which two sentences in this excerpt from incidents in the life of a slave girl demonstrate how harriet ann jacob’s used a narrative structure and conventional tone to directly appeal to her readers sympathy?


Answer 1
Which two sentences in a expert from Anderson’s life of slave girl

Related Questions

What has died within Siddhartha?


Answer: if you are talking about the dream than it was the bird




i think it’s b because it says that sleep was hiding from him until he experienced pain

Do you believe that people can “feel disconnected from their actions when they comply with orders”?
plz help me





it causes them to lose freedom




also sorry im never on, i dont even know if you rememeber me and bubs- Have a nice dayyy

Describe a time that someone you admire showed integrity. Do you think it was hard for that person to do the right thing?



this is something you should do yourself


i can give some advice though! start the sentence with "one time (the persons name) showed integerty was when (insert time place, etc)"

and end it with (thats why i admire (put the persons name here) for showing integrity


just think of a time when ur parents or friends,, or someone you know,, basically admitted to being wrong in a situation and/or had to apologize.


I'm sorry if this doesn't help,, but if it does,, that'd be great,, !! Good luck,, :)

from Inaugural Address
by President John F. Kennedy

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need—not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Select all the correct answers.
Which two statements best describe the purpose of the passage?
The purpose of the passage is to let people know that weapons are needed, but they need not simply be used in battle.
The purpose of the passage is to inspire Americans to be selfless in their service to the nation and the world.
The purpose of the passage is to invoke all Americans to fight against poverty, disease, and war, for the betterment of mankind.
The purpose of the passage is to inform Americans about the nation's rich, historic past.
The purpose of the passage is to let the world know that the American soldiers have fought bravely in the war.





omg ,all that you have ahhhhhh






The theme is Appearances can be deceiving


I did it and got it right :)

In romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 5 Based on Juliet's opening remarks in scene 5, How would writers describe her emotional state? What evidence proves this in romeo and Juliet?



juliet impatiently waits for her nurse,whom she sent to meet romeo three hour earlier

In one to two sentences, identify the bold words as an independent clause, dependent clause, or phrase, and explain their functions within the sentence


This question is incomplete. Here's the complete question.

Jessica ate the cookies that her daughter baked for her.

In one to two sentences, identify the bold words as an independent clause, dependent clause, or phrase, and explain their functions within the sentence.

Answer: dependent clause


A phrase refers to a combination of words that don´t have a subject-verb component and are used as a single part of speech.

An independent clause is a simple sentence that can stand alone, as it has a subject and a verb. It can also be accompanied by other clauses or phrases in a complex sentence.

In this example, "Jessica ate the cookies" is an independent clause that is followed by an independent clause to form the complete complex sentence. A dependent clause requires an independent clause to complete a sentence because it cannot stand on its own. Such is the case of the bold words in this example.

what ways do you think unequal resources can be addressed so that all students have safe and effective access to learning?


Answer: Build relationships  

Relationships and the importance of them in the classroom never goes away. As the education pendulum flies back and forth, one thing that you can always count on still being at the forefront of making a difference in the classroom is the idea of relationships. If you don’t have a relationship with your students the work you do on a daily basis will be flat and not nearly as effective as what it could be. Take the time to build connections with each and every one of your students. What makes them tick? What are their interests? What are their hopes and desires? These are all things that you continue to build and cultivate as the year progresses—community and relationship building does not just stop after the first two weeks. Regardless of class size or other circumstances that have an impact on the classroom, this is number one for a reason!

Be intentional with your lesson planning

As you sit down and plan out the upcoming week, really give some thought to how you are going to reach all your students. What are the various entry points students are going to need to access the curriculum and reach your lesson target? Or perhaps, how can you help engage students at the start so they are ready to learn? Would a morning meeting or quick team building activity in table groups help get the kids primed for learning? Have a warm-up to settle and set a tone. Review the learning targets for the lesson to inform the students and tune them in.

Use a balanced data approach  

Using data to drive your instruction and decisions is vital. However, it needs to be done in a balanced approach to where you are taking into consideration your students and the direct knowledge you have about them. As educators, we are lucky that we know more about our students than what can be represented on a test. Use this information to help drive your instruction and decisions. How can you leverage this knowledge to help improve outcomes for kids? Are there additional ways that you can help support your students? Apply formative practices that not only will inform you of the “Are they getting it?” factor, but also use them to inform your students about their own progress.

Have high and consistent expectations

Most of us believe we have high expectations for kids, which is good. However, don’t let your high expectations limit your students with what they can accomplish. Your students will reach and often surpass your high expectations and when they do, don’t hold them back. Often our perception of what they can accomplish limits them, even when they are set at high levels.  Push the students and they will surprise you…and you might surprise yourself. Also, those expectations need to be held consistent throughout the building. Expectations are the constitution of the school and need to be known and upheld in all areas at all times. Students from trauma or adverse backgrounds have significant difficulties adapting to differing systems or environments.

Scaffold instruction to grade level standards

Kids need access to grade level curriculum and grade level expectations. Yes, some students are not ready for it but if we keep playing catch-up by working on math facts when they are in middle school, they are never going to get exposed to higher level thinking. Educators need to find ways to expose all students to grade level curriculum and standards while scaffolding their learning or finding ways to provide intervention to them outside of the core instruction.

Teach vocabulary explicitly

Vocabulary, vocabulary, and more vocabulary. You’ve read the research: students coming from a poverty background have been exposed to an incredible shortage of words compared to their peers brought up in a middle class home. What does this mean to you as an educator? You have to go double time to expose kids to vocabulary that is varied, challenging, and new to them. Students need a rich vocabulary environment to catch-up and this doesn’t mean that you teach the same themed words that come with the various seasons. You have to be intentional about this and constantly on the lookout for opportunities to build this. Focus not only on the Tier 3 words which are content-specific but provide ample exposure to the Tier 2 words that provide meaning and comprehension.

Get your students engaged and excited

If you aren’t engaged and excited, your students won’t be engaged or excited, it’s as simple as that. You have to look for ways to connect the learning and content standards back to your students. How can you capture their attention? Show your excitement and get passionate! Use relevant practices and put the students in charge of their own learning. Groups, pairs, share outs, questions, and reflections encourage deeper thinking and provide meaning.


What the other person said ‍♀️

If your target audience was only your teacher, which of the following technologies would you share your presentation?
your blog
your email
your class website



your email


if you share your vlog, your teacher might try to friend request you, and stuff. If its your class website, it would be a bit not so cool. Your email would be the best.

If the teacher is a target audience then Email will be considered as the most appropriate technology to share the presentation. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

What is the target audience?

Target audience is referred to as people or group of people, organizations to whom the main concentration will be based. All the preparation will be designed to keep in mind about them.

In this question a  teacher is the target audience, so the technology used should be formal. If we use blogs and websites as the technology, it will capture the other viewer's attention also.

Therefore, option B email is the correct answer as it shows formal and direct communication with the teacher.

Learn more about the target audience, here:





Answer: i think he means that its dark and its a new day which is basically early in the morning.

Explanation: for example 2:30am is in the morning but its not day time yet that could be what he means im not sure sorry if im wrong im only in 8th grade ya know

Which sentence uses a comma correctly to set off coordinating adjectives?
A. There are several, different ways to score points.
B. The best strategy is to throw a long high, pass.
O C. Quick-thinking, agile players will have no trouble with this game.
D. If you need a break, run to the sideline for a substitute.



A or B


Answer:The Correct Answer Is C


Janet stared the horse Rowan in the eye. Rowan was an impatient and testy young horse, and it was Janetʼs job to break him in. Every day after school, she would ride her bike 5 miles out to the stables to groom, walk, and, hopefully, ride Rowan. He usually tried to run away from her or bucked around until she fell off, but it was only a matter of time before he became accustomed to her presence. Janet checked the tightness of the saddle straps, stuck her foot into the stirrup, and flung her other leg over the horse. The moment her weight landed on Rowanʼs back, he took off at a full gallop across the field. Janet clenched the reins, bouncing in the saddle. Just when she thought she was steady, Rowan reared back. She lost her grip and fell flat onto her back on the muddy ground. “Oh well,” she thought as she picked herself up, “Try, try again.

is the conflict INTERNAL or EXTERNAL, and what TYPE of conflict is it

Internal: Man Vs Self
External: Man Vs Society
External: Man Vs Nature
External: Man Vs Supernatural
External: Man Vs Man



External: Man Vs Society


A meaningful sentence for embarked would be- My friends and I embarked on a trail to enjoy a hike and be one with nature.
true or false


Answer: true

Explanation:   Hope this helped! * I took quiz*

Other than scanning food to determine nutrition or scanning pills to determine type, what are some other uses you could predict for this scanner?


link isn’t real xx don’t use it

The body's consumption and utilization of food and other nutrients. It takes three steps to properly eat. The food or drink is converted into nutrients by the body.

What is Nutrition?

An organism uses food to sustain its life through a biochemical and physiological process known as nutrition. It gives living things nutrition that can be processed to produce energy and chemical building blocks.

Malnutrition results from insufficient dietary intake. Although it frequently focuses on human nutrition, nutritional science is the study of nutrition. What nutrients an organism needs and how it gets them depends on the type of creature.

Consuming organic or inorganic material, absorbing light, or a combination of these is how organisms gain nutrients. Others must eat other species in order to receive pre-existing nutrients, while some may manufacture nutrients internally by eating fundamental components.

All life forms require several chemicals, including carbon, energy, and water. Animals need complex nutrients like proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, and they get them by eating other living things.

For the purpose of replacing foraging and improving human nourishment, humans have created agriculture and cooking. Nutrients are provided to plants by the soil and the environment.

Learn more about Nutrition, here



Answer the following questions based on chapter 14 of the text. Use evidence to support your claims:



The Costume Institute, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Andrew Bolton

The Costume Institute, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

September 2008

Every decade has its seer or sybil of style, a designer who, above all others, is able to divine and define the desires of women. In the 1910s, this oracle of the mode was Paul Poiret, known in America as “The King of Fashion.” In Paris, he was simply Le Magnifique, after Süleyman the Magnificent, a suitable soubriquet for a couturier who, alongside the all-pervasive influence of Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, employed the language of Orientalism to develop the romantic and theatrical possibilities of clothing. Like his artistic confrere Léon Bakst, Poiret’s exoticized tendencies were expressed through his use of vivid color coordinations and enigmatic silhouettes such as his iconic “lampshade” tunic and his “harem” trousers, or pantaloons. However, these Orientalist fantasies (or, rather, fantasies of the Orient) have served to detract from Poiret’s more enduring innovations, namely his technical and marketing achievements. Poiret effectively established the canon of modern dress and developed the blueprint of the modern fashion industry. Such was his vision that Poiret not only changed the course of costume history but also steered it in the direction of modern design history.

In 1901, Poiret joined the House of Worth, where he was asked to create what Gaston Worth (the son of Charles Frederick Worth, the eponymous founder) called “fried potatoes,” simple, practical garments that were side dishes to Worth’s main course of “truffles,” opulent evening and reception gowns. One of his “fried potatoes,” a cloak made from black wool and cut along straight lines like the kimono, proved too simple for one of Worth’s royal clients, the Russian princess Bariatinsky, who on seeing it cried, “What horror; with us, when there are low fellows who run after our sledges and annoy us, we have their heads cut off, and we put them in sacks just like that.” Her reaction, however, prompted Poiret to found his own maison de couture in 1903 at 5 rue Auber. Later, in 1906, he moved his atelier to 37 rue Pasquier, and then, in 1909, to 9 avenue d’Antin. Two years later, he established a perfume and cosmetics company named after his eldest daughter, Rosine, and a decorative arts company named after his second daughter, Martine, both located at 107 Faubourg Saint-Honoré. In so doing, he was the first couturier to align fashion with interior design and promote the concept of a “total lifestyle.”

In freeing women from corsets and dissolving the fortified grandeur of the obdurate, hyperbolic silhouette, Poiret effected a concomitant revolution in dressmaking, one that shifted the emphasis away from the skills of tailoring to those based on the skills of draping. It was a radical departure from the couture traditions of the nineteenth century, which, like menswear (to which they were indebted), relied on pattern pieces, or more specifically the precision of pattern making, for their efficacy. Looking to both antique and regional dress types, most notably to the Greek chiton, the Japanese kimono, and the North African and Middle Eastern caftan, Poiret advocated fashions cut along straight lines and constructed of rectangles. Such an emphasis on flatness and planarity required a complete reversal of the optical effects of fashion. The cylindrical wardrobe replaced the statuesque, turning, three-dimensional representation into two-dimensional abstraction. It was a strategy that dethroned the primacy and destabilized the paradigm of Western fashion.

Poiret’s process of design through draping is the source of fashion’s modern forms. It introduced clothing that hung from the shoulders and facilitated a multiplicity of possibilities. Poiret exploited its fullest potential by launching, in quick succession, a series of designs that were startling in their simplicity and originality. From 1906 to 1911, he presented garments that promoted an etiolated, high-waisted Directoire Revival silhouette. Different versions appeared in two limited-edition albums, Paul Iribe’s Les robes de Paul Poiret (1908) and Georges Lepape’s Les choses de Paul Poiret (1911), early examples of Poiret’s attempts to cement the relationship between art and fashion (later expressed in collaborations with Erté and Raoul Dufy, among others). Both albums relied on the stenciling technique known as pochoir, resulting in brilliantly saturated areas of color (2009.300.1289). It was an approach that not only reflected the novelty of Poiret’s designs but also his unique palette. Indeed, although the columnar garments depicted in the pochoirs referenced Neoclassicism, their acidic colors and exotic accessorization, most notably turbans wrapped à la Madame de Staël, were more an expression of Orientalism (as were several cocoon or kimono coats for which Poiret was known throughout his career)

I really need help with this question





because a semicolon look like dis ;

Answer: a. Jan's cellphone is new; it doesn't work very well


Well first of all, it's the only one with a semi-colon in it. Secondly, in order to properly use a semicolon, you have to have two independent clauses. This means if the sentence was separated from the semicolon, it will still work (though they have to be closely related).

Read the excerpt from The Giver and answer the questions that follows.
Jonas, nearing his home now, smiled at the recollection. Thinking, still, as he wheeled his bike into its
narrow port beside the door, he realized that frightened was the wrong word to describe his feelings, now
that December was almost here. It was too strong an adjective.
He had waited a long time for this special December. Now that it was almost upon him, he wasn't frightened,
but he was... eager, he decided. He was eager for it to come. And he was excited, certainly. All of the
Elevens were excited about the event that would be coming so soon.
What is the meaning of eager as it is used in the excerpt?
distracted by another thought
o careful about approaching something
O looking forward to something
o worried about the future



so i read this in 7th grade i think but im in 9th now but im pretty sure that its either c or d but im leaning more to c


Reread lines 5-13. What is the author's purpose in explaining Kauzlarich's feelings about Izzy? Support

your answer with explicit text evidence.


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers. However, when searching the internet, I was able to find a question exactly like yours, which showed that the question refers to the text "The good Soldiers."


The author's goal is to show that Iraq is a place capable of promoting happiness.


"The Good Soldiers" is a novel about the experiences of American soldiers in the troops sent to Iraq in 2007.

Among these soldiers, you know Kauzlarich, someone who has a very negative view of Iraq and its inhabitants, until he meets Izzy, an Iraqi who has become his friend. The friendship between them is very strong and true, capable of bringing a lot of happiness to Kauzlarich. This makes him understand that Iraq can promote happiness to somebody and that Iraqis can be very nice people.

In 3 ways how did Brian’s use his hatchet to help him survive and describe each one


how would you like me to answer, not very much else to read here such as clues haha

Sonnet 130, "If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;", What is being compared to what? Is this a positive or negative comparison?



Snow be white could be her skin, and i think it's a negative comparison.


I'm thinking that maybe snow be white can be her skin, meaning her skin is is fair and white like snow, like snow white. Dun means a dull grayish brown color. So they could be saying , if her skin is fair and white like snow then why are her breasts such a dull color. It's most likely a negative comparison. I could be wrong but this is my take on it.

I was willing to carry the argument (more far, further) than he was,
We raised far more mucher) money this year than last.​



we raised more money this year than last


more than

4. Students hate tests. Teachers, ..., find them necessary.

A. by contrast
B. although
C. on the contrary

Please answer me with A, B or C​



C. On the contrary


Sana makatolong

Re-write the active sentences as passive sentences.

6) The environment is polluted by too many cars.

7) The windows were cleaned by the cleaner.

8) The mouse will be caught by the cat.

9) The cat is chased by the dog.

10) The mug was broken by someone.



6) Cars will pollute the environment.

7) The cleaner cleaned the windows.

8) The cat will catch the mouse.

9) The dog chases the cat/The dog chased the cat. (Incorrect tenses)

10) Someone broke the mug.


.................you go out last night? A, Did B, Do C, Are​








Its the only choice that matches with the sentence:

1. = Do:  Do you go out last night?

2. = Are:  Are you go out last night?

3. = Did: Did you go out last night?

The sentence is also placed in past tense. And only "did" fit in the past tense role for the sentence

What are the three prepositions in the following sentence?

The owl swooped from the branch, floated across the field, and dove into the grass before the rabbit could find its burrow.
from, across, into
owl, field, mouse
swooped, floated, dove
the, and, its




 from, across, into


Meaning of star crossed lovers



Like several other phrases, this phrase has been selected from Shakespeare’s famous play, Romeo and Juliet. This phrase is illustrating a couple whose bond of love is destined to fail. Its origin seems to be astrological, but it is best known for its association with Romeo and Juliet. In the prologue, chorus uses states, “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, / Whose misadventured piteous overthrows / Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.” (Lines 6-8) The phrase is about Romeo and Juliet, whose love and affection is destined to end in a tragedy.



It refers to someone having bad luck, because the stars or heavens do not favor him. This phrase refers to those lovers whose relationship is destined to fail, because people who have a strong belief in astrology are of the belief that stars actually control the destiny of human beings. Simply, we can call this couple ill-fated. Star-crossed lovers present a perfect example of archetypes, of how two characters love each other, but are unable to continue due to societal and family conflicts, leading to a tragic end. Romeo and Juliet are also archetypal star-crossed lovers, who fall in love, but face numerous hardships because their families did not agree to this relationship.


We often see the use of this phrase in literature and movies. We find many examples of star-crossed lovers in novels and plays, such as Lancelot and Guinevere in King Arthur’s mystical tale Round Table, Heathcliff and Catherine from Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, and Lyla and Majnun from the classic love story Nizami Ganjavi. Its use in modern literature includes Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater in the movie Titanic. What we have learned from these examples is that a couple in everyday life, who experience a tragic end to their relationship, could be called star-crossed lovers.

Which sentence uses the
underlined vocabulary word
A. The asperity was so strong it made our
eyes water.
B. The man sauntered in as if he didn't
care that he was late for work.
C. The judge took punitive action against
the criminal.



This sentence uses the  underlined vocabulary word  incorrectly......

A. The asperity was so strong it made our  eyes water.


correct the sentence 1.yes park road elementary school will has a book fiar in februray
2.march 6 2005 is my sisters wedding



1) Yes, Park Road Elementary School will have a Book Fair in February

2) March 6, 2005, was my Sister's Wedding.


What something you're looking forward in 2021?



Being able to start dancing and summer :D also i posted a question not so long ago pls answer it if u know the answer if u dont then pls dont


Other Questions
Certain land use practices also contribute to rapid deforestation. Remove Ecological Regions: Level 1 Regions. Select Prevailing Agriculture Practices and select Split map window. Change Projection to Mollweide. Zoom to Sub-Saharan Africa. Within Sub-Saharan Africa, which prevailing agriculture practice is most associated with extensive deforestation? Certain land use practices also contribute to rapid deforestation. Remove Ecological Regions: Level 1 Regions. Select Prevailing Agriculture Practices and select Split map window. Change Projection to Mollweide. Zoom to Sub-Saharan Africa. Within Sub-Saharan Africa, which prevailing agriculture practice is most associated with extensive deforestation? Pastoral nomadism Shifting cultivation Intensive subsistence, wet rice not dominant Livestock ranching Mixed crop and livestock The neighbor "lady" was good to Harriet. TrueFalse Denotation means...Select one:the figurative meaning of a word to represent a feeling.the negative meaning of a word.the literal dictionary definition of a word.the positive meaning of a word. Which of the following statements about the March to Sacramento is true? A. Cesar Chavez organized the march as a way to draw national attention to the plight of migrant farm workers, B. All answers are correct C. Cesar Chavez made effective use of religious and labor-movement symbols, displaying them as they marched. D. The march started with a little over 100 workers, but their numbers had swelled into the thousands as they went north, Figure 1 is dilated to get Figure 2.What is the scale factor? Which measurement is closest to the area of the circle in square feet? help plsssss need help will give brainliest List 5 science fiction and 5 science fantasy movies. Mark one in each category you think we should watch. There were many reasons for the falls of both Rome and Byzantine. What is one change that you would have made to try to make either empire last a little longer? Use R.A.C.E. format and cite examples from the text and/or outside sources.PLEASE HELP ME I REALLY NEED THIS!!! IF I DON'T ANSWER THIS I WILL FAIL! I JUST NEED A LITTLE HELP!!! Water enters the atmosphere from plants through a process calledEvapor Brainliest and 15 points if you get this problem right! NO LINKS= No BRAINLIEST Drag the correct number of pieces to show how to find the area of the shaded figure in two different ways. Pieces can be rotated to fit. Sharon Robinson notes that the end of World War II signaled a turning point in America regarding segregation. In what areas of American society did people hope and work to bring change? 10x 3 + 5y 2 + 2xy 4y 2 + 4xy x 3simplify 1A honey bee is 4/10 inch long. A bumblebee is 0.75 inch long How much longer is a bumblebee than a honey bee?TO ALL SCAMMERS, I DONT WANT ANY LINKS According to a candy company, packages of a certain candy contain 21% orange candies.Find the approximate probability that the random sample of 500 candies will contain 22% or more orange candies.Using a normal approximation, what is the probability that at least 22% of 500 randomly sampled candies will be orange? What do you think makes a student successful? Why do you think that?I NEED EXAMPLES! GIVING BRAINLIEST! Two numbers total 51 and have a difference of 23. Find the two numbers? the political parties have tended to identify with which areas of the political spectrum? A) 113 B) 92 C) 133D) 117