Mary Jo Bang’s poem “You Were You Are Elegy” has short lines and long lines interspersed. How does this fluctuating form tie in with the poem’s theme?
A. It reflects the speaker’s emotional turmoil in dealing with her child’s death
B. It mirrors the good and bad days that the speaker and her child had
C. It creates a rhythm that echos the speaker’s unwavering grief


Answer 1


The answer is c


Answer 2


The correct answer is

A) It reflects the speaker’s emotional turmoil in dealing with her child’s death

I got this answer correct on edmen.

Related Questions

: Write an expression for each situation PLEASE HELP ASAP

a. Molly baked 64 cookies. She packaged them equally into n containers.

b. Frank has some dollars (d). He earned 5 dollars for mowing the lawn and used 2 dollars to buy a soda.



a. 64 devided by n

b. d=5+2


This is just my guess

I need help on this asap





just dont

Which summarized story is most likely a myth?



A mother grow sad when her daughter forced to return to her husband for three months each year, as a result of the mother's sadness , crops no longer grow and the season changes to winter



A father grow sad when her daughter forced to return to her husband for three months each year, as a result of the mother's sadness , crops no longer grow and the season changes to winter


HELPPPP anyone know this ???


Answer: Both

Explanation: It can be literal such as baseball or figurative as in she did well on something.

the answer is...both

What is the main idea & topic of the book "All Summer in a Day"?





Which is caused by jealousy and envy. Interestingly enough, Ray Bradbury has chosen to explore this theme in the context of a future generation that has the chance to travel between planets as a consequence of evolution.

The main theme in “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury is bullying, which is caused by jealousy and envy. Interestingly enough, Ray Bradbury has chosen to explore this theme in the context of a future generation that has the chance to travel between planets as a consequence of evolution.

can you write a poem atleast 10 words or phrases about love or heart.​


Deep love is seeing someone at their most vulnerable, often lowest point, and reaching out your hand to help them get back up. Because deep love is selfless. It's realizing there's someone out there that you don't think twice about caring for. Caring for them is as involuntary as breathing.

PLZ HELLLP!! I need a very very short story. it can be about anything but with some sort of twist in the end. anything simple will do.
Minimum of 150 words.


Answer:   This story takes place in Chinatown, New York, where a drought has caused a famine, resulting in everyone starving to death and suffering. The townspeople, Aurora, Bing, Bo, Bojing, Chao, Wohang, Malana, Uett, Wong, Ilan, muhang, Jing, Hing, Aya and many others were in danger and fearful of what the future might hold for them. Their spirits were helpless and when the lord came, things only got worse for them. This is a story about finding hope through the worst of times.  

1. A lord by the name of Ozawa, who looked well-fed and in expensive clothing, visited the village with his army to ask the townspeople to hand whatever money they had. A man by the name of Bojing, dressed in brown rags, went up to the lord and tried handing him 3 dimes, but his hand got pushed away by one of the guards, dropping the money.  The lord,  with a confused look on his face, thought he was being attacked so he told his men to seize Bojing  The guards, dressed in intimidating armor, intervened and arrested the man.  

2. A few days after he was arrested, his friends visited him and tried to explain to the jailer what had happened.  The jailer didn't believe what they had to say and turned them away saying “Bojing had to serve his 2 month sentence”.  Bojing, however, never gave up hope and spent the time in jail planning his revenge against Ozawa. He believed that if he could make the lord pay, it would help the village.  

3. Bojing was pacing in his jail cell thinking about reasoning with the lord in order to get him to help the village.  His argument would be, “if the villages under your control were poor and starving, you will appear useless, weakening your rule.” Bojing was planning to use the lord's confidence against him to control him into helping the village and possibly making him give up his power.


It was a stormy morning at the bus stop. I was standing in a puddle when it began raining fish. I know it's crazy, but it's true. I was questioning it so I went to the smartest person in town. Flikaira. She told me the phenomenon was called Fishy Weather, which occurs every 30 years. But something about this year was different from the Fishy Weather 30 years ago. These fish are alive. They sprouted legs and chase me. I duck in the bushes. The fish are smarter than normal fish, too. They have razor-sharp teeth that cut through the bush. I scream like a girl and run.

The fish are too fast. One grabs my legs. When did they grow arms? One grabs my arms. The fish open there big wide mouth and gobble me up. "Johnny? Johnny? Are you okay?" I hear Mom ask. I glance over at my clock. 6:25. It was all a dream. Just a dream. I look outside my window. Nothing. Yep, a dream. A really crazy messed up dream. Suddenly my window breaks and a fish with legs and arms jumps in and eats me. I see light and hear MEAP MEAP MEAP. Okay, another dream. I wait for a while. Yep it was just a dream.

[1] Thomas Paine, a pivotal figure in the American Revolution, was born in Britain in 1737. [2] When he was in his mid-thirties, he met Benjamin Franklin in London. [3] Franklin helped Paine move to Philadelphia, where he pursued a career in journalism, he became the editor of Pennsylvania Magazine. [4] In 1776, Paine authored a pro-independence pamphlet called Common Sense, which was widely read throughout the colonies.

Which sentence should be revised to improve this paragraph’s sentence fluency?
sentence 1
sentence 2
sentence 3
sentence 4



sentence 2


It doesnt make sense for you to start of on when he was born then move on to his mid-thirties

Rewrite the following sentence correctly using colons and/or semicolons.

The wind was blowing very hard therefore, my umbrella was flipped inside out.



the wind was blowing very hard, therefore; my umbrella was flipped inside out

“Gettysburg Address”
by Abraham Lincoln
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that “all men are created equal.”
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it, as a final resting place for those who died here, that the nation might live. This we may, in all propriety do. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow, this ground—The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have hallowed it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; while it can never forget what they did here.
It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

The antecedent of “it” (paragraph 2, sentence 3) is
“what we say”
“a great battle field”
“[t]he brave men”
“our poor power”
“the unfinished work”





on ed genuity

Think of a time when government has influenced the way you live or what you do. Maybe you went to a park for free because the government built the park, or a government rule kept you from doing something. Write a personal letter to a friend that tells about the experience. Tell what happened, where it happened, and who was with you.


Dear Teo,

Just like me, you are suffering government intervention in our right to walk in the city. The epidemic took us by surprise, didn't it? 2020 is being a peculiar year now that we have to be trapped inside the house with our families all the time, because our biggest and deadliest enemy is lurking outside and who would say that such a dangerous enemy would be so small, a virus. It is ironic when I think about it.

However, I understand that this government intervention in our freedom to go where we want is necessary. We must have the responsibility of not helping the corobavirus to proliferate and we must also be careful not to pass it on to our families or to overburden hospitals. Although the lack of freedom bothers me, I understand my responsibility in this event and I hope you understand too.

What makes me sad is that even seeing the seriousness of the situation many people disrespect and pretend that nothing is happening, it will prolong our "prison" at home and could harm many people.

I hope you found ways to have fun and write to me soon, as we have plenty of time now.

Kind regards.

Dean Patch

Which detail from dores illustration is not found in Dante’s poem



In 1824, Blake’s friend the artist John Linnell, commissioned him to make a series of illustrations based on Dante’s Divine Comedy. Blake was then in his late sixties. A contemporary account informs us that he designed 100 watercolours of this subject ‘during a fortnight’s illness in bed.'

Here you'll find seven illustrations from Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Each picture is accompanied by an explanation and an original audio recording from the 1812 translation of Dante that Blake himself used when making his designs. So this is your chance to learn not just about Blake, but also about the Florentine poet Dante Alighieri (1265–1321).


Dante cowering behind virgil



Rewrite the following sentence correctly using colons and/or semicolons.

I bought my mom a couple of presents for her birthday perfume and a new sweater.



I bought my mom a couple of presents for her birthday perfume and a new sweater.


I bought, my mom a couple of presents for her Birthday. A perfume and a new sweater.

Write a 100-to 200-word summary of the plot of "Up the Slide." Use details from the story to emphasize the background information, main conflict, and resolution.



In “Up the Slide,” the protagonist, Clay, goes in search of dry firewood. He is specifically looking for a dead pine tree that he’s passed earlier. He struggles to navigate the snowy cliff in his search for the tree.

Clay makes several attempts to climb to the tree but slips and slides as he moves across the mountain. Finally, Clay uses his ax to create a path for himself.

He discovers that that there are more dead trees there that have likely not been found by previous hikers because the climb up the cliff was so difficult. He ends up selling the firewood and making a large profit.


Here You Go Fam


In “Up the Slide,” the protagonist, Clay, goes in search of dry firewood. He is specifically looking for a dead pine tree that he’s passed earlier. He struggles to navigate the snowy cliff in his search for the tree.

Clay makes several attempts to climb to the tree but slips and slides as he moves across the mountain. Finally, Clay uses his ax to create a path for himself.

He discovers that that there are more dead trees there that have likely not been found by previous hikers because the climb up the cliff was so difficult. He ends up selling the firewood and making a large profit.

Which statement would most likely improve a person’s mood and attitude?
“I think you could have done a better job on this project.”
“I’m sure you’ll do fantastic next time.”
“You shouldn’t have done it this way.”
“You should do better next time.”








B is the nicest answer and the best way to change a persons mood is by being nice to them

How did Cabeza de Vaca transform throughout the selection? How does the author depict Cabeza de Vaca?



Cabeza de Vaca was transformed into a devouted religious person.

The author depicts him as a saint.


In his travelogue, Cabeza de Vaca recounts the time when he along with his men was captured by the Natives in Isle of Misfortune. After spending a year as being a slave on the island, Vaca and his men escaped and came to another tribe on mainland.

In his account, he tells that how when Spaniards were persuaded by the Natives to become medicine men, he was transformed into a devouted religious person.

Vaca and Dorantes kept practising their faith healing among the Natives to heal the sick Natives. This practice brought a good reputation to them among the tribes, according to Vaca's account. He depicts himself as a saint.

describe the bedroom of your dreams



Half black half army green.

A bed with black sheets

A laboratory

And a girl warming the bed for when I get home



bed room of my dreams would have to be a 15 by 15 foot square based and 4 walls 2 red 2 blue ceiling would be white with crazy lights and a pc set up with a queen size bed right in the middle with neon lime green sheets and a 2 body mirrors infront of my bed


Answer the questions below.



1. , however,

2.  , an unsinkable ship,

3. , the world's friendliest vegetable,

4. , after being ... during an assembly,

5. , not counting a ton of powdered vegetables,

6. Pandas must eat 12-38 kilograms of bamboo, which makes up their entire diet, everyday.

7. Cacti are desert plants; they don't need much water on a regular basis, which they store efficiently, to survive in their environment.

Label word and phrases in the following sentence we decided to take the ferry to the island



Noun "We"

Verb "decided"

Prepositional Phrase "to take the ferry"

Prepositional Phrase "to the island"


When you look at the sentence "We decided to take the ferry to the island." you should focus on only one word at a time. "We" is a noun because it refers to the person speaking. "decided" is a verb because it is describing what happened. "to take the ferry" is a Prepositional phrase because it starts with the word "to". The word "to" alone is not a Prepositional phrase but it is a preposition. "to the island" is a prepositional because it starts with the word "to".


Noun "We"

Verb "decided"

Prepositional Phrase "to take the ferry"

Prepositional Phrase "to the island"


When you look at the sentence "We decided to take the ferry to the island." you should focus on only one word at a time. "We" is a noun because it refers to the person speaking. "decided" is a verb because it is describing what happened. "to take the ferry" is a Prepositional phrase because it starts with the word "to". The word "to" alone is not a Prepositional phrase but it is a preposition. "to the island" is a prepositional because it starts with the word "to". there fore it is a prepostional phrase

help please thanks ASAPP


C is the correct answer because A & D are first person
option C is the correct answer

In which sentence is the word waned used correctly? The rain waned and flooding began. The waned dog had been running for hours in the park. He became so out of breath and tired that his speed waned. We were so tired that we waned before going out to dinne



he became so out of breath his speed waned


Waned means to drecrease and his spreed was decreasing.


The answer is: "He became so out of breath and tired that his speed waned."


I took the k12 test too.

Neighbors are already looking forward to the grand opening of the Englewood Aquatic Center and the recreation that the center's Olympic-sized pool will provide. With proof of address, residents will be able to sign up for discounted swimming lessons and attend weekly open swim sessions for free. The new swimming facility will take two years to build. It will be state of the art. Which revision uses a phrase to combine the last two sentences? Constructing this new state-of-the-art swimming facility will take two years. The two-year construction of the swimming facility will be state of the art. Taking years to complete, construction of the state-of-the-art swimming facility will be complete. Construction of the new swimming facility will take two years and be state of the art.



The revision that uses a phrase to combine the last two sentences is:

A. Constructing this new state-of-the-art swimming facility will take two years.


A phrase is a group of words that stand together and express a concept. A phrase is often a part of a sentence or a clause. This question wants us to find the revision that combines two sentences by using a phrase. The best option is letter A:

Constructing this new state-of-the-art swimming facility will take two years.

The highlighted section above is the a phrase resulting from combining the two sentences. All the information necessary from both sentences was put together to form the subject of this revised sentence.


The revision that uses a phrase to combine the last two sentences is:

A. Constructing this new state-of-the-art swimming facility will take two years.


what type of irony is found in paragraph 5-6 of "the story of the hour" and explain how it is such?​



Perhaps, the most salient example of situational irony is in the turn of events in the hour that suggest that Bently Mallard is dead and Mrs. Louise Mallard has fully come alive. For, incongruously the narrative abruptly changes and it is Bently Mallard who yet lives while Mrs.


The shift has left parents struggling to set rules that will keep their teens rested in today’s age. Stephanie Cassidy, Ryan’s 48-year-old mom, said summer rules are more lax, but over the school year she and her husband banned computer use—except for homework—on weeknights. They also enforced a 10 p.m. bedtime and put limits on Xbox and other game use at night. “Sometimes I’d like to take all the electronics and throw it out the window,” Cassidy said. “They need their sleep and until they learn and see the reality of it for themselves, they might not know how to do that.”



this one's so plain but let's summarize it.....for your understanding...XD


The situation/condition now has left parents with an only option which is to set rules to keep their teens away from their gadgets.

Ryan's mom cassidy is 48 yr old sometimes wants to throw all the electronics out of the window.

Sje and her husband banned the use of computer on school year Except on weeknights.they also enforced a 10pm bedtime and put limits on Xbox and other game use at night.. Cassidy is worried abhout her children's health.

we ordered dessert because the meal we ordered was cheaper than expected.

it's this cause to effect or effect the cause?​


This is the effect thecause is that the dinner was cheap so youroutcome would be you ordered dessert

A chunk of paraffin wax has a mass of 50.4 grams and a volume of 57.9 cm3. What is the density of paraffin wax?





Density = mass/volume = 50.4/57.9 = 0.870g/cm3

what stood on the bank of semmerwater​



This ballad tells us about the story of a beggar and it's immensely powerful course

Which sentence contains a correctly punctuated parenthetical phrase?

She played my favorite piece Beethoven's "Fur Elise."

Dr. Jonas Salk, a medical researcher from New York, developed the first effective polio vaccine.

My brother, the brightest kid in the class wasn't paying attention.

The dentist prepared to extract, the decaying tooth my left rear molar.



the Dr. Jonas one


i took the test on k-12 <3

Answer: B.  


Which text evidence best supports the idea that squeaky is running for more than just herself?






D.) “everybody on 151st Street can walk tall for another year”


took the test

10. Readers can make inferences with the combination of the following two things * Or Evidence from the text + Inferences Or Evidence from the text + Tape Or Evidence from the text + Brain power Evidence from the text + Background knowledge​



research evidence on inference skills for reading, including the skills that ... a text by drawing on local pieces of information. ... be an active reader who wants to make sense of the text.

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WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Based on regulations during Benjamin Harrison's Presidency, do you favor moreor less limitations on business today? PLEASE HELP ME If the mamba roller coaster at worlds of fun speeds up from 10mph to 78mph in 2s what is the acceleration? Which number completes the table for y=x^2?-996-6 Explain the importance of Hernando de Soto on the founding of Georgia. How did Darius I create unity? Kahn Company paid $240,000 to purchase a machine on January 1, Year 1. During Year 3, a technological breakthrough resulted in the development of a new machine that costs $300,000. The old machine costs $100,000 per year to operate, but the new machine could be operated for only $36,000 per year. The new machine, which will be available for delivery on January 1, year 3, has an expected useful life of four years. The old machine is more durable and is expected to have a remaining useful life of four years. The current market value of the old machine is $80,000. The expected salvage value of both machines is zero.Required: Based on this information, recommend whether to replace the machine. Support your recommendation with appropriate computations. PLEASE HELP! 20 POINTS!Amy and Chris took different routes to travel from Point A to Point E. Amy took the route along A, B, C, D, and E and reached the destination in 2 hours. Chris took the route along A, G, F, and E and reached the destination in 3 hours. Their routes are shown.Which conclusion is correct?Amy's average speed is twice Chris's average speed.Chris's average speed is twice Amy's average speed.Amy's average speed is equal to Chris's average speed.Chris's average speed is three times Amy's average speed. In Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," the events take place in a quiet, rural village.How does this setting affect the story's conflict?The difference between the setting and conflict emphasizes the superiority of urban life.The discrepancy between the setting and the conflict stresses the importance of family and hard work.The gap between the setting and the conflict shows that people are more moral today.The disparity between the setting and the conflict makes the events even more horrific and disturbing. All of the following are factors that occur during the self-reflection phase of self-regulation except ___A self-judgmentB. self-planningC. self-reactionD. self-observation similarities between French and British colonies 1. Who did John Adams suggest should be the Commander of the Continental Army? One day you tap your smartphone screen to turn it on, and nothing happens. It appears to be turned off and will not turn on. What should you try first to fix it? perform a soft reset plug it into a charger for an hour submerge it in a bag of rice for 24 hours perform a hard reset Which of the following is 7/18 closest to? 1/201 Reasons how the colonists had victory in the revolutionary war PLZZZ HELP!! I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST a dice numbered 1-6 is rolled 20 times.How many times will a number less than 4 show?a.5b.10c.15d.never If used for a lie,I'll probably die,If used for the truth,I'll need further proof,Use me for truth,And add in a lie,I'm more likely to tie... What is the answer Cameron found a jacket marked 20% off. If the original price is $90, how much is the discount? What two molecules transfer their energy to ATP to provide fuel for cells?a. carbohydrates and lipidsb. enzymes and nucleic acidsc. amino acids and nucleic acidsd. amino acids and lipids What does the term "chain reaction" refer to in discussing the role of consumer behavior in greater society?