The primary tools of the Federal Reserve monetary policy include all of the following except
a. changing the discount rates.
b. changes in reserve requirements.
c. changes in the Federal Runds rate
d. open market operations.


Answer 1

The primary tools of the Federal Reserve monetary policy does not include the changes in the Federal Funds rate. The correct option is (c).

Monetary policy is a process that helps maintain the stability of a country's economy by manipulating the money supply and controlling interest rates. The Federal Reserve controls monetary policy in the United States, which is the central bank of the US.

The Federal Reserve is the central banking system of the United States. It supervises banking and regulates the nation's monetary policy, and operates a nationwide payment system.

It serves as a bank for the US government and also serves as the primary regulator of banks in the country. It has the mandate of stabilizing prices, maximizing employment, and moderating long-term interest rates.

Therefore, c is correct.

Learn more about Federal Reserve


Related Questions

Three different plans for financing an $18,000,000 corporation are under consideration by its organizers. Under each of the following plans, the securities will be issued at their par or face amount, and the income tax rate is estimated at 40% of income.


Plan 1 generates a net income of $1,280,000, Plan 2 generates a net income of $1,012,000, and Plan 3 generates a net income of $981,600.  

There are three different plans for financing an $18,000,000 corporation that are being considered by its organizers. Under each of the plans, the securities will be issued at their par or face amount, and the estimated income tax rate is 40% of income.

Below are the three different financing plans and their respective net incomes:Plan 1: 10% bonds, 5% preferred stock, and common stock at $40 per share. The preferred stock is noncumulative. The bonds are convertible into common stock at $50 per share. In case of liquidation, the bondholders have a claim ahead of both the preferred and common stockholders.

The annual earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of the corporation are expected to be $3,240,000.Plan 2: 8% bonds and common stock at $35 per share. The bonds are convertible into common stock at $40 per share. In case of liquidation, the bondholders have a claim ahead of the common stockholders, but after the preferred stockholders.

The annual EBIT of the corporation is expected to be $3,240,000.Plan 3: 7% debentures, 5% preferred stock, and common stock at $32 per share. The debentures are subordinate to both the preferred and the bonds. The annual EBIT of the corporation is expected to be $3,240,000.The three plans for financing the corporation have different financing structures.

Plan 1 has a total financing of $18,000,000. This financing is broken down into $7,200,000 of bonds, $3,600,000 of preferred stock, and $7,200,000 of common stock. The preferred stock is noncumulative.

Plan 2 has a total financing of $18,000,000, which is divided into $10,800,000 of bonds and $7,200,000 of common stock.

Plan 3 has a total financing of $18,000,000, which is divided into $5,400,000 of debentures, $3,600,000 of preferred stock, and $8,400,000 of common stock.Plan 1 generates a net income of $1,280,000, Plan 2 generates a net income of $1,012,000, and Plan 3 generates a net income of $981,600.  

Learn more about income tax here,


There are two good x and y and two people (al and bill) in the economy .al own eight unit of x good and none of y good . bill owns none of x good and three unit of y-good Find the competitive equilibrium price and Pareto efficienct allocation


In the given economy, Al owns eight units of good X and none of good Y, while Bill owns none of good X and three units of good Y. To find the competitive equilibrium price and Pareto efficient allocation, we need to determine the price at which supply and demand are balanced, and the allocation that maximizes overall welfare.

In a competitive equilibrium, supply equals demand for both goods. Since Al owns eight units of good X and Bill owns none, the total supply of good X is eight. Similarly, since Bill owns three units of good Y and Al owns none, the total supply of good Y is three.

To determine the equilibrium price, we need to find the price at which supply equals demand for both goods. In this case, since Al is the only one supplying good X and Bill is the only one supplying good Y, the equilibrium price is determined by their willingness to trade. Without further information on their preferences or willingness to trade, we cannot determine the exact equilibrium price.

Regarding Pareto efficiency, an allocation is Pareto efficient when it is impossible to reallocate goods to make at least one person better off without making anyone else worse off. In this case, the allocation of eight units of good X to Al and three units of good Y to Bill is Pareto efficient if it maximizes overall welfare and there is no feasible reallocation that can improve one person's utility without reducing the other's.

Without additional information on the preferences or utility functions of Al and Bill, we cannot conclusively determine the Pareto efficiency of the given allocation.

To learn more about Pareto click here:


You are a manager at OakReach Bank in charge of interest rate risk. Your team has computed the 1-year repricing GAP to be -600 million AUD (negative GAP). For the purpose of this situation we are not taking into account other GAP timeframes.
Describe in one sentence what OakReach Bank’s GAP tells you about your bank’s rate-sensitive assets relative to its rate-sensitive liabilities Your chief economist anticipates continuing inflation pressure into 2022, which they predict will force the RBA’s hand to increase benchmark interest rates. Assume your chief economist is correct in their prediction. Design an interest rate swap such that changes in interest rates have no impact on your bank’s change in net income. Question 3 (6 marks, 400 words limit)
Titanium Bank, a bank headquartered in Australia has issued a large volume of loans to corporations in Indonesia. Currently, 35% of loans on Titanium’s balance sheet are issued in AUD to Indonesian corporations.
Use Titanium Bank’s situation to describe the relation between foreign exchange risk and credit risk.
What can Titanium Bank do to mitigate the risk(s)? List 2 options


Titanium Bank is exposed to both foreign exchange risk and credit risk.

The bank's loans to Indonesian corporations are denominated in AUD, which means that the bank is exposed to the risk of the Indonesian rupiah depreciating against the AUD. The bank is also exposed to the risk of the Indonesian corporations defaulting on their loans.

Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the value of a currency will change, which can impact the value of an investment or loan. In Titanium Bank's case, if the Indonesian rupiah depreciates against the AUD, the value of the bank's loans will decrease. This is because the bank will need to convert more rupiah to AUD in order to repay the loans.

Credit risk is the risk that a borrower will default on a loan. In Titanium Bank's case, the bank is exposed to the risk of the Indonesian corporations defaulting on their loans. This is because the Indonesian economy is relatively volatile, and there is a risk that the corporations may not be able to repay their loans if the economy worsens.

Titanium Bank can mitigate its exposure to foreign exchange risk by hedging its loans. Hedging is a financial transaction that is designed to reduce the risk of loss. In Titanium Bank's case, the bank could hedge its loans by entering into a forward contract to sell the Indonesian rupiah at a predetermined exchange rate. This would protect the bank from the risk of the rupiah depreciating against the AUD.

Titanium Bank can also mitigate its exposure to credit risk by carefully screening borrowers and by requiring collateral. By carefully screening borrowers, the bank can reduce the risk of lending to borrowers who are likely to default. By requiring collateral, the bank can reduce its losses in the event that a borrower does default.

To learn more about foreign exchange risk click


In this module, we have examined employee rights to privacy, just cause for terminations and/or discipline, due process, and rights to have access to personnel information. One of the aspects of discipline examined was "progressive discipline" where you increase the severity of punishment based on continued inappropriate behavior or the nature of the conduct (e.g., verbal warning, written warning, probation, suspension, and termination). Discipline is used to address behavior but also protect the organization from negligence or other matters that could impact the viability of the business. Recall that distinction between probation and suspension is whether the employee can remain in the workplace. Probation is a period of time monitoring the employee but they remain in the workplace, in contrast, suspension removes the employee from the workplace for safety reasons and/or to conduct or complete an investigation. Discipline has to be balanced against employee rights. Employees have rights to protect against wrongful termination, rights to concerted activity (i.e., right to complain or challenge workplace treatment including working conditions, pay, benefits, and job placement), retaliation for voicing their rights, searches and surveillance, employment-at-will, and right-to-work without unionization (can vary by state). For this assignment, you will be presented with workplace scenarios and you are to decide the best course of action to address the behavior and provide a supporting rationale based on what you have learned about employee rights and discipline. You must address each scenario and provide a full answer with your response. Each question is worth 5 points.
Question 2: Discipline Yes or No
Mary is a real estate sales agent and works with a national agency to sell real estate in the Grand Strand region of SC. Mary's typical clientele are medical professionals relocating to the area and she has extensive relationships with all local hospitals to assist their staff with relocation. She has consistently been one of the highest producing sales agents for the firm for the past 5 years. The company is known for high quality marketing and providing specialized attention for the clients as they generally purchase homes in excess of $500,000. Recently the firm has decided to cut back on expenses and Mary can no longer provide the specialized attention to clients as the firm will not fund the expenses.
For the past year, Mary has one of the lowest performing years in overall sales and she attributes it to the firm's cutting expenses to attract her typical clientele. In her frustration, Mary began voicing her concerns with her potential clients and sharing her displeasure some of the marketing decisions. John, Mary's supervisor, has learned of her complaints to potential clients and disciplines her by placing her on probation and suggesting termination if she continues to voice complaints to customers.
Evaluate this situation in terms of employee rights vs. discipline. Does Mary have a right to voice her complaints and was it appropriate for John to apply discipline? Explain and provide a rationale for your responses.


Mary is a real estate sales agent and works with a national agency to sell real estate in the Grand Strand region of SC. Mary's typical clientele are medical professionals relocating to the area and she has extensive relationships with all local hospitals to assist their staff with relocation.

She has consistently been one of the highest producing sales agents for the firm for the past 5 years. The company is known for high quality marketing and providing specialized attention for the clients as they generally purchase homes in excess of $500,000.

Recently the firm has decided to cut back on expenses and Mary can no longer provide the specialized attention to clients as the firm will not fund the expenses. For the past year, Mary has one of the lowest performing years in overall sales and she attributes it to the firm's cutting expenses to attract her typical clientele. I

n her frustration, Mary began voicing her concerns with her potential clients and sharing her displeasure some of the marketing decisions. John, Mary's supervisor, has learned of her complaints to potential clients and disciplines her by placing her on probation and suggesting termination if she continues to voice complaints to customers.

Mary does not have the right to voice her complaints regarding the company to potential clients. Mary's actions were harmful to the company as she shared her displeasure about the company's marketing decisions with potential clients. This can lead to losing clients and causing a decrease in overall sales of the company.

It was appropriate for John to discipline Mary because Mary is not allowed to share her grievances with clients. The discipline should be appropriate to the severity of the situation.

In this scenario, the company is justified in disciplining Mary because she went against her duties as an employee by sharing her grievances with clients and jeopardizing the company's reputation. While the company is obliged to provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, employees have an obligation to fulfill their duties to the company.

To know more about real estate, visit:


It is going well with Danielle's business. She contacts the team again, this time asking for information around pricing decisions. She is considering increasing the price of her pillowcases. Your team is able to calculate the various elasticities of Danielle's business. Danielle's own price elasticity of demand -2.27 Danielle's own price elasticity of supply 1.54 Income elasticity of demand 2.55 Cross-price elasticity: IKEA's pillowcases 1.56 Cross-price elasticity: IKEA's sofas -1.80 "IKEA offers a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products. It has 67 shops in the USA as well as a large online presence in the USA. Your task is the following content in Danielle's report: One, an explanation of her price elasticity of demand and supply, what implications these have for her business and why it is important for her to understand both. Two, given Danielle's price elasticity of demand, what decision she should take around price increases (which you carefully explain to her). Three, explain to Danielle what her income and cross-price elasticities of demand mean and why she should be concerned about these.


One, Danielle's own price elasticity of demand and supply: The price elasticity of demand measures the sensitivity of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in its price. Danielle's own price elasticity of demand is -2.27. When Danielle increases the price of her pillowcases by 1 per cent, the quantity demanded of her pillowcases will decrease by 2.27 per cent.

It is important for Danielle to understand her price elasticity of demand so that she can price her products effectively. It is also important for her to understand her price elasticity of supply because it measures the sensitivity of the quantity supplied of a good to a change in its price. Danielle's own price elasticity of supply is 1.54. Her supply is relatively inelastic, which means that she cannot respond to price changes quickly.

Two, Danielle's decision on price increases: If Danielle increases the price of her pillowcases, her revenue will decrease because her demand is price elastic. She should not increase her prices because her profit margin will decrease as a result. Danielle should lower her prices to increase demand. Her ideal price would be where her marginal revenue equals her marginal cost.

Three, Danielle's income and cross-price elasticities of demand: Income elasticity of demand measures the sensitivity of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in income. Danielle's income elasticity of demand is 2.55, which means that she sells a normal good. Her cross-price elasticities of demand for IKEA's pillowcases and sofas are 1.56 and -1.80, respectively.

Danielle's demand for her pillowcases is complementary to IKEA's pillowcases, which means that as the price of IKEA's pillowcases increases, the demand for Danielle's pillowcases will increase. Danielle's demand for her pillowcases is also a substitute for IKEA's sofas, which means that as the price of IKEA's sofas increases, the demand for Danielle's pillowcases will increase.

Learn more about the elasticity of demand:


What are the Impacts of COVID-19 on sustainability accounting
and reporting practices? (500 words)


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various aspects of society, including sustainability accounting and reporting practices. Sustainability accounting and reporting refer to the measurement and disclosure of an organization's social, environmental, and economic impacts. The pandemic has created both challenges and opportunities for organizations in terms of their sustainability reporting. Here are some of the key impacts of COVID-19 on sustainability accounting and reporting practices:

1. Shifting priorities: The pandemic has caused organizations to reassess their priorities and allocate resources towards addressing immediate health and safety concerns. This shift in focus may result in a temporary diversion of resources from sustainability initiatives and reporting activities. Organizations may need to reprioritize their sustainability goals and adjust reporting timelines to align with the new circumstances.

2. Increased focus on social issues: The pandemic has highlighted social issues such as employee health and safety, supply chain resilience, and community support. Organizations are now expected to provide transparent reporting on their efforts to ensure the well-being of their employees, customers, and communities. This includes disclosing information on workplace health protocols, employee assistance programs, and community initiatives.

3. Supply chain disruptions: COVID-19 has exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains, leading to disruptions in sourcing materials, transportation, and manufacturing. Organizations are now more aware of the need to assess and disclose the resilience and sustainability of their supply chains. Sustainability reporting may include information on supplier risk management, diversification strategies, and efforts to build more resilient supply networks.

4. Remote working and digital transformation: The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote working and digital technologies. Organizations have had to quickly adapt to new ways of operating, including virtual meetings, remote collaboration, and digital reporting. This shift towards digital platforms and technologies presents opportunities to enhance sustainability reporting practices by leveraging data analytics, automation, and real-time reporting capabilities.

5. Enhanced stakeholder engagement: The crisis has highlighted the importance of stakeholder engagement and communication. Organizations have had to proactively engage with stakeholders such as employees, customers, investors, and communities to address their concerns and provide timely updates. Sustainability reporting plays a crucial role in transparently communicating an organization's actions, responses, and plans during the pandemic.

6. Renewed focus on resilience and risk management: The pandemic has underscored the importance of resilience and risk management in business operations. Sustainability reporting now includes a heightened focus on disclosing an organization's ability to manage and mitigate risks, including health risks, business continuity planning, and crisis response strategies. This emphasis on resilience strengthens organizations' sustainability practices and their ability to navigate future disruptions.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted sustainability accounting and reporting practices by shifting priorities, increasing focus on social issues, highlighting supply chain vulnerabilities, promoting remote working and digital transformation, enhancing stakeholder engagement, and renewing the focus on resilience and risk management. Organizations are adapting their sustainability reporting to address these impacts and ensure transparent communication of their responses to the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Learn more about the sustainability accounting and reporting practices here:


Given the following information for US Treasury strips (assume annual coupon payment) with settlement date 12/31/2021:

Maturity Price
12/31/2022 98.039
12/31/2023 97.066
12/31/2024 92.860
12/31/2025 88.849
12/31/2026 84.197
12/31/2027 79.031
What is the forward rate for borrowing for one year starting on



The forward rate for borrowing for one year starting on December 31, 2025 can be calculated by using the following formula: Where, R1= spot rate of one year maturing .

Rate of one year maturing on 12/31/2025

R3= spot rate of one year maturing on 12/31/2026

R0= current spot rate (12/31/2021) of one year maturing on 12/31/2024 Using the given data:

Maturity Price 12/31/2024 92.860 12/31/2025 88.849 12/31/2026 84.197 Thus,R1 = 88.849/92.860-1 = -4.3247% R3 = 84.197/88.849-1 = -5.2144% Now, substituting the values in the formula.

$$(1+R_{2})^{2} = \frac{(1-0.043247) \times (1-0.052144)^{3}}{(1+R_{0})^{1+3}}$$$$\Right arrow (1+R_{2})^{2}

= 0.9031$$$$\  Right arrow (1+R_{2})

= \sqrt{0.9031}$$$$. Right arrow (1+R_{2})

= 0.9498$$$$\Right arrow R_{2}

= 0.9498 - 1$$$$\Right arrow R_{2}

= -0.0502$$ Therefore, the forward rate for borrowing for one year starting on December 31, 2025 is -5.02%.

To know more about calculated visit:


Suppo Durah pad $2.7 million for a patent related to an integrated system, including hands-free cell phone, GPS, and iPod connectivity. The company expects to install this system in its automobiles for nine years. Durask will sell for $1,900 in the first year, 10,100 units were sold. All costs per unit totalled $855. Required 1. As the CFO, how would you record transactions relating to the patent in the first year? 2. Prepare the income statement for the integrated system's operations for the first year.


Durah's net profit for the first year is $10,559,500. Transactions related to the patent in the first year should be recorded by the CFO as follows:Initial entry:On the purchase of the patent, the company Durah paid $2.7 million.

Patent (Asset) is debited to $2.7 million, and Cash (Asset) is credited to $2.7 million.2. Installment payment:Durah will install the integrated system in its automobiles for nine years. The annual installment payment of $300,000 will be recorded in the books of accounts as follows:Patent (Asset) is debited to $300,000, and Cash (Asset) is credited to $300,000. The debit to the patent will continue for nine years, and the credit will be to cash. This entry will reflect an increase in the patent's book value and a decrease in cash.2. Income statement for the integrated system's operations for the first year:The income statement shows the earnings or losses of an organization during a specified period. As a result, the income statement for the integrated system's operations for the first year can be computed as follows.

Revenue is equal to $1,900 per unit multiplied by the number of units sold, which is 10,100 units. Therefore, revenue for the year is $19,190,000. Cost of goods sold is calculated as the cost per unit multiplied by the number of units sold, which is $855 per unit multiplied by 10,100 units. $10,559,500. Operating expenses are incurred in running a business, and they include advertising, salaries, rent, and utilities, among other things. Durah does not have any operating expenses for the first year. Therefore, operating profit equals gross profit, or $10,559,500. In the income statement, operating profit is the last item. As a result, Durah's net profit for the first year is $10,559,500.

To know more about net profit  visit :-


Hazel, a widow, died. She had made no previous lifetime taxable gifts and she died with a gross estate of $13 million, consisting solely of a diversified portfolio of publicly traded, income-producing stocks. Her debts were $75,000 and estate administrative expenses amounted to $50,000. Six months after her death, Hazel's estate was valued at $12.2 million. Which of the following post-mortem techniques should Hazel’s executor consider electing?
A) The alternate valuation date.
B) Deduct estate administrative expenses on the estate’s fiduciary income tax return.
C) Pay estate taxes under IRC Section 6166.
D) Use a Section 303 stock redemption.


Hazel's executor should consider electing A) The alternate valuation date as a post-mortem technique. The alternate valuation date allows the estate to value its assets six months after the date of death for estate tax purposes, rather than using the date of death value.

In this case, Hazel's estate was valued at $12.2 million six months after her death, which is lower than the initial gross estate value of $13 million. By electing the alternate valuation date, the estate can potentially reduce the estate tax liability by using the lower asset value. The other options listed are not applicable in this scenario. Deducting estate administrative expenses on the estate's fiduciary income tax return (B) is a regular practice and does not require specific consideration. Paying estate taxes under IRC Section 6166 (C) is relevant when the estate includes closely-held businesses or farms that exceed the estate tax threshold, which is not mentioned in the given information. Using a Section 303 stock redemption (D) is a technique employed in specific situations involving closely-held corporations, which is not applicable in this case where the estate consists of publicly traded stocks.

To learn more about tax:


Why did new technology make it harder to enforce limitations on bank branching?


The Banking Act of 1933, also known as the Glass-Steagall Act, established strict regulations on banks and prohibited commercial banks from engaging in investment banking. It also placed restrictions on bank branching.

These regulations were meant to prevent the concentration of financial power and reduce the risks of another financial crisis. However, with the advancement of technology, banks began to use electronic banking systems to offer new services and reach more customers. This made it more difficult to enforce limitations on bank branching because electronic banking did not require banks to have a physical presence in a specific location. For instance, online banking allowed customers to open accounts, deposit and withdraw funds, and apply for loans without visiting a physical bank branch. This made it possible for banks to serve customers across state lines without having to open new branches, which violated the regulations set by the Glass-Steagall Act.
Moreover, the emergence of interstate banking led to a trend of bank mergers and acquisitions. Banks were able to acquire smaller banks in other states and expand their operations. The increased competition in the banking industry further weakened the regulations on bank branching. In conclusion, the rise of new technology made it harder to enforce limitations on bank branching by enabling banks to offer new services through electronic banking systems. This reduced the need for banks to have a physical presence in specific locations. Additionally, interstate banking and bank mergers and acquisitions further weakened the regulations on bank branching.

To know more about regulations visit :-


Which of the below is an important challenge facing managers today? Multiple Choice all of these solving business problems making business decision competing to win in today's market


Among the listed options, competing to win in today's market is an important challenge facing managers today. In today's fast-paced and dynamic business environment, managers face a variety of challenges. To succeed, they must stay up to date with emerging trends and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Competing to win in today's market is an important challenge facing managers today. With increasing competition in the market, companies must be able to differentiate themselves from their rivals in order to succeed. This necessitates developing new products and services, improving customer service, and ensuring that operations run smoothly and efficiently.In addition, managers must solve business problems, make business decisions, and stay informed of new developments in their industry. They must also manage employees and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. To be effective, managers must possess strong leadership skills, as well as the ability to communicate clearly and effectively with team members and stakeholders.Finally, businesses must be innovative and adapt to changes in technology and the economy. They must embrace new technologies and incorporate them into their operations in order to remain competitive. As such, managers must constantly be on the lookout for new opportunities and be willing to take risks in order to succeed.

To know more about the economy visit:


2.2 An automated assembly system performs a sequence of automated assembly operations to combine multiple components into a single entity. The single entity can be a final product or a subassembly in a larger product. Evaluate the parts delivery system hardware. (5)


The hardware for the parts delivery system in an automated assembly system is crucial for its proper functioning. To evaluate the parts delivery system hardware, the following aspects should be considered.

1. Feeder system: This includes the type of feeders used, their capacity, and the number of feeders required. Feeder systems can be or centrifugal, and it is important to choose the right type of feeder system depending on the components being assembled.

2. Conveyor belt system: The conveyor belt system should be able to transport the components from the feeder to the assembly station in a reliable and efficient manner. Factors such as speed, load capacity, and type of conveyor system should be considered.

3. Pick and place mechanism: The pick and place mechanism should be able to accurately pick up the components from the feeder and place them in the correct position for assembly. Factors such as precision, speed, and reliability should be considered.

4. Control system: The control system should be able to coordinate the different components of the parts delivery system and ensure that they work together seamlessly. The control system should be user-friendly and easy to operate.

5. Safety features: The parts delivery system hardware should have safety features such as emergency stop buttons, sensors, and interlocks to ensure the safety of the operators and prevent damage to the system.

To know more about conveyor belt system please refer:


Question No. 3 [5+4+3+3] (a) Why does GNi-"an estimator of an economy's absolute performance" needs to be adjusted? Explain two ways to adjust GNI in short. (b) Outline the implications of inflation and unemployment for international company. How BOP affects international business strategy? (d) What is SAARC's impact on its member countries' economy? in


GNI (Gross National Income) is an estimator of an economy's absolute performance and needs to be adjusted because it does not consider differences in the cost of living and purchasing power across countries.

a. One way to adjust GNI is by using PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) exchange rates, which reflect the relative prices of goods and services in different countries. Another way to adjust GNI is by using GDP per capita, which adjusts for differences in population size across countries

(b) Inflation and unemployment have implications for international companies in several ways:

Inflation can affect the cost of production and the purchasing power of consumers, which can impact a company's profitability and competitiveness.

Unemployment can affect the demand for goods and services, which can impact a company's sales and revenue.

BOP (Balance of Payments) affects international business strategy by influencing the exchange rate and the availability of foreign exchange. A country's BOP is the balance between its imports and exports, and changes in BOP can affect the cost of imports and the value of a country's exports. A strong BOP can improve a country's exchange rate and increase the demand for its exports, while a weak BOP can lead to a depreciation of the exchange rate and a decrease in demand for its exports.

(d) SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) is a regional organization that promotes economic, political, and cultural cooperation among its member countries. SAARC has had a positive impact on its member countries' economy by promoting trade and investment, and by providing a platform for cooperation on regional development issues. However, the impact of SAARC on the member countries' economy has been mixed, with some countries benefiting more than others.

Learn more about GNI Visit:


. What is incentive-based compensation and how is it supposed to
resolve the principal-agent problem? Provide examples to
illustrate. 400-600 words.


Incentive-based pay, also known as performance-based or variable pay, is a type of pay structure that ties a portion of an individual's salary to that or the performance of an organization.

Its purpose is to motivate employees, especially managers and key figures, to achieve specific goals, and to align employee interests with those of organizational stakeholders such as shareholders. The principal-agent problem arises when ownership (principals) and management (agents) are separated within an organization. Clients, i.e. owners and shareholders, delegate decision-making authority to their representatives, i.e. executives and managers.

The principal-agent problem arises when the interests of the agent may not be fully aligned with those of the principal, leading to a potential conflict of interest. Incentive-based compensation aims to solve the principal-agent problem by aligning the interests of agents (management or employees) with those of principals (shareholders or owners).

To know more about compensation visit :


The correct question is :

What is incentive-based compensation and how is it supposed to resolve the principal-agent problem?

What would the commission be for $36,300 for the pay structure
Sales % Commission
$0 - $15,000 No commission (0%)
$15,001 - $25,000 0.90%
$25,001 - up 1.10%


The commission would be $191.70 for $36,300 for the given pay structure.

The pay structure is as follows: Sales % Commission $0 - $15,000 No commission (0%) $15,001 - $25,000 0.90% $25,001 - up 1.10%.We are supposed to determine the commission for $36,300 using the given pay structure. To calculate the commission for $36,300, we have to divide the number of sales by 100 and multiply it by the percentage of commission.

Let us first find the commission for the first $15,000. The commission for sales between $15,001 and $25,000 is 0.9%. Sales up to $15,000 are excluded from the commission, so they will not be factored into our calculations. Therefore, we'll consider only sales above $15,000. Sales above $15,000 but less than or equal to $25,000 are $36,300 - $15,000 = $21,300. Commission = $21,300 * 0.9% = $191.70. So, the commission for $36,300 is $191.70. Hence, the commission would be $191.70 for $36,300 for the given pay structure.

Learn more about commission


gut bombs sandwich shop, one of many sandwich shops, usually sells 3,000 sandwiches per month for $8 each. instructions: enter your answer as a whole number. the shop's marginal revenue per sandwich is: $


The shop's marginal revenue per sandwich is $8.

The marginal revenue per sandwich can be calculated by dividing the total revenue by the quantity of sandwiches sold. In this case, the total revenue can be calculated by multiplying the number of sandwiches sold by the price per sandwich.

Total Revenue = Quantity Sold x Price per Sandwich

Total Revenue = 3,000 sandwiches x $8 per sandwich

Total Revenue = $24,000

Now, to find the marginal revenue per sandwich, we divide the total revenue by the quantity of sandwiches sold:

Marginal Revenue per Sandwich = Total Revenue / Quantity Sold

Marginal Revenue per Sandwich = $24,000 / 3,000 sandwiches

Marginal Revenue per Sandwich = $8

Therefore, the shop's marginal revenue per sandwich is $8.

To know more about marginal revenue, follow the link:


A products goes through each stage of the process involving Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline and in some cases, the product successfully goes through the Extension process. Explain each stage


The life cycle of a product consists of four stages that include Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. In some cases, the product successfully goes through the Extension process.

The following is a detailed explanation of each stage of the product life cycle:

Introduction Stage: During the introduction stage, a product is launched in the market, and a promotion campaign is initiated to increase customer awareness. This stage is characterized by low sales volume, high advertising, and promotion costs, and little competition.

Growth Stage: As the product gains acceptance in the market, the growth stage begins. It is characterized by an increase in sales, distribution, and market share. Profits also rise at this stage, and more competitors enter the market.

Maturity Stage: In the maturity stage, sales volume peaks, but the growth rate declines. This stage is characterized by intense competition, lower profit margins, and increasing advertising and promotion costs.

Decline Stage: In the decline stage, sales volume starts to drop, and the product may eventually become obsolete. The decline may be due to various reasons, including changing customer preferences, advancements in technology, and increased competition.

Extension Stage: In some cases, the product successfully goes through the Extension process, which aims to increase its life cycle. Extension strategies include product modification, advertising, market segmentation, and pricing adjustments.

To know more about product refer to:


You invest $100 in a risky asset with an expected rate of return of 0.21 and a standard deviation of 0.27 and a T-bill with a rate of return of 0.05. The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal to _____

a. 0.5926

b. 0.05

c. 1.2857

d. 0.7778


The slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is equal to 0.5926. The correct option is A.

The capital allocation line is a concept used in investing and finance to assist investors in designing their investment portfolios. It is a line that separates the risk-free asset and the risky asset. The risk-free asset refers to a safe investment that is guaranteed to return a certain amount of money (or a specific rate of interest), while the risky asset refers to an investment that is not guaranteed to generate a profit and may result in a loss.The formula for the Capital Allocation Line (CAL) is: E(R) = Rf + σ(Rp - Rf)/σpWhere:E(R) = expected return on a portfolio,Rf = risk-free rate,σ = standard deviation of the portfolio, Rp = expected return on the portfolio, andσp = standard deviation of the risky asset.

With that in mind, let's calculate the slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset:Slope = [E(Rp) - Rf] / σp= (0.21 - 0.05) / 0.27= 0.16 / 0.27= 0.5926Therefore, the slope of the capital allocation line formed with the risky asset and the risk-free asset is 0.5926. Answer: (a).

To know more about capital visit:-


Teuila Fepuleai expects to retire in 16 years. She has decided that she would like to retire with enough money in savings to withdraw $4,000 per month for 15 years after she retires. Knowing she will be conservative with her retirement fund once retired, she believes that she will earn a rate of 3.5% per year from her retirement date onwards.

(a) How much money does Teuila need to have when she retires?
Teuila wonders how much she has to save per month in order to have that amount (calculated in (a)) at the time she retires. At the moment, she has about $7,500 in her savings account but she knows that will not be enough. She believes that she can earn an after-tax return of 6% compounded monthly on her savings.
(b) How much does Teuila need to save each month for the next 16 years to reach her goal?


The money that Teuila needs to have when she retires in 16 years is $5,11,266.38 and she needs to save $1,509.92 per month for the next 16 years to reach her goal.

Teuila wants to withdraw $4,000 per month for 15 years after she retires.

So, the total amount required to withdraw = $4,000 x 12 x 15= $7,20,000

As she has to be conservative with her retirement fund, So, she believes that she will earn a rate of 3.5% per year from her retirement date onwards.

Let's calculate the present value of the annuity to find out how much she needs to save by the time of her retirement.

PV = C x [(1 - (1 + r)^(-n)) / r]

Where, PV = Present Value,

C = Cash flow per period (in this case, monthly)

R = Interest rate per period (3.5% per annum or 0.35% per month)

N = Number of periods (15 years or 180 months)

PV = 4000 x [(1 - (1 + 0.35/100)^(-180)) / (0.35/100)]

PV = $5,11,266.38.

Therefore, Teuila needs to have $5,11,266.38 when she retires.

Let's calculate the monthly savings needed to achieve this future value using the following formula:

FV = P * [(1 + r)^n - 1] / r

Where FV = Future Value

P = Monthly Payment

R = Interest rate per period (6% per annum or 0.5% per month)

N = Number of periods (16 years or 192 months)

FV = $5,11,266.38P = $5,11,266.38 * [(0.005 + 1)^(192) - 1] / 0.005P = $1,509.92

Therefore, Teuila needs to save $1,509.92 per month for the next 16 years to reach her goal.

Learn more about retirement funds:


Temperance's net worth is $45,000. Her debt ratio is 0.5. Her long-term assets total $60,000, and monthly expenses are $5,000. What is her liquidity ratio? A 5 months B 3 months C 4 months D 6 months


To calculate Temperance's liquidity ratio, we need to divide her liquid assets by her monthly expenses. Liquid assets refer to those that can be easily converted to cash within a short period.

Calculate Temperance's liquid assets:

Liquid assets = Net worth - Total long-term assets

Liquid assets = $45,000 - $60,000

Liquid assets = -$15,000

Since her liquid assets are negative, it means she does not have enough liquid assets to cover her long-term assets. In this case, we cannot calculate her liquidity ratio accurately, and none of the given answer choices would be correct.

To have a valid liquidity ratio calculation, Temperance would need to have positive liquid assets, meaning she has enough assets that can be easily converted to cash to cover her long-term assets and monthly expenses.

Learn more about liquidity here


You are the HR Manager at HR Brewing Company, an organic brewing company located in Edmonton. There is currently one brewmaster and you need to hire one more. Before you post a job ad, what steps will you take to ensure that you are advertising for a candidate who will be the right fit for the brewmaster position at HR Brewing Company? Be sure your answer includes specific examples in relation to this scenario. 7 A▾ BI


Before advertising for a candidate who will be the right fit for the brew master position at HR Brewing Company, it is essential to establish the role of the brew master within the company.

You will need to examine the essential duties, qualifications, skills, and knowledge required for the job. Additionally, you will need to identify the organizational structure of HR Brewing Company, including the company's culture and values. Once the role of the brew master has been established, you will need to perform a job analysis. The purpose of the job analysis is to collect and analyze information about the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the position. In this case, HR Brewing Company can conduct the analysis by interviewing the current brew master, determining the tasks performed, and examining the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. Additionally, it should contain information about the company's culture and values to attract candidates who are a good fit. This will help to ensure that HR Brewing Company is offering a competitive salary and benefits package. The job ad should be written in a way that appeals to the candidate's interest and skills, and it should include information about the company's culture and values. Additionally, HR Brewing Company can use social media to advertise the job opening to reach a broader audience.

To learn more about advertising, visit:


True/False/Uncertain statements. State first whether each is TRUE/FALSE/UNCERTAIN and then briefly justify your answer. 6. In a monopolistically competitive market, competition ensures that in the long-run each firm in the market produces efficiently. 7. A perfectly competitive firm should shut down production in the short-run and exit the market if its total revenues are less than its total costs. 8. In a Cournot Oligopoly the best strategy of a firm is to increase the quantity produced every time the competitor reduces its quantity produced. 9. If the value of exports exceeds the value of imports, the government's tax receipts must exceed its expenditure. 10. In a closed economy with unemployed resources, if the government increases both its expenditure and its lump-sum direct tax by the same amount, there will be no increase in national income. 11. In an IS/LM fixed-price closed economy, fiscal policy will be more effective the flatter is the LM curve. 12. An increase in the ratio of cash to deposits held by the commercial banks will reduce the money supply.


The answers of the statements are as follows,

6. Uncertain

7. True

8. False

9. Uncertain

10. False

11. True

12. True

6. The given statement is Uncertain.

Competition ensures that in the long-run each firm in the market produces efficiently. It's not clear how competition would ensure that in the long run each firm in the market produces efficiently. Therefore, the answer is uncertain

7. The given statement is True.

If a perfectly competitive firm is making losses, it should shut down production in the short run and exit the market. Therefore, the answer is true.

8. The given statement is False.  

In a Cournot oligopoly, firms do not increase the quantity produced every time the competitor reduces its quantity produced. Therefore, the answer is false.

9. The given statement is Uncertain.

It is uncertain because even if exports exceed imports, there is no guarantee that the government's tax receipts would exceed its expenditure. Therefore, the answer is uncertain.

10. The given statement is False.

In a closed economy with unemployed resources, if the government increases both its expenditure and its lump-sum direct tax by the same amount, national income will increase. Therefore, the answer is false.

11. The given statement is True.

In an IS/LM fixed-price closed economy, fiscal policy will be more effective the flatter is the LM curve. Therefore, the answer is true.

12. The given statement is True.

An increase in the ratio of cash to deposits held by the commercial banks will reduce the money supply. Therefore, the answer is true.

Learn more about the LM curve:


1 Describe Woodward’s classification of organizational technologies. Explain why each of the three technology groups is related differently to organization structure and management processes.
2 How do flexible manufacturing and lean manufacturing differ from other manufacturing technologies? Why are these new approaches needed in today’s environment
3 Mass customization of products has become a common approach in manufacturing organizations. Discuss ways in which mass customization can be applied to service firms as well


1. Woodward's classification of organizational technologies identifies three groups: unit production, mass production, and continuous process. 2. Flexible manufacturing emphasizes adaptability and customization, while lean manufacturing focuses on efficiency and waste reduction.  3. Mass customization can also be applied to service firms through personalized experiences, modular offerings, self-service customization, and customer co-creation.

1. Woodward's Classification of Organizational Technologies:

Joan Woodward, a British sociologist, developed a classification of organizational technologies based on her research on the relationship between technology and organizational structure. She identified three technology groups:

a) Unit Production: In this group, each product is unique or made in small quantities. The production process requires a high level of customization, craftsmanship, and flexibility.

b) Mass Production: This group involves standardized, large-scale production of identical products using assembly line techniques. The production process is highly mechanized and requires minimal customization.

c) Continuous Process: This group involves the continuous production of standardized products, such as chemicals or petroleum. The production process is highly automated and operates 24/7.

2. The key difference between flexible manufacturing and lean manufacturing lies in their primary focus. Flexible manufacturing is centered around adaptability and customization, allowing for rapid changes in production. Lean manufacturing, on the other hand, emphasizes efficiency and waste reduction by streamlining processes. Both approaches are needed in today's environment because they address different aspects of manufacturing operations.

3. Mass customization, which involves providing customized products at a large scale, can also be applied to service firms. Here are some ways in which mass customization can be implemented in service organizations:

a) Personalized Experiences: Service firms can tailor their offerings to meet the unique needs and preferences of individual customers.

b) Modular Service Offerings: Service firms can create modular service offerings that allow customers to choose different components or options to suit their specific requirements.

c) Self-Service Customization: Service firms can offer self-service platforms or tools that enable customers to customize their service experience.

d) Co-Creation and Collaboration: Service firms can involve customers in the design or co-creation of services.

To know more about mass customization click here


Think of a crisis that you have seen, heard about, or been
involved in. What was done well to manage the crisis, and what
could have been done better? Please explain.


Swift and efficient emergency response during a hurricane crisis, but lacked preparedness, communication, and real-time damage assessment.

In a major natural disaster, such as a hurricane, the crisis management was generally effective. The emergency response system was activated quickly, evacuation orders were well-communicated, and emergency personnel and resources were promptly deployed. However, there were areas that could have been improved. Pre-disaster preparedness measures were lacking, resulting in shortages of emergency supplies and inadequate contingency plans.

The communication strategy could have been enhanced by utilizing social media and mobile apps. Additionally, a more robust system for monitoring and assessing damage in real-time would have facilitated a quicker and more efficient response. Overall, while there were strengths in managing the crisis, improvements were needed in preparedness and communication strategies.

To learn more about emergency follow the link:


The complete question is:

Think of a crisis that you have seen, heard about, or been involved in. What was done well to manage the crisis, and what could have been done better? Please explain.

An automobile key manufacturer produces keys at a variable cost of $35 per unit. The plant has total sales of $570,000 to the OEMs at a price of $60 per unit. If the annual fixed cost is equal to $220,000 for the plant how many keys should the company produce in order to catch the breakeven point (D’)?


the company should produce approximately 8,800 keys to reach the breakeven point. The contribution margin per unit is calculated by subtracting the variable cost per unit from the selling price per unit: $60 - $35 = $25.

To calculate the breakeven point in terms of the number of keys the company should produce, we need to consider the fixed costs, variable costs, and sales revenue.

The fixed costs for the plant are given as $220,000. The variable cost per unit is $35. The sales revenue per unit is $60.

Let's denote the number of keys to be produced as 'x'. At the breakeven point, the total cost equals the total revenue:

Total cost = Fixed cost + (Variable cost per unit * Number of units)

Total cost = $220,000 + ($35 * x)

Total revenue = Sales revenue per unit * Number of units

Total revenue = $60 * x

Setting the total cost equal to the total revenue and solving for 'x':

$220,000 + ($35 * x) = $60 * x

$220,000 = $60 * x - $35 * x

$220,000 = $25 * x

x = $220,000 / $25

x ≈ 8,800

the company should produce approximately 8,800 keys to reach the breakeven point.

learn more about sales revenue here:


Along with capital, is the primary production input that the organization uses to create products and services. a. politics b. natural resources c. labor d. culture e. structure


The primary production input that the organization uses to create products and services is labor, in addition to capital. Option C is correct answer.

Labor refers to the human resources that a company employs to help it produce goods or services. For example, labor can include employees who design products, produce them, market them, and provide customer service.In order to create products or provide services, labor is essential, even if the capital is present. Without a workforce, even the most advanced technology and equipment cannot function efficiently.

Employees are the ones who oversee operations, follow instructions, and make decisions to ensure that all of the other inputs, such as natural resources, are used effectively to generate a profit.In addition to its economic role, labor also performs a social function by providing employment opportunities to the population.

The creation of jobs helps to boost economic growth and stability, as well as improve the living standards of the workforce. As a result, labor plays a significant role in both the economic and social development of a country.Therefore, labor is an essential component of the production process, without which no organization can achieve success in the long run. In conclusion, the primary production input that an organization uses to create products and services is labor.

To know more about production visit :-


Commercial cookery/ Kitchen:
Answer the following questions about coaching and mentoring.
Outline five (5) benefits of providing team members with
coaching and mentoring.


Providing team members with coaching and mentoring offers several benefits, including increased performance, skill development, career advancement, enhanced job satisfaction, and improved team dynamics.

Coaching and mentoring can bring numerous advantages to team members:

Increased performance: Through personalized guidance and support, coaching and mentoring help team members improve their skills and knowledge, leading to enhanced performance in their roles. Regular feedback and goal setting can motivate individuals to strive for excellence.Skill development: Coaching and mentoring provide opportunities for skill development and knowledge transfer. Mentors can share their expertise, offer practical advice, and provide guidance on specific tasks or challenges. This helps team members expand their skill set and become more versatile in their roles.Career advancement: Coaching and mentoring contribute to career growth by assisting team members in identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Mentors can provide valuable insights, guidance on career planning, and support in navigating professional opportunities, leading to increased prospects for promotions and advancement.Enhanced job satisfaction: When team members receive coaching and mentoring, they feel valued and supported in their professional development. This leads to increased job satisfaction, as they experience personal growth and progress in their careers. Feeling acknowledged and invested in by their organization fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment.Improved team dynamics: Coaching and mentoring not only benefit individual team members but also contribute to overall team dynamics. By fostering a culture of learning, collaboration, and continuous improvement, coaching and mentoring can strengthen team cohesion, communication, and effectiveness.

In summary, providing team members with coaching and mentoring offers several advantages, including increased performance, skill development, career advancement, enhanced job satisfaction, and improved team dynamics. These benefits contribute to the growth and success of both individuals and the team as a whole.

Learn more about career advancement here:


Mark the following statements as true or false, then select the corresponding multiple choice answer. Depreciable base is defined as the book value of an asset less the salvage value. Net income will be less in the early years of an asset's life if the company is using double declining depreciation as compared to straight-line depreciation. Per GAAP a company must use the same method of depreciation for all of its fixed assets.


1. Depreciable base is defined as the book value of an asset less the salvage value. - True

2. Net income will be less in the early years of an asset's life if the company is using double declining depreciation as compared to straight-line depreciation. - True

3. Per GAAP, a company must use the same method of depreciation for all of its fixed assets. - False

1. The statement is true. The depreciable base is the amount on which depreciation is calculated and is defined as the book value of an asset minus its salvage value. It represents the portion of the asset's cost that is subject to depreciation.

2. The statement is true. When using the double declining balance method of depreciation, a higher depreciation expense is recognized in the early years of an asset's life compared to the straight-line method. This results in lower net income in the early years.

3. The statement is false. While consistency in accounting methods is generally preferred, per Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), a company is allowed to use different methods of depreciation for different fixed assets. The choice of depreciation method depends on various factors such as the nature of the asset, its expected useful life, and industry practices. However, once a method is chosen for a specific asset, it should be consistently applied throughout its useful life, and any changes in depreciation method should be disclosed and justified.

Learn more about disclosed and justified here:


COVID-19 has increased digital adoption in outsourcing IT services and maintaining a competitive advantage. Q.1.1 How will outsourcing reduce costs in the post-COVID-19 era?


Outsourcing is an excellent technique to reduce costs for businesses. Outsourcing in IT services can help reduce costs in the post-COVID-19 era in the following ways:

Outsourcing companies help organizations in minimizing the burden of hiring and training their employees. They also help to reduce the cost of labor in terms of wages, taxes, and other benefits related to employees.Through outsourcing, organizations can get access to experts who have a good understanding of the latest trends in the IT industry. They can get the advantage of working with professionals who can help them save costs by offering efficient services in a shorter time frame.

Outsourcing firms also have access to modern technology, tools, and software that enable them to perform tasks quickly and effectively. With access to these advanced technologies, organizations can quickly complete their projects and reduce their costs.

Additionally, these advanced technologies can also help businesses stay ahead of their competitors by improving their productivity and efficiency.

The impact of the content loaded COVID-19 outbreak on outsourcing has forced companies to become more digital and remote-friendly. Many organizations have realized the importance of digitizing their processes and have started to invest in digital technologies. This shift towards digitalization has increased the adoption of outsourcing IT services.

To know more about COVID-19

Jack is the manufacturer and seller of frozen food. He occupied a new factory at Klang and decided to renovate the said factory for his business purposes. Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd, a construction company, agreed to lay the floor in Jack’s newly constructed factory and the work has to be completed on 1 April 2021 at a cost of RM25,000 (as per stated in the agreement). Unfortunately, Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd only completed the constructed floor on 30 June 2021.

Jack seeks your advice on the possible legal suit in this issue to recover the damages. Support your answer with all relevant authorities, but not limited to, cases, provisions of the statutes, legal scholars' opinions, and others


Jack can take legal action against Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd using the breach of contract doctrine.

Why might the breach of contract doctrine apply?Because Jack had a contract with Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd which was not fulfilled.Because Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd has agreed to the delivery date of the work set out in the contract but has not adhered to it.

When a contract is established, both parties must fulfill their obligations and ensure that all dates and remunerations are respected by all involved. This was not what happened between Jack and Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd, as both entered into a contract where Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd was to do the flooring of Jack's establishment and deliver in May.

However, Pasrah & Co Sdn Bhd broke the contract, delivering the floor a month later than the agreed date and jeopardizing Jack's work.

Learn more about the breach of contract doctrine:


Other Questions
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The client will be more comfortable with the lawyer and more likely to ask for help. The client will get help more quickly when it is urgently needed because she will already have a lawyer familiar with her business. The lawyer will cost less because he will be more efficient. An ongoing relationship means the client never has to seek the lawyer's advice because the lawyer will be in touch when necessary. What are the three policy tools of the Fed? Briefly describe howeach tool can be used to combat high unemployment You have landed awinter internship at the private wealth management division ofSuncorp in Brisbane. The MD of the division has asked you to dosome basic calculations needed for a presentation to inTABLE Q3.1 Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 USA 0.0016 0.0270 0.0180 0.0244 0.0223 0.016 Cement Company anticipates the following fourth-quarter sales for 2021: $1,800,000 (October), $1,600,000 (November), and $2,100,000 (December). It posted the following sales figures for the third quarter of 2021: $1,900,000 (July), $2,050,000 (August), and $2,200,000 (September). Sales is anticipated to decrease by 10% in the first quarter of 2022.The company sells 90% of its products on credit, and 10% are cash sales. The credit sales are collected as follows: 60% in the following month, 20% two months later, 19% three months later, with 1% defaults. 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