I need help writing a two paragraphs assertion about a blind man from the passage the down below.

He was plainly blind, for he tapped before him with a stick, and wore a great green shade
over his eyes and nose; and he was hunched, as if with age or weakness, and wore a huge old
tattered sea-cloak with a hood, that made him appear positively deformed. I never saw in my life
a more dreadful-looking figure. He stopped a little from the inn, and, raising his voice in an odd
sing-song, addressed the air in front of him: –

“Will any kind friend inform a poor blind man, who has lost the precious sight of his eyes
in the gracious defence of his native country, England, and God bless King George! – where or in what part of this country he may now be?”

“You are at the ‘Admiral Benbow,’ Black Hill Cove, my good man,” said I.
“I hear a voice,” said he – “a young voice. Will you give me your hand, my kind young
friend, and lead me in?”
I held out my hand, and the horrible, soft-spoken, eyeless creature gripped it in a moment
like a vice. I was so much startled that I struggled to withdraw; but the blind man pulled me close
up to him with a single action of his arm.
“Now, boy,” he said, “take me in to the captain.”
“Sir,” said I, “upon my word I dare not.”
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“Oh,” he sneered, “that’s it! Take me in straight, or I’ll break your arm.”
And he gave it, as he spoke, a wrench that made me cry out.
“Sir,” said I, “it is for yourself I mean. The captain is not what he used to be. He sits with a
drawn cutlass. Another gentleman – ”
“Come, now, march,” interrupted he; and I never heard a voice so cruel, and cold, and
ugly as that blind man’s. It cowed me more than the pain; and I began to obey him at once,
walking straight in at the door and towards the parlour, where our sick old buccaneer was sitting,
dazed with rum. The blind man clung close to me, holding me in one iron fist, and leaning almost
more of his weight on me than I could carry. “Lead me straight up to him, and when I’m in view,
cry out, ‘Here’s a friend for you, Bill.’ If you don’t, I’ll do this;” and with that he gave me a twitch
that I thought would have made me faint. Between this and that, I was so utterly terrified of the
blind beggar that I forgot my terror of the captain, and as I opened the parlour door, cried out
the words he had ordered in a trembling voice.
The poor captain raised his eyes, and at one look the rum went out of him, and left him
staring sober. The expression of his face was not so much of terror as of mortal sickness. He
made a movement to rise, but I do not believe he had enough force left in his body.
“Now, Bill, sit where you are,” said the beggar. “If I can’t see, I can hear a finger stirring.
Business is business. Hold out your right hand. Boy, take his right hand by the wrist, and bring it
near to my right.”
We both obeyed him to the letter, and I saw him pass something from the hollow of the
hand that held his stick into the palm of the captain’s, which closed upon it instantly.
“And now that’s done,” said the blind man; and at the words he suddenly left hold of me,
and, with incredible accuracy and nimbleness, skipped out of the parlour and into the road,
where, as I still stood motionless, I could hear his stick go tap-tap-tapping into the distance.
It was some time before either I or the captain seemed to gather our senses; but at
length, and about at the same moment, I released his wrist, which I was still holding, and he
drew in his hand and looked sharply into the palm.
“Ten o’clock!’ he cried. “Six hours. We’ll do them yet”; and he sprang to his feet.
Even as he did so, he reeled, put his hand to his throat, stood swaying for a moment, and
then, with a peculiar sound, fell from his whole height face foremost to the floor.
I ran to him at once, calling to my mother. But haste was all in vain. The captain had been
struck dead by thundering apoplexy.


Answer 1


My neighbour, Gopal, has an only son. Unfortunately, he is blind. He cannot see at all. For him days and nights are equal. His is a wretched life. For all his needs, he depends on other members of the family. He cannot take care of himself.

He is a burden on others. He cannot go anywhere without the help of a guide. He is deprived of all the joys and pleasures which come to us through our eyes. He can’t go to the pictures. He cannot enjoy the scenes and sights of nature. There is no joy in his life. He is always sad and moody. He has no chance of marriage. All his life. He must remain a bachelor. He must lead a sad and lonely life.

But Nature has compensated him for this heavy loss of eye-sight. He has been blessed with a sweet and melodious voice. He can charm others with his songs. He is often invited by people to entertain them with his songs.

He is paid handsomely. He has a very good memory. He knows the whole of the Tulsi Ramayana by heart. When he sings, the words seem to flow from his heart. All present listen to him spell­bound. Singing has become his hobby. It is the only redeeming feature of his life.

But nowadays, there are schools for the blind. They can be educated. They can be trained in various handicrafts and thus made useful member of society. So the lot of a blindman is not as hard and miserable as it used to be.

He can become capable of earning his livelihood. If he so chooses. He can get higher education and thus secure a Government job. He need not feel helpless and miserable. Several avenues are open to him. There are chances for him to make his career.

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Write something like her diary name other cat I don’t know just try your best


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Give me brainlest it took me a long time to find this ;( and your welcome

pls help
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Can you maybe explain more about Zalena?


pls help 15 points Read the passage below from The First Men in the Moon.

The night was dark and overcast. Two yellow pinpoints far away showed the passing of a ship, and nearer was a red glare that came and went.
Which mood is implied by the use of imagery above?



suspense is the answer

Loremipsumpilokey bsbafg


Answer:that’s not a word

Explanation:plus I looked up the the dictionary and found nothing.


go eat shiт


Will give brainliest if answer correctly

Read the following statements, and in two paragraphs, using your own words, identify the target audience of each one, including the reasons for your identification. Then, define the term target audience, and explain why knowing your target audience is important in persuasive writing.
1. The new Malibu Barbie Doll is a great addition to your Barbie collection. Ask Santa to deliver this gift under your tree this year!

2. Today's recipe is by far the most recommended by viewers on-the-go: crock pot potato soup.

3. Provide for the community by donating and serving food at the soup kitchen this Saturday.



1. children or parents because they are advertising a toy, and talking about Santa, and using vocab kids would understand

2. people that like cooking and traveling because it is about making soup, and says it is recommended for people who are on-the go, traveling, hence quick to make probably.

3. people that like giving back to the community and handling food as it is about volunteering and serving food

A target audience is the people that you aim to write towards. It is important to know your target audience as this way you can make vocabulary easier, or more complex, or add in interests of that audience in your writing.


Here is a photo of the answers I wrote them on a notes cuz it didn’t let me write it here

The behavior of the atmosphere, which we experience as weather and climate, affects our lives in many important ways. It is the reason no one lives on the South Pole. It controls when a farmer plants the food we will eat, which crops will be planted, and also whether those crops will grow. The weather tells you what clothes to wear and how you will play after school. It may even affect your emotions. For example, many people say they feel happier on sunny days.

How is the passage organized?
compare and contrast
chronological order
problem and solution
cause and effect






Problem and Solution

Explanation: It cannot be compare and contrast because it's not comparing anything to each other. It cannot be chronological order because key words like "NEXT" and "THEN" are not included. It cannot be cause and effect because a valid cause isn't show to produce the effect. Therefore, it is problem and solution.

Which one of the five is least like the others?





Every other word has two of the same letter at the end

Loop is one of the five is least like the others. Option (d) is correct for the question.

What do you mean by Least?

When stating that something is at least true or possible, you use the word at least.

To razz someone is to tease them, particularly rudely. About my terrible sense of direction.

Robert Hampson founded the English rock group Loop in Croydon in 1986. The group's albums Fade Out  and A Gilded Eternity peaked at the top of the UK independent charts. In the late 1980s, their dissonant "trance-rock" style, which drew inspiration from the Stooges, selfharm, and Can, helped revive the idea of space rock.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct. Loop is one of the five is least like the others.

Learn more about Razz, here;



pls help 15 points Read the passage below from The First Men in the Moon.

I was unshaven and unkempt; I had brought no razor; I had a coarse beard over my mouth. On earth I have always been inclined to despise any attention to my person beyond a proper care for cleanliness; but under the exceptional circumstances in which I found myself, representing, as I did, my planet and my kind, and depending very largely upon the attractiveness of my appearance for a proper reception, I could have given much for something a little more artistic and dignified than the husks I wore.
In the passage above, what inference can be made about Mr. Cavor’s statements?

He places great value on his personal appearance.
He has little respect for cleanliness and hygiene.
He is accustomed to wearing elegant clothing.
He is concerned with making a good impression.


It’s B, he has little respect for cleanliness and hygiene because in the passage it’s doesn’t tell that he’s concerned with making a good impression so scratch D off. Also it never stated anything about his clothes and or how he wears them so Scratch C off. As for A, it tells that he’s at peace with the earth and doesn’t care for his appearance wise. So the answer is B because in the passage it states, “On earth I have always been inclined to despise any attention to my person beyond a proper care for cleanliness; But under the exceptional circumstances....” which shows he does (one in a blue moon) clean himself


He has little respect for cleanliness and hygiene.


How you would modernize "Proserpine." Where would the story take place? Would the characters change or remain the same? Would the myth still be used to explain the changing of the seasons? Or would you use the story to explain some other concept or explore a different theme?



This story is an important part of both Greek and Roman mythology because it is a story that connects the two cultures. I think that this story could be adapted for our current culture because it addressed issues that are still prominent in our society today. I would create a contemporary version of “Proserpine” featuring an alcoholic (Pluto) a young woman walking home from work at night (Proserpine) and an old lady who witnessed the kidnapping (Hecate).


BRAINLIEST IF CORRECT which evidence best supports the following topic sentence? Another reason the school should open an after school computer lab is that the lab would offer safeguards for internet use that students do not get out of school.








What sort of infographic would you use to illustrate your favorite activities and how much time you spend doing them? Explain why in 3 to 4 sentences.


Music, it’s just so calm and makes me feel so free when I am listening to it! It makes me forget about the world we live in and it was takes me so a peaceful and perfect world! I always spend my extra time listening to music! Music will alway have a place in my heart
A pie chart. With a pie chart you can divide the activity’s you are doing. You can put a Lil picture inside of it showing what you are doing. What every parts are bigger shows which one takes up the most time. You can also color code it.



1. Aromantic

I think I just answered the antonym one lol
The answer would be a,e,a

For this descriptive writing assignment, you will describe--in extreme detail--a personal possession of yours. Describe it in such detail and with such creativity that anyone reading this could picture it in his or her head almost perfectly because you described it so well. Push yourself to be more creative in every sentence than you’ve ever been. Not one sentence should be boring or too simple. Write at least fifteen sentences in the form of a free-flowing, descriptive paragraph.




I have this marble collection. one of my favorites is a crystal clear green one. It rolls so smoothly on the floor. It makes the sea look dirty clear it is. Its a striking color of mint green, mixed with a wonderful teal. It's so clear it almost looks soft, almost transparent. It's the kind of green that is so obvious it's green but also looks so crystal clear. The way it rolls on even cement, over bumps make's it look so easy to be a marble.

Some people think freeze-drying is a new way to keep food, but it isn’t. It actually dates back to ancient times when the Incas did it in the cold night air of the Andes Mountains. Today, a machine is used to remove all the water from the food, leaving its shape, color, and other features unchanged. In addition to making it possible to keep food longer, freeze-drying makes food weigh less. Less weight makes the food easier to carry, which is important in many situations, like camping or on trips into space. Freeze-drying is still done today because, over time, it has proven to be a very good thing to do.

What is the author’s purpose for writing the passage?
to persuade readers against freeze-drying to preserve food
to explain the history and process for freeze-drying food
to entertain readers with a story about freeze-drying food long ago
to compare freeze-drying to other ways of preserving food



What is the question?


B to explain the history and process for freezing dry food

if you were to have your own doctrine, what would it be? what rules would you follow?


Christianity Theology which has the Trinity in it. I would follow the rules of believing there is only one God along with Jesus and the holy spirit. The rules are to not sin against God or the Ten commandments.

i wuv chu all can chu help me on dis thxx uwu


I think D if not use someone else’s answer

D) introduction Paragraph

hope it helped:)

pls help 15 points Read the passage below from The First Men in the Moon.

Keeping a welcome space about me marched a cordon of stolid, scuttle-headed guards, who had joined us on our leaving the boat in which we had come along the channels of the Central Sea.
Which of the following words could replace the bold word in the passage above while preserving its meaning?



I’m not sure which word is in bold, but I believe the answer is formation or barricade. Those two words make the most sense in context. Hope this helps!

Walk two Moons Literature Tracker


we had to read that in class the other day lol

Genesis Begins Again Questions Chapter 18
Chapter Eighteen:
75. What does Genesis bathe in to lighten her skin?
76. What food does Dad make as an apology for Genesis?



she uses lemon juice to lighten her skin and her dad makes fried shrimp as an apology for Genesis



how can the sentences BEST be combined to logically show that one event follows the other? jack woke up extra early. he made breakfast for the whole family.



I'm not sure what this question is indicated but I will try my best to explain it the way I understand it.


Jack woke up extra early to make breakfast for this whole family. If Jack wore to wake up late the family would have already made breakfast so instead of making the breakfast he would have woken up to it already made.

Say if Jack hadn't woken up at all, the morning for this family would likely change dramatically.

So the fact that jack woke up, his family had something to eat without having to make it.

so without jack-> no food made.

Hope this helped:)

What should the transitional tags

but, however, and on the other hand be used for?

to introduce quotes

to contrast ideas

to show the order of ideas

All of the above


The transitional tags "but," "however," and "on the other hand" are primarily used to contrast ideas. The correct option is B.

What are transitional tags used for?

They serve as cues that guide the reader in understanding your views. Use transitional language to move your ideas from one sentence to the next and from one paragraph to the next.

These transitional words or phrases are used to indicate a shift in the direction of the writer's argument, to introduce a contrasting perspective or idea, or to indicate a counterpoint to a previous argument. They help to create a more cohesive and effective piece of writing by showing the relationship between ideas and arguments.

While they can also be used to show the order of ideas or to introduce quotes, their primary function is to provide a clear contrast between two different ideas or perspectives.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about Tags here:




Contrast ideas


I ran home BUT, I was still late

I don't like fruits. However, I like bananas.

can someone help with this please

Write a letter to K. A. Holt (over the book house arrest)
Your letter should:
Be in letter format (Greeting, multiple paragraphs, closing)
Approximately ¾ of a page (use your best judgement)
Include something you appreciated about the read aloud
Be specific and positive

[House Arrest Book by K. A. Holt]
(Timothy is on probation. It's a strange word—something that happens to other kids, to delinquents, not to kids like him. And yet, he is under house arrest for the next year. He must check in weekly with a probation officer and a therapist, and keep a journal for an entire year. )


um first u then you and after u

Compare and Contrast Industrial Revolution vs Today



During the Industrial Revolution, new technologies were being made to improve life. But now, technologies are being improved instead.

We still use some of the same inventions made during the Industrial Revolution now.


Hi, so for my LA class we are talking about happiness and I have a project to make a city come up with laws. And so I am asking you guys o give me a law you guys would like. I have a law allowing all marriages.


A law I would be for everyone to be treated fairly, no matter their race, religion, shape, or looks.

Answer: You could add a law for fair punishments,free healthcare (or discounted),sugar tax to prevent diabetes,safe housing for runaways.

Explanation:These are just a few i did for a similar project :3

Which piece of art would not be shown in the museum?

a drawing of an ancient Greek building

a painting of the ancient Olympic games

a model of an ancient Egyptian building

a sculpture of an ancient Roman athlete


I think d cause the romans were not great people

Which direct quotation is most likely the source of the following paraphrase?

Rikki expressed pride at having defeated the cobra and helped his human family.

“The boy is safe, and it was I – I – I that caught Nag by the hood last night in the bathroom.”

“Oh, look here! Our mongoose is killing a snake.”

“Angry as he was, Rikki-tikki was very frightened as he saw the size of the big cobra.”

“For the honour of his family, he preferred to be found with his teeth locked.”


Answer: I think it's the first one

Explanation: Cause he's kind of bragging there, which is is kind of a sign of pride...... also, was this for an achieve article?


I would say the answer is A

Can anyone help me I will mark you Brainliest if you do


where is the article?

Rewrite the sentence below by adding adjectives or adverbs. The truck rumbled down the street


“The old truck messily rumbled down the deserted street.”

Help, please!
Which clue in the text best helps a reader predict that Balto will play a heroic role in successfully transporting the serum to Nome?

A. The author states that Kaasen would be proved right.
B. The author describes Balto as a handsome black dog.
C. The author points out that Balto was not as fast as Togo.
D. The author says that Seppala did not choose Balto for his relay team.





the only one that makes the best answer is A. due to it having said "Kaasen would be proved right". since I do not see any passage, im going with context clues.

A IS CORRECT ;))))))




The answer is in the explanation


Yes, light can cause the metal to get warm because light carries energy. When light energy is absorbed, a material can change such as get warmer. In this case, only infrared light energy may make the metal warm because it is the only light that is absorbed.

Hope this helps

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