In 2020, India will mostly export and import to and from China. Suppose we currently only examine the trade between India (I) and China (C) in the two main trading commodities, namely coal briquettes and aluminum.
a. Explain the Edgeworth Box concept in general, then explain the exchange of the two commodities between Indonesia and China, if trade is efficient (or Pareto Optimal), using the Edgeworth Box illustration.
b. For example, after trade, Indonesia currently has 18 billion tons of coal briquettes () and 2 billion tons of aluminum (), while China has 12 billion tons of coal briquettes () and 8 billion tons of aluminum (). With the social utility function as follows:
Indian utility function: UI=XY
Chinese utility function: C=X0.6Y0.2
If the trade between the two commodities is assumed to only occur between India and China, do you think the current allocation is Pareto efficient? What will happen then? Explain using graphic illustrations.


Answer 1

Brief explanation of the two sub-questions are as follows:

a. The Edgeworth Box is a graphical tool used to analyze the allocation of goods between two individuals or countries in a two-commodity economy. It represents the possible distributions of goods that are mutually beneficial for both parties, known as Pareto Optimal or efficient allocations.

In the Edgeworth Box, each axis represents the quantity of one commodity, and the diagonal line connecting the origin to the opposite corner represents the total amount of resources available. The shape of the Edgeworth Box reflects the initial endowments of the two countries. Any point within the box represents a feasible allocation of goods, while the points on the diagonal line represent the efficient allocations where no further reallocation can make one party better off without making the other worse off.

To illustrate the exchange of coal briquettes and aluminum between India (I) and China (C), we can imagine an Edgeworth Box with the two commodities on the axes. The initial endowment of each country would be represented by a point within the box. Efficient trades occur along the contract curve, which is the set of points where both countries' indifference curves are tangential to each other.

b. Based on the given information, India initially has 18 billion tons of coal briquettes and 2 billion tons of aluminum, while China has 12 billion tons of coal briquettes and 8 billion tons of aluminum. To determine if the current allocation is Pareto efficient, we need to examine whether there exists a feasible reallocation that would make at least one country better off without making the other worse off.

Let's plot the initial endowments on an Edgeworth Box graph. The X-axis represents coal briquettes, and the Y-axis represents aluminum.

  India's endowment (18, 2)      China's endowment (12, 8)

      |                                        |

      |                  •                     |

      |             C                          |

      |         •                   I          |

      |     •                                   |

      |__________                            |


India's utility function is UI = XY, and China's utility function is C = X^0.6 * Y^0.2.

The efficient allocation or Pareto Optimal point occurs where the indifference curves of India and China are tangential to each other. It represents the maximum joint utility both countries can achieve. To find this point, we need to identify the indifference curves that intersect each other and choose the tangential point.

         Indifference Curve

         |           •

         |         •

         |        •

         |      •

         |   •



                       Indifference Curve

The intersection of the indifference curves determines the allocation that maximizes total utility. However, without additional information about the specific shapes of the indifference curves, we cannot determine the exact efficient allocation point.

If the current allocation is not Pareto efficient, a possible outcome is that India and China can engage in trade to reach an efficient allocation. Through trade, both countries can reallocate their resources and specialize in producing the commodity in which they have a comparative advantage. This specialization and trade would lead to a more efficient allocation that increases total welfare for both countries.

The specific outcomes of trade, including the quantity of trade and the new allocation point, would depend on the terms of trade, relative prices, and the countries' comparative advantage in coal briquettes and aluminum production.

To know more about Edgeworth Box, please click on:


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IntroductionIntroducing the topic briefly is the opening paragraph of a research paper or report.

This section usually includes subheadings like background information, statement of the problem/purpose, significance of the study, scope of the study, and limitations of the study.

Background Information: It's a description of the events that led to the issue being investigated in your report.

Problem/Purpose: It's an explanation of why you're conducting the research and what you expect to achieve.

Significance of the Study: You should tell the readers how your research will benefit relevant people and contribute to the existing body of relevant knowledge.

Scope of the Study: This involves outlining the report's limits, including what will be covered or excluded from the report.

Limitations of the Study: This refers to any shortcomings or conditions that were beyond your control but affected your study

To know more about background information click on below link:


To achieve compliance with a new industry standard, a company develops a five-year plan in which goals are set for each year with incremental organizational changes focusing on one area of the new standard. Specify the type of change that is illustrated in this case.


The type of change that is illustrated in the given case is incremental organizational change.

Incremental organizational change refers to making minor changes or improvements in a system, product, or service within a company. Incremental change is gradual, modest, and not as dramatic as discontinuous change. An incremental organizational change could be part of a company's long-term strategic goals to improve, modify, or upgrade their goods, services, or processes.

To achieve compliance with a new industry standard, the company has developed a five-year plan in which goals are established for each year, focusing on one area of the new standard with incremental organizational changes.

To know more about incremental organizational visit:-


Which one of the following is NOT a recognised ‘rule’ of brainstorming?
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Criticism is ruled out
‘Free-wheeling’ is encouraged
Building on other people’s ideas is discouraged
Quantity is required
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Select one:
Political performance
Technological performance
Environmental performance
Legal performance
Expropriation of corporate assets without prompt and adequate compensation is an example of …
Select one:
economic risk.
political risk.
legal risk.
cultural risk.
… risk deals with basic macroeconomic theory together with fiscal and monetary policies.
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Mr Khumalo is reviewing an organisation’s documents prior to commencing the context stage. Which of the following subjects would he not examine at this stage?
Select one:
Business objectives
Risk management simulation techniques
Business risk appetite
Organisational structure


The following is NOT considered to be a brainstorming "rule," It is encouraged to be free-wheeling. Therefore, choice (B) is right. The more absurd the idea, the better, is what is meant by "free-wheeling." In reality, this is the exact opposite of brainstorming guideline number 3, which encourages accepting wild ideas, and rule number 4, which encourages merging and developing ideas. It is typically simpler to tame an idea than it is to stimulate it.

When the driven shaft rotates more quickly than the driveshaft, a free-wheeling or overrunning clutch, as it is known in mechanical or automotive engineering, disengages the driveshaft from the driven shaft. Freewheel and overdrive are unrelated terms that are occasionally used interchangeably.

When the rider stops pedaling, most bicycles experience encourages the circumstance where a driven shaft spins faster than its driveshaft. The back wheel of a fixed-gear bicycle powers the pedals since it lacks a freewheel.

Learn more about Free-wheeling, from :


what commodity from the americas did the french find most profitable?


The commodity from the Americas that the French found most profitable was sugar.

During the colonial period, the French established significant sugar plantations in the Caribbean islands, particularly in territories such as Haiti (then known as Saint-Domingue), Guadeloupe, and Martinique. These plantations utilized enslaved labor and produced vast quantities of sugar cane, which was processed to extract sugar.

Sugar quickly became a highly sought-after commodity in Europe and had a high market value. The French plantation owners in the Caribbean capitalized on this demand, establishing a lucrative trade network that involved the production, processing, and export of sugar to European markets.

The profitability of sugar cultivation and trade in the Americas drove significant economic growth for the French, particularly during the 17th and 18th centuries. The revenue generated from the sugar industry allowed France to establish colonies, expand its influence, and fund various endeavors, including military campaigns and infrastructure development.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that this profitability came at the expense of enslaved African people who endured inhumane conditions and suffered greatly under the plantation system. The exploitation of enslaved labor was a central component of the French sugar industry and has had lasting impacts on the social, cultural, and economic history of the Americas.

To learn more about sugar refer here:


Wheat are the four contigency variables that an organization structure depends on?


An organization structure is a method that specifies how activities such as supervision, coordination, and task allocation are directed toward achieving the company's goals. It is not feasible to prescribe a one-size-fits-all framework for organizing a company, therefore a company's structure must be adapted to fit the company's specific set of conditions.

To accomplish this, certain contingencies must be considered in order to build an effective organization design. The four contingency variables on which an organization structure depends on are as follows: Technology, Size, Environment, and Strategy. Technology: Technology refers to the tools and equipment that are used to accomplish tasks. Technology is a key element in deciding an organization's structure. In order to optimize efficiency, the organization structure must be designed to complement the technology that is being utilized. Size: Size refers to the organization's number of employees, annual revenue, total assets, and geographical range. As the size of an organization increases, so does the need for formalization and complexity. Environment: Environmental variables refer to external forces that are beyond the organization's control. The organization's structure should be adaptable to changing environmental conditions. A company's ability to cope with environmental shifts is a crucial consideration while selecting an organizational structure. Strategy: The organization's strategic goals, especially the need for flexibility and innovation, have a significant influence on the organization's structure. The structure should reflect the organization's strategic goals and objectives.

To know more about organization structure visit:


In order to allocate costs more precisely, a company will assign:
A. indirect costs only to products that directly generate the costs
B. direct costs only to products that directly generate the costs
C. both direct and indirect costs to products that directly generate the costs
D. no costs to products that directly generate the costs


In order to allocate costs more precisely, a company will assign both direct and indirect costs to products that directly generate the costs. The correct option is C.

Allocating costs more precisely involves assigning costs to products in a manner that reflects their actual consumption of resources. Direct costs are those costs that can be directly traced to a specific product or service, such as direct materials and direct labor.

Indirect costs, on the other hand, cannot be easily traced to a particular product and are incurred for the overall functioning of the company, such as overhead costs.To allocate costs more precisely, a company should assign both direct and indirect costs to products that directly generate the costs.

This approach ensures that all relevant costs are considered and properly attributed to the products responsible for generating those costs.

By allocating both direct and indirect costs, the company can gain a more accurate understanding of the true cost of producing each product and make more informed decisions regarding pricing, profitability analysis, and resource allocation.

This method allows for a more comprehensive cost analysis, leading to improved cost management and decision-making within the organization.The correct option is C.

To know more about costs refer here:


A U.S. corporation has purchased currency call options to hedge a 75,000 British pound payable. The premium is $.035, and the exercise price of the option is $1.35. If the spot rate at maturity is $1.45, what is the total amount paid by the corporation if it acts rationally? O $101,250 O $103,875 O $111,375 O $106,125 $98,625


The total amount paid by the corporation is $55,833.33.

Given the following details:

Call option premium: $0.035

Exercise price: $1.35

Amount payable: 75,000 British Pounds

Maturity spot rate: $1.45

The total amount paid by the corporation can be calculated as follows:

The strike price is the price at which the currency can be purchased, so the call option gives the corporation the right to purchase £75,000 at $1.35.

Call option amount = 75,000/1.35 = $55,555.56

Cost of the call option = call option amount × premium = $55,555.56 × $0.035 = $1,944.44

The corporation will only exercise the call option if it is profitable, which occurs when the spot price is greater than the strike price plus the premium. In this case, the spot rate at maturity is greater than $1.385.

Profitable = Spot price - Strike price - Premium = $1.45 - $1.385 - $0.035 = $0.03

Call option payout amount = Call option amount × Profitable amount = $55,555.56 × $0.03 = $1,666.67

Total amount paid by the corporation = Call option amount + Cost of the call option - Call option payout amount = $55,555.56 + $1,944.44 - $1,666.67 = $55,833.33

The correct option is: O $55,833.33.

To learn more about corporations, visit:


What factors should be considered before a firm allocates
resources towards improving its customer satisfaction ratings?


Before a firm allocates resources towards improving its customer satisfaction ratings, factors that should be considered are identifying the specific areas of customer dissatisfaction, analyzing competitors' performance, etc.

Improving customer satisfaction ratings requires a systematic approach that takes into account various factors. First and foremost, the firm should identify the specific areas where customers are dissatisfied. This can be done through surveys, feedback mechanisms, and analysis of customer complaints. Understanding the root causes of dissatisfaction helps in targeting resources effectively and addressing the most pressing issues.

Additionally, the potential impact on the firm's reputation and profitability should be carefully evaluated. Negative customer experiences can lead to a tarnished brand image, decreased customer loyalty, and ultimately, reduced profitability. On the other hand, enhancing customer satisfaction can result in positive word-of-mouth, increased customer referrals, and a stronger market position.

The feasibility and cost-effectiveness of improvement initiatives should also be considered. It is important to assess the resources required for implementing changes, such as technology upgrades, employee training, or process improvements. A cost-benefit analysis can help determine whether the expected gains in customer satisfaction outweigh the investment required.

Furthermore, analyzing competitors' performance is crucial. Benchmarking customer satisfaction ratings against industry peers provides insights into the firm's relative position and highlights areas where improvement is necessary to stay competitive. It also allows for learning from best practices and innovative approaches adopted by successful competitors.

Finally, long-term customer retention and loyalty should be taken into account. Improving customer satisfaction is not just about addressing immediate concerns; it should be viewed as a strategic investment in building lasting relationships with customers. Satisfied customers are more likely to stay loyal, repeat their purchases, and become advocates for the brand, leading to sustained business growth.

Considering these factors before allocating resources towards improving customer satisfaction ratings ensures a comprehensive and informed approach. It enables the firm to prioritize actions, allocate resources effectively, and drive meaningful improvements that positively impact customer experiences and overall business performance.

To know more about customer satisfaction click here


Required Information [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] Schrade Company bought a machine for $116,000 cash. The estimated useful life was four years and the estimate


Based on the information given, the depreciation expense is $27625, the net book value for year 1 is $88375 while that of year 2 is $60750.

How to calculate the value

Depreciation expense = (Cost - Residual value) / Estimated life

Year 1: [($116,000 - $5,500) / 4] = $27,625

Year 2: [($116,000 - $5,500) / 4] = $27,625

Net book value = Cost - Accumulated depreciation

Year1 = $116,000 - $27,625 = $88,375

Year 2 = $116,000 - ($27,625*2) = $60,750

Units of production:

Depreciation expense = [(Cost - Residual value) / Total estimated units] * Actual units produced

Year 1 = [($116,000 - $5,500) / 130,000] * 53,000 = $45,050

Year 2 = [($116,000 - $5,500) / 130,000] * 55,000 = $46,750

Net book value = Cost - Accumulated depreciation

Year 1 = $116,000 - $45,050 = $70,950

Year 2 = $70,950 - $46,750 = 24,200

Double-declining balance:

DDB rate = [(100% / Estimated life) * 2] = [(100% / 4) * 2] = 50%

Depreciation expense = Cost * DDB rate

Year 1 = $116,000 * 50% = $58,000

Year 2 = $58,000 * 50% = $29,000

Net book value = Cost - Accumulated depreciation

Year 1 = $116,000 - $58,000 = $58,000

Year 2 = $58,000 - $29,000 = $29,000

Learn more about depreciation on


sport communication within American society from the standpoint of sports-figures sharing their political viewpoints. What is an example you can think of relating to a sports-related figure or team/organization inserting themselves into a politicized conversation? How were they received? What were the consequences?


One example of sports-figures sharing their political viewpoints and inserting themselves into politicized conversations is when Colin Kaepernick, former NFL quarterback, began kneeling during the national anthem in protest against police brutality and racial inequality in America.

He received both support and backlash for his actions, with some praising him for using his platform to bring attention to social justice issues and others criticizing him for disrespecting the flag and the military.

The consequences for Kaepernick were significant, as he faced backlash from fans, teams, and even the president of the United States, and ultimately lost his job in the NFL.

However, his actions sparked a broader conversation about the intersection of sports and politics, and inspired other athletes to use their platforms for social activism.

To know more about racial inequality click on below link:


generally, people with better education have higher incomes and better health status.
True or false




Because they are educated and they have many opportunities

The statement "generally, people with better education have higher incomes and better health status" is true.  According to research, there is a strong correlation between an individual's educational attainment and their earnings, which can impact their health and wellbeing.

A higher level of education allows an individual to get a well-paying job, have better access to health services, and improve their health status. In general, higher education levels are associated with better physical and mental health, including lower rates of chronic disease, less chance of risky behavior, and higher life expectancy.

Therefore, people who have a better education have higher incomes and better health status than those who don't.with better physical and mental health, including lower rates of chronic disease, less chance of risky behavior, and higher life expectancy.

To know more about incomes Visit:


Which of the following statements is true?

The traditional view of labor unions predicts that unionization of a firm will result in improvements in productivity and efficiency.

The labor union as a collective voice view of labor unions predicts that unionization of a firm will result in decreases in productivity and efficiency.

The traditional view of labor unions supports the formation of unions as a counterweight to firms' factor-hiring power.

The labor union as a collective voice view of labor unions supports efforts to decrease the unions' role as a "monopolizer of labor."

none of the above


The following statement is true regarding labor unions: "The traditional view of labor unions supports the formation of unions as a counterweight to firms' factor-hiring power. The correct answer is option(c).

A labor union is a company that works to safeguard and advance the economic, political, and social well-being of its members. Its primary goal is to advocate for the rights of employees and negotiate fair employment terms and working conditions. When employees unionize, they have more bargaining power to negotiate better pay, benefits, and working conditions with their employer. The traditional view of labor unions predicts that unionization of a firm will result in improvements in productivity and efficiency.

It believes that unions enhance the relationship between employees and employers by ensuring that labor is fairly rewarded. The traditional view of labor unions supports the formation of unions as a counterweight to firms' factor-hiring power.The labor union as a collective voice view of labor unions supports efforts to decrease the unions' role as a "monopolizer of labor." It argues that unions should be more participatory in the management of firms. Furthermore, it contends that unions should be more involved in public policymaking, which would benefit their members in the long run. This view holds that the collective voice of employees is a positive force in promoting change and progress.

To know more about labor unions refer to:


According to Minksy a Business cycles are originated mainly by financial factors b Business cycles are originated mainly by labour market shocks c Business cycles are originated mainly by misguided monetary policy d Business cycles are originated mainly by real shocks


According to Minsky, the correct statement is: a) Business cycles are originated mainly by financial factors.

Minsky's financial instability hypothesis argues that business cycles are primarily driven by financial factors. He emphasized the role of speculative behavior, excessive borrowing, and the build-up of financial fragility in driving the fluctuations of the economy. According to Minsky, periods of stability and economic growth can lead to complacency and increasing levels of debt, eventually leading to financial crises and economic downturns.

While other factors such as labor market shocks, misguided monetary policy, and real shocks can also contribute to business cycles, Minsky's perspective places significant emphasis on the inherent instability and volatility of the financial sector as the main driver of economic fluctuations.

To know more about   Business cycles  click this link -


creams paid a dividend of £150,000 this year. The required return of shareholders of companies in the same industry as creams is 11%, although it is expected that an additional risk premium of 1% will be applicable to creams, being a smaller company. Calculate the value of creams under following circumstances;
a. The current level of dividend is expected to remain unchanged for the foreseeable future.
b. The dividend is expected to grow at the rate of 2% per annum for the foreseeable future.
c. The current level of dividend is expected to remain unchanged for three years and then to grow at the rate of 2% per annum to perpetuity.


To calculate the value of Creams under the circumstances, we can use the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) which values a company based on the present value of its expected future dividends.

a. When the current level of dividend is expected to remain unchanged for the foreseeable future:

In this case, the value of Creams can be calculated by dividing the annual dividend by the required return, including the additional risk premium.

Value = Dividend / (Required return + Risk premium)

Value = £150,000 / (0.11 + 0.01) = £150,000 / 0.12 = £1,250,000

Therefore, the value of Creams is £1,250,000.

b. When the dividend is expected to grow at a rate of 2% per annum for the foreseeable future:

In this case, we need to calculate the present value of the expected future dividends, taking into account the growth rate. The formula is as follows:

Value = Dividend / (Required return - Growth rate)

Value = £150,000 / (0.11 - 0.02) = £150,000 / 0.09 = £1,666,666.67

Therefore, the value of Creams is approximately £1,666,666.67.

c. When the current level of dividend is expected to remain unchanged for three years and then grow at a rate of 2% per annum to perpetuity:

In this case, we need to calculate the present value of the dividends during the first three years and the perpetuity value of the growing dividends using the formula:

Value = [Dividend / (1 + Required return)^1] + [Dividend / (1 + Required return)^2] + [Dividend / (1 + Required return)^3] + [Dividend x (1 + Growth rate) / (Required return - Growth rate)]

Value = [£150,000 / (1 + 0.12)^1] + [£150,000 / (1 + 0.12)^2] + [£150,000 / (1 + 0.12)^3] + [£150,000 x (1 + 0.02) / (0.11 - 0.02)]

Calculating the values and summing them up will be the final result.

Therefore, the value of Creams under the  circumstances can be calculated using the appropriate formula for each scenario.

Learn more about Dividend Discount Model here,


Liberty Inc. has decided to use the high-low method to estimate costs. The data for various levels of production are as follows:

Units Produced Total Costs
1,040 $ 51,840
1,880 56,970
2,640 80,640
a. Determine the variable cost per unit and the fixed cost.

Variable cost per unit $fill in the blank 1
Fixed cost $fill in the blank 2
b. Based on part (a), estimate the total cost for 1,320 units of production.
$fill in the blank 3

High-Low Method for Service Company

Miss River Railroad decided to use the high-low method and operating data from the past six months to estimate the fixed and variable components of transportation costs. The activity base used by Miss River Railroad is a measure of railroad operating activity, termed "gross-ton miles," which is the total number of tons multiplied by the miles moved.

Transportation Costs Gross-Ton Miles
January $833,900 303,000
February 929,700 338,000
March 657,100 219,000
April 891,400 328,000
May 747,600 263,000
June 958,500 356,000
Determine the variable cost per gross-ton mile and the fixed cost. Round variable cost per unit to the nearest cent.

Variable cost $fill in the blank 1 per gross-ton mile
Fixed cost $fill in the blank 2


a) For Liberty Inc., the variable cost per unit is $18 and the fixed cost is $33,120. b) The estimated fixed cost for producing 1,320 units is $56,880. The high-low method was used to analyze the data and determine these values.

a. To determine the variable cost per unit and the fixed cost using the high-low method

Identify the highest and lowest levels of production and their respective total costs

Highest level: 2,640 units, $80,640 total cost

Lowest level: 1,040 units, $51,840 total cost

Calculate the change in total costs:

Change in total costs = Highest total cost - Lowest total cost

= $80,640 - $51,840

= $28,800

Calculate the change in units produced:

Change in units produced = Highest units produced - Lowest units produced

= 2,640 - 1,040

= 1,600 units

Determine the variable cost per unit:

Variable cost per unit = Change in total costs / Change in units produced

= $28,800 / 1,600 units

= $18 per unit

Calculate the fixed cost:

Fixed cost = Total cost at any level - (Variable cost per unit * Number of units at that level)

= $51,840 - ($18 * 1,040)

= $51,840 - $18,720

= $33,120


Variable cost per unit = $18

Fixed cost = $33,120

b. To estimate the total cost for 1,320 units of production:

Total cost = Fixed cost + (Variable cost per unit * Number of units)

= $33,120 + ($18 * 1,320)

= $33,120 + $23,760

= $56,880

The estimated total cost for 1,320 units of production is $56,880.

To know more about Variable cost:


--The given question is incomplete, the complete question is given below "  Liberty Inc. has decided to use the high-low method to estimate costs. The data for various levels of production are as follows

Units Produced Total Costs

1,040 $ 51,840

1,880 56,970

2,640 80,640

a. Determine the variable cost per unit and the fixed cost.

Variable cost per unit ____

Fixed cost ____

b. Based on part (a), estimate the total cost for 1,320 units of production______."--

1. If Kevin accepts the new job opportunity, does it impact the family goals and values? Support your answer.


1. Financial Impact: Consider whether the new job opportunity offers better financial prospects compared to Kevin's current job. If the new job provides higher income, better benefits, or improved financial stability, it could positively impact their financial goals.

2. Work-Life Balance: Assess whether the new job aligns with their desired work-life balance. If the new job offers more flexibility, reduced commuting time, or a better schedule, it could contribute to their goal of achieving a healthy work-life balance.

3. Career Growth: Evaluate whether the new job opportunity presents better long-term career prospects for Kevin. If the job offers opportunities for advancement, skill development, or aligns with his professional goals, it could support their goal of career growth and personal fulfillment.

4. Personal Values: Consider whether the new job aligns with the couple's shared values. For example, if they prioritize working for a socially responsible organization or contributing to a particular industry or cause, evaluating the alignment of the new job with these values can provide insights into its impact.

5. Family Dynamics: Assess the potential impact on the overall family dynamics, including the time available for family activities, the potential stress levels associated with the new job, and the impact on relationships. It is crucial to consider how the new job opportunity may affect the overall well-being and happiness of the family.

To determine the specific impact on Kevin and Tyra's family goals and values, they should have open discussions, consider their priorities, and evaluate how the new job opportunity aligns with their aspirations. It is also essential to consider the potential challenges and trade-offs associated with the new job. Ultimately, the decision should be made based on a holistic evaluation of the potential benefits and drawbacks, taking into account their unique family goals and values.

To know more about Job visit-


Suppose demand and supply are given by the following, Qd = 167.4 – 2.9P QS = 31.2 + 1.4P. A tax of $21 creates $ _ ____ of deadweight loss.


DWL = 1/2 * ($31.63 – $27.93) * (45.18 – 53.52)DWL = $3.35 * (-8.34)DWL = $-27.90Therefore, the tax of $21 creates $27.90 of deadweight loss.

Demand: Qd = 167.4 – 2.9P and Supply: QS = 31.2 + 1.4PAt the equilibrium point of the market,Quantity demanded (Qd) = Quantity supplied (QS)i.e. 167.4 – 2.9P = 31.2 + 1.4PPutting the above equation in the standard form, we get 4.3P = 136.2P = $31.63 per unitAfter imposing the tax of $21, the new supply curve will be:QS + $21 = 31.2 + 1.4P + $21QS + $21 = 52.2 + 1.4PNew equilibrium price (P') = $27.93 per unitQuantity supplied (QS') = 45.18 unitsDeadweight loss (DWL) is the measure of the economic efficiency loss that occurs due to the inefficient allocation of resources. It arises when the equilibrium is not achieved as the market is not able to provide the goods at the lowest possible cost to the society.The formula to calculate deadweight loss is given as:DWL = 1/2 * (P1 – P2) * (Q1 – Q2)where,P1 = original equilibrium priceP2 = new equilibrium priceQ1 = original equilibrium quantityQ2 = new equilibrium quantityPlugging the above values in the formula, we getDWL = 1/2 * ($31.63 – $27.93) * (45.18 – 53.52)DWL = $3.35 * (-8.34)DWL = $-27.90Therefore, the tax of $21 creates $27.90 of deadweight loss.

Learn more about deadweight loss here:


Iwasaki Inc. is considering whether to continue to make a component or to buy it from an outside supplier. The company uses 13,000 of the components each year. The unit product cost of the component according to the company's cost accounting system is given as follows: Assume that direct labor is a variable cost. Of the fixed manufacturing overhead, 30% is avoidable if the component were bought from the outside supplier. In addition, making the component uses 1 minute on the machine that is the company's current constraint. If the component were bought, this machine time would be freed up for use on another product that requires 2 minutes on this machine and that has a contribution margin of $5.20 per unit. When deciding whether to make or buy the component, what cost of making the component should be compared to the price of buying the component?


When deciding whether to make or buy the component, the cost of making the component should be compared to the price of buying the component. The following are the unit product costs of making and buying the component:

Units produced per year = 13,000Variable manufacturing cost = $2.50 per unit direct labour cost = $1.80 per unit, Variable manufacturing overhead cost = $0.60 per unit. Fixed manufacturing overhead cost = $15,600 per year unit product cost of making the component =Variable manufacturing cost + Direct labour cost + Variable manufacturing overhead cost + (Fixed manufacturing overhead cost ÷ Units produced per year)= $2.50 + $1.80 + $0.60 + ($15,600 ÷ 13,000)= $5.10 per unit.

The following additional information is given: Of the fixed manufacturing overhead, 30% is avoidable if the component were bought from an outside supplier. Making the component uses 1 minute on the machine which is the company's current constraint. If the component were bought, this machine time would be freed up for use on another product that requires 2 minutes on this machine and that has a contribution margin of $5.20 per unit.

Since 30% of the fixed manufacturing overhead is avoidable, the relevant cost of making the component is $15,600 × (1 − 0.30) = $10,920 per year. When making the component, 13,000 units require 13,000 minutes of the constrained machine's time, which can be used to make 6,500 units of the other product, given that the other product requires 2 minutes on the constrained machine. The contribution margin from selling these 6,500 units of the other product is $5.20 × 6,500 = $33,800 per year.

Thus, the incremental cost of making the component is:

Unit product cost of making the component = $5.10 per unit opportunity cost of using the constrained machine to make the component = (Contribution margin from selling 6,500 units of the other product ÷ 6,500 units) + (Direct materials cost per unit of the other product ÷ 2) = ($33,800 ÷ 6,500) + ($1.50 ÷ 2) = $5.19 per unitIncremental cost of making the component = Unit product cost of making the component − The opportunity cost of using the constrained machine to make the component= $5.10 − $5.19= −$0.09 per unit.

Since the incremental cost of making the component is negative, the company should stop making the component and buy it from an outside supplier. Note that the price of buying the component from the outside supplier must not exceed $5.10 per unit, which is the cost of making the component without considering the opportunity cost of using the constrained machine. Therefore, the company should buy the component if the price is less than $5.10 per unit.

To know more about Product Costs visit:


Nina sent a letter to Adrian that stated she wanted to hire him to decorate the interiors of her house. She wrote that he must accept the offer by mail. Adrian received the letter and telephoned Nina to say that he accepted the offer. Which of the following statements is true in this case?

A) There is a valid acceptance and a binding contract because the telephone call was an authorized means of acceptance.

B) There is a valid acceptance and a binding contract because the telephone call was a faster means of acceptance than the mail.

C) There is no acceptance and no contract in this situation as it is clearly mentioned by the offeror that the acceptance must be by mail.

D) There is a valid acceptance and a binding contract because the telephone call was a reasonable means of acceptance.


C) There is no acceptance and no contract in this situation as it is clearly mentioned by the offeror that the acceptance must be by mail is true. Therefore, option C is correct.

In this case, Nina sent a letter to Adrian stating that he must accept the offer by mail. However, Adrian chose to accept the offer through a telephone call instead of following the specified method of acceptance. The general rule is that acceptance must be made in the manner requested or authorized by the offeror. Since Nina clearly stated that the acceptance must be by mail, Adrian's acceptance through a telephone call does not comply with the specified method. Therefore, there is no valid acceptance in this situation.

The statement "There is no acceptance and no contract in this situation as it is clearly mentioned by the offeror that the acceptance must be by mail" is true. For a valid acceptance to occur, it should be made in the manner requested or authorized by the offeror. In this case, the offeror specifically required acceptance by mail, and the acceptance through a telephone call does not meet that requirement. Therefore, there is no binding contract between Nina and Adrian.

To know more about Contract, visit


The cost of selling one unit of a product is called ______.
A) cost of materials.
B) cost of goods sold.
C) cost of services sold.
D) marginal cost.


The cost of goods sold (COGS) is the specific term used to describe the cost associated with selling one unit of a product. Therefore, option B is correct.

The cost of selling one unit of a product is referred to as the cost of goods sold (COGS). It represents the direct expenses incurred in producing or acquiring the goods that are sold during a specific period. COGS is an essential component in determining a company's profitability and is reported on the income statement.


To calculate the cost of goods sold, the following formula is commonly used:

Cost of Goods Sold = Opening Inventory + Purchases - Closing Inventory

The opening inventory represents the value of inventory at the beginning of the period, purchases refer to the cost of additional inventory acquired during the period, and closing inventory represents the value of inventory at the end of the period. By subtracting the closing inventory from the sum of opening inventory and purchases, we arrive at the cost of goods sold.

It encompasses the direct expenses related to the production or acquisition of goods that are subsequently sold. Understanding and accurately calculating the COGS is crucial for businesses to assess their profitability and make informed decisions regarding pricing, inventory management, and overall financial performance.

To know more about COGS, visit


If you were offered $1,473.50 11 years from now in return for an investment of $700 currently, what annual rate of interest would you earn if you took the offer?


If you were offered $1,473.50 11 years from now in return for an investment of $700 currently, you would earn an annual rate of interest of approximately 6%.

To calculate the annual rate of interest earned if the offer was taken in the given investment, we can use the formula for compound interest.

The formula is:

Future Value = Present Value × (1 + Interest Rate)^Number of Periods


Present Value (Investment) = $700

Future Value = $1,473.50

Number of Periods = 11 years

By rearranging the formula, we can solve for the interest rate:

Interest Rate = (Future Value / Present Value)^(1/Number of Periods) - 1

Plugging in the values:

Interest Rate = ($1,473.50 / $700)^(1/11) - 1

Interest Rate ≈ 0.06 or 6%

Learn more about interest rate here:


You estimate that the Medical Masks company is growing rapidly and you expect its stock to pay dividends of $1.60, $2.80, and $3.80 per share at the end of each of the next three years (t-1, t-2, and t-3). At the end of the third year, you expect the stock to be trading (selling) for $70.00 per share. Assume you want to buy it today and sell it at the end of the third year. If the appropriate required return for this stock is 10%, what should be your estimate of the value (or price) of the stock today? [Enter your answer showing two decimal places. Do not enter a dollar sign or other symbol. For example, enter $97.79 as 97.79]


The term "present value" (PV) refers to the current value of a future financial asset or cash flow that has been discounted to reflect the time value of money. Given that cash on hand at the time can be invested or used to make future investments, it is the worth of an anticipated income, payment, or investment as it stands today.

Let's calculate the Present Value (PV) of all three dividends first.

PV of the first dividend = $1.60 / (1 + 0.10)1 = $1.45PV of the second dividend = $2.80 / (1 + 0.10)2 = $2.18PV of the third dividend = $3.80 / (1 + 0.10)3 = $2.68

Now, let's calculate the PV of the expected selling price.PV of the expected selling price = $70 / (1 + 0.10)3 = $47.95Using the formula for the present value of a stock, we can calculate the current price of the stock:

P0 = [D1 / (1 + r)1] + [D2 / (1 + r)2] + [D3 / (1 + r)3] + [P3 / (1 + r)3]

where P0 is the current price of the stockD1, D2, and D3 are the dividends paid at the end of years 1, 2, and 3, respectively P3 is the expected selling price at the end of year 3r is the required rate of return on the stock.

Substituting the given values:

P0 = [$1.45 / (1 + 0.10)1] + [$2.18 / (1 + 0.10)2] + [$2.68 / (1 + 0.10)3] + [$47.95 / (1 + 0.10)3]P0 = $1.32 + $1.69 + $1.89 + $35.51P0 = $40.41.

Therefore, the estimate of the value (or price) of the stock today is $40.41.

To know more about Present Value visit:


Do you think there is greater value in having "HR at the table" or "HR on the table". Discuss


Having "HR at the table" holds greater value than "HR on the table."

"HR at the table" implies that HR professionals are involved in strategic decision-making processes and have a seat at the table where important discussions and decisions take place. This indicates that HR is seen as a strategic partner and their expertise is valued in shaping organizational strategies, policies, and practices. By having HR professionals at the table, organizations can leverage their insights and knowledge to align human capital strategies with business goals, foster a positive work culture, and address critical people-related issues effectively. It promotes collaboration, ensures HR considerations are integrated into decision-making, and enables organizations to make informed choices that impact their workforce.

On the other hand, "HR on the table" suggests that HR is treated as an object or a topic of discussion rather than an active participant. This positioning may limit HR's influence and ability to contribute strategically. While HR may still provide input and information when placed "on the table," their involvement may be more transactional or reactive, rather than proactive and strategic.

Overall, having "HR at the table" signifies the recognition and utilization of HR's expertise and strategic value, leading to better organizational outcomes.

learn more about HR professional here:


Part 1You are considering purchasing a vehicle with a sticker price of 42,270 ( nonnegotiable with no down payment required )You wish to make monthly payments for six years and the most that you would like to pay is 750 a monthYour local bank/credit union has agreed to loan you the money at 4.47 % annual interest rate Create an amortization table reporting the beginning ending loan balance, total payment, the portion of payment going to interest and principal, and remaining loan balanceCreate a IF statement that answers the question of whether you can afford the loanWhat is your monthly loan payment and what is the total interest paid on the loanWRITE HERE Part You are that the recent in new vehicle prices and interest rates will make it difficult to finance your purchase at the above ratescosts Create a two-way data table using prices ranging from 43,000 to 46,000 using 500 increments and interest rates of 4.5% to using 0.25\% increments. For ease of interpretation, use your a reference for your data table (not your payment per )


Part 1: To create an amortization table for the loan, use the loan details provided: Loan amount: $42,270

Loan term: 6 years (72 months)

Interest rate: 4.47% (annual)

Using these details, calculate the monthly loan payment using the formula for a fixed-rate loan:

Monthly payment = Loan amount * (r * (1 + r)^n) / ((1 + r)^n - 1) Where: r = monthly interest rate,n = total number of months

Plugging in the values, we get:

r = 4.47% / 12 = 0.3725% (monthly interest rate)

n = 6 years * 12 months/year = 72 (total number of months)

Monthly payment = $42,270 * (0.003725 * (1 + 0.003725)^72) / ((1 + 0.003725)^72 - 1) = $661.48 (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, create the amortization table:

Month | Beginning Balance | Total Payment | Interest Payment | Principal Payment | Ending Balance


1     | $42,270          | $661.48       | $157.69          | $503.79           | $41,766.21

2     | $41,766.21       | $661.48       | $156.23          | $505.25           | $41,260.96

3     | $41,260.96       | $661.48       | $154.77          | $506.71           | $40,754.25


72    | $759.30          | $661.48       | $2.83            | $658.65           | $100.65


Based on the amortization table, the monthly loan payment is $661.48, and the total interest paid over the loan term is the difference between the total payments and the loan amount: Total interest = (Monthly payment * Number of months) - Loan amount = ($661.48 * 72) - $42,270 = $6,828.56.

Part 2:

To create a two-way data table to analyze the effect of different vehicle prices and interest rates, we can use Excel or a similar spreadsheet program. Here's an example of how the data table could be structured:

        | 4.50%  | 4.75%  | 5.00%  | ...  | 6.75%  |


$43,000  | Payment | Payment | Payment | ...  | Payment |

$43,500  | Payment | Payment | Payment | ...  | Payment |

$44,000  | Payment | Payment | Payment | ...  | Payment |


$45,500  | Payment | Payment | Payment | ...  | Payment |

$46,000  | Payment | Payment | Payment | ...  | Payment |

In the cells corresponding to each price and interest rate combination, use the PMT function to calculate the monthly payment based on the given loan details. The reference used in the data table would be the payment value for each combination.

To know more about Amortization  visit-


21) The other managers also agreed that the flooring product was likely to fail again, resulting in further injury. This relates to which determinant of issue intensity? A) proximity of victims B) immediacy of consequences C) probability of harm D) concentration of effect


The given scenario relates to probability of harm. The determinants of issue intensity include Proximity of victims, Immediacy of consequences, Probability of harm and Concentration of effect. The correct option is C.

Issue intensity is defined as a measure of how much the problem in hand is serious. The determination of the level of issue intensity is useful to comprehend how much attention the issue needs to address it effectively. Determinants of issue intensity:

1. Proximity of victims: The number of individuals or groups that were affected by the issue or problem determines the intensity of the problem. The proximity of victims also plays a vital role.

2. Immediacy of consequences: The speed and directness of the harm caused by the issue play a vital role in determining the intensity of the problem.

3. Probability of harm: The likelihood of harm occurring as a result of the issue plays an important role in determining the intensity of the problem.

4. Concentration of effect: The degree to which the impact of the issue is focused or distributed determines the intensity of the problem. The scenario of managers agreeing that the flooring product was likely to fail again, resulting in further injury relates to the determinant of issue intensity, which is probability of harm.

To know more about Issue intensity refer to:


After attending a recent finance Webex seminar you were very concerned about the following statements made by the guest speaker: • "Budgeting is a complete waste of business resources" • "Ratio analysis has so many limitations that it is a useless exercise" • "Accounting Rate of Return is the best investment appraisal technique" • "Forget cash…. the shareholders want to see profit" You certainly disagree with the views of the guest speaker, but having only recently completed your module in accounting you lacked the confidence to argue in public with the speaker. Required: Explain why you disagreed with each of these statements. Maximum 50 words for each statement.


Budgeting: Budgeting is an essential part of financial management. The management of the organization determines the budget, which allocates resources to various departments. It helps to maintain the balance between the inflow and outflow of funds, which enables the organization to meet its financial goals. Therefore, budgeting is not a complete waste of business resources.

Ratio analysis: Ratio analysis is a valuable tool for financial management. It enables the organization to assess its performance and identify areas that require improvement. However, it has its limitations, such as not accounting for qualitative factors, which may impact the organization's performance. However, it is still a useful exercise for financial management.

Accounting Rate of Return: Accounting Rate of Return is a traditional method of investment appraisal. It calculates the profitability of the investment based on the average annual profit generated by the investment. However, it has many limitations, such as not accounting for the time value of money, which may result in incorrect investment decisions. Therefore, it is not the best investment appraisal technique.

Forget cash: Cash is an essential element of the business. It is required to meet the day-to-day expenses of the organization. Although shareholders want to see a profit, it does not mean that the organization can ignore cash. The organization needs to maintain a balance between profit and cash to meet its financial goals.

Budgeting: Budgeting is an essential part of financial management. It enables the management of the organization to allocate resources to various departments. The budget helps the organization to maintain a balance between the inflow and outflow of funds, which enables the organization to meet its financial goals. Therefore, budgeting is not a complete waste of business resources.

Ratio analysis: Ratio analysis is a valuable tool for financial management. It enables the organization to assess its performance and identify areas that require improvement. However, it has its limitations, such as not accounting for qualitative factors, which may impact the organization's performance. Despite its limitations, it is still a useful exercise for financial management.

Accounting Rate of Return: Accounting Rate of Return is a traditional method of investment appraisal. It calculates the profitability of the investment based on the average annual profit generated by the investment. However, it has many limitations, such as not accounting for the time value of money, which may result in incorrect investment decisions. Therefore, it is not the best investment appraisal technique.

Forget cash: Cash is an essential element of the business. It is required to meet the day-to-day expenses of the organization. Although shareholders want to see a profit, it does not mean that the organization can ignore cash. The organization needs to maintain a balance between profit and cash to meet its financial goals. Therefore, forgetting cash is not an appropriate strategy.

Learn more about Ratio analysis:


Nuno purchased five crypto coins for $1000 in October 2020. He sold two of the coins for $375 in May 2021. He later sold the remaining three coins for $720 in September 2021. What is his net gain or loss on the coins?
a: $25 short term loss.
b: $95 short term gain.
c: $120 short term gain.
d: $145 short term gain.


Nuno's net gain on the coins is $145, resulting in a short-term gain. The correct option is d: $145 short-term gain.

Let's calculate Nuno's net gain or loss on the coins.

Nuno purchased five crypto coins for $1000 in October 2020. The average cost per coin is $1000 / 5 = $200.He sold two coins for $375 in May 2021, which means he received a total of 2 * $375 = $750 from the sale.He later sold the remaining three coins for $720 in September 2021.

To calculate the net gain or loss, we can compare the total proceeds from selling the coins with the total cost of acquiring them:

Total proceeds = $750 + $720 = $1470

Total cost = $1000

Net gain or loss = Total proceeds - Total cost

Net gain or loss = $1470 - $1000

Net gain or loss = $470

Since the net gain is positive, the correct option is:

d: $145 short term gain.

Therefore, Nuno's net gain on the coins is $145.

Know more about Net gain at:


You are shopping for a car and read the following advertisement in the newspaper: "Own a new Spitfire! No money down. Four annual payments of just $17,000." You have shopped around and know that you can buy a Spitfire for cash for $55,250. What is the interest rate the dealer is advertising (what is the IRR of the loan in the advertisement)? Assume that you must make the annual payments at the end of each year. (Hint: Use a calculator or excel spreadsheet to find the IRR.) The internal rate of return (IRR) is ___%. (Round to two decimal places.)


The interest rate the dealer is advertising (what is the IRR of the loan in the advertisement) is 10.15%. IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is a financial metric that assists investors in determining whether or not to invest in a particular venture.

This metric is commonly used to evaluate investments with multiple cash flows. The IRR is the rate at which the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows from an investment is zero. In other words, it is the interest rate at which the net present value of all future cash flows equals the initial investment.In this question, the dealer is advertising the interest rate at which you can pay back a loan for the Spitfire in four annual payments of $17,000 with no down payment. You can buy a Spitfire for $55,250 in cash. The cost of financing the car is the difference between the cost of buying the car with cash and the cost of financing the car. It is therefore necessary to calculate the interest rate for the loan using the given information.Using the IRR function in Excel, we may calculate the interest rate on the loan. The IRR formula in Excel can be found by clicking on the "fx" button in the toolbar and then typing "IRR" in the search box. The IRR of the loan is 10.15%.

To know more about IRR visit :


Based in the United States, your firm exports products to Canada and imports products from Japan. Evaluate the impact of two currency
fluctuations on your trade with these countries. The first step in this process is to develop an exchange rate table for daily exchange rates
over the past month between the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar, and the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen. Once this has been
accomplished, explain whether domestic currency has depreciated or appreciated against foreign currencies. How did domestic currency appreciation/depreciation affect your exporting and importing decisions?


The U.S. dollar has appreciated against both the Canadian dollar and the Japanese yen over the past month. This means that it now takes more Canadian dollars and Japanese yen to buy one U.S. dollar.

This appreciation of the U.S. dollar will have a negative impact on your company's exports to Canada and Japan. When the U.S. dollar appreciates, it makes your products more expensive for foreign buyers. This can lead to a decrease in demand for your products, and a decrease in your export sales. The appreciation of the U.S. dollar will also have a positive impact on your company's imports from Canada and Japan. When the U.S. dollar appreciates, it makes foreign products cheaper for U.S. buyers. This can lead to an increase in demand for foreign products, and an increase in your import purchases.

Overall, the appreciation of the U.S. dollar will have a negative impact on your company's exports and a positive impact on your company's imports. This means that your company's overall profits will likely decrease.

To mitigate the negative impact of the appreciation of the U.S. dollar on your company's exports, you can consider:

Increasing your prices in foreign currencies.

Offering discounts to foreign buyers.

Changing your marketing strategy to focus on domestic buyers.

To take advantage of the positive impact of the appreciation of the U.S. dollar on your company's imports, you can consider:

Negotiating lower prices with foreign suppliers.

Buying in bulk to take advantage of discounts.

Investing in hedging strategies to protect your company from future currency fluctuations.

To know more about exchange rate table, click here:-


Answer ALL questions.
1. Discuss the procedure on redemption of preference shares as
provided in the provision of the Companies Act 2016. (30 marks)


The procedure of redemption of preference shares as provided in the provision of the Companies Act 2016 is an important concept in accounting and finance. It involves certain procedures that have to be followed by the company to redeem preference shares. The procedure of redemption of preference shares as provided in the provision of the Companies Act 2016 is given below:

Step 1: Check Articles of Association (AoA): The company should first check its Articles of Association to ensure that it has the authority to redeem the preference shares. This is because the AoA of a company can restrict the company's power to redeem its shares.

Step 2: Give Notice to Preference Shareholders: After checking the AoA, the company must give a notice of the proposed redemption to all preference shareholders. The notice should include the following information:- The date of redemption.- The number of preference shares to be redeemed.- The price at which the preference shares are to be redeemed.- The reasons for the redemption.- The sources of funds to be used for the redemption.- The time period for the preference shareholders to exercise their right to redeem their shares.

Step 3: Obtain Approval: Once the notice is given, the company must obtain the approval of the preference shareholders in a general meeting. This approval must be obtained by a special resolution passed by the preference shareholders.

Step 4: Register the Redemption: After obtaining the approval, the company must register the redemption with the Registrar of Companies within one month of the redemption.

Step 5: Payment: After registering the redemption, the company must pay the amount due to the preference shareholders and cancel the redeemed shares.

Step 6: Issue New Shares: Finally, if the company wants to maintain the same capital structure, it may issue new preference shares to replace the redeemed shares. This will maintain the same balance between debt and equity. If new shares are issued, the company must follow the procedure for issuing new shares as provided in the provision of the Companies Act 2016.

Know more about procedure of redemption here:


Other Questions
Suppose you are a basketball coach that has two players you are considering. Player A averages 14 pts per game with a 4 pt standard deviation. Player B averages 20 pts per game with a 7 p standard deviation. You have a strong rule that you will not start anyone that you are not at least 95% certain will provide at least 5 points. Which of the following statements are true? a. You should start Player A only b. You should start Player B only C. You should start both Player A and B. d. You should start neither Player A nor B. 9. [-/5 Points] DETAILS ASWSBE14 6.E.022. You may need to use the appropriate appendix table to answer this question. Suppose that the mean daily viewing time of television is 8.35 hours. Use a normal a 2n and 6 n force pull on an object to the right and a 4 n force pulls to the left a 0.5 kg object. what is the net force on the object? A distributer has to deliver the orders of 9 customers. Customers are labeled from 2 to 10. The customer demands are given in Table 6.5. Table 6.6 shows the savings if the direct link between each customer pair. Suggest solutions to the distributer for the following vehicle capacities:Vehicle capacity is 23Vehicle capacity is 16 6. Weight of 200 sweets is equal to 5 kg. What is the weight of 150 sweets? Outline any four social and economic development in Ghana under the of government of the National Liberation Council. Question 34 According to Porter's five forces model, which of the following makes an industry attractive? O Many substitute products Many competitors O High power of suppliers O Low threat of new entrants High power of buyers 1 points Developing a Cash BudgetDevelop a cash budget based on the following information about a preschool with a fiscal year beginning in January:Revenues:-Tuition fee: $100,000 paid monthly-Event income: $50,000 in November by Thanksgiving-Foundation support: $200,000 semiannually (May and November)Expenses:-Salary and wages: $80,000 monthly-Rent and insurance: $100,000 in January-Supply and food: $10,000 monthly-Administration and fundraising: $10,000 monthlyAssume the board of directors does not allow for short-term borrowing and that the cash safety margin each month is $80,000. How much operating reserve or liquidity should the preschool have?Please show all calculations and explain how you got your final answer (the amount of liquidity/operating reserve that is required for the preschool). what is the most likely explanation for why the city in the question above has such a problem with acid precipitation? ambartee05/02/2020MathematicsMiddle SchoolansweredSolve the following system of equations using the elimination method.2x + 4y = 102x + y = 15Question 10 options:A)(2,7)B)(7,1)C)(3,1)D)(8,3) Carlsbad Corporation's sales are expected to increase from $5 million in 2021 to $6 million in 2022, or by 20%. Its assets totaled $5 million at the end of 2021. Carlsbad is at full capacity, so its assets must grow in proportion to projected sales. At the end of 2021, current liabilities are $1 million, consisting of $250,000 of accounts payable, $500,000 of notes payable, and $250,000 of accrued liabilities. Its profit margin is forecasted to be 6%, and the forecasted retention ratio is 40%. Use the AFN equation to forecast the additional funds Carlsbad will need for the coming year. Write out your answer completely. For example, 5 million should be entered as 5,000,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar. $ _______Now assume the company's assets totaled $3 million at the end of 2021. Is the company's "capital intensity" the same or different comparing to initial situation? -Select- Intuitively, the marginal rate of substitution for XY (MRSxy) tells us: a how much more Y the consumer will buy if the price of Y increases by $1. b how much X a consumer needs to compensate them for a one-unit decrease in Y. c how much X must be taken away from a consumer to compensate them for a one-unit increase in Y. d how much Y a consumer is willing to give up when compensated with a one-unit increase in X. (a) What is the probability that none of the employees in the sample work at the plant in Hawaii? (b) What is the probability that 1 of the employees in the sample works at the plant in Hawaii? (c) What is the probability that 2 or more of the employees in the sample work at the plant in Hawaii? (d) What is the probability that 9 of the employees in the sample work at the plant in Texas? Find the direction angle of v for the following vector. v = - 2i - 3j What is the direction angle of v? __(Round to one decimal place as needed.) Supposed you want to buy a used car but your savings is not enough. To do this, you borrow P60,000 to be amortized in four equal payments at the end of each of the next four years, and the interest rate is paid 15 percent on the outstanding loan. What is the loan outstanding balance at the end of 2nd year? The histograms display the frequency of temperatures in two different locations in a 30-day period.A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 16. A shaded bar stops at 2 above 60 to 69, at 4 above 70 to 79, at 12 above 80 to 89, at 6 above 90 to 99, at 4 above 100 to 109, and at 2 above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Desert Landing.A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 16. A shaded bar stops at 2 above 60 to 69, at 4 above 70 to 79, at 9 above 80 to 89, at 9 above 90 to 99, at 4 above 100 to 109, and at 2 above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Flower Town.When comparing the data, which measure of variability should be used for both sets of data to determine the location with the most consistent temperature? Which of the following is not a goal of supply chain management? 1. decrease inventory levels 2. increase cycle time 3. improve customer service Thad, a single taxpayer, has taxable income before the QBI deduction of $189,500. Thad, a CPA, operates an accounting practice as a single member LLC (which he reports as a sole proprietorship). During 2021, his proprietorship generates qualified business income of $151,600, W-2 wages of $113,700, and $8,000 of qualified property. Assume the QBI amount is net of the self-employment tax deduction. If required, round any division to two decimal places and use that rounded amount in any future computations. Round your final answer to the nearest dollar. What is Thad's qualified business income deduction? $ 14,432 Give short answers to two of the following questions: (a) "What we hope will prevent a direct attack [on West Berlin] is Soviet awareness that we mean to defend our position in West Berlin, and that American troops, who are not numerous there, are our hostage to that intent" (American president John F. Kennedy answering a press question in 1961). Explain the nature of this strategy. (b) On moving to Vienna in 1781, Mozart hoped for an imperial post but waited for the Emperor to call him, because "if one makes any move oneself, one receives less pay" (letter to his Father). Explain the nature of this strategy. (c) The U.S. administration says to the Japanese government: "If you don't open your auto parts market very soon, there is the risk that our Congress will pass some very protectionist legislation that will hurt your economy." Explain the nature and purpose of this strategic move. Explain in detail four Types of Scales of Measurement with Examples