What was the miracle about this mansion and the government camp that was released for Corrie to use?


Answer 1


In September 1944, the Nazis deported Corrie and Betsie ten Boom to the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany. In Ravensbrück, the sisters managed to stay together until Betsie died that December. The camp administration released Corrie ten Boom in late December 1944.

Related Questions

You are the Team Leader with Amazon. A new group of interns has joined the company. You have been given the responsibility of explaining them how to draft business messages. You explain them about, ‘Adapting the message to Your Audience.’ This can be done by –
 Using the You Attitude;
 Maintaining Standard of Etiquette;
 Emphasizing the Positive and
 Using Bias Free Language.



Maintaining Standard of Etiquette;

Using Bias Free Language.


Getting poor scores led



Getting poor scores led to him being disappointed.


Healthy, citizens are the greatest assed of alountry. Explain this statemen giving of your personal experience least example 120 words.​


From personal experience, I understand the importance of a healthy population as a country's greatest asset. Growing up, I witnessed how an individual's overall well-being directly impacts the progress and prosperity of a community.

For example, my hometown was very focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity, a nutritious diet and access to medical services were prioritized. As a result, communities thrive with active and productive people. People were able to actively participate in economic activities, contribute to the labor force, and promote social development.

Conversely, we have seen the impact of poor health on communities. The impact was evident in areas where medical care was unavailable or neglected. Individuals struggled with preventable diseases, limited their ability to participate in meaningful activities, and impeded overall progress.

These experiences have made me realize that a healthy population has the energy, vitality and resilience necessary to contribute positively to the growth of the country. Their productivity, creativity and ability to adapt to challenges are valuable assets that move society forward. Investing in the health and well-being of its citizens enables a country to reach its full potential and build a prosperous nation. 

Jack is doing preresearch for his story on a suspected dinosaur bone found in the desert near his home. What step in the writing process is he in?






The story has not been written yet, so A and D are not the right answers. He's not doing the actual research to include in his story, so C is not the right answer. It must be B, since he's collecting preexisting information about his topic before he even begins to write.

Why does Theseus go to Thebes?



Theseus goes to Thebes in Greek mythology to confront and defeat the Minotaur, a fearsome creature that is half-human and half-bull. The Minotaur resides in the Labyrinth, which is located in the city of Thebes. Theseus undertakes this journey as part of his heroic quest to rid the land of dangerous monsters and establish himself as a renowned hero. He is driven by a sense of duty and a desire to protect his people and bring honor to his name. His goal is to slay the Minotaur and free the city of Thebes from the terror it imposes.

Throughout this story, the different characters are struggling to survive. How would this story be different if it was told from Nagaina's perspective?


if "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" were told from Nagaina's viewpoint, the story would have a different narrative, themes, and plot. It would be fascinating to see the story from the perspective of an underdog attempting to survive in a hostile environment.

In "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," the various characters are dealing with survival difficulties. If the story were told from Nagaina's perspective, it would have significant differences in terms of narrative, themes, and plot. Here is how the story would be different if told from Nagaina's perspective.It would be intriguing to see the story from Nagaina's viewpoint, as it would reveal her intentions and motivations in greater detail. Her struggle for survival in a place where she is viewed as a threat could be portrayed in a more in-depth and realistic manner.The themes in the story would also change if Nagaina were the protagonist. The concept of good versus evil, which is portrayed through Rikki's heroic deeds, would no longer be the central theme. The reader would be exposed to Nagaina's perspective on issues such as survival, loyalty, and family. The survival of her family and the risk Rikki poses to them would be a central theme in the narrative. Nagaina's beliefs and the reasons behind her antagonism towards Rikki would be explored in greater detail.The story's plot would be changed significantly if Nagaina were the protagonist. The climax would undoubtedly be different. Rather than Rikki killing Nagaina, the story would have a different conclusion. The reader would be exposed to Nagaina's intentions and the steps she takes to protect her offspring. She might still have faced defeat, but the cause would be more nuanced and the result more profound.

For more such questions on Nagaina, click on:



Youth is (a) best time of life. This is the time when it is (b) most important (c) one to remember (d) maxim:





a) The best time of life.

b) The most important.

c) One to remember.

d) Maxim.

It seems that the provided sentence is incomplete, and it is difficult to interpret the intended meaning without further context. If you could provide more information or clarify the sentence, I would be happy to assist you further.

First Question: How did the society in the story achieve equality? Would you want to live in this version of the United States? Why/Why not? Explain. For this question you will provide a claim, give evidence to support that claim, and then provide reasoning to connect your evidence to the claim and provide your why. Question 1 (5 points) Please provide your claim to the question. This is your response to the question without any why or because. That will be provided in the reasoning step.



I'm sorry, but I need more context to understand which story you are referring to. Can you please provide more information or clarify the prompt? .. Please send me a private message and I'll personally help you!

I need help creating a thesis statement & 3 supporting key points based on the article
" Eat Turkey, Become American " by Marie Wyung-Ok Lee


Making a thesis statement is coming up with a succinct and unambiguous assertion that summarises the major point or notion of your essay or research paper.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial to assist you in writing a strong thesis statement

Understand the assignment or topic: Confirm that you are well-versed in the subject matter of the essay you are writing. Decide on your paper's key question or goal.

Brainstorm your ideas: Spend some time coming up with suggestions for the subject. Think about various viewpoints, arguments, or elements that you wish to examine in your paper.

Learn more about unambiguous here:



ense) time, a habi d before this hat is yet to B. Change the tenses as indicated. 1. I am late for school (to simple future tense) I wil be late, for school. Rita is interested in becoming an engineer. (to simple past 2. 4. 5. tense) Rita was interested in 7. 8. 9. becoming an engineer. Tarun is going to watch a football match on Tuesday. (to simple present tense) Tarun went to watch a football match in Tuesday Dhanusha was flooded after the monsoon. (to simple present tense) In the morning, we walked to the mountains. (to simple future tense) We will move to a new house in January. (to simple present tense) He will lay down his life for the country. (to simple past tense) He works quickly. (to simple future tense) Kamala did not like eating these mangoes. (to simple present goes tense) Kumla will not like eating these man 10. We went to Kathmandu last week. (to simple present tense) 11. If he wants, he can run very quickly. (to simple past tense) collective noun phor of people,​


I am late for school (to simple future tense) I will be late for school.Rita is interested in becoming an engineer. (to simple past tense) Rita was interested in becoming an engineer.

Tarun goes to watch a football match on Tuesday.

Dhanusha is flooded after the monsoon.

We will walk to the mountains in the morning.

We move to a new house in January.

He laid down his life for the country.

He will work quickly.

Kamala does not like eating these mangoes.

We go to Kathmandu last week.

If he wants, he can run very quickly. (to simple past tense) If he wanted, he could run very quickly.

A crowd is a collective noun for a group of people.

Learn more about tense, here:



In a paragraph explain what style is in literature please refer to the study guide for your answer​


Literature mean A style refers to the way in which an author uses language to convey their ideas and create a unique voice and tone. It includes elements such as word choice, sentence structure, tone, and figurative language, among others. An author's style can be characterized as formal or informal, simple or complex, direct or indirect, and can vary greatly depending on the genre, audience, and intended effect of the writing.

Before a company can sell a new drug, they have to ............. tests and trials to make sure it’s safe.


Before a company can sell a new drug, they have to conduct tests and trials to make sure it’s safe. The process of testing and validating a new drug is known as drug development.

Drug development is a lengthy and costly process that involves several stages of clinical trials that must be conducted in accordance with the regulations of the regulatory authorities of each country. A new drug’s journey to regulatory approval begins with preclinical testing in a laboratory. Preclinical testing is the first stage of drug development, in which a new drug is tested on animals, including rats and mice, to determine its safety and efficacy. The goal of preclinical testing is to assess the drug’s safety and effectiveness in treating the disease it was developed to treat. If the drug passes preclinical testing, it proceeds to clinical trials.Clinical trials are the next stage in the development of a new drug. Clinical trials are conducted to determine the safety, efficacy, and side effects of the drug in human volunteers. The process is carried out in three phases: Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III.Phase I clinical trials are small-scale trials involving a small number of healthy volunteers. The main goal of Phase I clinical trials is to determine the safety and tolerance of the drug in humans. Phase II clinical trials are larger-scale trials involving a larger number of patients who have the disease or condition that the drug is intended to treat. The main goal of Phase II clinical trials is to determine the efficacy of the drug in treating the disease or condition. Phase III clinical trials are large-scale, randomized, controlled trials involving thousands of patients who have the disease or condition that the drug is intended to treat. The main goal of Phase III clinical trials is to confirm the safety and efficacy of the drug and to gather information on any side effects that may occur.Finally, if the drug has been found to be safe and effective in clinical trials, the company that developed the drug must submit a New Drug Application (NDA) to the regulatory authorities for approval. The regulatory authorities will review the NDA and decide whether to approve the drug for sale to the public. If the drug is approved, the company can then begin selling the drug.

For more such questions on drug, click on:



Dante features allusions to mythical creatures in order to show that the Christian God is ultimately in control of all beings. true or false​


We can see here that the statement that Dante features allusions to mythical creatures in order to show that the Christian God is ultimately in control of all beings is true.

What is allusion?

An allusion is a figure of speech or literary device that refers to a person, place, event, or work of art, either explicitly or indirectly.

It is a brief and indirect reference to something well-known or widely recognized, allowing the author or speaker to convey complex ideas or evoke specific emotions without providing a detailed explanation.

In his Divine Comedy, Dante uses allusions to mythical creatures to create a vivid and unforgettable vision of the afterlife.

Learn more about allusion on https://brainly.com/question/11507587


poetry essay on the mood of the poem, reapers in the mieliefield


Title: The Mood Unveiled: Exploring the Poetic Ambiance of "Reapers in the Mieliefield"


"Reapers in the Mieliefield" is a poignant poem that delves into the atmosphere of a rural setting, revealing the interplay between nature and the human experience. Through vivid imagery and carefully crafted verses, the poet conjures a distinct mood that evokes a sense of both beauty and melancholy. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted mood of the poem and how it contributes to our understanding of the underlying themes and emotions conveyed.

Verse 1: The Allure of Nature's Bounty

The poem opens with an enchanting scene of a mieliefield, a cornfield, where reapers labor amidst the golden harvest. The initial mood is one of vitality and abundance, with the vibrant colors and the bountiful yield of nature captivating our senses. The imagery of "sheaves in tall shocks" and "corn in copious streams" engenders a feeling of fecundity and prosperity. The atmosphere brims with the energy of the reapers as they toil diligently, evoking a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Verse 2: The Lament of Transience

As the poem progresses, a subtle shift in mood occurs, introducing a touch of wistfulness and melancholy. The reapers, amidst their labor, become emblematic of the transient nature of life. Lines such as "the goodly gift is in the granary stored" and "their harvest days are o'er" foreshadow the imminent end of this fruitful season. The interplay between the ephemeral beauty of nature and the fleeting moments of human existence evokes a sense of nostalgia, reminding us of the inevitability of change and the passage of time.

Verse 3: Contrast and Dichotomy

The poem's mood is further accentuated through the use of contrasts. The juxtaposition of the vibrant imagery of the mieliefield with the imagery of twilight and the setting sun creates a contrasting mood, blending warmth with a sense of impending darkness. The cheerful labor of the reapers is juxtaposed with the realization that their work will soon come to an end, lending an undercurrent of melancholy to the poem. This interplay of opposing elements enhances the complexity of the mood, inviting contemplation of life's paradoxes.

Verse 4: Melancholic Reflections

In the final verses, the mood intensifies, transitioning into a reflective melancholy. The poet's introspective tone, expressed through lines such as "in time's winged passage grey hairs appear" and "in some bright morning, some glad morn yet to be," creates a mood suffused with a sense of longing and introspection. The contemplation of the passage of time and the inevitability of aging and change evokes a bittersweet sentiment, prompting readers to reflect on their own mortality and the transient nature of human existence.


"Reapers in the Mieliefield" takes readers on an emotional journey, evoking a multi-layered mood that transitions from vibrancy and vitality to melancholy and introspection. Through its skillful use of vivid imagery, contrasts, and introspective reflections, the poem immerses us in a world that is both captivating and poignant. The changing mood of the poem encapsulates the beauty and transience of life, reminding us to cherish the present moment while acknowledging the passing of time.

Which sentence from the text best shows the thrush's idea about making a nest?
A "First came the thrush with plump, soft feathers and one of the best
singing voices of all the birds."
"Once all the birds were assembled, Madge took some mud and formed
it into a round cake."
"At that, the thrush said, "Oh, that's how it's done," and away she flew."
"With that, the blackbird exclaimed, "Now I know all about building a
nest," and off she flew."



The sentence that best shows the thrush's idea about making a nest is: "At that, the thrush said, "Oh, that's how it's done," and away she flew." This sentence indicates that the thrush learned how to build a nest by watching Madge the magpie, and it suggests that the thrush is now confident in her ability to build a nest.


This sentence indicates that the thrush learned how to build a nest by watching Madge the magpie, and it suggests that the thrush is now confident in her ability to build a nest.

Read this passage from “Dover Beach.” What is the main idea of this passage?

…for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;

The world offers us nothing

The world is full of promise

The world is a land of dreams

The world is our enemy


Answer: I belive the answer is either A or D

Explanation:    B and C are not true cause the story doesn't talk about their hope,love, and joy instead it talks the opposite so I think the answer is rather A or D

What are some obstacles that prevent people from accessing safe and healthy living environment


Poverty is the main barrier preventing individuals from getting a safe and healthy living environment. Poor nutrition, insufficient shelter, and limited access to healthcare are all consequences of poverty that can harm one's health and safety in resources.

People who are poor sometimes lack the resources to restore their homes, such as replacing broken windows or repairing leaky roofs. Mould, mildew, and other health risks may result from this.

Additionally, those who are poor might not have access to clean water for drinking or proper sanitation, which can contribute to the spread of disease. Lack of access to mobility is another barrier keeping individuals from living in a secure and healthcare environment.

Learn more about healthy living environment at:



Which sentence contains a comma splice?

A) Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur, that means the dinosaurs are still alive!

B) The last known Tasmanian tiger, nicknamed Benjamin, died in a zoo in 1936; the species was declared extinct after 50 years passed with no further sightings.

C) Some scientists want to clone woolly mammoths, yet others worry that bringing an extinct species back from the dead could trigger an ecological disaster.

D) To save the California condor, scientists trapped the surviving 27 birds and bred them in captivity, but the condor is still one of the rarest birds in the world.


Option A contains a comma splice because the sentence is made up of two complete thoughts. The first is “Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur,” and the second is “That means the dinosaurs are still alive!”

A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined by a comma rather than a conjunction or a semicolon. The comma splice is a common grammatical error. In this case, a comma splice refers to a sentence that contains two or more complete sentences joined together by a comma instead of a semicolon or conjunction. Therefore, the sentence that contains a comma splice is: Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur, that means the dinosaurs are still alive! It contains a comma splice because the sentence is made up of two complete thoughts. The first is “Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur,” and the second is “That means the dinosaurs are still alive!” Although the sentence has a comma, the clause following the comma is not an independent clause; it cannot stand alone as a sentence.In option B, a semicolon is used to join the two independent clauses. In option C, a conjunction is used to join the two independent clauses. In option D, a semicolon is used to join the two independent clauses. In all three cases, the clauses are correctly joined with the appropriate punctuation mark, thereby avoiding a comma splice. Hence, Option A contains a comma splice.

For more such questions on comma splice, click on:



I need to see an example of a narrative topic proposal




Topic Proposal: A Journey Through Time: Exploring Ancient Civilizations

In this narrative, we will embark on a thrilling adventure through time, delving into the mysteries and wonders of ancient civilizations. From the towering pyramids of Egypt to the magnificent ruins of Machu Picchu, we will uncover the stories and secrets of these fascinating societies. Join us as we unravel the enigma of the Mayan calendar, witness the glory of the Roman Empire, and delve into the vibrant culture of ancient China. Through vivid descriptions and captivating anecdotes, this narrative aims to transport readers to the past, igniting their curiosity and appreciation for the rich heritage of humanity.

Hope it helps! :)

Write a letter to a friend in another country telling him or her about your plans after leaving Senior Secondary
school. you should write more than 450



Hey below is the answer.


Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope you're doing well! It's been a while since we last caught up, and I wanted to fill you in on my plans after leaving Senior Secondary.

As graduation approaches, I'm feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty about the next chapter of my life. After much consideration, I've decided to take a gap year. During this time, I want to explore new experiences and broaden my horizons.

One of the things I'm really looking forward to is traveling. I've always been fascinated by different cultures and countries, and I think this is the perfect opportunity to satisfy my wanderlust. Argentina is a place that has captured my imagination with its rich history, music, and breathtaking landscapes. It would be amazing if we could plan a visit together and discover all that Argentina has to offer!

In addition to traveling, I also want to make a positive impact during my gap year. Volunteering is something I've always been passionate about, and I plan to devote some of my time to meaningful projects. Education and environmental conservation are causes close to my heart, so I hope to find organizations where I can contribute and make a difference.

Once my gap year comes to an end, I'll be ready to pursue higher education. I've been researching universities and programs that align with my interests. Economics and international relations are two fields that have caught my attention. I believe they will provide a solid foundation for my future endeavors and open doors to exciting career opportunities.

Apart from academics, I'm also eager to get involved in extracurricular activities and meet new people. College offers a wide range of clubs, societies, and events, and I'm excited to dive into them. I think it will be a great way to develop new skills, forge friendships, and create lasting memories.

I would love to hear about your own plans for the future. How have things been going for you? Let's schedule a video call soon so we can catch up properly. Take care of yourself, my friend, and remember that I'm always here for you.

Sending warmest regards,

[Your Name]

help pleaseeeeeeeeeeee


The right answer about vocabulary word is B. Emma inquired about what constitutes effective study habits with her counselor.

The definition of constitute is to make up or create a whole. Emma is inquiring in this statement about the practices that constitute effective study habits.

The other statements are false. The term constitute is misapplied in the clause The English grade that Connie gave her kid is real. The word constitute is a verb in this phrase, even though it is employed as a noun in the sentence. Get your homework done before bed, a constituent advised her.

Learn more about vocabulary word, here:



school organization should be organized by utilizing bullet points and short explanatory sentences


"School organization should be organized by utilizing bullet points and short explanatory sentences". This statement is False.

School organization does not need to be exclusively organized using bullet points and short explanatory sentences.

While bullet points and concise explanations can be effective in conveying information quickly and clearly, they are not the only format for organizing school-related information.

Other organizational methods, such as paragraphs, headings, tables, or diagrams, can also be used depending on the context and purpose of the information being presented.

The choice of organizational format should be based on the most effective way to communicate and convey the intended message to the target audience.

Know more about school organization:



what does the acronyms IOL stand for


Answer: intraocular lens (or IOL)


It is a tiny, artificial lens for the eye. It replaces the eye's natural lens that is removed during cataract surgery.

4.1 Briefly describe the five purposes of assessment and give an example of each while indicating how the particular purpose is served in your example. (5 x 2 = 10)

4.2 What are the four types of assessment? List them, give the purpose of each, and one example of an assessment activity that is applicable in each case. (4 x 3 = 12)

4.3 CAPS recommends good practice in assessing learners across all grades. Certain principles of assessment should be adhered to when planning an assessment activity to ensure that it meets the criteria. Identify the five principles of assessment and justify their underlying purpose. (5 x 2 = 10)

4.4 Differentiate between the following assessment terminologies according to CAPS.

4.4.1 Assessment for learning and assessment of learning. (4 x 1 = 4)

4.4.2 Assessment in learning and assessment as learning.​


The five purposes of assessment are: to diagnose learning needs, to monitor progress, to provide feedback, to make decisions about instruction, to certify achievement.

The four types of assessments are:

Formative assessment

Summative assessment

Diagnostic assessment

Portfolio assessment

Assessment for learning: This kind of evaluation is intended to provide students feedback on their understanding, so they may get better. It is frequently employed in formative evaluations.

Learning assessment: This kind of evaluation is used to gauge students' progress at the conclusion of a unit or course. It is frequently applied in summative evaluations.

Learn more about assessment, here:



what types of development should an early childhood educator foster in children


As an early childhood educator, it is vital to foster different types of developments in children. These include cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.

Below are brief explanations of each:

Cognitive development: This type of development refers to a child's ability to think, reason, and understand. As an educator, you should provide a variety of activities that help children develop these skills. For instance, playing games that require problem-solving, storytelling, and experimenting.

Physical development: This development refers to the child's ability to move and control their body movements. It is crucial to encourage gross motor skills (jumping, running, climbing, etc.) and fine motor skills (drawing, writing, cutting, etc.).

Social development: This development refers to how children learn to interact and communicate with others. As an educator, you should create an environment where children learn to share, take turns, express themselves, and work together.

Emotional development: Emotional development is essential in helping children understand and manage their feelings. As an educator, you should help children identify their emotions, encourage them to express themselves, and create a safe space for them to talk about their feelings.In conclusion, fostering these different types of development is critical in the early stages of a child's life. The development of these skills will set a foundation for a child's future success in school and life.

For more questions on skills



PROMPT: We have read 4 chapter books this school year to learn the 6th grade standards. Choose a chapter book for the 7th grade teachers to read next year to teach their students the I standards. 1. Ghost 2. a. Realistic Fiction Fever 1793 a. Historical Fiction 3. Chasing Lincoln's Killer a. Informational 4. House Arrest a. Realistic Fiction​


For the 7th grade teachers to teach their students the I standards, I would recommend the chapter book "Chasing Lincoln's Killer."

How to explain the information

This book falls under the informational genre and provides an engaging account of the events surrounding Abraham Lincoln's assassination and the subsequent manhunt for his killer, John Wilkes Booth.

It offers historical context and factual information, which can help students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter while also meeting the standards for 7th grade.

Learn more about standard on



Read the excerpt from Other Words for Home.

We live in a town that needs tourists.
and war are not good for business.
But my brother doesn't care.
My brother who no longer will imitate Reese Witherspoon or sing Whitney Houston with me.

Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt?

O dejected O envious
O resigned O uncaring


The word that best describes the tone of the excerpt is dejected. So the correct option is Option A.

The reader’s interpretation of the poet’s attitude towards the poem’s speaker, reader and subject matter. It’s often referred to as a ‘mood’ that permeates the reader’s experience of reading a poem. It is created by a poem’s diction, metrical order or disorder, syntax, figurative language and rhyme.

The writer’s attitude towards a topic or an audience expressed through the use of words and style of writing. The overall mood or atmosphere of a text, often expressed through images and word usage.

To learn more about tone, refer to the link:



Skim-read the text in Question 3 and five lines, discuss what the main argument of the text is.

(The role of women in society is gradually taking its rightful place not only in urban areas but in rural areas as well. Women in Africa have always assumed an important role in villages and communities. They have been in the forefront of food security, bio-diversity and various other aspects of the household. In apartheid South Africa for example, women lived without their men who were migrant workers in the mines. In the absence of the men the women became managers of their households. In this chapter we explore why the education leadership curriculum should explore deeper as to why the role of women in African societies can enhance organisations. The curriculum in many programmes teaches management and leadership by merely looking at ‘male modes of leadership’. Yet, femininity and the role of women have much to teach students of management and leadership. African history has given us accounts of great women leaders who led with distinction, for example, MaNthantisi during the rise of the Zulu kingdom. Then there was the Ghanaian Queen Mother Yaa Asantwa who led and protected her chiefdom against British Colonialists. The Empress Uelete Rutael from Ethiopia was also a strong leader in her own right. There are various other examples that show that women in Africa have the ability to lead with distinction. However, many have argued that due to their ‘biology’ women cannot be good leaders. Yet the African Women Leaders’ website declares: Another excuse used against the participation of women in leadership is the fact that they are usually sensitive and emotional and as such would not be able to perform to the best of their ability in stressful situations. True, women are usually very emotional. But does this necessarily have to be a bad thing? The empathy that women feel for people and situations make them better able to understand the people they are leading. the chapter explore some of these debate, for it is unthinkable ignore these expects of womanhood in leadership. women in Africa have had various role that show them enhancing their communities. :Identify what the chapter seek to explore?​)​


The main argument presented in the text is that the education leadership curriculum should pay more attention to the role of women in African societies. It emphasizes that women have always played significant roles in villages and communities, particularly in the absence of men who were migrant workers. The text argues that the curriculum should go beyond traditional notions of leadership that primarily focus on male perspectives. It highlights the historical examples of influential women leaders in Africa and challenges the notion that women cannot be effective leaders due to their biology. The text emphasizes the value of women's empathy and understanding in leadership roles. Overall, the chapter aims to explore and emphasize the importance of incorporating women's experiences and leadership abilities in the education leadership curriculum, particularly in the African context.

in the crossover book, how does Josh feel about his brother being Superman on page 181?​


In the crossover book, Josh does not seem to feel any negative emotions or surprise when he finds out that his brother is Superman on page 181. Instead, he seems to take the information calmly and with a sense of acceptance.

The fact that Josh's brother is Superman is not revealed until later on in the book, during a conversation between Josh and his dad. Despite the shock that such information might cause in many people, Josh is relatively unfazed and takes the news in stride.

He accepts his brother's superhero persona as if it were an everyday occurrence. His reaction is reflective of the calm and understanding relationship he has with his family. Josh is shown to be a character that is highly supportive of his family, and the news of his brother's superhero status does not change that.

Although he is somewhat surprised by the revelation, he is quick to accept his brother's alter-ego and even shows a willingness to help him in his role as a superhero.

In this way, the relationship between Josh and his brother is shown to be strong and supportive, with Josh acting as a valuable ally and friend to his brother.

The acceptance and support that Josh shows towards his brother are reflective of the family's overall values and beliefs. They are a family that values loyalty, honesty, and a willingness to help others.

Josh's reaction to his brother's superhero identity is just another example of the strong bond that the family shares.

For more such questions on crossover book



which learning styles would David best be suited to​


The learning styles David would best be suited to include visual learning and auditory learning.

How to explain the information

Visual learners prefer to process information through images, diagrams, and visual aids. They benefit from using charts, graphs, and color-coded materials to enhance their understanding.

Auditory learners learn best by listening and speaking. They grasp information through lectures, discussions, and audio materials. They may benefit from reading aloud or engaging in group discussions.

Read/write learners prefer written materials, such as textbooks, articles, and note-taking. They excel at reading information and converting it into written form. Summarizing, outlining, and rewriting notes can be effective study techniques for them.

Learn more about learning on



Other Questions
when a group of people shares a common identity and members regularly interact with one another, sociologists refer to this group as a the following graph displays four supply curves (ll, mm, nn, and oo) that intersect at point v. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 price (dollars per unit) quantity (units) v w x y z m m o o l l n n using the graph, complete the table that follows by indicating whether each statement is true or false. statement true false between points v and w, curve nn is perfectly inelastic. curve ll is more elastic between points v and x than curve oo is between points v and y. between points v and y, curve oo is inelastic. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the alternativelegal forms for organizing a new venture A solid sphere (I = 2/5 MR^2) of mass 0.44 kg and radius 0.022 m rolls, without slipping, down an incline of height 0.98 m. What is the speed of the sphere at the bottom of the incline? . In Baroque and Rococo architecture, interiors of rooms featured plenty of _____ surfaces, or areas covered with a thin layer of gold. Stucco Fresco Gilt Etched doit fastWhich of the following expressions is equivalent to cosa COS 1 coa b) Oc) cora 1-a d) - I-cosa The sea level rises and falls above mean sea level roughly twice every day due to the daily tides. However, scientists are also predicting that the mean sea level itself is slowly rising due to global warming. Consider the following three functions that describe these phenomena. f(t) is the height in centimetres of the sea above mean sea level in Cape Town due to the tides at time t, measured in days since 1 June 2022. g(t) is the average daily global temperature in degrees Celsius at time t, measured in days since 1 June 2022. h(T) is the amount in centimetres that mean sea level rises when the average global temperature is T degrees Celsius. (a) Explain in your own words what the function (hog) (t) measures. (b) Which of the following combinations of functions best describes the height of the sea above current mean sea level in Cape Town at time t, measured in days since 1 June 2022. Explain your answer. f(t) + g(t) +h(T); f(g(t))+h(T); f(t) +h(g(t)); f(h(g(t))); f(t) + g(h(T)) (c) If at time t, h'(g(t))g'(t) > 0, what does that tell us is happening at time t? Explain. (d) You are told that h(T) = He where H and k are constants. Solve for H and k if h(15) 1 and h(16) = 2. (e) If f(t) = 60 cos(4t), then calculate f'(), give its units and explain what it tells us. (f) If g(0) = 14 then use the functions in (d) and (e) to calculate the height of the sea above mean sea level at the start of 1 June 2022. Edwin Footworx has issued 27% preferred stock with a par value of R100. If investors expect a rate of return of 18.5% on this stock, find the price at which you would expect the firm to sell the preferred stock. MAN 256 Homework 3 Due by May 24th, 5PM Suppose you want to have lunch in a fast food restaurant such as Burger King or McDonalds. In addition, you know that an ideal lunch for an adult requires the following nutritional content in Table 1 below: Nutritional Requirements At least 600 kcals Calories Total Fat Not more than 32.2 grams Calories from Fat Not more than 380 kcals Not more than 12.2 grams Saturated Fat Cholesterol Not more than 125 mg Sodium Not more than 1150 mg Carbohydrates Not less than 70.4 grams Fiber Not less than 6.0 grams Protein Not less than 12.5 grams Vitamin A Not less than 135 micrograms Vitamin C Not less than 14 milligram Calcium Iron Not less than 380 milligrams Not less than 4.6 milligrams Subject: Business Technology(1) Explain the organizational requirements for innovation. 1.Use the following information for stock ROCK and stockROLL:E(rROCK)=.11 SDrock=.20E(rROLL)=.15 SDroll=.25rf=.02 Correlation coefficient= .75A.-A. Find the expected return of a portfolio with 30% allocatedto stock ROCK and 70% allocated to stock ROLL what would be the value of your equity if you sell short 1 lotof stocks at $80 price, required margin is 50% and currently stockstrade at $60 Total Assets = 200 million Total Shareholder Equity = 130 million Total Current Liabilities = 25 million Total Current Assets = 50 million Calculate the value of total fixed assets. 175 million 70 mil Animal fats and vegetable oil can be converted to soaps by reaction with. A) sodium hydroxide. B) sodium bicarbonate. C) sodium hypochlorite.D) sodium phosphate. a. Search engines are the essential software of the computer. Justify thesestatements with appropriate examples. etermine if the statements are examples of moral hazard or not. a. a woman decides to bungee jump because her life insurance policy will provide for her family in the event of a bungee jumping tragedy. b. a driver speeds on a particular road after learning that the likelihood of getting a ticket there is relatively low because state troopers rarely venture that far out into their district. c. a bank is less cautious about making loans when the government passes a law that states that they will reimburse the bank if too many loans default. d. a family builds a home along a fault line because their homeowner's insurance protects them if an earthquake occurs. CBT may be difficult for diverse clients because: a. it overemphasizes emotional connectedness and collectivism b. it lacks empirical support c. it fails to account for environmental factors such as cultural differences in behavior d. there is the possibility that a culturally appropriate schema could be interpreted as irrational e. none of the above The weight of a certains species of fish is normally distributed with mean of 4.25 Kg and standard deviation of 1.2 a) What proportion of fish are between 3.5 kg and 4 kg b) What is the probability that a fish caught will have a weight of at least 5kg? Jillian Industries follows a strict residual dividend policy. The company has a capital budget of $6,000,000. It has a target capital structure that consists of 25% debt and 75% equity. The company forecasts that its net income will be $5,000,000. What will be the company's expected dividend payout ratio this year? (Answer to two decimals, in percent, without the percentage sign, for example, XX.XX) Find the measure of unknown angle. Line p Il q13. m2A=14. m2B=15. m2C=16. m2D=17. m2E-18. m2F19. m2G=20. mZHFE60H100%B20