LO NECESITO URGENTEMENTE, PORFAVOR AYUDENME INSTRUCCIONES: lee el siguiente texto y completa las ideas con las siguientes palabras, (pueden sobrar algunas): mitótico, meiótico, haploide, somáticas, unión, gametos, fecundación, genética, variación, iguales, diferentes.

Reproducción sexual

La reproducción sexual consisten en la ___________ de dos gametos uno femenino y otro masculino, para formar un nuevo individuo con características provenientes de ambos progenitores. Los ___________ son células especializadas que se forman por un proceso __________ y tiene en su núcleo la mitad de la información __________ de un organismo, por lo que reciben el nombre de células ___________ de manera que cuando se une sus cromosomas se forman células diploides característico de la especie. La característica más importante de este tipo de reproducción es la ___________ genética que implica que los descendientes tengan características de sus dos progenitores, por lo que son ___________ a ellos. El proceso en el que se une las células sexuales se le conoce como ___________. En los animales esta pude ser interna o externa.


Answer 1


La reproducción sexual consisten en la unión de dos gametos uno femenino y otro masculino, para formar un nuevo individuo con características provenientes de ambos progenitores. Los gametos son células especializadas que se forman por un proceso meiótico y tienen en su núcleo la mitad de la información genética de un organismo, por lo que reciben el nombre de células haploides de manera que cuando se une sus cromosomas se forman células diploides característico de la especie. La característica más importante de este tipo de reproducción es la variación genética que implica que los descendientes tengan características de sus dos progenitores, por lo que son diferentes a ellos. El proceso en el que se une las células sexuales se le conoce como fecundación. En los animales esta pude ser interna o externa.


Los gametos (óvulos y espermatozoides) son células germinales especializadas que se desarrollan a partir de un proceso llamado gametogénesis (espermatogénesis en machos y ovogénesis en hembras). El proceso de gametogénesis implica un tipo de división celular llamado 'meiosis' donde la cantidad de cromosomas se reduce a la mitad. En humanos, el número cromosómico diploide (2n) de 46 cromosomas se reduce a un número haploide (n) de 23 cromosomas. La fecundación es el proceso por el cual los gametos se fusionan durante la reproducción sexual para producir un cigoto diploide. En la reproducción sexual, el aumento de la variación genética en la progenie es un resultado de tres procesos diferentes: la unión aleatoria entre gametos durante la fecundación, la distribución independiente de los cromosomas durante la gametogénesis y el entrecruzamiento (recombinación o crossing over) entre cromátidas de cromosomas homólogos durante la meiosis. Finalmente, en animales, la fecundación puede ser interna, la cual se produce mediante la unión de los gametos dentro del cuerpo de la hembra (por ejemplo, gallina, leona, cebra, etc.), o fecundación externa, donde la fusión de gametos se produce en el ambiente externo (por ejemplo en peces, sapos, ranas, etc.).

Related Questions

Two scientists do not agree which type of grocery bag is better for the environment. What is the most likely outcome of their disagreement?



The most likely outcome of their disagreement is the use of cloth tote bags


During composting, what happens to the initial ingredients such as eggshells, leaves, and cardboard?
A. planting
B. pollution
C. fertilization
D. decomposition


The answer is D. Decomposition







○ 3, 4 .............ghhg



Answer is B.) I hope I could help have a good rest of your day







the line on the graph is higher than 300 and close to 350 hence any answer below 300 is wrong .so the answer is 345.

girIs j-oin


ID - 755 0884 2828
pass - awJ9EU​


When is this meeting??

Fibroblasts can be placed on thin sheets of silicone rubber. Under normal circumstances, fibroblasts exert sufficient tension on the rubber so that it visibly wrinkles. Explain how the ability of fibroblasts to wrinkle rubber would change if the cells were treated with a permeable form of C3 transferase, a toxin (from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum) that covalently modifies an amino acid in Rho. The modification renders Rho unable to bind to proteins that it would normally bind to when active.



C3 transferase decreases Rho activity and contractility by decreasing the number of stress fibers and thus also reducing wrinkles


Rho protein is a small GTPase, i.e., an enzyme that binds GTP to hydrolyze it to GDP, which is known to mediate the formation of stress fibers and focal adhesion. Rho protein is involved in diverse cellular functions including, among others, adhesion, motility, and division by reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The bacterial toxin C3 transferase derived from Clostridium botulinum is able to lock Rho in an inactive state. C3 transferase adds an ADP-ribose to Rho, thereby leading to the accumulation of a Rho-guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) complex in the cytoplasm. In consequence, C3 transferase functions to decrease contractility by blocking Rho activity, decreasing the number of stress fibers and leading to a reduction in wrinkles.

Cyanobacteria can cluster together into colonies called _______, with some discovered in Western Australia that are 3.5 billion years old. Cyanobacteria produce oxygen and convert sunlight to energy using _______. Plants and arthropods didn't make the transition to land until near the end of the _______ Period. Diverse multicellular eukaryotes didn't appear until the _______ period. A large multicellular eukaryote requires more _______ to survive than a single-cell eukaryote. Respond to the following based on your reading. Describe the biological chemical processes that were responsible for producing oxygen in Earth's atmosphere, eventually leading to the Cambrian Explosion. Explain the importance of oxygen in the evolution of large multicellular animal life.



1.) stromatolites

2.) photosynthesis

3.) Ordovician

4.) Cambrian

5.) oxygen

6.) As Earth cooled, carbon dioxide dissolved in the early ocean. Cyanobacteria consumed carbon dioxide and converted it to oxygen. Methane was removed from the atmosphere as oxygen was produced, eventually leading to the Cambrian Explosion.

7.) Metabolic processes that use oxygen produce more energy than anaerobic metabolism. Simple diffusion of oxygen would limit the size of a multicellular eukaryote, but animals evolved ways to transport oxygen to their tissues, which permitted an increase in size.


From Penn


1. stromatolites  

2. photosynthesis  

3. Ordovician  

4. Cambrian  

5. oxygen  

6. As Earth cooled, carbon dioxide dissolved in the early ocean. Cyanobacteria consumed carbon dioxide and converted it to oxygen. Methane was removed from the atmosphere as oxygen was produced, eventually leading to the Cambrian Explosion.  

7. Metabolic processes that use oxygen produce more energy than anaerobic metabolism. Simple diffusion of oxygen would limit the size of a multicellular eukaryote, but animals evolved ways to transport oxygen to their tissues, which permitted an increase in size.


Just did it on Penn Foster

The diagram above depicts a karyotype of an individual human. Which of the following statements concerning the karyotype in the diagram is true? Select all that apply.

The diagram indicates an individual with an extra sex chromosome
The diagram illustrates a genetic condition found in females.
The diagram illustrates the results of nondisjunction during gamete formation.
The diagram indicates a mechanism for increasing genetic diversity in subsequent generations.


Answer:the diagram illustrates the results of non disjunction during gamete formation.


The following statements concerning the karyotype in the diagram is true - The diagram illustrates the results of nondisjunction during gamete formation.


Karyotype refers to the number and appearance of chromosomes present within the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. It is illustrated as a diagram such as given in the question.

There is no Down's syndrome as the karyotype demonstrates a normal pair of chromosome 21.  In this karyotype, there is an extra X-chromosome that depicts non-disjunction during either oogenesis or spermatogenesis (gamete formation) in the parents leading to the 23rd trisomy.

Learn more about Karyotype:


3: What do the cells do with the molecules?


Complex organic food molecules such as sugars fats and proteins are rich sources of energy for cells because much of the energy used to form these molecules is literally stored within the chemical bonds that hold them together

Jack covers his ears when he hears a loud sound. Which is correct?


There is no picture or choices, so I can’t help! Try re-posting it :)

The landforms indicated by the arrows in the image are common features off the coast of Mississippi. What are these features?
coral reefs
barrier islands
continental shelf
submerged mountains



b) barrier islands


I looked up Mississippi barrier islands and they were a thing.

2. A chef pours a cup of rice into a pot of boiling water and observes the rice swirling around in the plot. Which of the following explains the cause of this motion?

A. Heat transfer by radiation makes the rice vibrate.

B. The rice is carried along by conduction.

C. The chef stirred the pot before the rice was added.

D. The rice is carried along by convection currents.

Choose one correct answer.''





Not A > Radiation comes from the sun

Not B > Conduction involves direct contact with a heat-conducting object (if the rice were to

Not C > Irrelevant to heat transfer

The answer is C
I don’t know if you want an explanation

I need help on homework



i wanna say the second to last one


2. 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate is an allosteric inhibitor of oxygen binding to hemoglobin. a. Acclimatization to high altitude involves numerous physiological and biochemical changes, including an increase in the concentration of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate in red blood cells. Explain why the 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate concentration increases at high altitude. b. The 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate concentration in maternal red blood cells also increases during pregnancy. Why



A. At high altitude, increase in 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) ensures that enough oxygen is delivered to the tissues despite the low oxygen saturation levels there.

B. An increase in 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) is necessary during pregnancy as it ensures that both the pregnant woman and developing fetus have enough oxygen for their metabolic needs.


Atmospheric pressure is low at high altitudes with the result that oxygen molecules in the air are further apart. The reduction of oxygen availability in the air thus reduces the oxygen saturation in the blood and brain. Oxygen saturation levels refer to the extent hemoglobin is bound or saturated to oxygen.

2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) is an allosteric inhibitor of oxygen binding to hemoglobin. At low concentration, oxygen delivery to tissues is low while at hgh concentrations, oxygen delivery to tissues increases. It ensures that oxygen bound to hemoglobin in blood from the lungs is delivered to the tissues. Thus, at high altitude, increase in BPG ensures that enough oxygen is delivered to the tissues despite the low oxygen saturation levels there.

B. During pregnancy, there is a significant increase in oxygen demand. This is due to a 15% increase in the metabolic rate and a 20% increased consumption of oxygen as the developing fetus obtains nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood.

An increase in 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) is necessary during pregnancy as it ensures that both the pregnant woman and developing fetus have enough oxygen for their metabolic needs.

If a period contains many fossils of species that previously weren't found, what type of event most likely took place on Earth?

Question 17 options:

Natural selection

Population equilibrium

Punctuated evolution

Mass extinction





Mass extinction


This mass introduction of new fossils points to a preceding mass extinction where many of the existing species died off.

if your family produces an average of 1.8kg of solid waste per person per day, how much waste will your entire family generate in the month of october?



According to the EPA, the average American person will produce about 5.91 pounds of trash, with about 1.51 pounds being recycled; 4.40 pounds is the rough average daily waste per person. That's a lot!

Which country loaded botulism toxins into bombs? Why is botulism of less concern than anthrax or plague?



Botulism is a rare, but life threatening infection caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum which spreads through contaminated food, soil, or through open wounds. Ingestion of bacterial spores and toxins are the main reasons behind the symptoms. Symptoms vary depending on the type of botulism. Medications and infected tissue removal methods are available to remove the bacterial toxins.


Plz help me!
The amount of shine a mineral has describes the mineral's
A) hardness
B) luster
C) color
D.crystal size


The correct answer is B) luster
The best answer to go with is b

Explain how plants and humans are interdependent using the words cellular respiration and photosynthesis.




Humans need oxygen to respire and plants need carbondioxide to photosythensize. So plants produces oxygen as product during photosythensis which humans need for respiration and humans also produces carbondioxide as product during respiration which plants also needs for photosynthesis  

Why is transcription both the same and different between chloroplasts and mitochondria?



because they have similar functions

How does the shape of organ relate to gene expression?



The alleles for MADS-box genes get expressed at different levels. They form the “L” complex and the “SP” complex. These are a group of proteins that determine the shape of the petals. The more they L complex is expressed, the high the probability that the petals of the flower will form the ‘lip’ and the high the SP complex is expressed then the high the likelihood of dominant petals.


Hope this helped, and consider giving Brainliest :)

Use the data you calculated in parts A and B to explain why gypsy moths could threaten biodiversity in the ecosystem.

Answer: edmentum

The number of gypsy moths is growing exponentially in a short period of time, which suggests that there are few predators controlling their population. This growth also aids the exponential destruction of shrubs and trees, which native species rely on for food and shelter. Increased competition for these resources will likely cause the population of many native species to decline. Over time, some of the native species may die out or leave the area, leading to a decline in biodiversity.



The number of moths are growing fast in just a short period of time, this means that their poulation is being controlled by their predators. As the population of the moths continue to grow, there will be an increase in the destruction of crops and trees within the moth's environment. Over time some of the species may die out and cause them to relocate and cause a decrease in biodiversity.


I put this answer in my own words, so you may copy and paste it.

The caterpillar of the Gypsy Moth provokes tree damage but since it is the only stage of the life cycle that utilizes food. When the population of feeding caterpillars reaches pandemic proportions, they can completely defoliate trees.

What is a biodiversity?

The term biodiversity pertains to the diversity of life on Earth at all levels, from genes to ecosystems, and can encompass the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that enable life to exist.

The caterpillar of the Gypsy Moth provokes tree damage but since it is the only stage of the life cycle that utilizes food.

When the population of feeding caterpillars reaches pandemic proportions, they can completely defoliate trees.

Thus, this way gypsy moths could threaten biodiversity in the ecosystem.

For more details regarding biodiversity, visit:



Many of the hardest rocks are metamorphic rocks. Why do you think metamorphic rocks are harder than sedimentary rocks?



Metamorphic rocks are almost always harder than sedimentary rocks. They are generally as hard and sometimes harder than igneous rocks. They form the roots of many mountain chains and are exposed to the surface after the softer outer layers of rocks are eroded away.  

Because their mineral grains grew together tightly during metamorphism, they're generally strong rocks.

Which of the following statements is not part of the cell theory? A) All living cells come frondivision of preexisting cells. B) All cells are surrounded by a cell wall. C). A cell is the smallest unit of life, individually alive even as part of a multicelled organism.​


B is not part of the cell theory; there are many types of cells that do not have cell walls, so the statement cannot even be generally true.

what are four characteristics of viral genomes that may vary among viruses?






the answers are nucleic acid type, size, complexity, and the information transfer pathways.


Hope this helps

During the rock cycle, ______________ follows erosion. *





Hope this helps and have a great day!!!!

[tex]\small\sf{During\: the\: rock \:cycle, \:{\underline{\bf{\red{\:\:\:\:Deposition\:\:\:\:}}}}follows\: erosion.}[/tex]

Which of the following best describes the use of population models in biology? (SC.7.N.3.1
O They are generally easy to construct.
O They can represent reality precisely.
They are used when no observations have been made.
O They can help predict outcomes
(25 points)


The answer to the question is they can help predict outcome

Answer:they can help predict outcomes


.What are two reasons hypoxic tumors are
are resistant to chemotherapy?



chemotherapy target rapidly proliferation cells and there is poor penetration of many drugs to tumor cells that are located distal to functional blood vessels hypoxic cells are also likely to resistant to chemotherapy

Which of the following is an example of planning for the future to avoid environmen damage?

A. Creating a landfill

B. Cleaning up an oil spill

C. Mining aluminum from the earth’s crust

D. Evaluating potential effects of development



B is the answer

cleaning up an oil spill

B, cleaning an oil spill.
Oil spilling can cause pollution so cleaning it up can help prevent that

6. In a non-competitive environment what is the result of a catastrophic disturbance? I


Answer:Ecologists generally distinguish between relatively small, frequent disturbances and large, infrequent, so-called "catastrophic" disturbances. ... Examples of the large, infrequent disturbances include volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and major wildfires



They typically cause a sudden decrease in population size, and in some cases may eliminate entire subpopulations


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