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Answer 1


Porque los niños no van a las escuelas

de Puerto Rico.

Related Questions

which set of terms best describes a cell membrane


The cell membrane can be described using the following terms:

1-Phospholipid bilayer: The cell membrane is composed of a double layer of phospholipid molecules arranged with their hydrophilic (water-loving) heads facing outward and their hydrophobic (water-repelling) tails facing inward.

2-Selectively permeable: The cell membrane is selectively permeable, meaning it allows the passage of certain substances while restricting the movement of others. This property helps maintain the cell's internal environment and regulate the exchange of molecules with the external environment.

3-Fluid mosaic model: The cell membrane is described by the fluid mosaic model, which suggests that it is a dynamic structure composed of various components, including phospholipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and cholesterol. These components are not fixed in place but rather move and interact within the membrane.

4-Barrier: The cell membrane acts as a barrier, separating the cell's internal environment from the external environment. It helps protect the cell's contents and regulates the movement of molecules, ions, and other substances in and out of the cell.

5-Receptor sites: The cell membrane contains receptor sites that can recognize and bind to specific molecules or signals, such as hormones or neurotransmitters. This allows the cell to respond to external stimuli and initiate various cellular processes.

what type of skeletons do jellyfish have


Answer: they have a hydrostatic skeleton- their bodies are supported by hydrostatic pressure from a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by muscles. Technically they have no actual skeleton.


Using the information from the reading, create a biomass diagram using lions/buffaloes/grasses what do you think it would look like based on what you know about the 10% rule?


Answer: It depends on the reading, but it should show the grass with the most energy, the buffalo with 90% less energy than the grass, and the lions with 90% less energy than the buffalo

Explanation: The ten percent rule states that, when energy is transferred from one organism to another, only 10% of the energy is conserved. The other 90% is lost as heat. So, heterotrophs (organisms that produce their own energy) like the grass would have the most energy, the buffalo would only receive 10% of that, and the lions only 10% of the buffalos' energy.

What are the environmental and societal benefits of cultured meat production compared to traditional meat production?



Cultivated meat water usage can be reduced by 82%-96% depending on the product. Cultured meat production uses considerably fewer water resources compared to conventional meat production. Research has shown that agriculture is responsible for 92% of our water usage, and that.


15. Two Siamese and three Persian cats survive a shipwreck and are carried on driftwood to a previously uninhabited tropical island. All five cats have normal ears, but one carries the recessive allele for folded ears (his genotype is Ff). Calculate the frequencies of alleles F and f in the cat population of this island. If you assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for these alleles (admittedly very improbable), about how many cats would you expect to have folded ears when the island population reaches 16,000?


To calculate the frequencies of the F and f alleles, we can use the allele frequency equation:

p + q = 1

where p is the frequency of the F allele and q is the frequency of the f allele. Since the population is small and we know the genotype of one of the cats, we can calculate the frequency of the f allele directly:

f = sqrt(q^2) = sqrt(1/5) = 0.447

Since the f allele is recessive, we can use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to calculate the frequency of the FF genotype (normal ears) as:

p^2 = 1 - 2pq - q^2 = 1 - 2(0.553)(0.447) - (0.447)^2 = 0.307

The frequency of the Ff genotype (normal ears) is given by:

2pq = 2(0.553)(0.447) = 0.494

The frequency of the ff genotype (folded ears) is:

q^2 = (0.447)^2 = 0.200

To estimate how many cats would have folded ears when the island population reaches 16,000, we can use the Hardy-Weinberg equation and assume that the population is in equilibrium:

p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1

The total number of cats with folded ears (ff genotype) would be expected to be:

ff = q^2 x 16,000 = 0.200 x 16,000 = 3,200

Therefore, we would expect about 3,200 cats to have folded ears in the island population when it reaches 16,000, assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. However, it is important to note that this assumption is unlikely to hold true in reality, as the small population size and genetic drift could lead to deviations from the expected frequencies.

How is DNA changed when offspring are produced? Select all true answers.
If the offspring are produced by sexual reproduction, there are no changes
and the offspring will look just like one of the parents.
If the offspring are produced by asexual reproduction, the DNA will be
different from the parent organism.
If the DNA in the offspring is the same as the parent, the offspring was
produced by asexual reproduction.
Offspring resulting from sexual reproduction contain some DNA from both
parents and therefore contain instructions from both parents.
The DNA in multiple offspring produced by asexual reproduction from one
parent organism will be different in each offspring.


The answers are C,D because they make the most sense

The answer is d because it makes the most sense

When body temp increases it causes
metabolic reactions to increase, which
releases heat that further increases body
temp. This is an example of
a. Homeostasis
b. Positive feedback
c. Negative feedback
d. All of the above


When body temp increases it causes metabolic reactions to increase, which releases heat that further increases body temp. This is an example of positive feedback.

Positive feedback is a process in which a change in a system leads to an amplified or increased response in the same direction as the initial change, rather than stabilizing the system as negative feedback does. In positive feedback, the output enhances or reinforces the original stimulus, leading to a cascading effect of the process, which can be beneficial or detrimental to the system depending on the context.

Positive feedback loops can be found in various biological processes, such as blood clotting, childbirth, and action potentials in neurons, and can also be observed in non-biological systems, such as climate change and population growth.

Learn more about positive feedback, here:


what organizational level can produce the most viable offspring


The organizational level of an organism can produce viable offspring and thus perpetuate the genetic material in the descendence.

What is the organizational level of an organism?

The organizational level of an organism is referred to the most inclusive unity of life capable pr remaining independent in environmental conditions, which carries our many metabolic functions including the preproduction to perpetuate the genetic information of the species.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the organizational level of the organism can reproduce and thus is the minor level to produce offspring.

Learn more about  the organizational level of organism here:


Describe how Newton's 1st Law of Motion is used on a daily basis at school?


Answer: Newton’s 1st Law if Motion can be used on daily basis at school by playing soccer. The Law states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion. Having this in mind, think of when you kick a soccer ball. The ball goes in the same direction you kicked it from. Since force was applied to the ball, it went farther away from you, and only stopped when an outside force blocked it from moving any further. This shows the part of Newton’s Law of “an object in motion remains in motion”. Now, think of a soccer ball that had no outside force (kicking, touching, etc.) on it. It will remain at rest unless a force such as kicking or touching is involved. This shows the part of Newton’s 1st Law “an object will remain at rest, unless acted upon an external force.” Hope that helped!

How are precipitation and humidity similar?

Both are common to clear, calm weather.
Both are measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Both involve moisture in the atmosphere.
Both are shown as "H" symbols on weather maps.



Both involve moisture in the atmosphere.


Precipitation and humidity are similar because they both involve moisture in the atmosphere.

Which of the following is a benefit of direct air capture technology?
O Moves carbon into the

O Provide carbon dioxide to crops in greenhouses

O Releasing carbon dioxide over the ozone layer

OUsing new fossil fuels for energy


The benefit of direct air capture technology is the ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What does carbon dioxide do to the atmosphere?It causes a greater incidence of solar rays on the surface of the planet.It corrupts the ozone layer.

Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants during the photosynthesis process and this is important to keep the atmosphere free of this compound, but with the advancement of the use of fossil energies and intense deforestation, this compound accumulates in the atmosphere and causes various environmental problems, for this reason, using direct air capture technology can be beneficial to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Learn more about carbon dioxide:


Which mode of nutrition do the cotton like threads formed on the moist bread have



Heterotrophic mode of nutrition


Write two sentences to describe one similarity and one difference between personal and national budgets
(here's the passage if needed. i know its not much)


The similarity in the two is that the budget limits an amount of money given to prevent debt and an increase in taxes. The difference is that the personal budget is for your own use as in if you went to buy a car with a budget of $250k, a national budgets is more for the military/federal jobs.


Look at the Punnett square above. Mom and dad are both heterozygous - which means they both have 1 dominant gene and 1 recessive gene.

What is the phenotype ratio (physical trait) for their offspring?


Dominant Gene: H - Purple Fur

Recessive Gene: h - White Fur

Genotypic Ratio: 1:2:1

Phenotypic Ratio: 3:1 (purple fur : white fur)

The laws of Mendel are three fundamental principles of inheritance that were discovered and described by the scientist Gregor Mendel in the 19th century. These laws describe how traits are passed down from parent to offspring and provide the foundation for our understanding of genetics.

The three laws of Mendel are:

The Law of Segregation: This law states that during the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells), the two copies of each hereditary factor (allele) segregate so that offspring inherit one allele from each parent. This is also known as the principle of dominance, where one allele can be dominant over the other and determine the observable trait.

The Law of Independent Assortment: This law states that during gamete formation, the segregation of one pair of alleles is independent of the segregation of other pairs of alleles. This means that the inheritance of one trait is not influenced by the inheritance of another trait.

The Law of Dominance: This law states that when two different alleles for a given trait are present in an individual, one allele (the dominant allele) is expressed and the other allele (the recessive allele) is not expressed in the phenotype of the organism.

These laws help to explain the patterns of inheritance observed in sexual reproduction and have practical applications in the field of genetics, such as in predicting the likelihood of inherited genetic disorders and in breeding programs for plants and animals.

Learn more about laws of Mendel:


HELP ME PLEASE I NEED THIS Write in complete sentences to explain what a budget is, how to make one, and how to balance it
(No passage)


Answer: A budget is a financial plan that outlines expected income and expenses for a specific period of time. To make a budget, you need to list all sources of income and all expenses, including fixed expenses such as rent or mortgage payments and variable expenses such as groceries and entertainment. Once you have listed all income and expenses, you can calculate the difference between the two to determine if you have a surplus or deficit.

To balance a budget, you need to ensure that your expenses do not exceed your income. If you have a surplus, you can allocate the extra money towards savings or paying off debt. If you have a deficit, you will need to find ways to reduce your expenses or increase your income to balance your budget. This can be done by cutting back on discretionary spending, finding ways to save on necessary expenses, or finding additional sources of income.


Procedure for observing slide under microscope


Look through the eyepiece (1) and move the focus knob until the image comes into focus. Adjust the condenser (7) and light intensity for the greatest amount of light. Move the microscope slide around until the sample is in the centre of the field of view (what you see

What is the purpose of the cell wall?
Group of answer choices

to convert energy from the sun into glucose

to transport protein around the cell

to create protein

to provide structure for an organism


to provide structure for an organism
The answer: to provide structure for an organism.

why did the fox population take a year to decrease if the hares are their prey and decreased?



Prey leads predators


if the prey goes up predators goes up

if the prey goes down predators go down this is because with a small amount of prey the predators have less to eat and die off but of there is a lot then exponential growth happens with the predators until the prey goes down creating a loop

bonding involves the valence shell electrons only, it is only necessary to illustrate those outer electrons.

Group #
# of valence e-
Lewis dot structures









porque los niños no van a las escuelas

College biology help please


The mode of determination for cells in a developing vertebrate spinal cord is mediated by cell-to-cell signaling through Notch signaling pathway.

What is the Notch signaling pathway?

The Notch signaling pathway is a highly conserved signaling pathway that plays a crucial role in regulating cell fate decisions during embryonic development.

In the vertebrate spinal cord, Notch signaling plays a critical role in specifying the fates of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) by promoting the maintenance of NPCs and inhibiting their differentiation into neurons.

This process is mediated by the interaction between the transmembrane receptor Notch on NPCs and its ligand Delta on neighboring cells, which leads to the activation of Notch signaling pathway in the NPCs.

The downstream effectors of the Notch signaling pathway then regulate the expression of genes that control NPC maintenance and differentiation, thereby determining the fate of the NPCs.

Therefore, the mode of determination for cells in a developing vertebrate spinal cord is mediated by the Notch signaling pathway, which is a form of cell-to-cell signaling.

Learn more about cell determination at:


Which is the most common theme among several of the theories O water O volcanic energy O electrical energy Ospace​


The most common theme among several of the theories listed is energy. Volcanic energy and electrical energy are both forms of energy, while water and space are not forms of energy but can be associated with energy in various ways.  Hence options B and C are correct.

For example, water is often used to generate hydroelectric power, which is a form of energy. Space, on the other hand, is often studied in the context of astrophysics and the study of energy in the universe, such as dark matter and dark energy.

Therefore, while all of the options listed may be important and relevant in different fields of study, energy is a common theme that ties together several theories across different disciplines.

Hence options B and C are correct.

To know more about energy:


Which of the following is not a defining element of culture?
A. Information shared among a population
B. Written symbols
OC. Information that is internalized
D. Information that is socially transmitted


B. Written symbols is not a defining element of culture as not all cultures have a written language or symbols. However, information shared among a population, information that is internalized, and information that is socially transmitted are all essential components of culture.

Hope that helps! Have a nice day! <3

Question 3. Marine ecosystems ( include at least 2 citations and reference)

a) Describe a major plant of the estuary ecosystem.
b)Use the plant above to describe the main features of all estuary plants​


a) A major plant of the estuary ecosystem is Spartina alterniflora,


b) Estuary plants like the Spartina alterniflora, have some distinct  features that allow them to thrive in the ecosystem.

they are able to  survive in areas with high salinity levelsthey are able to withstand fluctuations in water levels and are most times submerged during high tides and exposed during low tides. They are able to survive in nutrient-poor soils by forming mutualistic relationships with bacteria.

what is the estuary ecosystem ?

Estuaries ecosystem  are  described as bodies of water where rivers meet the sea that provide homes for diverse wildlife, including popular fish species. They also support recreation, jobs, tourism, shipping, and more.

The Spartina alterniflora, is described as a perennial grass that is commonly found in salt marshes and estuaries along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States.

Learn more about Estuaries ecosystem  at:


Read the questions CAREFULLY


The source to sink active transport by plants includes:

Leaves (source) ---> Roots (sink)Leaves (source) ---> Fruits (sink)

What is active transport?

Active transport is the movement or transport of molecules by living organisms against their concentration with the expenditure of energy in the form of ATP.

Active transport is used to transport organic compounds into sieve tubes. This process involves transporting organic compounds such as sugars from the source cell into the companion cell, and then from the companion cell into the sieve tube.

A simplified model of this process is as follows:

Source cell → Companion cell → Sieve tube

Learn more about active transport at:


Asiatic Cheetahs currently live in a much smaller areas than they once did because of human mpact. Scientist estimate that the total Asiatic Cheetah population is only about 100 adults.
Vhich of the following best predicts the result of having a small and isolated Asiatic Cheetah population?




A small and isolated Asiatic Cheetah population is likely to face several challenges, including:

Genetic inbreeding: With a limited number of individuals in the population, there is a higher chance of genetic inbreeding. This can lead to reduced genetic diversity and an increased risk of genetic defects and diseases.

Limited gene flow: When a population is isolated, there is limited gene flow between different groups of animals. This can lead to reduced genetic diversity and increased inbreeding.

Vulnerability to environmental and human pressures: A small population is more vulnerable to environmental pressures such as climate change, natural disasters, and human impacts like habitat loss, poaching, and hunting. With a limited number of individuals, the loss of even a few individuals can have a significant impact on the population.

Reduced adaptability: With a limited number of individuals and limited genetic diversity, the population may be less able to adapt to changing environmental conditions or to cope with new threats.

Therefore, the best prediction of a small and isolated Asiatic Cheetah population is that it is at risk of declining further and may eventually face extinction if adequate conservation measures are not taken to protect and expand their habitat, prevent poaching and hunting, and promote genetic diversity through breeding programs.

4. If an atom has five protons, how do you know that it has five electrons as well?​



Atoms are neutral in electrical charge because they have the same number of negative electrons as positive protons (Table 4.5. 1). Therefore, the atomic number of an atom also tells you how many electrons the atom has.


pls help (earth science)


The sedimentary bedrock in both regions originally formed as (1) horizontal layers

It should be noted that layer A is the oldest and layer D is the youngest.

The recently formed rock is siltstone.

How to explain the rocks

The principle of superposition can be utilized to determine the sequential ages of layers. According to this concept, in any succession of unaltered sedimentary rock strata, the oldest layer is situated at the bottom, while the youngest layer rests at the apex.

From investigation of the representation, layer A can be observed to lie at the bottom and layer D positioned at its peak; with layers B and C crammed between. Reciprocally, layer A can be concluded as being the eldest, whilst layer D being the most modernizing. The response, thusly, must be option (1) A.

Learn more about rock on


8. The following is an example of what type of mutation?


tyrosine (normal protein)
a. An inversion mutation
b. A translocation mutation
c. A point mutation
d. A duplicate mutation


The given mutation is an example of a point mutation.

The correct option is C.

What is a point mutation?

A point mutation is a type of genetic mutation that involves a change in a single nucleotide base within DNA.

This type of mutation can occur during DNA replication or due to environmental factors, such as exposure to radiation or certain chemicals.

Point mutations can have a variety of effects on the resulting protein that is produced from the altered DNA sequence. Some point mutations may have no effect on the protein, while others can lead to the production of a non-functional protein or a protein with altered function. Depending on the location and nature of the mutation, it may have no effect on the organism, be harmful, or even beneficial.

Learn more about mutations at:


Please help me with this
"Write a background information about fresh water fish pond" (include citation)​


When constructing a freshwater fish pond, several factors must be taken into consideration, including the size and shape of the pond, water quality, and the type of fish species to be raised.

What are the features of a freshwater fish pond?

A freshwater fish pond is a man-made body of water that is designed to raise and grow freshwater fish species for commercial or recreational purposes.

These ponds can range in size from small backyard ponds to large commercial operations spanning several acres.

One of the benefits of freshwater fish ponds is their ability to provide a consistent supply of fresh, high-quality fish for consumption. Additionally, these ponds can be used for recreational purposes such as fishing or as an aesthetic addition to a property.

Learn more about freshwater at:


Consider logistic model, = () = (1 − ) . Find the equilibrium points and the linearization about each for the logistic model. Hence determine the stability of each of these equilibrium points.


There are two points of equilibrium: N = 0 and N = K.

It is stable at the equilibrium point N = K and N = 0 is unstable.

How to determine equilibrium points?

The logistic model is given by:

dN/dt = rN(1 - N/K)

where N = population size, t = time, r = intrinsic growth rate, and K = carrying capacity.

To find the equilibrium points, we set dN/dt = 0 and solve for N:

rN(1 - N/K) = 0

This equation has two solutions: N = 0 and N = K. Therefore, the equilibrium points are N = 0 and N = K.

To find the linearization about N = 0, take the derivative of dN/dt with respect to N and evaluate it at N = 0:

f(N) = rN(1 - N/K)

df/dN = r(1 - 2N/K)

df/dN|N=0 = r

The linearization about N = 0 is therefore:

dN/dt = rN

This is a simple exponential growth model, and the equilibrium point N = 0 is unstable.

To find the linearization about N = K, take the derivative of dN/dt with respect to N and evaluate it at N = K:

f(N) = rN(1 - N/K)

df/dN = r(1 - 2N/K)

f/dN|N=K = -r

The linearization about N = K is therefore:

dN/dt = rN(K - N)/K

This is a simple logistic growth model, and the equilibrium point N = K is stable.

Find out more on linearization here:


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The simple joys, such as tending the cows and racing each other down thefield, bring much contentment to their life. Jeremiah and his sister, Tessa, usually get along and work on their chores together very well, but they arealso very competitive. Every task turns into a competition. Even seeing who can carry the most eggs turns into a challenge. They never pass on anopportunity for a victory, and today was no exception. Jeremiah and Tessa sat swinging lazily on the porch enjoying a cool beverage when they noticed something peculiar--the cows were making morenoise than usual and moving quickly. They stood up and looked at the cows and then back at each other. As they moved a little closer, they noticed astrange dog running around with the cows causing a disturbance,"I'll get the dog out of there," remarked Jeremiah"Nope, I got this," Tessa called back, jumping off the porch. They both raced over the gate, attempting to catch the dog who had found a way to agitate the cows. After running around feverishly, Tessa finallymanaged to scoot the dog out of the gate, and it ran away toward an old mill. Tessa snickered, "Well, I did great if I do say so myself. Can't wait to tell mom and dad how I saved the day. "Looking defeated, Jeremiah murmured, "Great job, Tess. "1What is this story about?OA A sister and brother who enjoy playing games with each other have a fun day,OB. Two competitive siblings attempt to end a disturbance among the cows at their farmC. Siblings that have a lot of things in common enjoy a warm day on a farm. D A girl that lives on a farm with her family was able to get a dog out of a pen of cows. ResetNext PLEASEEEEE HELP MEEEEEE WORTH 30 POINTS!!!!Now, write a two-paragraph analytical essay about how the authors use of dramatic irony shapes and refines a theme related to love and conflict. Use the notes and analyses in your Dramatic Irony Analysis Graphic Organizer to plan and draft your response. Structure your paragraphs with a claim, textual evidence, commentary, and a concluding statement. In your first paragraph, include a claim about how dramatic irony shapes and refines a theme. textual evidence that illustrates the dramatic irony and commentary that explains how this is impactful in the play. In your second paragraph, include textual evidence that supports the claim that dramatic irony shapes and refines a theme and commentary that explains how this evidence shapes and purifies a theme. a concluding statement follows from the claim, evidence, and commentary analysis. Review the rubric to make sure your response meets the expectations.