Tech A states that modern vehicles use asbestos as the brake material. Tech B states that asbestos is no longer used in brakes. Who is correct?


Answer 1


Tech A is correct.


The modern day vehicles have brakes system equipped with asbestos. It is a mineral which is a kind of fibrous crystal which enables the friction to stop the vehicle. The technician A specifies that the modern day automobiles use asbestos for their brake system.

Answer 2


correct answer is Tech B.


just took the test

Related Questions

Hills, mountains and river are example of ____________ features​





relief----------------------FOLLOW ME

Write a program that reads an integer, a list of words, and a character. The integer signifies how many words are in the list. The output of the program is every word in the list that contains the character at least once. Assume at least one word in the list will contain the given character.
Ex: If the input is:
4 hello zoo sleep drizzle z
then the output is:
To achieve the above, first read the list into a vector. Keep in mind that the character 'a' is not equal to the character 'A'.
5.23.1: LAB: Contains the character
using namespace std;
int main() {
/* Type your code here. */
return 0;



In C++:



using namespace std;

int main() {

int len;

cout<<"Length: ";  cin>>len;

string inpt;

vector<string> vect;

for(int i =0;i<len;i++){


   vect.push_back(inpt); }

char ch;

cout<<"Input char: ";  cin>>ch;  

for(int i =0;i<len;i++){

   size_t found =;  

       if (found != string::npos){

           cout<<<<" ";




return 0;



This declares the length of vector as integer

int len;

This prompts the user for length

cout<<"Length: ";  cin>>len;

This declares input as string

string inpt;

This declares string vector

vector<string> vect;

The following iteration gets input into the vector

for(int i =0;i<len;i++){


   vect.push_back(inpt); }

This declares ch as character

char ch;

This prompts the user for character

cout<<"Input char: ";  cin>>ch;  

The following iterates through the vector

for(int i =0;i<len;i++){

This checks if vector element contains the character

   size_t found =;  

If found:

       if (found != string::npos){

Print out the vector element

           cout<<<<" ";

And move to the next vector element




Following are the solution to the given question:

Program Explanation:

Defining header file.Defining the main method.In the main method, defining a vector array of string "x", integer variable "n1,i,j", and one character and one string variable "w,c".In the method, a for loop is declared that inputs string value in "w" from user-end and using "push_back" method that add value in vector array.After input value in character an other loop is declared that holding boolean value, and defining another loop.Inside this, an if block that check array value with character value, and after check value boolean variable is declared that hold value.At the last another if block is declared that check boolean value and prints array value.


#include <iostream>//header file

#include <string>//header file

#include <vector>//header file

using namespace std;

int main() //main  method


   vector<string> x;//defining vector array of string

   int n1,i,j;//defining integer variable

   string w;//defining string variable

   char c;//defining character array

   cin >> n1;//input integer value

   for (i = 0; i < n1; ++i)//defining loop that inputs string value from user-end


       cin >> w;//input value

       x.push_back(w);//using push_back method that add value in vector array


   cin >> c;//input character value

   for (i = 0; i < n1; ++i)//defining loop that match value


       bool f = false;//holding boolean value

       for (j = 0; j < x[i].size(); ++j) //defining loop that check array value with character value


           if (x[i][j] == c)//defining if block that check array value with character value

               f= true;//holding boolean value


       if (f)//defining if block that check boolean value


           cout <<x[i] << endl;//print value



   return 0;



Please find the attached file.

Learn more:

The Payroll Department keeps a list of employee information for each pay period in a text file. The format of each line of the file is the following: Write a program that inputs a filename from the user and prints to the terminal a report of the wages paid to the employees for the given period. The report should be in tabular format with the appropriate header.



import pandas as pd

filename = input("Enter file name with the extension included: ")

data = {}

with open("filename", "r") as file:

   content = file.readlines()

   for line in content:

       line_list = line.strip().split(" ")

       data[line_list[0]] = line_list[1] * line_list[2]

       del line_list

report = pd.DataFrame(list(data.items()), columns = ["lastname", "wages paid"])



The python module prompts the user for the file name and opens the text file to extract the employee data with the python open function. It iterates over the file content and saves the last name and the wages paid to the employees ( the hours worked multiplied by the hourly rate) in the dictionary "data".

The dictionary is converted to a dataframe with the Pandas python package and displays the data in tabular format on the screen.

Following are the required code to make a report in tabular format by using the appropriate headers:

Python code:

file_name = input('Enter input filename: ')#defining a variable file_name that inputs file value

try:#defining try block that uses thr open method to open file

  file = open(file_name, 'r')#defining file variable that opens file

except:#defining exception block when file not found

  print('Error opening file ' , file_name)#print message

  exit()#calling exit method to close program

print('{:<12s} {:>10s} {:>10s}'.format('Name', 'Hours', 'Total Pay'))#using print method to print headers

for l in file.readlines():#defining loop that holds file value and calculate the value

  name, hour, wages = l.split()#defining variable that holds the value of file

  hour = int(hour)#holiding hour value

  wages = float(wages)#holiding wages value

  total = hour * wages#defining variable total variable that calculates the total value

  print('{:<12s} {:>10d} {:>10.2f}'.format(name, hour, total))#print calculated value with  message

file.close()#close file

Required file (data.txt) with the value:

Database 34 99

base 30 90

case 34 99

Program Explanation:

Defining the variable "file_name" that uses the input method to input the file name with an extension.Using the exception handling to check the file, with using the try block and except block.In the try block check file, and in except block print message with the exit method when file not found.In the next line, a print method has used that prints the header and uses a loop to read the file value.Inside the loop, a header variable is used that splits and holds the file value, calculates the value, prints its value with the message, and closes the file.


Please find the attached file.

Find out more information about the Program code here:

The image classification technology (Darknet) shown in the video is
free for anyone to use.
Select one:
a. proprietary
b. web-based
C. shareware
d. open source



Open Source


Darknet is an open source custom neural network framework written in C and CUDA

The________ partitioning scheme enables you to create more than four primary partitions without needing to use dynamic disks



three primary partitions

what is the processing speed for the second generation of computers​





that's what the internet says

Can software work without Hardware? Why?





Software requires hardware to run. Think about a computer, you can't have windows without having the computer. Software is programmed to run on hardware.

Build a class and a driver for use in searching your computer’s secondary storage (hard disk or flash memory) for a specific file from a set of files indicated by a starting path. Lets start by looking at a directory listing. Note that every element is either a file or a directory.
Introduction and Driver
In this assignment, your job is to write a class that searches through a file hierarchy (a tree) for a specified file. Your FindFile class will search a directory (and all subdirectories) for a target file name.
For example, in the file hierarchy pictured above, the file "lesson.css" will be found once in a directory near the root or top-level drive name (e.g. "C:\") . Your FindFile class will start at the path indicated and will search each directory and subdirectory looking for a file match. Consider the following code that could help you build your
String targetFile = "lesson.css";
String pathToSearch ="
C:\\WCWC"; FindFile finder = new FindFile(MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_TO_FIND);
Finder.directorySearch(targetFile, pathToSearch);
File Searching
In general, searching can take multiple forms depending on the structure and order of the set to search. If we can make promises about the data (this data is sorted, or deltas vary by no more than 10, etc.), then we can leverage those constraints to perform a more efficient search. Files in a file system are exposed to clients of the operating system and can be organized by filename, file creation date, size, and a number of other properties. We’ll just be interested in the file names here, and we’ll want perform a brute force (i.e., sequential) search of these files looking for a specific file. The way in which we’ll get file information from the operating system will involve no ordering; as a result, a linear search is the best we can do. We’d like to search for a target file given a specified path and return the location of the file, if found. You should sketch out this logic linearly before attempting to tackle it recursively.
FindFile Class Interface
FindFile(int maxFiles): This constructor accepts the maximum number of files to find.
void directorySearch(String target, String dirName): The parameters are the target file name to look for and the directory to start in.
int getCount(): This accessor returns the number of matching files found
String[] getFiles(): This getter returns the array of file locations, up to maxFiles in size.
Your program should be recursive.
You should build and submit at least two files: and
Throw an exception (IllegalArgumentException) if the path passed in as the starting directory is not a valid directory.
Throw an exception if you've found the MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_TO_FIND and catch and handle this in your main driver. Your program shouldn't crash but rather exit gracefully in the unusual situation that we've discovered the maximum number of files we were interested in, reporting each of the paths where the target files were found.
The only structures you can use in this assignment are basic arrays and your Stack, Queue, or ArrayList from the previous homeworks. Do not use built-in data structures like Java's ArrayList. To accomplish this, put in the following constructor and method to your ArrayList, Stack, or Queue:
public ArrayList(Object[] input) { data = input;
numElements = input.length;
public Object get(int index) {
return data[index];



hxjdbjebjdbdubainsinnsubd jdn dkdjddkndjbdubdb su djsbsijdnudb djdbdujd udbdj. djdjdjidndubdu dubdjdbdinndjndidn s dj dudbdjubd dujdjjdjdb djdbdjd udbdudb jndjdbudbdue idbd dudbid d dujejdunebudbdjdj d

a body performing Shm has a velacity of 12m/s when the displacement is 100mm the displacement
measured from the mid point calculate the frequency and amplitude of motion what is the acceleration when displacement is 75mm​






Which code will allow Jean to print I like to code! on the screen?

Print ("I like to code!")
Print (I like to code!)
Print ("I like to code!)
Print = I like to code!





Print=I like to code! which it is good


Print ("I like to code!")


If this is python, then this is the correct answer, you should specify which programming language this is in when you post it.

When designing code, which of the following best describes the purpose of a Post Mortem Review?

To obtain feedback on the code
To translate pseudocode to program code
To use code only one time
To check if others have the same code





to check if others have the same code

A local company is expanding its range from one state to fifteen states. They will need an advanced method of online communication and someone to design an advanced and thorough database to store a lot of information. Who should they hire to assist with both these goals?

a Database Architect and a Computer System Analyst who focuses in interactive media
a Computer Hardware Engineer and a Software Developer who focuses in interactive media
a Software Developer and a Web Developer who focuses in programming and software development
a Web Administrator and a Computer System Analyst who focuses in information support and services



the answer is C,a a Software Developer and a Web Developer who focuses in programming and software

Brainlist me if im right


C is correct


an algorithm to calculate average of numbers​



Algorithm to calculate the average of numbers is

Start sum = 0, i = 1, average, count = 0  if i / 2 == 0 then go to step 4, else go to on step 5  sum = sum + i, count = count + 1  i = i + 1 if i <= 50 then go to on step 3, else go to on step 7 Display “sum” average = sum/count Display “average” Stop


Algorithm to calculate the average of numbers is

Start sum = 0, i = 1, average, count = 0  if i / 2 == 0 then go to step 4, else go to on step 5  sum = sum + i, count = count + 1  i = i + 1 if i <= 50 then go to on step 3, else go to on step 7 Display “sum” average = sum/count Display “average” Stop

widow in respect to word processing ​



To use the word widow.


She became a widow at the age of 95, due to the passing of her husband by natural causes.

Which code segment results in "true" being returned if a number is odd? Replace "MISSING CONDITION" with the correct code segment.

a) num % 2 == 0;
b) num % 2 ==1;
c) num % 1 == 0;
d) num % 0 == 2;



Which code segment results in "true" being returned if a number is odd? Replace "MISSING CONDITION" with the correct code segment.


num % 2 ==1;

How do you guys feel about McCree’s new look in Overwatch 2? I personally like it but some people have a distaste towards it. I personally think it’s a step in the right direction and improves on how he used to look.





I also laugh that you put this on Brainly.

I agree


It's lit, very lit

Why is hydroelectricity counted as a conventional source of energy.. People say conventional sources of energy is the same as non-renewable energy sources


People have been using the energy of flowing or falling water for centuries before electricity was developed into a practical means of transporting energy. The first hydroelectric plant (at least in the U.S.) was built at Niagara Falls in 1895. Many areas of the world still get the majority of their power from hydro facilities.

Hydro is also “conventional” in the sense that it can be controlled in more or less the same way as thermal plants — its output can be adjusted over a wide range to match demand. Wind and solar, on the other hand, only produce when the wind blows or the sun shines. Of course, hydro can only produce as long as there’s rain or snowmelt to supply the reservoirs, but that’s on a much longer time scale; over hours or days, hydro capacity is very predictable.

What is the importance of larger fonts? Explain with the help of examples. ​


Answer: See explanation


The importance of larger fonts is that we should note that when words are being presented in the larger font size, such words are considered to be more memorable and also such words are typically rated with judgments of learning that is high.

It is believed also that people the size of the fonts affect the memory of people. The larger the font size, the larger the importance of such word that is being portrayed.

A five-year prospective cohort study has just been completed. the study was designed to assess the association between supplemental vitamin a exposure and mortality and morbidity for measles. the rr for incidence of measles was 0.75 and the rr for measles mortality was 0.5. Assume these RR are significant. Regarding the RR reported above, which statement is correct?

a. Exposure to vitamin A appears to protect against morbidity and mortality for measles.
b. Exposure to vitamin A appears to be a risk factor for morbidity and mortality for measles.
c. Exposure to vitamin A is not associated with morbidity and mortality for measles.
d. Exposure to vitamin A is a risk factor for morbidity and a protective factor for mortality for measles.



Exposure to vitamin A appears to be a risk factor for morbidity and mortality for measles.


By watching the expression Mynum=4 * mynum + c from a programming language, what can we say about this language?

This is not an imperative programming language

This is a case sensitive language

This is not a case sensitive language

We can not determine if this language is case-sensitive or case-insensitive



We can not determine if this language is case-sensitive or case-insensitive


It is unclear wether Mynum and mynum are intended to be different variables or the same variable. Both would work.

Having said that, mixing case like this is always a bad design.


we do not determine If this language is case

Which view allows the user to see the source code and the visual representation simultaneously? to see the source code and the visual representation simultaneously? ​



Split view.


HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.

Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head. The head contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and CSS etc. The body of the HTML document contains the contents or informations of a web page to be displayed.

Split view allows the user to see the source code and the visual representation simultaneously.

It can be used in graphic design software such as Adobe Dreamweaver to get a side-by-side view of both the source code and code layout modules or design and source code.

For example, a user with a dual screen monitor can use the split view feature to display the design on monitor while using the other to display the source code.

Visual Basic Help:
Code a program that reads a test score (number) from a text-box, each time a button is clicked. In other words, every time a new score is entered in the text-box, the score should be taken by the program, stored and the text-box should be cleared, so that the user can enter a new score. The program should be able to check that the user is entering a number. If the user enters something different than a number (or leaves the text-box empty), the program should not continue and it should display a warning message to the user. After entering as many scores as wanted, the user should be able to click on a second button to display the two highest scores, among all the ones entered until that point. The program should also display the total number of scores entered by the user. Also, once the user clicks on the button to display the results and the results are displayed, the program should get ready to get a new set of scores and start again. If the user starts writing a new score, the text-boxes with the results should be cleared.
Example: Assume the user enters the following scores: 10, 5, 20. The scores are entered once at the time in the top text-box; when a score is entered, the user presses the button to "Read" the score. The score is taken by the program and the text-box is cleared, so that the next score can be entered. This process can be repeated as many times as the user wants and for as many scores as the user wants. Once all the scores are entered and read(or taken-in)by the program, the user clicks on the second button to display the results. The program should then display the two highest scores, among the ones entered. So, in the example, this would be 10, 20. And it should display the total number of scores entered by the user. In the example, it would be 3.
After that, the user should be able to repeat the process and enter a new set of scores, if wanted. The program should therefore be ready to take in new inputs and start the process again. When the user starts typing the new score, the text-boxes with the previous results (two highest scores and total num. of scores) should get cleared



See text attachment for complete source code (for the answer) where I used comments to explain each line of the program


First, design the form using the following tools (and the accompanying properties) :

1 Label: Property: Text: Score

2 Buttons

Button1: Property: Name: btnAdd; Text: Add

Button2: Property: Name: btnDisplay; Text: Display

1 ListBox: Property: Visible: Hidden

1 TextBox: Property: Name: txtNum1

First, create the following function.

The function (named typecheck) validates input from the user (i.e. integer input only)

Function typecheck(ByVal input As String) As Boolean



           [tex]Return\ True[/tex]

       [tex]Catch\ ex\ As\ Exception[/tex]

           [tex]Return\ False[/tex]

       End Try

   End Function

It returns true if the input is integer and false, if otherwise.

Next, double-click on the "Add" button and write the following lines of code:

Dim num1 As String

       num1 = txtNum1.Text

       If num1 IsNot String.Empty Then

           If typecheck(num1) Then


               [tex]txtNum1.Text = String.Empty[/tex]


               [tex]MsgBox("Only[/tex] [tex]Integer[/tex] [tex]Inpu t")[/tex]

               [tex]txtNum1.Text = String.Empty[/tex]

           [tex]End\ If[/tex]


           [tex]MsgBox("Box[/tex] [tex]can\ not\ be\ empty")[/tex]

           [tex]txtNum1.Text = String.Empty[/tex]

       [tex]End\ If[/tex]

Next, double-click on the "Display" button and write the following lines of code:

If ListBox1.Items.Count > 0 Then

           [tex]Dim\ max1, max2\ As\ Integer[/tex]

           max1 = Convert.ToInt32(ListBox1.Items(0))

           max2 = Convert.ToInt32(ListBox1.Items(0))

           [tex]For\ count\ = 0\ To\ ListBox1.Items.Count - 1[/tex]

               If Convert.ToInt32(ListBox1.Items([tex]count[/tex])) >= max1 Then

                   max1 = Convert.ToInt32(ListBox1.Items([tex]count[/tex]))

               [tex]End\ If[/tex]


           [tex]For\ count\ = 0\ To\ ListBox1.Items.Count - 1[/tex]

               If Convert.ToInt32(ListBox1.Items([tex]count[/tex])) >= max2 And Convert.ToInt32(ListBox1.Items([tex]count[/tex])) < max1 Then

                   max2 = Convert.ToInt32(ListBox1.Items([tex]count[/tex]))

               [tex]End\ If[/tex]


           MsgBox("Highest Scores: " + max1.ToString() + " " + max2.ToString())

           MsgBox("[tex]Total[/tex]: " + ListBox1.Items.Count.ToString())

       [tex]End\ If[/tex]


when computer network are joined together they form a bigger network called the​



A WAN can be one large network or can consist of two or more lans connected together. The Internet is the world's largest wan.


What is the reddish-brown substance in the water?




Your water might be affected by iron, which is a commonly-occurring constituent of drinking water. Iron tends to add a rusty, reddish-brown (or sometimes yellow) color to water. If the color is more black than red, your water might contain a combination of iron and manganese.

the substance is iron in the water

What two devices in a computer are black boxes



the hdmi and hardrive


Type (dog, cat, budgie, lizard, horse, etc.) Create a class that keeps track of the attributes above for pet records at the animal clinic. Decide what instance variables are needed and their data types. Make sure you use int, double, and String data types. Make the instance variables private. Write 2 constructors, one with no parameters and one with many parameters to initialize all the instance variables. Write accessor (get) methods for each of the instance variables. Write mutator (set) methods for each of the instance variables. In the main method of the Animal Clinic class, create 3 Pet objects by calling their constructors. Then call the accessor methods, mutator methods and toString() methods to test all of your methods.



If you did the exercise with two Dog objects, it was a bit boring, right? After all, we have nothing to separate the dogs from each other and no way of knowing, without looking at the source code, which dog produced which bark.

In the previous article, I mentioned that when you create objects, you call a special method called a constructor. The constructor looks like the class name written as a method. For example, for a Dog class, the constructor would be called Dog().

The special thing about constructors is that they are the path to any new object, so they are a great place to call code that initializes an object with default values. Further, the return value from a constructor method is always an object of the class itself, which is why we can assign the return value of the constructor to a variable of the type of class we create.

However, so far, we have not actually created a constructor at all, so how come we can still call that method?

In many languages, C# included, the language gives you a free and empty constructor without you having to do anything. It is implied that you want a constructor; otherwise there would be no way of using the class for anything, so the languages just assume that you have written one.

This invisible and free constructor is called the default constructor, and, in our example, it will look like this:

public Dog(){ }

Notice that this syntax is very similar to the Speak() method we created earlier, except that we do not explicitly return a value nor do we even declare the return type of the method. As I mentioned earlier, a constructor always returns an instance of the class to which it belongs.

In this case, that is the class Dog, and that is why when we write Dog myDog = new Dog(), we can assign the new object to a variable named myDog which is of type Dog.

So let’s add the default constructor to our Dog class. You can either copy the line above or, in Visual Studio, you can use a shortcut: type ctor and hit Tab twice. It should generate the default constructor for you.

The default constructor doesn’t actually give us anything new because it is now explicitly doing what was done implicitly before. However, it is a method, so we can now add content inside the brackets that will execute whenever we call this constructor. And because the constructor runs as the very first thing in an object’s construction, it is a perfect place to add initialization code.

For example, we could set the Name property of our objects to something by adding code such as this:

public Dog()


   this.Name = "Snoopy";


This example will set the Name property of any new objects to “Snoopy”.

Of course, that’s not very useful because not all dogs are called “Snoopy”, so instead, let us change the method signature of the constructor so that it accepts a parameter.

The parentheses of methods aren’t just there to look pretty; they serve to contain parameters that we can use to pass values to a method. This function applies to all methods, not just constructors, but let’s do it for a constructor first.

Change the default constructor signature to this:

public Dog(string dogName)

This addition allows us to send a string parameter into the constructor, and that when we do, we can refer to that parameter by the name dogName.

Then, add the following line to the method block:

this.Name = dogName;

This line sets this object’s property Name to the parameter we sent into the constructor.

Note that when you change the constructor’s signature, you get a case of the red squigglies in your Program.cs file.When we add our own explicit constructors, C# and .NET will not implicitly create a default constructor for us. In our Program.cs file, we are still creating the Dog objects using the default parameter-less constructor, which now no longer exists.

To fix this problem, we need to add a parameter to our constructor call in Program.cs. We can, for example, update our object construction line as such:

Dog myDog = new Dog(“Snoopy”);

Doing so will remove the red squigglies and allow you to run the code again. If you leave or set your breakpoint after the last code line, you can look at the Locals panel and verify that your object’s Name property has indeed been? Got it?

The program that keeps track of the attributes above for pet records at the animal clinic is in explanation part.

What is programming?

Making a set of instructions that instruct a computer how to carry out a task is the process of programming. Computer programming languages like JavaScript, Python, and C++ can all be used for programming.

The program can be:

public class Pet {

private String name;

private int age;

private double weight;

private String type;

private String breed;

public Pet() {



* param name

* param age

* param weight

* param type

* param breed


public Pet(String name, int age, double weight, String type, String breed) { = name;

this.age = age;

this.weight = weight;

this.type = type;

this.breed = breed;



* return the name


public String getName() {

return name;



* param name

* the name to set


public void setName(String name) { = name;



* return the age


public int getAge() {

return age;



* param age

* the age to set


public void setAge(int age) {

this.age = age;



* return the weight


public double getWeight() {

return weight;



* param weight

* the weight to set


public void setWeight(double weight) {

this.weight = weight;



* return the type


public String getType() {

return type;



* param type

* the type to set


public void setType(String type) {

this.type = type;



* return the breed


public String getBreed() {

return breed;



* param breed

* the breed to set


public void setBreed(String breed) {

this.breed = breed;



* (non-Java)



public String toString() {

return "Pet :: Name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", weight=" + weight

+ ", type=" + type + ", breed=" + breed;



Thus, this is the program for the given scenario.

For more details regarding programming, visit:


Directions: Identify the measuring devices and write its functions.
Write your answer in the space provided.



1.weigher - to weigh meat


3. scissor - to cut things

4. tongs

5.measuring cups - to measure dry ingredients like flour

6 temperature - measures temperature

7 measuring spoons

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
After the filming is finished, Rachel is responsible for arranging individual shots in a proper sequence. Which role is she playing
Rachel as playing the role of a(n)





I just took the test and got it right.

does technology shape society or does society shape technology?



Both. Society creates needs, these needs have to be met. Innovative people then meet the challenge because society says “we’ll compensate you if you can figure this out” and so the race begins. When that technology is developed, and the need is met, the technology inspires society to develop new wants and needs and so the cycle begins anew. Consider the biggest technologies in Human history: The wheel, created ancient civilization because it allowed for transport; The clock and calendar, allowing societies to develop schedules for all of their activities; Writing, allowing information to be passed down accurately from generation to generation; Farming, eliminating the need for civilization to be nomadic; Education systems, allowing for the standards of professionalism to be raised and specialized people to be created; fast-forward to the Industrial Age with the Steam Engine and Coal power plant; fast-forward again to the development of flight; fast-forward again to the atomic bomb and the first computer; etc.


Give 2 examples of how technology/AI has helped to achieve the SDGs.​



Although AI-enabled technology can act as a catalyst to achieve the 2030 Agenda, it may also trigger inequalities that may act as inhibitors on SDGs 1, 4, and 5. This duality is reflected in target 1.1, as AI can help to identify areas of poverty and foster international action using satellite images5.

n is assisting immensely to serve all these needs. For example, digital e-health solutions such as 'mhealth' and remote diagnostics using telemedicine services have contributed significantly to improving access to healthcare facilities, reducing neonatal mortality, and providing better health coverage

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