Little Italy Pizza charges $14.95 for a 12-inch diameter cheese pizza and $17.95 for a 14-inch diameter cheese pizza. Write the pseudocode for an algorithm that calculates and displays how much each of these earns the establishment per square inch of pizza sold. (Hint: You will need to first calculate how many square inches there are in each pizza.)


Answer 1


Following are the pseudocode to this question:

Declare variables A1, A2, B1, B2, C1,C2

Initialize B1 to 14.95

Initialize B2 to 17.95

Calculate A1=3.14*12*12/4

Calculate A2=3.14*14*14/4

Calculate C1=B1/A1

Calculate C2=B2/A2

PRINT "12 inches pizza earns $"+C1+" PER square inch"

PRINT "14 inches pizza earns $"+C2+" PER square inch"


In the above-given code, six variable "A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2" is declared, in which "B1 and B2" is used for initializing the given value, in the next step "A1, A2, C1, and C2" variable is declared that calculates and store its values and use the print method to print its stored value with the message.  

Related Questions

Create a class BankAccount with 2 variables, a int balance, and a string name. Then create an instance of the BankAccount Class, change its name and balance, and print its name and balance.



Follows are the code to the given question:

class BankAccount //defining a class BankAccount


 int balance;//defining integer variable balance  

 String name;//defining String variable name

 BankAccount()//defining default constructor



  BankAccount(int balance, String name)//defining parameterized constructor that accepts two parameters  


     this.balance = balance;//use this to hold parameter value = name;//use this to hold parameter value



public class Main//defining Main class


 public static void main(String[] asr)//main method  


  BankAccount obv = new BankAccount(1969, "Mustang");//creating class object and pass value in parameter

   System.out.println("Your name is: " + + " and " +"Your balance is: "+ obv.balance);//print value with message




Your name is: Mustang and Your balance is: 1969


In this code a class "BankAccount" is declared, that  defines the two variable "name and balance" as a integer and string, and in the next step a parameterized constructor is declared, that uses this keyword to hold value.

In the main class the main method is declared and inside the method class object is created that accepts parameter value and use the print method to print its value.

Question 9 (3 points)
When you add a row, where will it appear?


Click the Insert command on the Home tab. The new row will appear above the selected row.

To insert the row, Click the Insert command on the Home tab. The new row will appear above the selected row.

What is a cell?

A column and a row's intersection form a rectangular space known as a cell. The Cell Name or Reference, which is discovered by adding the Column Letter and the Row Number, is used to identify cells.

A row can be inserted either above or below where the cursor is. Then click the Table Layout tab after selecting the area where you wish to add a row. Click Above or Below under Rows & Columns. A row can be inserted either above or below where the cursor is.

Then click the Table Layout tab after selecting the area where you wish to add a row. Click Above or Below under Rows & Columns.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the raw appears in the home tab in the section of Row.

Learn more about cells here:


Which search phrase is the most effective to find out about the most popular pizza chains worldwide in 2019?

popular pizza chains in the world
most popular AND pizza chains AND worldwide AND 2019
the most popular pizzas “in the world today” AND 2019 AND chains
2019 worldwide pizza chains “most popular in the world”






The search phrases most effective to find out about the 'most popular pizza chains worldwide in 2019,' are most popular AND pizza chains  AND worldwide AND 2019.

The search phrases are those phrases that people enter on Go-ogle to search for webpages. These phrases are the words that will bring results accurately.

Therefore, option B is correct.


Thanks chief, very cool of you.


Which code segment results in "true" being returned if a number is odd? Replace "MISSING CONDITION" with the correct code segment.
a) num % 2 == 0;
b) num % 2 ==1;
c) num % 1 == 0;
d) num % 0 == 2;



b) num % 2 ==1;


Which code segment results in "true" being returned if a number is odd? Replace "MISSING CONDITION" with the correct code segment.

ERICUS Company sells Ghacem cement at 30.0 Ghana Cedis per bag. The company however gives discount of 15% for customers that buy 100 or more bags, and 0% for customers that buy less than 100 bags. Write a pseudocode and present a flowchart that will display the discount percentage when the quantity of bags purchased is entered



The pseudocode is as follows:

Input Qty

Discount = 0%

If Qty>= 100:

       Discount = 15%

 Print Discount


This gets the quantity of bags

Input Qty  

This initializes the discount percentage to 0%

Discount = 0%  

This checks if the quantity is greater than or equal to 100.

If Qty>= 100:

If true, the discount percentage is set to 15%

       Discount = 15%

This prints the calculated discount percentage

Print Discount

See attachment for flowchart

Which of the following is a reason to use a template?
a. To save time when creating a new presentation
b. To use a consistent design throughout your presentation
c. To get ideas for possible content for a presentation



B, To use a consistent design throughout your presentation


Templates basically enforce overall consistency by having a pre-determined structure and layout. All documents made using a template will match its layout exactly. When it comes to your document's content, Word's Styles tool is a great way to maintain consistent formatting.

(a) The cell references containing values to be used for calculations passed
to the function are called​





When input is passed to a function, the input is referred to as an argument.

And the syntax is:

Function_Name(argument_1, argument_2...,argument_n)

I'll answer this question using the following instance:

The following instruction written in cell C3:


The above instruction in Excel adds up the content of cell C1 and C2, and the result is saved in C4.

If C1 = 2, C2 = 3

C3 will be:

[tex]C3 = 2 + 3[/tex]

[tex]C3 = 5[/tex]


Function_Name(argument_1, argument_2...,argument_n)

The arguments of =SUM(C1,C2) are C1 and C2.

Hence, the term that answers this question is: argument

The local library dealing with a major computer virus checked its computers and found several unauthorized programs, also known as ______.

A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Malware
D. Torrents





Answer: C. Malware

i just did it

hot components or sharp edges of computer is an example of what hazard​



hot components or sharp edges of computer is an example of a mechanical hazard

Trace the output of this code



The output is 5



Dim x As Integer

x = 5

If x <=5 Then x = x + 1

Label1.text = x -1


The output

On the second line of the code, x=5

The third line is an if condition which checks if x<=5

So, we have:

5 <= 5 ....This is true

So, x = x + 1 will be executed

[tex]x = 5 + 1[/tex]

[tex]x = 6[/tex]

The last line of the program subtracts 1 for x and outputs the result on Label1

Label1.text = x -1

Label1.text = 6 -1

Label1.text = 5

Hence, the output is 5

Write a program that creates a login name for a user, given the user's first name, last name, and a four-digit integer as input. Output the login name, which is made up of the first five letters of the last name, followed by the first letter of the first name, and then the last two digits of the number (use the % operator). If the last name has less than five letters, then use all letters of the last name. Hint: Use the to_string() function to convert numerical data to a string.



In C++:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   string lname, fname,stringnum;    int num; string login, pwd;

   cout<<"Last Name: ";    cin>>lname;

   cout<<"First Name: ";    cin>>fname;

   cout<<"Four-digit integer: ";    cin>>num;

   stringnum = to_string(num).substr(0,4);

   stringstream geek(stringnum);    geek>>num;

   num = num%100;

   pwd = to_string(num);

   if(lname.length()<5){ login = lname+fname.substr(0,1);    }

   else{ login = lname.substr(0,5)+fname.substr(0,1);    }

   cout<<"Login Name: "<<login<<endl;

   cout<<"Password: "<<pwd<<endl;

   return 0;



This declares all necessary variables

   string lname, fname,stringnum;    int num;     string login, pwd;

This prompts the user for last name

   cout<<"Last Name: ";    cin>>lname;

This prompts the user for first name

   cout<<"First Name: ";    cin>>fname;

This prompts the user for a four digit integer

   cout<<"Four-digit integer: ";    cin>>num;

This converts the input number to string and gets only the first four integer

   stringnum = to_string(num).substr(0,4);

This converts the string back to an integer

   stringstream geek(stringnum);    geek>>num;

This gets the last two of the four digit integer

   num = num%100;

This gets the password of the user

  pwd = to_string(num);

This gets the login name of the user.

This is executed if the length of the first name is less than 5

   if(lname.length()<5){ login = lname+fname.substr(0,1);    }

This is executed if otherwise

   else{ login = lname.substr(0,5)+fname.substr(0,1);    }

This prints the login name

   cout<<"Login Name: "<<login<<endl;

This prints the password

   cout<<"Password: "<<pwd<<endl;

what is cell reference



A cell reference refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used in a formula so that Microsoft Office Excel can find the values or data that you want that formula to calculate. In one or several formulas, you can use a cell reference to refer to: ... Data contained in different areas of a worksheet.

I hope it's helpful!

A cell reference or cell address is a combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet. For example, A1 refers to the cell at the intersection of column A and row 1; B2 refers to the second cell in column B, and so on

A new, empty workbook that contains three worksheets (sheets).
a.Clear Worksheet
b.Blank Worksheet
c.Standard Worksheet
d.Unformatted Worksheet


D unformatted worksheet

(4 points.) Write an algorithm (i.e., step-by-step instructions) via which someone could walk or drive from some origin to some destination, perhaps a path that you yourself tend to travel. Take care to specify what the origin and destination that you have in mind. And take care to use loops and conditions as needed, particularly if there might be obstacles (e.g., red lines). Assume that your algorithm will be executed by a robot (or lost friend) who will follow your directions precisely, so avoid ALL ambiguity!



The algorithm is as follows :

1. Record Current Position, Final Destination

2. While Current Position is not Final Destination, repeat the following:

2.1 If destination location is up then:

  2.1.1 If an obstacle is directly above you then: Look for alternate position (left, right, down) If alternate position is found then Move there Record Current Position If no alternate position is found then Call for help End

  2.1.2 If no obstacle is directly above you then: Move up Record Current Position

2.2 If destination location is down then:

  2.2.1 If an obstacle is directly below you then: Look for alternate position (left, right, up) If alternate position is found then Move there Record Current Position If no alternate position is found then Call for help End

  2.2.2 If no obstacle is directly below you then: Move down Record Current Position

2.3 If destination location is right then:

  2.3.1 If an obstacle is directly by your right then: Look for alternate position (down, up, left) If alternate position is found then Move there Record Current Position If no alternate position is found then Call for help End

  2.3.2 If no obstacle is directly by your right then: Move right Record Current Position

2.4 If destination location is left then:

  2.4.1 If an obstacle is directly by your left then: Look for alternate position (down, up, right) If alternate position is found then Move there Record Current Position If no alternate position is found then Call for help End

  2.4.2 If no obstacle is directly by your left then: Move left Record Current Position


The algorithm is straight forward.

All it does is to check for available position and move into the position if there is any available.

It keeps checking and moving until an obstacle prevents it from moving.

Why wouldn't a game using just run-length encodings be challenging?


A set of run-length encodings would not be a challenge because of the predictability of the challenges.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Run-length encodings allow long strings of many repetitive values to be represented as an original string.This type of encoding is very efficient on data that is replicated very frequently, emits simple images, and has an easy interface to analyze and manipulate.

When this is approached within a game, it promotes simple, repetitive, and predictable stages, where the player can easily know where the challenges will present themselves and how to overcome them, in addition to getting software that is simple to handle.

More information:

how are keyboards applied in the real world


Keyboards are used to type on electronics in the real world.

integral 3t+ 1 / (t + 1)^2​



[tex]3ln|t+1|+\frac{2}{t+1} +C[/tex]


We'll be using u-substitution for this problem.




[tex]\int\limits {\frac{3u-2}{u^2}} \, du[/tex]

Split the fraction

[tex]\int\limits {\frac{3u}{u^2} } \, du -\int\limits {\frac{2}{u^2} } \, du[/tex]

Move the constants out

[tex]3\int\limits {\frac{u}{u^2}du -2\int\limits {u^{-2}} \, du[/tex]


[tex]3\int\limits {\frac{1}{u}du -2\int\limits {u^{-2}} \, du[/tex]


[tex]3ln|u|+\frac{2}{u} +C[/tex]


[tex]3ln|t+1|+\frac{2}{t+1} +C[/tex]

Suppose a Java method receives a List and reverses the order of the items it contains by removing each item from the front of the list, pushing each item onto a Stack, and after all items are pushed, popping the items from the stack and inserting each item at the end of the list. Assume push and pop are O(1). What is the expected Big-O running time if: a. If an ArrayList is passed. Explain your answer. b. If a Linked List is passed. Explain your answer.



poop poop poopoop poop pooop

Can hardware work without software? Why?





Short answer:

In contrast to software, hardware is a physical entity. Hardware and software are interconnected, without software, the hardware of a computer would have no function. However, without the creation of hardware to perform tasks directed by software via the central processing unit, software would be useless.

Extended answer:

hardware cannot function without software. Without software, hardware is just a piece of silicon with some pins jutting out of it.

Softwares are sets of instructions, somewhat like a soul is for humans, made to tell the hardware what to do.

Many have a misconception that hardware you buy such as a graphics card or a motherboard does not come with software. In fact, it does. It is not however, visible to mosts users as its job is to make the piece of silicon function as a computer.

The RAM is one such hardware that does not come with software and it needs to be plugged to a motherboard which has a software to function.

No, hardware cannot work without software.

So, in order for a computer or electronic device to work, it requires both hardware and software working together.


Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer or electronic device, such as the processor, memory, hard drive, and motherboard. Software, on the other hand, consists of the programs and instructions that tell the hardware what tasks to perform.

Hardware and software are interdependent. Hardware needs software to function because without software, hardware does not have any instructions to execute.

Know more about hardware,


1-5. Discuss briefly the function and benefits of computer network. (5pts​


Computer networks allow an unlimited amount of computers to communicate with each other. This is especially useful in enterprise environments, as technicians have to deal with hundreds of computers at a time. Computer networks make it easier to share files, increase storage capacity, better communication, easier to to control computers remotely, easier to share resources, ability to share a single internet connection on multiple devices. Computer networks also have a lot of cost benifits too, as network administration is centralised, meaning that less IT support is required, and you can cut costs on sharing peripherals and internet access.

Hopefully this helps you out!

Read the following statement and state whether True or False.
A. Fateh Burj is located in Mohall (Punjab).__________
8. Pongal is celebrated in West Bengal.__________
C. Chand minar is also known as the Tower of Moon'.________
D. Rabindra Nath Tagore stared the 'Shanti Niketan' school.__________
E The national sport of India is football.________​



A. false

8. false

c. true

d. true

e false


A. False

B. False

C. True

D. True

E. False

Margie has found a stock template to use. She changes a few things about the formatting and then saves the
template in the Templates Folder to use again. The next time Margie wants to access this template, she will go to
File, New, Sample templates.
File, New, My templates.
File, Open, My Documents.
File, Open, New Folder



file open my documents


because if she saved it she would have to go to her documents to open it


I listened to the other person and got the question WRONG. Had I gotten that question right I would have ended with all A's this semester. So thanks a lot and the answer is File, New, My Templates


1.The ___________ method adds a new element onto the end of the array.
2.A(n) ____________ is a variable that holds many pieces of data at the same time.
3.A(n) ____________ is a piece of data stored in an array.
4.Where does append add a new element?
A.To the end of an array.
B.To the beginning of an array.
C.To the middle of an array.
D.In alphabetical/numerical order.
5.Consider the following code that works on an array of integers:

for i in range(len(values)):
if (values[i] < 0):
values[i] = values [i] * -1
What does it do?

A.Changes all positives numbers to negatives.
B.Nothing, values in arrays must be positive.
C.Changes all negative numbers to positives.
D.Subtracts one from every value in the array.
6.Which of the following is NOT a reason to use arrays?
A.To quickly process large amounts of data.
B.Organize information.
C.To store data in programs.
D.To do number calculations.
7.Consider the following:

stuff = ["dog", "cat", "frog", "zebra", "bat", "pig", "mongoose"]
"frog" is ____________. index element
C.a list
D.a sum
8._____________ is storing a specific value in the array.

9.Consider the following code:

stuff = ["dog", "cat", "frog", "zebra", "bat", "pig", "mongoose"]

What is output?

D.['dog', 'cat', 'frog', 'zebra', 'bat', 'pig', 'mongoose']
10.Consider the following code:

tests = [78, 86, 83, 89, 92, 91, 94, 67, 72, 95]

sum = 0
for i in range(_____):
sum = sum + tests[i]

print("Class average: " + str((sum/_____)))
What should go in the ____________ to make sure that the code correctly finds the average of the test scores?

D.len(tests) - 1



1. append

2. array

3. elament

4. To the end of an array.

5. Changes all negative numbers to positives.

6. To do number calculations.

7. an elament

8. Assigning

9. zebra

10. len(tests)


got 100% on the test

Suppose you have a string matching algorithm that can take in (linear)strings S and T and determine if S is a substring (contiguous) of T. However,you want to use it in the situation where S is a linear string but T is a circularstring, so it has no beginning or ending position. You could break T at eachcharacter and solve the linear matching problem|T|times, but that wouldbe very inefficient. Show how to solve the problem by only one use of thestring matching algorithm.



no seishsssssssssssssssssssss

i have no clue how this app works

what is the use of printer​



To print stuff



well um


ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

to print things (⌐■_■)

Write a program using integers userNum and divNum as input, and output userNum divided by divNum three times.



Follows are the code to this question:

#include <iostream>//header file

using namespace std;

int main() //defining main method


int userNum, divNum;//defining integer variable

cin>> userNum >> divNum;//input values

cout <<"First-time divide: "<<userNum / divNum<<endl;//divide value First time  

cout <<"Second-time divide: " << userNum / divNum/divNum<<endl; //divide value Second time

cout<<"Third-time divide: "<< userNum /divNum/divNum/divNum<<endl;//divide value Third time

return 0;





First-time divide: 1000

Second-time divide: 500

Third-time divide: 250


In this code two integer variable "userNum and divNum" is declared that uses the input method to input value from the user-end, and after input the value it divides the "userNum by divNum" three times, that is defined as follows:

In this code, the user input the value 2000 and 2, in the first divides it will give 1000, in the second time divide it will give 500, and in the third time it will give 250.

Service and software companies typically have a high return-on-assets ratio because they require lower blank as compared to manufacturing companies.



So whats the question here? Your just saying a statment ...





The logical answer would be resources. As someone who has ran both, a software company requires less physical resources such as materials, tools, a large labor force, etc. With a manufacturing company, it requires a lot more tangible resources to be successful. Not sure if that is the correct answer, but it is the most logical one.

Create a text file content.txt and copy-paste following text (taken from Wikipedia) into it: A single-tasking system can only run one program at a time, while a multi-tasking operating system allows more than one program to be running in concurrency. This is achieved by time-sharing, dividing the available processor time between multiple processes that are each interrupted repeatedly in time slices by a taskscheduling subsystem of the operating system. Now, write a C program that opens content.txt file for reading and calls fork() function. The child process in the program will print first 150 characters from the file and the remaining characters will be printed by the parent. However, at the



s0 you should figure that out because I don't know how to


good luck

Suppose we are now working with memory words of length 8. We have already calculated that we need 4 check bits, and the length of all codewords will be 12. We now receive the following code word: 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Is this a legal codeword, assuming even parity? If not, where is the error?





and it is also an error

What is the major difference between the intranet and extranet?
Question 36 options:

Intranets hold more importance

The major difference between the two, however, is that an intranet is typically used internally.

Extranets improve internal communications

None of the above



Iinternet is hudge graphicla network and intranet is small network as compare to internet

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