explain how to determine if an online source is credible. (site 1)


Answer 1

The Internet has an abundance of information, making it an ideal resource for finding data. However, not all of it is credible, and separating facts from fiction might be challenging.

This is particularly true when researching online sources, which is why it's critical to be able to tell whether a website is reputable and trustworthy.There are a few methods to determine whether an online source is credible or not, some of which are discussed below:

1. Check the Website's Domain Name:Examining the domain name of a website is the first step in determining its credibility. This is because the domain name reveals a lot about the website's purpose, legitimacy, and reliability. A website that ends in ".gov" or ".edu" is more likely to be legitimate than one that ends in ".com" or ".net."

2. Investigate the Website's Design and Layout:A website's design can also reveal a lot about its legitimacy and credibility. Professional, well-designed sites are more likely to be reputable and trustworthy than ones that appear outdated, crowded, and poorly organized.

3. Examine the Website's Content:The material on a website is one of the most important factors in determining its legitimacy and credibility. Credible websites provide objective, accurate, and well-researched information that has been sourced from reliable sources. The quality of the content will help you determine whether the website is worth your time and whether the information provided is accurate and trustworthy.

4. Check the Website's Reputation:It's also essential to determine the website's reputation before using it as a source. Reviews and ratings from other users, as well as independent ratings and accreditations, can provide valuable insight into a website's legitimacy and reliability. This information can be found on sites like Yelp, the Better Business Bureau, and Consumer Reports, among others.

To know more about abundance visit:



Related Questions

which command instructs oracle 12c to create a new table from existing data?


In Oracle 12c, the command that instructs to create a new table from existing data is CREATE TABLE AS SELECT. When you are creating a new table, you can use CREATE TABLE AS SELECT to populate a new table with the results of a select statement.

This is a useful feature when you need to create a table that contains data that already exists in another table, but you don't want to go through the trouble of manually copying the data over.CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement creates a new table and populates it with the data returned by a SELECT statement.

The new table is created with the same columns and data types as the SELECT statement used to create it.In addition to creating a new table from an existing one, you can also use the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement to create a table from a view.

To know more about command visit:



Summarize the following passages in about one-third of the total number of words. At the end, write the number of words in your summary.

A recent phenomenon in present-day science and technology is the increasing trend towards ‘directed’ or ‘programmed’ research, i.e., research whose scope and objectives are predetermined by private or government organizations rather than researchers themselves. Any scientist working for such organizations and investigating in a given field therefore tends to do so in accordance with a plan or programme designed beforehand. At the beginning of the century, however, the situation was quite different. At that time there were no industrial research organizations in the modern sense—the laboratory unit consisted of a few scientists at the most, assisted by one or two technicians, often working with inadequate equipment in unsuitable rooms. Nevertheless, the scientist was free to choose any subject for investigation he/she liked, since there was no predetermined programme to which he/she had to confirm. As the century developed, the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines made it impossible, in many cases, for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data, techniques, and equipment that were required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently. The increasing scale and scope of the experiments needed to test new hypotheses and develop new techniques and industrial processes led to the setting up of research groups or teams using highly complicated equipment in elaborately designed laboratories. Owing to the large sums of money involved, it was then felt essential to direct these human and material resources into specific channels with clearly defined objectives. In this way it was considered that the quickest and most practical results could be obtained. This, then, was programmed research. One of the effects of this organized and standardized investigation is to cause the scientist to become increasingly involved in applied research, especially in the branches of science which are likely to have industrial applications. Since private industry and even government departments tend to concentrate on immediate results and show comparatively little interest in long-range investigations, there is a steady shift of scientists from the pure to the applied field, where there are more jobs available, frequently more highly paid and with better technical facilities than jobs connected with pure research in a university. Owing to the interdependence between pure and applied science, it is easy to see that this system, if extended too far, carries considerable dangers for the future of science—and not only pure science, but applied science as well


The shift towards directed research predetermined by organizations has limited scientists' freedom and led to a focus on applied science over pure research.

In present-day science, there is a growing trend of directed or programmed research, where private or government organizations determine the scope and objectives of the research. This is different from the early 20th century when scientists had the freedom to choose their subjects of investigation.

However, the increasing complexity of problems and the interconnection of disciplines made it difficult for individual scientists to handle the large amount of data, techniques, and equipment required. Consequently, research groups and teams were formed with specific objectives and elaborate laboratories.

This approach aimed to obtain practical and quick results, leading to a shift towards applied research with industrial applications. Private industry and government departments prioritize immediate outcomes, which attracts scientists to the applied field due to better job prospects, higher pay, and improved technical facilities.

However, this emphasis on directed research poses risks to the future of both pure and applied science by limiting exploration and innovation.

learn more about here:



Tradewind Traders is planning to migrate to Azure cloud services but before they do, management has asked you to spend some time researching the Database solutions available in Azure with specific regard to the use of multiple APIs. Based on your research, which of the following cloud database solutions is most appropriate to provide this feature?

A. Azure Cosmos DB
B. Azure Database for PostgreSQL
C. Azure Database for MySQL
D. Azure SQL Database


Based on the requirement for multiple APIs, the most appropriate cloud database solution in Azure would be Azure Cosmos DB.

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides multi-API support and allows developers to work with multiple data models like document, key-value, column-family, and graph databases as well as supports popular APIs including SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Gremlin, and Azure Table Storage. This flexibility makes it easier for developers to create applications using their preferred API and data model.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL and Azure Database for MySQL are both fully-managed relational database services which support their respective APIs, but do not provide support for multiple APIs.

Azure SQL Database is a fully managed relational database service based on the latest stable version of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine, but it also does not provide support for multiple APIs.

Therefore, based on the requirement for multiple APIs, Azure Cosmos DB is the most appropriate cloud database solution in Azure.

Learn more about Azure Cosmos DB. from



Which is an action which must take place during the release stage of the sdlc?


During the release stage of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the software product is prepared for deployment to end-users.

There are several actions that must take place during the release stage, but one crucial action is the creation of documentation and user manuals.

Documentation and user manuals provide end-users with essential information on how to install, configure, and use the software product. This information helps to ensure that users can make the most of the product's features and functionality. Without proper documentation and user manuals, end-users may be unable to use the product effectively or may encounter difficulties when trying to troubleshoot issues.

Other important actions that must take place during the release stage of the SDLC include testing the product to ensure that it meets quality standards and addressing any bugs or issues that are identified during testing. Additionally, the product must be packaged and distributed in a format that is suitable for deployment to end-users.

Learn more about Software here:



three of the four answers listed below are incorrectly paired. select the correct pair. a. a-t b. c-t c. g-t d. t-c


Based on the given options, the correct pair is: d. t-c. The given options are pairs of two letters that are either correctly or incorrectly paired.

The correct pair is "t-c", as it is the only pair where the first letter comes after the second letter in the alphabetical order. All the other options pair the letters in alphabetical order.

In option "a-t", the letters are correctly paired in alphabetical order. In option "c-t", the letters are incorrectly paired, because "c" comes before "t" in the alphabetical order. Likewise, in option "g-t", the letters are also incorrectly paired, because "g" comes before "t" in the alphabetical order.

Therefore, the correct answer is "d. t-c".

Learn more about alphabetical order here:



The University of Philadelphia wants you to format an IPv4 address through which the dean of the university wants to go on a videoconference with the teaching staff about certain educational norms which they plan on implementing. Which of the following classes of classful addressing will you apply to deliver the requirement?

Class C
Class D
Class E
Class A


To meet the requirements of the University of Philadelphia, I will apply Class A classful addressing for formatting the IPv4 address.

Classful addressing is a method of dividing the available IPv4 address space into different classes, each with a fixed range of addresses. The classes are identified by the first few bits of the IP address. In this case, the requirement is to format an IPv4 address for the dean of the university to conduct a videoconference with the teaching staff.

Among the given options (Class C, Class D, Class E, and Class A), Class A is the most suitable choice. Class A addresses are identified by the first bit being 0, and they provide a large range of addresses, allowing for a large number of hosts. This is important for the University of Philadelphia, as they would require a significant number of addresses to accommodate their teaching staff and potentially a large number of participants in the videoconference.

By using Class A classful addressing, the university will have a network range that can support a large number of hosts, ensuring the capacity to connect the dean with the teaching staff effectively.

learn more about Class A classful addressing here:


5d. Show the steps required to do a heap sort only for the first 5 values sorted on the following set of values. (SHOW THE ARRAYS) 346 22 31 212 157 102 568 435 8 14 5 346 22 31 212 15 7


These are the steps required to perform a heap sort on the given set of values and show the arrays at each step. The first 5 values in the sorted array are [157, 102, 31, 102, 22]

To perform a heap sort on the given set of values and show the steps for the first 5 values sorted, we will start with the initial array and perform the necessary heap operations. Here are the steps:

Initial Array: [346, 22, 31, 212, 157, 102, 568, 435, 8, 14, 5, 346, 22, 31, 212, 15, 7]

Build Max Heap: Rearrange the elements in the array to form a max heap.

After building the max heap, the array becomes: [568, 435, 346, 212, 346, 157, 31, 212, 8, 14, 5, 102, 22, 31, 22, 15, 7]

Extract the Largest Element: Swap the first and last elements of the heap and extract the largest element.

After extracting the largest element (568), the array becomes: [7, 435, 346, 212, 346, 157, 31, 212, 8, 14, 5, 102, 22, 31, 22, 15, 568]

Heapify: Rebuild the heap to maintain the max heap property.

After heapifying, the array becomes: [435, 346, 346, 212, 157, 102, 31, 212, 8, 14, 5, 102, 22, 31, 22, 15, 7]

Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the next 4 largest elements:

After extracting the largest element (435), the array becomes: [7, 346, 346, 212, 157, 102, 31, 212, 8, 14, 5, 102, 22, 31, 22, 15, 435]

After heapifying, the array becomes: [346, 212, 346, 212, 157, 102, 31, 15, 8, 14, 5, 102, 22, 31, 22, 7, 435]

After extracting the largest element (346), the array becomes: [7, 212, 346, 212, 157, 102, 31, 15, 8, 14, 5, 102, 22, 31, 22, 346, 435]

After heapifying, the array becomes: [212, 212, 346, 102, 157, 102, 31, 15, 8, 14, 5, 7, 22, 31, 22, 346, 435]

After extracting the largest element (346), the array becomes: [7, 212, 31, 102, 157, 102, 22, 15, 8, 14, 5, 22, 31, 7, 212, 346, 435]

After heapifying, the array becomes: [212, 157, 31, 102, 22, 102, 22, 15, 8, 14, 5, 7, 7, 31, 212, 346, 435]

After extracting the largest element (212), the array becomes: [7, 157, 31, 102, 22, 102, 22, 15, 8, 14, 5, 7, 7, 31, 212, 212, 435]

After heapifying, the array becomes: [157, 102, 31, 102, 22, 22, 15, 8, 14, 5, 7, 7, 7, 31, 212, 212, 435]

Sorted Array (First 5 Values): [157, 102, 31, 102, 22]

These are the steps required to perform a heap sort on the given set of values and show the arrays at each step. The first 5 values in the sorted array are [157, 102, 31, 102, 22]

Learn more about arrays here:



what server is contacted to retrieve the uri http://www.amazon/zero-day-threat-cyberspace-ebook/dp/b00b05mqgu/?


The server contacted to retrieve the URI http://www.amazon/zero-day-threat-cyberspace-ebook/dp/b00b05mqgu/ is the Amazon server.

The URI or Uniform Resource Identifier is a string of characters that are used to identify a name or a web resource in the internet domain.

An example of URI is URL or Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is used to specify a particular web page on the internet. The URL in the given question belongs to Amazon, a popular online shopping website. The URL http://www.amazon/zero-day-threat-cyberspace-ebook/dp/b00b05mqgu/ specifies the location of a particular e book titled "Zero Day Threat: The Shocking Truth of How Banks and Credit Bureaus Help Cyber Crooks Steal Your Money and Identity" which can be found on Amazon's website. The server contacted to retrieve this URI would be Amazon's server since the resource requested is present on Amazon's website. I hope this answer helps you.

To know more about Amazon visit:



You can use the function get line to read a string containing blanks. True False






The getline() function is used to read a line of text from an input stream, including any blank spaces or white spaces. It reads input until a specified delimiter (such as a newline character) is encountered, and stores the resulting string in a variable.

which of the following dsl services tends to be symmetric in speed? A)residential B)business C)both residential and business D)neither residential nor business


The DSL service that tends to be symmetric in speed is neither residential nor business.

The correct answer is D) neither residential nor business. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a type of internet connection that utilizes existing telephone lines to transmit data. DSL services come in different variations, including asymmetrical and symmetrical speeds.

In most cases, residential DSL services tend to be asymmetrical, meaning the download speed is faster than the upload speed. This is because residential users typically consume more data by downloading content such as web pages, videos, and streaming media, while their need for upload speed is relatively lower.

On the other hand, business DSL services have the potential to offer symmetric speeds, meaning the download and upload speeds are the same. Businesses often require reliable and balanced upload and download speeds for activities such as video conferencing, cloud storage, and large file transfers.

However, it is important to note that the majority of DSL services, both residential and business, are asymmetrical, with faster download speeds and slower upload speeds. For symmetric speeds, businesses may consider other types of connections like fiber-optic internet or dedicated leased lines that provide equal upload and download speeds.

Learn more about DSL here:



record associations with other records created by pointers. also called linked lists because of the way the records are linked together using pointers.


In computer science, a data structure called a linked list is used to organize records or elements by creating associations between them through pointers. Each record, often referred to as a node, contains the data and a pointer that references the next node in the list.

This linking of nodes forms a chain-like structure, resembling a list, hence the name "linked list."

Here are some key points about linked lists and their associations with other records:

Pointers and Record Associations:

In a linked list, each node contains a pointer that holds the memory address of the next node in the list. By following these pointers, the association between records is established. The pointer in the last node typically points to a null value, indicating the end of the list.

Dynamic Structure:

One of the advantages of linked lists is their dynamic nature. Nodes can be dynamically added or removed from the list by modifying the pointers, allowing for efficient insertion or deletion operations.

Sequential Access:

Since each record has a direct link to the next node, accessing the elements in a linked list is typically done sequentially. Starting from the head node (the first node in the list), you can traverse the list by following the pointers until reaching the desired record.

Singly Linked Lists:

Singly linked lists consist of nodes with only one pointer, pointing to the next node in the sequence. This structure allows traversal in only one direction (forward), and accessing the previous node requires iterating from the beginning.

Doubly Linked Lists:

In contrast, doubly linked lists have nodes with two pointers: one pointing to the next node and another pointing to the previous node. This bidirectional linking allows traversal in both directions, enabling efficient backward traversals and operations like insertion or deletion at both ends.

Circular Linked Lists:

Circular linked lists are variations where the last node's pointer does not point to null but instead wraps around to the first node, forming a circular structure. This allows continuous looping through the list.

Linked lists provide flexibility in managing collections of records, especially when the size is unknown or dynamic. However, linked lists have some trade-offs compared to other data structures, such as arrays, when it comes to random access and memory efficiency. Therefore, the choice of data structure depends on the specific requirements of the application.

Learn more about linked list here:



how much memory is the default when you install a 64-bit version of windows 8.1?


The default memory (RAM) requirement for a 64-bit version of Windows 8.1 is 2 gigabytes (GB). Microsoft recommends a minimum of 2 GB of RAM for the 64-bit version of Windows 8.1 to ensure smooth performance.

However, it's important to note that this is the minimum requirement, and for optimal performance, especially when running resource-intensive applications or multitasking, a higher amount of RAM, such as 4 GB or more, is generally recommended. It's always a good idea to check the system requirements provided by Microsoft or the manufacturer to ensure compatibility and performance when installing or upgrading an operating system.

Learn more about Windows 8.1 here:



a warrant has been issued to investigate a server believed to be used by organized crime to swap credit card information. following the order of volatility, which data should you collect first?


The order of volatility is a concept used in computer forensics that refers to the rate at which a particular type of data loses its values in a system. It is essential to gather data quickly in a forensics investigation because the data could be lost forever if not collected on time. When a warrant is issued to investigate a server believed to be used by organized crime to swap credit card information, the data that should be collected first are those that are most likely to be volatile.

They include the following:Data in the system memory (RAM) should be the first priority. This is because the RAM is a type of volatile memory that loses data when the computer is shut down or restarted. The computer's central processing unit (CPU) stores this data in the RAM, such as passwords, and cached web pages.The temporary files or swap files used by the operating system should be collected next. These files are generated by the operating system when the RAM becomes full, and they contain vital information. They may include things like open network files and documents.The system logs, network information, and event logs should also be collected. The system logs provide information about the system configuration and status. They may contain login details, IP addresses, and system events that could be helpful in the investigation. Event logs contain information about critical system events such as hardware failures, device configuration changes, and security audits. They should also be collected to aid in the investigation.In conclusion, data collection is crucial in forensic investigations. The order of volatility is an essential concept to understand in forensics. RAM should be the first data collected in the investigation because of its volatile nature. The operating system swap files and temporary files should be collected next, followed by system logs, network information, and event logs.

To know more about volatility visit:



A bubble sort of 1000 elements requires a maximum of ______ passes.


A bubble sort of 1000 elements requires a maximum of 999 passes.

Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. The algorithm works by repeatedly moving the largest unsorted element to the end of the list. In the worst case scenario, when the list is in reverse order, each pass of the algorithm will move the largest element to its correct position at the end of the list.

For a list of 1000 elements, the first pass will compare and swap adjacent elements from the beginning to the end of the list, moving the largest element to the last position. The second pass will do the same for the remaining 999 elements, moving the second-largest element to the second-to-last position. This process continues until the last pass, which compares and swaps the last two remaining elements. Since each pass moves the largest unsorted element to its correct position, a maximum of 999 passes is required to sort the 1000-element list using bubble sort.

learn more about  bubble sort  here:



when alexa commuteds to work, the amount of time it takes her to arrive is normally distributed with a mean of 34 minutes


"When Alexa commutes to work, the amount of time it takes her to arrive is normally distributed with a mean of 34 minutes. This means that on average, Alexa takes 34 minutes to reach her workplace during her daily commute."

When Alexa commutes to work, the amount of time it takes her to arrive is normally distributed with a mean of 34 minutes."

This statement describes the distribution of the time it takes for Alexa to reach her workplace during her daily commute. It states that the data follows a normal distribution, which is a commonly observed pattern in various natural phenomena. In this case, the normal distribution represents the range of possible commute times for Alexa.

The phrase "mean of 34 minutes" refers to the average or central tendency of the distribution. It indicates that, on average, Alexa takes 34 minutes to reach her workplace. The mean is a statistical measure that represents the typical or expected value in a set of data.

Learn more about average  from



The voltage v(t) in a telephone wire has the following characteristics: v(t) = 0 at t=0, v(t)= 20mV at t = 20ms, v(t) = 0 at t = 30ms, v(t) = -20mV at t = 40ms, v(t)=0 at t=50ms (a) Sketch the voltage waveform. (b) Derive a mathematical expression to describe the voltage function. (c) How much power is dissipated in the telephone wire if the current flowing through the wire is 2 mA? How much energy is absorbed in 50ms.​


The voltage or current cycle's shape is described by the waveform. Bipolar current is a type of alternating current (AC) in which the flow of current alternates between positive and negative directions around zero.

Thus, An alternative is a direct current (DC), which has a single direction of flow (unipolarity), either positive or negative.

DC currents are frequently pulsed (pDC), which means that during a portion of the cycle duration, the current is stopped (at zero amplitude).

The mark space ratio (where the mark is the time the current is 'on' and the space is the time the current is 'off', i.e. at zero) can be used to describe the resulting waveform.

Thus, The voltage or current cycle's shape is described by the waveform. Bipolar current is a type of alternating current (AC) in which the flow of current alternates between positive and negative directions around zero.

Learn more about Waveform, refer to the link:



F1- Fragmentation problem (12-pts) Solve the following problem and use your solution to answer the questions in the filling the blanks: PC1 sends a 1,500-octet datagram (20-byte header and 1,480 bytes of data, IP ID = 277 to PC2 through the routers R1 and R2. The corresponding MTUs are given in the following diagram. Please show the information about IP packet identification, total packet length, IP flag bit M and fragment offset in the IP header of each fragmented IP packet.


Total packet length: 240 bytes

IP flag bit M: 0

Fragment offset: 600


Datagram size: 1,500 octets (20-byte header + 1,480 bytes of data)

IP ID: 277

Routers: R1 and R2


PC1-R1 link MTU = 400 bytes

R1-R2 link MTU = 300 bytes

R2-PC2 link MTU = 600 bytes


Since the datagram size is greater than the MTU of the PC1-R1 link, the datagram needs to be fragmented before it can be transmitted. The maximum payload size that can be transmitted in each fragment is determined by the MTU of the link over which it will be transmitted.

First Fragment:

IP ID: 277

Total packet length: 320 bytes (20-byte header + 300 bytes of data)

IP flag bit M: 1 (indicating more fragments)

Fragment offset: 0 (since this is the first fragment)

Payload: first 300 bytes of the original datagram

Second Fragment:

IP ID: 277

Total packet length: 320 bytes (20-byte header + 300 bytes of data)

IP flag bit M: 1 (indicating more fragments)

Fragment offset: 300 (since this is the second fragment and it follows the first one)

Payload: next 300 bytes of the original datagram, starting at byte 301

Third Fragment:

IP ID: 277

Total packet length: 240 bytes (20-byte header + 220 bytes of data)

IP flag bit M: 0 (indicating no more fragments)

Fragment offset: 600 (since this is the last fragment and it follows the second one)

Payload: remaining 220 bytes of the original datagram, starting at byte 601

After fragmentation, the three fragments will be transmitted separately over the PC1-R1 link. The first fragment will fit within the 400-byte MTU of this link, but the second and third fragments will need to be further fragmented before they can be transmitted over the R1-R2 and R2-PC2 links respectively. However, since the question only asks for information about the fragments generated at the source (i.e., PC1), we do not need to calculate these additional fragments.

Therefore, the information about IP packet identification, total packet length, IP flag bit M and fragment offset in the IP header of each fragmented IP packet is as follows:

First Fragment:

IP ID: 277

Total packet length: 320 bytes

IP flag bit M: 1

Fragment offset: 0

Second Fragment:

IP ID: 277

Total packet length: 320 bytes

IP flag bit M: 1

Fragment offset: 300

Third Fragment:

IP ID: 277

Total packet length: 240 bytes

IP flag bit M: 0

Fragment offset: 600

Learn more about Fragment offset from



Rosa has received reports by several users that one of the Linux servers is no longer accessible. She is able to remote into the server using a management IP address separate from the one that users would be directed to via a DNS lookup. Which of the following commands, once connected to the server, should she use to start troubleshooting the issue?

a. ipconfig
b. ping
c. ifconfig
d. telnet


Rosa should use the "ping" command to start troubleshooting the accessibility issue on the Linux server.

The "ping" command is commonly used to test network connectivity between two devices. By using the "ping" command from the remote server, Rosa can determine if the server is reachable from her location and if it can respond to network requests. If the server responds to the ping, it indicates that the network connection is functioning properly. However, if the server does not respond or responds with errors, it suggests a network connectivity issue.

On the other hand, the "ipconfig" command is specific to Windows systems and provides information about the IP configuration of the network interfaces. Since Rosa is working with a Linux server, the "ipconfig" command would not be applicable in this case.

The "ifconfig" command, while similar to "ipconfig," is used in Linux systems to display and configure network interfaces. However, if the server is not accessible, running "ifconfig" would not provide useful information for troubleshooting the accessibility issue.

Lastly, the "telnet" command is used to establish a remote connection to a specific port on a server. While it can be used to test network connectivity, it is not the best initial command to troubleshoot the server's accessibility problem.

learn more about  "ping" command here:



Which is a common form of security used at ammunition facilities?


A common form of security used at ammunition facilities is perimeter security, which includes physical barriers and surveillance systems to protect the facility from unauthorized access.

Ammunition facilities employ various security measures to ensure the protection of their assets and prevent unauthorized access. One common form of security utilized at these facilities is perimeter security. Perimeter security involves creating physical barriers around the facility to establish a secure boundary. This can include fences, walls, or reinforced structures designed to deter and delay potential intruders.

In addition to physical barriers, ammunition facilities employ advanced surveillance systems to monitor the perimeter and detect any unauthorized entry attempts. These systems can include closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, motion sensors, and alarms. CCTV cameras are strategically placed to provide comprehensive coverage of the facility's boundaries, and they can be monitored by security personnel in real-time or recorded for later review.

Furthermore, ammunition facilities often have restricted access points with controlled entry mechanisms. These points may include manned checkpoints, access cards, biometric identification systems, or a combination of these measures. Only authorized personnel with proper identification or clearance are granted entry, ensuring that only individuals with the necessary credentials can access the facility.

Overall, by combining physical barriers, surveillance systems, and controlled access points, ammunition facilities establish robust security measures to protect their sensitive assets and maintain the integrity of their operations.

learn more about  perimeter security here:



What makes C language closer to
Assembly language?
A. Its execution speed is very fast.
B. It is a block structure language.
C It directly addresses the
computer hardware.
D. It is a standard programming
language for many applications.




The correct answer is C. It directly addresses the computer hardware.

C language is often considered closer to assembly language compared to other high-level programming languages. Here's why:

C language features such as pointers and low-level memory manipulation allow programmers to directly access and manipulate computer hardware. This enables fine-grained control over memory, registers, and hardware resources, similar to how assembly language operates.

Unlike high-level languages that abstract hardware details, C language allows low-level operations and provides constructs that closely resemble assembly language instructions. This includes direct memory access, bitwise operations, and explicit control over memory allocation and deallocation.

C language also provides features like inline assembly, which allows programmers to include assembly instructions within C code. This provides greater flexibility and control when optimizing code for specific hardware architectures or when interfacing with hardware devices.

While options A, B, and D may be true for C language to some extent (C is known for its execution speed, block structure, and wide range of applications), option C is the most accurate choice as it highlights the key aspect that makes C closer to assembly language – its ability to directly address and interact with computer hardware.

You need to keep users in all other departments from accessing the servers used by the finance department.
Which of the following technologies should you use to logically isolate the network?

NIC teaming
MAC filtering


To logically isolate the network and prevent users from other departments accessing the servers used by the finance department, VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) should be used.

VLANs are a technology used to segment a network into separate logical networks, even if they physically share the same network infrastructure. By creating VLANs, network administrators can group devices together based on criteria such as department, function, or security requirements. In the given scenario, VLANs can be employed to isolate the finance department's servers from the rest of the network, ensuring that users from other departments cannot access them.

VLANs function by assigning specific ports on network switches to different VLANs. Devices connected to these ports are then logically separated into their respective VLANs, creating distinct broadcast domains. This separation prevents traffic from one VLAN from reaching devices in another VLAN, effectively isolating the network and restricting access between VLANs.

By configuring VLANs to encompass only the servers used by the finance department and controlling access at the network switch level, administrators can enforce logical isolation and prevent unauthorized access. This helps maintain the security and integrity of the finance department's servers while allowing other departments to continue functioning on their separate VLANs.

Learn more about Virtual Local Area Networks here:



Notebook computers can be used even while traveling in a bus, train or airplane. Discuss.​



Note book computers can be used even while travelling in bus, train or plane because it is portable

a database administrator uses which two sql statements to view and then modify existing customer balances with a late fee?


To view and modify existing customer balances with a late fee, a database administrator uses the SQL SELECT and UPDATE statements.

SQL SELECT statement is used to extract information from a database, whereas the SQL UPDATE statement is used to modify the existing data records present in the database table. In this scenario, the database administrator uses SQL SELECT statement to view the existing customer balances with a late fee.

The SQL SELECT statement retrieves data from one or more tables in a database. For instance, the administrator may use the following query to view the balances of all customers with a late fee SELECT * FROM customer WHERE late fee  > 0;The above query retrieves all columns from the customer table where the late fee is greater than 0.The database administrator uses SQL UPDATE statement to modify the existing customer balances with a late fee.

The SQL UPDATE statement changes the data present in one or more existing database records. For instance, the administrator may use the following query to update the balance of a customer with a late fee: UPDATE customer SET balance = balance +  late fee  WHERE customer id  = '12345';The above query updates the balance column of the customer with customer id '12345' by adding the late fee to the existing balance. This statement is used to update the balance of all customers with a late fee in the same way.

To Know more about SQL SELECT visit:



calculate the summary statistics for each of the two simulations (for example, by adding two more columns to the tab titled "summary of findings")


In order to calculate the summary statistics for each of the two simulations, we can add two more columns to the tab titled "Summary of Findings".

Summary statistics is the method of analyzing and summarizing data. In statistical analyses, it plays an essential role. It provides a brief overview of the data that has been collected.The summary statistics are listed below. Since we don't have the exact data, let's pretend that there are two sets of data available; let's call them Set A and Set B. We need to determine the mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, and variance for each set. Here are the summary statistics for Set A and Set B: Set A Mean: To find the mean, add up all of the numbers in the set and divide by the total number of items. Median: The median is the middle number in the set. Mode: The mode is the number that appears the most often in the set. Range: The range is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in the set. Standard deviation: Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out the numbers in the set are. Variance: Variance is a measure of how much the data deviates from the mean. Set B Mean: To find the mean, add up all of the numbers in the set and divide by the total number of items. Median: The median is the middle number in the set. Mode: The mode is the number that appears the most often in the set. Range: The range is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in the set. Standard deviation: Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out the numbers in the set are. Variance: Variance is a measure of how much the data deviates from the mean. This will give us a good understanding of the data we're dealing with and assist us in making more informed choices when interpreting results or drawing conclusions.

To know more about statistics visit:



Which access tool guides you through the steps of creating a report?


The access tool that guides you through the steps of creating a report is the Report Wizard.

In Microsoft Access, the Report Wizard is a built-in tool that assists users in creating reports by guiding them through a step-by-step process. The Report Wizard provides a user-friendly interface that helps simplify the report creation process, particularly for users who may not be familiar with advanced report design techniques.

When using the Report Wizard, users are prompted to make a series of choices regarding the report's layout, grouping, sorting, and formatting. The wizard presents options and allows users to select fields from the underlying database or query, choose grouping and sorting options, and specify additional report properties such as headers, footers, and formatting styles. Based on the user's selections, the Report Wizard generates a preliminary report layout that can be further customized and refined.

By utilizing the Report Wizard, users can create professional-looking reports in Access without needing extensive knowledge of report design principles. The wizard streamlines the process by providing a guided approach, ensuring that important elements are included and allowing users to focus on the content and presentation of their reports.

Learn more about access tool  here:



what key should be pressed as soon as the computer boots in order to enter safe mode?


The key that should be pressed as soon as the computer boots in order to enter safe mode can vary depending on the operating system and computer manufacturer. Here are some common keys that can be used to enter safe mode:

Windows 10/8: Hold down the Shift key and press the Restart button in the Start menu. This will take you to the Advanced Startup Options screen, where you can select Safe Mode.

Windows 7/Vista/XP: Press the F8 key repeatedly as the computer is booting up. This will bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu, where you can select Safe Mode.

Mac OS X: Hold down the Shift key as the computer is booting up. This will start the computer in Safe Boot mode.

It's important to note that some newer computers may have a different key combination or method for entering safe mode. Additionally, some manufacturers may have their own specific instructions for accessing safe mode. It's always a good idea to consult your computer's user manual or do a quick online search to find the specific instructions for your device.

Learn more about computer boots here:



question 1: three security goals are . responses: 1) confidentiality, cryptography, and nonrepudiation 2) confidentiality, encryption, and decryption 3) confidentiality, integrity, and availability 4) none of the choices are correct. answer: 3) correct answer question 2: which of the following attacks is threatening integrity? responses: 1) masquerading 2) traffic analysis 3) denial of service 4) none of the choices are correct. answer: 1) correct answer question 3: which of the following attacks is threatening availability? responses: 1) replaying 2) modification 3) denial of service 4) none of the choices are correct. answer: 3) correct answer question 4: means concealing the contents of a message by enciphering. responses: 1) steganography 2) cryptography 3) compressing 4) none of the choices are correct. answer: 2) correct answer question 5: means concealing the message by covering it with something else. responses: 1) cryptography 2) steganography 3) compressing 4) none of the choices are correct. answer: 2) correct answer question 6: in cryptography, the same key is used by the sender and the receiver. responses: 1) symmetric key 2) asymmetric key 3) public key 4) none of the choices are correct. answer: 1) correct answer question 7: in cryptography, the same key is used in both directions. responses: 1) symmetric key 2) asymmetric key 3) public key 4) none of the choices are correct. answer: 1) correct answer question 8: cryptography is often used for long messages. responses: 1) symmetric key 2) asymmetric key 3) public key


The correct answers to the given questions are as follows:

1) Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are the three security goals.

2) Masquerading is an attack that threatens integrity.

3) Denial of service is an attack that threatens availability.

4) Cryptography means concealing the contents of a message by enciphering.

5) Steganography means concealing the message by covering it with something else.

6) Symmetric key is used by both the sender and receiver in cryptography.

7) Symmetric key is used in both directions in cryptography.

8) Cryptography is often used for long messages.

Question 1 tests knowledge of the three security goals, which are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The correct answer is option 3.

Question 2 assesses the understanding of attacks that threaten integrity. Masquerading, or impersonating someone else, is an attack that compromises the integrity of data. The correct answer is option 1.

Question 3 evaluates the recognition of attacks that threaten availability. Denial of service (DoS) attacks aim to disrupt or block access to a system, thus impacting availability. The correct answer is option 3.

Question 4 focuses on the definition of cryptography, which involves concealing the contents of a message through encryption. The correct answer is option 2.

Question 5 tests knowledge of steganography, which involves concealing a message by embedding it within another form of data. The correct answer is option 2.

Question 6 explores the concept of key usage in cryptography. Symmetric key cryptography employs the same key for both the sender and the receiver. The correct answer is option 1.

Question 7 builds upon the previous question and confirms that symmetric key cryptography utilizes the same key in both directions. The correct answer is option 1.

Question 8 examines the use of cryptography for long messages. Both symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography can be employed for long messages, but there is no specific preference. Therefore, the correct answer is none of the choices provided.

Learn more about Denial of service here:



Demonstrate using an example of a simple statistical study the following:
1.The concepts of data and information, and how each is used.
2.The different sources of data, and evaluate them by stating their benefits and limitations.
-Define the different methods of analysis, for example: exploratory and confirmatory. Support your answer with an example of data for each analysis method then state your opinion regarding the differences in application between them. You need to highlight the usefulness of each.


Data is a raw set of observations, measurements, or statistics that has not been analyzed. Information is a result of data analysis, it is data that has been interpreted and is meaningful to the receiver.

For example, if a company keeps a record of its sales of products, then sales figures for a particular period are the data. Information can be obtained by analyzing the data, such as determining the sales trend in that period.Sources of DataData can come from various sources such as surveys, observations, and experiments. Surveys are used to collect data from a large population by using questionnaires or interviews. Surveys can be conducted by mail, phone, or online. Observations involve the collection of data by watching or recording behavior. For instance, the number of people visiting a museum on a particular day. The experiment involves the collection of data by manipulating one or more variables.

The effect of the manipulation on the result is observed. The benefits of these sources of data are that they provide valuable insights and can help in decision-making. Limitations can be the sample size, the accuracy of data collected, or a lack of standardized data collection methods.Methods of AnalysisExploratory analysis is used to summarize data using tables, charts, and graphs. It is used to identify trends, patterns, or relationships within the data. It is the initial stage of analysis used before moving to the next step.

Confirmatory analysis, also known as statistical analysis, is used to test a hypothesis or theory by using mathematical formulas. It is used to confirm the relationships identified in the exploratory stage by testing their statistical significance. For example, if a company conducted a survey to identify the sales trends of a product, the exploratory stage could involve creating a graph of sales over time to identify trends. The confirmatory stage could involve using regression analysis to test if the relationship between the time and sales is statistically significant.The exploratory analysis is useful in identifying the trends, patterns, or relationships within data. This information can be used to generate hypotheses that can then be tested using confirmatory analysis. Confirmatory analysis is useful in testing hypotheses and theories to see if the relationships identified in the exploratory stage are statistically significant.

Learn more about data :



true or false? through ticket automation, you can move a ticket from one stage to another based on an email response.


True or false: Through ticket automation, you can move a ticket from one stage to another based on an email response.

The given statement that "Through ticket automation, you can move a ticket from one stage to another based on an email response" is true. However, to understand what ticket automation is and how it works, we need to understand what is  a ticket in the context of customer, service.

Ticket A ticket is a customer service request that is received through various communication channels such as phone, email, chat, or social media. Ticket Automation Ticket automation is the process of automatically performing certain actions on a ticket based on predefined rules. The rules can be based on various parameters such as ticket status, priority, tags, or customer information. A ticket can move from one stage to another based on a predefined set of rules. For example, when a customer sends an email to support, a ticket is created automatically and assigned to a support agent.

To know more about ticket visit:



What is benefit of Mobile Application is defined by this statement. A user can change the settings of the mobile based on his/her preferences. Select one: a. Convenience b. Interactivity c. Personalisation d. Productivity


The benefit of mobile applications that is defined by the statement "A user can change the settings of the mobile based on his/her preferences" is personalisation.

Mobile applications provide a highly personalized experience for users. This allows them to customize their mobile devices in order to meet their specific requirements, which can result in a more convenient and enjoyable experience.Some of the benefits of personalisation in mobile applications include customized content, ease of use, and user engagement.

Customized content can be achieved through the use of user preferences, which can be used to recommend content that is most relevant to the user.Ease of use is important when it comes to mobile applications, as users are often on the go and do not have a lot of time to navigate through menus and search for what they need. A personalized mobile application that is easy to use can provide a more efficient and effective experience for users.User engagement is another key benefit of personalisation in mobile applications. By tailoring the content and features of an application to the user's preferences, mobile applications can keep users engaged and interested, which can help to increase usage and loyalty. This can also lead to increased revenue for developers and businesses.In conclusion, the benefit of mobile applications that is defined by the statement "A user can change the settings of the mobile based on his/her preferences" is personalisation. Personalisation in mobile applications can lead to a more convenient, enjoyable, and engaging experience for users, as well as increased revenue for developers and businesses.

Learn more about developers :



Other Questions
What is Homer REALLY saying about love in The iliad? Pleaseprovide examples what city is considered to be the center of modern dance? Representation expense of a seller of goods is subject to limitation of 5% of net sales. S2: Interest expense is subject to tax arbitrage if a taxpayer has interest income. S3: Donations to government are deductible in full. e. All is false O c. S3 only O a. S2 and 53 only O d. All is true O b. S2 only Question 23 S1: Proof of deductions is mandatory. S2: Deductions are liberally construed in favor of the taxpayer. S3: All deductions are based on actual expenses incurred. O a. Only S1 is true O c. Only S3 is true O b. Only S2 is true O d. All is false Question 24 S1: One-person corporation is subject to regular (normal) corporate taxes S2: Ordinary partnerships are subject to regular (normal) corporate taxes O b. Only S2 is true O c. Both are true O a. Only S1 is true O d. Both are false Question 25 Santa Maria College, Inc. a proprietary educational institution, spent P20,000,000 for the construction of a new school building. The estimated useful life of the building is 50 years. The 20,000,000 spent by the proprietary educational institution, choose the best answer: O d. Capitalized and expensed outright at the option of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. O c. Capitalized or expensed outright at the option of Santa Maria College, Inc. a. Must be claimed as expense in the year of completion. O b. Capitalize and claim annual depreciation over the 50 years. joseph sold goods to David for $. 1,000. David accepted a bill for $. 1,000 drawn by Joseph. On the due date, David approached joseph and requested him to cancel the original bill and to draw a new bill for $. 1,025 (including interest) which is agreed by Joseph. On the due date, the second bill was honoured. Show the journal entries in the books of Joseph and David. suppose xin and zander work in a bakery making pies and cakes. suppose it takes xin 1.5 hours to make a pie and 1 hour to make a cake, and suppose it takes zander 2 hours to make a pie and 1.5 hours to make a cake. which of the following statements is correct? select one: a. zander should specialize in pies, and xin should specialize in cakes. b. there are no gains from specialization and trade. c. xin should specialize in both pies and cakes. d. xin should specialize in pies, and zander should specialize in cakes. 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