What beliefs and/or
values limited
American responses
to Nazi oppression?


Answer 1

The United States government did not prioritize the rescue of Jews and other victimized groups targeted by Nazi Germany during World War II.

In 1924, new, harsh quota regulations were enacted by the US Congress, limiting the annual number of immigrants from Europe who may enter the country. These criteria were frequently not met during the Nazi era, despite the fact that thousands of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany and Nazi-occupied countries applied for admission to the US.

President Herbert Hoover urged the State Department to vigorously enforce the quota regulations once the Great Depression got underway in 1929, which made it exceedingly challenging for refugees to get immigration visas in the 1930s. Immigrants had to demonstrate they had the means to maintain themselves indefinitely in the United States and were not "likely to become a public charge." Despite the continuous persecution of Jews in Germany, the Great Depression's economic troubles had an impact on popular and governmental views toward immigration, which exacerbated antisemitism, isolationism, and xenophobia.

In addition to screening refugees for national security reasons once World War II broke out in 1939, American consuls overseas made the already challenging immigration procedure much more challenging. These kind of posters were printed.

Nevertheless, more than 50% of all immigrants to the United States in 1939 and 1940 were Jews, the majority of them European refugees. In the same years, the bulk of immigrants to the United States were from nations that were either occupied by the Nazis or collaborated with them. For instance, in 1940, 82 percent of immigrants to America were from these nations, the majority of whom were asylum-seeking refugees. However, the majority of European American consulates had been closed by the time the United States entered the war in December 1941, making it practically difficult for refugees to flee the continent. But from 1933 until 1945, more over 200,000 Jews sought asylum in the United States, the most of them arriving before the end of 1941.

US State Department Response to News of the “Final Solution”

Gerhart Riegner, the World Jewish Congress delegate located in Geneva, delivered a report to the State Department in August 1942. (WJC). According to the study, the Germans intended to kill all of Europe's Jews in person. State Department officials did not deliver the report to American Jewish Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was President of the World Jewish Congress, since they thought it was a rumor and felt that no rescue effort could be made even if the story was accurate.

Despite the State Department's resistance, Wise quickly obtained the report via British means and requested that the agency look into the claims. Rabbi Wise received Riegner's intelligence three months later, which was corroborated by Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles. In a press conference on November 24, 1942, Wise said that Nazi Germany was carrying out a plan to exterminate all of the Jews in Europe. A few weeks later, on December 17, the United States, the United Kingdom, and eleven other Allies released a statement condemning Nazi Germany's atrocities and admonishing those responsible for them to face the consequences of their conduct.

Related Questions

Which statement best explains how nationalism helped cause World War I?

It fueled rivalries between European nations.

It united Europe against the Ottoman Empire.

It led to revolution against Russian imperialism.


The correct option is A. Nationalism fueled rivalries between European nations. As a result, there were conflicts amongst the major European powers.

What is the Nationalism?

A strong sense of patriotism or loyalty to one's country is known as nationalism. Nationalists overstate the value or virtues of their own country, prioritizing it over the interests of other countries.

Thus, Early in the 20th century, nationalism was a powerful force in Europe and a major factor in the outbreak of World War I.

Learn more about Nationalism here:



What were negative aspects of Joseph Stalin's first Five-Year Plan? Choose three answers.


The negative aspects of Joseph Stalin’s first Five-Year plan is the shortage of consumer goods, and waste and inefficiency.

(I really hope this helps?)

Which amendment to the constitution officially ended slavery or involuntary servitude
in the United States



The 13th Amendment


United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Compare and contrast the three valley civilization. How were they similar and different? Think about geography, culture, and economics.


The three main valley civilizations are ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and ancient Chinese. They had different writing systems and innovations as well.

The civilizations in the river valley created writing systems. What was the valley civilizations?

A Bronze Age civilization in South Asia's northwest was called the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), also known as the Indus Civilization. The writing systems, geography, and innovations of the river valley civilizations were comparable to each another.

Early civilizations shared characteristics in five areas like religion, business, agriculture, social organization and hierarchy, and architecture.

Therefore, the three valley civilization are different in relation to the writing system.

Learn more about the Valley Civilization, refer to:




Mohenjo-daro and Harappa are cities which are  built on river banks,  Mohenjo-Daro  is been found on right bank of the Indus River while  Harappa  was situated at left bank of the river Ravi.

How can we describe  three Indus Valley civilizations?

The  three Indus Valley civilizations (Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, Aryans, and Dravidians) can be seen to be  larger compare with the ancient Egyptian civilization.

It is from these three Indus Valley civilizations that world's first dentists came from and they  measure about 5 km.

The canals built across New York made it easier to transport which good?

A. fish from New England
B. coal from Appalacha
C. wheat from the midwest
D. cotton from the south


The canals built across New York made it easier to transport wheat from the midwest .

What is the importance of canals?

Canals where constricted to ease movement of good and commodity.

Heavy goods that could not go by road are moved through the canals because of the volume. Goods are moved to the East using this system.

Therefore, The canals built across New York made it easier to transport wheat from the midwest .

Learn more on canals below



Papermaking is one of the four great inventions in China. It was invented in the Western Han Dynasty and improved in the Eastern Han Dynasty. China is the first country in the world to raise silkworms and weave silk. In ancient China, the working people of the ancient times drew silk from silkworm cocoons, and the remaining cocoons and diseased cocoons were made of silk cotton by bleaching. After the drifting is completed, there will be some residue left on the mat. When there are many times of flocculation, the residual flocs on the mat will accumulate into a layer of fibrous flakes, which can be peeled off after drying and can be used for writing. There are not many by-products of this kind of bleaching, and it is called Hejia or Fangxu in ancient books.


The invention of paper was what brought about printing technology into the world years after this invention.

The history of Paper

Paper is known to have being an invention of the Chinese people. Cai Lui is the Chinese that paper making is attributed to.

The first paper came into existence in the Han dynasty in 105 CE. It was created through the use ofb rags and also materials from plants fibers.

Read more on papermaking here:



section B Essay Questions Question 6 45 158 Explain to what extent the Black Pouler Moveme- Int was succesful in changing the lives of Afri can Americans The Black Power m​


Black power changed the lives of African Americans because this movement fought for the civil rights of this population.

What is Black power?

Black power is a term associated with black movements that have fought over time for civil rights for black people in the United States and other countries.

Movements related to black power have also focused on reducing social gaps due to race and eradicating racial segregation and discrimination.

Learn more about Black Power in: https://brainly.com/question/20705156


How has agriculture had an effect on the daily lives and settlement patterns of humans?


Agriculture has been the major source of food and the largest employer throughout the world.

Effects of Agriculture on Settlement Patterns

Over the years, agriculture has been the most influential factor in determining settlement patterns.

  Humans and animals naturally move to areas which provide more opportunities for agriculture to thrive.

Also Traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyles, followed by humans since their evolution, were swept aside in favor of permanent settlements.

Learn more about Settlement patterns at https://brainly.com/question/12795394


Did Jesus live as a jew and die as a jew?



Yes he did

Jesus was a Jew, born into a Jewish family through a Jewish mother. He prayed at the Temple and in synagogues. He was (and is) the Saviour of the world, but He was the Jewish Messiah and His identity is confirmed because He fulfilled the Jewish Messianic prophecies.

He was also the Son of God and God the Son, the second Person of the Holy Trinity that He revealed as intrinsic to the character of God.

Of course, this was His mission: to bring forth out of the Old covenant the fulfillment for which it prepared us. The Jews were (and are) the first people to whom God Personally spoke, with Whom He made a Covenant. It was this Covenant, which promised the Messiah, that paved the way for the New Covenant that was the product of His arrival.

At the last, He died the Sacrificial victim offered up by the Temple Priesthood, thus fulfilling all righteousness. Then He arose, and it was all made new.

Of course, Jesus was a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshiped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues. He preached from Jewish text, from the Bible. He lived, was born, lived, died, taught as a Jew. But, of course, it does need to be said because we all know what happens later in the story, where it turns out that Christianity becomes something other than Judaism and as a result, Jesus in retrospect is seen not as a Jew, but as something else, as a founder of Christianity. But, of course, he was a Jew.

Rivalries between European imperialist powers and the growth of European militaries contributed to which outcome in the early 20th century?
A. Small countries became more willing to join powerful empires
B. Many European powers were eager to go to war with one another
C. European states become less concerned with controlling overseas empires
D. The alliance system that maintained a balance of power in Europe broke down


Rivalries between European powers and growth of military in the 20th century was what made Many European powers  eager to go to war with one another.

What wars were the Europeans engaged in?

The Europeans due to the rise in their powers and the conflict of interest first fought the WW1.

This was involved the allied and the axis powers. The second war that they fought was the second world war.

The Europeans were at war in the 20th century due to the fact that they were protecting their national interests as well as defending their territories.

Read more on imperialism here:



The belief in Manifest Destiny caused many Americans to support:
A. ending private ownership of land in the United States.
B. rapid expansion of U.S. territory in North America.
C. replacing democratic governments with religious institutions.
D. treaties that protected American Indians' rights.


B, Americans thought western land was their god given right.



How will the divided structure of the proposed government prevent this threat from becoming a reality?


The genius of theU.S. The constitution is no accident. America’s Founding Fathers had learned the hard way that any government — given too important power — would ultimately oppress the people.

Their gests in England left them in fear of the concentrated political powers of a monarchy. They believed that employing the government was the key to lasting liberty. Indeed, the Constitution’s celebrated system of balanced separation of powers executed through checks and balances was intended to preclude despotism.launching Fathers Alexander Hamilton and James Madison added it up," In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the coming place oblige it to control itself."Due to this, the introductory structure the Authors gave us in 1787 has shaped American history and served the nation well. It's a system of checks and balances, made up of three branches, and designed to ensure that no single reality has too important power.The Administrative Branch of government is headed by the President of the United States. He also acts as the head of state in political relations and as Commander-in-Chief for all U.S. branches of the fortified forces.

The legislative branch of the U.S?

The President is responsible for enforcing and administering the laws written by Congress. Further, he appoints the heads of the civil agencies, including the Cabinet, to ensure legislation is executed. Every society needs laws. In the United States, the power to make laws is given to Congress, which represents the legislative branch of government. Congress is divided into two groups the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each is made up of members tagged from each state. The Senate is comprised of two Legislators per state and the House is grounded on population, totaling 435 members.

The judicial system in the U.S-

The laws of the United States are a complex shade that weaves through history. At times they're vague, occasionally they are veritably specific, and they can frequently be confusing. It's over to the civil justice system to sort through this web of legislation and decide what's indigenous and what's not. The judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court of the United States( SCOTUS). It's made up of nine members, with the highest ranking given the title of Chief Justice of the United States.

Federalism in the U.S-

The U.S. Constitution establishes a government grounded on" federalism." This is the sharing of power between the public and state( as well as original) governments. This power-participating form of government is contrary to" centralized" governments, under which a public government maintains total power. In it, certain powers are given to countries if it isn't a matter of overarching concern to the nation.

Hence, in this way, the divided structure of the proposed government prevents the threat from becoming a reality.

learn more about the structure of government here:



SOMEBODYYY HELLLLPPPPPP so this question says

What was one of the major ideas of Jacksonian democracy?

A. to address the needs of common Americans

B. to develop the lifestyle of the upper class

C. to address the issues of American Indians

D. to improve the conditions of white males

WITCH ONEEEEE!!! Please hellpp meeee


A major idea in Jacksonian democracy was that A. to address the needs of common Americans.

What did Jacksonian Democracy call for?

Andrew Jackson became the president because he championed the cause of the common man and their suffering.

Jacksonian democracy was therefore meant to address the needs and sufferings of common Americans except of course, African Americans.

Find out more on Jacksonian Democracy at https://brainly.com/question/6905176.


Understanding Mineral Properties
Select the correct responses to the questions from the drop-down menus.

What do the repetitive patterns in a mineral form?

What is the term for the ability of a mineral to break into flat surfaces?

What is the term for an irregular way a mineral breaks apart?


A crystal structure is the repetitive patterns in a mineral form. Cleavage is the ability of a mineral to break into flat surfaces. A fracture is a term used for an irregular way a mineral breaks apart.

Study of the mineral and the crystal structure.

The underlying internal architecture of a crystalline substance, or its crystal structure, is expressed in a mineral's outward morphology. The three-dimensional regular (or ordered) arrangement of chemical units (atoms, ions, and anionic groups in inorganic materials; molecules in organic substances) that make up a crystal structure is reproduced in different ways via translational and symmetry operations and are referred to as motifs.The term "cleavage" describes the way some minerals fracture along specific structural lines of weakness. Mica is a wonderful example since it breaks along flat planes that are very closely spaced apart and produces thin "sheets."A mineral can fracture when it splits in an irregular pattern without any smooth, plane surfaces.

To learn more about minerals, crystal structure, and their breakage pattern ( a fracture and cleavage), refer to-



The first estate made up what percentage of the French population during the 1700's? A one B. eight C , five



A. One


What was the purpose behind the New Deal?



A series of relieve programs.


The New Deal was a series of large-scale relief programs and reforms that FDR implemented to counteract the economic effects of the Great Depression.

The New Deal advocated government spending as a key economic driver boosting consumer demand.

The New Deal played a significant role in countering the Great Depression and revitalizing the U.S. economy.

FDR’s plan revealed just how vital the government’s role is in the management of the nation’s economy.

Question 14 of 20
Which statement best summarizes both the rise of capitalism and growing
criticism of the system during the 19th century?
A. Capitalism developed as a remedy for the overregulation of
economies, but it was criticized for mostly benefiting the wealthy.
B. Capitalism became popular during the Commercial Revolution, but
it lost its appeal with the development of joint stock companies.
C. Capitalism was favored by leaders who embraced mercantilism,
but it was undermined by the spread of Enlightenment ideas.
OD. Capitalism rose to prominence in highly agricultural economies,
but it ws not efficient enough to manage industrial economies.


Capitalism was an ideology in the 19th century, that rose to popularity in order to correct the over-regulation of economies. However, it was criticized for it disproportionally benefitting only the wealthy. The correct answer is Option A.

The best summary of the development of capitalism and growing scrutiny of the system during the nineteenth century was that the capitalist system prospered by challenging the economic constraints of monopolies.But some residents accused it of creating income disparity.When capitalism first emerged, people were unaware of its mechanisms. However, as it gained popularity, it became clear how it had impacted the working classes and the elite itself.

From the above, it is clear that Capitalism was introduced in order loosen the restraints on the economies, but it left the wealthy being the only benefactors.

Learn more about capitalism, here:




A. Capitalism developed as a remedy for the overregulation of

economies, but it was criticized for mostly benefiting the wealthy.


When Napoleon Bonaparte became First Consult, it ended the French Revolution. Based on these changes (Napoleon as dictator and the Napoleonic Code of laws), was this a revolutionary change for France compared to life under the manarchy?


Napoleon Bonaparte became the first consul of France and that brought a revolutionary change to France and its culture.

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

Napoleon Bonaparte became the first consul of France in the year 1799 and served till 1804.

After becoming the First Consul, Napoleon Bonaparte initiated various reforms like changes in the education system of France, developing a civil code-named Napoleonic code, changing the taxation system of France, making a centralized French government, and advancements in the military and civil service sector.

Therefore, the revolutionary changes came when Napoleon Bonaparte became the first consul of France.

Learn more about Napoleon Bonaparte in the related link:



What defined the mystery religions and how were they different from earlier Roman cults


Mystery religions started originally in tribal ceremonies that have been carried out via way of means of primitive peoples in lots of components of the world.

What are mystery religions?

The diverse mystery cults of the Greco-Roman world that provided people with non-secular studies which are not provided via way of means of the legitimate public religions can be referred to as mystery religions.

Religion belongs to the broader culture and its adherents come and cross freely whereas a cult has a tendency to be counter-cultural, prescribing the social life of its adherents to different cult members. The cult's main feature is the axis Mundi, the shamanic chief in the middle of the organization.

hence, in this way, cults were different from religions.

Learn more about mystery religions:



How did sanitation influence city planning during the Bronze Age in the Indus River valley



cities was designed to allow all houses to access to river for dumping waste


can you please put option next

hope it help

why Lesh Wałęsa from Poland got a Nobel prize ​



received the Peace Prize for his campaign for freedom of organization in Poland, he had just been released from internment. The Communist party had tried in vain to break him, the symbol of the revolt against the party's monopoly on power.

Wins nobel peace prize for Union effort


The Japanese government promotes in the industrialisation which statement best completes the diagram


The statement that best complete the diagram is the Japanese government cuts off trade relations with the United States.

What is a trade relations?

This refers to the act of buying and selling of goods on the domestic and international market.

In this context of diagram given, the statement that best complete the diagram is the Japanese government cuts off trade relations with the United.

Read more about trade relations



Which of these was an accomplishment of the Han Dynasty?

A.The invention of paper

B. The discovery of a water passage to Europe

C. The invention of the ballpoint pen

D. The invention of the abacus


I thinks it’s D I’m not sure yet

Which of the following was NOT a precursor to the Revolutionary War?
a. Quartering Act
b. Boston Tea Party
c. Royal Proclamation of 1763
d. War Hawk Congress


option (d.) War Hawk Congress was NOT a precursor to the Revolutionary War.

What is the revolutionary war?

Between 1765 and 1791, British America underwent an ideological and political change known as the American Revolution. In order to win independence from the British Crown and build the United States of America, the first modern constitutional liberal democracy, the Americans in the Thirteen Colonies organized sovereign states that defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783).

Quartering Act , Boston Tea Party and Royal Proclamation of 1763 were a precursor to the Revolutionary War whereas War Hawk Congress was not.

Learn more about revolutionary war here https://brainly.com/question/16032772


Which is not an effective organizing principle for the study of history?
major time periods
D. wars
E. year-by-year accounts


The term that is not an effective organizing principle for the study of history is war.

What are organizing principle for the study of history ?

Organizing principle for the study of history are those factors that help to know more about a particular event that has happened in the time past.

All these principle help the historian to be able to put together the information .

Some of the organizing principle for the study of history are:

erasmajor time periodstopicsyear-by-year accounts

Learn more about history at:



Who saved the Israelites from the Egyptian





Moses told them that God would help them, then God ordered him to stretch out his staff over the Red Sea making the sea part. This allowed the Israelites to escape across the sea, and away from Egypt unharmed.

hope this helps:)

(iReady/Astravo Online School)

The Industrial Revolution had a great impact on the West. Describe the impact that the Industrial Revolution had on the marketplaces and craftsmen of the Ottoman Empire.



there was increasingly this place traditional automan products made Ottoman handicrafts man jobless reduced automan internal sources of taxes and so contribute to eventual European control of Ottoman finances


the industrial revolution transform economics that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economics based on the last scale industry unit manufacturers and the factory system new machines new power sources and new ways to organising work made existing industries more productive and efficient

3. Why does Brutus, no. 1 forcefully oppose the inclusion of the necessary and proper clause in the


Brutus, no. 1 forcefully oppose the inclusion of the necessary and proper clause in the constitution because according to the paper Anti Federalist constitution and laws would be nullified and void of every state if not consistent with the constitution.

What is Anti Federalist Paper : Brutus no. 1?

A paper which is written for the rectification of the constitution by variety of authors in its opposition. All the write ups are done under the pen name of Brutus. Robert Yates received attribute for the most important  essays of the Anti-Federalist writings.

It is the essays from the Brutus no.1 that provides  arguments in direct and compelling rebuttal form.

Thus, Brutus No.1 is a kind of paper written for the rectification of the constitution.

Learn more about the Brutus No.1 from here:



which two reasons led to president wilson changing his mind about neutrality during world war 1



By August, Germany, Russia, and France were all involved in the conflict. Responding to the American public who had elected him, Wilson thought it was important to retain “neutrality,” because almost one out of every seven Americans had been born in one of the warring countries.

Stock market crash lead to what type of economic consequences that directly affected the people?


The stock market crash of 1929 in North America lead to the Great Depression which was a time that everyone in North America didn’t have much food and that is essentially what happened.
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