Suppose users share a 5 Mbps link. Also suppose each user requires 250 kbps when transmitting, but each user transmits only 10 percent of the time.

a. When circuit switching is used, how many users can be supported?

b. For the remainder of this problem, suppose packet switching is used. Find the probability that a given user is transmitting.

c. Suppose there are 120 users. Find the probability that at any given time, exactly n users are transmitting simultaneously

d. Find the probability that there are 21 or more users transmitting simultaneously. . (no results needed! You will receive full credit for the correct equation)


Answer 1

a. With circuit switching, the number of users that can be supported on a 5 Mbps link, with each user requiring 250 kbps and transmitting 10% of the time, can be calculated by dividing the total available bandwidth by the bandwidth required per user.

b. In packet switching, the probability that a given user is transmitting can be calculated by dividing the transmission time of a user by the total time.

c. The probability that at any given time exactly n users are transmitting simultaneously can be calculated using the binomial probability formula.

d. The probability that there are 21 or more users transmitting simultaneously can be calculated using the complement of the probability that fewer than 21 users are transmitting.

a. With circuit switching, the bandwidth is dedicated to each user for the entire duration of their transmission. Each user requires 250 kbps, which is equivalent to 0.25 Mbps. Since each user transmits only 10% of the time, the effective bandwidth required per user is 0.025 Mbps. The number of users that can be supported is obtained by dividing the total available bandwidth of 5 Mbps by the effective bandwidth required per user: 5 Mbps / 0.025 Mbps = 200 users.

b. In packet switching, the probability that a given user is transmitting depends on the ratio of their transmission time to the total time. Since each user transmits only 10% of the time, the probability of a given user transmitting is 10% or 0.1.

c. The probability that exactly n users are transmitting simultaneously can be calculated using the binomial probability formula. For 120 users and a probability of 0.1 for each user transmitting, the probability of exactly n users transmitting simultaneously can be calculated using the formula P(n) = (120 choose n) * (0.1)^n * (0.9)^(120-n).

d. To find the probability that 21 or more users are transmitting simultaneously, we need to calculate the complement of the probability that fewer than 21 users are transmitting. This can be obtained by summing the probabilities of having 0, 1, 2, ..., 20 users transmitting and subtracting the result from 1.

learn more about circuit switching, here:


Related Questions

Which class category has static methods and constants, but no objects?


The class category that has static methods and constants but no objects is the "utility class."

A utility class, also known as a helper class or a service class, is a type of class that provides static methods and constants for performing common tasks or providing common functionality. Utility classes are designed to be used as a collection of related functions or behaviors, rather than being instantiated as objects.

In a utility class, all the methods and constants are declared static, which means they can be accessed without creating an instance of the class. Static methods are called directly on the class itself, rather than on an object. These methods often perform specific tasks, and calculations, or provide utility functions that can be used throughout an application.

Utility classes are commonly used to group related functions together, organize code, and provide a centralized location for reusable code snippets. They are often used in programming languages that support the concept of static methods and constants, such as Java or C++. Utility classes simplify code management, promote code reuse, and provide a convenient way to access common functionality without the need for object instantiation.

Learn more about  utility class here :


The class category that has static methods and constants but no objects is the "utility class."

A utility class, also known as a helper class or a service class, is a type of class that provides static methods and constants for performing common tasks or providing common functionality. Utility classes are designed to be used as a collection of related functions or behaviors, rather than being instantiated as objects.

In a utility class, all the methods and constants are declared static, which means they can be accessed without creating an instance of the class. Static methods are called directly on the class itself, rather than on an object. These methods often perform specific tasks, and calculations, or provide utility functions that can be used throughout an application.

Utility classes are commonly used to group related functions together, organize code, and provide a centralized location for reusable code snippets. They are often used in programming languages that support the concept of static methods and constants, such as Java or C++. Utility classes simplify code management, promote code reuse, and provide a convenient way to access common functionality without the need for object instantiation.

Learn more about utility class here :


private cloud technicians have configured policies that will shut down and remove virtual machines with no activity for 30 days or more. what are technicians attempting to prevent?


This is a strategy that ensures that only active virtual machines remain on the cloud server, thereby optimizing resource utilization and eliminating unnecessary wastage of resources that could lead to reduced server performance or capability.

Technicians, by setting up policies, reduce the operational costs and prevent the waste of computational resources. As such, policies that automatically shut down and remove inactive virtual machines are necessary for the management of cloud infrastructures. This is because cloud environments require a considerable investment in terms of hardware and software, and idle virtual machines can consume significant amounts of the available resources.

To know more about  utilization visit:


Your firm has a 22-bit network part and a 6-bit subnet part. how many hosts can you have per subnet?


In a network with a 22-bit network part and a 6-bit subnet part, the number of hosts per subnet can be calculated by using the formula 2^n - 2, where "n" represents the number of bits in the host part of the subnet mask.

In this case, the subnet part has 6 bits, so the host part would have 32 - 6 = 26 bits (since an IPv4 address has a total of 32 bits).

Using the formula, we can calculate the number of hosts per subnet as follows:

2^26 - 2 = 67,108,864 - 2 = 67,108,862

Therefore, you can have a total of 67,108,862 hosts per subnet in this network configuration.

Learn more about network  here:


Create three procedures that will convert a value given to Fahrenheit to the following temperatures:




The procedures should be named




The following equations can be used to convert different temperature types to Fahrenheit :

Kelvin - F = (K - 273.15) * 1.8000 + 32

Celsius - F = C * 9/5 + 32

Newton - F = N * 60 / 11 + 32

You should pass the all values to the procedures using the floating point stack. You should return the converted temperature back using the floating point stack. In other words, the converted temperature should be at ST(0)

Once you have the procedures written test them in main by getting a value in Fahrenheit from the keyboard. You might want to store it in a real variable. Convert the value to the three different temperatures and output them.

Your output should look like the following

Enter a value in C
In Fahrenheit that value is 100.58

Enter a value in K
In Fahrenheit that value is -376.96

Enter a value in N
In Fahrenheit that value is 162.8

Press any key to close this window . . .

Do NOT use any global variables. If need be create local variables.


The temperature conversion procedures must be in a separate asm file called conversion.asm. This means you should have main.asm and conversion.asm. You can use constant values in the data segment of conversion.asm but you MUST pass the temperature to be converted to the procedure through the floating point stack and return the converted value back to main on the floating points stack.

Make sure to do it in assembly language with irvine library and not c++


Here's an implementation of the three conversion procedures in assembly language using Irvine library:





   CELSIUS REAL 9.0, 5.0, 32.0

   KELVIN REAL 273.15, 1.8000, 32.0

   NEWTON REAL 60.0, 11.0, 32.0



   fld     qword ptr [esp+4]        ; load Celsius value from stack

   fmul    celsius                 ; multiply by 9/5

   fadd    kELVIN+8                ; add 32

   fstp    qword ptr [esp+4]       ; store result back on stack




   fld     qword ptr [esp+4]        ; load Kelvin value from stack

   fsub    kELVIN                  ; subtract 273.15

   fmul    kELVIN+4                ; multiply by 1.8000

   fadd    kELVIN+8                ; add 32

   fstp    qword ptr [esp+4]       ; store result back on stack




   fld     qword ptr [esp+4]        ; load Newton value from stack

   fmul    newton                  ; multiply by 60/11

   fadd    newton+8                ; add 32

   fstp    qword ptr [esp+4]       ; store result back on stack






main PROC

   call    Clrscr

   ; get Fahrenheit value from user

   mov     edx, OFFSET promptF

   call    WriteString

   call    ReadFloat

   ; convert to Celsius

   sub     esp, 8

   fstp    qword ptr [esp]

   call    C2F

   fstp    qword ptr [esp]

   mov     edx, OFFSET resultC

   call    WriteString

   call    WriteFloat

   ; convert to Kelvin

   sub     esp, 8

   fstp    qword ptr [esp]

   call    K2F

   fstp    qword ptr [esp]

   mov     edx, OFFSET resultK

   call    WriteString

   call    WriteFloat

   ; convert to Newton

   sub     esp, 8

   fstp    qword ptr [esp]

   call    N2F

   fstp    qword ptr [esp]

   mov     edx, OFFSET resultN

   call    WriteString

   call    WriteFloat


main ENDP


   promptF BYTE "Enter a value in Fahrenheit: ",0

   resultC BYTE "In Celsius that value is ",0

   resultK BYTE "In Kelvin that value is ",0

   resultN BYTE "In Newton that value is ",0


END main

To test the program, assemble and link both files and run the resulting executable. The program will prompt the user for a Fahrenheit temperature, convert it to Celsius, Kelvin, and Newton using the three procedures, and output the results as shown in the example output provided in the question.

Learn more about assembly language here:


________ can be achieved by rolling up a data cube to the smallest level of aggregation needed, reducing the dimensionality, or dividing continuous measures into discrete intervals.


Data reduction can be achieved by rolling up a data cube to the smallest level of aggregation needed, reducing the dimensionality, or dividing continuous measures into discrete intervals.

Rolling up a data cube involves aggregating data from lower levels to higher levels. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed while still providing meaningful information.

Reducing the dimensionality of a dataset involves selecting only the most important or relevant variables and eliminating the rest. This can simplify the analysis and reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed.

Dividing continuous measures into discrete intervals is another way to reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed. For example, instead of analyzing temperature as a continuous variable, it can be divided into discrete ranges like "low," "medium," and "high" to simplify the analysis.

Overall, data reduction techniques can help make large datasets more manageable and easier to analyze, while still providing useful insights and information.

Learn more about data here:


Ch8: Apply Yourself Quiz
Answer the following questions after watching the video
"Selecting a Master Patient Index."


Master Patient Index (MPI) is a database of patient identification data and refers to the software used to maintain the MPI.

The selection of a Master Patient Index is a critical decision for healthcare organizations. A Master Patient Index is designed to ensure the accuracy of patient records, and the selection of an MPI that is secure, easy to use, and efficient is essential to its success. This is why healthcare organizations need to be careful when selecting a Master Patient Index.There are several factors that healthcare organizations should consider when selecting a Master Patient Index, including the size of the organization, the complexity of the environment, and the type of data being managed. Healthcare organizations must also consider the needs of their clinicians and staff when selecting an MPI.

The software should be easy to use and not add additional workload or create undue burden on clinicians and staff. Moreover, it should be flexible enough to accommodate new workflows as they arise.To ensure that the MPI meets the organization's needs, it is important to involve the end-users in the selection process. End-users can provide valuable insights into what features and capabilities they need from the software. This approach also helps build support for the MPI among end-users as they have a voice in the selection process.Finally, it is essential that healthcare organizations select an MPI that is secure. The MPI should have the necessary security features and meet industry standards for protecting patient data. This ensures that the organization is compliant with regulations and reduces the risk of data breaches.

Learn more about software :


Why it is important to share informative and positive messages
using appropriate technology.


In today’s digital age, technology has made it possible to communicate easily and quickly with individuals around the world.

It’s vital that we communicate effectively and in a positive manner, which can be done by sharing informative and positive messages using appropriate technology. This is important because it has a significant impact on our personal and professional lives.In today’s era, when most of the world is connected to the internet, it has become crucial to spread a positive message and encourage others to do the same. Using technology to spread informative and positive messages can help to raise awareness about important issues, and create positive change in society. The positive messages can inspire and motivate individuals to be their best selves and lead a better life.

Technology has enabled us to share our thoughts, ideas, and opinions with others, regardless of geographical boundaries. We can use various social media platforms to connect with people worldwide. By sharing informative and positive messages, we can make people aware of what is going on in the world, and how they can help to make a difference. Social media has been an effective tool in raising funds for various charitable causes, and it has helped to bring people together from all walks of life.Sharing positive and informative messages using appropriate technology has become increasingly important in today’s world. We need to ensure that our messages are accurate, well-researched, and free from any bias or misinformation. By doing so, we can create a positive impact on our communities and the world around us.

Learn more about technology :


What would you call the number values located on top of the bars in a column chart?


The number values located on top of the bars in a column chart are commonly known as "data labels."

Data labels serve the purpose of displaying the specific numerical values corresponding to each column or bar in the chart. By providing these labels, the chart becomes more informative and easier to interpret for viewers. Data labels play a crucial role in enhancing the clarity and precision of the chart, enabling individuals to quickly grasp the exact values represented by each column without relying solely on visual estimation.

They are particularly useful when dealing with complex data sets or when it is important to communicate precise information. Data labels help to convey the quantitative information effectively, making the column chart a powerful visual tool for presenting and analyzing data.

Learn more about data labels here:


is this statement true or false? system memory is on a computer motherboard.


The statement "system memory is on a computer motherboard" is true.System memory, also known as RAM (Random Access Memory), is a type of computer memory that is located on the computer motherboard.

It is a volatile memory that is used by the computer's operating system and applications to store and access data that is frequently used.When a computer is turned on, the operating system is loaded into the system memory. This allows the operating system and applications to access data quickly, which improves overall performance.

The amount of system memory on a computer can vary depending on the computer's specifications and the requirements of the applications being used.

In conclusion, the statement "system memory is on a computer motherboard" is true.

To know more about system memory visit:





_____ provide statistics on how many people visit a website as well as what browsers and devices were used and what choices the user made while at a website.


Website analytics tools provide statistics on website visits, including information about visitor count, browsers and devices used, and user interactions.

Website analytics tools are used to collect and analyze data about website visitors and their behavior. These tools provide valuable insights into various aspects of website performance and user engagement. They gather statistics such as the number of people who visit a website, the browsers and devices they use to access it, and the choices or actions they make while browsing.

Visitor count metrics indicate the popularity and reach of a website, helping to assess its overall performance. Analytics tools can also track user agents, which provide information about the browsers, operating systems, and devices visitors are using. This data helps website owners understand the technology preferences of their audience and optimize their sites accordingly.

Furthermore, website analytics tools can capture user interactions, such as clicks, page views, form submissions, and conversions. This information enables website owners to analyze user behavior, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the user experience and optimize website performance.

In summary, website analytics tools offer comprehensive statistics on website visits, including visitor count, browser and device usage, and user interactions. These insights are crucial for understanding website performance, optimizing user experience, and making informed decisions to improve the effectiveness of a website.

Learn more about  Website here :


Website analytics tools provide statistics on website visitors, including visitor count, browser and device usage, and user choices made while on the website.

Website analytics tools are designed to gather and analyze data related to website traffic and user behavior. They track and record various metrics such as the number of visitors, unique visitors, page views, session duration, and more. These tools also provide insights into the browsers and devices used by visitors, allowing website owners to understand the technology preferences of their audience.

Additionally, website analytics tools offer information on the choices users make while interacting with the website. This includes data on the pages visited, links clicked, conversions, downloads, and other user actions. By capturing these user choices, website owners can gain valuable insights into user preferences, popular content, and areas for improvement.

Overall, website analytics tools serve as a valuable resource for understanding website performance, user engagement, and conversion metrics. The data provided by these tools helps website owners make informed decisions, optimize user experiences, and tailor their content and design to better meet the needs of their audience.

Learn more about Website analytics here:


An 8-bit shift-right register has 00001101 stored. 0111 needs to be loaded into the register. the contents of the shift register after four clock cycles are:


After four clock cycles, the contents of the shift register would be 00000111.

A shift-right register is a sequential logic circuit that shifts the contents of the register to the right by one position for each clock cycle. In this scenario, the initial contents of the 8-bit shift-right register are 00001101.

During the first clock cycle, the existing bits in the register are shifted to the right by one position. The least significant bit (LSB) is discarded, and a new bit, 0, is entered at the most significant bit (MSB) position. After the first clock cycle, the register contents become 00000110.

During the second clock cycle, the same shifting operation occurs. The contents of the register become 00000011.

During the third clock cycle, the shifting operation is repeated, resulting in the register contents being 00000001.

Finally, during the fourth clock cycle, the last shift operation takes place, and the register contents become 00000000.

Therefore, after four clock cycles, the shift register would hold the value 00000111.

Learn more about  register here :


After four clock cycles, the contents of the shift register would be 00000111.

A shift-right register is a sequential logic circuit that shifts the contents of the register to the right by one position for each clock cycle. In this scenario, the initial contents of the 8-bit shift-right register are 00001101.

During the first clock cycle, the existing bits in the register are shifted to the right by one position. The least significant bit (LSB) is discarded, and a new bit, 0, is entered at the most significant bit (MSB) position. After the first clock cycle, the register contents become 00000110.

During the second clock cycle, the same shifting operation occurs. The contents of the register become 00000011.

During the third clock cycle, the shifting operation is repeated, resulting in the register contents being 00000001.

Finally, during the fourth clock cycle, the last shift operation takes place, and the register contents become 00000000.

Therefore, after four clock cycles, the shift register would hold the value 00000111.

Learn more about  register here :


Suppose you are designing a sliding window protocol for a 500-Mbps point-to-point link. The RTT is 20 ms. Assume that each frame carries 2 KB of data. What is the minimum number of bits you need for the sequence number in the following case? Note: please show your justification/calculation steps to get the results. Simply giving the final results without explanation will not get the full credits.
a) RWS=1
c) Please summarize the key advantages/benefits of the sliding window protocol compared to the stop-and-wait protocol using your own words.


a) If the receiver window size (RWS) is 1, then only one unacknowledged frame can be in transit at any time. This means that we only need a single bit for the sequence number. The bit can alternate between 0 and 1 for each frame.


Since RWS=1, the receiver can only accept one frame at a time. Therefore, the sender can only transmit one frame at a time until it receives an ACK for the previous frame. Hence, if we have two states for sequence numbers such as 0 and 1, we can use them alternatively. So, only one bit is required for the sequence number.

b) If the receiver window size (RWS) is equal to the sender window size (SWS), then the maximum number of unacknowledged frames in transit at any time is SWS. To ensure that each frame in transit has a unique sequence number, we need log2(SWS) bits for the sequence number.


If RWS=SWS, then the receiver can accept up to SWS unacknowledged frames at any one time. In this case, the sender can transmit up to SWS frames before pausing to wait for acknowledgments. For every transmitted frame, we need a unique sequence number so that the receiver can identify which frames have been successfully received. Since there can be up to SWS unacknowledged frames in transit at any one time, we need log2(SWS) bits to address all possible sequence numbers.

c) Key advantages/benefits of sliding window protocol compared to stop-and-wait protocol:

The sliding window protocol allows for more efficient use of network resources compared to the stop-and-wait protocol. In the stop-and-wait protocol, the sender has to wait for an acknowledgment before sending the next frame, leading to significant idle periods during data transfer. In contrast, the sliding window protocol allows for multiple frames to be in transit at any one time, increasing the utilization of the network and reducing idle times. Additionally, the sliding window protocol provides flow control by adjusting the window size dynamically based on network conditions, which helps prevent packet loss due to congestion. Finally, the sliding window protocol can provide reliable data transfer by retransmitting lost or corrupted packets, whereas the stop-and-wait protocol does not have mechanisms for recovery if a packet is lost or damaged.

Learn more about   receiver window size (RWS) from


a data type is defined by (select all answers that apply)group of answer choicesthe operations allowed.the values allowed.the addresses allowed.the locations allowed.


In computing, a data type refers to a category of values, which determines the type of operations that can be performed on those values.

A data type is defined by the following answers that apply:Group of answer choicesValues allowed.Operations allowed.For example, the integer data type includes values that are whole numbers, such as 0, 1, 2, and so on, and allows operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to be performed on those values.The floating-point data type includes values that have decimal points, such as 1.5, 3.14, and so on, and allows the same operations as the integer data type. However, due to the inherent limitations of floating-point representation, additional considerations must be taken into account when performing operations on these values.Data types are an essential component of programming languages, as they provide a way to define variables and constants and ensure that operations are performed correctly. They also allow programmers to write code that is more concise and easier to read, as the data type provides information about the nature of the value stored in the variable or constant.

To know more about data type visit :


Within which folder would a user of 64-bit windows 8 find 32-bit programs?


When a user of 64-bit Windows 8 installs a 32-bit program, the program files are typically stored in the "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder. This is because 64-bit operating systems, including Windows 8, are designed to run 32-bit applications through a compatibility layer called WOW64.

This layer allows 32-bit programs to operate normally on a 64-bit system, but the files are stored in a separate directory to avoid conflicts with 64-bit applications.

The "Program Files (x86)" folder is different from the standard "Program Files" folder, which is where system files and 64-bit programs are stored. By separating 32-bit and 64-bit programs into different directories, Windows can keep track of which applications require which resources and allocate memory and processing power more efficiently.

It's worth noting that not all 32-bit programs will be installed in this directory. Some older applications may still use the original "Program Files" folder, or they may have their own installation directory. However, most modern 32-bit programs should be installed in "Program Files (x86)" by default on a 64-bit version of Windows 8.

Learn more about Windows 8 here:


In the following code for the ArrayBag class __contains__ method, what is the missing code?

def __contains__(self, item):

left = 0

right = len(self) - 1

while left <= right:

midPoint = (left + right) // 2

if self.items[midPoint] == item:

return True

elif self.items[midPoint] > item:

right = midPoint - 1

else: return False

a. right = left + 1
b. left = midPoint + 1
c. right = midPoint + 1
d. left = midPoint - 1


The correct answer is (b) left = midPoint + 1. In the given code, we are performing a binary search in a sorted array to check if an item is present in it.

We have initialized the left pointer to the first index of the array and the right pointer to the last index of the array.

We then enter into a while loop and calculate the midpoint of the left and right pointers using:

midPoint = (left + right) // 2

We compare the item with the element at the mid-point index. If they match, we return True as the item is present in the array.

If the item is less than the element at the mid-point index, we set the right pointer to mid-point - 1 and continue the binary search on the left half of the array.

If the item is greater than the element at the mid-point index, we set the left pointer to mid-point + 1 and continue the binary search on the right half of the array.

So, when the element at mid-point is less than the item, we need to update our search space to the right half of the array by updating the value of the left pointer. Hence, the missing code is left = midPoint + 1.

Learn more about array  here:


OnlyForMen Garments Co. produces three designs of men's shirts- Fancy, Office, and Causal. The material required to produce a Fancy shirt is 2m, an Office shirt is 2.5m, and a Casual shirt is 1.25m. The manpower required to produce a Fancy shirt is 3 hours, an Office shirt is 2 hours, and a Casual shirt is 1 hour.
In the meeting held for planning production quantities for the next month, the production manager informed that a minimum of 3000 hours of manpower will be available, and the purchase manager informed that a maximum of 5000 m of material will be available. The marketing department reminded that a minimum of 500 nos. of Office shirts and a minimum of 900 nos of Causal shirts must be produced to meet prior commitments, and the demand for Fancy shirts will not exceed 1200 shirts and that of Casual shirts will exceed 600 shirts. The marketing manager also informed that the selling prices will remain same in the next month- Rs 1,500 for a Fancy shirt, Rs 1,200 for an Office shirt and Rs 700 for a Casual shirt.
Write a set of linear programming equations to determine the number of Fancy. Office, and Casual shirts to be produced with an aim to maximize revenue. [8]


Linear programming equations can be used to optimize production when there are constraints on resources. In this problem, we need to maximize the revenue from the sale of men's shirts, subject to constraints on manpower and material availability, as well as prior commitments and demand for each shirt type. Here are the linear programming equations:Let F be the number of Fancy shirts produced.

O be the number of Office shirts produced.C be the number of Casual shirts produced.The objective function is to maximize the revenue, which is given by:Revenue = 1500F + 1200O + 700CThe constraints are:Manpower: 3F + 2O + C ≤ 3000Material: 2F + 2.5O + 1.25C ≤ 5000Office shirt commitment: O ≥ 500Casual shirt commitment: C ≥ 900Fancy shirt demand: F ≤ 1200Casual shirt demand: C > 600Non-negativity: F, O, C ≥ 0These constraints ensure that we do not exceed the available manpower and material, meet the prior commitments, and satisfy the demand for each shirt type.

We also cannot produce a negative number of shirts.Therefore, the complete set of linear programming equations to determine the number of Fancy, Office, and Casual shirts to be produced with an aim to maximize revenue are as follows:Objective function:Maximize Revenue = 1500F + 1200O + 700CSubject to constraints:3F + 2O + C ≤ 30002F + 2.5O + 1.25C ≤ 5000O ≥ 500C ≥ 900F ≤ 1200C > 600F, O, C ≥ 0These equations can be solved using any linear programming software or solver to obtain the optimal production quantities for each shirt type that maximize the revenue.

To know more about Linear visit:


Describe the Microsoft PowerPoint application and its user interface elements related to the status bar.


Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful presentation software that allows users to create and deliver effective and engaging presentations. It has an intuitive user interface that includes several elements, including the status bar.

One of the elements related to the status bar is the slide number. The slide number indicates the number of the current slide and is useful for users when navigating through the presentation. The slide number is especially useful when presenting to an audience, as it allows the presenter to easily navigate to a specific slide.

Another element related to the status bar is the view buttons. These buttons allow users to switch between different views, such as Normal, Slide Sorter, and Slide Show. The Normal view is the default view and allows users to create and edit slides. The Slide Sorter view allows users to see all slides in the presentation and reorganize them as needed. The Slide Show view is used to present the slides to an audience.

In conclusion, Microsoft PowerPoint is a user-friendly application that provides an array of features and tools that allow users to create engaging presentations. The status bar is one of the essential elements in the user interface that displays important information about the current slide and application status. Its elements, including slide numbers, view buttons, zoom slider, and language indicator, help users work efficiently and effectively.

To know more about Microsoft PowerPoint visit:


"The following describes the role of Distribution Switches and how they are implemented in the design of a local area network on a university or corporate campus? (Select three)
 Connected to high-speed core switches  Linked to each other via high-speed connections  Constitute the second tire in a two-tier network design"


Options 1, 2, and 3 are the correct answers. The following three statements describe the role of Distribution Switches and how they are implemented in the design of a local area network on a university or corporate campus:

Connected to high-speed core switches: Distribution switches are typically connected to high-speed core switches that provide connectivity between different parts of the network.

Linked to each other via high-speed connections: Distribution switches are also linked to each other via high-speed connections, which allows for redundancy and helps ensure that the network remains operational even if one of the switches fails.

Constitute the second tier in a two-tier network design: In a typical two-tier network design, distribution switches constitute the second tier, with access switches forming the first tier and core switches forming the third tier (if present).

Therefore, options 1, 2, and 3 are the correct answers.

Learn more about local area network here:


create a new query using design view. from the transfer students table, add the firstname, lastname, major, class, and gpa fields, in that order. from the transfer schools table, add the admissiondate, tuition due, credits earned, and credits transferred fields, in that order. save the query as transfer credits. set the criteria in the admissiondate field to 8/1/2018. run the query. type $1500 in the tuitiondue field for diana sullivan and type 3.51 as the gpa for audrey owen. save and close the query.


To create the query using Design View and perform the specified tasks, follow the steps outlined below:

Open your database and go to the "Queries" section.

Click on "Create" and select "Query Design" to open the query designer.

In the "Show Table" dialog box, select the "Transfer Students" table and click "Add."

Repeat step 3 to add the "Transfer Schools" table to the query designer.

Close the "Show Table" dialog box.

Arrange the tables in the query designer window by dragging the field names to match the desired order. The final order should be:

Transfer Students: firstname, lastname, major, class, gpa

Transfer Schools: admissiondate, tuitiondue, credits_earned, credits_transferred

Click on the "Transfer Students" table in the query designer to select it.

In the "Criteria" row under the "admissiondate" field, enter "8/1/2018" to filter the admission date.

Save the query by clicking on the "Save" button on the toolbar and provide the name "Transfer Credits."

Close the query designer.

Now, to update the values for "tuitiondue" and "gpa" fields, follow these additional steps:

Open the "Transfer Credits" query in Design View.

Switch to Datasheet View by clicking on the "View" button on the toolbar.

Locate the row for "Diana Sullivan" and enter "1500" in the "tuitiondue" field.

Locate the row for "Audrey Owen" and enter "3.51" in the "gpa" field.

Save and close the query.

Your query is now created with the specified fields, criteria, and updated values.

Learn more about  Design View  from


A network that runs on the customer premises is a ________. lan wan both lan and wan neither lan nor wan.


A network that runs on the customer premises can be classified as a LAN (Local Area Network), a WAN (Wide Area Network), or both.

A network that operates on the customer premises refers to the infrastructure and connectivity within a specific location or building. Depending on the scale and reach of the network, it can be categorized as a LAN, WAN, or both.

A LAN is a localized network that covers a limited geographic area, typically within a single building or campus. It connects devices like computers, printers, and servers, allowing them to communicate and share resources. LANs are commonly used in homes, offices, schools, and small businesses.

On the other hand, a WAN spans a broader area, such as multiple buildings, cities, or even countries. It connects LANs across different locations, often utilizing public or private telecommunication networks. WANs enable long-distance communication and facilitate data sharing between geographically dispersed sites.

In some cases, a network on the customer premises may comprise both LAN and WAN components. For example, a company may have a LAN within its headquarters while also connecting remote branches through a WAN. This allows for local communication and resource sharing within each site, as well as inter-site connectivity for data exchange.

Therefore, the answer to whether a network on the customer premises is a LAN, WAN, both, or neither depends on the scope, size, and connectivity requirements of the network in question.

learn more about LAN (Local Area Network) here:


which network devices rely on access control lists (acl) to permit network connections? [choose all that apply]


Access Control Lists (ACL) can be defined as a set of regulations used in the controlling of traffic flows in a network. They act as a means of permitting and denying traffic flows from the network and to the network.

The following are network devices that rely on Access Control Lists (ACL) to permit network connections: Router: A Router is a network device that operates at the OSI Network Layer and is used to connect two or more networks.  

The Router is known for its function of filtering traffic as well as restricting and allowing access on different interfaces, hence it relies on Access Control Lists (ACL). Switch: A switch is a network device that connects devices together on a Local Area Network (LAN). It uses the MAC addresses in a packet header to forward data between devices within a network.

To know more about Access Control Lists visit:


Got scam trojan spyware alert, ran quick scan with windows defender (no threat found) then manually turned ouff pc, Is it virus?




False. The absence of threats detected by a quick scan with Windows Defender does not definitively indicate that there is no virus or malware on the PC.

Some malware can remain undetected or may not be detected by a quick scan. It is recommended to run a full system scan with an updated and reputable antivirus software to thoroughly examine the system for any potential threats.

Additionally, receiving a scam trojan spyware alert is a clear indication of a potential security issue. Scammers often use such alerts to deceive users and trick them into downloading malicious software or providing sensitive information. It is important to exercise caution and not solely rely on a single scan result.

To ensure the PC's safety, consider taking further security measures such as updating the operating system and all installed software, enabling a firewall, using strong and unique passwords, and practicing safe browsing habits.

Learn more about Windows  here:


A Database contains ________. A)User Data B)MEtadata C)Indexe Application metadata D)All above mentioned


A database typically contains all of the above mentioned items:

A) User Data: This is the actual data that is stored within the database. It could be anything from customer information to inventory records.

B) Metadata: This refers to data about the data within the database. It includes information such as the structure of the database, relationships between tables, and constraints on the data.

C) Indexed Application Metadata: This is metadata that is specific to the application using the database. For example, if a web application is using the database, it may store additional metadata such as user sessions or cookies.

Therefore, option D) All of the above mentioned is the correct answer.

Learn more about database here:


After the following declaration, you can define and initialize a variable birth of this
structure type as follows ____.
struct Date{
int month;
int day;
int year;


To define and initialize a variable birth of the structure type Date, you can use the following syntax:

struct Date birth = {6, 1, 2000};

This creates a variable named birth of the Date structure type and initializes its fields with the values 6 for month, 1 for day, and 2000 for year.

Alternatively, you can also initialize the fields of the birth variable individually, like this:

struct Date birth;

birth.month = 6; = 1;

birth.year = 2000;

This creates a variable named birth of the Date structure type and sets the value of its month field to 6, day field to 1, and year field to 2000.

The struct keyword is used to declare a custom data type that consists of multiple variables or data types. In this example, we defined a custom data type called Date that has three integer fields: month, day, and year. Then we created a variable of this structure type named birth and initialized its fields either using a single statement or multiple statements.

Learn more about  type Date here:


the is where directories and files are stored on a disk drive. a. inode block b. superblock c. boot block d. data block


Data blocks are where directories and files are stored on a disk drive. In a file system, data blocks are allocated to store the actual content of files and the metadata associated with them, such as file names, permissions, and file sizes. These data blocks contain the information that makes up the directories and files stored on the disk drive.

On the other hand, the boot block contains the initial code executed when the computer system starts up, the superblock contains metadata about the file system, and the inode block contains metadata about individual files.

When a file is created, the file system allocates one or more data blocks to store its content. The number of data blocks allocated depends on the size of the file and the block size of the file system. Each data block is typically a fixed size, usually a multiple of the disk sector size. When a file is modified or extended, additional data blocks may be allocated to store the new content.

Directories are also stored using data blocks. A directory is essentially a special type of file that contains a list of file names and their associated metadata. The data blocks allocated to a directory contain this information, making it possible for the file system to locate and access files within the directory.

Learn more about  data blocks are allocated to store from


What new geometric data type in teradata's data warehouse captures geospatial features?


Teradata introduced a new geometric data type called ST_Geometry to capture geospatial features in its data warehouse.

ST_Geometry is an extension to the ISO SQL/MM Part 3 Spatial standard and supports both 2D and 3D spatial data types, including points, lines, polygons, and other complex geometries. It also includes a wide range of spatial functions for analyzing and manipulating geospatial data within the Teradata database.

Teradata introduced a new geometric data type called ST_Geometry to capture geospatial features in its data warehouse. ST_Geometry is a proprietary data type that supports storage, retrieval, and manipulation of geospatial data within Teradata's database platform. It is designed to work seamlessly with Teradata's parallel processing architecture, enabling fast analysis of large volumes of spatial data.

ST_Geometry is based on the standards set by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), which defines a common interface for working with geospatial data across different software platforms. This means that ST_Geometry can be used with other OGC-compliant systems for data interoperability.

Learn more about Teradata from


Imagine you are a project manager for a software company. Your team plans todevelop a new learning management system (LMS) for a local school district bythe end of the quarter. Which of the following factors can potentially push backyour release plan date? Select all that apply.A member of your development team leaves to take a new job.The Product Owner expands the project to include two additionalschool districts.


As the project manager for a software company, you plan to develop a new learning management system (LMS) for a local school district by the end of the quarter. The release plan date for the new LMS is at risk if certain factors intervene. The factors that can potentially push back your release plan date include:

A member of your development team leaves to take a new job: If one of your team members who is an essential part of the project leaves the project, it can lead to delays in the project completion. The impact of such a scenario will be that your team will be short of staff, which means you will have to find a replacement, which can be a time-consuming process. Moreover, the new member of the team will take time to familiarize themselves with the project.

The product owner expands the project to include two additional school districts: This is another factor that can potentially push back the release plan date for the new LMS. If the Product Owner expands the project, it will require additional resources, time, and effort to complete the new scope of work. Thus, it is essential to discuss the feasibility of including these additional school districts and the impact on the existing release plan date.

Other factors that can potentially push back your release plan date are - inadequate budget allocation, changes in requirements, scope creep, inadequate resources, lack of stakeholder alignment, and unanticipated issues with the technology.

As a project manager, it is crucial to manage project risks and uncertainties and monitor the progress of the project regularly. By doing so, you can prevent potential delays and ensure timely delivery of the project.

To know more about learning management system  visit:


All C programmes must have one or
A. files.
B. modules.
C. sub-programmes.
D. functions.




The correct answer is D. functions.

All C programs must have one or more functions. Functions are the building blocks of a C program and are used to encapsulate a set of instructions that perform a specific task. A C program typically consists of one or more functions, where the main() function serves as the entry point of the program. Other functions can be defined to perform specific operations and can be called from the main() function or other functions within the program.

While files, modules, and sub-programmes can be components of a C program depending on the program's complexity and organization, the requirement that applies to all C programs is the presence of one or more functions.

The ____________ defines the basic components of the interface and how they work together to provide functionality to users.


The user interface design defines the fundamental elements of an interface and their integration to deliver functionality to users.

The user interface (UI) design encompasses the visual and interactive aspects of a software, website, or application that allow users to interact with it. It involves creating a cohesive and intuitive layout that enables users to navigate, understand, and perform tasks efficiently. The basic components of a UI typically include elements like menus, buttons, forms, icons, and text fields.

The UI design is responsible for establishing how these components are arranged and how they interact with each other to provide functionality to users. This involves determining the hierarchy and placement of elements, the use of colors, typography, and other visual cues, as well as defining the behavior and response of the interface to user actions. Effective UI design focuses on clarity, consistency, and usability, ensuring that users can easily understand and accomplish their goals without unnecessary confusion or complexity.

In conclusion, the user interface design plays a crucial role in shaping the user experience by defining the fundamental components of an interface and their integration. By carefully considering the needs and expectations of users, UI designers can create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that enhance usability and overall satisfaction.

learn more about user interface design here:


Why doesn’t the system drive (c:) appear on the select where you want to save your backup page?


There can be a few reasons why the system drive (C:) may not appear as an option to select for saving a backup:

Backup destination restrictions: The backup utility you are using may have restrictions on selecting the system drive as a backup destination. This is often done to prevent accidentally overwriting critical system files or interfering with the operating system's functioning.

Insufficient privileges: If you are not logged in with administrative privileges or do not have the necessary permissions, the system drive may not be available for selection. Some backup tools require elevated privileges to access certain drives or directories.

Drive configuration or formatting: If the system drive is not formatted with a file system that is supported by the backup utility, it may not be visible as an option. For example, if the system drive is formatted with a file system not recognized by the backup software, it may not be displayed.

Software limitations: Certain backup software may have limitations or specific requirements that prevent the selection of the system drive as a backup destination. It is recommended to review the documentation or support resources of the backup software you are using for any specific limitations or guidelines.

In any case, it is generally not recommended to save backups directly to the system drive as it can lead to potential data loss if the drive fails. It is advisable to choose an alternative storage location such as an external hard drive, network storage, or cloud storage for creating backups.

Learn more about system drive here:


Other Questions
NPV and IRR, Mutually Exclusive Projects For discount factors use EXHIBIT 14A.1 and EXHIBIT 14A.2. Cuccoco Inc. intends to invest in one of two competing types of computer-aided manufacturing equipment, built by two different manufacturers: CAM X and CAM Y. Both CAM X and CAM Y models have a project life of 10 years. The purchase price of the CAM X model is $2,400,000 and it has a net annual after-tax cash inflow of $600,000. The CAM Y model is more expensive, selling for $2,800,000, but will produce a net annual after-tax cash inflow of $700,000. The cost of capital for the company is 10 percent. Required: 1. Calculate the NPV for each project. Round present value calculations and your final answers to the nearest dollar. CAM $ X: 1,286,740 X CAM Y: 1,501,200 X Which model would you recommend? CAM Y 2. Calculate the IRR for each project. CAM 20% to 25% X: CAM Y: 10% to 20% X Which model would you recommend? Your portfolio is composed of 500 shares of Stock X, 2,500 shares of Stock Y, and 2,800 shares of Stock Z. Stock X has a beta of .45 and a price of $12.30 per share. Stock Y has a beta of .85 and a price of $57.47 per share. Stock Z has a beta of 1.95 and a price of $33.00 per share. What is the portfolio beta?Multiple Choicea.1.08b.1.24c.1.26d.2.05e.1.35 Perth International Co., an Australian multinational company, forecasts 63 million Australian dollars (A$) earnings next year (i.e., year-one). In addition, it expects 57 million Chinese yuan (CNY), 46 million Indian rupees (INR) and 36 million Malaysian ringgit (MYR) proceeds of its three subsidiaries in year-one. It also forecasts the year-one exchange rates A$0.3969/CNY, A$0.0328/INR and A$0.5343/MYR.Perth International will close its business in Australia after year-one and anticipates a 5.95 per cent increase in the year-one income of its subsidiaries in year-two. It has information that the current 4.34 per cent, 8.48 per cent, 13.78 per cent and 11.87 per cent nominal interest rate in Australia, China, India and Malaysia, respectively, will remain the same in the next three years. Due to foreign currency's higher nominal interest rate, subsidiaries will invest 22 per cent, 51 per cent and 38 per cent of their year-two earnings in China, India and Malaysia, respectively, for next year. Subsidiaries will remit their remaining incomes (i.e., after investment) to the Australian parent. Perth International believes in the Purchasing Power Parity with considering a 2.44 per cent real interest in Australia, China, India and Malaysia to calculate the expected foreign currency value against the Australian dollar for year-two based on the year-one exchange rates A$/CNY, A$/INR, and A$/MYR.What is the total Australian dollar (A$) cash flow for year-two? (Enter the whole number with no sign or symbol) If the measure smallest angle is a. 120 vb. 40 of for angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 1: 2: 4:5, then the d. 30 b. 60 c. 120 c. 45 Early instrumental music relied on the improvisation skills of players. group of answer choices true false George has $2,500 to invest in a mutual fund. The expected return on mutual fund A is 12% and the expected return on mutual fund B is 13%. Should George pick mutual fund A or B? a) He should pick mutual fund B because it has a higher expected return. b) If George is young, he should pick B because it has a higher expected return, regardless of risk. c) Since individuals are risk averse, he should pick A because its lower expected return implies lower risk. d) There is not enough information to make the determination because the decision also depends on the variability of the expected return and George's attitude toward risk. Let X be number of cars stopping at a gas station on any day; we assume X is a Poisson random variable, and that there are an average of 5 cars stopping by per day. Let Y be the number of cars that stop by this gas station in a year. Further assume that a year consists of 365 days, and that the number of cars stopping at the on any given day is independent of the number stopping by on any other day.Use Markovs Inequality to provide a bound on the probability that there will be more than 1000 cars stopping at this gas station in the next year. Be sure to specify whether your bound is an upper or lower bound. You may leave your answer as a fraction.Use Chebyshevs Inequality to provide a bound on the probability that there will be more than 1000 cars stopping at this gas station in the next year. Be sure to specify whether your bound is an upper or lower bound. You may leave your answer as a fraction. Instructions: This part contains 16 analytical cases with 16 questions. You are required to answer all 16 questions. Each correct answer is worth 1 mark, totaling 16 marks. [Write only the TERM, Explanation is NOT required] 1 Point Question 21 The Deputy Chief Executive (DCE) leadership behavior is described as "friendly and approachable, help employees with personal problems, develops a supportive and friendly work environment, and is high concerned about subordinates' comfort, well-being, and satisfaction". Use 'Ohio Leadership Studies' to specify DCE's leadership behavior. [Explanation is not required] Why Big Companies Fail to InnovateDue June 12, 2022 worth 10%Refer to textbook case, Analyzing Management Decisions, Why Big Companies Fail to Innovate, on page 393 of the course text (chapter 10).Read and analyse the case following the format outlined below. (The questions posed simply help to focus your analyses and approach. They guide you in exploring stakeholder perspectives and possible alternatives/solutions.) Support any assumptions that you make (use citations), and remember to apply terms and concepts from the text. The objective of any assignment is to demonstrate what you have learned in the course!FormatUse the following standard report format to organize your analyses:Introduction in a paragraph, briefly summarize the issues. (0.5%)Problem Statement in a sentence, describe the major problem that must be resolved. (0.5%)Stakeholder Analysis Consider the complexity of the situation and the potentially conflicting perspectives of at least three various stakeholders (refer to chapter 1), applying concepts from the text. (4%)Alternatives propose and analyze three alternative solutions, which must be supported by concepts in the text, or external research. (2%)Recommended Solution what would you advise? How will you implement your recommendation? (1.5%)Conclusion briefly summarize why your solution best resolves the problem. (0.5%)[Format, References and style (1%)]Written ReportYour written report should be no more than two pages in length (1.5 spacing) excluding reference pages and appendices, and submitted on LMS. Use at least three sources/references to support your analyses, and remember to document them properly, using either APA or MLA format. Appendices can be used for any additional details to support your arguments _________ determines what sales volume must be reached for a product before the companys total is costs equal total revenue and no profits are earned. (a) For the solidification of nickel, calculate the critical radius r* and the activation free energy delta G* if nucleation is homogeneous. Values for the latent heat of fusion and surface free energy are -2.53 x 10^9/m^3 and 0.255 J/m^2, respectively. Use the supercooling value found in Table 10.1. (8 points) (b) Now calculate the number of atoms found in a nucleus of critical size Assume a lattice parameter of 0.360 nm for solid nickel at its melting temperature. (7 points) Which correctly describe the first eighteen seconds of The Rite of Spring, heard in this excerpt?- The bassoon plays at a slow pace.- The violins play a pizzicato rhythmic figure.- The meter is easy to identify.- The flutes play a lyrical melody. Triangle UVW has vertices at U(2, 0), V(3, 1), W(3, 3). Determine the vertices of image UVW if the preimage is rotated 180 counterclockwise. U(0, 2), V(1, 3), W(3, 3) U(0, 2), V(1, 3), W(3, 3) U(2, 0), V(3, 1), W(3, 3) U(1, 0), V(3, 0), W(3, 3) (a) What is the service rate per server in terms of customers per minute? (Round your answer to four decimal places.) -1 min MY NOTES A study of the multiple-server food-service operation at the Red Birds baseball park shows that the average time between the arrival of a customer at the food-service counter and his or her departure with a filled order is 12 minutes. During the game, customers arrive at the rate of five per minute. The food-service operation requires an average of 3 minutes per customer order. (b) What is the average waiting time (in minutes) in the line prior to placing an order? (Round your answer to two decimal places.) min (c) On average, how many customers are in the food-service system? (Round your answer to two decimal places.) Need Help? Read It ASK YOUR TEACHER PRACTICE ANOTHER If A is a 3 x 3 matrix with three orthogonal eigenvectors, then A is diagonalizable.a.True b.FalseLet B {[1], [2]}{[1], [1]}be a basis for R. Find the vector as if [x]B = [2][3]a. x= [-3][ 4]b. x= [6][5]c. x= [7][5]d. x= [1][8] How does the writer uses character, point of view, and settingwithin the story [The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe] what is one of the concerns with determining whether one's depression is endogenous or reactive? group of answer choices unclear whether exposure to a stressor was a contributing factor or if it was a coincidence most people forget, or repress, the stressful events that may have led to their depression people with depression often underreport being exposed to stressful events it is virtually impossible to study endogenous factors that are linked to depression let an - 1/n - 1/n+1for n=1, 2, 3,... The partial Sum the S2022= use the frequency table. find the probability that a person goes to the movies at least 8 times a month. round to the nearest thousandth.A.0.343 B.0.165 C.0.697 D.0.883 1.2. Prove, analytically, that AC is NOT perpendicular to BC A(-5;8) C(-3;-2) B(3;2) C(-3;-2)