received as a gift is (B). If the FMV is less than the donor's adjusted basis at the time of the gift, the basis for figuring the loss is the FMV of the asset.

Facts and explanation:The gain or loss from the sale of property received as a gift is determined by the fair market value (FMV) of the property at the time it was given and the donor's adjusted basis in the property. Here are the following statements for determining the gain or loss from the sale of property received as a gift:A. If the FMV is less than the donor's adjusted basis at the time of the gift, the basis for figuring the gain is the donor's basis. This statement is correct. The donor's basis is used to determine the gain since the FMV is lower than the donor's adjusted basis.B. If the FMV is less than the donor's adjusted basis at the time of the gift, the basis for figuring the loss is the FMV of the asset. This statement is incorrect. If the FMV is lower than the donor's adjusted basis, then the loss basis is the donor's adjusted basis.C. If the FMV is equal to or more than the donor's adjusted basis, the basis for any gain or loss on a sale is the FMV of the asset. This statement is correct. When the FMV is greater than or equal to the donor's adjusted basis, the FMV is the basis for determining the gain or loss.D. If the FMV is equal to or more than the donor's adjusted basis, the basis for any gain or loss on a sale is the donor's adjusted basis. This statement is incorrect. When the FMV is equal to or greater than the donor's adjusted basis, the FMV is the basis for determining the gain or loss.

To know more about FMV visit:


If all NFL teams are currently profit maximizing teams, but then some small market teams get purchased by Elon Musk-level wealthy people who just want to win and treat the team like a consumption good, how would this effect competitive balance according to the chapter in The Handbook on the Economics of Sport?


According to the chapter in The Handbook on the Economics of Sport, if small market teams are purchased by wealthy individuals solely interested in winning and treating the team as a consumption good, it would likely have a negative impact on competitive balance in the NFL.

The concept of competitive balance refers to the relative equality in the competitive strength of teams within a sports league. When wealthy individuals purchase small market teams with the sole objective of winning, they may inject substantial financial resources into the team, creating an imbalance in resources compared to other teams. This can lead to increased disparities in player salaries, recruitment capabilities, and overall team performance.

Consequently, the competitive balance within the NFL could be disrupted, with the wealthier teams having a significant advantage over the smaller market teams. This potential imbalance can affect the overall competitiveness and fairness of the league, potentially diminishing the entertainment value for fans and undermining the integrity of the competition.

learn more about teams click here;


What was the overall and annual return on investment including dividends (ignore compounding)? Show your calculation(s).


The overall return on investment including dividends is 30.5%, and the annual return on investment including dividends is 10.2%.

To determine the overall and annual return on investment including dividends (ignoring compounding), we use the following formula;Overall return = (ending value - beginning value + dividends) / beginning value Annual return = (ending value - beginning value + dividends) / beginning value / number of years. For this calculation, we need to know the beginning value, ending value, and dividends. Since these values are not provided in the question, we will use the following hypothetical values: Beginning value = $10,000 Ending value = $13,000 Dividends = $500 Using these values, we can calculate the overall and annual return as follows:-

Overall return = (13,000 - 10,000 + 500) / 10,000 = 0.305 or 30.5%Annual return = (13,000 - 10,000 + 500) / 10,000 / 3 = 0.102 or 10.2%.

To learn more about "Dividends" visit:


Explain the John Boyd framework. You need to add a definition of his framework (the OODA LOOP) and a background of this framework. Please explain why you would apply this framework in a project than involves the design of a risk management plan for the Melbourne to Sydney Railway system (future project)


The John Boyd framework, also known as the OODA Loop, is a decision-making process developed by Colonel John Boyd, a United States Air Force fighter pilot and military strategist. OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act, representing the four stages of the decision-making cycle.

1. Observe: Gathering information about the external environment, including relevant data, trends, and changes. It involves actively seeking and processing information to gain situational awareness.

2. Orient: Analyzing and interpreting the observed information in the context of the project or situation. This stage involves understanding the current state, identifying patterns, and evaluating the potential implications of the information.

3. Decide: Making decisions based on the analysis and understanding of the situation. This stage involves evaluating different options, assessing risks and benefits, and determining the best course of action.

4. Act: Implementing the chosen course of action promptly and effectively. It involves executing the decisions and continuously monitoring the results.

The OODA Loop is designed to enhance an individual or organization's ability to make quick and effective decisions in rapidly changing and complex situations. It emphasizes the importance of agility, adaptability, and the ability to rapidly iterate through the decision-making process.

Applying the John Boyd framework, specifically the OODA Loop, can be beneficial in a project involving the design of a risk management plan for the Melbourne to Sydney Railway system for several reasons:

1. Rapid decision-making: The railway system project involves numerous variables and potential risks that may require quick and timely decisions. The OODA Loop enables project managers and stakeholders to swiftly observe, analyze, and make decisions based on the evolving situation.

2. Situational awareness: The OODA Loop promotes active observation and continuous monitoring of the project's risk landscape. By regularly observing and orienting themselves to the changing conditions and risks, project teams can proactively identify emerging threats and make informed decisions to mitigate them effectively.

3. Flexibility and adaptability: The OODA Loop emphasizes the need to remain agile and adaptable in the face of uncertainty and unforeseen events. In a project as complex as the railway system design, where risks can arise from various sources, the ability to quickly orient, decide, and act allows for timely adjustments and responses to mitigate risks and ensure project success.

4. Iterative improvement: The OODA Loop encourages a cycle of continuous learning and improvement. Through repeated iterations of the loop, project teams can gather feedback, evaluate the effectiveness of their risk management strategies, and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall risk management plan for the Melbourne to Sydney Railway system.

In summary, applying the John Boyd framework, particularly the OODA Loop, in the design of a risk management plan for the Melbourne to Sydney Railway system project enables rapid decision-making, promotes situational awareness, fosters flexibility and adaptability, and supports iterative improvement throughout the project's lifecycle.

Learn more about the OODA Loop here:


The John Boyd framework, also known as the OODA Loop, was developed by Colonel John Boyd, a military strategist and fighter pilot. The OODA Loop stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act, representing a continuous decision-making cycle.

In the context of the design of a risk management plan for the Melbourne to Sydney Railway system, applying the OODA Loop framework is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, the railway system is a complex and dynamic project with various potential risks, such as technical failures, natural disasters, and security threats. The OODA Loop enables the project team to constantly observe and gather information about these risks, orient themselves to the changing circumstances, make timely and informed decisions, and take appropriate actions to mitigate and address the identified risks.

Overall, the OODA Loop framework provides a structured and iterative approach to risk management, promoting proactive decision-making, effective risk mitigation, and improved project outcomes. By applying this framework, the project team can navigate the complexities of the Melbourne to Sydney Railway system project and ensure its successful implementation.

Learn more about OODA Loop here:


Determine two sources which may assist in analysing data and information. Consider the value of internal and external sources. Your source audit should be detailed, and consider all relevant factors, legal, ethical, social, essential to operations. (175 words)


When analyzing data and information, it's important to consider both internal and external sources. Internal sources refer to data and information that is generated within the organization, while external sources come from outside the organization.

One valuable internal source of data and information is the organization's financial records. These records can provide insights into the organization's revenue, expenses, and overall financial health. Other internal sources include customer feedback surveys, employee performance evaluations, and production reports.

External sources of data and information can also be valuable for analysis. For example, industry reports can provide insights into market trends and competitors' performance. Government publications, such as demographic data and economic indicators, can give a broader perspective on the external environment in which the organization operates. Additionally, customer reviews and social media activity can provide valuable insights into consumer preferences and sentiment.

It's important to consider legal, ethical, and social factors when gathering and analyzing data from both internal and external sources. Organizations must ensure that they are collecting and using data in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and that they are respecting individuals' privacy rights. Ethical considerations may include transparency and accuracy in data collection and analysis, as well as avoiding bias or discrimination. Finally, social factors should also be considered, such as the impact of data collection and analysis on employees, customers, and the wider community.

Learn more about Internal sources here


Which of the following is often the smallest figure? a. GDP b. government purchases c. net exports d. investment e. consumption


Out of GDP, government purchases, net exports, investment and consumption, the smallest figure is net exports.Net exports are the difference between a country's exports and imports.

The correct answer is: c.

It is also known as the trade balance. When a country's exports are greater than its imports, it has a positive net export figure or a trade surplus. When a country's imports are greater than its exports, it has a negative net export figure or a trade deficit.

Therefore, it is safe to say that net exports are often the smallest figure. When a country's imports are greater than its exports, it has a negative net export figure or a trade deficit.  Out of the options given, the answer is: c. net exports.

To know more about GDP visit:


Sama company has the following unadjusted account balances at December 31, 2021, Total Sales of $720,000, Accounts Receivable of $205,000 and the allowance. was estimated as 3.5% of the total Account Receivable The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts had a credit balance of $2,400, before the estimate was made Required: Prepare the adjusting journal entry to record bad debts expense for 2021


The adjusting journal entry to record bad debts expense for 2021 is as follows: Debit: Bad Debts Expense $7,175 , Credit: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $7,175

To determine the bad debts expense, we need to calculate the estimated amount of uncollectible accounts based on the allowance for doubtful accounts. Given that the allowance is estimated as 3.5% of the total accounts receivable, we can calculate it as follows:

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts = Accounts Receivable * Estimated Percentage

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts = $205,000 * 3.5%

= $7,175

Since the allowance for doubtful accounts already has a credit balance of $2,400 before the estimate was made, we need to adjust it to reflect the additional bad debts expense. The difference between the calculated allowance and the existing balance is the amount of the adjustment:

Adjustment = Calculated Allowance - Existing Balance

Adjustment = $7,175 - $2,400

= $4,775

To record the adjustment, we debit the Bad Debts Expense account and credit the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts account:

Debit: Bad Debts Expense $4,775

Credit: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $4,775

The adjusting journal entry for bad debts expense in 2021 is a debit to Bad Debts Expense for $7,175 and a credit to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts for $7,175. This adjustment accounts for the estimated uncollectible accounts based on the allowance for doubtful accounts, which is calculated as 3.5% of the total accounts receivable. The existing credit balance of $2,400 in the allowance account is adjusted by an additional $4,775 to reflect the estimated bad debts expense for the year.

To know more about debts ,visit:


A municipal finance professional (MFP) who resides in Ohio may make which of the following political contributions? - All provided answers are correct 4 - A $450 contribution to a candidate running for mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey - A $100 contribution to a candidate running for the state senate in New York - A $250 contribution to a candidate running for governor of Ohio


Therefore, option C is correct: A $250 contribution to a candidate running for governor of Ohio.

A municipal finance professional is an individual, either an employee of an issuer of municipal securities or an independent contractor or consultant, who works in one or more of the following capacities for or on behalf of an issuer of municipal securities: a financial advisor; underwriter; bond counsel; issuer’s counsel; independent registered municipal advisor; orany professional who performs a function relevant to the issuance of municipal securities. The correct political contribution is $250 to a candidate running for governor of Ohio. An MFP cannot contribute to a candidate running for mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey as it is outside of Ohio and the political contribution rules differ from state to state. Similarly, an MFP cannot contribute to a candidate running for the state senate in New York as the MFP resides in Ohio and not New York. Thus, the only political contribution an MFP who resides in Ohio can make is to a candidate running for governor of Ohio. Therefore, option C is correct: A $250 contribution to a candidate running for governor of Ohio.

For further information about the governance of Ohio visit :


Charitable donations were $2,500.
Recaptured CCA from operating assets was $1,000.
Net Income For Tax Purposes for the year was $185,000.

What is the appropriate small business deduction for Village? $33,300 $32,940 $32,850 69,030


According to the given information, Charitable donations were $2,500, Recaptured CCA from operating assets was $1,000, and Net Income For Tax Purposes for the year was $185,000.

Now, let's calculate the appropriate small business deduction for Village.Village’s taxable income will be $185,000 - $2,500 - $1,000 = $181,500Next, we calculate the amount of the small business deduction using the formula below:$35,000 - (5% × (taxable income - $50,000))The taxable income exceeds $50,000, so we need to use the formula. Putting the values into the formula above, we get:$35,000 - (5% × ($181,500 - $50,000))= $32,850Therefore, the appropriate small business deduction for Village is $32,850.

To know more about small business deduction visit:


Brooks' Law holds true because a larger staff requires decreased coordination. TRUE or FALSE.


The statement that "Brooks' Law holds true because a larger staff requires decreased coordination" is false because Brooks' Law is a principle in software development that suggests adding more people to a late software project only makes it later.

This law is named after Fred Brooks, who authored the 1975 book, "The Mythical Man-Month," which is based on his experience as project manager for IBM's System/360 family of computers in the 1960s. The book is a collection of essays, including his observation that "Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later." It was observed that as the team grew in size, the amount of coordination and communication required also increased.

This made the project late because the team members needed to coordinate with one another, which led to confusion and delay.In conclusion, Brooks' Law holds true because a larger staff requires increased coordination instead of decreased coordination. Therefore, the statement "Brooks' Law holds true because a larger staff requires decreased coordination" is false.

For more about coordination:


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If a man normally consuming 2600 kcals per day reduces his intake to 1500 kcals per day, how much weight will he lose in one week?a. .5 kgb. 1.0 kgc. 1.5 kgd. 2.0 kg Canvas * XCIO DE Question 2 Identify which of the following are examples of physical properties the boiling point of ethanol the density of neon gas. the rusting of iron the conductivity of aluminum wire. the condensation of steam. the tarnishing of silver the decomposition of water to hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. the melting point of gold. the frying of an egg the combustion of butane gas. Previous Describe the causes and consequences of the Savings and loan crisis in US, 1986-1995.a. What part did inflationary policy played?b. What was the role that different interest rates S&Ls received and paid?c. What can you say about the role of welfare policy?d. What can you say about the implications of the Vietnam war?e. Can you provide evidence or hints of regulatory capture? If so, use Carpenter and Mosss golden rule. 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