OsCorp can borrow at 5% or LIBOR + 0.1% OsCorp prefers floating-rate borrowing LexCorp can borrow at 6% or LIBOR + 0.6% LexCorp prefers fixed-rate borrowing You work for Roxxon designing swaps. Design a swap that will net Roxxon a profit of 0.20% and be equally attractive to both OsCorp and LexCorp


Answer 1

To design a swap that will net Roxxon a profit of 0.20% and be equally attractive to both OsCorp and LexCorp, the following steps can be taken:

Step 1: Determine the borrowing rates for OsCorp and LexCorp at both the fixed and floating rates. At the fixed rate, OsCorp can borrow at 5%, while LexCorp can borrow at 6%. At the floating rate, OsCorp can borrow at LIBOR + 0.1%, while LexCorp can borrow at LIBOR + 0.6%.

Step 2: Create a hypothetical swap. To do so, consider that OsCorp will pay Roxxon a fixed rate of 6% while LexCorp will pay Roxxon a floating rate of LIBOR + 0.3%.

Step 3: Determine how much each corporation will have to pay Roxxon. For OsCorp, they would be paying 6%, which is 1% higher than what they would be paying for fixed-rate borrowing from Roxxon. LexCorp, on the other hand, would be paying 0.3% more than the LIBOR rate. However, this rate is 0.3% less than what they would be paying for fixed-rate borrowing from Roxxon.

Step 4: Determine the net amount that Roxxon will receive. Roxxon will receive 6% from OsCorp and LIBOR + 0.3% from LexCorp. Since LIBOR + 0.3% is equal to 6% - 0.2%, this will result in Roxxon receiving the same amount of money from both corporations. Therefore, the swap will be equally attractive to both corporations, and Roxxon will receive a profit of 0.2%.

To know more about profit refer to:



Related Questions

Policy and equilibrium
a) indicate whether the following statement is true, false or uncertain and explain your answer using words graphs and equations as appropriate.
i) if the economy is in a recession in the short term then in the long term nominal wages must fall
ii) in our classical model, total savings is unchanged in steady state.
iii) an increase in the interest rate will cause the PAE curve to shift down and the IS curve to shift left.
b) Consider a closed classical economy.
i) in a simple classical model, briefly explain using words, equations and graphs the impact of contractionary fiscal policy on equilibrium.
ii) In a simple classical model briefly explain using words equations and graphs the impact of contractionary fiscal policy on equilibrium
Now consider a standard closed Keynesian Economy
iii) Briefly explain using words and equations the impact of contractionary fiscal policy on equilibrium in all markets and over both the short run and long runs. Illustrate your answer for each market considered.


False - Nominal wages may not necessarily fall in the long term during a recession. True - Total savings remain unchanged in the steady state in the classical model. Uncertain - The impact of an increase in the interest rate on the PAE and IS curves depends on the model's assumptions. Contractionary fiscal policy in a simple classical model leads to a decrease in output and employment. and  Contractionary fiscal policy in a simple Keynesian model also results in a decrease in output and employment. and  Contractionary fiscal policy in a standard closed Keynesian economy affects equilibrium in all markets, with short-run output and employment decreasing, while the long-run impact depends on various factors.

a) i) The statement is false. In the short term, during a recession, nominal wages may not necessarily fall. While it is common for wages to be sticky in the downward direction, meaning they don't adjust immediately to changes in economic conditions, in the long term, nominal wages may adjust based on factors such as inflation and labor market conditions.

ii) The statement is true. In the classical model, total savings is unchanged in the steady state. This is because saving is determined by individuals' preferences and is independent of factors such as interest rates or income levels.

iii) The statement is uncertain. The impact of an increase in the interest rate on the PAE (Planned Aggregate Expenditure) curve and the IS (Investment-Saving) curve depends on the specific context and underlying assumptions of the model. Changes in interest rates can affect consumption and investment decisions, leading to shifts in the PAE and IS curves, but the direction and magnitude of these shifts can vary.

b) i) In a simple classical model, contractionary fiscal policy refers to a decrease in government spending or an increase in taxes. This policy reduces the level of aggregate demand in the economy. The impact on equilibrium is a decrease in output and employment, as shown by the downward shift of the aggregate demand curve. In the classical model, prices and wages are flexible, allowing the economy to self-adjust to the new equilibrium.

ii) In a simple Keynesian model, contractionary fiscal policy leads to a decrease in government spending or an increase in taxes. This reduces aggregate demand in the economy, resulting in a decrease in output and employment. In the Keynesian model, prices and wages are assumed to be sticky in the short run, which means the economy may not immediately self-adjust to the new equilibrium.

iii) In a standard closed Keynesian economy, contractionary fiscal policy affects equilibrium in all markets and over both the short run and long run. In the short run, a decrease in government spending or an increase in taxes reduces aggregate demand, leading to a decrease in output and employment. In the long run, prices and wages may adjust, but the impact on equilibrium depends on various factors such as the speed of adjustment and other economic conditions. The specific impact on each market (goods market, labor market, and money market) would require a more detailed analysis based on the specific model and its assumptions.

Know more about Fiscal Policy here:



a. Summarise the objectives of Accounting Information and distinguish the main users of Accounting Information? b. Explain the Cost principle, Revenue Recognition Principle, and Matching Principle.


a. The objectives of accounting information are to provide decision-making support and ensure accountability, and the main users include internal and external stakeholders.

The objectives of accounting information (a) are essential for the effective functioning of financial reporting and decision-making processes. By providing accurate and relevant data, accounting information helps stakeholders make informed decisions about resource allocation, performance evaluation, and risk assessment. It also ensures accountability by tracking financial activities and enabling transparency in financial reporting.

The main users of accounting information, including internal and external stakeholders, rely on this information for various purposes. Internal users such as management use accounting information to plan, control, and make strategic decisions. External users, including investors, creditors, and regulators, utilize accounting information to assess the financial health, performance, and potential risks of an organization.

b. The cost principle, revenue recognition principle, and matching principle are fundamental concepts in accounting. The cost principle ensures that assets are recorded at their historical cost, enhancing objectivity and verifiability. The revenue recognition principle governs when revenue should be recognized, promoting accurate reporting of income based on the economic substance of transactions. The matching principle ensures that expenses are recognized in the same period as the associated revenues, allowing for accurate determination of net profit or loss.

These principles provide a framework for reliable financial reporting and help maintain consistency and comparability across different entities. Adhering to these principles enhances the reliability and relevance of accounting information, contributing to sound decision-making and financial transparency.

To know more about economics, visit:



Give an exmaple of goverment policy that has stimulated the
transformation of service industry


Answer: One example of a government policy that has stimulated the transformation of the service industry is the promotion of digitalization and e-government initiatives. Many governments around the world have recognized the potential of digital technologies in enhancing service delivery, improving efficiency, and fostering innovation within the service sector.

By implementing policies that encourage the adoption of digital platforms, online transactions, and electronic service delivery, governments have facilitated the transformation of traditional service industries.

For instance, a government may introduce policies that encourage the establishment of online platforms for various services such as e-commerce, online banking, healthcare consultations, or government service portals. These policies can include incentives for businesses to embrace digital technologies, investments in digital infrastructure, and the development of regulations to protect consumers in the digital realm. Through these policies, governments have effectively stimulated the growth and transformation of the service industry by enabling greater accessibility, efficiency, and convenience for both businesses and consumers.

Learn more about transformation of the service industry here:



How the laddering technique of interviewing helps the marketers to probe cognitive structures of individuals related to some brand or product they use. Why this information is important for the marketer. Take a product (or brand) that you consume and try to identify the attributes, consequences and value that you gain by using that product/brand.


The laddering technique helps marketers to understand the cognitive structures of individuals related to a brand or product they use, providing information about attributes, consequences, and values gained through consumption.

This knowledge is crucial for marketers to strategically position their products and create effective marketing campaigns.

The laddering technique allows marketers to discover why consumers make certain product choices.

By delving deep into the cognitive structures of consumers, they can identify the attributes of a product, the consequences of using it, and the values that the consumer gains from it.

This information can then be used to communicate the product's benefits in a way that resonates with the consumer.

For example, using the laddering technique, a marketer may discover that a consumer drinks a certain brand of coffee because it makes them feel awake and alert.

The marketer can then use this information to craft a campaign that highlights the benefits of alertness and energy that result from drinking this particular brand of coffee.

Overall, the laddering technique provides a valuable tool for marketing professionals to create effective strategies that meet the needs and desires of their target audience.

Learn more about technique here.



Question 4 (1 point) 4 Hypothetically Imagine Data analytics and Al is completely wiped out from the world for 24 hours. Envision this world and explain what things do you see getting affected. What would be different in this world? Mention at least five areas (but 2-3 lines for each at most).


If data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) were hypothetically wiped out from the world for 24 hours, the following areas could be affected:

1. Healthcare: Without data analytics and AI, hospitals will be unable to access crucial patient information.

2. Transportation: Self-driving vehicles rely heavily on AI technology for safety and navigation. Without AI, transportation could become more dangerous, leading to more accidents.

3.Financial Services: The finance industry relies on data analytics to make informed decisions about investments. Without data analytics, financial institutions would be unable to make data-driven decisions, making it difficult to predict market trends.

4. E-commerce: E-commerce businesses rely heavily on data analytics and AI for personalized product recommendations, targeted advertising, and customer service. Without AI, the customer experience could be significantly impacted.

5. Cybersecurity: AI technology is essential in detecting and preventing cyber attacks. Without AI, cybersecurity systems would be less effective and more vulnerable to attacks.Thus, the lack of data analytics and AI could severely impact healthcare, transportation, financial services, e-commerce, and cybersecurity industries.

To know more about data analytics, refer to the link:



You want to retire in 30 years, and you want to have an annuity of $45,000 a year for 25 years after retirement. You want to receive the annuity payments at the end of the year basis during your retirement period. Using an interest rate of 6.5% for the savings period and 3.5% for the retirement period, how much you must invest today in order to have this retirement annuity? O $108,369.15 O $125,874.69 $98,369.14 O $112,129.89


An annuity is a series of equal payments made at equal time intervals. In this case, it is an annuity that pays $45000 per year for 25 years. The amount that needs to be invested to receive this payment can be calculated using the formula for the present value of an annuity.

Retirement planning is important as it helps one lead a comfortable life after retirement. One should make sure that they save enough for their retirement period and invest it in a way that the savings grow. An annuity is a good way to invest money for retirement as it provides a steady stream of income for a specific period of time.

In the given scenario, an annuity that pays $45000 per year for 25 years after retirement is required. The present value of the annuity needs to be calculated to determine the amount that needs to be invested today. The formula for the present value of an annuity is used for this calculation.

It is given that the savings period interest rate is 6.5% and the retirement period interest rate is 3.5%. It is important to use the retirement period interest rate as the annuity payments will be made during the retirement period.

The present value of the annuity is calculated to be $707,685.33. This means that an amount of $707,685.33 must be invested today to receive an annuity payment of $45000 per year for 25 years after retirement.

In conclusion, an amount of $707,685.33 must be invested today to receive an annuity payment of $45000 per year for 25 years after retirement. Retirement planning is important, and investing in an annuity is a good way to secure a steady stream of income during the retirement period. The interest rate during the retirement period should be used to calculate the present value of the annuity as the payments will be made during the retirement period.

To know more about annuity visit:



Share a personal or professional experience in which members of a healthcare team failed to function as a whole or lacked effective communication, directly impacting the patient's experience or outcomes. If you do not have a healthcare-related example, share an example of how the same conditions impacted you as an employee or consumer.
What do you feel should have been done differently to achieve better outcomes in the situation? Explain your rationale.


In a hospital setting, there was a patient admitted with multiple chronic conditions requiring a coordinated approach from the healthcare team. The patient had a complex medication regimen that required careful management and monitoring. However, during the patient's stay, the healthcare team experienced a breakdown in communication and collaboration.

The attending physician, nurses, and pharmacists had limited interaction and did not effectively share important patient information. As a result, there were medication errors, duplicated tests, and delays in treatment decisions. The lack of cohesive teamwork and communication negatively impacted the patient's experience and potentially compromised their health outcomes.

To achieve better outcomes in this situation, several actions could have been taken:

1. Improve communication channels: Implement regular team meetings or rounds to ensure all healthcare professionals are aware of the patient's condition, progress, and any changes in treatment plans.

2. Enhance interprofessional collaboration: Encourage a collaborative culture where healthcare professionals actively engage in discussions, share their expertise, and work together to create a comprehensive care plan.

3. Implement a standardized handoff process: Develop a standardized approach for the exchange of patient information during shift changes or when transferring care between different departments or healthcare professionals. This process should ensure that critical information is effectively communicated and understood.

4. Utilize technology tools: Adopt healthcare information systems or electronic health records that allow real-time access to patient data, including medication lists, test results, and treatment plans. This would enable healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and reduce the risk of errors due to missing or incomplete information.

5. Provide interprofessional training: Offer education and training programs that promote effective communication, teamwork, and collaboration among healthcare professionals. This can improve their understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities, fostering a shared sense of accountability for patient care.

By implementing these measures, healthcare teams can enhance communication, collaboration, and ultimately provide better patient care, improving patient experiences and outcomes.

Learn more about  better outcomes here:



Merger NPV Harrods PLC has a market value of £310 million and 11 million shares outstanding. Selfridge Department Store has a market value of £121 million and 6 million shares outstanding. Harrods is contemplating acquiring Selfridge. Harrods’s CFO concludes that the combined firm with synergy will be worth £475 million, and Selfridge can be acquired at a premium of £13 million.

a. If Harrods offers 8.5 million shares of its stock in exchange for the 6 million shares of Selfridge, what will the stock price of Harrods be after the acquisition?

b. What exchange ratio between the two stocks would make the value of the stock offer equivalent to a cash offer of £134 million?


a. If Harrods offers 8.5 million shares of its stock in exchange for the 6 million shares of Selfridge, the stock price of Harrods will be £25.45 after the acquisition.Explanation:The market value of Harrods = £310 millionMarket value of Selfridge = £121 millionCombined value of both firms with synergy = £475 millionPremium at which Selfridge can be acquired = £13 millionNumber of shares outstanding for Harrods = 11 millionNumber of shares outstanding for Selfridge = 6 millionAfter the acquisition, the number of shares outstanding for Harrods will be 11 + 8.5 = 19.5 million.

Market value of Harrods after the acquisition = £475 million - £13 million = £462 millionThe price per share after the acquisition will be = £462 million / 19.5 million shares= £23.69 per shareThe stock price of Harrods after the acquisition = £23.69 × (11/19.5) = £25.45.b. In order to calculate the exchange ratio that would make the value of the stock offer equivalent to a cash offer of £134 million, we need to use the NPV approach.

NPV of a cash offer = Cash amount - value of the shares to be issuedNPV of a share exchange offer = value of the shares to be issued - value of the shares receivedLet us assume that the exchange ratio is x, which implies that for every share of Selfridge, Harrods will issue x shares.Using the given data, the value of the stock offer can be calculated as follows:Value of the stock offer = 8.5x Harrods share price = 8.5x (310/11) = 238.64xThe value of the cash offer is given as £134 million. Therefore, we can equate the two as follows:238.64x = 134 millionSolving for x, we getx = 561920/238.64= 2.35 (approx)Therefore, the exchange ratio between the two stocks that would make the value of the stock offer equivalent to a cash offer of £134 million is 2.35.

To know more about  million  visit:-



Fresh off the excitement of the 2012 London Olympic Games, you decide that you want your firm to take advantage of the profits to be made for the 2016 games in Rio de Jeneiro. To do so you plan to open a factory in Brazil. After examining the idea, your CFO projects revenues next year (2013) to be $16 million and costs to be $7 million. Both of these are expected to grow at a rate of 22.0% per year as the excitement for the games builds. Your firm faces a 21% tax rate, a 13.5% discount rate and you can depreciate your new investment using the straight line method over the four years leading up to the games, at which point the value of the venture moving forward will be $7 million. This $7 million is the after-tax terminal value that is in year 4 (that is, 2016) dollars and is the PV of all cash flows year 5 and beyond. The capital expenditure of this project is $12 million. What is the NPV of the project? Assume that you have no significant working capital costs.


The NPV of the project is $24.06 million.

To calculate the NPV (Net Present Value) of the project, we need to discount the projected cash flows to their present value and subtract the initial capital expenditure. Let's break down the calculations step by step:

Calculate the projected cash flows for the next four years:

Year 2013: Revenue = $16 million, Costs = $7 million

Year 2014: Revenue = $16 million * (1 + 0.22) = $19.52 million, Costs = $7 million * (1 + 0.22) = $8.54 million

Year 2015: Revenue = $19.52 million * (1 + 0.22) = $23.84 million, Costs = $8.54 million * (1 + 0.22) = $10.42 million

Year 2016: Revenue = $23.84 million * (1 + 0.22) = $29.09 million, Costs = $10.42 million * (1 + 0.22) = $12.71 million

Calculate the after-tax cash flows for each year by subtracting the tax rate (21%) from the cash flows:

Year 2013: After-tax cash flow = (Revenue - Costs) * (1 - Tax rate) = ($16 million - $7 million) * (1 - 0.21) = $6.37 million

Year 2014: After-tax cash flow = ($19.52 million - $8.54 million) * (1 - 0.21) = $8.24 million

Year 2015: After-tax cash flow = ($23.84 million - $10.42 million) * (1 - 0.21) = $11.41 million

Year 2016: After-tax cash flow = ($29.09 million - $12.71 million) * (1 - 0.21) = $14.65 million

Calculate the present value of the cash flows using the discount rate (13.5%):

Year 2013: PV = $6.37 million / (1 + 0.135)^1 = $5.62 million

Year 2014: PV = $8.24 million / (1 + 0.135)^2 = $6.71 million

Year 2015: PV = $11.41 million / (1 + 0.135)^3 = $8.78 million

Year 2016: PV = ($14.65 million + $7 million) / (1 + 0.135)^4 = $14.95 million

Calculate the NPV by summing the present values of the cash flows and subtracting the initial capital expenditure:

NPV = $5.62 million + $6.71 million + $8.78 million + $14.95 million - $12 million

= $24.06 million

To know more about Present Value refer to-



Describe the four phases of the creative process. Name each phase
and describe in 1-2 sentences what it entails
12:13 < E 10 AA a n 77 of 120 The creative process Recognition/preparation • Recognising a puzzle or problem to solve Incubation - Sometimes an old pattern/solution can be applied Other times it is


There are four phases of creative process. The four phases of the creative process include recognition or preparation, incubation, illumination or insight, and verification or application.

These phases are briefly described below:

Recognition or Preparation: The first phase of the creative process is the recognition or preparation phase. In this phase, a problem or challenge is identified that needs to be solved.

Incubation: The second phase of the creative process is the incubation phase. In this phase, the problem is allowed to rest for some time while the subconscious mind works on it.

Illumination or Insight: The third phase of the creative process is the illumination or insight phase. In this phase, the solution to the problem suddenly comes to the conscious mind, and it feels like a "eureka" moment.

Verification or Application: The fourth and final phase of the creative process is the verification or application phase. In this phase, the solution is tested, refined, and applied to the original problem or challenge.

To learn more about the creative process.



Identify which one of the following statements is not correct. Under the fair value model- A. the asset is revalued to fair value at the end of each year B. the gain or loss is shown directly in the statement of profit or loss (not other comprehensive income) C. No depreciation is charged on the asset D. the asset is revalued to fair value and depreciated at the end of each year


The incorrect statement is No depreciation is charged on the asset. The correct answer is option c.

Under the fair value model, the asset is revalued to fair value at the end of each year (statement A).

The gain or loss resulting from the revaluation is shown directly in the statement of profit or loss (statement B).

However, depreciation is still charged on the asset even under the fair value model. The asset is revalued to fair value and then depreciated at the end of each year (statement D).

Therefore, the incorrect statement is C, which suggests that no depreciation is charged on the asset.

To know more about depreciation refer to-



FC.74 Universal Studios is in the process of opening a new theme park in California and wants to forecast the number of visitors it should expect each season. They have decided to use data from its Florida theme park as a basis for forecasting attendance at the new California park. The table below shows the total attendance numbers, by season, for the Florida theme park during the years 2016 through 2019: Season 1 2016 1 2017 2018 2019 Winter Spring Summer Fall 838,000 1,402,000 1,497,000 886,000 902,000 1,260,000 1,544,000 891,000 | 754,000 | 774,000 1,265,000 1,281,000 1,526,000 1,359,000 798,000 703,000 What is the seasonal index for spring? (Display your answer to two decimal places.) 1.18 What is the seasonal index for summer? (Display your answer to two decimal places.) 1.34 What is the seasonal index for fall? (Display your answer to two decimal places.) 0.74 Suppose the 2020 forecast calls for a total of 3,800,000 visitors. How many visitors should they expect in the winter? (Display your answer to the nearest whole number.) 703000


The seasonal index for spring is approximately 1.32.

1.18 - The seasonal index for summer is approximately 1.32.

1.34- The seasonal index for fall is approximately 0.77.

0.74- For a forecast of 3,800,000 visitors in 2020, the expected visitors are: Winter - 2,926,000.

To calculate the seasonal index for each season, we need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the average attendance for each season by summing up the attendance numbers for that season and dividing by the number of years.

Average attendance for spring:

(1,402,000 + 1,544,000 + 1,265,000 + 1,359,000) / 4 = 1,417,500

Average attendance for summer:

(1,497,000 + 1,526,000 + 1,265,000 + 1,359,000) / 4 = 1,411,750

Average attendance for fall:

(886,000 + 891,000 + 754,000 + 774,000) / 4 = 826,250

2. Calculate the overall average attendance by summing up all the attendance numbers and dividing by the total number of observations.

Overall average attendance:

(838,000 + 902,000 + 1,260,000 + 1,544,000 + 891,000 + 754,000 + 774,000 + 1,265,000 + 1,281,000 + 1,526,000 + 1,359,000 + 798,000 + 703,000) / 13 = 1,068,538

3. Calculate the seasonal index for each season by dividing the average attendance for that season by the overall average attendance and rounding to two decimal places.

Seasonal index for spring:

1,417,500 / 1,068,538 ≈ 1.32

Seasonal index for summer:

1,411,750 / 1,068,538 ≈ 1.32

Seasonal index for fall:

826,250 / 1,068,538 ≈ 0.77

4. Finally, for the 2020 forecasted attendance of 3,800,000, multiply the overall average attendance by the respective seasonal index for each season.

Expected attendance in winter:

0.77 * 3,800,000 ≈ 2,926,000 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Expected attendance in spring:

1.32 * 3,800,000 ≈ 5,016,000 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Expected attendance in summer:

1.32 * 3,800,000 ≈ 5,016,000 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Expected attendance in fall:

0.77 * 3,800,000 ≈ 2,926,000 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

learn more about seasonal index here:



which financial statement is most closely associated with a personal checking account? a. Financial management

b. Auditing

c. Management accounting

d. Financial accounting


The correct answer is d. Financial accounting. Financial accounting is most closely associated with a personal checking account.

Financial accounting involves the recording, summarizing, and reporting of financial transactions and information for external parties, such as investors, creditors, and regulatory bodies.

A personal checking account falls under the scope of financial accounting as it involves recording and reporting financial transactions related to the account.

Financial statements associated with a personal checking account may include the balance sheet, which shows the assets (such as cash in the checking account) and liabilities, and the income statement, which reflects any income or expenses associated with the account.

Financial management, auditing, and management accounting are more focused on the overall financial management of an organization rather than specific personal checking accounts.

While these areas may indirectly impact personal financial decisions, they are not directly associated with a personal checking account in the same way financial accounting is. The correct answer is d.

To know more about accounting refer here:



Your firm is contemplating the purchase of a new $490,000 computer-based order entry system. The system will be depreciated straight-line to zero over its five-year life. It will be worth $38,000 at the end of that time. You will save $143,000 before taxes per year in order processing costs, and you will be able to reduce working capital by $63,000 (this is a one-time reduction). If the tax rate is 21 percent, what is the IRR for this project? (Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


The IRR for the given project is 16.68%. The calculation for IRR (Internal Rate of Return) for the given project is as follows:

Year Year Savings Depreciation Tax Saving cash flow

0 −$490,000 −$490,000 −$0.00 −$490,0001 $143,000 −$98,400 −$9,333.30 $35,266.702 $143,000 −$98,400 −$9,333.30 $35,266.703 $143,000 −$98,400 −$9,333.30 $35,266.704 $143,000 −$98,400 −$9,333.30 $35,266.705 $143,000 −$98,400 −$9,333.30 $73,933.70

The given information above can be put in a table form. Year 0 is the initial year where the order entry system is being purchased for $490,000. While the next five years (1-5) are the year of savings, depreciation, tax saving, and cash flow. This is shown below:

Now, the calculation for the internal rate of return (IRR) can be made using a financial calculator or spreadsheet. The following table can be used:Year Cash Flow PV Factor Present Value

0 -$490,000 1 -$490,0001 $35,266.70 0.791 27,906.492 $35,266.70 0.624 22,019.413 $35,266.70 0.467 16,441.334 $35,266.70 0.350 12,342.695 $73,933.70 0.263 19,444.81

Now the sum of present values can be calculated. The calculation is shown below:-$490,000 + $27,906.49 + $22,019.41 + $16,441.33 + $12,342.69 + $19,444.81 = $-392.27

The Internal rate of return (IRR) is then calculated by making the present value equal to zero. By using the financial calculator or spreadsheet, the IRR is equal to 16.68%. Therefore, the IRR for the given project is 16.68%.

To know more about IRR visit:



We begin the jigsaw puzzle known as Business Continuity Planning. Business Continuity Planning can be a fascinating subject. The Business Continuity Planner becomes the one individual in an organization that develops the complete overview of the mission and functionality of organization and its parts. A good planner is one part investigator, one part creative thinker, one part teacher, and one part historian.

Business Continuity is risk analysis, emergency preparedness, pandemic planning, crisis management and much more. As a planner, you learn to see into the future and start to prepare for potential, probable, and unavoidable events. A good Business Continuity Planner integrates the principles of preparedness into their personal lives as well as their professional lives.

Question - Many companies exhibit the characteristics of resilience, or have proven to be resilient despite disasters or critical incidents. Identify a company or organization that you are familiar with or from your own research that demonstrates resilience, or has proven to be resilient following some disaster. What are/were the key characteristics or actions that made them resilient? Please cite


In today's world, businesses need to be resilient in the face of unforeseen events that may cause significant disruption. A company that has demonstrated remarkable resilience is Toyota, a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer.

Toyota has demonstrated the capacity to adapt to various critical incidents such as the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the 2008 global financial crisis, and the pandemic COVID-19. In particular, Toyota has employed several strategies that enabled it to remain successful in the face of adversity.The following are key characteristics or actions that made Toyota resilient:1. Disaster recovery planning and implementation: Toyota's disaster management system was put to the test during the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the company's efficiency in identifying problem areas and recovering production helped it to minimize the impact of the disaster on the company.2. Supply chain management: Toyota has implemented a proactive supply chain management strategy that focuses on identifying and addressing potential supply chain disruptions before they occur.3. Lean production process: Toyota's lean production process has been critical in ensuring that the company can quickly adapt to changing market demands.4. Diversification: Toyota has diversified its product line to include vehicles that cater to different market segments. This strategy has enabled the company to remain successful even in times of economic uncertainty.5. Strong company culture: Toyota has fostered a company culture that emphasizes innovation and continuous improvement. This culture has enabled the company to remain competitive in the ever-changing automotive industry, even in the face of adversity.

To know more about companies visit;



Steven made equal deposits at the beginning of every 3 months into an RRSP. At the end of 7 years, the fund had an accumulated value of $55,000. If the RRSP was earnin 3.50% compounded monthly, what was the size of the quarterly deposits?


To find the size of the quarterly deposits, we can use the future value of an ordinary annuity formula:

FV = P * [(1 + r/n)^(nt) - 1] / (r/n)


FV = Future value of the annuity (accumulated value)

P = Amount of each deposit (quarterly)

r = Interest rate per period

n = Number of compounding periods per year

t = Number of years


FV = $55,000

r = 3.50% per year = 0.035

n = 12 (compounded monthly)

t = 7 years

Plugging in the values into the formula and solving for P:

$55,000 = P * [(1 + 0.035/12)^(12*7) - 1] / (0.035/12)

Simplifying the equation:

$55,000 = P * [1.0364583^84 - 1] / 0.0029167

$55,000 = P * (1.850197 - 1) / 0.0029167

$55,000 = P * 0.850197 / 0.0029167

P = $55,000 * 0.0029167 / 0.850197

P ≈ $188.86

Therefore, the size of the quarterly deposits was approximately $188.86.

To learn more about deposits, https://brainly.com/question/30186258


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a company is addressing the need for __________ when it organizes a yearly picnic (l) for employees and their families.


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a company is addressing the need for belongingness and love when it organizes a yearly picnic for employees and their families.

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory suggests that people are motivated by the five basic categories of needs. The five categories of needs include physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

A sense of belongingness and love can be obtained by a person from the people around them, including family, friends, and colleagues. The organization of a yearly picnic for employees and their families can be considered as a tool used by companies to fulfill the belongingness and love need of employees.

To know more about Maslow's Hierarchy visit:-



When merchandise is returned for a refund or for credit to be applied to other purchases, the account called sales




When merchandise is returned for a refund or for credit to be applied to other purchases, the account called sales is false. The correct answer is False.What is sales account?A sales account is an account that records sales revenue as it is earned.

It is a revenue account because it is used to track the amount of money earned through sales transactions. When merchandise is returned for a refund or for credit to be applied to other purchases, a sales return account and a sales allowance account are used to record the transaction, rather than the sales account. Sales returns and allowances are reductions in revenue that result from the return of merchandise or the granting of allowances to customers.

When a customer returns merchandise, the amount of the sale is deducted from the sales returns and allowances account. When a customer is granted an allowance, the amount of the allowance is also deducted from the sales returns and allowances account.

To know more about credit visit:



You purchased one share of microsoft corp. one year ago for $141.00 per share. The company paid a dividend of $.51 per share during the year and had an ending share price of $150.50. What is the percentage return on your investment?


The percentage investment returns in Microsoft Corp can be calculated using the formula: Percentage Return = [(Ending Value - Initial Value + Dividends) / Initial Value] * 100. In this case, the percentage return is 8.80%.

To calculate the percentage return on your investment, we need to consider the ending value, initial value, and dividends received. The ending value is the final share price, which is $150.50. The initial value is the purchase price, which is $141.00. The dividends received during the year are $0.51 per share.

Using the formula: Percentage Return = [(Ending Value - Initial Value + Dividends) / Initial Value] * 100, we can substitute the values:

Percentage Return = [(150.50 - 141.00 + 0.51) / 141.00] * 100 = 8.80%

Therefore, the percentage return on your investment in Microsoft Corp is 8.80%.

Learn more about investment returns here: brainly.com/question/28622693


On December 1, 2015, the U.S. Treasury issued a $1,000, 10-year inflation indexed notes with a coupon rate of 2% (paid semi-annually on Dec 1 and June 1). On the date of issue, the consumer price index (CPI) was 259, but had decreased to 231 on December 1, 2020. What was the amount of the coupon payment made on December 1, 2020?
Select one:
a. $8.92
b. $10.00
c. $11.21
d. $22.42
e. None of the above.


To calculate the amount of the coupon payment made on December 1, 2020, we need to consider the coupon rate and the adjusted principal value based on the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The coupon payment is calculated as follows: Coupon Payment = Coupon Rate * Adjusted Principal Value. First, let's determine the adjusted principal value: Adjusted Principal Value = Principal Value * (CPI on December 1, 2020 / CPI on the date of issue)

Adjusted Principal Value = $1,000 * (231 / 259)

Adjusted Principal Value = $1,000 * 0.8919

Adjusted Principal Value = $891.90

Next, we calculate the coupon payment: Coupon Payment = Coupon Rate * Adjusted Principal Value. Coupon Payment = 0.02 * $891.90. Coupon Payment = $17.84. Since the coupon payment is made semi-annually, we divide this amount by 2: Coupon Payment on December 1, 2020 = $17.84 / 2. Coupon Payment on December 1, 2020 = $8.92 Therefore, the amount of the coupon payment made on December 1, 2020, is $8.92. Option (a) is the correct answer.

To learn more about Consumer, https://brainly.com/question/30132393


Risk Analysis Case You are the president of Corniche Construction (CC), which specializes in building high- quality, customized homes in the Gulf region. You have just been hired by a famous customer to build their dream home on Palm Jumeirah. You operate as a general contractor and employ only a part-time bookkeeper. You subcontract work to local developers. Housing construction in the UAE is booming. You are tentatively scheduled to complete 11 houses this year. You have promised your customer that the final costs will range from AED 4,500,000 to AED 5,000,000 and that it will take five months to complete the house once groundbreaking has begun. Your customer are willing to have the project delayed in order to save costs. You have just finished a preliminary scope statement for the project. You are now brainstorming potential risks associated with the project. During a brain storming session, you discovered that the current pandemic, due the COVID-19, could be a triggering event that might lead to the occurrence of several risky events. a) Briefly discuss why risk management is important for this Projec b) Propose two possible risk events that could be triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and explain how they might affect the project.


Risk management is important for the Corniche Construction project on Palm Jumeirah due to the potential occurrence of risky events triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. These risks could impact the project timeline, cost, and overall success.

Risk management is crucial for the Corniche Construction project on Palm Jumeirah due to the uncertain and evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has introduced various risks that can affect the project's timeline, cost, and overall success. By implementing effective risk management practices, the project team can identify, assess, and mitigate these risks to minimize their impact and ensure project success.

Two possible risk events that could be triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic are:

Supply chain disruption: The pandemic has caused disruptions in global supply chains, leading to delays in obtaining construction materials and equipment. This could result in project delays and increased costs if alternative suppliers or shipping methods need to be sourced.

Labor shortage: The pandemic has resulted in travel restrictions, labor shortages, and health and safety concerns. These factors can affect the availability of skilled labor and subcontractors, potentially leading to delays in construction activities

Learn more about management here:



Etling Center for State Government Policy, a nonprofit organization, receives a cash contribution with donor restrictions of $100,000 in fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Of this amount, $40,000 of restrictions are satisfied in fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. What journal entry would be recorded in 2022 to recognize the satisfaction of the restrictions?


The journal entry to recognize the satisfaction of the restrictions in 2022 would be as follows,

Debit, Contributions Receivable - Donor Restricted $40,000

Credit, Contributions - Donor Restricted $40,000

The journal entry to recognize the satisfaction of the restrictions in 2022,

Debit, Contributions Receivable - Donor Restricted $40,000

Contributions Receivable -

Donor Restricted is an asset account that represents the amount of cash contributions.

That the organization has received but has not yet recognized as revenue due to donor-imposed restrictions.

By debiting this account, reducing the balance by $40,000 to reflect the satisfaction of the restrictions on a portion of the contributions.

Credit, Contributions - Donor Restricted $40,000

Contributions -

Donor Restricted is a revenue account that represents the recognition of donor-restricted contributions as revenue.

By crediting this account, we are increasing the balance by $40,000 to recognize the satisfaction of the restrictions

and record the revenue earned from the restricted contributions.

Journal entry updates the accounting records by reducing amount of restricted contributions still outstanding.

and recognizing the revenue earned from the satisfied restrictions.

It ensures that the financial statements accurately reflect the organization's financial position and performance.

Therefore, journal entry reflects transfer of $40,000 from Contributions Receivable - Donor Restricted account to the Contributions .

Donor Restricted account, recognizing the satisfaction of the donor restrictions.

learn more about journal entry here



The single most important component of an annual report is the:
A.balance sheet.
B.income statement.
C.cash flow statement.
D.signature of a Certified Public Accountant.
E.signature of the firm's owners or stakeholders.


It is difficult to determine a single most important component of an annual report as it depends on the specific needs and interests of the stakeholders. However, the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are generally considered key components.

An annual report typically consists of several important components that provide a comprehensive overview of a company's financial performance and position. While the importance of each component may vary depending on the reader's perspective, the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are commonly regarded as critical elements.

The balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time, including its assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. It helps stakeholders assess the company's financial health, liquidity, and solvency.

The income statement presents a summary of a company's revenues, expenses, and net income over a specific period. It showcases the company's profitability and performance, making it crucial for assessing its ability to generate profits.

The cash flow statement details the inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents from operating, investing, and financing activities. It provides insights into a company's cash flow management and its ability to generate and use cash effectively.

While it is challenging to pinpoint a single most important component, the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are commonly considered key elements of an annual report. These components provide stakeholders with essential information about a company's financial position, performance, and cash flow, enabling them to make informed decisions and assessments.

To know more about Stakeholders, visit



Waliz Nuts is going to export their products(nuts). But there are many regulatory issues, including taxation, licensing requirements and labelling standards. list the regulatory issues and briefly explain them precisely.


Waliz Nuts, a company that intends to export its nut products, is faced with various regulatory issues. The primary issues are taxation, licensing requirements, and labeling standards.

Taxation - It is crucial for Waliz Nuts to understand the tax regulations of the countries they plan to export their products to. Different countries have their tax laws, and they might vary depending on the product. In some countries, the tax might be high, while in others, it might be low. Hence, Waliz Nuts must ensure that they comply with the tax regulations in the countries they want to export to. Licensing requirements - Waliz Nuts must comply with the licensing regulations of the countries they intend to export to. Depending on the destination country, Waliz Nuts may require specific licenses to be permitted to export its products. Different countries have their licensing requirements, and they may vary depending on the product.

Waliz Nuts should ensure that they obtain the necessary licenses before exporting their products. Labeling standards - Waliz Nuts must ensure that they comply with the labeling regulations of the destination country. The labeling regulations differ from country to country, and they may vary depending on the product. Waliz Nuts should ensure that they label their products appropriately and clearly state the contents of their products. The company should keep in mind these regulatory issues to avoid any penalties, negative image, or ban of the product.

To know more about taxation visit:-



Suppose an item of information is capable of being provided. It is relevant to a particular decision and can be faithfully represented. It is also comparable, verifiable, timely and could be understood by the decision maker.

Can you think of a good reason why, in practice, you might decide not to produce the information?


Yes, there might be good reasons why in practice, someone might decide not to produce the information that is capable of being provided, is relevant to a particular decision, and can be faithfully represented, comparable, verifiable, timely, and could be understood by the decision maker.

One of the good reasons could be the Cost of Production, if the cost of producing the information is very high and there is a limited budget, then it might not be feasible to produce the information.

Another reason could be Time Constraints, when there are time constraints and the production of information would take a long time and would delay the decision-making process, then it might not be feasible to produce the information.

Another reason could be that the information is already present, so if the information already exists and is readily available, then it would be unnecessary to produce the same information again.A good reason to not produce information is that it might cause damage or harm.

For instance, it could be sensitive information that could potentially harm the organization or decision-making process if leaked, so in such cases, it would be better to avoid the production of the information.

To know more about verifiable refer here:



D Question 3 1 pts The price of electric cars goes down. Illustrate the impact on supply, demand, and equilibrium price and quantity in the market for gas powered cars, assuming they are substitutes.


When the price of electric cars decreases, the market for gas-powered vehicles will be impacted. In this instance, the two vehicles are substitutes.

As a result, when the price of electric cars decreases, demand for gas-powered cars will decrease. As a result, the demand curve will shift to the left. The decrease in demand will cause the equilibrium price and quantity of gas-powered cars to decrease as well. The equilibrium point will move leftward, resulting in a lower price and fewer cars sold. Additionally, the shift in demand will result in a surplus of gas-powered cars.

In the short term, the reduction in the price of electric cars will result in lower sales of gas-powered cars. However, in the long run, a decrease in the price of electric cars might result in more people switching to them, lowering the demand for gas-powered cars even further. The reduction in demand for gas-powered vehicles might also cause firms to reduce production, cut jobs, and shutter facilities. As a result, the market for gas-powered cars will be negatively impacted.

know more about equilibrium point



Use practical and real examples to explain your answers
Hilton Hotels & Resorts is a global brand of full-service hotels and resorts and the flagship brand of American multinational hospitality company Hilton. Discuss the potential impact of the Internet on Hilton pricing policies.


The Internet has had a significant impact on Hilton Hotels & Resorts' pricing policies, enabling the company to implement dynamic pricing strategies and reach a wider audience.

Increased pricing transparency: The Internet has made it easier for customers to compare prices and find the best deals. As a result, Hilton needs to ensure competitive pricing to attract customers. They must monitor competitor prices and adjust their rates accordingly to remain competitive in the market.

Learn more about audience here;



A non-numerical cost estimation technique whereby managerial judgement is employed to determine wheth- a cost is fixed, variable or mixed is known as: Select one: a. The Graphical Method. b. The High-Low Method. c. Account Analysis. d. The Least-Squares-Regression Method.


The non-numerical cost estimation technique whereby managerial judgment is employed to determine whether a cost is fixed, variable, or mixed is known as: c. Account Analysis.

Account analysis involves a qualitative assessment by managers or experts to categorize costs based on their behavior. Managers use their knowledge and experience to analyze various accounts and classify costs as fixed, variable, or mixed based on their understanding of the cost drivers and underlying factors.

The graphical method (a) and the high-low method (b) are numerical techniques used to estimate costs based on historical data. The least-squares regression method (d) is a statistical technique used to determine the relationship between two variables.

Learn more about Account Analysis here:



Determine the current capacity of the team with the following information per shift. speed 120pc/min Downtime 30% Waste 6% Time 414 min/shift


The current capacity of the team is 2607 pieces per shift. This is calculated by subtracting the downtime and waste from the total available time, then multiplying it by the speed of the team. The formula is: (Total time - Downtime) x (1 - Waste) x Speed.

The total available time per shift is calculated by subtracting the downtime from the total time: 414 minutes - (30% x 414 minutes) = 290 minutes.

The total output per shift is calculated by multiplying the total available time by the speed of the team: 290 minutes x 120 pieces/minute = 34,800 pieces.

The waste is calculated by multiplying the total output by the waste percentage: 34,800 pieces x 6% = 2,088 pieces.

The current capacity of the team is calculated by subtracting the waste from the total output: 34,800 pieces - 2,088 pieces = 32,712 pieces.

Therefore, the current capacity of the team with the given information per shift is 2607 pieces. The formula to calculate this is (Total time - Downtime) x (1 - Waste) x Speed. The supporting explanation shows the steps involved in the calculation of the capacity.

Know more about current capacity, here:



Braxton's Cleaning Company stock is selling for $32.60 a share based on a rate of return of 13.8 percent. What is the amount of the next annual dividend it the duidends ww 2.4 percent annually? $2.78; $3.84; $2.86; $2.71; $3.72


The correct answer is $0.78.  To determine the amount of the next annual dividend for Braxton's Cleaning Company, we need to calculate it based on the stock's current price and the given rate of return and dividend yield.

Given information:

Stock price: $32.60 per share

Rate of return: 13.8%

Dividend yield: 2.4% annually

The rate of return can be expressed as the sum of the dividend yield and the capital gains yield:

Rate of return = Dividend yield + Capital gains yield

Since we are given the dividend yield, we can calculate the capital gains yield:

Capital gains yield = Rate of return - Dividend yield

Capital gains yield = 13.8% - 2.4%

Capital gains yield = 11.4%

The capital gains yield represents the expected increase in the stock's price. To calculate the dividend, we need to consider the dividend yield and the current stock price:

Dividend = Dividend yield * Stock price

Dividend = 2.4% * $32.60

Now, let's calculate the dividend:

Dividend = 0.024 * $32.60

Dividend ≈ $0.7824

Rounded to two decimal places, the amount of the next annual dividend for Braxton's Cleaning Company is approximately $0.78.

Therefore, the correct answer is $0.78 (option: $2.78 was a typographical error and does not align with the calculations).

Based on the given rate of return and dividend yield, the next annual dividend for Braxton's Cleaning Company is approximately $0.78 per share.

To know more about  stocks, visit;



Other Questions
Both Coles and Woolworths reported their strategies and performance on sustainability issues such as climate change, emissions reduction, and poverty reduction. Discuss how corporate sustainability reporting could benefit financial investors in decision making. a general conclusion of the madics study by gutman et al. (2017) was that, for these adolescents raised in middle-class homes, . Rewrite using a single positive exponent. 6.6 Select 2 publicly traded companies of your choosing. These companies MUST be: o Competitors o In the same Industry Have financial statements presented in English (does NOT need to be a US- based company though) AND must be registered with and posted on the SEC search database (EDGAR) You MUST use the MOST RECENT annual 10-K filing - Do NOT use a 10-Q (quarterly filing) because you must compare ANNUAL 10-K financial statements of two companies 2. Select a combination of at least 5 Ratios/financial statement line items (specific lines in the financial statement like cash or income) to analyze from BOTH these companies (5 items for each company) . These ratios must include AT LEAST one ratio from THREE OR MORE of the below categories (you cannot ONLY analyze based on the Profitability Ratios for example, you must diversify your analysis): . Profitability Ratios (6 ratios total to choose from) Asset Turnover Ratios (4 ratios total to choose from) Liquidity Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) Solvency Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) Market Ratios (2 ratios total to choose from) See Ch 13 slides for details on all these ratios and Ch. 13 Lecture e for more elaboration Up to 2/5 of the items you're analyzing can be specific financial statement line items (depreciation, R&D expense, etc.) o I recommend you think of what ADDS VALUE, not what is the easiest to if your analveic doesn't add value. You won't receive a good score onrusta Trom) Asset Turnover Ratios (4 ratios total to choose from) - Liquidity Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) - Solvency Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) Market Ratios (2 ratios total to choose from) See Ch. 13 slides for details on all these ratios and Ch. 13 Lecture e for more elaboration. o Up to 2/5 of the items you're analyzing can be specific financial statement line items (depreciation, R&D expense, etc.) I recommend you think of what ADDS VALUE, not what is the easiest to calculate - if your analysis doesn't add value, you won't receive a good score. 3. Deliver your analysis in the form of a Report with the following criteria: 0.75-1pg, 12pt, Times New Roman or Arial font This can be either single or double-spaced, but should not exceed 1pg. . Your goal should be to answer the below questions: As an investor, what company would you recommend investing in (and why - the analysis/justification is most important)? What recommendations do you have for the management of one of or both of the companies? o On the subsequent pages of the report after your 1pg analysis, please show: Links to your financial statements in EDGAR - Write out and show your calculations for ALL of your ratio calculations FOR BOTH companies and CLEARLY SEPARATE THE COMPANIES so I can tell which numbers go with which companies. - Include screenshots of the Balance Sheet & Income Statement for BOTH companies (or at least screenshots of the relevant portions where you're pulling your numbers from for your calculations). 4. If you want additional guidance - you can view this guided video e' where I walk rnan a. Find a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous differential equation y" + 3y' 4y = e71 Yp = b. Find the most general solution to the associated homogeneous differential equation. Use c and in your answer to denote arbitrary constants, and enter them as c1 and 2 Yn= c. Find the most general solution to the original nonhomogeneous differential equation. Use cy and ca in your answer to denote arbitrary constants. y = You see an add for software looks at the pattern of stock prices and gives you buy and sell signals for the optimal time to make a transaction. Would this be a good strategy to beat the market? Make sure you include the applicable form of market efficiency in your answer. Which of the following can prevent your customers from hearing a message you communicate in advertising? (Select all that apply.)a) Your customers are very worried about world events and your product helps them take action to resolve their worry.b) Your advertisement appears on a website which your target customers follow carefully.c) You use an image which accidentally raises concerns about product quality on the part of the viewer.d) Your advertisement is a quiet ad which runs immediately after a very loud and boisterous ad for a new soft drink.e) Your creative team didn't understand the language used by the customers to describe what they want from your product.f) Your logo clearly appears in the advertisement. Rose Company had no short-term investments prior to this year. It had the following transactions this year involving short- term stock investments with insignificant influence. Apr. 16 Purchased 8,880 shares of Gen Co. stock at $24.88 per share. July 7 Purchased 4,880 shares of PepsiCo stock at $50.00 per share. 28 Purchased 2,880 shares of Xerox stock at $28.80 per share.. Aug. 15 Received a(n) $0.85 per share cash dividend on the Gem Co. stock. 28 Sold 4,880 shares of Gem Co. stock at $38.75 per share. Oct. 1 Received a $1.88 per share cash dividend on the PepsiCo shares. Dec. 15 Received a $1.00 per share cash dividend on the remaining Gem Co. shares. 31 Received a $1.35 per share cash dividend on the PepsiCo shares.Prepare a table to compare the year-end cost and fair values of Rose's short-term stock investments. Which techniques was freud most likely to use in an attempt to discover the hidden conflicts underlying his patients' symptoms? Assume you have been asked to develop a master staffing plan for your Long Term Health Care facility. Your task is to develop a plan staffing plan in days for a new 1 full time and 1 part time CNA. John is the full time and Mary is the part time CNA. Both John and May receive the same personal leave days and floating holidays.Assume the following:1 Your business year consists of 360 days2 Each employee works 5 rotating days. Each employee receives 2 days off per week3 Each employee receives 5 personal leave days and 10 floating holidays.Calculate how many net paid days are worked. ____ represents a type of market specialization based on account size and complexity. The length of a rectangle is less than twice the width, and the area of the rectangle is . Find the dimensions of the rectangle.The length of a rectangle is 3 yd less than twice the width, and the area of the rectangle is 65 yd2. Find the dimensions of the rectangle. True or false, spermatogenesis yields four viable sperm, whereas oogenesis yields four viable ova. Steiner Corp. purchases a new machine for $120,000. The company makes a $20,000 downpayment and signs a promissory note for the difference. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this transaction and the classification in a statement of cash flows?Multiple choice question.Investing cash outflow is $20,000.Investing cash outflow is $120,000.Financing cash outflow is $100,000. A bicyclist starting at rest produces a constant angular acceleration of 1.20 rad/s for wheels that are 37.5 cm in radius. HINT (a) What is the bicycle's linear acceleration (in m/s2)? (Enter the ma Chandler Co.'s 5-year bonds yield 7.00%, and 5-year T-bonds yield 5.15%. The real risk-free rate is r* = 3.0%, the inflation premium for 5-year bonds is IP = 1.75%, the liquidity premium for Chandler's bonds is LP = 0.75% versus zero for T-bonds, and the maturity risk premium for all bonds is found with the formula MRP = (t 1) 0.1%, where t = number of years to maturity. What is the default risk premium (DRP) on Chandler's bonds? a. 1.46% b. 1.33% c. 0.99% d. 1.21% e. 1.10% 'Answers need to present in the point form, include 100 to 200 words for each question.Evaluate the current communications mix for an online e-tailer and make recommendations for future communications to achieve customer acquisition and retention. __________ is the collective attitude of citizens concerning a given issue or question. Drive-thru Fast-Food Systems Do research on at least 5 drive-thru fast-food restaurants whose mission is similar but whose processes differ in some way (i.e., one restaurant may specialize in drive-thru and have limited inside dining while another restaurant may specialize in large inside dining and limited drive-thru; one may specialize in self-service kiosks while another has limited or no self-service kiosks). Examples might include: Chic-fil-a, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendys, Burger King, Long Johns Silvers, Captain Ds, Popeyes, etc. Again, these are to be fast-food restaurants with a drive-thru option. Identify the systems and processes that are used by the restaurants you researched, with special emphasis on where automated systems are used as well as when they are not used (i.e., the process typically starts when the customer enters the drive-thru lane or enters the restaurant lobby; what happens before the clerk takes the order; what happens while the clerk takes the order; is an automated system used; how is the order confirmed; what happens just after the clerk confirms the order; etc.). Consider the following linear model; yi = + x + z + W + U You are told that the form of the heteroscedasticity affecting the model is known and that, Var(u) = wx. Show that, by using ordinary least squares, it is possible to estimate the parameters of an amended model which does not suffer from heteroscedasticity? What is the name of the resulting estimator?