
CAN SOMEONE DO THIS FOR ME Project: Preparing for a Local Disaster or EmergencyAssignment Directions:Communities should be prepared for disasters, but so should individuals and families. Research some of the steps you should take to be prepared in case of emergency.What can you do to be prepared for emergencies?What things should you consider packing in an emergency kit?How can having needed supplies, an action plan, and important information prepare you for an emergency?How are these same components important for community agencies and emergency managers?Conduct research about emergency preparedness and response in your community. List the disasters in which your local community is at risk. What procedures does your community have in place for emergency preparedness?Assignment Guidelines:You will submit a 450 word digital response to your teacher on the submission date specified.Your response must:contain 450 words describing:disasters that are risks for your local community;community procedures put in place by emergency managers to prepare for and respond to disasters;ways that you could be prepared for emergencies or disasters both general and specific to your area; andsimilarities between individual/family emergency preparedness and response and that of community agencies or organizations.Be original and avoid plagiarism. Be accurate and have correct spelling and grammar in your response.Use details and information from the lesson as support.Cite your research sources.Submission Requirements:Submit your response as a digital file to your teacher by the submission date specified.Question # 1Long Text (essay)Write 450-words describing disasters that are risks for your local community. Describe the different community procedures put in place by emergency managers to prepare for and respond to disasters, the ways that you could be prepared for emergencies or disasters both general and specific to your area. Finally, discuss the similarities between individual/family emergency preparedness and response and that of community agencies or organizations.
Describe the American judicial systems (civil, criminal, and juvenile), their jurisdiction, development and structure.Analyze the function and dynamics of the courtroom work group.Identify judicial processes from pretrial to appeal.Describe the significant Constitutional Amendments, doctrines, and other sources of law in the American judicial system.Discuss constitutional freedoms and rights of citizens and explain how an ethical criminal justice system and participatory citizenship protects those freedoms and rightsDemonstrate knowledge of the three major areas of Americas criminal justice system (Police, Courts, & Corrections)Analyze a criminal case and understand its relevance to protected freedoms and rights.Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental elements of criminal law. The concept of the courtroom workgroup was introduced in 1977. It was a radical departure from the publics view of justice in the courts. In this project, students will complete a 5-page research paper that analyzes the effects of the courtroom work group on the criminal justice system.The structure of your paper should have a good introduction that presents the topic of the paper and a good thesis statement. The paper will describe and identify the American judicial system and specifically identify the participants and their roles.The paper will discuss the traditional role of the courts in light of the Constitutional amendments and laws that grant power to the courts and the traditional theory of justice through the courts.The paper will define the courtroom workgroup, its participants, and analyze the goals of the group.The paper will compare and contrast the workgroup goals to the traditional goals of justice through the courts and discuss whether justice is truly being served through the machinations of the workgroup.The paper has a strong conclusion, summarizing the paper and giving an opinion regarding the overall theme.