How was the horn of africa religious conflict resolved?


Answer 1


Despite the boycott of the Djibouti peace initiative by some leading warlords in Somalia, the initiative did succeed in instituting some vital interim institutions in the south, such as the transitional parliament and government, and also brought a degree of peace. Some lessons can be learned from the Somali peace agreement.

The first lesson to be learned is that peace initiatives must address the main issue, in this case, the lack of strong institutions in the country. Most of the peace initiatives carried out since 1991 failed to address the fact that the government institutions installed at independence were too weak to meet the needs of a vast country like Somalia. Part of the problem is the lack of a clear formula for power sharing among the regions. Moreover, very few mediators realise that although the Somali militias buy their weaponry from the West through flourishing black markets in East Africa, the Somali war was not instigated by outsiders. Therefore, the solution to the conflict ought to be found by the Somalis themselves.

Second, most observers who follow the dynamics of the Somalis civil war closely seem to agree that the dual affiliation of the Somalis to Africa and the Arab world has delayed the peace process. Most Somalis believe that the solution to their problem will come from the Middle East, whereas the countries keenest to solve the Somali problem are the East African states that are members of IGAD. In fact, the majority of the Somali politicians in exile and their associated think-tanks are based in Middle Eastern capitals, Europe or North America. Very few are based in Nairobi, Addis Ababa or Djibouti.

Third, there should be a single main peace initiative that all the parties to the conflict have agreed on. In fact, the multiplicity of initiatives and their simultaneous occurrence in Somalia definitely undermined serious attempts to solve the problem. Moreover, different mediators have failed to persuade the Somalis that those who initiated these peace processes were genuine and that they understood the root causes of their problem.

Fourth, the Djibouti-brokered initiative achieved as much as it did because it involved a genuine inter-Somali dialogue. It was notable that those who attended the peace process were Somalis from all works of life. They went to Arta, Djibouti, willingly and were convinced that the war in their country had to stop. Those warlords who refused to attend the inter-Somali dialogue-Hussein Mohamed Aideed, Musa Sudi Yalahow, Mohamed Kanyare Afrah and others-seemed to have lost control of the population they claimed to represent. The fact that they did not attend seems to suggest that they were disillusioned and had no specific agenda to take to Djibouti. Importantly, the solutions suggested at the Arta peace process were provided for by the Somalis themselves and not imposed on them. Fifth, imposing new actors into old plans without consensus or a new deal risks reversing the trend of the negotiations and can derail the whole process. In Somalia, imposing the renegade warlords on the interim administration will simply mean going back to war and derail the whole peace process. The transitional institutions (a government and National Assembly composed of 245 members) that were formed are representative of all the Somalis, except the northerners. These institutions and individuals should be the base of any new deal that includes at least all the southerners. It should be emphasised that President Abdulgasim Salad Hassan, elected in Arta, Djibouti on 25 August 2000, has already won international and regional recognition, as has the Somali transitional parliament. Although this recognition has little to do with the reality of his power base within the country, it does show that the international community has not given up hopes of reviving the failed Somali State. Therefore, the ongoing peace process must focus on strengthening the transitional institutions, and activating communication among Somali clans in the south, and should try to make the renegade commanders and their militias' part of the process. Africa and the international community ought to support the interim arrangements until some political and economic foundation has been put in place. This will allow a more inclusive Somali peace agreement to be brokered again, which might include Somaliland and other small regions that abstained from the Djibouti peace process.    

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

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Got it right on Khan Academy

this is for 81 points
pls help i also give brainiest

You must choose one of these medical discoveries from the 19th century:
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The Stethoscope
Quinine (for Malaria)
Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)
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The aspirin we know came into being in the late 1890s in the form of acetylsalicylic acid when chemist Felix Hoffmann at Bayer in Germany used it to alleviate his father's rheumatism, a timeline from Bayer says. Beginning in 1899, Bayer distributed a powder with this ingredient to physicians to give to patients. The drug became a hit and, in 1915, it was sold as over-the-counter tablets.

Aspirin's uses for heart patients came to light in 1948 when California physician Dr. Lawrence Craven recommended an aspirin a day to reduce heart attack risk, based on what he had observed in patients.More than one-third of all adults, and four out of five people with heart disease, use aspirin regularly, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presented in a 2006 study. And the number of regular aspirin users rose 20 percent from 1999 to 2003.

Everything that Eichengrün claimed in 1949 about the discovery of aspirin is compatible with the chronology of events presented here, which in turn depends to a great extent upon the reliability of the statement by Eichengrün that Dreser set acetylsalicylic acid aside for 18 months. This statement, however, has never been challenged. As Eichengrün did not refer to his own role in the discovery of aspirin in the chapter in which the statement appeared in 1918, it would be unreasonable to argue that the source is tainted. Also, Hoffmann—who lived until 1946 without ever publishing his own account of the discovery of aspirin—repeatedly spoke of Dreser setting the drug aside, albeit without indicating for how long. But had it only been for a short period, he would not have mentioned it.

In deciding whether it is Hoffmann or Eichengrün who initiated the events leading to the introduction of aspirin, the unreliability of the 1934 footnote about Hoffmann must be balanced against the plausibility of the 1949 paper by Eichengrün. The most reasonable conclusion is that Arthur Eichengrün was telling the truth when he wrote that acetylsalicylic acid was synthesised under his direction and that the drug would not have been introduced in 1899 without his intervention.

F Bayer & Co was truly fortunate in having Eichengrün as an employee, yet it is unlikely that he would have discovered aspirin had he not been working for the company. Its successor, Bayer AG, had every reason last year to celebrate proudly the centenary of the most widely used drug in history.


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it could be a natural disaster, one that could not be avoided. flood, hurricane, earthquake or any other disaster.

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bggfggfgh hnk


A new environment and not knowing anyone there

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maybe it's help you.....

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Hello. You did not inform the course you want to take at Cornell, which makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way, showing you how to respond to that.

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Soup soup soup soup He started work at 16 for the North West Company and then the Hudson's Bay Company, becoming a high-ranking officer. From 1851 to 1864, he was Governor of the Colony of Vancouver Island

"sometimes conflict can be healthy ".Critically discuss this statement.​




Conflict can indeed be quite healthy. For every relationship, there'll be an occurence of conflict at one point or another. When there's a resolution of a conflict, this is vital for growth and helps in engaging relationship.

A healthy conflict is vital as it brings about trust. In companies, conflict can be healthy as it brings about engagement between workers, more creativity and respect for others. This in turn, brings about growth and development to the organization.

Conflict can be healthy sometimes given that a peaceful resolution leads to greater improvements.

What is conflict?

This is usually the absence of peace, it is the presence of disagreements and divided opinions.

Conflicts are healthy when it is able to be resolved. When both sides agree to listen to both sides and work out a way forward.

Read more on conflicts here:

I believe that nurture best explains human development. Nature has a part in how people behave, but nurture holds a bigger part. I believe that people learn behaviors as they grow up instead of just being born with it. Like with the example in the text of Abdul assuming any animal on all fours with fur is a dog, because he had his own dog and was not aware of any other animals. Growing up you are not going to know everything so it is learned with the environment around you. It is like back in the day when there was still segregation, kids would be raised to be racist's because of their parents.



Growing up you are not going to know everything so it is learned with the environment around you.


The knowledge gain by the individual is depends on the environment around it because most of the knowledge gain by the person from their surrounding environment. The individual learn more knowledge about those things that are present in their surrounding environment. The daily interaction of a person with other things of the environment provides knowledge to the children and the individual knows information more about its environment.

Which part of China has a lot of rain, so the farmers grow a lot of rice there?

A. north
B. south
C. west
D. east



B. South


Rice was grown primarily south of the Yangzi River. This area had many advantages over the north China plain, as the climate is warmer and rainfall more plentiful. The mild temperatures of the south often allowed two crops to be grown on the same plot of land — a summer and a winter crop.

If I am wrong sorry. But I think it's south.

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Nationalism is an idea and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people), especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference (self-determination), that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity  and that the nation is the only rightful source of political power (popular sovereignty)


Plz make me a brainly!

I hope this helps you out some!

Write about Maya Angelou as if you were describing her to a friend. Be sure to include details about Angelou's writing, awards, and other achievements. Use information from the lesson in your answer.

Type your answer in the box below.



Maya Angelou was an American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and mastered several languages. She also did plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. Angelou is best known for her series of seven autobiographies, which focus on her childhood and early adult experiences. The first was I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, It was a book about her life. That book taught Millions of students throughout the country.

American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou. She was a multilingual author who produced seven autobiographies, three books of essays, and several books of poetry.

Who is  Maya Angelou?

American memoirist, well-known poet, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou (born Marguerite Annie Johnson; April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014) was born in the United States.

She also worked on over 50 years' worth of plays, films, and television shows. She was given more than 50 honorary degrees in addition to numerous awards. The seven books in her autobiography series, which center on her formative years and early adulthood, are what made Angelou famous. The first was her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Millions of students nationwide learned from that book.

Therefore, American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou. She was a multilingual author who produced seven autobiographies, three books of essays, and several books of poetry.

Learn more about Maya Angelou:


Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of U.S. citizens?
A. running for elective office
B. supporting and defending the Constitution
C. participating in the democratic process
D. serving on a jury



A. running for elective office


Suppose that Blake is arguing with somebody who supports raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. Blake’s response is, "We have seen communism fail time and time again. That is why I don’t support you position." Blake is committing the fallacy of? Group of answer choices Misplacing the burden of proof Straw man fallacy Inappropriate appeal to authority Division



Straw man fallacy


Straw man fallacy is one in which an argument is rejected or is considered worthless by the opponent without proper supporting facts and evidence. In the given question Blake is rejecting an argument by saying that this had already failed. He has not listened and analyzed the argument and has just rejected it.

Peter owns a business which produces office furniture, Sasha his friend, said that being a good
manager is most important to the business. She doesn't think Peter's workers should join a trade
a. Do you think Sasha is right? Justify your answer briefly​



I belive she is wrong because trade unions benefit the employees with higher wages and far better benefits, also the union makes it hard to wrongfully terminate employees ensuring that everything is just


I don't think Sarah is thinking about the best interest of the employees when she said Peter's workers shouldn't join a trade Union. A trade Union is and always will fight for the rights of the workers so she's not being impartial at all she's thinking of her friend profiting off the backs of his workers.

Manifest Destiny was the idea that the United States was destined to settle
the East.
the South
the North
the West.



Explanation: manifest destiny was a cultural belief in the 19th century that settlers were destined to colonize across North America


the west


just did the quiz. hope it helps

In your opinion, can ‘Mother Nature’ fix anything... given enough time?





Well, "mother nature" is all natural. If you took a look outside of your window or anywhere, you'd see things happening naturally. Human birth, the growth of trees, rain, all that type of stuff is because "mother nature" is actually a world wide echosystem.

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a person who steals something from another. criminal law. a person who commits theft.


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What is the question...

How many women fought in the US civil war


over 300K women fought in ww2


over 415 women fought in the war


Because they were seeing that the other countries were winning

One argument against free trade is that it may result in a monopoly by a foreign company.




False, the America people will buy American goods, the main problem is the cheap labor that could result

provide any three types of financial assistance that can be applied for after grade 12 to study and briefly discuss them I your own words​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The three types of financial assistance that can be applied for after grade 12 to study are Federal and State Aids (FAFSA), loan assistance, and student employment.

The Federal and State Aids (FAFSA) comprises what is known as the Federal Pell Grant aimed at low-income families. If you need much more than that, you can also apply to the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FESEOG). Every state in AMerica has its own grants aimed to help students with some financial aid.

Loan assistance is another option not so recommended because as with any loan, it has to be repaid plus interest. And this interest is what hurts most families and students that have the necessity to get extra money for education.

Another good option is to get a part-time job to get some extra money to invest in your education. This way you not only have the money for college, tuition, housing, or extracurricular activities, but you also gain experience in a real job that could benefit you in the years to come.

Some examples of financial assistance after Grade 12 include:

Federal and state grants. Student loans. Scholarships.

There are federal and state grants that are available to outstanding students as well as students from low income families to help them attend college.

Students can also take out loans which they can then pay back after they finish college. There are also scholarships available for outstanding students.

Find out more on financial assistance for college at

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