Handout 1: Case Studies 1 and 2 Case Study 1: Jason Pitts, age 78, is in the hospital, dying of lung cancer. He is Jewish and has expressed his wish to be cremated. This has upset a few family members because cremation is against Jewish laws. 1. How can you best help the family cope with his wishes? 2. Do you think his preference should be honored?​


Answer 1

1) To help the family cope with Jason's wish to be cremated, it's important to approach the situation with sensitivity and respect for both his wishes and the family's religious beliefs. It may be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with the family about Jason's reasons for wanting to be cremated and to listen to their concerns and feelings about the matter. It may also be helpful to seek guidance from a rabbi or other religious leader who can provide advice on how to honor Jason's wishes while still respecting Jewish laws and traditions. The family could consider finding a funeral home that specializes in Jewish cremation services, or exploring alternative options that would allow them to honor both Jason's wishes and their religious beliefs.

2) Ultimately, the decision of whether to honor Jason's preference for cremation is up to his family and loved ones. However, it's important to consider the reasons behind Jason's wish for cremation and to approach the situation with respect and sensitivity. Some possible reasons for his preference may include a desire for simplicity, a wish to avoid burdening his family with funeral expenses, or personal beliefs about the afterlife. It's important for family members to have open and honest conversations about their concerns and to seek guidance from religious leaders, if necessary, in order to find a solution that honors Jason's wishes while also respecting their own beliefs and traditions.

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What's is person centred approach theory in guidance and counseling​


Person-centered counseling (PCC) is a humanistic methodology or approach.

It was first developed in the 1940s by Carl Rogers, an American psychologist who argued that, under the right circumstances, people can achieve their true potential and become the best version of themselves, which he referred to as self-actualization.

According to the person-centric counselor, all clients have enormous potential for growth within themselves. Clients have the ability to grow towards their authentic selves, which means self-image is not immutable, and attitudes or behaviors can change or be altered.

To learn more about counseling, refer to the link:



Subject: Health
Extra points

Does anyone else have these t i n y busted vessels in random places like your wrist? i have some that i’ve noticed since my early teens

it isn’t a wound and does not hurt but looks like specs of busted vessels

i have same that just will not go away, literally apparent for years

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is it just me? maybe? does anyone else have this or know anything about it?



It is possible that the tiny busted vessels you are noticing are spider veins.


Spider veins are small dilated blood vessels that appear close to the surface of the skin. Spider veins can occur for a variety of reasons, including genetics, hormonal changes, pregnancy, and prolonged standing or sitting. While they are not usually a serious medical concern, they can be unsightly and may cause discomfort or itching in some cases.

If you are concerned about the appearance of spider veins, you may want to speak with a dermatologist or other healthcare provider. They can evaluate your skin and provide recommendations for treatment options, which may include laser therapy, sclerotherapy, or other minimally invasive procedures. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding prolonged periods of standing or sitting, may help to prevent the development or worsening of spider veins.

Case Study Ch2 Handout 1: Case Study: Mrs. Harkness Mrs. Harkness, an 86-year-old woman, has just been placed in a long-term care facility. Her family chose this living arrangement because she has steadily declined in health and is unable to care for herself. Her history reveals an old stroke with left-sided weakness, marked hearing loss, and diabetes mellitus. Since her admission, she cries a lot and responds with only one-word answers- yes or no. 1. Describe how you would approach this resident. How would you attempt to develop trust​


I can provide some general guidance on how to approach Mrs. Harkness and attempt to develop trust in a long-term care facility:

Introduce yourself: When first meeting Mrs. Harkness, it's important to introduce yourself and explain your role in her care. This can help her understand who you are and what you are there to do.

Be patient: Mrs. Harkness may be feeling overwhelmed or anxious about her new living situation, and may need time to adjust. It's important to be patient and give her time to express herself at her own pace.

Use active listening: When communicating with Mrs. Harkness, it's important to use active listening techniques, such as repeating back what she says or summarizing her feelings. This can help her feel heard and understood.

Respect her autonomy: Mrs. Harkness may be feeling a loss of control in her new living situation, so it's important to respect her autonomy and involve her in decision-making about her care whenever possible.

Show empathy: Mrs. Harkness may be feeling a range of emotions, including sadness, fear, and frustration. Showing empathy and understanding can help her develop trust and feel more comfortable in her new environment.

Establish a routine: Establishing a consistent routine can help Mrs. Harkness feel more comfortable and secure in her new living situation. This can include regular meal times, activities, and visits fromfamily members.

Be consistent: Consistency in care can also help Mrs. Harkness develop trust. It's important to maintain a consistent approach to her care, including communication, medication administration, and other daily activities.

Involve family members: Inviting family members to participate in care can help Mrs. Harkness feel more comfortable and connected. This can include participating in care meetings, visiting regularly, and providing input on her care plan.

Overall, a person-centered approach that is attentive to Mrs. Harkness' needs, preferences, and emotions can help establish trust and a positive relationship between her and the care team in the long-term care facility.

What is one way that a client can more easily manage their medication


One way that a client can more easily manage their medication is by using a pill organizer. A pill organizer is a container with compartments for each day of the week, and sometimes multiple times per day, labeled with the day and time to take each medication. This can help the client keep track of which medications to take and when, reducing the risk of missed doses or accidental double-dosing. Pill organizers can be purchased at most pharmacies or online, and come in a variety of sizes and styles to meet individual needs. Additionally, some pharmacies and healthcare providers offer medication management services that can help clients organize and track their medications, including automatic refill reminders and delivery services. By using a pill organizer or other medication management tools, clients can more easily manage their medications and improve medication adherence, which can lead to better health outcomes.


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