Read each quotation, and determine which literary device is used.
"the waves beside them danced; but they / out-did the sparkling
"she walks in beauty, like the night"


Answer 1

The first quotation uses the literary device of personification. Personification assigns human qualities such as emotions or movement to non-human things, as in this case with the waves.

By giving the waves the ability to dance, the writer is creating a vivid image that evokes emotion. The second quotation uses the literary device of simile. A simile is a comparison that uses the words 'like' or 'as' to compare two things. In this case, the comparison is between the woman and the night, both of which are described as beautiful.

The writer is using the beauty of the night to emphasize the woman's beauty. By using these two literary devices, the writers are able to create vivid images and comparisons that add to the meaning of the text.

know more about literary device here


Related Questions

He would suggest a solution to a problem into yes no questions



You must first know the question and what it is about and if you do not know do not answer and if you also don't know either yes or no then just don't give any answer.

How do the tree questions contribute to the plot of the story


The tree questions are integral to the plot of the story as they help the protagonist, Mariana, come to terms with her identity and her place in the world.

Through the questions, Mariana is able to explore her family’s history, her connection to the land, and her own personal identity. The questions provide her with the opportunity to reflect on her life and her journey, and to make sense of the world around her. The tree questions give Mariana a platform to ask the difficult questions of her own life and to explore her own identity.

By asking the questions, Mariana is able to find the answers she needs in order to move forward in her life and her journey. The tree questions are therefore essential to the story, as they provide Mariana with the space and the tools to confront her identity and to start on the path to self-discovery.

Know more about protagonist here


complete question is :

How do the tree questions contribute to the plot of the story of Mariana.

What irony is suggested by the rundown buildings versus the technology of the telescreens?


The irony suggested by the rundown buildings versus the technology of the telescreens in George Orwell's 1984 is the stark contrast between the physical decay of the society and the advanced technological capabilities of the ruling Party.

The buildings are described as being dilapidated and run-down, with peeling paint and broken windows, while the telescreens are ubiquitous and powerful, monitoring every move made by the citizens.

This juxtaposition highlights the oppressive nature of the Party and its control over every aspect of society. Despite the Party's ability to create and maintain advanced technology, it chooses to let the physical infrastructure decay and fall into disrepair, further emphasizing the power imbalance between the ruling class and the rest of society.

The telescreens also represent the invasion of privacy and the constant surveillance that the citizens are subjected to. The rundown buildings, on the other hand, represent the bleakness and hopelessness of the society under the Party's rule. Overall, the irony of this contrast highlights the dystopian nature of the society depicted in 1984.

To know more about irony refer here:


Part of the excerpt would be considered an epigram because.


Part of the excerpt would be considered an epigram because the excerpt contains a concise, witty statement that expresses a universal truth.

The extract includes a succinct, funny phrase expressing a universal truth: "It is better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." This statement is an example of an epigram.

Epigrams are short, clever sayings that express a general truth or offer advice. This particular epigram implies that it is better to remain silent than to speak and show others that you are foolish. An epigram is frequently stated and documented by someone.

To learn more about Epigrams link is here


The complete question is:

Part of the excerpt would be considered an epigram because _______.

Which two characters would be considered opponents of each other? in george and the secret key to the universe


In george and the secret key to the univers a) to Schachter's two-factor theories, a researcher who thinks that top-down b) processing is essential for understanding emotional experiences would probably agree.

The Schachter-Singer two-factor theory of emotion is a different theory of emotion that takes into account both physiological arousal and the emotional experience.

According to this view, physiology and cognition are the two parts that make up emotions. According to the 1962-developed Schachter-Singer theory of emotion, the two fundamental components of an emotion are physical arousal and cognitive label. It follows that there must be some form of physiological response prior to experiencing an emotion, which the mind then recognises.

Complete question:

Which two characters would be considered opponents of each other? in george and the secret key to the universe?

To know more about Schachter two-factors visit:


Change these sentences into negative
1) dogs are chasing cats .
2) Alin works for on insurance company.
3) Our team played well yesterday.
4) they play volleyball every week .
5) John is nice .
6) this car makes a lot of noise.
7) we are from dhangadi .
8) You wear pull over.
9) they speak English.
10) he has watched TV .



Into negative

1) dogs are not chasing cats .

2) Alin doesn't work for on insurance company.

3) Our team didn't play well yesterday.

4) they don't play volleyball not any week .

5) John is not nice .

6) this car doesn't make much noise.

7) we are not from dhangadi .

8) You don't wear pull over.

9) they don't speak English.

10) he hasn't watched TV .

Which line from Chapter 1 best demonstrates why Louie may survive the situation he faced in the Preface?

Dont forget to have evidence!


"He was strong, determined, and not easily discouraged"  line from Chapter 1 best demonstrates why Louie may survive the situation he faced in the Preface. So the option C is correct.

The strength of Louie's character, which will be crucial for him to withstand the scenario he is facing in the Preface, is perfectly captured in this statement from Chapter 1. He will need all of his strength, willpower, and endurance to get over the mental and emotional obstacles he will encounter.

To survive, he will need to maintain his concentration and summon the courage to push past his challenges and hurdles. His steadfast resolve and refusal to give up will be crucial to his survival. So the option C is correct.

To learn more about Louie link is here


The complete question is:

Which line from Chapter 1 best demonstrates why Louie may survive the situation he faced in the Preface?

A. "He was determined to survive, no matter the odds"

B. "He was an experienced outdoorsman"

C. "He was strong, determined, and not easily discouraged"

D. "He was a skilled pilot and navigator"

88024 Stiki 365%ú Indian gids od 12. : In the Ramayana and Bhagavad-Gita, gods have very different interactions with the characters than the gods in Greek mythology. So also are the relationships between men and women somewhat different. What are the major differences between the god/men relationship and the men/women relationships when comparing the Indian stories and the Greek stories? Which culture seems to revere rather than fear the gods more? What is your evidence of this? ♡ Størt Thread P​


In the Indian stories of the Ramayana and Bhagavad-Gita, gods interact more closely with humans and provide guidance, while in Greek mythology, gods often manipulate and control humans for their amusement.

In Indian stories, the relationships between men and women are more respectful and equal, whereas in Greek stories, women are often objectified and seen as inferior.

The major differences in god-human relationships include the fact that Indian gods, such as Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita, offer wisdom and guidance to humans, while Greek gods often use humans as pawns in their power games.

The men-women relationships in Indian stories exhibit more mutual respect and understanding, as seen in the relationship between Rama and Sita in the Ramayana. In contrast, Greek stories often portray women as subservient or prizes to be won, such as Helen of Troy.

Indian culture seems to revere gods more than Greek culture, as evidenced by the close relationships between gods and humans in Indian stories and the emphasis on the moral teachings they provide.

On the other hand, Greek mythology often highlights the capricious and unpredictable nature of the gods, leading to a sense of fear and uncertainty among humans.

Overall, the Indian stories demonstrate a more respectful and reverent relationship between gods and humans, as well as between men and women, when compared to the often fraught relationships portrayed in Greek mythology.

To learn more about culture, refer below:


Answer these questions fast​


Answer: question 1

the cows

#2 people helped me

#3 addicted to

#4 A good for noting person

#5 None

#6 For happiness



Families in Canada- grade 12 course

social sciences and humanities

scroll down in pdf until you see Sanjay's quest for independence in bold

1. What factors in Sanjay's family background are influencing his individuation?

2. Suggest how Sanjay's socialization has resulted in a conflict between Canadian and East Indian values.

3. What life structure does Sanjay appear to be attempting to build for himself?

4. Using social exchange theory, assess the costs and benefits of the decisions that Sanjay faced. What choices do you think he should have made?


Sanjay's family background is influencing his individuation in a variety of ways. Sanjay's socialization has resulted in a conflict between Canadian and East Indian values because of the differences between the two cultures.

1. His parents are both immigrants from India and have different cultural values than the Canadian culture he has been brought up in. His parents also have a traditional Hindu faith, which may be conflicting with the more modern and secular values that he is exposed to in Canada.

2. In Canadian culture, there is an emphasis on individualism and independence, while in East Indian culture there is an emphasis on collectivism and dependence.

3. Sanjay appears to be attempting to build a life structure for himself that includes autonomy and independence. He is seeking to be self-sufficient and able to make his own decisions without relying on others.

4. Using social exchange theory, Sanjay faced a difficult decision between continuing to live with his family and pursuing his own independence. The cost of living with his family was that he could not make decisions for himself, pursue his own goals, and live the life he wanted.

To learn more about social exchange theory link is here


Which of these best describes the cultural context of the passage? (Family Treasures)


The answer that most accurately captures the passage's cultural setting or called as cultural context is "The house of a boy with Puerto Rican ancestry who lives in Illinois." (Choice C).

An example of a paradigm that emphasises the social backdrop of a character, narrative, or event is a cultural context. The social setting in which people are reared and the ways in which culture influences behaviour are referred to as the cultural context. It includes shared attitudes and taught values that people develop as a group. It encompasses norms, language, practises, ideas, and beliefs.

Therefore, it is true to say that the answer that best captures the cultural setting of the passage is: "The home of a boy with Puerto-Rican heritage who lives in Illinois." This is due to the fact that his cultural heritage is highlighted.

Learn more about cultural context Visit:


Correct Question:

Which of these best describes the cultural context of the passage?

1. The home of a boy who is embarrassed by his family's boisterous behavior.

2. The home of a boy who has a very large and loud family.

3. The home of a boy with Puerto-Rican heritage who lives in Illinois.

4. The home of a boy who lives in Illinois.

Roy is writing a report on a rebellion among the natives in America in the seventeenth century. He comes across the term "rebellion. " Which button should Roy click to learn the meaning of the word?


To find out what the word "rebellion" means, Roy must press the search button.Rebellion means a person who goes against the flow.

Over the course of the 17th century, relations between colonists and Native Americans deteriorated, leading to the First Indian War, also known as King Philip's War, which was a conflict

Three Wampanoag persons were put to death by the Plymouth Colony's authority in 1675.

Some leaders had alliances with Native American nations to oppose foreign powers in the 17th century as European nations fought for control of the already occupied territory in the "New World."

During the French and Indian War of 1754–1763, some notable alliances were forged. Many tribes joined arms with the French and the Spanish, while the English sided others.

To know more about rebellion please check the following link


Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
How does Bronte evoke feelings of the Gothic tradition in Chapters 1 - 3?

- Include at least 3 quotes to support your points
- Make reference to the conventions of the ‘Gothic’ - the setting of the Red Room, Jane’s fears, the notion of the ‘ghost’



Bronte successfully evokes the Gothic tradition in Chapters 1 - 3 of "Jane Eyre" through the use of a foreboding setting, ghosts and supernatural elements, and the fears and anxieties of the protagonist. These elements combine to create a dark and mysterious atmosphere that is characteristic of the Gothic genre.


In Chapters 1 - 3 of "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte, the author successfully evokes the feelings of the Gothic tradition. She uses various techniques to create a dark and mysterious atmosphere that fits the Gothic genre.

One way that Bronte evokes Gothic feelings is through the setting of the Red Room, which is described in Chapter 2 as "a bed supported on massive pillars of mahogany, hung with curtains of deep red damask." This description of the room suggests that it is a place of great wealth and luxury, but also hints at the darker elements of the Gothic tradition - the heavy pillars suggest something oppressive and overwhelming, and the red curtains are associated with blood and death. Jane's fear of the Red Room, as evidenced in her thoughts and actions, further adds to the Gothic atmosphere. She describes the room as "a haunted chamber" and feels "terror ... seize her" as she enters it. These elements combine to create a sense of foreboding and unease in the reader.

Another way that Bronte evokes the Gothic tradition is through the use of ghosts and supernatural elements. In Chapter 1, Jane hears "strange, unearthly cries" coming from outside the Reed household, which she initially believes to be the work of "that foul German spectre - the Vampyre." This reference to a Gothic literary figure adds to the atmosphere of the novel, suggesting that the supernatural is at work. Additionally, in Chapter 3, Jane believes she sees the ghost of her uncle Reed in the Red Room, which again adds to the Gothic atmosphere. Bronte's use of the supernatural and the unexplained contributes to the sense of unease and tension in the novel.

Finally, Bronte evokes Gothic feelings through Jane's fears and anxieties. In Chapter 1, Jane describes herself as a "disobedient" and "ungovernable" child, and in Chapter 2, she is punished by being locked in the Red Room. Jane's status as an outsider, and her fears of punishment and isolation, are Gothic themes that resonate throughout the novel. Additionally, the fact that Jane is an orphan adds to the sense of darkness and mystery, as orphans are often associated with the Gothic genre.

In conclusion, Bronte successfully evokes the Gothic tradition in Chapters 1 - 3 of "Jane Eyre" through the use of a foreboding setting, ghosts and supernatural elements, and the fears and anxieties of the protagonist. These elements combine to create a dark and mysterious atmosphere that is characteristic of the Gothic genre.


"a bed supported on massive pillars of mahogany, hung with curtains of deep red damask." (Chapter 2)

"a haunted chamber" (Chapter 2)

"that foul German spectre - the Vampyre." (Chapter 1)

2 examples of sentences using particles that are argumentative.


Examples of particles used in argumentative sentences are: 1. "It is absolutely essential that we take action now."

2. "There is no way around it, we must do something."

Particles are small words that are used to express an idea or opinion. They help to make an argument more convincing, because they can add emphasis to a point.

Using particles in argumentative sentences is a great way to add emphasis and make a point. They can be used to emphasize the importance of an issue or to make a point more clearly. By adding particles to a sentence, it makes it more persuasive and emphatic.

They are also used to signal the strength of certain opinions, to give emphasis to an idea, or to add an element of urgency. Particles can bring an argument to life and make it more convincing. Ultimately, using particles can help to make an argument more effective and powerful.

know more about argumentative sentences here


How to write a letter to editor of times of zambia newspaper to forward in rekage


Here's a general template you can use to write a letter to the editor of the Times of Zambia newspaper:

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, Province, Postal Code]


The Editor

Times of Zambia


[City, Province, Postal Code]

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the issue of [insert the topic you want to address]. As a [insert your profession or status that gives you credibility on the topic], I strongly believe that [insert your main point or argument].

[Insert supporting evidence or personal experience to further strengthen your argument. You can also use statistics or quotes from reputable sources to back up your claims.]

It is my hope that this issue can be brought to the forefront of public consciousness, and that we can work together to find a solution. I urge the Times of Zambia to continue to cover this important topic and provide a platform for discussion.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

To know more about letter to editor refer to-


Which sentence best interprets this excerpt from Joseph Stalin's speech, Order of the Day, No. 55?


The sentence that best interprets this excerpt from Joseph Stalin's speech, Order of the Day, No. 55 is this: It is important for the Soviet Union to fight against the Germans to keep their independence.

What is the best interpretation?

The sentence that best interprets the speech is the one that shows Stalin's central purpose which was for the Russians to fight against the Germans to keep their independence.

Joseph Stalin was a foremost leader of Russia who spearheaded the communist agenda and was against Germany and some other neighboring countries.

Learn more about Joseph Stalin here:


How does the Keeper react to Matt's suggestion to program horses with

computer chips so that they would always follow the rules and never get

distracted (a Safe Horse)? Why does Raul react so passionately?


The Keeper reacts with strong disapproval to Matt's suggestion of programming horses with computer chips to create a Safe Horse.

The Keeper believes that this would not only strip the horses of their natural instincts and abilities but would also be cruel and inhumane. He argues that horses are not machines and that they should be treated with respect and allowed to express their own personalities and emotions.

The Keeper feels very passionately about this issue, and he expresses his views in no uncertain terms. He believes that the relationship between a horse and a human should be based on mutual trust and respect, not control and manipulation.

Learn more about computer chips


Complete Question:

How does the Keeper react to Matt's suggestion of using computer chips to program horses to always follow the rules and never get distracted (creating a Safe Horse)?

Angela has been asked to be a peer mentor at her middle school, Angela's school has a great deal of socioeconomic, racial, and cultural diversity. Unfortunately, there has been a significant amount of bullying due to perceptions regarding differences. Angela's role is to help other kids in her middle school make prosocial decisions around the issue of bullying. 1. How may the role of Angela's peers in her life be changing as she is in middle childhood?

2. What important factors have researchers discovered that increase the likelihood of bullying?

3. Given what you have learned about moral development in the textbook, how would Kohlberg approach Angela and her peers given his theory of moral development? 4. If Angela was working with her female peers, would you recommend a different strategy?

5. What are your thoughts about the project? Please reflect on what your learned and how it applied to the course material


1. The role of Angela's peers in her life may be changing as she is in middle childhood as they become more influential in shaping her values and beliefs.

2. Researchers have discovered several important factors that increase the likelihood of bullying, including a lack of parental involvement.

3. Kohlberg would approach Angela and her peers by focusing on the development of their moral reasoning.

4. If Angela was working with her female peers, a different strategy may be recommended as girls tend to engage in relational aggression, which can be more difficult to detect and address than physical bullying.

5. This project is an important opportunity to address the issue of bullying and promote prosocial behaviors among middle school students.

1. Peer relationships become more important during this stage as children seek acceptance and validation from their peers.

2. A lack of empathy, aggressive behavior, and a tendency to blame others for one's problems.

3. He would encourage them to consider the perspectives of others and to develop a sense of empathy and social responsibility.

4. Angela may need to focus on building positive relationships and promoting empathy among her female peers.

5. It is also a valuable application of the course material as it highlights the importance of social and emotional development in shaping children's behavior and relationships.

To know more about social responsibility click on below link:


the giver - character


What Giver As the current Receiver of Memory, The Giver prepares Jonas to take over as the new Receiver.

What are The Giver's personality traits?

The Giver is jaded and enraged because he understands how much the people sacrificed when they decided to embrace Sameness. Jonas feels irate when The Giver starts to transmit memories to him. The strength of Jonas' emotions and his understanding of the Sameness espoused by the Giver astounded him.

What kind of a person is The Giver?

Because he hasn't changed since the story's inception, the provider is essentially a static and rounded figure. He has always been wise and carries the collective memories of the community; he hasn't changed.

To know more about The Giver visit:


Answer a series of essay questions in which you evaluate and analyze joseph
stalin's 1941 speech. you must make judgments about the quality of the speaker's
argument, examining how his biases, use of evidence, and logical fallacies affect the
speech's overall point and purpose.
your assignment should include the following elements:
• a detailed answer to each question
• evidence from the reading, in the form of quotes or paraphrases, to support your
you should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one.
if you haven't done so, go back and complete the activity now.


In analyzing Joseph Stalin's 1941 speech, it is crucial to evaluate the quality of the speaker's argument, his biases, use of evidence, and logical fallacies, as they impact the speech's overall point and purpose.

1. Quality of the argument: Stalin's argument revolves around the need for the Soviet Union to be resilient and determined in the face of German aggression.

He emphasizes the strength and unity of the Soviet people and calls for collective effort to overcome the challenges. The argument is emotionally appealing, but it lacks substantial logical reasoning.

2. Biases: Stalin's speech contains biases that favor the Soviet Union and paint Germany as the enemy. This is expected given the context of the speech, but it is important to acknowledge the biased perspective when evaluating the speech.

3. Use of evidence: Stalin uses anecdotal evidence and historical examples to illustrate the strength of the Soviet people and their ability to resist aggression.

However, the evidence is limited and mostly serves to provoke an emotional response from the audience, rather than providing a well-rounded argument.

Example: "The enemy is cruel and implacable. He is out to seize our lands, watered with our sweat, to seize our grain and oil secured by our labor... He is out to restore the rule of landlords, to restore Tsarism..." (Stalin, 1941)

4. Logical fallacies: Stalin's speech contains logical fallacies such as ad hominem attacks on Germany and appeals to tradition to rally the Soviet people.

Example: "Our forefathers had been defending our country against aggressors for centuries... They did not yield to the enemy and held out to the end. We shall do as they did!" (Stalin, 1941)

In conclusion, while Joseph Stalin's 1941 speech successfully appeals to the emotions of the Soviet people and urges them to unite against German aggression, it lacks logical reasoning and evidence to support its claims.

The biases and logical fallacies in the speech should be taken into consideration when evaluating its overall point and purpose.

To learn more about aggression, refer below:


Shakespeareâs tragedies don't end at the moment of the protagonist's deathWhat is the function of the part that comes after the death? It is intended to explain why the character deserved their fate and why we should care. Is just an ending. The death scenes are too violent to be the ending of a play a way to tie up remaining lose ends and finish the story is meant to give a sense of restored order and a glimpse of better things to come


The role of the part that comes after the death of the protagonist in Shakespeare's tragedies is to provide closure to the story and to explain why the character deserved their fate.

It serves to help the audience understand the character's journey and why their death was essential to the story. This part of a tragedy often provides insight into why the character's actions were wrong and what the consequences of their actions are. It also serves to show that justice has been served, and that the character's death was the result of a moral lesson learned from their mistakes.

Additionally, this part of a tragedy provides a glimpse of better things to come, emphasizing the idea of hope and redemption. Through this, Shakespeare is able to bring his tragedies to a satisfying end and to leave the audience with a sense of restored order.

Know more about Shakespeare's here


In the context of the text, how do people create change? what prompted the lovings to seek out additional help to challenge their conviction? cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.


Through challenging unfair laws and systems, people bring about change. They were denied the right to wed in their home state of Virginia, therefore Mildred Loving and her husband Richard Loving in the text sought additional assistance to contest their conviction for marrying across racial lines.

They turned to the American Civil Liberties Union for assistance, and the organization represented them in a civil rights action that was ultimately brought to the Supreme Court. Loving v. Virginia established a precedent by overturning all state laws prohibiting interracial marriage.

My own experience demonstrates the potency of opposing unfair systems. In my former position, I had the opportunity to observe directly how effective it can be to oppose unfair practices, even when the odds are stacked against you.

To learn more about American Civil Liberties link is here


My own house was an eyesore, but it was a small eyesore, and it had been overlooked, so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighbor's lawn, and the consoling proximity of millionaires—all for eighty dollars a month.

Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water, and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there.

What message do phrases such as “the consoling proximity of millionaires” and “white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered” convey to the reader?

Everyone in East Egg lives in a palace.
Financial wealth is desirable to the narrator.
The narrator despises people who live in large homes.
Financial wealth has no relevance in this novel.


The phrases “the consoling proximity of millionaires” and “white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered” convey that financial wealth is desirable to the narrator.

Describe phrases such as “the consoling proximity of millionaires” and “white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered” convey to the reader?

The use of the word "consoling" suggests that being in the vicinity of wealthy individuals brings comfort to the narrator, perhaps by association or aspiration. The description of the "white palaces" suggests that the narrator sees the grandeur and luxury of the homes as desirable or impressive.

Therefore, the message conveyed by these phrases is that the narrator values financial wealth and is impressed by the luxurious lifestyles of the wealthy residents of East Egg.

To know more about consoling visit:


Write a paragraph in which you argue whether General Zaroff's civility successfully disguises his brutality by the end of the story "The Most Dangerous Game."


Answer:In the story "The Most Dangerous Game," General Zaroff's civility may initially appear to disguise his brutality, but by the end of the story, it becomes clear that his true nature cannot be concealed. Zaroff's polite and refined manners may initially fool protagonist Rainsford and the reader into thinking he is a civilized gentleman, but his love for hunting and his belief in his own superiority ultimately reveal his monstrous tendencies. Zaroff's willingness to hunt and kill human beings, along with his lack of empathy for his victims, make it clear that his civility is only a thin veneer. In the end, it is clear that Zaroff's brutality is not successfully disguised by his façade of civilization.

Explanation:all mentioned in answer

These lines offer a possible explanation for where the lost lock has gone, but they also offer Pope another chance to satirize behaviors. What are his satirical targets in this passage? What do the targeted behaviors, and the people who behave in these ways, have in common? In a written response of at least 200 words, answer these questions using details from the text. Include in your response an explanation of whether Pope's satire in this section is Horatian or Juvenalian


From the story Alexander Pope makes fun of the haughtiness and greed of the wealthy with this passage.

He achieves this by describing the loss of a single hair as a horrible thing in an overdone manner and by having the speaker express surprise at the loss of something so priceless.

This group places a great deal of value on material goods like this small piece of hair, making them feel upset when it is lost. In this passage, Pope is mocking the same kind of person who appears throughout the entire poem.

This is the prosperous, arrogant wealthy class, which is too preoccupied with beauty and financial belongings. Pope mocks this group for their materialistic values, and for caring more about their physical appearance than other important aspects of life.

To learn more about Horatian or Juvenalian link is here


How can one be able to identify what literary theory is prevalent in a short story? What are the techniques?


To identify the prevalent literary theory in a short story, one can examine its themes, characters, structure, and language, and compare these elements to various literary theories.

To do this, follow these steps:
1. Read the short story carefully and take note of its themes, characters, structure, and language.
2. Research common literary theories such as Formalism, New Criticism, Structuralism, Marxism, Feminism, Psychoanalysis, New Historicism, and Postmodernism.
3. Compare the story's elements to the characteristics of each literary theory. For example, if the story focuses on social issues and class struggle, it may align with Marxism. If it emphasizes language and narrative structure, it could be an example of Structuralism.
4. Determine which literary theory best fits the story based on the comparisons made in step 3.
5. Verify your conclusion by examining secondary sources such as scholarly articles, which may provide further insights into the story's literary theory.

By following these steps, you can identify the literary theory prevalent in a short story and gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and context.

To know more about Marxism click on below link:


Sort boxes into Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, or Corporation


A Sole Proprietorship is the most prevailing form of business ownership, which a single person owns and regulates. Unsurprisingly, they have the complete autonomy to govern this venture and are personally liable for any liabilities or obligations in connection with it.

How to explain the business

In contrast, Partnerships involve two or more persons who, accompanied by an invested sum of money assets, skills, and effort into the aforementioned operation and partakes together in its gains and losses.

Subsequently, Corporations are completely independent entities from those who own them; meaning that which can be held either by one individual or numerous ones, who identify as shareholders and elect a board of directors in order to make consequential decisions for the organization.

Learn more about proprietorship on


Give two examples from the film this changes everything of each three dimensions of power


In the film "This Changes Everything" highlights examples of the three dimensions of power through political decision-making, non-decision making, and the influence of ideology and perception on society's values and priorities.

1. First Dimension of Power - Decision-making:

In the film, the first dimension of power is exhibited through the political decisions made to favor the fossil fuel industry. For example, the Canadian government's support for the expansion of the Alberta Tar Sands project is one instance. Another example is the United States government's support for fracking and offshore drilling, which prioritizes economic gains over environmental concerns.

2. Second Dimension of Power - Non-decision making:

The second dimension of power is reflected in the ways certain issues are kept off the political agenda to maintain the status quo. One example from the film is the lobbying efforts by the fossil fuel industry to prevent discussions on renewable energy sources. Another example is the lack of attention given to the displacement of Indigenous communities due to climate change, as their voices are often excluded from the decision-making process.

3. Third Dimension of Power - Ideology and perception:

The third dimension of power is showcased in the film through the manipulation of public opinion and the shaping of societal values. One example is the promotion of the idea that economic growth and prosperity are dependent on the continued use of fossil fuels. Another example is the portrayal of environmental activists as radicals or alarmists, which undermines the urgency of addressing climate change.

In summary, "This Changes Everything" highlights examples of the three dimensions of power through political decision-making, non-decision making, and the influence of ideology and perception on society's values and priorities.

To know more about dimensions, refer here:


Idea in Both "Digital

Divisions" and the My Media



Digital Divisions is an online platform that provides resources and guidance to entrepreneurs, startups, and small business owners. It offers a range of services, from developing a business plan to launching a successful digital marketing campaign.

It also provides educational content, such as webinars, e-books, and blog posts, to help entrepreneurs get the most out of their digital marketing efforts. The My Media podcast is a weekly podcast that focuses on the intersection of media, technology, and entrepreneurship. The podcast features interviews with entrepreneurs, marketers, and industry experts who share their insights on the digital marketing landscape.

Through these conversations, listeners can gain valuable insights into the best digital marketing practices and learn how to get the most out of their digital marketing efforts. Both Digital Divisions and the My Media podcast provide valuable resources and guidance to entrepreneurs and small business owners, giving them the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital age.

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complete question is :

Idea in Both "Digital Divisions" and the My Media podcast. explain.

You are a member of a school team which recently won an important competition. your principal is very pleased with the team's improvement and asks you to write an article for your school magazine about the success of the team.
write your magazine article. you must include the following:
some details about the team and the competition it won why the team was so successful this year
how team members and the whole school have benefited from this success.
please can someone give me a suitable and eye-catching headline for this magazine article? please i really need it and that's why i am going to give a lot of points. please don't steal points by not answering it and giving a useful answer.


Headline: Victory at Last: Our School Team Triumphs in the Regional Competition


It was a day of jubilation and celebration for our school team as they emerged victorious in the regional competition. After months of grueling practice sessions, the team finally achieved what they had set out to do – win the championship. The sense of achievement was palpable as the team members hugged each other, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

The competition was no walk in the park. Our school team was up against some of the best teams in the region, and the pressure was intense. But the team was determined to give their best shot, and they did not disappoint. With a combination of skill, strategy, and teamwork, they outperformed their opponents and won the coveted trophy.

So, what made the team so successful this year? It was a combination of factors, starting with the leadership of the coach who tirelessly worked with the team to hone their skills. The team members themselves were also highly motivated and dedicated, spending countless hours practicing and perfecting their techniques. The team's focus and determination to win were evident in every match they played.

But the success of the team is not just about the players; it's about the whole school community. The victory has brought immense pride and joy to the school, and the students and staff are all beaming with happiness. The team's success has also inspired other students to take up sports and strive for excellence. It has shown that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

In conclusion, the school team's victory in the regional competition is a testament to the power of teamwork, dedication, and perseverance. It has brought glory and pride to our school and inspired us all to aim for the stars. Congratulations to the team on their well-deserved victory!

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