The correct pathway air flows through the respiratory system is.


Answer 1

The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of gases between the body and the external environment.

The correct pathway air flows through the respiratory system is as follows: Air enters through the nasal or oral cavity, passing through the pharynx and larynx, and into the trachea.

The trachea branches into two bronchi, one leading to each lung. The bronchi then divide into smaller bronchioles, which eventually lead to the alveoli, the site of gas exchange.

Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the capillaries, while carbon dioxide from the capillaries diffuses into the alveoli to be expelled during exhalation. This process ensures that the body is supplied with the oxygen it needs while getting rid of carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism.

To know more about the respiratory system refer here :


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What harm can steve do by acting in a role he isn't trained for


Steve can cause a lot of harm to himself, his team and the organisation he is working for by acting in a role he is not trained for. If Steve is not trained for the role he is acting in, he is likely to make mistakes that can have long-term consequences.

For example, if Steve is not trained to handle financial transactions, he could make mistakes in the accounting books which could lead to losses for the organisation. Furthermore, if Steve is not trained to handle difficult customers, he may not be able to resolve customer issues effectively and efficiently, leading to customer dissatisfaction and a loss of business.

Finally, if Steve is not trained to manage a team, he may not be able to manage the team effectively and could result in a lack of productivity and morale. In short, acting in a role Steve is not trained for can cause a lot of damage.

know more about long-term consequences here


which biome is known for being hot and moist with constant rain?


The biome that is known for being hot and moist with constant rain is: the tropical rainforest biome.

This biome is located around the equator, and it is characterized by high levels of precipitation, high humidity, and warm temperatures year-round.

The average temperature of this biome ranges from 68 to 93°F (20 to 34°C), and it receives between 60 and 400 inches (150 and 1000 cm) of rain per year.

Tropical rainforests are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. The dense vegetation of this biome includes tall trees, shrubs, vines, and epiphytes, which form a complex and layered ecosystem.

The rich biodiversity of this biome provides numerous ecological services, including carbon sequestration, oxygen production, and water cycling.

However, tropical rainforests are also facing significant threats from human activities such as deforestation, mining, and agriculture, which are leading to the destruction of this important biome and the loss of countless species.

To know more about "Tropical rainforest biome" refer here:


Complete the T-chart by categorizing each statement as an advantage or disadvantage of sexual reproduction.

Not all mutations are passed on.
It is time and energy consuming.
The reproduction process is slow.
It provides genetic variation.



It provides genetic variation.


Not all mutations are passed on.It is time and energy consuming.The reproduction process is slow.

Sexual reproduction is a process that involves the fusion of two gametes, usually from different parents, to form a new individual. This process has advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages is that it provides genetic variation, which increases the chances of survival of a species in changing environments. Genetic variation is important because it allows organisms to adapt to new environmental conditions, avoid predators, and increase their chances of reproduction.

However, sexual reproduction also has several disadvantages. For example, not all mutations are passed on, which means that some beneficial mutations may not be transmitted to the offspring. Additionally, sexual reproduction is a time and energy-consuming process that requires finding a mate, courtship rituals, and fertilization. Finally, the reproduction process is slow compared to asexual reproduction, which can produce many offspring quickly.

To learn more about genetic variation, here


4) When blood sugar is low A) the liver creates insulin. B) glycogen is broken down in the pituitary gland. C) the pancreas secretes glucagon to trigger the liver to release stored glucose. D) the pancreas secretes glucose to increase sugar levels and restore homeostasis


When blood sugar is low the pancreas secretes glucagon to trigger the liver to release stored glucose. The correct answer is C)

When blood sugar levels drop, the pancreas secretes the hormone glucagon which triggers the liver to break down stored glycogen into glucose and release it into the bloodstream.

This process is known as glycogenolysis and helps to restore blood sugar levels to their normal range, maintaining homeostasis. Insulin, which is produced by the pancreas in response to high blood sugar levels, has the opposite effect and stimulates the uptake of glucose into cells for energy or storage.

The regulation of blood sugar levels is a critical process for the body as glucose is the primary energy source for most cells and too little or too much glucose in the bloodstream can have negative health effects. Hence, C) is the correct option.

To know more about blood sugar, refer here:


In biology which bond is stronger covalent bond or a itonic bond


Covalent bonds are generally considered stronger than ionic bonds in biology.

Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms, which creates a strong bond that holds molecules together. Ionic bonds, on the other hand, involve the transfer of electrons between atoms, creating a weaker bond that can easily be broken by water molecules.

However, the strength of a bond also depends on the specific atoms involved and the conditions under which the bond is formed. For example, some covalent bonds can be easily broken by enzymes or other chemical reactions, while some ionic bonds can become stronger in certain environments.

Hence, covalent bonds are typically stronger than ionic bonds in biological systems, but the strength of a bond is influenced by many factors beyond just its type.

To know more about Covalent bonds, refer here:


Your lab team is preparing a root tissue sample from corn, which is a monocot. First, list and define all of the cells and tissues that you would see in a typical monocot root, starting from the outside where the root touches the soil and working to the innermost layers. Next, compare and contrast the differences between a typical monocot and dicot root. Finally, describe three specialized roots that most likely exhibit unique anatomy when compared to a typical root. What specifically makes each of these roots special in terms of their anatomy


When preparing a root tissue sample from corn, a monocot, a typical monocot root is composed of various cells and tissues that can be observed from the outermost layer to the innermost layers. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the root that functions in absorbing water and minerals from the soil.

It also provides protection against harmful microorganisms. The cortex is the next layer, composed of parenchyma cells that store starch and nutrients. The endodermis is a single layer of cells that encloses the vascular tissue and acts as a barrier to control the movement of substances between the root and shoot. The pericycle is a layer of cells that surrounds the vascular tissue and gives rise to lateral roots. Finally, the vascular tissue is composed of the xylem and phloem, which transport water, minerals, and nutrients throughout the plant.

When comparing monocot and dicot roots, the main difference lies in their vascular tissue arrangement. Monocots have a scattered arrangement of vascular bundles, while dicots have a ring-like arrangement of vascular bundles. Monocot roots also lack a well-defined cortex, and their endodermis has a distinct structure known as the Casparian strip, which regulates the movement of substances.

Specialized roots, such as aerial roots, prop roots, and storage roots, exhibit unique anatomy compared to typical roots. Aerial roots, found in plants like orchids and mangroves, are roots that grow above the ground to absorb moisture and nutrients from the air. They have a thick epidermis and a spongy cortex for water storage. Prop roots, found in plants like corn and banyan trees, grow from the stem and provide extra support to the plant. They have a well-developed pericycle that gives rise to lateral roots for added anchorage. Storage roots, found in plants like carrots and sweet potatoes, are roots that store large amounts of carbohydrates for the plant's energy needs. They have a specialized cortex composed of parenchyma cells with abundant starch granules.

In conclusion, understanding the anatomy of roots is crucial in plant science. Monocot roots have a distinct arrangement of cells and tissues, different from dicots. Specialized roots have unique structures that allow them to perform specific functions, such as absorption, support, and storage.

To know more about monocot root click here:


Did you notice any trends between temperature and weather conditions in mark's data? were certain types of weather associated with higher or lower temperatures?


Yes, there were certain trends between temperature and weather conditions in Mark's data. Generally, it seemed that areas with sunny weather had higher temperatures.

For example, when Mark's data showed temperatures of around 90°F, the weather was sunny. In contrast, when the temperatures dropped to around 50°F, the weather was cloudy. Additionally, areas with high humidity also had higher temperatures. For instance, when the humidity was high, temperatures were around 80°F.

The opposite was true when humidity levels were low; in these cases, the temperatures were around 50°F. All in all, Mark's data showed a correlation between temperature and weather conditions, with sunny and humid weather associated with higher temperatures.

Know more about weather here


Who demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 phage?Darwin and WallaceFranklinHershey and ChaseMeselson and StahlWatson and Crick


Hershey and Chase demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 phage.

Hershey and Chase conducted experiments in the 1950s using the T2 bacteriophage to determine if DNA or protein was the genetic material that the phage used to infect bacteria.

In their experiments, they labeled the T2 phage’s DNA with radioactive phosphorus-32 and the phage’s protein coat with radioactive sulfur-35. They then allowed the labeled phages to infect bacteria and observed which radioactive label was found in the bacterial cells.

They found that the radioactive phosphorus-32 (which labeled the DNA) was found inside the bacterial cells, while the radioactive sulfur-35 (which labeled the protein coat) was not.

This led Hershey and Chase to conclude that DNA was the genetic material of the T2 phage, and likely the genetic material of all living organisms.

This experiment provided important evidence for the role of DNA in heredity and paved the way for further research in molecular biology.

To know more about "Hershey and Chase" refer here:


An ecosystem that has undergone primary succession. What pioneer species would have been observed in this ecosystem?.


Pioneer species are the first species to colonize the newly formed environment. These species are usually hardy and able to tolerate the harsh environmental conditions. Examples of pioneer species include lichens, mosses, and small shrubs.

Primary succession occurs in areas that have been newly formed such as a lava flow, glacial retreat, or a newly formed lake. In these environments, the soils are not yet formed and the environment has few nutrients. Lichens are able to colonize quickly due to their ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.

Mosses are able to absorb water and nutrients from the environment and provide a habitat for other organisms. Small shrubs are able to tolerate the harsh conditions of the environment and provide a source of food for other species. As these species begin to colonize, they create an environment that is suitable for other species to colonize, thus leading to a thriving ecosystem.

know more about Pioneer species here


Can air pollution cause localized deaths of a large number of people within just a few days? Explain


YES, Air pollution can indeed cause localized deaths of a large number of people within just a few days.

This is because air pollution contains a number of toxins, such as particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and other hazardous air pollutants, which can cause direct and immediate health effects. These effects include respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and other illnesses.

In addition, air pollution can also cause people to become more susceptible to other illnesses, such as influenza and other respiratory illnesses. Therefore, when a person is exposed to high levels of air pollution, their health can be severely compromised, leading to death in just a few days.

know more about Air pollution here


in the cell cycle, external regulatory proteins direct cells A.Speed up or slow down the cell cycle B. Remain unchanged C. Proceed and then stop the cell cycle D. Grow uncontrollably


In the cell cycle, external regulatory proteins direct cells Speed up or slow down the cell cycle.

Option A is correct.

what is the cell cycle?

The cell cycle, or cell-division cycle, is described as  the series of events that take place in a cell that cause it to divide into two daughter cells.

External regulatory proteins can influence the progression of the cell cycle by activating or inhibiting the cell cycle machinery. The cell cycle of a eukaryotic cell has three stages which includes :

interphase,mitosis, and cytokinesis

Learn more about cell cycle at:


These types of viruses cause the host cell to spilt and die as the virus reproduces


The type of viruses that cause the host cell to split and die as the virus reproduces are called: lytic viruses. These viruses infect the host cell and use the cell's machinery to replicate their genetic material and produce new viral particles.

As the number of viral particles increases, the host cell becomes engorged with new virus particles until it bursts or lyses, releasing the new virus particles into the surrounding environment.

Lytic viruses are a type of bacteriophage, which are viruses that infect bacteria. They have a complex life cycle that involves several steps, including attachment, penetration, synthesis, assembly, and release.

The attachment phase involves the specific recognition and binding of the virus to receptors on the surface of the host cell. Once attached, the virus penetrates the cell and releases its genetic material.

The virus then hijacks the host cell's machinery to replicate its genetic material and produce new viral particles.

During the assembly phase, the viral components are assembled into new virus particles, which then bud off or are released by lysis of the host cell.

This results in the death of the host cell and the release of new virus particles, which can go on to infect other cells.

Lytic viruses are important both in the laboratory and in nature. In the laboratory, they are used to study the basic mechanisms of viral replication and to develop new strategies for the treatment and prevention of viral infections.

In nature, they play a role in controlling bacterial populations and in the exchange of genetic material between different bacterial species.

However, they can also be responsible for the destruction of valuable bacterial strains, such as those used in industrial processes or in the production of food and medicine.

To know more about "Lytic viruses" refer here:


The African Alternaria species causes disease to the ecologist's plants . Which species of Alternaria would most likely cause damage to the ecologist's plants , and where could the ecologist keep his plants to help protect them from this species of Alternaria ? Enter your answer in the box provided .


Some common Alternaria species that cause plant diseases include Alternaria alternata, Alternaria solani, and Alternaria brassicicola.

How to protect the ecologist's plant?

There are many Alternaria species that can cause damage to plants, so it's difficult to identify the specific one without more information. To help protect the ecologist's plants from Alternaria species, they could keep the plants in a well-ventilated area with good air circulation.

They should also avoid overwatering the plants and try to keep the leaves as dry as possible, as high humidity and moisture can promote the growth of Alternaria fungi. Additionally, using fungicides and practicing good plant hygiene (e.g. removing diseased plant material) can also help prevent or control Alternaria infections.

Find out more on Alternaria species here:


Which played a major role in altering wind patters and ocean currents?volcanic eruptionsice agesmovement of continentssolar flares


Movement of continents played a major role in altering wind patterns and ocean currents.

The Earth's surface is constantly moving due to the movement of the tectonic plates, and this movement affects the circulation of ocean currents and wind patterns.

As the continents move, they create new ocean basins, which in turn affect the flow of ocean currents. Changes in ocean currents can have a significant impact on global climate patterns, as they transport heat and nutrients around the world.

Similarly, changes in wind patterns can also be influenced by the movement of continents, as the shape and size of land masses can affect the flow of air masses.

For example, the formation of the Himalayan mountains is believed to have played a key role in the development of the monsoon system in Asia, which is a critical source of water for millions of people.

To know more about "Tectonic plates" refer here:


Which section of the nephron performs most of the glucose and water reabsorption?.



Proximal convoluted tubule


The proximal convoluted tubule performs most of the glucose and water reabsorption.

In what step of protein synthesis is the code in mrna then used to make a protein?.


The process of protein synthesis involves the translation of the genetic information stored in mRNA into a sequence of amino acids, which make up a protein. This occurs in the ribosome, a large molecular complex composed of RNA and proteins.

During translation, the ribosome reads the sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA molecule and matches each three-letter codon with the corresponding amino acid. The amino acids are brought to the ribosome by transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules, which have an anticodon that recognizes and binds to the codon on the mRNA.

Once the ribosome has matched the codon with the correct amino acid, it forms a peptide bond between the amino acids, creating a growing chain of amino acids called a polypeptide. This process continues until the ribosome reaches a stop codon, which signals the end of protein synthesis.

In summary, the step of protein synthesis in which the code in mRNA is used to make a protein is called translation, which occurs in the ribosome. During translation, the ribosome matches the codons in mRNA with the appropriate amino acids and forms a polypeptide chain until it reaches a stop codon.

To know more about the protein synthesis refer here :


What do temperature, wind and rain have in common?


Temperature, wind, and rain are all elements of weather. They are all important factors in determining the overall conditions of the atmosphere and can have a significant impact on our daily lives. Temperature measures the degree of warmth or coldness of the air, wind refers to the movement of air from one place to another, and rain is precipitation that falls from the clouds. All three of these factors are interconnected and can influence each other, such as how wind can affect the feeling of temperature and how rain can be driven by strong winds. Together, they contribute to the complex system of weather patterns that shape our world.

What is Climate system ?

Climate is determined by a region’s climate system. A climate system has five major components: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the land surface, and the biosphere.

The atmosphere is the most variable part of the climate system. The composition and movement of gases surrounding the Earth can change radically, influenced by natural and human-made factors.

To know more about Temperature :


What is the second leading cause of unintentional death for teenagers?.


The second leading cause of unintentional death for teenagers is motor vehicle accidents.

Motor vehicle accidents are a major cause of death and injury among teenagers in many countries. In the United States, for example, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers aged 16-19, and the second leading cause of unintentional death overall for this age group.

There are a variety of factors that contribute to the high incidence of motor vehicle accidents among teenagers. Inexperience, risk-taking behavior, and distractions such as cell phone use are all common factors. Alcohol and drug use also increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents among teenagers.

Preventing motor vehicle accidents among teenagers requires a multi-faceted approach, including education on safe driving practices, enforcement of traffic laws, and measures to discourage alcohol and drug use among young drivers.

New technologies, such as driver assistance systems and vehicle-to-vehicle communication, may also play a role in reducing the incidence of motor vehicle accidents among teenagers in the future.

To know more about traffic laws, refer here:


What does a cladistic analysis show about organisms?.


A cladistic analysis shows the evolutionary relationships between different organisms based on shared characteristics.

Cladistics is a method used in evolutionary biology to create hypotheses about the relationships between different groups of organisms. It is based on the principle of parsimony, which states that the simplest explanation that accounts for all the evidence is most likely to be correct. In cladistic analysis, organisms are grouped based on the presence or absence of shared characteristics known as "cladistic characters."

The goal of cladistic analysis is to construct a "cladogram," which is a branching diagram that shows the relationships between different groups of organisms. The cladogram reflects the pattern of evolutionary history of the organisms, and the closer the relationship between two groups, the more recently they share a common ancestor.

Cladistic analysis provides a way to classify organisms based on their evolutionary history and provides insights into their relationships and patterns of descent. It is a powerful tool for studying the evolution of life on Earth and for understanding the diversity of living organisms.

To know more about the Cladistics refer here :


Tubular secretion involves the movement of substances
from capillary blood to tubular fluid.
from proximal convoluted tubule to distal convoluted tubule.
from tubular fluid to capillary blood.
from proximal convoluted tubule to glomerulus.


Tubular secretion involves the movement of substances from capillary blood to tubular fluid.

Tubular secretion is the process by which substances are transported from the capillary blood to the renal tubular fluid. This process occurs in various parts of the nephron, including the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of Henle, and the distal convoluted tubule.

The substances that are secreted include hydrogen ions, creatinine, and certain drugs and toxins. This process is important for regulating the pH of the blood and eliminating waste products from the body.

The substances that are secreted are actively transported from the capillary blood into the tubular fluid through specialized transport proteins in the epithelial cells lining the tubules.

To know more about tubular fluid, refer here:


PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!


Transcription and translation are the two processes involved in protein synthesis. 1a- mRNA codons: AUG AUU CCG CCA GCA UAC UAG. 1b- Amino Acids: Met-Ile- Pro-Pro-Ala-Tyr. 2- Severe mutation replaces isoleusine by threonine. The middle uracyl from the second codon must be replaced by a cytosine. 3- Alteration in enzymatic activity.

What are transcription and translation?

Transcription and translation are two processes involved in protein synthesis.

Transcription occurs first in the nucleus. During this event, mRNA is synthesized by copying a segment of the DNA molecule. The template DNA strand is used to pair its nucleotides and grow the new mRNA strand.

Translation occurs in the cytoplasm. During this event, the protein is grown by reading the mRNA codon sequence. tRNA, associated with rRNA, recognizes the codons and adds the correct amino acid to the new growing polypeptide.

    DNA triplets:       TAC   TAA   GGC   GGT   CGT   ATG   ATC

1a- mRNA codons:   AUG   AUU  CCG   CCA   GCA   UAC  UAG

1b- Amino Acids:       Met   Ile       Pro      Pro    Ala      Tyr   Stop  

2- Mutation

mRNA codons:   AUG   ACU  CCG   CCA   GCA   UAC  UAG

Amino Acids:       Met     Thr    Pro     Pro      Ala     Tyr   Stop

The severe PKU mutation occurs when a nucleotide substitutes another nucleotide. In this case, in mRNA molecule, an uracyle from the second codon was replaced by a cytosine. Hence, the new codon coded for Threonine instead of coding for isoleusine as the original sequence.

The column Amino acid change in PHA enzyme shows that the severe mutation involves the change in which isoleusine is replaced by threonine.

In order to produce this point mutation, the middle uracyl from the codon must be replaced by a cytosine.

3- Mutations impact on phenylalanine hydroxylase (PHA) enzymatic activity, causing a phenotypic range that varies between the severe PKU and the mild PKU. Alterations in the enzyme activity may drive the enzyme to consume all the stored phenylalanine and to produce wastes that are toxic to the organism, specially to te brain.  

You can learn more about transcription and translation at


When Charles Darwin discovered the various finch species on the Galápagos islands, he was surprised to find so many different but related species in such a small geographic area. Which of the following best illustrates the correlation between competitive advantage and an individual’s traits in a particular environment?
1 point
Finches had no natural predators on the island before Darwin’s voyage, allowing them to prosper on the islands.
Mating behaviors in finch species ensure that different species of finch will not interbreed with one another.
Competition between different species for food resources led to resource partitioning of the ecosystem.
Different islands had very different food resources available, and only individuals that were adapted to eat those food resources survived and reproduced on that island.


Answer: D

Different islands had very different food resources available, and only individuals that were adapted to eat those food resources survived and reproduced on that island.

Explanation: Hope it was right!

Which of these qualities most likely helped Kepler construct the scientific explanation of the solar system


Kepler's mathematical abilities and his commitment to empirical observation helped him construct the scientific explanation of the solar system.

Kepler's three laws of planetary motion laid the foundation for modern astronomy and revolutionized the scientific understanding of the solar system. Kepler's mathematical abilities and his meticulous observations of planetary motion were the key to his discoveries.

Kepler was skilled in mathematics and geometry, and he used these skills to create models that could explain the observed motions of the planets.

He also recognized the importance of empirical evidence, and he spent years collecting and analyzing data on the positions and movements of the planets.

Kepler's commitment to empirical observation and his mathematical abilities allowed him to construct a scientific explanation of the solar system that was based on evidence and rigorous mathematical reasoning.

His work laid the groundwork for later discoveries in astronomy and helped to establish the scientific method as a powerful tool for understanding the natural world.

To know more about "Kepler's three laws" refer here:


I need help with alleles


Allelic and genotypic frequencies remain the same through generations in a population that is in H-W equilibrium. Frequency of dominant allele: 0.99. Frequency of recessive allele: 0.01. % homozygous dominant: 98%. % heterozygous: 2%. % homozygous recessive: 0.01%.

What is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a theory that states that the allelic and genotypic frequencies in a population in equilibrium remain the same generation after generation.

Populations in H-W equilibrium are not evolving.

Assuming a diallelic gene,

The frequency of the dominant allele p(X) is pThe frequency of the recessive allele p(x) is q

The addition of the allelic frequencies equals 1

p + q = 1.

The genotypic frequencies after one generation are

p² (Homozygous dominant genotypic frequency), 2pq (Heterozygous genotypic frequency), q² (Homozygous recessive genotypic frequency).

The sum of genotypic frequencies equals 1

p² + 2pq + q² = 1

In the exposed example, the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype is given.

frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype

q² = 1/10000 = 0.0001

From this information, we can get the frequency of the recessive allele by taking the root square of the value.

recessive allele frequency

p² = 0.0001

p = √0.0001

p = 0.01

Now, we can clear the equation p + q = 1 and the get recessive allele frequency.

dominant allele frequency

p + q = 1

p  + 0.01 = 1

p = 1 - 0.01

p = 0.99

Now, we can get the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype and the heterozygous one.

frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype

p = 0.99

p² = 0.99²

p² = 0.98

frequency of the heterozygous genotype

2pq = 2 x 0.99 x 0.01

2pq = 0.019

p² + 2pq + q² = 1

0.98 + 0.02 + 0.0001 = 1

Frequency of dominant allele: 0.99Frequency of recessive allele: 0.01% homozygous dominant: 98%% heterozygous: 2%% homozygous recessive: 0.01%

You can learn more about the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at


Salivary amylase is a digestive enzyme not featured in the concept map. Which of the following describes its function? breaks down complex starches into smaller units, and where in the body does this occur?.


Salivary amylase is a digestive enzyme that functions to break down complex starches into smaller units during the process of digestion. This occurs in the mouth, where the enzyme is produced and secreted.

It is secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth and begins to work on breaking down carbohydrates as soon as we start to chew and mix our food with saliva. Once the food is swallowed and passes into the stomach, the action of salivary amylase is halted by the acidic environment.

However, digestion of carbohydrates continues in the small intestine, where pancreatic amylase takes over the process of breaking down carbohydrates into their smallest components.

To know more about the Salivary amylase refer here :


in the progression from smaller to larger components of the lymphatic pathway, the lymphatic join one of two collecting. (True or False)


The statement,"In the progression from smaller to larger components of the lymphatic pathway, the lymphatic join one of two collecting." is False.

In the progression from smaller to larger components of the lymphatic pathway, the lymphatic vessels join one of two collecting ducts, not collecting vessels. These collecting ducts are the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct.

Lymphatic vessels begin as lymphatic capillaries that merge to form lymphatic collecting vessels. Lymph drainage from the collecting vessels enters the lymphatic ducts. The lymphatic ducts then return the lymph to the bloodstream.

The thoracic duct is the larger of the two lymphatic collecting ducts, while the right lymphatic duct is the shorter and smaller one.

The lymphatic system plays an essential role in maintaining fluid balance and immunity in the body. Lymphatic vessels transport lymph, a fluid that contains white blood cells, to the lymph nodes, where foreign substances and bacteria are filtered out.

The lymphatic system also absorbs fats from the digestive system and transports them to the bloodstream.

To know more about "Lymphatic pathway" refer here:


Thomas is growing strawberries in the garden he has placed pools in a garden for his strawberry vines to grow on which response to stimuli will Thomas when is as a strawberry run begin to grow?


The response that Thomas will observe when the strawberry vine begins to grow is a positive tropism towards the pool.

A tropism is a directional growth response of a plant to a stimulus, and in this case, the stimulus is likely to be the availability of support and a growing medium for the strawberry vine.

The positive tropism response means that the strawberry vine will grow towards the pool and utilize the support and growing medium provided by the pool.

This is a natural response of plants to stimuli in their environment, and it ensures that they are able to access the resources necessary for their growth and survival.

Thomas can use this knowledge to strategically place pools or other supports in his garden to encourage the growth of his strawberry vines and optimize their yield.

To know more about "Tropism" refer here:


3. at the highest measurement for total nutrients, what percentage of the total
nutrients is nitrogen?


At the highest measurement for total nutrients, nitrogen can vary depending on the source and composition of the nutrients being measured.

However, in most cases, nitrogen makes up a significant portion of the total nutrients. Nitrogen is one of the most important macronutrients required for plant growth and development, and it is an essential component of chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color.

In terms of percentages, the amount of nitrogen in total nutrients can range from 40% to 80%. This percentage can vary depending on the type of plant, soil conditions, and the amount and source of fertilizers used. For example, in soils with high organic matter, nitrogen may make up a higher percentage of the total nutrients, while in sandy soils, the percentage may be lower.

In conclusion, nitrogen is a critical component of plant nutrition, and it can make up a significant portion of total nutrients. Understanding the role of nitrogen in plant growth and development can help gardeners and farmers optimize their soil fertility and improve crop yields.

To know more about nutrients click here:


Where did the alleles (or letters) of each individual’s genotype originate or come from?


The alleles of each individual's genotype originate from their parents. Each parent contributes one allele of each gene to the offspring, forming a unique combination of alleles.

This combination of alleles is known as a genotype. A genotype is made up of two alleles, one from each parent. Alleles are variations of genes, which are the instructions for making proteins in a cell. These instructions are passed from parents to their offspring, and the combination of alleles is what makes each individual unique.

All of the alleles that make up an individual's genotype come from their parents, each parent contributing a unique set of alleles. This is why siblings may look similar but still be genetically distinct from one another.

know more about alleles here


the tendon for the palmaris longus is superficial to the extensor retinaculum. a. true b. false 2. gabe likes to check his nails by performing wrist extension. this is made possible due to radial nerve innervation. a. true b. false 3. the ulnar nerve is affected in carpal tunnel. a. true b. false 4. the coronoid process is located on the anterior aspect of the scapula. a. true b. false 5. opponens pollicis is a hypothenar muscle. a. true b. false 6. the trochlear notch can be found on the proximal end of the ulna. a. true b. false 7. the inferior border of the teres major is the anatomical border between the axillary and brachial arteries. a. true b. false 8. the brachial vein drains into the median cubital vein. a. true b. false 9. teres minor is one of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff. a. true b. false 10. the lateral cord gives rise to the musculocutaneous nerve. a. true b. false 11. match each muscle with its corresponding motor innervation. each term can be used more than once. be as specific as possible. teres major a. axillary n. infraspinatus b. musculocutaneous n. deltoid c. dorsal scapular n. brachialis d. upper subscapular n. long head of triceps brachii e. lower subscapular n. coracobrachialis f. suprascapular n. extensor digitorum g. radial n. supinator h. ulnar n. flexor carpi ulnaris i. median n. palmaris longus dorsal interosseous muscles 12. the runs through the bicipital groove. a. brachial artery b. tendon for the triceps brachii medial head c. tendon for the biceps brachii long head d. radial nerve e. musculocutaneous nerve 13. the is responsible for performing wrist extension. a. ulnar nerve b. radial nerve c. median nerve d. hypothenar nerve e. medial nerve 14. the anatomical snuffbox includes the . a. tendon for the extensor pollicis brevis b. deep radial nerve c. abductor pollicis brevis d. tendon for the opponens pollicis e. extensor carpi radialis brevis 15. the tendon for the palmaris longus is superficial to . a. extensor indicis tendon b. plantar fascia c. flexor retinaculum d. extensor retinaculum e. trochlear notch 16. the passes through the radial groove. a. radial artery b. deep radial artery


The statement “the tendon for the palmaris longus is superficial to the extensor retinaculum” is false because is actually deep to the fascia of the forearm and the extensor retinaculum.

The palmaris longus is a long, slender muscle that runs from the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the palmar aponeurosis. It is located in the anterior compartment of the forearm, and its tendon can be located by asking the patient to make a fist and then flex their wrist.

On the other hand, the extensor retinaculum is a thick band of fibrous tissue that covers the tendon of the extensor muscles as they pass over the wrist joint. It is located on the dorsal aspect of the wrist and helps to hold the tendons in place, the statement is false.

To learn more about tendon follow the link:


—The question is irrelevant, the correct question is:

The tendon for the palmaris longus is superficial to the extensor retinaculum.

true or false—

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