Read and match each country with its correct tradition, based on what you have learned from the lesson.
Family dinner A) Dominican Republic Pouring water at 12 a.m. B) Uruguay Pretending to be younger or older C) United States Fireworks D) México


Answer 1


Family dinner A) México

Pouring water at 12 a.m. B) Dominican Republic

Pretending to be younger or older C) Uruguay

Fireworks D) United States


please mark brainliest!

Answer 2


Family dinner A) México

Pouring water at 12 a.m. B) Dominican Republic

Pretending to be younger or older C) Uruguay

Fireworks D) United States


please mark brainliest!

Related Questions

Escoge la forma correcta del verbo en el imperfecto para completar la frase. Choose the correct form of the verb in the imperfect tense to complete the sentence. Mi papá vino de China en 1965 en busca de una buena educación. Cuando era un niño, él tuvo muchos obstáculos en China, pero amaba a su familia y por eso siempre ________ regresar a su país otra vez. quiera quise quería querré



Mi papá vino de China en 1965 en busca de una buena educación. Cuando era un niño, él tuvo muchos obstáculos en China, pero amaba a su familia y por eso siempre quería  regresar a su país otra vez.


The correct verb would be quiera


Mi papá vino de China en 1965 en busca de una buena educación. Cuando era un niño, él tuvo muchos obstáculos en China, pero amaba a su familia y por eso siempre quiera regresar a su país otra vez.

Quiera makes the most sense.

In english it is:

My dad came from China in 1965 in search of a good education. When he was a child, he had many obstacles in China, but he loved his family and that is why he always wants to return to his country again.

Hope this helps

Piensa en una historia que quieras escribir. Primero, plantea una virtud o un defecto humano que quieras resaltar. ---[recuerda que las fabulas contienen un mensaje morarilizante



un defecto humano que casi todas las personas tienen es la obesidad es algo que afecta al cuerpo humano y que las personas sufren día a día.


hey loves! i need 3-5 sentences in Spanish about movies, can someone help please? i have three tests today and don't really have time to do it myself haha so if someone could help me out that would be great! thanks!​


1. ¿Cual es tu película favorita?

2. ¡Me encanta esa película! Es una de mis favoritas.

3. ¿Te parece si vamos al cine a ver una película?

cual ha sido el medio de comunicación que mas se ha utilizado para obtener información acerca de la pandemia?¿porque? plssssssss es para en 5 minutos al primero le doy coronita pero si es eficiente la respuesta plsssssss



El medio de comunicación que mas se a utilizado para la pandemia son las redes sociales y las noticias nacionales ya que dicen todo lo que a pasado con el virus en el día o la semana. Siempre nos tienen informados y alerta sobre que es lo que esta pasando.


Escoge la respuesta correcta.

El nuevo año Aymara celebra _____.

el regreso del Inca Capac
el nuevo año fiscal
la nueva cosecha de añil
el regreso del Sol



El nuevo ano fiscal


New Years Day

The correct answer is el nuevo año fiscal

Actividad 2. En tu cuaderno de apuntes, resuelve lo siguiente:

Con ayuda de los apuntes de la actividad 1, elabora tu propia definición de realismo social.

Toma en cuenta lo siguiente:

• Todo lo aprendido durante las semanas 1, 2 y 3 para la elaboración de la definición.

• La definición deberá tener una extensión de media página como máximo.

• Puedes incluir ejemplos para una mejor explicación.​


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, en la pregunta no se anexa las referencias o textos de las lecciones 1, 2, y 3. Aunque desconocemos esa información, sí podemos decir que el Realismo Social es una corriente artística que toma de referencia los problemas sociales que afectan a una comunidad o un grupo de personas, para expresarlos artísticamente a través de la pintura, la literatura o las artes plásticas. Estos exponentes artísticos usan los temas de la vida diaria para expresar la problemática social en sus obras y buscar mover a la reflexión a las audiencias. Por ejemplo, la obra del gran pintor Mexicano Diego Rivera es un claro ejemplo del Realismo Social manifestado en sus obras.

La dificultad en la elección es debido a que Cortázar y el destinatario no comparten el mismo dialecto o es debido a un problema de adecuación de registro



The difficulty in the choice is due to the fact that Cortázar and the recipient do not share the same dialect or it is due to a problem of registration adequacy


Hello friends! My name is Rubén Suarez and I live in the town of Mendoza, Argentina. Today is Saturday and my father is sick. I help my father run errands today. My father tells me on his list of errands: >. At seven o'clock at night, my father's store closes. My cousin Humberto lives in the United States. His mom is a stylist on Saturdays. On weekends, my cousin drives and returns the books to the library. He also picks up clothes in the laundry. After running errands at three in the afternoon, she buys meat at the supermarket and has a hamburger for dinner with her mother. Based on the text , what's a similarity between Rubén and Humberto? A) The length of all the errands they assist with B) The specific family situation they experience C) The type of traditional food they eat with the family D) The transportation they use to do errands



Hello there the answer to your question is D.


I have taken the test and it is the correct answer.

Taking into account the information in the text, the similarity between Rubén and Humberto is: the transportation they use to do errands.

How to identify the Correct Option?

To select the correct word in each case, the context of the sentence and the meaning of the word to be used must be followed, in such a way that once the word is incorporated into said sentence, its general context does not change but on the contrary, it looks better described or complemented.

If you want to learn more about Spanish, you can visit the following link: https://brainly.com/question/24267253




ohhhh I understand this, its meant to be spelt 'yo' very common British slang.

Please Help!!!! Yo nunca ________(ver-2 palabras) una pirámide azteca. (1 point) Thank you


Answer: Yo nunca he visto una pirámide azteca.


(What are the two words???)

A possible answer is:

Yo nunca he visto una pirámide azteca.


Yo nunca he visto (ver-2 palabras) una pirámide azteca.

recomiendenmen leyendas


las momias de guanajuato

Explanation:hay muchas historias de ellos


Aqui van


La Pascualita (Mi favorita)

La Llorona

Las Momias de Guanajuato

La Nahuala

El charro negro

Hoy es lunes.
es martes.
O A. Pasado mañana
O B. Día
O C. Mañana
O D. Fecha



C. Mañana

Mañana es martes

Hoy es lunes, mañana es martes.

"Lunes" means "Monday"."Martes" means Tuesday.

Since after Monday is Tuesday, then that means "mañana" (tomorrow). Option C.


What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? Mi abuelo necesita una receta. a reception a pain a bone a prescription receta is the underlined word


Prescription is the answer


Receta means recipe.


It means A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required.

Hope this helps

Elabora una ficha informativa sobre el islam,
que contenga la siguiente información:
"Mahoma y el nacimiento del islam”
Significado de islam:
Dios que veneran:
Libro sagrado:
Deberes de los musulmanes:​


that contains the following information:

"Muhammad and the birth of Islam"

Meaning of islam:


God they worship:

Holy book:

Duties of Muslims:

Look at the drawings of Beti Villalobos's daily routine and describe what she does every day. ¡OJO! You will need to use both reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.



1.- Beti acaba de despertarse.

2.- Beti acaba de salirse de la cama.

3.- Beti acaba de lavarse el cabello en la regadera.

4.- Beti acaba de secarse el cabello con una toalla.

5.- Beti acaba de vestirse frente al espejo.

6.- Beti acaba de maquillarse.

7.- Beti  acaba de despertar a su hijo.


The reason behind this is the pronoun and the use of the reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. Reflexive verbs are used when we talk about me, you, he, or she, we, you (plural), and they. Thus, in the last case, we are talking about her son, not an object, and he is also a subject that is going to be modified by the verb. Therefore, we can't apply the reflexive verb form as we can only apply it in the mentioned pronouns.


After my work in this chapter, I am ready to describe daily activities and express what I and others have just finished doing.

It's now 8:00 a.m. in the life of Beti Villalobos. For each of the drawings, complete the sentence to express what she's just done by typing in the correct form of the verb. ¡OJO! In some cases you will need to use the reflexive form of the verb, in other cases not.

the woman lying on the bed, the bedside clock displays 6:00 A.M

1. Acaba de

your answer despertarse


Correct answer despertarse



a woman is sitting on the bed, the bedside clock displays 6:30 A.M.

2. Acaba de

your answer levantarse


Correct answer levantarse



a woman  is taking a shower

3. Acaba de

your answer ducharse


Correct answer lavarse el pelo

lavarse el pelo


a woman is drying herself with a towel

4. Acaba de

your answer secarse


Correct answer secarse



a woman is standing in front of a mirror and getting dressed

5. Acaba de

your answer vestirse


Correct answer ponerse la ropa

ponerse la ropa


a woman is putting on her makeup

6. Acaba de

your answer maquillarse


Correct answer pintarse



a woman  is waking her child, bedside clock displays 7:00 A.M.

7. Acaba de

your answer despertar


Correct answer despertar


a su hij


While the pictures could be despertar or levantar, the best answer and one that does not use the word twice is shown here.  

Create sentences about Eduardo’s friends’ likes and dislikes using the prompts below: For example: Los edificios viejos (nosotros, interesar) Answer: A nosotros nos interesan los edificios viejos.


Estamos insertos en deportes, películas, libros, videojuegos y programas de televisión. No nos interesan las tareas ni otras tareas escolares.

English Translation:

We Are Insterted In Sports, Movies, Books, Video Games And Tv Show. We Are Not Intersted In, Homework And Other School Assignments.


A Fernando le apasionan los libros de historia.


Los libros de historia (Fernando, apasionar) Translates to The history books (Fernando, passionate) its asking you to change the verb passionate or "apasionar" to fit into the sentace.


Read and choose the option that answers the question. ¡Buenas tardes, amigos! Me llamo Elena y vivo en El Salvador. Me despierto a las seis de la mañana, escucho música y tengo una radio grande. En las tardes, me ducho y me arreglo. Voy con mis amigas al mercado. Antes de ir, me peino el pelo, me lavo la cara y me maquillo. Based on the reading, select the "yo-go" verb used in the paragraph. Live Have Comb Wash





I have

Yo Tengo

Choose the verb that best completes the sentence.

Uds. ___________ al teatro.



Uds. a. van al teatro

The answer is Uds van al teatro

¿Cuál fue su principal templo? Cumulative exam review spanish 2A



I searched it up.


It was the administrative and religious center of the Chavín culture, built and occupied approximately between the years 1500 and 300 BC. ... On the walls of the main temple you could see a series of nail heads, lumps.

I hope this helps, even though my answer isn't that great.


3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 582097494459230781640628620899 86280348253421170679


El poema tiene cuatro ____________ pero el primer ____________ del poema es mi favorito.

rimas, personaje

estrofas, verso

capítulos, poeta

personajes, ambiente


estrofas, y verso :)

Answer: estrofas, verso

El poema tiene cuatro estrofas pero el primer verso del poema es mi favorito.

Translation: The poem has four stanzas but the first verse of the poem is my favorite.


It’s a conjugation


yo puedo, tú puedes, el/ella/ud. puede, nosotros podemos, vosotros podéis, ellos/ellas/uds. pueden.
yo pido, tú pides, él/ella/ud. pide, nosotros pedimos, vosotros pedís, ellos/ellas/uds. piden


present form:

Poder- to be able to

yo puedo

tú puedes

el/ella/ud. puede

nosotros podemos

vosotros podéis

ellos/ellas/uds pueden

Pedir- to ask for

yo pido

tú pides

él/ella/ud. pide

nosotros pedimos

vosotros pedís

ellos/ellas/uds. piden


Does anybody know Spanish 1 so they can FaceTime me and help with a Test


I do how may I help


I speak spanish because i am from Mexico. Still want help?


El novelista no pudo llegar a la conferencia. (su avión / retrasarse)



su avión estuvo retrasado.


The correct sentence for 'El novelista no pudo llegar a la conferencia' is 'El avión se habrá retrasado'.

What do these sentences mean in Spanish?

The sentence 'El novelista no pudo llegar a la conferencia' means 'The novelist could not make it to the conference'.

Moreover, the expression 'El avión se habrá retrasado' means 'The plane will have been delayed'.

The Spanish word 'habrá' refers to a conjugated form of the verb 'haber'.

In conclusion, the correct sentences for 'El novelista no pudo llegar a la conferencia' is 'El avión se habrá retrasado'.

Learn more in:


¿Por qué el motivo narrativo “La soledad” es una temática recurrente en la sociedad contemporánea?





Marta explains why she loves her neighborhood. Complete the paragraph by choosing the correct words from the following list.
un salón de belleza
una oficina
mujer cartero
un hospital
Carmen es médica y trabaja en 11
con su novio Eduardo que es enfermero.


The correct answer is:

Carmen es médica y trabaja en 11

con su novio Eduardo que es enfermero.

#4 Marta y Jorge 4A pg. 186-187

Question 2 of 2 | Page 3 of 3

Show instructions


Read, listen to, and understand information about

• toy's

• playing with other children

• On the first part, make sure you only write the name of the item in English (truck, car, doll, etc)

• On the second part, make sure you read the story or listen to it to answer. Answer by writting the name of the person beeing

described. Write it correctly in Spanish

• Points will be take of as of now. 4/23/2020

• You are no longer getting full credit.

Question 2 (50 points)

¿Emilia, Marta o Jorge?

ESCUCHAR Escucha las descripciones y escribe el nombre de la persona que corresponde a cada descripción

Write the name of the person being describe



can't understand be clear dude

Luis is meeting Pilar's friends. Choose the missing words to complete a line of their conversation
Fred: Hola Luis. ¿Cómo (blank)





The answer would be “estàs”
¿Cómo estàs? translates to How are you?

Read and choose the option that answers the question.

¡Buenos días! Me llamo Carlos Manuel Rivera. Todos los días me despierto a las siete en punto de la mañana, pero me levanto a las siete y cinco de la mañana. Voy a la escuela a las siete y media de la mañana. Desayuno en la escuela. Salgo de la escuela a las dos y media de la tarde. A las cinco de la tarde, me arreglo y voy a la práctica de tenis los lunes y martes. Me ducho en la noche.

Based on the reading, select the "yo-go" verb used in the paragraph.




The right answer is, Practice.


Because according to the previous text the verb "yo-go" is used when the narrator of the story tells that he is going to practice tennis. Therefore the correct option is, Practice.


Leave is your answer!


How many political regions are there in Spain?
b. 14


Hope this helped.



15 regions and 2 islands which adds up to 17

Juana, ________ nice; stop at stop signs for pedestrians and don't use your horn. A) know B) I know C) be D) know




Answer: C.

Juana, be nice; stop at stop signs for pedestrians and don’t use your horn.

Option C. Is the only one of the options that makes sense.

Look at how the other options sound

Juana, know nice; stop at stop signs for pedestrians and don’t use your horn.

Juana I know nice; stop at stop signs for pedestrians and don’t use your horn.

None of those two options make any sense, so your correct option is C) be

hope this helps and pls mark me brainliest :)

Other Questions
The drawing shows four sheets of polarizing material, each with its transmission axis oriented differently. Light that is polarized in the vertical direction is incident from the left and has an average intensity of 32 W/m2. Determine the average intensity of the light that emerges on the right in the drawing (a) when sheet A alone is removed, (b) when sheet B alone is removed, (c) when sheet C alone is removed, and (d) when sheet D alone is removed. What is the force of gravity on a 24.0 kg table sitting on the earth A frame is marked down by 22 percent from an original price of $14.50. What is the new price? $3.19 $11.31 $13.72 $14.28 PLS HELP FAST IM BEING TIMED I NEED HELP!!! NOW!!!! A shape is picked at random from the group below.2 circles, 4 triangles, and 2 squares.Which event has a theoretical probability of exactly Three-fourths? Select three options.not picking a squarepicking a squarepicking a trianglepicking a shape that has only straight edgesnot picking a circle The whole is 1,000,000 50,000 is what percent of that (Easy) Are these ratios equivalent?23 staff members to 1 camper35 staff members to 2 campers 44. The most important type of coverage isa. Uninsured motoristb. Medical paymentsc. Collisiond. Liability insurance 14.Acid + Metal carbonate:? a.Salt + water + carbon dioxideb.Salt + carbon dioxidec.Salt + water + hydrogend.Salt + hydrogen Is ABC~DEF? If /so, identify the similarity postulate or the theorem that applies, A. similar- AA B. similar-SSS C. similar- SAS D. cannot be determined How did the market revolution change the lives of industrial workers? Suppose a standard six-sided die is rolled and you receive $0.50 for every dot showing on the top of the die. What should the cost of playing the game be in order to make it a fair game? The cost of playing the game should be $. ? verify the property: a ( b+c ) = ( ab ) + ( ac ) by taking a = 3/5 , b = -2 , c = 10/13 behaviors never come back once they have been distinguished T or F? Help pleaseGlobal warming is caused by an increase in the level of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. How has this affected the world's oceans?A)There is an overgrowth of algae.B)The oceans are warming as a result of the excess carbon dioxide.C)The oceans are absorbing the excess carbon, causing the oceans to become acidic.D)The oceans reflect a great deal of the carbon dioxide gas back into the atmosphere. Stoneheart Group is expected to pay a dividend of $3.17 next year. The company's dividend growth rate is expected to be 3.9 percent indefinitely and investors require a return of 11.7 percent on the company's stock. What is the stock price? Consider the sequence of steps to solve the equation: 3(x 4) + 5x = 9x 36 Given 3(x 4) + 5x = 9x 36 Step 1 3x 12 + 5x = 9x 36 Step 2 3x + 5x 12 = 9x 36 Step 3 8x 12 = 9x 36 Step 4 8x 8x 12 = 9x 8x 36 Step 5 0 12 = x 36 Step 6 12 = x 36 Step 7 12 + 36 = x 36 + 36 Step 8 24 = x + 0 Step 9 24 = x Which property yields Step 1? plz help me awnser them right i need it know if your just here for points il report you help me Archie builds a pool in his backyard. The pool measures 16 yards long, 6 yards wide and 2 yards deep. How many gallons of water will it take to fill the pool to the brim? (1 cubic yard = 202 gallons). What else must be true for the triangles to be congruent by the HL theorem? What is a decomposition reaction?A. Two reactants break apart and combine as new productsB. One reactant break down to form more than one productC. One reactant replaces an element in another reactantD. Two reactants combine to form a single ew product.(The answer is B)