What belief system was endorsed by the state that ruled the holy land in 550 CE


Answer 1


The state church of the Roman Empire refers to the Nicene church associated with Roman emperors after the Edict of Thessalonica in 380 by Theodosius I, which recognized Nicene Christianity as the Roman Empire's state religion.


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Goldfarb, in Source 2, most directly supports her claim that the British press during the First World War routinely suppressed important war news by citing





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Why has racism against Asian American increased during the pandemic ? How does a history of racism impact opinions today ? How can communities protect themselves from hate ?



Racism against Asian Americans has grown during this pandemic as a direct consequence of its origin, since Co.vid-19 has been shown to have originated in the Wuhan region, China. This fact, added to the spread of certain myths regarding the gastronomic and health customs of Asians, makes many people end up adopting a position of rejection against Asian Americans, generalizing a behavior that, in short, has not been proven to be true. The best way for these communities to defend themselves is, in the first place, to ignore these offensive comments and, if they persist, report such conduct to the authorities.

Cambodian Genocide How did the Vietnam War influence Cambodia? The Executioners: Video Clip: "I Want You to Know the Exact Place"
1. What risks are these men taking by revealing their roles as executioners?

2. What do you think motivated them to kill?

3. Why would they come forward so many years later and explain their role in the genocide?

4. Do you think the men who did the actual killing should be held accountable for these murders when they were following orders from people higher in the regime? Why or why not?​



they can get arrested and killed, lose of loved ones, the others I don't know


You just think about it

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All I’m going to tell u is that it in that question

can someone please place these in order on how a bill becomes a law in Georgia, 20+ points





How did Sacagawea make America bigger?



The answer would be she helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition because they could not talk native languages and she could so she translated for them.



well accompany in the famous for Levis and Clark expedition Sacagawae served as an interpreter she also provided significant assistance by searching for edible plants and making a nuisance and clothing her presents with Expedition help them interact positively with the bar east Indian people they encountered

Which two groups of people benefited from the reforms of the progressive era?


As in any era where reforms happen, there are winners, and losers.

The rich, Big Business benefit the most, while the middle and lower classes benefit the least
The unions benefit in that more people are wont to join for the protection they offer, and for a fair deal.
Consumers may benefit in the short term, however as we see, prices always go up, and quality always go down.

Women, Children, and the African Americans are the least groups to benefit, or were many years ago, as they had no real champions for their cause.
Hope this helps!!!!

Which TWO statements describe the conditions experienced by U.S. farmers during the
1920s? Select all that apply.
A. Shortages of fertile land due to drought conditions in the Great Plains
B. Imported crops from Mexico led to a drop in American markets
C. Subsidies and other government programs dramatically increased farmers'
D. Overproduction and loss of markets abroad greatly reduced the economic gains
of farmers




good luck

hope it helps

What is the number 1 reason people migrate? a.Economic opportunity
b.Better health care
c.Better schools.
d. Reunite with family​


The answer is A. Economic Opportunity

Which statement best explains why Thomas Jefferson identified with the ideas of John Locke?
A Locke provided Jefferson with the idea of government as a social contract.
B Locke gained Jefferson’s respect as a soldier at Lexington and Concord.
C Locke told Jefferson that the colonies needed to gain their independence.
D Locke sent Jefferson books by many European Enlightenment thinkers.



A Locke provided Jefferson with the idea of government as a social contract


Okay, first of all, Locke and Jefferson weren't even alive at the same time since B, C, and D, either directly reference or greatly imply that Locke and Jefferson had direct contact, they are wrong. Locke also wasn't a soldier, he was too smart for that so B is wrong 2x. Locke also wasn't in America or France, so if they had been alive in the same time period, they still wouldn't have been in direct contact. And the last one just isn't right, so we're done here.

hope this helps:)

Emerging antiwar leaders, such as
, believed that the Vietnam War was taking funds and attention away from problems in the United States.


Vietnam War?




i think it was Martin Luther king Jr?


please correct me if i am wrong!

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Great Depression?
The Treaty of Versailles
Bank failures
The rise of the Nazi party in Germany
High unemployment



i got the same question someone please answer


Who aligned themselves with the colonists after the Battle of Saratoga?
1. germany
2. Spain
3. Native Americans
4. France


Answer:so easy 2


In a civil case the jury
determines guilt or innocence
b. finds for the plaintiff or the defendant
determines whether or not to give the death penalty
d. is not responsible for determining the trial's outcome because the judge makes that decision
Please select the best answer from the choices provided





start a conversation if u know us history​



I know about the US history but why would us start a conversation here?


Racing toward War
Place these events in the correct order
Archduke Ferdinand was
Austria declared war on
Russia mobilized its
Germany declared war on
Britain declared war on
France and Russia.


The correct answer is Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, Austria declared war on Serbia, Russia mobilized its forces, Germany declared war on France and Russia, and Britain declared war on Germany.


The aforementioned events are part of the European warlike conflict known as World War I, which pitted the triple alliance against the triple entente. The first event that occurred during this war was the assassination of Archduke Francisco Fernando on June 28, 1914, at 11 a.m. in Sarajevo. After this, Austria-Hungary made a declaration of war against Serbia on July 23, 1914. This event caused Russia (allying with Serbia) to mobilize its troops towards the Baltic and Black Seas and the cities of Odesa, Kasan, Moscow, and Kyiv.

In response to Russia's military mobilization, Germany decided to declare war on August 1 and two days later on France (also allied with Serbia).

A day later, the United Kingdom entered the war by declaring war on Germany on August 4, since Germany had attacked Belgium even though it had remained neutral so far.

So the correct answer is Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, Austria declared war on Serbia, Russia mobilized its forces, Germany declared war on France and Russia, and Britain declared war on Germany.


1 Archduke

2 Austria

3 Russia

4 Germany

5 Britain


How did the arms race with the Soviet Union change under Reagan?
A. Reagan increased the arms race
B. Reagan worked with the Soviets to maintain current levels
C. Regan continued lowering the arms race
D. Reagan had no impact on the arms race



A. Reagan increased the arms race

Option A: Reagan increased the arms race

The "Evil Empire" speech was a speech given by US President Ronald Reagan to the National Evangelical association on March 8, 1983, during the cold War. In this speech, Reagan called the Soviet Union the "evil empire" and the "evil focus in the modern World."

how did the status of the soviet union begin to change in the 1980s? In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union and set out to guide the country out of the crisis. his two most important reforms were called glasnost and perestroika.

Why did Ronald Reagan encourage a change in attitude towards the Soviet Union in the second term? the collapse of the Soviet Union. Which is the best representation of what happened during the relaxation period?

Learn more about the soviet union's change under Reagan here https://brainly.com/question/14124226


High quality goods and services are made available to consumers because of producers __________.
hold self-interests
would like to compete
look for subsidies
specialize in production





If you're good something or making things you aint gonna do it for free

Now is your opportunity to think about the impact of imperialism in China in the 19th century. Based on what you have learned in the lesson, you will write two paragraphs—one discussing the impact of imperialism on China and one discussing the motivations for and the impact of imperialism on imperialist European nations.

Step 1: Write one paragraph discussing the impact of imperialism on China. Use the information you learned in the lesson about the impact of colonization on China in your response.

Step 2: Write one paragraph discussing the motivations for and impact of imperialism on European nations. Use the information you learned in the lesson about the impact of colonization on European nations in your response.

Both paragraphs must:
have at least six sentences, including introduction and conclusion sentences
use specific examples from the lesson for support


for 2022 students!

this is the answer i submitted, don't copy word for word or you'll fail lol

1: China created their own spheres of influence around the nation. One of the regions that were influenced by China is Korea. The Peninsula of Korea was mainly influenced by China for a long time, but Japan ultimately ended up taking over China because if Korea is influenced by China, Japan could make its own changes to control Korea. After Japan took over China, the government had weakened and was vulnerable to getting the large amounts of resources they had taken away from them by imperialist. China would have been at less risk if there was more control over all of their goods, but they were unfortunately the main target. The European interlopers made China backdown to prevent even more damage, but China kept resisting. This lead to China being defeated multiple times, and resulted in an even weaker government. After the Opium wars, Opium became an epidemic because of how many people were addicted to the drug.

2: Europe was motivated by the economic expansion, political power, rivalry, and others. If the economy were to grow larger, more resources would come in, and they could get them for a lower price. And make their own markets and sell their own goods as well. European nations spread their influence across the globe with imperial power. They influenced nations around the globe with their religion, education system, governing system, and the different languages in Europe. Many nations in Europe like Algeria, Korea, and Congo became independent and grew their economy over time. Korea was (or still is) the tenth largest economy in the world. They made a good recovery after a long time of loss.

hope i helped bruv

What were the two most important factors in the Allied victory in the Battle of the Atlantic?
(in a short paragraph)



The Battle of the Atlantic was one of the most important campaigns of the Second World War. It was certainly the longest, lasting 2074 days: from 3 September 1939, the day war was declared, to 7 May 1945, the day Germany surrendered. Allied ships were sunk with loss of life in the Atlantic on both those days, and on nearly every day in between.

The Battle of the Atlantic also ranged across vast distances, from South America’s River Plate, where the New Zealand cruiser HMS Achilles helped trap the Admiral Graf Spee in December 1939, to the freezing Arctic Sea, through which Allied convoys shipped vital supplies to the Soviet Union.

Britain was a maritime power with the world’s largest merchant fleet, but its heavy dependence on imported food (including meat and dairy products from New Zealand), fuel and raw materials made it vulnerable to a blockade. Germany’s Atlantic strategy was simple: to starve Britain into submission by destroying merchant ships and their cargoes faster than they could be replaced. As Prime Minister Winston Churchill remarked in 1941, ‘Everything turns on the Battle of the Atlantic.’

Although mines, bombers and surface ships would claim many victims, the deadliest threat was the submarine, or U-boat. The Allies’ defence against, and eventual victory over, the U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic was based on three main factors: the convoy system, in which merchant ships were herded across the North Atlantic and elsewhere in formations of up to 60 ships, protected, as far as possible, by naval escorts and patrolling aircraft; the painstaking, secret work of Allied signals intelligence, especially the breaking of the U-boats’ sophisticated Enigma code; and, especially from 1943, the deployment of longer-range aircraft and more powerful, better-equipped escort forces.

The campaign took a significant turn on 24 May 1943: the commander-in-chief of the German Navy, Admiral Karl Dönitz, alarmed at the heavy losses inflicted by increasingly strong Allied escort forces (41 U-boats were sunk that month), ordered the temporary withdrawal of U-boat ‘wolf packs’ from the North Atlantic. The U-boats would soon return, and the threat to Allied shipping would remain until May 1945, but Germany would never regain the initiative.

Although it was waged half a world away from New Zealand, the Battle of the Atlantic was vital to this country’s interests. A German victory would have severed our links with Britain and hugely undermined the Allied cause, with grave consequences for New Zealand. Thousands of Kiwis took part in this bitter struggle, manning the warships of the Royal Navy and Royal New Zealand Navy, the troopships, freighters and tankers of the Merchant Navy, and the aircraft of RAF Coastal Command and the Navy’s Fleet Air Arm. Many served with distinction, including Coastal Command pilot Lloyd Trigg, who won the Victoria Cross in August 1943 for a ‘masterly attack’ which sank U-468. His Liberator bomber was lost with all its crew, and his posthumous VC was awarded on the evidence of survivors from the U-boat.

What are the legislations for racial discrimination



Fifteen amendment.


The laws which helps in preventing racial discrimination are the legislation for racial discrimination. Each and every country has made their own laws about racial discrimination. In United states of America, fifteen amendment is responsible preventing racial discrimination. The Fifteenth Amendment of United States Constitution forbids the federal government and state from denying of giving citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

How do profit and competition determine equilibrium price?


Answer:Competitive equilibrium is achieved when profit-maximizing producers and utility-maximizing consumers settle on a price that suits all parties. At this equilibrium price, the quantity supplied by producers is equal to the quantity demanded by consumers.


Please!!!! Write a 500-word report describing some of the efforts of Americans as they supported World War II from the home front. This should include a paragraph about Rosie the Riveter and the government's efforts to encourage women and minorities into becoming part of the work force. Include in your essay specific examples of support for World War II from people who lived in your particular area at that time.


this was written by some other person named Mr. Donovan

America's home front changed dramatically during World War II. Due to the military draft, many men left their jobs in order to serve for the US. When these jobs opened up, women grabbed the opportunity to take a leadership role in America. Women had important jobs like building war materials like airplanes, guns, and ammunition. This increase in women in the workforce was inspired by the Rosie the Riveter campaign.

This campaign encouraged women with the famous phrase of "We Can Do It!" This was supposed to show women as courageous and strong individuals who could successfully complete the same work as men.

Along with this, African-Americans were also given more job opportunities in American society due to the increased demand for production of goods/materials for war. Besides domestic help, African-Americans were also recruited by the military to complete dangerous air missions. These elite men became known as the Tuskegee Airmen and completed thousands of missions during World War II.

I hope you pass your essay! good luck. Brainliest is appreciated







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on Wed-Fri 8:45am--12:00pm and 1:30pm--3:00pm (During the western USA time, is appreciated)

Read this excerpt from Throug'h the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. “I like the Walrus best,” said Alice: “because you see he was a LITTLE sorry for the poor oysters.” “He ate more than the Carpenter, though,” said Tweedledee. “You see he held his handkerchief in front, so that the Carpenter couldn't count how many he took: contrariwise.” “That was mean!” Alice said indignantly. “Then I like the Carpenter best—if he didn't eat so many as the Walrus.” “But he ate as many as he could get,” said Tweedledum. This was a puzzler. After a pause, Alice began, “Well! They were BOTH very unpleasant characters—” The details of this conversation about a poem Tweedledee has just recited suggest that Alice knows this poem and has heard it recited before. Alice cannot use reason to win an argument in the mirror world. Alice does not really understand what the poem is about. Alice wants to hear the poem again before moving along.





Answer: the first anser

Explanation: i took the quiz

Who or what would come after the cold harmattan season after the harvest had been gathered, and ate up all the wild grass in the fields?



And then after another lifetime these men opened the caves again and the locusts came to Umuofia. They came in the cold harmattan season after the harvests had been gathered, and ate up all the wild grass in the fields. Okonkwo and the two boys were working on the red outer walls of the compound.


Why was General Jackson instructed to neutralize the Seminole threat in Florida?



The First Seminole War (1817–18) began over attempts by U.S. authorities to recapture runaway black slaves living among Seminole bands. Under General Andrew Jackson, U.S. military forces invaded the area, scattering the villagers, burning their towns, and seizing Spanish-held Pensacola and St. Marks.


what do you think will be different in our world in 10 years?



Life in 2030 will be vastly different due to changing demographics as well. The world population is expected to reach 8.5 billion people by 2030. India will overtake China as the most populated country on Earth.  The fastest-growing demographic will be the elderly: 65+ people will hit one billion by 2030


Which action taken by the Meiji government encouraged industrialization in 19th-century Japan?

A forcing families to settle on collective farms

B limiting the number of ports open to foreign trade

C building a modern railroad system

D establishing a system of trade guilds


I believe that it most likely would be D.

PART A: Which TWO of the following best identify the central ideas of this speech?
A. Rwanda has not made progress towards reconciliation since the genocide, and it is urgently needed.
B. Lives are at risk because there are many countries where genocide could take place.
C. The United States is committed to supporting the delivery of justice after the genocide and to rebuilding Rwanda.
D. Ethnic divisions have often led to conflict in nations during the 20th century.
E. European colonialism was a significant cause of the ethnic tension that led to the Rwandan genocide.
F. While Rwanda was devastated by the genocide, the country will ultimately recover successfully.


The answer would be D

What role did Lawrence G. Murphy and James Dolan play in the Lincoln County War?




What role did Lawrence G. Murphy and James Dolan play in the Lincoln County War?


Murphy & Co. Lincoln County was formed that same year, and Murphy had political ambitions. He soon was commissioned a District Probate Judge in the new county seat at nearby Lincoln, New Mexico. In May 1873, a hot-headed James Dolan attempted to shoot and kill a Fort Stanton Captain named James Randlett.


Hope that this helps you out! :)          

If you have any questions please put them in the comment section below this answer.          

Have a great rest of your day/night!          

Please thank me on my profile if this answer has helped you.

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