What did the Pentagon Papers reveal?

a. The Nixon administration had ordered a secret invasion of Cambodia.

b. U.S. forces had killed hundreds of Vietnamese civilians during the My Lai massacre.

c. The Johnson administration had lied about the goals and progress of the Vietnam War.

d. The United States had exaggerated the scale of the Gulf of Tonkin incident.


Answer 1
c. The Johnson administration had lied about the goals and progress of the Vietnam War.

In 1971, the New York Times began publishing the Pentagon Papers, a leaked set of documents produced by the Defense Department under President Johnson. The papers proved that the Johnson administration had lied about the goals and progress of the Vietnam War. Nixon sought a court injunction to prevent their publication, and when that tactic failed he authorized a campaign to discredit Daniel Ellsberg, the anti-war former military analyst who had given the documents to the Times. Using a team of "plumbers that had been established to prevent leaks of politically sensitive information, White House officials orchestrated a burglary at the office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist, in an unsuccessful attempt to find embarrassing information with which to silence Ellsberg.

Related Questions

Your assignment, what were the most significant problems for the world coming out of WWII? You should find the five you believe were most significant and put them in order of what you believe to be most significant to least significant. Explain the problem and why it mattered…you may do this in chart form and be specific! Some will likely be very obvious and some may be pretty subtle. But oftentimes the subtle ones may be the most problematic.


Coming out of WWII, many of the world's economies were in ruins. Many countries were left with inadequate resources to rebuild, and this created a global economic crisis.

This was a major problem, as it affected the standard of living for people around the world, and hindered the ability of countries to develop and grow.

Political Instability: Following the war, many countries were left with a lack of stability, and this created a volatile political environment that could lead to further conflict. This was a major problem, as it threatened to derail the progress made during the post-war period.

Refugee Crisis: During the war, millions of people were displaced and forced to flee their homes. As a result, there was a global refugee crisis as countries struggled to cope with the influx of refugees. This was a major problem, as it put a strain on resources and increased the risk of further conflict.

Rise of Communism: Following the war, many countries in Eastern Europe and Asia turned to communism as a way to rebuild their economies. This was a major problem, as it created a power struggle between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union.

Nuclear Arms Race: The development of nuclear weapons during the war created a new era of global security. This was a major problem, as it increased the risk of nuclear conflict and put the world on the brink of destruction.

To know more about Soviet Union, click here:



Please help me write 2 paragraphs for my Ethics online class the directions are the following:

Paragraph 1
Explain the differences you discovered about academic misconduct versus academic honesty while taking this course. Did anything surprise you? Describe how the academic honesty practices you learned in this course apply or will apply to your life and education.

Paragraph 2
Please help me make this class better for future students. Each semester I take your suggestions and update the class.

Was the class what you expected? Why or why not?
Did the class help you better develop your critical thinking process?
What would you change about the class to make it better?
What was your favorite assignment(s) or activity(s) that I should definitely keep?
Are there any assignments or activities that you would remove or change, and if you would change them what would you suggest?
Do you have any suggestions to improve the class?
Were the Smartbook Quizzes better than standard quizzes?
Did the Smartbook Quizzes help with your understanding of the material?
Thank you for a wonderful class!


Academic misconduct are behavior that violates the ethical and moral standards of academia while Academic honesty are behavior upholding the values of integrity, trust and fairness in academic work.

What is difference between academic misconduct & honesty?

An academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, falsifying data, and other forms of academic dishonesty while academic honesty involves ethical conduct such as acknowledging sources, avoiding cheating, and producing original work.

Academic misconduct undermines integrity of the academic institution and can result in consequences like failing a course, expulsion from school, or legal repercussions. Academic honesty fosters an environment of trust and mutual respect among peers and promotes the pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Read more about academic



I will give you 20 point if you can help me with these three questions in the picture below relating to the quotes.


According to the question, there are quotes by Chief Seattle and Meriwether Lewis about America.

The answer to questions based on the quotations are-

1.  According to Chief Seattle-

White Americans do not concerned about the customs and values associated with land. They just utilize the property to further their own personal interests.He portrayed them as strangers who arrived at night, took what they wanted, and then left.

According to Meriwether-

He describes Americans as uncivilized people.He mentioned that , he is setting foot on a land on which no civilized person has ever came upon.

2. The two perspectives are similar in the way due to the fact that Meriwether and Chief Seattle thought poorly of Americans and their disregard for morals.

The difference in the perspective among them was Chief Seattle talks about their disregard for their land.

Whereas, Meriwether refers to Americans as uncivilized.

3.Chief Seattle and Meriwether both referred to the native population as being nasty in the quotations that had to do with the Declaration of Independence.

The doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" held that white Americans had been given a divine mandate to colonize the whole North American continent.

So, they both warned about what was going to happen to America.

To know more about Manifest Destiny visit:



were the riots that took place after mlk's assassination were justified? why or why not


The riots that occurred after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in April 1968 were the most extensive wave of civil unrest in the United States since the Civil War. Many people, especially in African American communities, saw the assassination of King as a devastating blow and a symbolic representation of the injustices and inequalities they faced daily. The riots that followed were an expression of anger, frustration, and desperation that had built up over years of racial discrimination, poverty, and police brutality.

However, whether the riots were justified or not is a matter of debate, and opinions on this issue vary widely. Some argue that the riots were a legitimate form of protest against a system that had long denied African Americans their basic rights and freedoms. They believe that the violence was a necessary response to the violence and oppression that African Americans had experienced for centuries.

Others argue that the riots were counterproductive and harmful to the cause of civil rights. They believe that the violence and destruction that occurred only served to reinforce negative stereotypes about African Americans and alienate potential allies. They also argue that the riots diverted attention away from the peaceful and nonviolent tactics that had been successful in the civil rights movement up to that point.

Ultimately, the question of whether the riots that occurred after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination were justified is a complex and contentious issue. While some argue that the violence was a legitimate response to systemic injustice and oppression, others believe that it only served to perpetuate a cycle of violence and harm the cause of civil rights.

Which of the following was the result of the french and indian war



. The British received Canada from France and Florida from Spain, but permitted France to keep its West Indian sugar islands and gave Louisiana to Spain.

Impact of Advanced technology
on globalization


Technological advancements reduce costs of transportation and communication across nations and thereby facilitate global sourcing of raw materials and other inputs. Patented technology encourages globalization as the firm owning the patent can exploit foreign markets without much competition.

Information technology has led to the emergence of the global village. For example, the World Wide Web has reduced the barriers of time and place in business dealings. Buyers and sellers can now make transactions at any time and any part of the globe. Technological change also affects investments.

Technological advancements reduce the cost of international transportation and communication, facilitating global sourcing of raw materials and other inputs. Patented technology promotes globalisation because the patent holder can exploit foreign markets with little competition.

Learn more about technological, here:



Which political party was created after Andrew Jackson caused a split in the Democratic-Republican party?





The correct answer is A. Democrats.

Andrew Jackson, a former Democratic-Republican, caused a split in the party due to disagreements with fellow party members over issues such as the national bank, tariffs, and the distribution of political power.

The reasurgence of conservatism



Explanation:The resurgence of conservatism refers to the increase in popularity and political influence of conservative ideas and values in recent decades. While there are many factors that have contributed to this phenomenon, some of the key drivers include:

1. Backlash against social and cultural changes: Many conservatives feel that the rapid social and cultural changes of recent decades have gone too far, and that there is a need to preserve traditional values and institutions.

2. Economic challenges: Many people have faced economic challenges, such as job insecurity and income inequality, and have turned to conservative ideas like free-market capitalism as a solution.

3. Nationalism: Nationalism and a focus on national borders and identity have become more prominent in many countries, leading to an increased focus on conservative values like tradition and order.

4. Reaction to perceived liberal excesses: Some people have reacted against perceived excesses of liberal social and political movements, such as political correctness and identity politics, and have become more attracted to conservative values like individualism and personal responsibility.

5. Media influence: The rise of conservative media outlets and social media platforms has made it easier for conservative ideas to reach a wider audience, and has helped to amplify conservative voices.

It's important to note that there are many different forms of conservatism, and different conservative movements and groups may emphasize different values and priorities. However, the resurgence of conservatism as a political force is a global phenomenon that reflects a broader shift in the cultural and political landscape.

List 3 ways that you can identify some of the main events that led to the end of segregation:

100 Points!!!!!!


Answer: Vietnam war opposition


Analyzing primary source documents such as court cases, speeches, and letters
Studying the Civil Rights Movement leaders and their tactics, including boycotts, marches, and public demonstrations
Examining the role and impact of federal laws and policies such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965

But if ur talking about some event that led it to then -

The landmark court case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, which ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional
The Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955-1956, in which African Americans refused to ride city buses in protest of racial segregation
The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Which of the following is NOT one of the five relationships that Confucius taught about?


Based on the concept of Confucius on relationships and the available options, the correct answer is option C. Employer and Employee.

What is the Five Relationships Confucius taught about?

According to Confucius, there are major five cardinal relationships existing among humans. These relationships are the defining factors in the society.

Confucius in his assessment came up with the following five relationships which are the following:father and son, husband and wife, ruler and subject, older brother and younger brother,friend and friend

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Employer and Employee relationship.

Learn more about Confucius here: https://brainly.com/question/5603877


Answer options are:

A. Husband and wife,

B. Ruler and subject,

C. Employer and employee

D. Older brother and younger brother,

E. Friend and friend

True or false. The emperor Nero confessed to starting a fire that burned down most of Rome





Emperor Nero did NOT confess to starting the fire, but rather he blamed it on the Christians and they were persecuted.

Emperor Nero never confessed to burning down Rome but is rumored to be true.

How did nation-states bring order to the industrial cities?
Select one:
O A. demolishing rural farms for industrial parks
OB. taking private property for public use
OC. creating popularly elected city councils
OD. Increased sanitation and redesigning city streets


B- taking private property for public use

In what way are Italian Fascism and German Nazism in the 1930s similar? A .A They both used a democratic form of government to make major decisions . B . Both were led by dictators who use nationalism and terror to maintain control over citizens. C. Both were communist governments that attacked neighboring countries to increase their empires D .Bother allowed the government to control industry and agriculture in order to make all citizens equal



B) Both were led by dictators who use nationalism and terror to maintain control over citizens.


Why it is not A. Both Fascism and Nazism did in fact use the set means of democracy as a means to rise to power (along with other factors), but their ideology does not follow the ideals of democracy, as both parties terminated the democratic wing of the government, 1933 for Germany with the Enabling Act, which adopted the Nazi doctrine and gave them power until their fall in 1945, and Mussolini rose to power through being appointed as prime minister and in 1925 terminating the government, replacing it with a dictatorship.

Learn more about World War II, here:


The answer is C

Help please

Chapter 13/14. The Civil War. Watch the Hari Jones TED talk. Then, answer the following questions in 7-10 sentences. Then, respond to two different classmates' posts by asking a question or challenging their assertions (respectfully). Try to make sure everyone has a response to their post. Finally, respond to the question or assertion your classmate(s) replied to you. Responses are meant to acknowledge what the other student has communicated, and either expand on their ideas, or push back on them, then offer positive feedback. Consider using the following template: "Hi _____. I was interested in ______ about your post because _______. Also/However, ______. I think ______ because _____. Do you think/feel _____/? I feel _____. "

In serving in the military, what contributions did African Americans make to the Union war effort?

What kinds of discrimination did they face? What kind of heroism did they exhibit, and when?

Write a reaction to Dr/ Jones' TED talk. What did you know/not know? What surprised/amazed/angered/made you proud/saddened/made you happy?


Amidst Civil War, African Americans provided immense contributions to the Union army by engaging in various responsibilities as infantrymen, sailors, cooks, and as laborers.

What kinds of discrimination did they face? What kind of heroism did they exhibit, and when?

Their conquered several battles through their stout-heartedness and led numerous victorious Union outcomes, including the Battle of Fort Wagner, the Battle of Milliken's Bend, and the Battle of Nashville. In addition, African American combatants further aided the Confederacy's downfall by seizing plantations, severing supply lines, and liberating those captured people held against their will.

2. Although they had been a great help, African American troops happened to receive prejudiced treatment and segregation during their service period; such as getting paid lesser than white veterans and being obligated to menial functions. Likewise, harsher penalties and detrimental living circumstances were imposed on them. Notwithstanding, countless awards and medals for impressive gallantry and exceptional endurance in face of adversities have been rightly granted to African American soldiers.

Read more on civil war here:https://brainly.com/question/24992590


Interpret the evidence

1. What information in these documents confirms commonly held belies about teenagers in the 1950s?

2. What information in these documents challenges the conventional wisdom about teenagers in the 1950s?

3. Documents 25.5 and 25.7 speak specifically to teenagers. How do they differ, either in tone or in content, from those written about teens (Document 25.6) or by teens (Document 25.8)?

4. What do Documents 25.6 and 25.8 tell us about generational differences?

5. How much do these documents tell us about racial differences among teenagers in the postwar era?

6. What do Documents 25.5 and 25.10 reveal about gender roles and expectations within teenage culture in the 1950s?

Put It in Context

How do these documents show the way teenagers shaped the larger post-World War II society?


Based on the conventional wisdom about teenagers in 1950s, it is often believed that teenagers during that the time were conformist, apolitical, and obsessed with consumer culture.

What is culture?

Culture can be defined as the shared beliefs, values, practices, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It includes the ideas, attitudes, and traditions that shape the way people interact with each other and with the world around them. Culture is not static but is constantly evolving as people adapt to changing circumstances and incorporate new ideas and technologies. It provides a framework for understanding and interpreting the world, and serves as a source of identity and belonging for individuals and groups. Culture can be expressed through art, literature, music, food, clothing, architecture, and other forms of creative expression, and is often closely intertwined with language and religion.

To learn more about culture, visit:



Analyze how the excerpt from the american with disabilities act is structured.


A clear and concise structure is evident in the specified excerpt from the American with Disabilities Act.

Why is this so?

The opening statement outlines its primary objective, which is to ensure individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate fully in society.

Subsequently, it proceeds with definitive descriptions of key terms such as disability and public entities, providing unambiguous interpretations of the ADA.

Note that  the excerpt's coherence and sequencing impart straightforwardness and accessibility to its purpose and significant definitions.

Learn more about American with disabilities act at:



SALT I was a treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union that focused on ______.

a. ending the Vietnam War

b. limiting nuclear arms

c. increasing trade between the two nations

d. creating an alliance against China


b. limiting nuclear arms

After dispatching Kissinger on a secret mission to make arrangements, Nixon traveled to Beijing in February 1972, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Chinese mainland. Protected by his long standing anti-communist credentials from political attacks at home, Nixon initiated diplomatic exchanges with the People's Republic of China and paved the way for Mao Zedong's government to join the United Nations.

By 1972, China, the United States, and the Soviet Union were each worried about the prospects of closer ties between the other two. Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev responded to Nixon's China trip by inviting the president to Moscow, where the two leaders signed an arms limitation treaty, SALT I. Both sides agreed not to deploy any nuclear missiles exceeding existing levels and pledged further arms reduction talks. Nixon failed, however, to leverage this new relationship to end the Vietnam War.

Based on the poll and bar graph, which of the following is true?
A. Because the poll was conducted by the news media, it probably has liberal bias.
B. The sample is too small to consider this poll representative of the universe.
C. The approval rating among independents is more indicative of the overall approval rating of the president than any other group in this survey.
D. The gap between Republican and Democrat views of the president will likely narrow.



C. The approval rating among independents is more indicative of the overall approval rating of the president


We can find the answer using the process of elimination. A is not applicable because there is no source. B is not applicable because there is no data on how many were surveyed. D  is not true when looking at the values given, Republican 86% vs Democrat 7%. Therefore, C is the only answer left.

Which collective action problem is reflected in free riding?
Question 39 options:


disturbance theory


disincentive to participate


particularized benefits


purposive incentives


Answer:The answer is that they likely prefer to do something else and realize they can receive the same grade as the rest of the group without contributing to the effort. This result is often termed the free rider problem, because some individuals can receive benefits (get a free ride) without helping to bear the cost.


I need help please

Which is true of Northerners who assisted escaped slaves?

a. They were typically Canadian citizens.

b. Many traveled into the South to liberate slaves from plantations.

c. Many were part of a movement that urged the North to secede from the union.

d. They were breaking federal law.

e. If caught, they were sent to the South for trial.



D. They were breaking federal law


thay were braking federal law

research the New Deal programs put in place by FDR and the government. What were at least FIVE of the programs that were developed by the New Deal programs and what did they do? You can do this in chart form…but you need to be specific!!!! Include what the benefit of each was!!!



Here are five New Deal programs and their objectives:

Program Name Objective Benefits

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Provide jobs to young, unemployed men to work on conservation projects Reduced unemployment; improved infrastructure; increased environmental awareness

Works Progress Administration (WPA) Create jobs for unemployed Americans in various public works projects Provided jobs; improved infrastructure; created public art; supported cultural programs

Social Security Act (SSA) Provide retirement and disability benefits to American workers Established a social safety net; helped protect seniors from poverty

National Recovery Administration (NRA) Regulate industry and establish fair business practices Improved working conditions; established minimum wage and maximum hours

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Help farmers by reducing crop production and stabilizing crop prices Increased agricultural stability; supported farmers and rural communities


Using Conflict theory , address social control mechanisms and how racism, religion, education and federal government authority have been used to justify the atrocities and the forced assimilation and oppression of the Indigenous people. Please not short answers!


Social control mechanisms have been used to maintain non-Indigenous dominance over Indigenous peoples, justified by racism, religion, education, and government authority, perpetuating oppression and injustice.

Conflict theory contends that society is fundamentally uneven, with many groups vying for control over scarce resources. Social control techniques have been applied to Indigenous peoples to keep non-Indigenous groups in power. Religion has been used to integrate Indigenous peoples into Eurocentric civilizations, while racism has been used to legitimise the enslavement of these peoples.

Indigenous peoples have been indoctrinated into Western ideas and conventions through education, and federal government authority has been utilised to enact policies that have deprived them of their lands and damaged their sovereignty. Indigenous peoples have faced institutional oppression and injustice for a long time as a result of these systems, which has fueled ongoing battles for self-determination and the acknowledgement of their human rights.

Learn more about racism:



Which diagram correctly shows how the populations of Northern states
affected the Union's ability to wage war?
O A.
O C.
O D.
Immigrants lived mostly
in the Union states
Union cities were more
Northern states had a
larger population
Northern states were
less populated
Immigrants made up a
large percentage of the
Union army
Larger cities were easier to
defend, less likely to be
Union leadership rarely
worried about labor
The Union had a smaller
army than the Confederacy


The diagram that correctly shows how the populations of Northern states affected the Union's ability to wage war was B. Northern states had a larger population.

What was the Union's population like ?

The greater population of the Union states provided a considerable benefit for waging war compared to the Confederate states. The additional populace afforded the Union access to more soldiers, workers and tax revenue.

Urban centers within the Union were better defended and less prone to assaults due to their greater number of inhabitants. Foreign-born persons formed a significant portion of combatants in the Union army allowing for an ardent and multifarious fighting force. Consequently, option B accurately reflects how the populations residing in Northern states influenced the ability of the Union to conduct warfare.

Find out more on the Union at https://brainly.com/question/29702602


can someone help me with this , also don’t know if this correct


The correct era for the term "civil service reform" in the U.S. is the Progressive Era.

During which era did civil service reform take place?

The Civil service reform . emerged during the late 19th and early 20th centuries during the Progressive Era. Prior to this, government jobs were often awarded based on political connections rather than merit, leading to corruption and inefficiency.

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 was a significant piece of legislation that established a merit-based system for hiring and promoting civil servants. This marked a shift towards a more professional and efficient government workforce and laid the groundwork for further reforms in the years to come.

Read more about civil service reform



What was the main thing the Salvation Army did?



Their work included setting up shelters for people who were homeless, a family tracing service, running soup kitchens, helping people living in the slums and setting up rescue homes for women fleeing domestic abuse and prostitution.

Part C
Think about the five civilizations and their accomplishments. Choose the one that you think is the most outstanding. Write a brief paragraph stating which civilization you think is the “best” and explain why you selected it.
Han dynasty of China, the Gupta Empire of India, and the Aztec, Inca, and Maya Empires of the Americas.


The Han dynasty of China is the most outstanding civilization for its advancements in technology, trade, art, literature, and implementation of Confucianism.

The Chinese Han dynasty was, in my opinion, the most remarkable of the five civilizations. China underwent great breakthroughs under the Han dynasty in fields like science, art, literature, and trade. The Han dynasty reigned over a sizable and diversified people.

They created paper, expanded the Silk Road, and built a robust bureaucracy. Confucianism was also made the official state ideology under the Han dynasty, and this had a significant influence on Chinese culture and society. Overall, the Han dynasty's legacy has had a significant positive impact on China's development and global cultural heritage.

Learn more about the Han dynasty:



The cultural values related to women in the Byzantine world were most likely the result of the cultural diffusion brought by which ofthe following empires?


The cultural values related to women in the Byzantine world were probably a result of the cultural diffusion brought about by the Roman Empire. Option 1 is correct.

What is cultural diffusion?

It corresponds to an influence of one culture on another, with exchanges in practices, knowledge and moral aspects, such as those related to religion, politics, habits, etc.

Therefore, the Roman and Greek empires were influential in the dissemination of new ideas and cultural values related to women in the Byzantine world, this being a common and natural process due to the interaction between two or more societies.

Find out more about cultural dIffusion at:



A healthy democracy requires that voting be an accurate representation of the will of the people. Identify and describe two potential flaws in the voting process and how they challenge its accuracy or its ability to reflect the people's will. (4 points)


Voting lines for districts are unfairly created. The districts are stacked with voters that support one particular party.

Politicians make it harder for poor/uneducated people to vote by having fewer voting machines available thus creating longer voting lines. Longer voting lines makes it less likely poor/uneducated people are able to vote due to work restrictions, transportation issues etc

which statement best describe an effect of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo



It caused increased tensions over the spread of slavery into western U.S. territories.

discussing three (3) reform initiatives or action steps (from the rthat you believe are necessary to transform African American education in the 21st century and provide evidence supporting why you think these strategies will work. 


Early in the American colonial era, a family's ability to afford education and where they lived were its main determinants.

Colonial governments did not mandate any kind of education, and the only places where schools were present were in places where locals or the local church founded them. Some cultures placed a higher priority on education than others, giving even underprivileged children the chance to learn something.

One institution that many people take for granted in America is the public education system, which plays a big role in the country's environment. It's challenging to fathom a point in history when education was a privilege rather than a right and only available to affluent students.

Learn more about American education here:



Other Questions
What argument about change is the poet making in the next-to-last stanza, which begins, "If the abolition of slave-manacles/began as a vision of hands without manacles/ then this is the year? a young adult woman is admitted to the hospital with symptoms of anorexia nervosa. what information should the nurse obtain in determining the client's psychological status? What does a directly-controlled colony suggest about the attitude of the imperial power towards the local population?explain. PLS HELP ME DO THIS QUESTION PLSPLSPLSQUESTION IS ON THE PIC BELOW Additional evidence of an exothermic reaction issound Please can someone assist me on this question I have no idea if two samples a and b had the same mean and standard deviation, but sample a had a larger sample size, which sample would have the wider 95% confidence interval? According to Issac Newton, gravity depends on what two factors? Please help giving brainliest to whoever is right! Thanks A builder wishes to fence in 80000 m2 of land in a rectangular shape. for security reasons, the fence along the front part of the land will cost $60 per meter, while the fence for the other three sides will cost $20 per meter.how much of each type of fence should the builder buy to minimize the cost of the fence?determine the length of the fence along the front part of the land that will be cost $60 per meter.(give your answer as a whole or exact number.) Can sum help me with this Two children setup a telephone by placing a long, slender aluminum (Y = 6.9 1010 N/m2) rod that has a length of 6.1-m between their two houses. To communicate, a child taps a coded message on one end. How long do the sound waves take to reach the other end? Note: the density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. !ANSWER THESE CORRECTLY PLS!- Laura (est leiendo, ests leiendo, est leyendo, ests leyendo) {leer} un Libra en espanol. Los atletas (estamos durmiendo, estn durmiendo, estamos dormiendo, estn dormiendo) {dormir} ahora porous tienen un partido grande en la noche. Under the save our homes amendment in florida annual homestead assessment increases are limited to what maximum percentage Find the perimeter of each figure Jada is at an extracurricular activity fair for her high school she is trying to decide which club to join her hobbies include fixing old appliances and rebuilding them to sell at the flea markets she prefers not to have children when she's older and faints that the sight of blood she never been thrilled about public speaking which ctso jaida should join Diego has a bag with the letters DOG inside. Diego picks 30 letters from the bag, replacing the letter he picks each time. Is it possible that Diego could draw D 19 times, O 10 times, and G 1 time? Why or why not? The mass of the water in the tank is 50 kg. What is the amount of heat supplied by the heating coil in the first 20minutes? What does 9x5 equal to Martha went skiing in Arizona she got on the ski lift at the bottom of the mountain which is at 189 feet below sea level the ski lift took her up ascending 790 feet to the very top of the mountain then she skied down part of the mountain down descending 254 feet what elevation is she at now?