Each statement below describes part of the compromise. Sort by whether each part of the compromise benefited the North or the South.

Each Statement Below Describes Part Of The Compromise. Sort By Whether Each Part Of The Compromise Benefited


Answer 1


The two on the right benefit the north. “Maine”, and “territories above”

The two on the left benefit the south. The south was pro-slavery.


Related Questions

The American government attempted to purchase Texas from Mexico, prior to the battle of the Alamo. Please select the best answer from the choices provided: T or F



The answer is true


Hope this helps

As a result of the 1855 election in Kansas
A) the railroad was allowed to pass through.
B) both sides claimed victory, each drafting their own constitution.
C) neither side could claim victory because of the fraud and violence.
D) Congressional representatives were overthrown.



the Amswer is  C


both sides of the partys could not claim victory



Why did California’s application for statehood cause a sectional crisis?

Its entrance as a free state would upset the balance in favor of the North.

Its entrance as a slave state would upset the balance in favor of the South.

Its entrance a slave state would cause free African Americans there to lose their freedom.

Its entrance as free state would cause enslaved people there to be automatically freed.

Plz help! Due tonight!
How did the Holocaust affect Jews and other targeted groups living in territories controlled by Nazis?


Answer: There are many things that affected Jews in Nazi controlled territories. Some examples could be the ghettos (high population density caused quick spread of disease, lack of food and clean water, little to no personal space), mistreatment (poor health services to those who did not fit the standards), closing businesses (many people boycotted stores run by jews), theft and violence against POC, Jews, and “undesirables” was allowed with no major consequences.


Why did Hitzer outlaw all youth groups and create the “Nazi Youth?”



The Boy Scouts’ motto was “Be Prepared.” But nothing could prepare Max Ebel, a German teenager, for what happened after Hitler banned the Boy Scouts. As other boys cheered, the 17-year-old was surrounded by a gang of Nazi Youth—one of whom had a knife. Ebel’s refusal to leave scouting behind had just turned into a fight for his life.

It was 1937, and the Boy Scouts were one of many youth organizations on the Nazis’ verboten list. Now, every non-Jewish boy in Germany was required to be part of the Hitler Youth, the Nazis’ youth arm, instead. Ebel, a pacifist who distrusted the Nazis, refused—and paid the price.

The Boy Scout was harassed and then attacked by a group of Nazi Youth. In an attempt to force him to join, one of the members stabbed him in the hand. Ebel fought back, grabbed the knife, and cut the other boy’s face. Later, realizing his life was in danger, he escaped Germany and eventually became a U.S. citizen.

Ebel was just one of millions of young Germans whose lives were changed by the Hitler Youth—a group designed to indoctrinate kids into Hitler’s ideology, then send them off to war.



The Mid-Atlantic colonies were known for diversity in religion and ethnicity. Is this true or false?



The Middle Colonies. The Middle Colonies were more diverse than colonies in New England and the South. ... The Middle Colonies were settled by different nationalities so there is greater emphasis on religious toleration and cultural diversity. This is especially true in the colony of New York.

What impact did World War II have on the American economy?
A. placed a huge war debt on the American people
B. permanently ended the Great Depression
C. burdened the nations farmers who grew too little
D. caused the stock market crash of 1929



B, permanently ended the great depression.


It is b permanently ended the Great Depression.

The South hoped ___ would gain the support of England.

habeas corpus

Southern cooking

esprit de corps

cotton diplomacy





During the time, Britain was mainly buying cotton from the south because the south had a lot of cotton due to slaves. When it came to the Civil War, they thought Britain would help them because Britain wanted there cotton. Britain had seen this coming and stocked up on the cotton and didn't want to get involved because they had abolished slavery already and wanted to keep good ties with the United States.


The answer is cotton diplomacy.


Why did holland become involved in world war 2?


the germans invaded them so they had no choice but to fight

Why was the Soviet Union so optimistic in the mid-1980's?


Answer:decade that brought the end of the Cold War and most other wars, the spread of democracy practically everywhere and the rise of environmental consciousness cannot be all bad. (Alternative intro: A decade that saw the rise of AIDS and the drug wars, the crushing of the democratic aspirations of one-fifth of mankind and the advent of the ozone hole and the greenhouse effect is a decade that leaves a lot to be desired.)

Well, of course. History is like the curate`s egg: good in parts. But I have been a professional gloom-monger for a long time now (no news is good news, but usually, for journalists, good news is no news), and I cannot remember a time when I felt so optimistic about the state of the world.

Conditionally optimistic, certainly. All the good news and hopeful prospects could go down the tubes without so much as a gurgle if there is a successful counter-revolution in the Soviet Union-which is a possibility, though one that diminishes slightly with each month. A reactionary regime in Moscow would not just be bad news for Soviet citizens; it would blight all our lives.

To maintain itself in power and justify severe domestic repression, a reactionary, neo-Bolshevik regime in Moscow would need foreign enemies. That would mean a return to the Cold War and an acute crisis in Central and Eastern Europe.

Worse, the international system, which is just starting to show signs of functioning in accord with rational and human values, would collapse into deadlock again. This would thwart all attempts to coordinate action on the really important long-term issues that affect all mankind: the environment, and the gulf between North and South.

But assuming (with fingers crossed) that the Soviets can keep their manifold problems under control and stagger onward toward their constantly receding future of democracy and prosperity, then the sea change in the international environment is real. The world may still be overwhelmed by its long-term problems in two or three more decades, but at least this change creates the possibility that that time will be used to try to solve the problems.


The Soviet Union was optimistic because a conservative, neo-Bolshevik leadership in Moscow would require international foes to stay in power and justify harsh domestic repression.

What was the cause of the Soviet Union's newfound optimism?

This presumed in the mid 1980s that if there is a successful counter-revolution in the Soviet Union which is a possibility, though one that is diminishing with each month and all the good news and positive prospects might vanish without a gurgle.

A conservative, neo-Bolshevik administration in Moscow would need international adversaries to stay in power and justify harsh home repression.

Therefore, in mid-1980s, the Soviet Union became optimistic.

learn more about the Soviet Union, refer to:



Why did the Republic of Texas remain an independent country for nine



mexico i think


PLS HELP ME my grades are due
In a complete paragraph explain the theory of "The push and Pull factor” For example what kinds of needs would people have in order to migrate from their home country to another.


Globalization, economic crises, political instability, conflicts, wars, ethnic cleanings, social inequality, market economy, discrimination, and the wider processes of transformation, especially in the last ten years were and still are the main reasons for an even bigger wave of migration. Having such a suitable ground, trafficking in human beings became an important " player " in the world of suffering, money and crime. The theory of push and pull factors makes a synthesis of conditions that exist into the two " worlds " – the poor and rich countries. The push and pull factors are the faces of a same coin, showing how living conditions, human rights, society and many other parts of the mosaic can influence common lives. Knowing these factors and their influence on the process of trafficking in human beings is of a very big importance for future police and other instutions measures. In every part of criminal work, roots and factors are the starting point in finding " cure " for it. This paper aims to give a short, but useful view of this theory and to try to explain how modern slavery uses its benefits. INTRODUCTION From the moment of its creation, man was trying to impose his will over the will of others. Slaves have existed from always. Human history is filled with examples of countries that were founded on slavery, countries that believed that exploitation of slaves is not exploitation; they are inferior to others and deserve their situation. As Aristotle himself in his work "Politics" said "it is clear that some people are born as free, while others such as slaves, and that for the latter ones their condition of slavery, is justice and profit." 3 Carl Marx for the Transatlantic slavery, said that it was "the driving machinery of the Ancient World" and "the profit attained by the work of African slaves was the basis of the accumulation of capital needed for the beginning of the industrial revolution " , as noted Eric Williams. 4 Kevin Bales says that if we make a parallel between the slavery of the past and the present, modern slavery, the latter one is being characterized by very low cost of slaves, very high profits for traffickers, a short time relation between the slave and the trafficker, a large number of potential slaves and irrelevance of ethnic differences. 5 Attributes of modern slavery are: invisibility, mobility and the international criminal organizations. 6 Different theorists attribute different factors to the causes of trafficking depending on their theoretical approach to the issue of trafficking itself. A migration-based approach, for example, will focus on such issues as policies on migration and migrant labor, availability of work opportunities in various countries, globalization of the economy and development strategies. A criminal justice based approach focuses on legislation and its implementation, policing strategies, impediments to prosecution, and the involvement of organized crime. A human-rights based approach acknowledges the importance of criminal justice, but will situate the causes of trafficking in issues such as the abuse of power, corruption of authorities, discrimination, and state failure to protect civil, political, economic and social rights. Most feminist analyses encompass elements of all these approaches but situate inequalities of sex, race and class, and the power that this gives to some to abuse others, as central to any detailed analysis of the causes of trafficking.


Push and pull factors are those factors that either forcefully push people into migration or attract them. A push factor is forceful, and a factor that relates to the country from which a person migrates. It is generally some problem that results in people wanting to migrate. Different types of push factors can be seen further below. A push factor is a flaw or distress that drives a person away from a certain place. A pull factor is something concerning the country to which a person migrates. It is generally a benefit that attracts people to a certain place. Push and pull factors are usually considered as north and south poles on a magnet.

Push Factors (encourage people to leave where they are):

• Not enough jobs

• Few opportunities

• Poor medical care

• Not being able to practice religion

• Loss of wealth

• Natural Disasters

• Threats to self or family

• Pollution

• Poor housing

• Landlords

• Bullying  

• Political fear

• Poor chances of finding a partner

Pull Factors (encourage people to go to a certain place):

• Job opportunities

• Better living conditions

• Political and/or religious freedom

• Enjoyment

• Education

• Better medical care

• Security

• Family links

• Better chances of finding a partner


The Reconquest achieved its objective.





True is the correct answer

hope it is helpful to you




mark as brainliest

After the Russians pulled out of the war what country had the upper hand?

The United States


In the treaty, Russia ceded hegemony over the Baltic states to Germany; they were meant to become German vassal states under German princelings. Russia also ceded its province of Kars Oblast in the South Caucasus to the Ottoman Empire and recognized the independence of Ukraine.

Which characteristics of Muhammad Bin Qasim provided the foothold for the spread of Islam in the subcontinent



The characteristic of Muhammad Bin Qasim that provided the basis for the spread of Islam in the Indian subconscious was the permission of religious freedom.


Muhammad bin Qasim was an Islamic leader who, by invading the Indian subcontinent, did not impose the forced conversion of citizens to Islam. On the contrary, Muhammad bin Qasim presented himself very peacefully and even commanding a large army, he allowed religious freedom to be maintained, and those who chose to convert to Islam by their own free will would be welcome, but those who did not desiring conversion, could practice their religions without fear of reprisals.

Why was the Cold War significant?



The Cold War essentially changed the way that people view other countries and how to approach future conflicts. In America, during the Cold War the Red Scare led many people to be against immigrants and other ideologies such as communism. There was also the threat of a Nuclear War between the Soviet Union and the US. Where both sides were forced to not fight because if they did the end of the world would ensue. Many countries were overtaken by the Soviet Union leading to them becoming communist countries as well.

On a broader scale, librarians are in
the field of facilitating a person's
ability to acquire which of the
A. information
B. social networking
C. internet access





a is the answer fhctjswg

4. How did the Mali empire feed themselves?


As with many ancient civilizations, Mali lived mainly on fruits, grains, and berries gathered by the women from the tribe. Men hunted meat which came from West African cows and Yams which were called "fufu." Fufu would be rolled into a ball and then dipped into soup for flavor.

` Civil war

The Declaration of independence explained why the colonies should separate from England.

True Or False ??

This is a quote from the Bill of Rights: “...all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...”

True Or False ??


1. True 2. False, the sentence is in the Declaration of Independence

"Obachan would chew the food first/spit out maggots" is a concrete image that is also an archetype because
1 it is representative of all ideal mothers sacrificing themselves for their children's lives
2 Obachan means archetype in Japanese
3 it bridges the gap between World War II and Vietnam War
4 it is so vivid and memorable


Answer:It’s A. it is representative of all ideal mothers sacrificing themselves for their children's lives


The above statement is a concrete image and an archetype because 1. it is representative of all ideal mothers sacrificing themselves for their children's lives.

What is an archetype?

An archetype is a typical example, clearly illustrating a point.

In literary works, concrete images refer to the use of vivid descriptions to communicate concepts and scenes to convey sensory language.

Thus, "Obachan would chew the food first/spit out maggots" is a concrete image and an archetype because 1. it is representative of all ideal mothers sacrificing themselves for their children's lives.

Learn more about archetypes and concrete images at https://brainly.com/question/1855370 and https://brainly.com/question/26191683


Similarities between China and Mexico, list 5 please.



ok I got u fam


Both of the countries have some sort of goverment

the life expensaty is smilar with each other being 75

the Literacy Rate

is also simliar

with 90 precent and 91 precent

What was one effect of roma expansion on roman society



Rome was able to gain its empire in large part by extending some form of citizenship to many of the people it conquered.


Military expansion drove economic development, bringing enslaved people and loot back to Rome, which in turn transformed the city of Rome and Roman culture.

Hello there!

Rome was able to establish its empire in large part by granting citizenship to many of the people it invaded. Military expansion fueled economic growth, taking enslaved people and plunder back to Rome, transforming the city and Roman society.

1. How did the Supreme Court pose a challenge to Roosevelt’s New Deal programs?

2. What was the role of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt in the development of New Deal programs?

3. In what ways did the New Deal programs fail to meet the needs of minorities and women?



By declaring the NRA and the first version of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) unconstitutional.


The supreme court pose the challenge to Roosevelt’s New Deal programs by declaring the NRA and the first version of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) unconstitutional. Eleanor Roosevelt became a key voice inside the White House for appointing women to positions in the administration during the New Deal. In that way First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt played the role during New deal.

Which population group in the state consider themselves to be native Louisianans?
Chinese Americans
Creole Americans
German Americans
0 Italian Americans



creole americans



Creole Americans


I got it right on my Edgenutiy

What is the topic of this political cartoon?

the nuclear arms race
the rise of Reaganomics
the collapse of communism
the conservative movement



the collapse of communism


The topic of this political cartoon is the collapse of communism. Option C is correct.

What is political cartoon?

Political cartoons are drawings, frequently featuring caricatures, that express editorial comments on politics, politicians, and current affairs. Such cartoons contribute to the political dialogue in a democracy where press and speech are protected.

Political cartoons, sometimes referred to as editorial cartoons, are described as images or comic strips with a political or social message that frequently reference current affairs or specific people.

They offer a colorful contrast to traditional news reporting, offering a welcome diversion from the increasingly depressing political conversation.

Thus Option C is correct because it depicts the collapse of communism.

Learn more about political cartoon refer:



Who became the leader of Italy's new form of government?


Mussolini became the leader of fascist Italy

PLEASE HELP ME. How did the Missouri compromise of 1820 affect national unity in the United States in the 1800s?



The proposed state constitution permitted slavery. The U.S. House of Representatives, which was dominated by northerners, approved amendments to the Missouri statehood bill that would gradually end slavery there. The Senate rejected the amendments.

How can the events leading to the independence of Brazil best be described


The events leading to the independence of Brazil best be described as it was an organized effort to establish a new democracy.

What is Independence?

Independence refers to the making your own decision and free from anyone's dominance. For example:- When children grow up and start making their own decision.

Brazil got the independence from the Portugal in on September 7, 1822 declared by Prince Dom Pedro after 2 years of independence struggle. Later, in the late 1825s, Brazil and Portugal negotiated a treaty that recognized each other.

Brazil revolution with a peaceful than that of the america which involved several battles of bloodshed. Therefore it established a new democracy in the Brazil.

Learn more about Independence here:



For what reasons were many colonies granted independence after World War II?
recognition of universal human rights
economic growth in Europe
pressure from United Nations
growth of nationalism
promises made to colonies during the war
European economic weakness
decline in nationalism



After the World War II many colonies were granted independence because of the European economic weakness. 


recognition of universal human rights

pressure from United Nations

growth of nationalism

promises made to colonies during the war

European economic weakness


These were the answers on edge. Hope this helped :)

If you do this for me I'll love you forever :)
Can someone please write a paragraph (around 6 sentences) about "what was life like for prehistoric man?" Way of life, food, culture, habits etc... Please support & explain your ideas!!


In the Paleolithic period (roughly 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.), early humans lived in caves or simple huts or tepees and were hunters and gatherers. They used basic stone and bone tools, as well as crude stone axes, for hunting birds and wild animals.

describe the impact that television had on both presidents kennedy and l. johnson.



Television increased gross viewings of the canditates, gave them more time to talk, and more people saw them, therefore increasing their popularity


I just know (also just re-viewed this)

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