Electromagnetic waves can carry more data at higher frequencies. Why would a scientist opt to transmit data at a lower frequency instead?
What are the limitations of sending information using electromagnetic waves?
What are the differences between analog and digital signals?
What are the advantages of using digital signals over analog signals?
Using reliable internet sources, identify three ways we use analog and digital signals in our everyday lives.
Describe how radio telescopes are used to explore space.
How are radio waves used on Earth?
Why do radio telescopes convert radio waves (analog signals) to electrical (digital) signals for analysis? (Hint: What did the article say about the advantages of digital signals?)


Answer 1
1)The reason as to why scientists opt to transmit data at lower frequency instead of electromagnetic even if it can carry more data at a higher frequencies is because using higher frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum travel shorter distances but have higher data carrying capacity.So this physical characteristic of electromagnetic waves limits the range and availability of frequencies for sending information.
2) Limitations of using electromagnetic waves in sending communication
communication is a process of transmitting and receiving information in the form of signals.high technology communication use electromagnetic waves,there are various types of electromagnetic waves which are used in communication which include radio-waves,microwaves,infrared e.t.c some of their limitations are
i)Because there is limited number of broadcast frequencies the use of transmitters must be restricted in some way or they will seriously interfere with each other.
ii)Through the air signals can be distorted by atmospheric conditions and signals from space are sometimes distorted by solar activity
iii)physical activities such as mountains and buildings can prevent or interfere with some transmissions
iv)Through the air signals are not private,so any tuned receiver within the range can pick up them.
3)Differences between digital and analogue signals
Analogue and digital signal are used to transmit information usually through electric signals.
An analogue signal is continuous wave denoted by sine wave and may varry in signal strength (amplitude) or frequency(time) an example is sound from human voice is analogue because waves are continuous..
A digital signal is a signal in which the original information is converted into a string of bits before being transmitted .example a must for computer processing where is described as using (0s and 1s)and therefore can not take any fractional value.
4)Advantages of using digital signals over analogue signals
one advantage of digital signals are inherently less susceptible than analog signals to interference caused by noise because with digital signal it is not necessary to evaluate precise amplitude,frequency or phase.
Another advantage based in capacity is that digital signals carry more information per second than analogue signals.
Digital signals maintain their quality over long distances better than analogue signals.
5)How we use digital and analogue signals in our everyday live
digital signal processing is the way of life of current generation
example is mobile phones do alot of digital signal processing .they process our our speech digitally to remove background noise,echo e.t.c
Television also do a lot of digital processing of video,audio signal to present them in a better way.
How radio telescopes are used to explore space
A radio telescope is a specialized antenna and radio receiver used to receive radio waves from astronomical radio sources in the sky in radio astronomy.It has several main parts, a dish and antenna,a receiver,a detector and an analyzer.The dish collects the radio signals from space ad focuses them on the antenna.
6)How radio waves are used on earth
Radio waves are used to transmit television and radio programs They have longer wave lengths and are reflected by the ionosphere
7) Reasons why telescopes convert radio waves (analog) to electrical(digital) signals for analysis
This is because signals can be easily stored and transmitted in digital form.The analog is continuous in time and it is necessary to convert this to a flow of digital values.

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Exposing the testicles to high temperatures



Exposing the testicles to high temperatures could lead to problems

    with producing sperm.


got it correct on the edge unit test review

Brent's doctor most likely recommended that he avoid hot baths because exposing the testicles to high temperatures could lead to problems with producing sperm.

What is sperm?

The sperm is the male reproductive cell that is produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis.

The testicles (testes) of the male is located outside the body as the temperature of the body is too high for the viability of the sperm.

Therefore, exposing the testicles to high temperatures could lead to problems with producing sperm.

Learn more about sperm here:



5.) This car battery
measures at 12.6 V
with a voltmeter. If it
produces 0.53 A of current for
a vehicle's headlight when
connected, what is the
resistance of the headlight



R =V/ I =12.6 ÷ 0.53= 27.77 ohm

List the two factors that create orbital motion and describe how each factor affects the motion.​



The forward motion of a body in space, such as a planet or moon, and the pull of gravity on it from another body in space.


Earth and many other bodies—including asteroids, comets, and the other planets—move around the sun in curved paths called orbits. Generally, the orbits are elliptical, or oval, in shape. Because of the sun’s relatively strong gravity, Earth and the other bodies constantly fall toward the sun, but they stay far enough away from the sun because of their forward velocity to fall around the sun instead of into it. As a result, they keep orbiting the sun and never crash to its surface. The motion of Earth and the other bodies around the sun is called orbital motion. Orbital motion occurs whenever an object is moving forward and at the same time is pulled by gravity toward another object.

Why does an energy transfer not always result in phase change?




The energy transfer are not changing in kinetic energy. They are changes in bonding energy between the molecules.

Which has the least gravitational force?


Answer: Mount Nevado Huascarán

Explanation: Mount Nevado Huascarán in Peru has the lowest gravitational acceleration, at 9.7639 m/s2, while the highest is at the surface of the Arctic Ocean, at 9.8337 m/s2

Which elements are not noble gases?



All the elements except for the ones on the last column (at the left of the periodic table)


Helium ,Neon ,Argon ,Krypton,Xenon and Radon

Why is no image formed when an object is at the focal point of a converging lens?



the refracted rays neither converge nor diverge. After refracting, the light rays are traveling parallel to each other and cannot produce an image.


follow the chain of energy from a plant to a person riding a skateboard. explain what type of energy is being used at each step.



A⁣⁣⁣⁣nswer i⁣⁣⁣s i⁣⁣⁣n a p⁣⁣⁣hoto. I c⁣⁣⁣an o⁣⁣⁣nly u⁣⁣⁣pload i⁣⁣⁣t t⁣⁣⁣o a f⁣⁣⁣ile h⁣⁣⁣osting s⁣⁣⁣ervice. l⁣⁣⁣ink b⁣⁣⁣elow!





After the initial experiment, students wondered how a person's weight would influence the results. They conducted a second experiment to determine if the mass of an object affected friction, assuming the types of surfaces remained constant. A spring scale was attached to a wooden block (1 kg). The block was placed on a wooden board and the spring scale was used to pull the block. The magnitude of the force required to start the block moving was recorded in the data table. The experiment was repeated using two, three, and four blocks. The data can be seen in the data table at the top of the page. What is the relationship between static friction and weight?



The greater the weight of the person, the more static friction.



what is a magnet? types of magnet ​



Magnet withe competitive prices and high quality they offer custom-made magnets in defferent form and made with defferent materials grades


Sana makatolong

When a mass is suspended from a spring the latter extends over a distance of 10cm. What will be the period of oscillations of the same system if it is placed horizontal on a frictionless surface​



0.64 s


It's period of oscillation (T) can be determined by,

T = 2[tex]\pi[/tex][tex]\sqrt{\frac{l}{g} }[/tex]

Where l is the length (extension on the spring), and g the acceleration due to gravity.


l = 10 cm = 0.1 m

g = 9.8 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex]


T = 2 x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] [tex]\sqrt{\frac{0.1}{9.8} }[/tex]

  = 0.6350

T = 0.64 s

The period of oscillation would be 0.64 s.

Samir wants to be a doctor like both of his parents when he gets older he never thought of doing anything else which of the following best explains Samir decision ?


Where is the following

What are the issues that hinders efforts to achieve sustainability?



who will solve environmental problems, who is responsible for environmental problems, and who pays the cost of implementing solutions


How are the particles in matter organized



Particles in agas are well separated with no regular arrangement. liquid are close together with no regular arrangement. solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.


hope this helps

Which of these have a potential energy?
1. a coiled spring
2. a can of gasoline
3. a wrapped sandwich
4. a puddle of water



coiled spring have a potential energy


Which of these have a potential energy? A coiled spring.


Have a great day.

A student placed four objects on a plastic tray: a rock, an eraser, a wood block, and an ice cube. The student slowly lifts the tray and measures the height at which each object begins to slide in order to compare the friction of each object. The table above shows the results. In a separate experiment the student used the same objects and tray, but glued a piece of gritty sandpaper to the tray. What results would be expected? A) The items would slide faster at the same heights. B) The items would start to slide when the tray is not lifted as high. C) The items would not slide at all, no matter how high the tray is raised. D) The tray would need to be raised higher before the items start to slide.



D) The tray would need to be raised higher before the items start to slide.


The tray would need to be raised higher due to the gritty sandpaper causing it to have more grip or fraction between the two surfaces. In the first experiment it would have a smooth surface to slide across but in the second experiment it would have a rougher surface to slide across.

Example: It would be like taking two different kinds of shoes like tennis shoes and football cleets. Then seeing which one has more traction when going up a hill.

Hope this helps!!

Which of the following would not create an inclusion fossil?

A. Insufficient oxygen-(when an organism becomes trapped in amber)

B. Low temperatures-(when an organism becomes frozen in a glacier)

C. Extremely high temperatures-(when an organism is burned in fire)


answer B
A and c are wrong

Does time stand still in space



[tex]\underline{\textsf{\textbf{Answer -}}}[/tex]

No & Yes - the case depends actually.

You can't make the velocity zero and expect to stay in space. you will need to constantly fire the engine to hold youself in position (this is possible, until you run out of fuel).

Yes, it is possible to fire the engine and lift off earth into space, and then fire in the opposite direction to earths movement until you are still, relative to the sun. But if you now turn the engine off, the suns gravity will pull you down and directly into the sun.

its the earths forward motion that prevents it falling into the sun


No & Yes - the case depends actually.

You can't make the velocity zero and expect to stay in space. you will need to constantly fire the engine to hold youself in position (this is possible, until you run out of fuel).

Yes, it is possible to fire the engine and lift off earth into space, and then fire in the opposite direction to earths movement until you are still, relative to the sun. But if you now turn the engine off, the suns gravity will pull you down and directly into the sun.

its the earths forward motion that prevents it falling into the sun

Which type of force is needed to lift the weight?
A friction
B gravity
C pull
D push


b.gravity have a great day:)

If the radius of the Earth is 6400.0 km and the atmosphere is 10.0 km high, then the volume of air around the Earth is what? ​



5.16 x 10^18 m^3


How do magnets work and what effect do they have on their surroundings?



Explanation: Magnets can be used in space. ... Magnets don't need gravity or air. Instead, their power comes from the electromagnetic field they generate all by themselves. One class of magnets, called electromagnets, does need electricity to work.


magnets work due to a magnetic field and attract or repel an electrically charged or magnetic objects


its magnetism works due to alignment of atoms in a magnetic object

Which property of light is a constant in a vacuum?



La velocidad de la luz en el vacío es una constante universal con el valor de 299 792 458 m/s (186 282,397 mi/s),​​aunque suele aproximarse a 3·108 m/s. Se simboliza con la letra c, proveniente del latín celéritās (en español, celeridad o rapidez).

¿Cuál es la consecuencia que a velocidad de la luz sea constante?

Respuesta. En modificaciones del vacío más sutiles, como espacios curvos, efecto Casimir, poblaciones térmicas o presencia de campos externos, la velocidad de la luz depende de la densidad de energía de ese vacío.

The result of the evolutionary process that preserves traits that enhance the adaptation of an organism and suppresses traits that do not is called



Natural selection.


Natural selection can be defined as a biological process in which species of living organisms having certain traits that enable them to adapt to environmental factors such as predators, competition for food, climate change, sex mates, etc., tend to survive and reproduce, as well as passing on their genes to subsequent generations.

Simply stated, natural selection entails the survival of the fittest. Therefore, the species that are able to adapt to the environment will increase in number while the ones who can't adapt will die and go into extinction.

On the other hand, artificial selection is also known as selective breeding and it is a process that involves humans (breeders) selecting the animal or plant with desirable traits in order to reproduce favorable offspring having phenotypic traits.

formula for inertia speed​


What are you asking for ?


The equation of momentum for a linear system is simply P = mv where P = momentum (kg·m/sec or lb·ft/sec); m = mass (kg or lb); and v = velocity (m/s or ft/sec). ... By reducing her inertia (I = mr2 where r has been decreased) her angular velocity, ω, must increase in order for the angular momentum to remain constant.


hope this helps?


Question 1 of 10 The energy diagram shows the changes in energy during a chemical reaction. Which statement best describes the total energy change of the system? Potential energy Reaction progress O A. Energy is absorbed, and the products have higher potential energy. O B. Energy is absorbed, and the reactants have higher potential energy C. Energy is released, and the reactants have higher potential energy. O D. Energy is released, and the products have higher potential energy.​


Answer: The Answer is C


I just got this question and took a guess I got it correct lol. Higher potential energy and energy is released.

The statement which best describes the total energy change of the system is energy is absorbed, and the reactants have higher potential energy.

What is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy which a body posses because of its position. The potential energy is the stored energy.

The energy diagram shows the changes in energy during a chemical reaction.

Potential energy and Reaction progress are shown in the problem. The reactants are the substance which reacts and form one or more than one product.

The reactants in a chemical reaction increases the potential energy for the reaction.

Thus, the statement which best describes the total energy change of the system is energy is absorbed, and the reactants have higher potential energy.

Learn more about the potential energy here;


A.) A gemstone of mass 1.8 kg compresses a scale's spring by 2.6 cm.
Determine the spring constant.

B.) How much would the spring in the previous question compress if a 5.2 kg mass was placed on the scale?



Given that,

Mass, m = 1.8 kg

Compression, x = 2.6 cm

We know that,

Force on spring = weight




k is spring constant

[tex]k=\dfrac{mg}{x}\\\\k=\dfrac{1.8\times 9.8}{2.6\times 10^{-2}}\\\\k=678.46\ N/m[/tex]

(2) If m = 5.2 kg

[tex]x=\dfrac{mg}{k}\\\\x=\dfrac{1.8\times 9.8}{678.46}\\\\x=2.6 \ cm[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.

How do scientists know the continents were once closer than they are today? Explain your answer in 2-3 complete sentences.



Continental drift describes one of the earliest ways geologists thought continents moved over time. Today, the theory of continental drift has been replaced by the science of plate tectonics. 


The theory of continental drift is most associated with the scientist Alfred Wegener. In the early 20th century, Wegener published a paper explaining his theory that the continental landmasses were “drifting” across the Earth, sometimes plowing through oceans and into each other. He called this movement continental drift. 

In which region is there most likely to be a volcano?
A, African plate
B, north american plate
C, south America plate,
D, Pacific plate ​



D. Pacific plate


took the quiz

A soft drink (mostly water) flows in a pipe at a beverage plant with a mass flow rate that would fill 220 0.355 - L cans per minute. At point 2 in the pipe, the gauge pressure is 152kPa and the cross-sectional area is 8.00cm2. At point 1, 1.35m above point 2, the cross-sectional area is 2.00cm2. Part A Find the mass flow rate. M



[tex]1.302\ \text{kg/s}[/tex]


[tex]\rho[/tex] = Density of water = [tex]1\ \text{kg/L}[/tex]

[tex]dV[/tex] = Change in volume = [tex]220\times 0.355\ \text{L}[/tex]

[tex]dt[/tex] = Time elapsed = 1 minute = 60 seconds

Mass flow rate is given by

[tex]\dot{m}=\rho\dfrac{dV}{dt}\\ =1\times \dfrac{220\times 0.355}{60}\\ =1.302\ \text{kg/s}[/tex]

The mass flow rate is [tex]1.302\ \text{kg/s}[/tex].

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