How Immersion is important to students who want to become professional in the future?


Answer 1


It improves and builds new skills. Immersions will have students gain new skill sets and improve their existing capabilities. It is also through immersion that students get to discover themselves and jumpstart their professional growth. Students become good team players.


Related Questions

write a letter to the editor about the school students rowdy behaviour . suggest what are the impact of such behavior and suggest ways in which this problem can be solved​



There is no disputing that Oklahoma public schools need to do better. Our teachers need to have more support and higher pay.

Explanation here is no disputing that Oklahoma public schools need to do better. Our teachers need to have more support and higher pay.

But what they really need is respect, something that seems to be in short supply in today's society.

Many children are growing up with no rules, no boundaries, no repercussions. They grow up with no respect for others, our laws or our police, often resulting in tragic conclusions.

Teachers or administrators no longer are allowed to physically encorage compliance.

Administrators are reluctant to suspend even the worst offenders because of the effect those absences have on financial support from the state.

In some cases, a person who sells a home must make sure that all items are in good working order.
What are the verbs in the above sentence?
A) cases, person, home, items
B) In, who, sure, working
C) sells, must, make, are
D) some, that, all, good



b. correct answer


B is the correct answer you should choice that one

So far in this play, we have seen the characters face multiple ethical dilemmas. On your graphic organizer, you should have been noting character traits and actions as you read. Now, it is time to put your notes to use. Think about these questions from the graphic organizer/planner.

What does it mean about Cassius's plan that he has to mislead Brutus to make it happen? What does it mean about Brutus that he so readily believes what Cassius says? What does it mean about Antony that Brutus refuses to kill him?

Use your literary analysis skills to answer the questions above.

Prompt: Using the RACES method, write a well-constructed paragraph using the conventions of standard American English to analyze the character development of your choice of main character--CHOOSE ONE-- (Brutus--What does it mean about Brutus that he so readily believes what Cassius says?, Cassius--What does it mean about Cassius's plan that he has to mislead Brutus to make it happen?, or Antony--What does it mean about Antony that Brutus refuses to kill him?). Use the guided analysis questions to assist you (provided in bold). Include sufficient evidence from the text to support your analysis and explain your reasoning thoroughly.



hey great work keep it up ur amazing i hace

Which it betetztes this response wing gumpe Prompt: The 60 school board is ending making the day Wetter to the stor of the appear of od change State your opin and the support restos ok kowe sio wants Anoted Postage: Dear Edition, the school should be the same pety that students should spend time ore more tchday However those people destinate the con le offerte action​


Money money money just need money

As you read a short story, you come to a point in the plot when things become much more difficult for the main character and the tension in the story builds. Which part of the plot have you reached in the story? O A. Rising Action O B. Exposition O C. Falling Action O D. Conclusion ​



a. rising action



ummmmmmmmmmm..... well i have never read the story but ill see if i can like do my best as of what would make cents all and all but i would most likly say A becuse a rising action gets you like oh my oh my now what is going on so yea


and yess i no thats not the right way to spell cents in this kinda way but yea who cares

Read the address. First Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981, by Ronald Reagan These United States are confronted with an economic problem of great proportions . . . It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people. Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, causing human misery and personal indignity. Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity . . . We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow. And let there be no misunderstanding—we are going to begin to act, beginning today . . . In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. If no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price. We hear much of special interest groups. Our concern must be for a special interest group that knows no sectional boundaries or ethnic and racial divisions, and it crosses political party lines. It is made up of men and women who raise our food, patrol our streets, man our mines and our factories, teach our children, keep our homes, and heal us when we are sick—professionals, industrialists, shopkeepers, clerks, cabbies, and truck drivers. They are, in short, “We the people,” this breed called Americans. If we look to the answer as to why, for so many years, we achieved so much, prospered as no other people on Earth, it was because here, in this land, we unleashed the energy and individual genius of man to a greater extent than has ever been done before. Freedom and the dignity of the individual have been more available and assured here than in any other place on Earth. The price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have never been unwilling to pay that price. It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government. It is time for us to realize that we are too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams. We are not, as some would have us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline. I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal. Let us renew our determination, our courage, and our strength. And let us renew our faith and our hope. Question 1 Part A What is a central idea in Ronald Reagan's "First Inaugural Address"? Government has betrayed the American people and owes them better. Special interest groups do not have the nation’s best interests in mind. The American spirit will triumph over the nation’s economic problems. The nation should put its trust in government during difficult times. Question 2 Part B Which sentence best supports the answer in Part A? “From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule.” “So, with all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal.” “Our concern must be for a special interest group that knows no sectional boundaries or ethnic and racial divisions.” “Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, causing human misery and personal indignity.”​








choose the verb phrase in the sentence:i might be bust tomorrow



Might be bust


Might be busy. Verb is busy

How do Crusoe's feelings toward other members of the
ship impact his attitude after the shipwreck?


Mad Frustrated i think?

Shakespeare uses a staircase metaphor when describing...

□ Macbeth's reaction to realizing that he must do evil to climb the staircase to success

□ Macbeth's reaction to knowing that his wife wants him to climb the staircase to success

□ Macbeth's reaction to knowing that Banquo will be a step on his way to kingship that will trip him up unless he oversteps it

□ Macbeth's reaction to knowing that Malcom will be a step on his way to kingship that will trip him up unless he oversteps it​


I thinks it’s the second box

Please help!

Read the following process paragraph and find the unnecessary sentence.
When you pack a suitcase for a trip, there are a few steps
that make preparation more efficient. First, lay out all of
the clothes and accessories you will need in neat stacks.
Then, pack all toiletries in a bathroom kit or plastic zip-top
bag, Small, loose items always get in the way when you are
trying to pack. Now you can place all of your belongings in
the suitcase neatly and zip it closed. If you follow these
steps, the packing process will go more smoothly.

A. Small, loose items always get in the way when you are trying to
B. First, lay out all of the clothes and accessories you will need in neat stacks.
C. If you follow these steps, the packing process will go more smoothly.
D. None of the sentences are unnecessary.



the answer is c.


because when your packing its a lot easier to pack if your clothes are neatly put together.

im so sorry if i do happen to get it wrong.

Answer:..A... ApΕx


Ill give u brainylist



hmmm.. i would say B, or C.


sorry if that doesn't help, xD . I think the person above me is correct

From the poem Ithaka, ''What does the speaker say will make the traveler wealthy?''



The speaker says that the experience of going through the long journey will make the traveler wealthy.


Constantine Cavafy's poem "Ithaka" is an allegorical poem about the journey of Odysseus and his decade-long journey to get back home to Ithaca. The poem draws inspiration and alludes to that epic journey, but talks more in a generalized sense of getting knowledge through the journey.

The speaker "advises" that every man must go through a journey like Odysseus in order to get to one's own "Ithaka" or in this sense, one's life end or goal. "Ithaka" here is a metaphor for the personal goal of a person/ individual. And to him, the lifelong travel through numerous 'obstacles', the memories, the experience of the journey will make the traveler wealthy.

Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,

you will have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.

According to the poet, it is not the physical wealth that will make the traveler rich but rather the experiences and life lessons he will have learned along the way, that will make him wealthy.

Why do zoos matter? (76 POINTS)

WHY ZOOS MATTER – Part 1: Conservation ( ON YT)
WHY ZOOS MATTER – Part 2: Research (ON YT)



Because they matter

can someone please write a small paragraph about this question. write something abt the pandemic and stuff. please and thank you.



The pandemic has affected me in many ways, and now i'm beginning to move forward. As we slowly begin to move forward, I'm adjusting to how we are now. The virus has affected others way more than me and i am thankful. But it still affects people, i hope we go back to normal soon.


Our feelings have no effect on our bodies. True or False



I would say true. Our feelings have all kinds of effect on our bodies. It can cause depression, anxiety and other kinds of problems.

What do you think life was like for an African American during the Great Depression?


They were the first to be laid off from their jobs, and they suffered from an unemployment rate two to three times that of whites. In early public assistance programs African Americans often received substantially less aid than whites, and some charitable organizations even excluded Blacks from their soup kitchens.

Think abut how Alec's monologue contributes to the meaning of the play. What details in the speech help you better understand Alec's feelings? Be sure to include details from the play in your answer.

In your answer, be sure to:

explain how the monologue expresses Alec's feelings about moving away from his home
identify language in the monologue that reveal aspects of Alec's character
use details from the play in your answer
Check your writing for correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.



A monologue is a character's speech. This speech the character makes alone because he is expressing his deepest feelings and thoughts. This promotes a broad understanding of the audience with the character's actions, because the character is showing the most intimate of his being. Usually these speeches are emotional and have a strong appeal to the feelings of the audience, the actor and the character.


there is none you didnt give the play

Answer:A monologue is a character's speech. This speech the character makes alone because he is expressing his deepest feelings and thoughts. This promotes a broad understanding of the audience with the character's actions, because the character is showing the most intimate of his being. Usually these speeches are emotional and have a strong appeal to the feelings of the audience, the actor and the character.



How does Menolly stop the baby fire lizards from flying to certain death?



what book is this, if i knew i could


I has been three days I have seen you

( until / though / since) ​



the answer is since


Brainliest plz

2. Kiko is a ninja warrior trained by Mountain Master Yoho Mahrati.

When Master Mahrati is slain by Shan Bhutan of the Lotus Clan in the

most cowardly of fashions, Kiko lays it all on the line to avenge the

death of his master. Will Kiko overcome Shan Bhutan and the powerful

Lotus Clan?



Type of Conflict:



The protagonist is Kiko, and the antagonist is Shan Butan of the "Lotus Clan". The conflict given is that since Butan murdered Kiko's master, Kiko is now on a journey to avenge him, and overcome the Lotus Clan.

Which portion of the following conclusion paragraph is a restatement
of this thesis statement?

Thesis: To save time, money, and allow students greater opportunities
to read, the Potter School
District must invest in e-books for its entire
student population.

The Potter School District should provide e-books to all students as a
convenient, inexpensive alternative to printed books. E-books are
completely mobile and allow students to read and study anywhere. E
books are also very popular, and students say they actually enjoy
reading for school or pleasure on an e-reader. Providing funding for e-
books is a way for the Potter School District to show that it is
embracing the future of both technology and education.

A. E books are also very popular and students say they actually enjoy
reading for school or pleasure on an e-reader
B. Providing funding for e-books is a way for the Potter School
District to show that it is embracing the future of both technology
and education
C. The Potter School District should provide e-books to all students
as a convenient, inexpensive alternative to printed books.
D. E books are completely mobile and allow students to read and
study anywhere






C) The Potter School District should provide e-books to all students as a convenient, inexpensive alternative to printed books.


What is advertising?



The true definition of “advertising“ is “the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services”.


But advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them.


the activity of making products or services known about and persuading people to buy them

Do you think the people of a country can contribute towards ensuring that the world heritage sites retain their status



The people of a country can help to maintain places with world heritage status.


The people of a country can contribute to a world heritage site maintaining its status, conserving it and publicizing the importance of those places. This prevents these places from being depredated, distributed and devalued, in addition to keeping their history, meaning and importance alive in all generations.

What is Billy Collins' message in "Introduction to Poetry"?



readers should be patient and open minded when reading poems in order to see the meaning, yet not over-analyze.

Which statement describes how the author introduces the idea of studying soil?AThe author emphasizes all of the important things that soil does for people and the earth.BThe author explains that something so common can be both fascinating and important.CThe author describes how Lorna Dawson became interested in studying soil.DThe author explains the unique makeup of soil and the techniques used to study it.


Answer: b


Answer:. B, The author explains that something so common can be both fascinating and important.

Explanation: I went to commonlit and read the passage, this should be the correct answer. If not feel free to correct me.

Gatsby Chapter 2
Why did Myrtle marry George?

A) She though he was rich

B) She thought he was a gentleman

C) She thought he was strong

D) She thought he was intelligent


B) She thought he was a gentleman
I think B as well hope you pass have a great day

Select the correct answer from each drop down menu. Practicing an activity helps you improve your brain. According to an article in the magazine, people who learned how to juggle increased gray matter in their brains



Practicing makes you better. When a person is doing some physical activity his brain activates stimulators and he starts to learn new techniques.


People who learns juggling their visual memory increases. The juggling practice activates occipital lobes in a brain of a person which participates in vision processing and their visual memory improves. The brain is ten able to see everything which is happening around and it interprets the visuals.


Practicing an activity helps you improve your brain. According to an article in the magazine


, people who learned how to juggle increased gray matter in their brains. But this improvement disappeared the moment they stopped practicing. Whether you are learning how to speak a new language or how to


you should keep practicing. That way, you won’t lose new information or skills.


I just had that question on PLATO

Author purpose:I don’t know if it’s persuade or inform


Inform teachers and people why we should be able to use your phone it’s STATING why we need them in other words informing people

Plagiarism damages reputations and relationships.
O True
O False​



i am pretty sure its true

it’s true. Plagiarism can ruin your reputation and may ruin you relationship with people

USATestprep, LLC - Online State- x
A characteristic of a population or sample, on which we gather data, is called a




Other Questions
Someone please help! Ill mark the Brainliest whoever answers fastest. Solve: -8 = -7 + x X = Juan's puppy currently weighs 80 pounds. This is a 60% increase in weight from when he got her. How much did the puppy weigh originally? Josh is selling crafts at an outdoor market. He charges $2.25 for each door hanger he has made and $3.75 for each necklace. He knows he has sold at least 20 items at the market, but he has no more than $60 in sales. 11. Together, Andy and Ben can re-roof a certain house in six days. When Ben works alone, it takes him 9 days longer than when Andy works by himself. How long does it take each person to re-roof the same house independently? Cory answers "yessir" to most of his father's statements. What can you infer about Cory's character based on his responses? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Based on the following production and sales data of Frixion Co. for March of the current year, prepare the following: Product T Product X Estimated inventory, March 1 28,000 units 20,000 units Desired inventory, March 31 32,000 units 15,000 units Expected sales volume: Territory I 320,000 units 260,000 units Territory II 190,000 units 130,000 units Unit sales price $6 $14A. Prepare a sales budget.B. Prepare a production budget. The book cover pictured in this ad shows a giant puzzle piece. How might this image be confusing to consumers looking at the ad?A) They might think that they will get rich.B) They might think the book is a math book.C) They might think that the book is about solving puzzles.D) They might think that the book contains secrets to building wealth. What happens when a chemical reaction reaches equilibrium The Broken Leg Basketball Boutique advertised a $40.00 basketball on sale for 10% off. What is the discount and the new price? explain why x is read x squared Use the given set to determine the solution for each equation.7t + 26 = 61 {3, 5, 7, 9}t=_________ A bicycle ramp used for competitions is atriangular prism. The volume of the rampis 313.2 cubic feet. Write and solve anequation to find the width of the ramp.Possible student work:V=Bh13.4ft Which of the following is a way humans use trees? a. paper b. food c. wood d. all of the above Show your work: convert 5/6 into a decimal Ill mark Brainliest!!! ABC Corporation plans to issue new bonds to finance its expansion plans. In its efforts to price the issue, ABC Corporation has identified a company of similar risk with an outstanding bond issue that has an 8 percent coupon rate having a maturity of 10 years. This firm's bonds are currently selling for $1,091.96. If interest is paid annually for both bonds, what must the coupon rate of the new bonds be in order for the issue to sell at par Please help me Should children and teenagers be able to work in paid jobs with their parent or guardian's permission? 0.6(2n-9) = 3.4-2 (3n-1)solve the following equation only Which sentence uses the word teeming correctly?The two groups were talking about teeming up together to work on the fundraiser.The teeming cart went flying across the parking lot when it was bumped by a car door.The waiter sat down at a teeming table and began to fold napkins while he waited for customers to start arriving.The small pond was teeming with tadpoles and minnows.