Thetrophic level transfer efficiency (TLTE) is defined as the product of 100 and the quotient of production at the trophic level of interest and the trophic level one position lower. If the primary producers in a particular ecosystem provide 5000 kcal/m2/yr and the primary consumers in this ecosystem produce 1000 kcal/m2/yr, what is the TLTE for these two trophic levels in this ecosystem? (


Answer 1


The trophic level transfer efficiency (TLTE) is 20 % for the producer and the primary consumer.


The trophic level transfer efficiency (TLTE) is calculated by dividing the value of primary consumer by the value of producer and multiply by 100. The value of 1000 is divided by 5000 and multiply by 100, we get 20 % which means that when the primary consumer eat producer, only 20% of energy is transferred in the body of primary consumer while the remaining 80% energy will be lost as heat energy in the ecosystem.

Related Questions

pls help answer the questions if you do not know all the question answer the ones you know ​



1. A physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge

3. north and south poles


Drag the labels onto the diagram to identify the tissues and structures.
central cand
Group 2
Group 2
Group 2
osteocyte in
Group 2
Group 2
Group 1
Group 1


Answer: See image


Cartilage is composed of chondrocytes and chondroblasts, immersed into the extracellular matrix. When the tissue is fixated, lacunae are also visible.

Bone formation involves osteoprogenitor cells, osteoclasts, osteocytes in lacunae, osteoblasts, extracellular matrix, and central ducts.    


Cartilage and bone are two specialized types of connective tissues.

Cartilage cells are

Chondrocytes → placed in small places of extracellular matrix with collagen fibers.Chondroblasts → are in charge of the extracellular matrix formation.

When fixating a piece of tissue, the cells shrink by cytoplasm retraction, leaving a space between the cell and the extracellular matrix. This space is known as lacune or condroplast.

Once the chondroblast secreted the extracellular matrix, they turn less active, becoming Chondrocytes. These cells are bigger-sized and ovoid-shaped. Central chondrocytes arrange in small groups.

Cartilage does not have vessels, so cells nourish through nutrients that diffuse through the matrix.

Cartilage extracellular matrix is composed of fibrous proteins that provide stability -Type II collagen- and deformation resistance -GAGs-. This tissue is rigid but provides flexible support to specific regions. It places in areas where there is constant and direct compression. It is also involved in the endochondral ossification process.

Bone tissue differentiates from other tissues because of the mineralized extracellular matrix. This tissue provides support and protection due to the rigidity and hardness of the matrix. The bone cells are:

OsteocytesOsteoprogenitores → in charge of osteoblasts productionOsteoblasts → Synthesize and secrete osteoid matrix that will later calcifyOsteoclasts → Phagocytic cells in charge of osseous resorption and bone modulation.

Among the matrix, there are spaces called lacunae. Each lacuna contains an osteocyte.

Osteoprogenitor cells produce osteoblast cells. When the extracellular matrix mineralizes, some of the osteoblasts get trapped in lacunae and turn into osteocytes. Nexus union canaliculus joint trapped osteoblasts and osteocytes.

In compact tissue, the bony matrix is arranged into concentric superposed laminae, with lacunae and osteocytes can be found in between. These laminae are arranged around a central longitudinal canal. The whole unit -matrix, lacunae, and canal- compose the osteone.


Related link:

Genetic analysis identified a 10 kb segment of human DNA that correlated to a protein-encoded disease phenotype. How would you use at least three methods to identify the 1 nucleotide in this 10 kb that is responsible for the disease phenotype? Note that there are on average ~8 nucleotide polymorphisms in 10 kb. You do have family members, model organisms, and a biochemical assay available to you.



In the given question, the DNA segment of human can be sequenced or analysed through three processes:

2. DNA sequencing: DNA sequencing is the method by which the sequence of the nucleotides which are adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine are sequenced in the correct order.

1. DNA probes: probes are synthesised nucleotide sequence which binds to specific sites of DNA. Since these probes are complementary to the specific region therefore the DNA polymorphic sequence can be sequenced.  

3. Polymerase chain reaction: PCR is the technique which can amplify or replicate the DNA sequence but this involves the isolation of specific DNA sequence.

choose the correct. I will mark you brainliest.



option b i.e. moth oesophagus,stomach,small intestine, large intestine , anus


please follow me.....

In terms of its tissue classification, blood is classified as a ____(1)______tissue because it’s extracellular matrix determines its function. Blood is composed of living blood cells, called formed substances, suspended in a nonliving fluid matrix called ___(2)________. The "fibers" of blood only become visible during ______(3)____________.



1. In terms of its tissue classification, blood is classified as a Connective Tissue because it’s extracellular matrix determines its function.

2. Blood is composed of living blood cells, called formed substances, suspended in a nonliving fluid matrix called Plasma

3. The "fibers" of blood only become visible during blood clotting.

i hope it's right


1.  Blood is classified as connective tissue because it has living blood cells

2. Blood is a specialized type of connective tissue in which living blood cells, called the formed elements, are suspended in a nonliving fluid matrix called plasma

3. BLOOD: It is considered a connective tissue, because it consists of blood cells surrounded by a nonliving fluid matrix called blood plasma. It is the most atypical connective tissue: the fibers of blood are soluble protein molecules that become visible during blood clotting

Describe the animals and vegetation that you see in the different climate zones.



Explaining Below V


There are 5 different kinds of climates globally.






Tropical climates are very hot and humid. There's lots of rain (estimated around 59-60 inches per year). The average temperature tends to be over 60°F or 18°C. Plants you can find are incredibly diverse in both plants and animals. You can find animals such as monkeys, parrots, anacondas, jaguars, tigers, and many more. The tropics have the greatest plant diversity on the planet. The climate generally is centered around the equator.

Dry climates are generally very warm and dry. Humidity is very unlikely as everything is mostly dry heat. There's very little precipitation. Dry climates usually consist of deserts (Fe: Sahara desert). Plants such as cacti, succulents, wildflowers, and small trees, shrubs, and grasses. Animals can vary from things such as tarantulas, rattlesnakes, foxes (only some), camels, and rabbits. Depending on the desert, the heat can shoot up past 100°F while being frigid at night.

Temperate climates are generally warm summers with storms and mild winters. Plants can range from owls, raccoons, sparrows, meadowlarks, deer, and occasionally bears. This climate fluctuates the most in temperature compared to other climates. Plants can range from things like clover plants to a common bean.

Continental climates have mediocre summers with very cold winters. In the winter, snowstorms and strong winds are most likely. Sometimes, the temperature can drop below -22°F. Plants can range from Lavender and fern to Carolina Lupine and Silver maples. Animals can consist of squirrels, chipmunks, prairie dogs, skunks, and raccoons.

Polar climates are frigid. Its cold year round. There's animals such as polar bears, foxes, wolves, and caribou. Plants can vary from Tundra moss to Arctic Willow. Plants are generally smaller and are more like tiny shrubs.

Hope this helps.

Some animals that try to adapt to climate changes eventually die due to starvation, as climate change alters the


Answer:many have gone into extinction because of climate change  



food web



which band is defined by length of thick filament?​



sarcomeres which are made of bipolar from the lab experiment

1.Different protists use cilia, _______, or pseudopodia to move.
2.Green algae are closely related to plants, and _______ is what gives them their green color.
3.Protists in the genus plasmodium must live in host cells and harm their host cells, providing an example of a _______ relationship.
4..Why have scientists recently rejected classifying protists in their own kingdom?
5..What are the three main ways that protists can move?
6.The eukaryote that causes red tide is known as what?
7.The organisms that push carbon to the bottom of the ocean are known as what? Why is this important to the ecosystem?
8.How is the endosymbiotic theory used to support the emergence of Eukaryota?






Scientists have recently rejected "Protista" as a kingdom because as evolutionary and molecular knowledge continues to increase, the relationships among organisms are strengthened that weren't previously considered. It continues to be found that many protists don't share common ancestry with other protists that don't exclude other groups, such as plants, animals, and fungi. Protists had been previously classified through what they are not: plants, fungi, or animals. They share no characteristics that aren't also shared by "nonprotists."

The three main ways protists can move are through cilia, flagella, and pseudopods. All of these structures help protists to move in different ways through their environment.

The eukaryote that causes red tide is known as a dinoflagellate.

The eukaryotes that push carbon to the bottom of the ocean are known as diatoms. This is important to the ecosystem because it lowers the overall carbon dioxide levels in the air and buries the carbon deep in the sea.

The endosymbiotic theory posits that eukaryotes emerged when one or more prokaryotic cells ingested another prokaryotic cell, leading to the eventual eukaryotic cell.



1. flagella

2. chlorophyll

3. parasitic

4. Scientists have recently rejected "Protista" as a kingdom because as evolutionary and molecular knowledge continues to increase, the relationships among organisms are strengthened that weren't previously considered. It continues to be found that many protists don't share common ancestry with other protists that don't exclude other groups, such as plants, animals, and fungi. Protists had been previously classified through what they are not: plants, fungi, or animals. They share no characteristics that aren't also shared by "nonprotists."

5. The three main ways protists can move are through cilia, flagella, and pseudopods. All of these structures help protists to move in different ways through their environment.

6. The eukaryote that causes red tide is known as a dinoflagellate.

7.The eukaryotes that push carbon to the bottom of the ocean are known as diatoms. This is important to the ecosystem because it lowers the overall carbon dioxide levels in the air and buries the carbon deep in the sea.

8.The endosymbiotic theory posits that eukaryotes emerged when one or more prokaryotic cells ingested another prokaryotic cell, leading to the eventual eukaryotic cell.


The magnetic field lines of a magnet spread out from theand re-enter the magnet at the.



north pole, south pole





Which enzyme help to lose weight ??



Digestive enzymes


Digestive enzymes  are substances that helpbreak down macronutrients into smaller compounds to promote their absorption.

Help me with this science problem please!


Answer i am not sure but pls i need points really fast


The false statement should be C ( the third one) because everything else makes sense

The spinal cord is most important for: Group of answer choices Production of routine behaviors, such as walking Voluntary behaviors such as reaching for a pencil Regulatory behaviors, such as maintaining body temperature Receiving sensory information and carrying commands to muscles



Receiving sensory information and carrying commands to the muscles.


The spinal cord serves as the transmission conduit  for the passage of action potential as sensory information through the sensory/afferent neurons to the dorsal roots of the spinal cord.The information  synapse with the inter neurons,branching off to the brain and emerged as the  response through the motor/efferent neurons to the effectors(muscles).

This pathways is called reflex arc. Thus most of the involuntary action of the body is conducted through the spinal cord



Spinal cord is made of tissue and it runs from the medulla oblongata in the brain to the vertebral column in the lumbar region.


Receiving sensory information and carrying commands to muscles

They receive sense of body movement through receptors which then travels along the spinal cord.

They also transmit information through impulses to the brain using the nerves cells this include pain and pressure.

They also control voluntary and involuntary movement such as walking neurons that controls voluntary actions passes through the spinal cord.

what is the purpose of the proper handeling of experimental subjects



so you won't get hurt and you'll be more cautious??


to ensure that good and reliable data are collected. The proper handling of the experimental subject is to ensure the hypothesis is shown correct

What is the scientific process?



The scientific process is supposed to be something like ...

make observationsformulate a theory that explains the observationsuse the theory to formulate experiments and predict expected additional observationsseek to determine if the predictions are correct, especially seeking out data that might show otherwisemodify the theory as needed to explain all observations and data

At any point, the observations and theories can be published for critique by other observers, experimenters, and scientists.

The theory should be sufficiently defined so that it is possible to differentiate a relevant experiment or observation from one that is irrelevant. Similarly, every effort should be made to separate causality from correlation, and to identify or rule out alternate causes or additional causes from the one(s) theorized. Experiments should be sufficiently well-defined so that they can be reproduced.


Additional comment

These days, a common error is to ignore or discount observations that don't agree with accepted theory, including observations by "lay persons." Such "scientists" fail to remember that science is only advanced by attempting to explain the unexplained.


A formal method used to answer scientific questions



Bacteria are known to change the kinds of fatty acids they produce as the temperature of their environment changes. What types of changes in membrane fatty acids would you expect as the temperature drops? Why?



Bacteria has the ability to adapat according to the changes in the temperature. Bacteria has fatty acid cell membrane and can alter its composition to adapt the changes in temperature.

When the temperature drops, changes in the fatty acid membrane of bacteria are as following:

cell membrane become rigid and limit the flow of nutrients or decrease membrane fluidity.High concentrate of unsaturated fatty acids starts producing in order to fulfil the limited acitivity.

Optimal temperature is required for the growth of bacteria, that is why bacteria changes cell membrane composition. If the nutrients flow will not be limited then it can affect the internal cells of the bacteria and it will not be able to survive inthe extreme conditions.

Hence, bacteria adapt according to the extreme temperature.

What is a possible benefit of studying plants in the rainforest? 1) The Plants may hold medicines to treat human diseases - 2) The plants may produce need it carbon dioxide - 3) The plants may be cut down and sold in floral shops - 4) The Plants may make Toxins for human consumption


Answer: The plants may produce needed carbon dioxide.


This is the only benefit as medicine needs to be found, they won't be cut down, and they do take in toxins but it does not affect the study

An 81-year-old woman with RA) has been controlled with methotrexate for 18 years. Recently she experienced increased joint pain and swelling in her right knee that have affected her mobility and activity level. She walks with a cane in the community but uses a walker at home. Earlier in the week, she almost fell while walking to her car after she left the bank. The rheumatologist plans to add etanercept (Enbrel) to her drug regimen.
With what members of the health care team might you collaborate as part of her plan of care?



It is imperative to include immunologists and dermatologists to the care team.


Methotrexate is an antimetabolite drug that is used to treat different diseases including, arthritis rheumatoid and psoriasis, this medicament is known to reduce cell growth and to decrease the immune system responses. Moreover, etanercept (Enbrel) is a tumor necrosis factor-inhibitor drug that also is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. In addition, this drug has also been associated with the functioning of the immune system by altering inflammation responses in the body.

In consequence, it is necessary to include in the health care team both immunologists, in order to study the effect of these drugs on the immune system (like inflammatory responses, for example), and dermatologists in order to examine their effects on skin associated-conditions (like arthritis-like psoriasis).

The chemical equation below summarizes cellular respiration. 6O2 + C6H12O6 à 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy The energy that is released by cellular respiration is in the form of dark energy. solar energy. nuclear energy. chemical energy.


Summary. Cellular respiration is the aerobic process by which living cells break down glucose molecules, release energy, and form molecules of ATP. Overall, this three-stage process involves glucose and oxygen reacting to form carbon dioxide and water


chemical energy


someone suggested that everything to be sent to the base on moon must be sterilized so that no bacteria of any kind are present.
Do you thing this is a good idea?



yeah probably

Over abundance of nutrients in the water is most likely to cause harm to which group of organisms?

A. Any organism that uses calcium carbonate to build support or protection.

B. Top tier predators that eat a lot of smaller fish

C. All organisms because it creates giant dead zones where nothing can survive.

D. Human populations through sea level rise





The flow of nutrients from the sewage and industries is the cause of the nutrient pollution in water bodies. These chemicals get accumulated in the water bodies affecting the aquatic ecosystem to a very large extent.

The increased level of nitrogen and phosphorus causes eutrophication which is also known as algal-boom. These nutrients cause the massive growth of algae which decreases the oxygen level of the water bodies. This increases BOD level of the water bodies which does not allow the growth of other aquatic species.  

As a result of this, the dead zones are created where nothing can survive and therefore is the correct answer.

Thus, Option-C is the correct answer.

Select all that apply.

If you wanted to try and identify or classify archaea or eubacteria, you would _____


Since the options are not given, the question is incomplete. The complete question is as follows:

Select all that apply.

If you wanted to try and identify or classify archaea or eubacteria, you would _____

study their habitat

study their genetic make-up

study their shape and arrangement

conduct Gram staining

study how they gain energy and nutrients

study how they move

Answer: study their habitat

study their genetic make-up

conduct Gram staining


Study their habitat: The members of domain Archea can be identified easily as these organisms are thermophiles and halophiles which means they can be found in extreme heat and extreme saline conditions. Eubacteria are prokaryotic organisms that can be found everywhere on planet Earth.

Study their genetic make-up: Although the members of domain Archea and domain Eubacteria are prokaryotes but they can be identified as separate organisms through their genetic-make up.

Conduct Gram staining: The cell membranes of the Archea do not possess peptidoglycan thus they take up the gram negative stain. The eubacteria may take up gram positive or gram negative stain.

Humans have pores in their skin to sweat and cool off the body. Plants have similar structures called _____.
· pores
· tendrils
· stomata
· receptacles





Stomata are tiny pores in plant tissue that allow gas exchange, it can be found on the leaves of plants and sometimes the stems, the stomata are surrounded by guard cells which open and close the stomatal pores

Stomata is correct good luck on your test

Which phenomenon does not require the air temperature to be at 0°C? A. ice crystal formation B. hail C. cloud formation D. sleet E. snow



B. hail


Does anybody know this answer



B. 10



What is the "sugar code"? the differential expression of lectins across tissues the set of oligosaccharides present on the surface of a cell the genes encoding the pentose phosphate pathway enzymes the distribution of glucose transporters across cell types



The correct answer to the following question will be Option A.


This kind of writing code would have been referred to this as the glycode resp. Code of sugar. This requires a powerful knowledge pool that could be represented by carbohydrate frameworks.Sugar code is found on the surface of the cell membrane throughout the presence or formation of glycoprotein.  Glycoproteins provide oligosaccharide covering their substrate or layer or, according to the above, they fulfill their duties.

Other given choices are not related to the given scenario. So that option A seems to be the right answer.

Topic: Human Impact on the Environment
Deforestation is viewed as a problem in the
world today. Describe a cause and an effect of
deforestation and a way to lessen this effect.
In your answer, be sure to:
1. State one reason deforestation is occurring.
Add text here!
2. State one environmental problem that results from widespread deforestation.
Add text here!
3. State one way to lessen the effects of deforestation, other than planting trees.
Add text here!


1) One reason why deforestation is occuring because people need wood from  trees to build things, therefore, leading them to cuting countless of trees.

2) One environmental problem that results from widespread deforestation is that the carbon dioxide they would normally use remains in the atmosphere, therefore, promoting erosion.

3) One way to lessen the effects of deforestation is by re-planting the cut-down trees and by cutting down less trees.

Orange coat color of cats is due to an X-linked allele (Xo) that is codominant with the allele for black (X+). When genotypes at the orange locus were determined for a sample of cats in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, the following data were obtained:XoXo females: 11XoX+ females: 70X+X+females: 94XoY males: 36X+Y males: 112Calculate the frequency of the XO and X+ alleles (Y does not contribute) for this population.



The X₀ frequency  is 0.26

The X+ frequency  is 0.74


Available data:

The orange coat color of cats is due to an X-linked allele (Xo)X₀ is codominant with the allele for black X+X₀X₀    11X₀X+    70X+X+    94X+ Y    112X₀ Y     36

To alculate the frequency of the X₀ and X+ alleles you need to sum the times it appears X₀ and the times it appears X+ alleles in the population. These sums will give you the number of alleles. As you need to calculate the frequency of these alleles, you will have to divide each number by the total number of both alleles together. This is:

X₀ = 2 x (X₀X₀) + (X₀X+) + (X₀Y) = (2 x 11) + 70 + 36 = 128X+ = 2 x (X+X+) + (XoX+) + (X+Y) = (2 x 94) +70+ 112 = 370

The total number of alleles in the population is 128 + 370 = 498

To talculate the allele frequencies, f, you need to divide each allele number by the total allele number:

f (X₀) = 128/498 = 0.26

f (X+) = 370/498 = 0.74

Which scientists used the word cell for the structure he observed when he examined a piece of cork under microscope



Rober hook.


In a neutral solution the concentration of_____



Kindly finish ur statement


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Leap years are years in which February has 29 days instead of 28. The device of leap year was invented to keep the calendar in sync with the "True time of year" because a year has approximately 3651/4 days, but actually slightly less, most, but not all, years divisible by 4 have been made leap years. The rule that is used to keep the calendar in sync is: Help Please Fast, simple which greek city state concentrated most on the development of the arts Depending on the trait and species involved, the rate of evolution can vary greatly. Peppered moth coloration changed quickly over the 200 years after the start of the Industrial Revolution. However, size increases and color changes in the peacock tail occurred over thousands of years. Which of the following explains the reason for the rapid evolution of peppered moth coloration compared to the evolution of size and color in peacock tail feathers?(A) There was a selective disadvantage to increasing the size of peacock tail feathers, which limited its evolution.(B) There was stronger selection in the case of peppered moths compared to that of peacock tail feathers.(C) There was disruptive selection in the peppered moth population and stabilizing selection in the peacock population.(D) The peacocks were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas the peppered moths were not. Si una masa dada de hidrgeno ocupa 40 litros a 700 grados torr. Qu volumen ocupar a 1 atmsfera de presin? (dar la presin en atmsferas). Por favor :c HELP PLEASE GUYS I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINIEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Classify this triangle by its angles and by its side lengths. in the following triangle theta=60.Find the values of the angles of the angles B and B' John is paid $35 plus 15% of his groupstips for each night her works. If y representhis pay each night and x represents thegroups tips, which equation models thisrelationship? Jonathan must determine the solutions of the quadratic equation0 = 2x^2 + x +4.Which of the following is a solution to the equation? A steel pipe 100 cm long has an outside diameter of 2 cm and an inside diameter of 1.8 cm. If the density of the steel is 7.8 grams per cm3, what is the mass of the pipe to the nearest gram? Add. Write your answer in simplest form. 7/10 + 1/4 For each question, complete the second sentences so that it has the closet meaning to the first one, using the world in capitals at the end of the sentences. DO NOT CHANGE THIS WORLD1.The reason we won the competition was Mary's wonderful performance (IT) ...................................2. She has spoken much since the accident (LITTLE)...................................3. Althought she is considered as a star, she is always friendly to everyone ( CONSIDERED)...................................4. My dad is not happy with me at all because he heard me swearing (BOOKS).................................... Decide if the following sentences are true or false. You have to correct the false ones. a) There are four kinds of coal depending on their carbon content.b) Coal is usually found in liquid state. c) Fossil fuels are the result of the descomposition of plants and animals from the past.d) Petroleum is the cheapest source of energy. Identify and explain the guidelines for reducing the risk of common injuries. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fitness4Life chapter 2.2 i need help plzz help Sonny deposited $8,500 in an account that earns 4% simple interest. If Sonny makes no more deposits or withdrawals, then how much interest will he earn at the end of 2 years? PS-It is not A or Da. $6,800.00This answer is incorrect.b. $68,000.00c. $680.00d. $9,180.00 Which best explains Susan B. Anthonys purpose in her speech "Woman's Rights to the Suffrage"? Write an equation that would represent the following word problem: Billy buys one candy bar for $2 and 3 lollipops. If he spends $3.98 in total, how much is each lollipop? [USE x AS YOUR VARIABLE - DO NOT USE SPACES IN YOUR ANSWER] Can someone help I'll mark brainlest it has to be CORRECT Anthony enjoys learning about biology. He spends hours wandering through fields and woods collecting plant specimens that he identifies and records in a journal. He often explains his findings to others.Anthony has aptitudes for _______________________ that could be developed into a skill He could develop this skill by