How many moles of methane gas are in 44.8 L of CH at STP?


Answer 1


2 mol CH 4


43.8 x L

----------------                      = 2 mol CH 4

22.4 x L x mol - 1

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The scatterplot shows the number of visitors at an art show in relation to admission price. What does point A on the scatterplot represent?

A. When the ticket price was $120, a total of 15 people visited the art show.

B. When the ticket price was $15, a total of 180 people visited the art show.

C. When the ticket price was $180, a total of 15 people visited the art show.

D.When the ticket price was $15, a total of 120 people visited the art show.



When the ticket price was $15, a total of 180 people visited the art show as it denotes a point with most accuracy.

What is accuracy?

Accuracy  in terms of chemistry can be defined as to how close a measurement is to the true value.There are three types of accuracy:

1) Point accuracy-It means accuracy is present at that point of scale only.It does not give any information about the accuracy of the instrument.

2)Percentage of true value--It is the accuracy  which is determined by identifying accuracy of the instrument  and comparing it with the measured true value.

3)Percentage of scale range- It is the accuracy  which determines accuracy of the measurement.

Accuracy of percentage of scale range type as the measurements are to be made within a range where the sample has to be measured.

Accuracy in case of instruments  is neglected up  to ±0.5 percent.

Learn more about accuracy,here:


Students in Ms. King's science class are researching the history of the cell theory and will write a blog to show what they have learned. Which of the following is the best choice for the introductory sentence?

A scientific theory, like cell theory, does not change.

A hypothesis, such as one about cells, usually becomes a theory.

Scientific theories, like those written about cells, are not as important as scientific laws.

Scientific theories, such as cell theory, are based on well-supported observations of nature.



A hypothesis, such as one about cells, usually becomes a theory.


Air mass is a huge body of air which has the same general properties as the land or water over which it forms. *






Bc why not? :)

True or false??? (Hydrogen bonds are the attraction between the partially positive regions of oxygen with the partially positive regions of oxygen on different molecules.)





true or false : Color Changes are used to show reaction completion





It means the reaction is occuring.

The maximum water vapor that air can hold at 30°C is about 30 grams/cubic meter. If the humidity of the air is currently 6 grams/cubic meter at the same temperature, the relative humidity is


The answer is 16 due to the 30 grams cubic meter and the humidity has to be added
the answer is 16 due to 30 grams of cubic

I need help finding the volume, can't tell if i'm over thinking or if i'm wrong ;(
64.26,162.30,98.04,0.0983 if you cant read my handwriting



98.04 ml


density of water is 1g/ml

since volume =mass/density


= 98.04

Use your understanding of the terms "soluble" and "insoluble" to explain why you must shake a bottle of salad dressing made with oil and vinegar before you use it.



See explanation


In chemistry, the idea of "like dissolves like" is of utmost importance. A substance is only soluble in another with which it can effectively interact.

We must note that to be "soluble" means that the solute actually interacts effectively (dissolves) in the solvent.

However, vinegar is a polar substance while oil is a non polar substance hence the two can not effectively interact. That is, the vinegar can not dissolve in oil.

The two will separate into two phases upon standing. Therefore, the bottle of salad dressing made with oil and vinegar must be shaken in order to mix the two thoroughly before it is used.

If we have 4 molecules of sugar, what is the coefficient?




the coefficient is 4


hope this helps

What is a characteristic of asexual reproduction?



Sexual reproduction

Step 1: Gather materials and necessary information. a) You will collect the following information about your element: • Periodic table information including type of element, atomic number, atomic mass, number of protons, number of electrons, number of neutrons, period number, group number, and group name • Physical and chemical properties of the element • When, where, and by whom the element was discovered • Where the element is found and how it is obtained • Uses for the element and/or products made from the element • Images of the element b) Be sure to keep a list of your references so you can cite them later. c) Ask your teacher where you should save your presentation as you work on it. Your teacher may also have specific guidelines about the file name you should use.



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

There are various kind of elements that are present in periodic table. Some elements are harmful, some are radioactive, some are noble gases. Therefore, periodic table is the best platform to understand element.

What is periodic table?

Periodic table is a table in which we find elements with properties like metals, non metals, metalloids and radioactive element arranges in increasing atomic number.

Periodic table help a scientist to know what are the different types of elements are present in periodic table so that they can discover the new elements that are not being discovered yet.

Periodic table is the best platform to have a look to all elements at once that are arranged in columns and groups mentioning their valences, electronegativity and Ionisation energy symbols.

Therefore, periodic table is the best platform to understand element.

Learn more about periodic table, here:


Students report that the sky in their area has mostly cirrus clouds. What are most likely the weather conditions in the area?
rainy weather
dark, overcast (blocking the sunlight)
stormy weather
fair, pleasant weather


I believe it is fair, pleasant weather! Cirrus clouds predict fair to pleasant weather and are usually seen in the winter!

can someone help me figure out what the Lewis structure for NCl2−?



Chlorine is in group 7A, so it has 7 valence electrons

The Lewis structure for the molecule NCl²⁻ with -2 charge is attached in the image below.

What are Lewis structures?

Lewis structures are also called as electron dot structures and can be drawn if the molecular formula of a compound is known. It provides information regarding the nature of bond and the position of atoms .

They are also capable of exhibiting the lone pair if any present in a molecule or compound.Lewis defined a base to be an electron pair donor and an acid to be an electron pair acceptor.

They are capable of reflecting electronic structure of elements and even the pairing of electrons . In the diagram, each dot represents an electron while a pair of dots represent a bond between the atoms.It helps in understanding the  bonding between the two atoms.

Learn more about Lewis structures,here:


Help e please i give brainlist





El ácido sulfúrico H2SO4 es uno de los compuestos que se utiliza para la producción de fertilizantes como el nitrosulfato amónico. Si disponemos de 8 mL de H2SO4 al 37 %P/P (d=1,26 g /mL), los cuales se disolvieron hasta alcanzar un volumen de solución de 400 mL, con una densidad de 1,08 g/mL. (La densidad del soluto es corresponde a 1,83 g/cm³)



12 hours ago

El ácido sulfúrico H2SO4 es uno de los compuestos que se utiliza para la producción de fertilizantes como el nitrosulfato amónico. Si disponemos de 8 mL de H2SO4 al 37 %P/P (d=1,26 g /mL), los cuales se disolvieron hasta alcanzar un volumen de solución de 400 mL, con una densidad de 1,08 g/mL. (La densidad del soluto es corresponde a 1,83 g/cm³)

I really can’t do this don’t understand it



7.96g, 33.79%


I'll try my best to explain the entire process behind this question ;)

From the question, you can write the reaction


Now, there are a few reasons it is like this. Oxygen is a diatomic element, meaning it doesn't and can't exist as just O. It exists as O₂. To balance, this, double the amount of water and hydrogen so there is an equal amount of  each element on both sides of the reaction (4 H's, 2 O's on the reactant side, and 4 H's, 2 O's on the product side).

From this we can get a mole-to-mole ratio.

Onto the stoichiometry. Our goal in this is to convert from grams of water to grams of hydrogen, and we do so with a mole to mole ratio.

[tex]71.0gH_2O*\frac{1molH_2O}{18.02g} *\frac{2molH_2}{2molH_2O}* \frac{2.02g}{1molH_2}\\\\ =7.96gH_2[/tex]

Basically, what I did was divide by water's molar mass to get moles of water, multiplied by the mole-to-mole ratio (2:2) to get moles of H2, and then multiplied by H2's molar mass to get what should be the amount of H2 produced by the reaction.

For percent yield, you can calculate it is such:


Plug the numbers in:

[tex]\frac{2.69g}{7.96g}*100\\\\ =33.79%[/tex]

So, the percent yield is 33.79%

Halogens are classified together as a group because all elements -

Are conductors of electricity, , ,

Have the same atomic mass

Have similar chemical & physical properties

Are malleable and ductile



sory Idont know Iwish you answer this question

How many grams of Oz would be needed to produce 1.875 moles of aluminum?
4 AI + 3 O2 -> 2Al2O3



1.4063 moles of oxygen are required


Based on the chemical equation:

4Al + 3O₂ → 2Al₂O₃

4 moles of aluminium react with 3 moles of oxygen.

To solve this question we need to convert the moles of aluminium to moles of oxygen using the chemical reaction:

1.875 moles Al * (3 moles O₂ / 4 moles Al) =

1.4063 moles of oxygen are required

In a water molecule, what type of bond forms between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms


Covalent bond forms between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

(I attached a picture that could help)

-Hope that helps,
Good luck!

determine the velocity. a runner completes a 10km race in 33.6 minutes





Speed or velocity is calculated using the formula:

Speed (v) = distance (d) ÷ time (t)

According to the information given in this question;

Distance = 10km

Time = 33.6minutes = 33.6/60 = 0.56hours

Speed/velocity = 10/0.56

= 17.857

= 17.86km/hr




distance= 10 km

time= 33.6 min


v= 0.297619048

or 0.29

dentify the base in this acid-base reaction:

Upper N a upper O upper H plus upper H upper C l right arrow upper N a upper C l plus upper H subscript 2 upper O.





Sodium hydroxide is the base in the acid-base reaction as all other acids and sodium chloride is salt and water is neutral.

What is a base?

According to the Arrhenius concept, base is defined as a substance which yields hydroxyl ions on dissociation.These ions react with the hydrogen ions of acids to produce salt in an acid-base reaction.

Bases have a pH higher than seven as they yield hydroxyl ions on dissociation.They are soapy in touch and have a bitter taste.According to the Lowry-Bronsted concept, base is defined as a substance which accepts protons .Base react violently with acids to produce salts .Aqueous solutions of bases can be used to conduct electricity .They can also be used as indicators in acid-base titrations.

They are used in the manufacture of soaps,paper, bleaching powder.Calcium hydroxide ,a base is used to clean sulfur dioxide gas while magnesium hydroxide can be used as an antacid to cure acidity.

Learn more about base,here:


Arrange He,Br2 and NaCl in increasing boiling point and explain why






Select the correct answer. Samuel adds a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. He notices that the salt disappears. Samuel takes a sip to discover that the water tastes salty. What kind of change has occurred? OA It's a chemical reaction because a new substance has formed. O B. It's a physical change because the water and the salt kept their original properties. O C. It's an example of synthesis because two substances reacted to give one substance. O D. It's a chemical reaction because the water now tastes salty but originally did not.




B. It's a physical change because the water and the salt kept their original properties.


Even though it tastes like salty water, the salt is still present, just in smaller molecules. It can be brought back so it is a physical change.

: B is your answer

three ways how travelers should be considerate towards other travelers when using public transport​


-use headphones
-do not take up extra seats/space using their luggage or bags
-be aware of their surrounding so they do not bump into people or step on their feet

The three ways in which travelers should be considerate when using public transport include the following:

Use of headphonesUsing a handkerchief when sneezingNot stepping on people by being aware and vigilant

What is a Public transport?

This is the type of transport which is available to the general public such as trains, buses etc.

It is best to be considerate when using it by applying the following methods mentioned above to prevent disturbance and conflict.

Read more about Public transport here

The positive and negative ions in an ionic compound create a?



crystal structure


The beaks of finches found on various galapagos islands differed based on:
A the size of their land
B the length of their wings
c the available food supply
d the predators that hunted them


C because there beaks are what they use to eat food

Which solubility curve on the right best represents the data table on the left?
Solubility of Sugar in Water
Solubility of Sugar in Water
Sugar Dissolved
Sugar per 100g H20

20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C)
Answer: Blue curve



blue curve on edge :)


which bond type involves the sharing of valence electrons?




Covalent Bonds

The answer is correct because Electrons are exchanged between atoms in a covalent bond. When an atom's valence electron shell is complete, it is the most stable state for it, because atoms form covalent bonds and share their valence electrons.


Covalent Bond


A covalent bond involves electrons being shared between atoms. The most stable state for an atom occurs when its valence electron shell is full, so atoms form covalent bonds, sharing their valence electrons, so that they achieve a more stable state by filling their valence electron shell.

Question 5 of 10
Which event is an example of vaporization?
A. Perspiration dries on a person's skin.
B. The outside of a glass of ice water becomes moist.
C. Frost forms on a blade of grass.
D. A cloud forms in the sky,



A. Perspiration dries on a person's skin.

When the sweat hits the air, the air makes it evaporate (this means it turns from a liquid to a vapor). As the sweat evaporates off your skin, you cool down. Sweat is a great cooling system, but if you're sweating a lot on a hot day or after playing hard you could be losing too much water through your skin.


Hope it is helpful....

2. Pietro decided to travel along the path shown below. How far south did Pietro travel?(The figure
is not drawn to scale.)
Hvad fit
30 m
24 m
A 6m
B. 38.4 m
C. 36m
D. 18 m


where’s the path? can’t answer the question without seeing the path so if you insert it I will be able to answer it
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