Figurative language 2 types
Here comes the ornithopter again, straight at the Aurora’s belly, straight as a Canada Goose towards the loading bay.


Answer 1
The sentence includes two types of figurative language:

1. Simile: "Straight as a Canada Goose towards the loading bay." This is a comparison between two things using the words "like" or "as." In this case, the narrator is comparing the movement of the ornithopter to the flight of a Canada Goose.

2. Metaphor: "The ornithopter... straight at the Aurora's belly." This is a comparison between two things without using the words "like" or "as." In this case, the narrator is comparing the movement of the ornithopter to an attack on the Aurora's belly.

Related Questions

What happens to Gregor when he leaves his room to meet the office manager? What
does this episode reveal about Gregor's father?


When Gregor leaves his room to meet the office manager, he is transformed into a giant insect.

He finds it difficult to move and communicate, and his appearance terrifies his family. The office manager is horrified by Gregor's appearance and quickly leaves. Gregor's family, unable to accept his transformation, begins to treat him like a burden.

This episode reveals several things about Gregor's father. Firstly, it highlights his weakness and ineffectiveness. Instead of stepping up to support his son, he recoils in horror, leaving Gregor's sister to take care of him. Secondly, it reveals his authoritarianism and lack of empathy.

Learn more about Gregor, here:


the happiest day I have experienced narative essay



My father took me shopping the same day because he felt that I would need some more things to take along. We bought gifts for my cousins and my uncle and aunt and when I came back home my cupboard was full of new clothes, shoes and gifts.

Since I had not expected any such thing to happen to me, and I had been feeling sorry for myself, this offer came as a great surprise. This was indeed the happiest day of my life and I don’t think I shall ever forget it as long as I live.


there you go:)


One of the happiest days I have ever experienced was the day my team won the championship game in my favorite sport. It was a day filled with pure joy and celebration, and I felt incredibly proud of my team and our collective effort.

The day began with a sense of nervous energy and excitement as we prepared to play the championship game. Our team had worked hard all season, and we were determined to give it our all on the field. The game was intense, with both teams playing at their highest level. We battled back and forth, each team scoring and then quickly answering back.

As the final seconds ticked down, the score was tied, and we knew that the next goal would determine the winner. With just seconds left on the clock, our team managed to score, and the crowd erupted in cheers. We had done it! We had won the championship!

I will never forget the feeling of pure joy and elation as my teammates and I celebrated on the field. We hugged each other, high-fived, and shouted with happiness. It was a moment of pure happiness, and I felt grateful to be a part of such an incredible team.

Looking back on that day, I am reminded of the power of teamwork, determination, and hard work. The victory was not just mine; it belonged to my entire team, and I will always cherish the memory of that happy day.

school is not only based on academics three minute speech​


Hello, my name is _____, and I am going to tell you about school, but not the learning. Everyone hates school, until you realize, that your friends are there, helping you and encouraging you. Today I will be talking about friendships, and relationships.

School. Love it or hate it, education is an essential part of spiraling up in this thing called life. I don't know about you, but the most successful people I've ever met are lifelong learners, avid readers and consistent seekers of new experience.

However, school isn't all about the acquisition of knowledge; in fact, I believe that school is actually an inefficient delivery system for knowledge alone. Think about it--you could probably learn more in four hours on Wikipedia than you could in that same amount of time in a structured classroom setting.

But, that's why the people who get the most out of school aren't there for the knowledge--or at least, acquiring new information isn't the first priority. Instead, the most successful people use the school setting to do something very different with their time, which has little to do with studying at all.

That's why your strategy this Fall will say a lot about what kind of leader you are; because leadership isn't only about knowledge, it's also about how you use that knowledge to effectively lead others. And of course, there won't be any others to lead if you don't spend time curating a network of peers in the first place.

The one thing true leaders do when they go back to school is to spend time building meaningful relationships with their peers. Those relationships--forged in the fires of a shared mission to accomplish those late-night, long-term projects--can last a lifetime, if you properly form and maintain them.

While knowledge can change as the world evolves, your personal relationships will keep on giving. You never know when you'll need a reference, referral, job opportunity, new consulting clients, a place to stay, some meaningful advice, or any of the other incredible benefits you get for creating a valuable network.Your immediate class sizes should be manageable enough to at least have coffee with the majority of your class (and if you attend a huge school with hundreds of people in each class, I recommend going easy on the caffeine and choosing another beverage). Make it a point to at least meet everyone to ask about their lives.

Where did they come from? What are their strengths? Where are they going? These insights will give you reference points so you can start to assemble a picture of how you can benefit them, and how they can benefit you in the future.Although this seems contrary to the first point, it's not. Although it's a good idea to have some fast facts about as many people as possible, you'll only have time to develop a few meaningful relationships over the course of your time at school.

This is actually a good thing, because you'll want to develop a few key drop-everything-to-help kind of relationships as a good long-term relationship strategy. Why? Because not only will those relationships be the most reliable, but also your key people will be connected to many of the other people in your class, anyway, through their own interactions. That's why developing a few relationships you can count on will provide you more value than having lots of relationships that are more shallow, so to speak.

Keep a database on whom you meet and the conversations you have. You'll be shocked at how useful that will be when you one day have a burning question and can't remember the name of the girl you sat next to in that class that you can't remember the name of. Although it can be time consuming to create such a spreadsheet, you'll have it for life--which means you'll be able to literally tap into your network for anything you need, anytime you need.

Yes, you should pay attention in the classroom so you can soak up all that new knowledge. But, keep in mind that the greatest leaders spend most of their time curating a group of relationships that will keep providing benefits for a lifetime.

In conclusion, school isn't just learning, it's also about friendships, meeting new people, and making lasting relationships. I hope that you have learned what school is about, not just learning.

                                         Thank you for your time.

Please make a few edits to make it be yours, not mine.


- Change Hi to Hello

- Because with Seeing that/as

What does this quote "Doubt become more trustworthy than knowledge, suspicion more a companion than affirmation. What does it mean?



The quote "Doubt becomes more trustworthy than knowledge, suspicion more a companion than affirmation" suggests that the speaker or the subject in question has lost faith in what they once knew or believed to be true. They have become more skeptical and are more likely to question things rather than take them at face value.

The statement implies that doubt and suspicion have become a more reliable source of truth than knowledge and affirmation. This may indicate that the speaker or the subject has gone through some experiences that have led them to doubt their previous beliefs or the information they have been presented with.

It is also possible that the quote is highlighting the importance of critical thinking and questioning everything. It suggests that sometimes doubt and suspicion can lead to a deeper understanding and a more reliable truth, as opposed to blindly accepting what we are told.

Overall, the quote suggests that doubt and suspicion can be valuable tools in seeking truth and understanding, but it is important to balance them with knowledge and affirmation to arrive at a well-rounded perspective.


12. ... flute was played in a very melodious way. A) The B) A C) AN​


A flute was played in a very melodious way.
A flute was played in a very melodious way

In “The Latin Deli: An Ars Poetica,” why is the woman who runs the deli referred to as “the Patroness of Exiles”?


The woman who runs the deli is referred to as "the Patroness of Exiles" because she provides a refuge to those who are removed from their home countries.

The deli's owner is known as "the Patroness of Exiles" because of the way she treats all of her clients, regardless of their religious, cultural, or ethnic backgrounds. She is described as "equal-handed to all" and treats everyone with dignity and respect.

In this way, she provides a secure and welcome area for those who have faced poverty or displacement to share a meal and a sense of community. The woman running the deli personifies the idea of being a patron of exiles, a protector of those who have been driven out from their homes and in need of a safe haven, via her deeds.

To learn more about Patroness link is here:


What does the photograph in the passage called “A Cleaner Earth” help the reader understand?
A How the wind turbines are built on a wind farm
B How hard the wind blows to turn the wind turbine
C How a wind turbine can produce electricity
D What the wind turbines look like on a wind farm


The photograph in the passage called “A Cleaner Earth” helps the reader understand, D. What the wind turbines look like on a wind farm.

How can the photo help ?

When incorporated into written material, photographs can aid in producing comprehensible context for the reader. It is likely that a photograph depicting wind turbines within a wind farm will be present which would provide an accurate representation of these objects and their arrangement on the property, thus heightening the reader's knowledge on this subject matter.

This type of visual support makes it undemanding for readers to grasp the underlying intention of any given passage; regarding renewable energy, sustainability or environmental issues.

Find out more on photographs at


Andres believes in the saying “treating other as you would like to be treated.” This belief (A: dictates, B:prevails, C: Asserts) the way he acts towards people. For example, he saw someone drop their books in the hallway, so he reacted sympathically by helping them pick up the books.


Andres' belief in the saying "treating others as you would like to be treated" dictates the way he acts towards people. For example, when he saw someone drop their books in the hallway, he reacted sympathetically by helping them pick up the books.


C: Asserts


It prove a point or state a fact.

What is a signpost for the book deck z if anyone has read it?


The words and expressions that speakers employ to lead their listeners through their sentences in a logical fashion are known as signposting language.

Fast-paced thriller Deck Z reimagines the historical events of the tragic Titanic expedition through the prism of zombie mayhem. A weaponized zombie virus was brought on board with the 2,200 passengers going to New York, and Captain Edward Smith and his inner circle are urgently attempting to stop it.

Using signposting refers to directing the reader through the topics covered in your essay or dissertation using phrases and words. Introductions, conclusions, and a summary of the important points or the argument's trajectory in paragraphs or opening sentences are the two basic types of signposting.

The six signposts are Contrast and Contradiction, Words of the Wise, Aha! Moment, Again and Again, Memory Moment, and Tough Questions. Difference and Difference: When a character acts contrary to what the reader would anticipate them to do or in direct opposition to something they previously said or did, this is referred to.

It serves as a clearer explanation of both what recently happened and what will happen next. It serves as a guide for the listener to follow along with what you are saying, in other words.

To know more about signpost for books, click on the link below:


Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Test

Q12. Which is a condition of Dr. Jekyll's will?

Select one:

a. Mr. Utterson shall receive one half of Dr. Jekyll's estate.
b. Mr. Hyde is the sole beneficiary of Dr. Jekyll's estate.
c. One Jason Lagary has to promise not to hide under his bed covers when he reads Dr. Jekyll's confession.
d. Mr. Hyde shall receive nothing.


The condition of Dr. Jekyll's will is Mr. Hyde shall receive nothing.

The correct option is D.

What is the significance of Jekyll?

The environment is a key element in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Although they are legally the same person, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde serve as the book's good and evil incarnations of the good and evil that exist in each of us.

What is the secret of Dr. Jekyll?

The last chapter of the book reveals Dr. Jekyll's major secret, which is his scientific breakthrough ability to physically personify the good and evil aspects of human nature.

To know more about Jekyll visit:


give two examples of services that are provided by municipalities which are meant to ensure safe and healthy living environments to communities and state one reason why most South Africans still live under filthy condition​


Waste management and water and sanitation are two examples of the services that municipalities offer to guarantee that communities have safe and healthy living conditions.

Waste management , often known as trash disposal, refers to the processes and actions necessary to manage waste from its creation through final disposal.

This comprises the collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of trash, as well as the supervision and control of the waste management procedure and waste-related legislation, communities technology, and economic mechanisms.

Solid, liquid, and gaseous waste can all be managed and disposed of in a variety of ways. Trash management deals with all types of waste, including radioactive, organic, biomedical, household, municipal, industrial, and biological wastes.

Learn more about Waste management, from:


2. "He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them one by one before us, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and
fine flannel which lost their folds as they fell and covered the table in many-colored disarray. [...] Suddenly with a
strained sound Daisy bent her head into the shirts and began to cry stormily. They're such beautiful shirts,' she
sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds. It makes me sad because I've never seen such - such beautiful shirts
before" (Fitzgerald 97-8).


We can see here that the passage here reveals that this time, Daisy and Gatsby finally cross paths, and Gatsby invites Daisy into his home to demonstrate his newfound wealth. Because "rich girls don't marry poor boys" and he is no longer a poor man, he believes they can now be together and displays his wealth to her.

What is The Great Gatsby?

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote "The Great Gatsby," which was originally published in 1925. It is regarded as one of the best pieces of American literature and a Jazz Era classic. The American Dream, riches, love, and issues of social class are all explored in this 1920s-set book.

Nick Carraway, a young man who relocates to New York and develops feelings for a wealthy and enigmatic neighbor named Jay Gatsby, tells the tale.

Learn more about The Great Gatsby on


a debate to oppose the motion which said that mobile phone have caused more harm than good​


Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow debaters, I stand before you today to oppose the motion that mobile phones have caused more harm than good. While it is true that mobile phones have their downsides, we must not ignore the many benefits they have brought to our lives.

Firstly, mobile phones have revolutionized communication, making it easier and faster to connect with loved ones and colleagues, even across great distances. In emergency situations, they can be lifesaving, allowing us to call for help when we need it most.

Secondly, mobile phones have improved access to information, enabling us to stay informed about world events, access educational resources, and conduct research with ease. This has widened our knowledge and opened up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Thirdly, mobile phones have transformed the way we do business, making it easier to collaborate and work remotely. They have also given rise to new industries and created countless jobs, driving economic growth.

While it is true that some people may overuse their mobile phones, leading to addiction or other negative consequences, this does not negate the many positive aspects of this technology. It is up to each individual to use their mobile phone responsibly, and to balance its benefits with its potential downsides.

In conclusion, while it is important to recognize the potential drawbacks of mobile phones, we must not lose sight of the incredible benefits they have brought to our lives. For these reasons, I urge you to vote against the motion that mobile phones have caused more harm than good. Thank you.

3. is - Stuttgart - automotive - in - German - manufacturer - headquartered - a - Porsche - that - is -​


Stuttgart serves as the corporate home of Porsche, a German automaker.

History of Porsche:

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, frequently abbreviated as Porsche, is a German automaker with its headquarters in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. Porsche focuses on the high sports cars, SUVs, and sedans. In some circumstances, Porsche vehicles are more expensive than those of its rivals; as a result of the increased import levies, this is now much more the case (Thanks to the Government ). Even when compared to brands like BMW, Mercedes, Audi, and others in its price range, the ergonomics, build quality, and finish remain unmatched.

To know more about Porsche visit:


Which of the following quotations best supports the theme that many people do have the power to take control of their own lives, even in difficult situations?

Question 34 options:

"Minerva cries because her luck is unlucky. Every night and every day."

"Rafaela leans out the window and leans on her elbow and dreams her hair is like Rapunzel's."

"I have decided not to grow up tame like the others who lay their necks on the threshold waiting for the ball and chain."

"Marin . . . is waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her life."

"This was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket . . .


The following quotation best supports the theme that many people do have the power to take control of their own lives, even in difficult situations:

"I have decided not to grow up tame like the others who lay their necks on the threshold waiting for the ball and chain."

Often, Carl will do things for purely_____ reasons, but
sometimes he is capable of great generosity.



Carl will do things for purely selfish reasons, but sometimes he is capable of great generosity.


Frivolous means something of little importance, or trivial/superficial

Empathetic means being able to understand and share the feelings of others

Selfish means lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

Juvenile means relating to a young person who is not yet old enough to be considered an adult

In this context, the most suitable word would be suitable. This can be inferred from the conjunction "but", which indicates a contrast between terms, and thus the opposite of generosity, or selflessness (giving to others), would be selfishness (keeping to oneself).

Hence: Carl will do things for purely selfish reasons, but sometimes he is capable of great generosity.

Read the underlined statement on page 3 which best explains how Roosevelt criticism of the artworks is supported by his use of figurative language in this statement


Roosevelt's use of figurative language in his criticism of art serves to convey his opinions in a memorable and impactful way, often emphasizing the negative aspects of the artwork in question.

How to explain the information

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was known for his strong opinions on art and his use of figurative language to express them. In his speeches and public statements, he often used metaphors and other figures of speech to describe his views on art and artists.

For example, in a speech he gave at the dedication of the National Gallery of Art in 1941, Roosevelt criticized some modern art as "strange and curious monstrosities" that were "unintelligible to the average person." This figurative language paints a vivid picture of the art in question as something bizarre and difficult to understand, highlighting Roosevelt's disdain for it.

In another example, Roosevelt referred to a painting by John Singer Sargent as a "gorgeous piece of meat" in a letter to his wife. This metaphor emphasizes the sensual qualities of the painting and implies that it lacks substance or depth, revealing Roosevelt's dismissive attitude towards Sargent's work.

Learn more about Roosevelt on


A story of vengeance common lit answers


Alice Ruth Moore's "A Story of Vengeance" centers on the concept of vengeance.

Young Edna, the heroine, seeks retribution from the man who harmed her in the past and left her with a significant emotional scar. Edna has a strong and relentless need for vengeance, and she will stop at nothing to exact it.

Edna's thirst for vengeance intensifies as her tale progresses, and she eventually receives the justice she was seeking. The dramatic and intense retribution theme in "A Story of Vengeance" serves as a reminder of the repercussions of wronging someone else. It serves as a reminder that sometimes getting even requires taking revenge.

To learn more about story of vengeance link is here


The complete question is:

What is the main theme of “ a story of vengeance “ by Alice Ruth Moore?

9. A sentence that has an original statement with quotation marks may (b) False also have a comma. (a) True​



(b) False also have a comma


It is necessary for the statement to have a comma.

For eg:

Tom said, "I am sick".

In chapter 6 of the great gatsby, what is James’s background?

No cheating


I'm sorry, but there is no character named James in "The Great Gatsby." However, there is a character named James Gatz, who is the real name of the novel's protagonist, Jay Gatsby. James Gatz was born in North Dakota and grew up in a poor family. He later changed his name to Jay Gatsby and made his fortune through illegal means, such as bootlegging and gambling.

. Apocalypse Question
Write an open-ended question about how something in one of the works connects to certain ways we have discussed the idea of apocalypse in class.


Some Apocalypse Question are: "In what ways does the portrayal of a dystopian society in book challenge"

"Reinforce the traditional ideas  of apocalypse that we have talked about in class"

What is the Apocalypse?

An  open-ended questions with an open-ended format allow respondents to respond based on their complete understanding, feelings, and knowledge. There is no set of options for this question's response.

When we talk about an apocalypse, we usually mean a major catastrophe that destroys a lot of people or the end of the world as we know it. Natural disasters, conflicts, or even supernatural forces could be to blame for this. You might have talked about different ideas about what an apocalypse is and how different societies and cultures have imagined the end of the world in class.

Learn more about Apocalypse  from


Pleaseeee help i can’t fail



The answer is **Anaya establishes his credibility as a published Chicano author by discussing his career experience.**

In the excerpt, Anaya states that he has been writing for a quarter century and has been a published author for eighteen years. He also mentions that he was part of the Chicano Movement, which created a new literature in this country. This information establishes Anaya as an experienced and knowledgeable author who is qualified to speak on the topic of cultural identity in literature.

Anaya's use of rhetoric in this excerpt is effective because it appeals to the reader's sense of logic and reason. By providing evidence of his own experience and expertise, Anaya makes a strong case for his conclusion that writers should not have to leave out the crucial elements of their language and culture to contribute to American literature.


a price a store sells its item for is the


A price a store sells its item for is the selling price

What is the price?

The price that a store sells its item for is the amount of money that the store charges customers in exchange for the item. It is the cost that customers need to pay to purchase the product from the store.

The price can vary depending on various factors such as the cost of manufacturing the product, the store's overhead expenses, demand and supply dynamics, competition in the market, and other external factors that may influence the pricing strategy of the store. The price of an item is a crucial factor in determining the store's revenue, profitability, and market positioning.

Learn more about price on


Who were the warring kingdoms that were fighting each other in Britania during the Dark Ages?



The warring kingdoms that were fighting each other in Britannia during the Dark Ages were the Anglo-Saxons. The correct answer is option-A.

The Anglo-Saxons were a group of Germanic tribes that migrated to Britain from what is now Germany and Denmark in the 5th and 6th centuries. They established several kingdoms, including Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria, which fought for control of Britain during the Dark Ages.

The Anglo-Saxon period in Britain is also known as the Early Middle Ages, a time of cultural, economic, and political change. The kingdoms were constantly in conflict, fighting for land, resources, and power.

These conflicts ultimately led to the consolidation of power under a single ruler, culminating in the reign of King Alfred the Great of Wessex.

The Anglo-Saxon period also saw the rise of Christianity in Britain, with the conversion of many Anglo-Saxon kings and the establishment of monasteries and churches.

The period ended with the Norman Conquest of 1066, which brought about significant changes in British society and the establishment of the feudal system.

The legacy of the Anglo-Saxons is still evident in modern Britain, with many place names, customs, and traditions originating from this period.

Therefore, the correct answer is option-A.

For more question on kingdoms


B. Interpret Review paragraph 20. What does Brierley mean when he says "And I had
to try not to bend my memories to fit what I was looking at"?


In paragraph 20 of the review, Brierley is reflecting on his own experience of watching the film "Lion" and how it related to his own life story.

He states, "And I had to try not to bend my memories to fit what I was looking at."

In this sentence, Brierley means that he had to consciously avoid altering or distorting his memories in order to fit them into the narrative of the film.

He was trying to remain true to his own experience, rather than allowing the film to shape or influence his memories.

This suggests that Brierley is aware of the power of storytelling and how it can impact our understanding of our own lives and experiences

Learn more about memories here:


How does it feel to see someone who looks like you or comes from your neighborhood be successful? OR Do you know someone who looks like you or is from your neighborhood that is successful? What makes them successful in your opinion? Explain.




i mean it could mean they are not successful

figurative language poem for moms



Did you want to use specific figurative language? I used mostly metaphors

The sun rises each day,

But she is the light that never fades away.

Her love is a beacon, steadfast and true,

Guiding us through life's storms, no matter what we go through.

She's the warmth in the chill of a winter breeze,

The gentle touch that puts us at ease.

Her laughter is the music of our hearts,

A melody that never departs.

Her hugs are a blanket, warm and snug,

A shelter from the world, a soothing hug.

She's the fragrance of a rose in full bloom,

A beauty that never fades, in any room.

She's the strength that never wavers,

A pillar of hope that never falters.

She's the angel that watches from above,

A mother's love, forever and always, a beautiful love.

A. EX Underline the common nouns in these sentences. There's a little bird in the garden. Who is your teacher? Don't eat that rotten apple. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kate has a lovely doll. I like reading stories. My father is a doctor. Every child has a dictionary. Rudy hates bananas. 8 9 The phone is ringing. Here's a book for you. 10​


The common nouns from the sentences will be:

bird, gardenteacherappleKate, dollstoriesfather, doctorchild, dictionary, bananasphonebook

What are common nouns?

Common nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas in a general sense. They are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence or are part of a title.

Common nouns are the opposite of proper nouns, which are specific names of people, places, things, or ideas that are capitalized.

Here are some examples of common nouns:

Person: teacher, doctor, athlete

Place: city, park, school

Thing: car, book, chair

Idea: freedom, love, justice

Learn more about noun on


Who are the opposing forces in the conflict in this passage?


The opposing forces in the conflict in this passage are: Turner and himself (internal conflict).

How to explain the conflict

The type of conflict it is Internal conflict. The way the conflict is related to the setting is: Turner sees Malaga positively but others do not.

Based on the given text, we can see that there is the narration about Turner and the internal conflicts which he has as he tries to navigate the general feeling of Malaga and how others perceive it negatively.

Learn more about conflicts on


Who are the opposing forces in the conflict in this


What type of conflict is it?

How is the conflict related to the setting?

There is not (enough,many)furniture in the room.​





There is not enough furniture in the room.

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PLEASE HELP ASAP WILL GIVE 100 POINTS!!!!Suppose a packet that is transmitted across the internet contains the following information (from left to right):Bits 1-4: Packet sequence number within the message.Bits 5-8: Total number of packets in the message.Bits 9-16: Number identifying the sender.Bits 17-24: Number identifying the receiver.Bits 25-64: Part of the actual message being sent.Here is one of the packets being sent over the internet:01111011 10000001 11001110 01010110 00111100 10011100 11100010 10001111Which of the following statements about this packet is true? Select one answerA)This is packet 1 out of 8 total packets in the message.B)This is packet 7 out of 11 total packets in the message.C)This is packet 14 out of 22 total packets in the message.D)This is packet 123 out of 129 total packets in the message. Can someone help me please Amandas new job has a 50% employer match on the first 4% of her salary contributed to her 401(k). How much was deposited in Amandas account if she makes $61,000 a year and she took advantage of the entire contribution match? The frequency table below shows a students quiz scores. One data value in the table is missing. If the mean of the data set is 2.2, what is the score for the missing data item? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 11Please select the best answer from the choices providedOAB1When independent kingdoms were formed, they all competed for theA. food supplyB. trade marketsC. natural resourcesD. protection of the godsD2345 How many moles of chnhcl need to be added to 200.0 ml of a 0.500 m solution of chnh (kb for chnh is 4.4 10) to make a buffer with a ph of 11? Llungby AB spent 1,000,000 krone in 2020 on the development of a new product. The company determined that 25 percent of this amount was incurred after the criteria in IAS 36 for capitalization as an intangible asset had been met. The newly developed product is brought to market in January 2021 and is expected to generate sales revenue for five years. Assume that Llungby AB is a foreign company using IFRS and is owned by a company using U. S. GAAP. Thus, IFRS balances must be converted to U. S. GAAP to prepare consolidated financial statements. Ignore income taxes. Required: Prepare journal entries for development costs for the years ending December 31, 2020, and December 31, 2021, under (1) IFRS and (2) U. S. GAAP. Prepare the entry(ies) that the U. S. Parent would make on the December 31, 2020, and December 31, 2021, conversion worksheets to convert IFRS balances to U. S. GAAP Think about prime numbers and composite numbers.list all the digits that are the last digit of at least one prime number. 3. Which of the following describes how Henry Ward Beecher attempted to support the antislavery cause in Kansas?A. Beecher petitioned to the president and tried to encourage him to bring the conflict to an end.B. Beecher wrote a passionate plea to the people of Kansas, which was reprinted in newspapers across the country.C. Beecher introduced a bill to Congress which, if it had passed, would have made slavery illegal.D. Beecher raised funds so that rifles could be purchased and sent to the antislavery supporters. write a program in Python to calculate a year DIARY ENTRIES 291 Your best friend has informed you that he/she will be visiting you on your birthday to give you a surprise gift. Write TWO diary entries. The first entry must indicate how you felt BEFORE your friend's visit and the second entry must express how you felt AFTER your friend's visit. Estimate the uncertainty for measuring the coefficient of drag of 0. 1 on an object with a planform area A = 0. 5 m^2 as a function of velocity for velocities ranging from 1 m/sec to 100 m/sec (C_D = D/1/2 rho V^2 A) using a force balance that has a resolution of 1 N and a range of 1000N. The area is known with an uncertainty of 0. 15%, and the velocity is known with an uncertainty of 0. 1 m/s. The fluid density is inferred from the ideal gas law and where the temperature is known with an uncertainty of 1 degree C and the pressure is known with a certainty of 0. 2 kPa. Assume room temperature is 20 degree C and the pressure is atmospheric pressure