Write a program that computes and display the n! for any n in the range1...100​


Answer 1


const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');

var f = new BigNumber("1");

for (let i=1; i <= 100; i++) {

 f = f.times(i);

 console.log(`${i}! = ${f.toFixed()}`);



Above is a solution in javascript. You will need a bignumber library to display the numbers in full precision.

Related Questions

MULTIPLE CHOICE If you are completing your math homework on a desktop in the computer lab at school, the software is

A Single use
B Locally installed
С On a network
D utility​



Single use i think


Answer: im pretty sure on a network.


Research an organization that is using supercomputing, grid computing or both. Describe these uses and the advantages they offer. Are they a source of competitive advantage? Why or why not? Please be sure to include your reference(s).



Procter and Gamble is an organization that uses supercomputing.


Supercomputing refers to the use of high-performance computers in the development and production of items. Procter and Gamble is a company known for the production of many household items and personal care products. Uses and advantages of supercomputing to this company include;

1. Testing virtual prototypes of substances used in production: This is a faster way of developing products that are sustainable because many prototypes can be examined with the help of computers and the best chosen for production.

2. Developing unique designs of products: Supercomputers allow for the development of high-quality designs which include the internal and external designs of products.

3. Simulation of many molecules: Molecules such as those involved in the production of surfactants can be analyzed to understand how they work with the aid of supercomputers.

4. Computational fluid dynamics: This helps the scientists to understand how fluid works using numerical analysis and the structure of compounds.

The designs and products obtained through supercomputing are a source of competitive advantage because the company can make high-quality and unique products that appeal to customers and meet the latest trends. This would increase their marketability and give them an advantage over companies that do not have access to these computers.

Reference:   The Department of Energy. (2009) High-Performance Computing Case Study. Procter & Gamble's Story of Suds, Soaps, Simulations, and Supercomputers

Write a function to receive any word as input, search the song titles only and return the number of top billboard songs that contain that word. Your function should meet the following requirements: Your function should receive any word or phrase as an input string and return a simple message with the number of songs that contain those words. E.g. [5] songs were found to contain [supplied phrase] in this dataset If the words or phrase supplied were not found in the database, return the message No songs were found to contain the words: [supplied phrase] Remember to deal with whatever letter case you are supplied i.e. all caps or all lowercase, etc. Test your function with the word like and confirm that your result reads [100] songs were found to contain [like] in this dataset



Here is the function:

def NumberOfSongs(word):  # function definition    

   count=0  #count the occurrence of word in song

   for song in lyrics['Lyrics']:  #iterates through song lyrics

       if word in str(song):  #if word is in the song

           count=count+1  #adds 1 to the count

   if count!=0:  #if word occurs in the songs

       return f'{str(count)} songs were found to contain {word} in this dataset'  #display the count of the word in the song

   else:  #if word does not appear in any song

       return f'No songs were found to contain the words:{word}'  #returns this message if no songs were found with given word

print(NumberOfSongs('like')) #calls method with the word like given as parameter to it


You can add the csv file this way:

import pandas as pd

lyrics = pd.read_csv("lyrics.csv", encoding="cp1252")

Now you can use the NumberOfSongs method which iterates through the Lyrics of lyrics.csv and find if any of the songs in the file contains the specified word.

The screenshot of program along with its output is attached. Since the file was not provided i have created a csv file. You can add your own file instead of lyrics.csv



Answer: Did you ever think of a mirror?

Explanation: Not trying to be rude about it.

Is main memory fast or slow?





Who plays Breath of the Wild?





yea not me


Write (define) a function named count_down_from, that takes a single argument and returns no value. You can safely assume that the argument will always be a positive integer. When this function is called, it should print a count from the argument value down to 0.

Examples: count_down_from(5) will print 5,4,3,2,1,0, count_down_from(3) will print 3,2,1,0, count_down_from(1) will print 1,0,



Written in Python

def count_down_from(n):

    for i in range(n,-1,-1):



This line defines the function

def count_down_from(n):

This line iterates from n to 0

    for i in range(n,-1,-1):

This line prints the countdown


For an alternative to the String class, and so that you can change a String's contents, you can use_________ .
a. char.
b. StringHolder.
c. StringBuilder.
d. StringMerger.



c. StringBuilder


An alternative to the String class would be the StringBuilder Class. This class uses Strings as objects and allows you to mix and match different strings as well as adding, removing, implementing,  and modifying strings themselves as though they were similar to an array. Unlike the string class StringBuilder allows you to modify and work with a combination of strings in the same piece of data as opposed to having various objects and copying pieces which would take up more memory.

You want to look up colleges but exclude private schools. Including punctuation, what would you
O nonprofit college
O college -private
O private -college
O nonprofit -college


private-college. hope this helped :)

You want to look up colleges but exclude private schools. Including punctuation, The type is private -college. The correct option is c.

What are institutions of higher studies?

The institutions for higher studies are those institutions that provide education after schooling. They are colleges and universities. Universities, colleges, and professional schools that offer training in subjects like law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art are all considered higher education institutions.

Junior colleges, institutes of technology, and schools for future teachers are also considered to be part of higher education. There are different types of colleges, like government colleges and private colleges. Private colleges are those which are funded by private institutions.

Therefore, the correct option is c. private -college.

To learn more about excluding, refer to the link:



The following equations estimate the calories burned when exercising (source): Men: Calories = ( (Age x 0.2017) — (Weight x 0.09036) + (Heart Rate x 0.6309) — 55.0969 ) x Time / 4.184 Women: Calories = ( (Age x 0.074) — (Weight x 0.05741) + (Heart Rate x 0.4472) — 20.4022 ) x Time / 4.184 Write a program with inputs age (years), weight (pounds), heart rate (beats per minute), and time (minutes), respectively. Output calories burned for men and women. Ex: If the input is 49 155 148 60, the output is:


In python:

age = float(input("How old are you? "))

weight = float(input("How much do you weigh? "))

heart_rate = float(input("What's your heart rate? "))

time = float(input("What's the time? "))

print("The calories burned for men is {}, and the calories burned for women is {}.".format(

   ((age * 0.2017) - (weight * 0.09036) + (heart_rate * 0.6309) - 55.0969) * (time / 4.184),

   ((age * 0.074) - (weight * 0.05741) + (heart_rate * 0.4472) - 20.4022) * (time / 4.184)))

This is the program.

When you enter 49 155 148 60, the output is:

The calories burned for men is 489.77724665391963, and the calories burned for women is 580.939531548757.

Round to whatever you desire.

The programming language is not stated. So, I will answer this question using Python programming language.

The program requires a sequence control structure, because it does not make use of conditions and iterations.

The program in python is as follows, where comments (in italics) are used to explain each line.

#This gets input for age, in years

age = int(input("Age (years): "))

#This gets input for weight, in pounds

weight = int(input("Weight (pounds): "))

#This gets input for heart rate, in beats per minutes

heart_rate = int(input("Heart Rate (beats per minutes): "))

#This gets input for time, in minutes

time = int(input("Time (Minutes) : "))

#This calculates the calories burnt for men

Men = ((age * 0.2017) - (weight * 0.09036) + (heart_rate * 0.6309) - 55.0969) * time / 4.184

#This calculates the calories burnt for women

Women = ((age * 0.074) - (weight * 0.05741) + (heart_rate * 0.4472) - 20.4022 ) * time / 4.184

#This prints the calories burnt for men

print("Men:", Men)

#This prints the calories burnt for women

print("Women:", Women)

At the end of the program, the program outputs the amount of calories burnt for men and women.

See attachment for sample run

Read more about Python programs at:


Write a program that reads a person's first and last names separated by a space, assuming the first and last names are both single words. Then the program outputs last name, comma, first name. End with newline. Example output if the input is: Maya Jones Jones, Maya



Written in Python:

import re

name = input("Name: ")

print(re.sub("[ ]", ", ", name))


This line imports the regular expression library

import re

This line prompts user for input

name = input("Name: ")

This line replace the space with comma and prints the output

print(re.sub("[ ]", ", ", name))

If the post office delivered mail exactly like the routers deliver messages on the Internet, which of the following statements would be true? (Choose all that apply)



The mailman would sometimes take a different path to deliver each letter to your home.



The mailman would sometimes take a different path to deliver each letter to your home.

Letters would be written on the outside of envelopes for all to read instead of letters put inside envelopes.

Routers work in different ways and they take the fastest route no matter what is the direction they have to take, so they travel to several servers trying to find the fastest path to their destination, it changes almost everytime because of the use of servers and the conection speed of the different routes they can connect to, so that would be the option.

Your program is going to compare the distinct salaries of two individuals for the last 5 years. If the salary for the two individual for a particular year is exactly the same, you should print an error and make the user enter both the salaries again for that year. (The condition is that there salaries should not be the exact same).Your program should accept from the user the salaries for each individual one year at a time. When the user is finished entering the salaries, the program should print which individual made the highest total salary over the 5 year period. This is the individual whose salary is the highest.You have to use arrays and loops in this assignment.In the sample output examples, what the user entered is shownin italics.Welcome to the winning card program.
Enter the salary individual 1 got in year 1>10000
Enter the salary individual 2 got in year 1 >50000
Enter the salary individual 1 got in year 2 >30000
Enter the salary individual 2 got in year 2 >50000
Enter the salary individual 1 got in year 3>35000
Enter the salary individual 2 got in year 3 >105000
Enter the salary individual 1 got in year 4>85000
Enter the salary individual 2 got in year 4 >68000
Enter the salary individual 1 got in year 5>75000
Enter the salary individual 2 got in year 5 >100000
Individual 2 has the highest salary


In python:

i = 1

lst1 = ([])

lst2 = ([])

while i <= 5:

   person1 = int(input("Enter the salary individual 1 got in year {}".format(i)))

   person2 = int(input("Enter the salary individual 1 got in year {}".format(i)))



   i += 1

if sum(lst1) > sum(lst2):

   print("Individual 1 has the highest salary")


   print("Individual 2 has the highest salary")

This works correctly if the two individuals do not end up with the same salary overall.

Earned value:

How is it calculated?

What does the measurement tell you?



Earned value is a measure which is used on projects to determine the value of work which has been completed to date, in order to understand how the project is performing on a cost and schedule basis. At the beginning of a project, a project manager or company will determine their budget at completion (BAC) or planned value (PV).


Define a function called sum, for a given an array and an int representing its size, if the size is at least 3, then sum up all elements whose indices are a multiple of 3 and return that value, otherwise, return 0.



Written in C++

int sum(int arr[], int size) {

 int total = 0;      

 if(size>=3)  {

  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

     if(i%3 == 0)      {

     total += arr[i];    




  return total;



This line defines the function

int sum(int arr[], int size) {

This line initializes sum to 0

 int total = 0;      

This line checks if size is at least 3

 if(size>=3)  {

This loop iterates through the array

  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

The following adds multiples of 3

     if(i%3 == 0)      {

     total += arr[i];    




This returns the calculated sum

  return total;


See attachment for full program

Select content, click the Copy button, click the Paste button, and move the insertion point to where the content needs to be inserted.
Click the Copy button, select the content, move the insertion point to where the content needs to be inserted, and click the Paste button.
Select the content, click the Copy button, move the insertion point to where the content needs to be inserted, and click the Paste button.
Select the content, move the insertion point to where the content needs to be inserted, click the Copy button, and click the Paste button.



what :)


Write a function addUpSquaresAndCubes that adds up the squares and adds up the cubes of integers from 1 to N, where N is entered by the user. This function should return two values - the sum of the squares and the sum of the cubes. Use just one loop that generates the integers and accumulates the sum of squares and the sum of cubes. Then, write two separate functions sumOfSquares and sumOfCubes to calculate and return the sums of the squares and sum of the cubes using the explicit formula below.



All functions were written in python

addUpSquaresAndCubes Function

def addUpSquaresAndCubes(N):

    squares = 0

    cubes = 0

    for i in range(1, N+1):

         squares = squares + i**2

         cubes = cubes + i**3

    return(squares, cubes)

sumOfSquares Function

def sumOfSquares(N):

    squares = 0

    for i in range(1, N+1):

         squares = squares + i**2

    return squares

sumOfCubes Function

def sumOfCubes(N):

    cubes = 0

    for i in range(1, N+1):

         cubes = cubes + i**3

    return cubes


Explaining the addUpSquaresAndCubes Function

This line defines the function

def addUpSquaresAndCubes(N):

The next two lines initializes squares and cubes to 0

    squares = 0

    cubes = 0

The following iteration adds up the squares and cubes from 1 to user input

    for i in range(1, N+1):

         squares = squares + i**2

         cubes = cubes + i**3

This line returns the calculated squares and cubes

    return(squares, cubes)

The functions sumOfSquares and sumOfCubes are extract of the addUpSquaresAndCubes.

Hence, the same explanation (above) applies to both functions

Read the scenario below, and then answer the question.
Dan is trying to decide on what his major should be in college, so he chooses to take a personality
What can Dan expect to learn from this test?
A. the weaknesses he can address and the strengths he has

B. the academic areas he
might have natural talent and ability in

C. which methods of solving problems and interacting with others he favors

D. what his favorite hobbies and interests are


the answer is:

c. which methods of solving problems and interacting with others he favors.




I prefer a job where I am praise for good performance or I am accountable for results





Which of the following is often accessed in a browser but is not itself a browser feature or tool?
O history
O bookmarks





Got it right on a test

1. What is a technological system?*
A.a system that takes an input, changes it according to the system's use, and then
produces an output output
B.a system that takes an output, changes it according to the system's use, and then
produces an input
C.a system that starts with a process, then output resources in the input



c.a system that start with a process, them output resources in the input

Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System.

a. True
b. False





Yes, true.

Shortest Remaining Time First, also popularly referred to by the acronym SRTF, is a type of scheduling algorithm, used in operating systems. Other times it's not called by its name nor its acronym, it is called the preemptive version of SJF scheduling algorithm. The SJF scheduling algorithm is another type of scheduling algorithm.

The Shortest Remaining Time First has been touted by many to be faster than the SJF

The answer to the question which asks if the Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System is:


What is Shortest Remaining Time First?

This refers to the type of scheduling algorithm which is used to schedule tasks that would be executed in the processing unit in an Operating System based on the shortest time taken to execute the task.

With this in mind, we can see that this is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System because it makes task execution faster.

Read more about scheduling algorithm here:

You've been hired by Maple Marvels to write a C++ console application that displays information about the number of leaves that fell in September, October, and November. Prompt for and get from the user three integer leaf counts, one for each month. If any value is less than zero, print an error message and do nothing else. The condition to test for negative values may be done with one compound condition. If all values are at least zero, calculate the total leaf drop, the average leaf drop per month, and the months with the highest and lowest drop counts. The conditions to test for high and low values may each be done with two compound conditions. Use formatted output manipulators (setw, left/right) to print the following rows:________.
September leaf drop
October leaf drop
November leaf drop
Total leaf drop
Average leaf drop per month
Month with highest leaf drop
Month with lowest leaf drop
And two columns:
A left-justified label.
A right-justified value.
Define constants for the number of months and column widths. Format all real numbers to three decimal places. The output should look like this for invalid and valid input:
Welcome to Maple Marvels
Enter the leaf drop for September: 40
Enter the leaf drop for October: -100
Enter the leaf drop for November: 24
Error: all leaf counts must be at least zero.
End of Maple Marvels
Welcome to Maple Marvels
Enter the leaf drop for September: 155
Enter the leaf drop for October: 290
Enter the leaf drop for November: 64
September leaf drop: 155
October leaf drop: 290
November leaf drop: 64
Total drop: 509
Average drop: 169.667
Highest drop: October
Lowest drop: November
End of Maple Marvels



#include <iostream>

#iclude <iomanip>

#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int num1, num2, num3,

int sum, maxDrop, minDrop = 0;

float avg;

string end = "\n";

cout << " Enter the leaf drop for September: ";

cin >> num1 >> endl = end;

cout << "Enter the leaf drop for October: ";

cin >> num2 >> endl = end;

cout << "Enter the leaf drop for November: ";

cin >> num3 >> endl = end;

int numbers[3] = {num1, num2, num3} ;

string month[3] = { "September", "October", "November"}

for ( int i =0; i < 3; i++) {

 if (numbers[i] < 0) {

   cout << "Error: all leaf counts must be at least zero\n";

   cout << "End of Maple Marvels\n";

   cout << "Welcome to Maple Marvels";


 } else if (number[i] >= 0 ) {

     sum += number[i] ;



for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){

 cout << month[i] << " leaf drop: " << numbers[i] << endl = end;


cout << "Total drop: " << sum << endl = end;

cout << setprecision(3) << fixed;

cout << "Average drop: " << sum / 3<< endl = end;

maxDrop = max( num1, num2, num3);

minDrop = min(num1, num2, num3);

int n = sizeof(numbers)/sizeof(numbers[0]);

auto itr = find(number, number + n, maxDrop);

cout << "Highest drop: "<< month[ distance(numbers, itr) ] << endl = end;

auto itr1 = find(number, number + n, minDrop);

cout << "Lowest drop: " << month[ distance(numbers, itr1) ] << endl = end;

cout << "End of Maple Marvels";


The C++ soucre code above receives three integer user input and calculates the total number, average, minimum and maximum number of leaf drop per month, if the input isn't less than zero.

Write a program that finds the number of items above the average of all items. The problem is to read 100 numbers, get the average of these numbers, and find the number of the items greater than the average. To be flexible for handling any number of input, we will let the user enter the number of input, rather than fixing it to 100.



Written in Python

num = int(input("Items: "))

myitems = []

total = 0

for i in range(0, num):

     item = int(input("Number: "))


     total = total + item

average = total/num

print("Average: "+str(average))

count = 0

for i in range(0,num):

     if myitems[i] > average:

           count = count+1

print("There are "+str(count)+" items greater than average")


This prompts user for number of items

num = int(input("Items: "))

This creates an empty list

myitems = []

This initializes total to 0

total = 0

The following iteration gets user input for each item and also calculates the total

for i in range(0, num):

     item = int(input("Number: "))


     total = total + item

This calculates the average

average = total/num

This prints the average

print("Average: "+str(average))

This initializes count to 0

count = 0

The following iteration counts items greater than average

for i in range(0,num):

     if myitems[i] > average:

           count = count+1

This prints the count of items greater than average

print("There are "+str(count)+" items greater than average")

PLEASE help me I will really appreciate it​


D)high speed data link
B)T3 line
C) T1 line
I) lan connection
A) network
J) domain name and structure
E) cable

Sukhi needs to insert a container into her form to collect a particular type of information.

Which object should she insert?



text box


on edge 2020


A- text box

Explanation: ;)

True or False: Wikipedia is a reliable source. ​


it's not a reliable source


Answers are given by the users, so reliable information varies. Usually, you can find if it is reliable by checking other websites to see if the information matches up with other reliable websites.


rray testGrades contains NUM_VALS test scores. Write a for loop that sets sumExtra to the total extra credit received. Full credit is 100, so anything over 100 is extra credit. Ex: If testGrades




/* Your solution goes here */


sumExtra = 0;

for (i =0; i<NUM_VALS;i++){


sumExtra = sumExtra - testGrades[i] + 100;




This line initializes sumExtra to 0

sumExtra = 0;

The following is a loop from 0 to 3

for (i =0; i<NUM_VALS;i++){

The following if condition checks if current array element is greater than 100



This line calculates the extra credit

sumExtra = sumExtra - testGrades[i] + 100;



See attachment for complete question

Two of the computers at work suddenly can’t go online or print over the network. The computers may be trying to share the same IP address.

Which strategy is most likely to solve the problem?
rebooting the network server
reconfiguring the network hubs
installing network gateway hardware
logging off one of the computers, and then logging back o



logging off one of the computers, and then logging back on


the last one:

logging off one of the computers, and then logging back on


if something goes wrong on an electronic device you can reboot it and it should eventually work.

have a nice day

WILL GIVE BRAINIEST! Your users are young children learning their arithmetic facts. The program will give them a choice of practicing adding or multiplying. You will use two lists of numbers. numA = [4, 1, 6, 10, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 5, 8]. numB = [2, 12, 10, 11, 1, 3, 7, 9, 4, 8, 5, 6]. If the user chooses adding, you will ask them to add the first number from each list. Tell them if they are right or wrong. If they are wrong, tell them the correct answer. Then ask them to add the second number in each list and so on. If the user chooses multiplying, then do similar steps but with multiplying. Whichever operation the user chooses, they will answer 12 questions. Write your program and test it on a sibling, friend, or fellow student.


In python:

numA = [4, 1, 6, 10, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 5, 8]

numB = [2, 12, 10, 11, 1, 3, 7, 9, 4, 8, 5, 6]

while True:

   i = 0

   userChoice = input("Adding or Multiplying? (a/m) ")

   if userChoice == "a":

       while i < len(numA):

           answer = int(input("What is {} + {} ".format(numA[i],numB[i])))

           if answer == numA[i] + numB[i]:



               print("That's incorrect. The right answer is {}".format(numA[i] + numB[i]))

           i += 1

   elif userChoice == "m":

       while i < len(numA):

           answer = int(input("What is {} * {} ".format(numA[i], numB[i])))

           if answer == numA[i] * numB[i]:



               print("that's incorrect. The right answer is {}".format(numA[i] * numB[i]))

           i += 1

The program will give them a choice of practicing adding or multiplying is true.

What is computer program?

Computer program is defined as a series of instructions written in a programming language that a computer may follow. Computers can obey a set of instructions created through coding.  Programmers can create programs, including websites and apps, by coding.

Python says:

numA = [4, 1, 6, 10, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 5, 8]

numB = [2, 12, 10, 11, 1, 3, 7, 9, 4, 8, 5, 6]

though True:

I = 0

input("Adding or Multiplying? (a/m)") userChoice

when userChoice equals "a"

even when I = len(numA):

What is input("What is + ".format(numA[i],numB[i]))? answer = int

if response == numA[i] + numB[i]:

print("Correct! ")


print( "That is untrue. The appropriate response is "Formatted as (numA[i] + numB[i])

I += 1

if userChoice == "m," then

even when I = len(numA):

answer = int("What is *? ".format(numA[i], numB[i]))

if the response equals numA[i] + numB[i]:

print("Correct! ")


print( "that is untrue. The appropriate response is ".format(numB * numA[i]

I += 1

Thus, the program will give them a choice of practicing adding or multiplying is true.

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Mercury travels about 107,100 miles per hour as it revolves around the Sun. How far does Mercury travel in 15 seconds? who was the first man to climb mount everest Explain the causes of the conflict between North Vietnam and the United States. True or False Hormones and certain weather conditions do not act alone toencourage criminal behavior. You can use the table provided or use the Insert Table button to design your own table. Here is an example for onegene:GeneNameChromosomeSexChromosome(Yes or No)Role ofNon-mutated GeneEffect Mutated Gene Has on BodyGene 1CTFR (ID:1080)Chromosome 7Noimportant for ATP uselinked to autosomal recessive disease,cystic fibrosis I o x x,Font SizesA!!!EE OGeneNameChromosomeSexChromosome(Yes or No)Role ofNon-mutated GeneEffect Mutated Gene Has on BodyGene 1Gene 2Gene 3OIOGeneNameChromosomeSexChromosome(Yes or No)Role ofNon-mutated GeneEffect Mutated Gene Has on BodyGene 1Gene 2Gene 3 How do you say "be quiet everyone" in Spanish?Cmo se dice callar a todas en espaol? En los cambios de raz, por qu el i -->y es diferente? The state of maintaining a stable internal environment regardless of changing external conditions is called _____? Do you consider playing the video game as a sport? For my essay HELP PLEASE?!American Indians in different parts of the land developed a variety of economies based on their locations.What evidence supports this statement? Which best explains the relationship between the two triangles below? Triangle D C A. Angle D is 51.2 degrees and angle A is 96.5 degrees. Triangle S R T. Angle S is 32.3 degrees and angle R is 96.5 degrees. Triangle A D C is similar to triangle R T S because Angle A is congruent to angle R, Angle C is congruent to angle S, and Angle D is congruent to angle T. Triangle A D C is similar to triangle R T S because Angle A is similar to angle R, Angle C is similar to angle S, and Angle D is similar to angle T. Triangle A D C is not similar to Triangle R T S because Angle D is not congruent to Angle S. Triangle A D C is not similar to Triangle R T S because C D less than S T, D A less than T R, and C A less than S R. Which image represents the outlining method?A 2 column table with 2 rows. Column 1 is labeled Important Person with entries Jonas Salk, James Watson. Column 2 is labeled Discover with entries polio vaccine, 1952; D N A molecule, 1953.An organizer chart with a box labeled main topic connected to boxes labeled sub topics below it. These boxes are connected to boxes labeled supporting detail below them.A vertical list with 3 entry levels. First level entries start with Cap roman letters and are labeled main idea, second level entries start with Cap letters and are labeled Major Detail. Third level entries start with arabic numbers and are labeled Supporting Detail. Which is a test for cardiorespiratory fitness?a) timed curl upb) 100 yard dashc) 12 minute run/jogd) timed push ups Find the whole.20% of ___is 18.Explain your method. Uncontrolled railroad crossing warning signs include _____A. round black-on-yellow warning signs.B. red flashing lights.C. crossing gates.D. none of the above Solve 12-5x-4kx=y for x pls help ASAP! Thank you! (10) points. The following information relates to a product produced by Faulkland Company: Direct materials $ 10 Direct labor 7 Variable overhead 6 Fixed overhead 8 Unit cost $ 31 Fixed selling costs are $1,000,000 per year. Variable selling costs of $4 per unit sold are added to cover the transportation cost. Although production capacity is 500,000 units per year, Faulkland expects to produce only 400,000 units next year. The product normally sells for $40 each. A customer has offered to buy 60,000 units for $30 each. The customer will pay the transportation company directly for the transportation charges on the units purchased. If Faulkland accepts the special order, the effect on operating profits would be a: Write the following equation in slope intercept form.3x-3y=33y= x+ Which occurred in the early 1800s? Plantation owners forbade religious practice among enslaved workers.African Americans were welcomed to all religious revival meetings. All American churches began to protest discrimination and slavery. Free African Americans founded the first African American colleges.hurry