during the civl war key waterways in the south included


Answer 1
The Ohio, Tennessee, and Columbia rivers
Answer 2


Mississippi,Ohio and Tennessee rivers


Related Questions

What was a result of the use of chemical weapons during World War I?


answer: poison gas

explanation; estimated 100,000–260,000 civilian casualties were caused by chemical weapons during the conflict and tens of thousands (along with military personnel) died from scarring of the lungs, skin damage, and cerebral damage in the years after the conflict ended.


mass deaths and long term lung diseases as well as stronger militriay defences


What are the effects and reasons of those effects of the United States fought Great Britain in the War of 1812?



The immediate reasons of the War of 1812 were a series of economic sanctions taken by the British and French against the US as part of the Napoleonic Wars and American outrage at the British practice of impressment, especially after the Chesapeake incident of 1807.


Please help I’ve been stuck on this forever !!!!!



1).Front side, three quarters, profile, rear.


what connection does islam have with judaism and christianity



All three are Abrahamic religions


Historians use what hisotricial thinking skills to evaluate interpretations?



Analyzing Historical Sources and Evidence, Making Historical Connections, Chronological Reasoning, and Creating and Supporting a Historical Argument

Cultivation of sweet potatoes on Easter Island is an example of what?
A) The intricate religions of Micronesia
B) Interisland marriages
C) Polynesian contact with South America
D) The isolation of Oceania





Potatoes are from Peru in south america so the Polynesians would have had to have gone there to get them  

C even on the internet it says

What role do you think the united states played in the collapse of the soviet union



The role of United States was of a competitor for the world power, which exhausted Soviet Union in long run.


The Soviet Union's vast income from a 2-decade oil boom on an untenable arms race against the United States proved fatal for it. Instead of trying to boost the living standard of the Soviet people, they were more concerned about making nuclear weapons. The promised paradise of workers was vanishing from the eyes of people and they asserted for more autonomy.

How does this graph show the importance of government spending to millions of Americans?



By be able to fight strong


back then they didnt fight as strong


The largest portion is in the form of direct payments to workers and citizens



Should the Mayan Civilization be taught in all schools, or only in schools with a lot of students from a Mesoamerican background (only in schools with a large population of Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan, Salvadorian, or Belizian background)?

Make sure to support your argument. should at least be two to three sentences


Dhdhx Jeffdhdhdhdhdhd


they should be taught in schools i hope this helps ;)

Examine the following map of the Aztec empire.

Which of these were the characteristics of the Aztec empire?


the aztec empire was one of the most important in central america specifically in mexico with an extraordinarily advanced and interesting culture


Where are the options, or the map?


Which of these labor sources was most important to the Southern colonial plantation economy?

African slaves
Child labor
Indentured servants
Native Americans



African American slaves


Child labor was not introduced until the 1800s

servants WERE Africans

Native Americans were their own thing and besides the French-Indian war they weren't really involved




I’m doing it now

Why would the US congress pass such laws to return slaves who escaped back to their masters?



The Act was one of the most controversial elements of the 1850 compromise and heightened Northern fears of a "slave power conspiracy". It required that all escaped slaves, upon capture, be returned to their masters and that officials and citizens of free states had to cooperate.

Which of these ideas did you include in your response?
Select all that apply.
Whether the two sources agree with one another or
contradict one another
Whether each source is reliable
That Washington's account has more details
That both sources discuss the fact that British troops



Select all of them i think


If you include your response it would be better


select  all of them


Who delivered General order 3?

A.president Roosevelt
B.Abraham Lincoln
C.Major General Gordon Granger
D.Harriet Tubman


Gordon Granger, delivered general order 3

Major general Gordon Granger

Mention 5 events that happened on the journey of the Israelites from Egypt back to the promised land.
Each event should be accompanied with the correct Bible quotation.



The five events that happened on the journey of the Israelites from Egypt back to the promised land of Canaan were the ten plagues, the pillar of cloud and fire, the parting of the Red Sea, providing manna and quail for food, the Ten Commandments for the people.


In the Old Testament Book of the Bible, the Israelites were in captivity in the land of Egypt after the seven years famine. And with the birth of Moses and his encounter with God, the Israelites were to be released and taken back to the land that God had promised to deliver them.

The events that occurred from and during the Israelites' trip from the land of the Egyptians to the promised land are a means to show how strong and great the god of the Israelites is. Some of the events that occurred in between the journey are-

1. The ten plagues.

As seen in the book of Exodus, God brought the plagues to make known his power and also to torture Pharoah into submitting to Him. The ten plagues are blood (Exodus 7:14-22), frogs (Exodus 7:25-8:15), lice and wild animals (Exodus 8), pestilence of livestock, boils and thunderstorms (Exodus 9), locusts, darkness for three days (Exodus 10) and death of every firstborn (Exodus 11).

2. The pillar of cloud by day and fire by night .

God provided a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night to accompany the Israelites on their journey to Canaan. Exodus 13:21 and 22 says

"By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people."

3. The parting of the Red Sea .

The Red Sea was parted to allow the Israelites to pass through to the other side while the Egyptians were after them in chariots. This is seen in the book of Exodus chapter 14. Verse 21 and 22 says

"Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left."

4. Providing them with manna and quail for food.

Exodus 16 mentions God providing them with manna from the sky for food and quail for meat. Verse 13 and 14 says

"That evening quail came and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor."

5. Giving the Ten Commandments to the people to follow.

Exodus 19 reveals God giving the Ten Commandments to Moses at Mount Sinai. These commandments were to be followed by the people to lead a life worthy of Him.

Exodus 20 verse 3- 17 says

“You shall have no other gods before[a] me.

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.

For in six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

“You shall not murder.

“You shall not commit adultery.

“You shall not steal.

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

After the Battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln gave a moving speech as a memorial to the men who had sacrificed their lives. This speech is called?

A."We the People"
B."I Have A Dream"
C."Gettysburg Address"
D."Lincoln's House Divided



C "Gettysburg Address"


C. “Gettysburg Address”

How did World War I influence the development of the Surrealist artistic
A. It convinced many artists that their works should be designed to
promote the good of the state.
B. It highlighted the importance of artists in maintaining national
morale during times of crisis.
c. It forced many artists to create propaganda in the service of
totalitarian governments.
D. It led many artists to conclude that reliance on rationality would
lead to conflict and war.


Answer: The answer i have is C. I did a lot of researching on WW l in school.


Hope this help and plz help me get THE BRAINLIEST!!

It forced many artists to create propaganda in the service of totalitarian governments.

What effect did World War I have on the surrealist movement?

During and after World War I, flowery Victorian language was blown apart and replaced by more sinewy and R-rated prose styles. In visual art, Surrealists and Expressionists devised wobbly, chopped-up perspectives and nightmarish visions of fractured human bodies and splintered societies slouching toward moral chaos.

Was Surrealism influenced by World War I?

The Surrealist movement started in Europe in the 1920s, after World War I with its nucleus in Paris. Its roots were found in Dada, but it was less violent and more artistically based. Surrealism was first the work of poets and writers.

Learn more about Surrealism here https://brainly.com/question/10694036


Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?

A) Globalization is growing less important as time passes.
B) The world is becoming more globalized and connected.
C) Globalization has resulted in fewer connections among countries.
D) Countries are growing less likely to trade with one another.



Its B bro


The statement which best describes how globalization is affecting the world is the world is becoming more globalized and connected. The correct option is b.

What is globalization?

Globalization refers to how trade and technology have made the world a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result.

It may be pictured as the threads of an immense spider web formed over millennia, with the number and reach of these threads increasing over time. People, money, material goods, ideas, and even disease and devastation have travelled these silken strands, and have done so in greater numbers and with greater speed than ever in the present age. Many scholars say it started with Columbus’s voyage to the New World in 1492.

People travelled to nearby and faraway places well before Columbus’s voyage, however, exchanging their ideas, products, and customs along the way.

Learn more about globalization, here:



Who is the author (or authors) of the document found poetry



if i see the document, I'd be happy to answer your question :)

The man's response indicates that he
is impressed by his wife's ability to balance
understands how hard his wife worked during the
expects his wife to maintain a traditional gender
is proud of his wife's accomplishments.



the answer is C



expects his wife to maintain a traditional gender role. C


what lead to mixing cultures?



Population growth and diversity.


In an area with multiple enthic groups and people, socilization and growth leads to others exploring new cultures and learning about them and sharing them. This could also lead to new cultures being forged from two original cultures.

A/An _________________ is when nations agree to work together for a common goal. a. coalition b. envoy c. endorsement d. war Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


That would be called Coalition. Your answer is A


A. coalition


Quizlet and edg. 2020 quiz

Does the north or south like slavery?


Answer: south

Explanation: the south wanted slavery while the north wanted to abolish it.

The south liked slavery because they were more farm and planting based. on the other hand the north had manufacturing economy and import and export so their economy was stronger and didn't require slaves.

What were the various goals of the colonial European powers in the expansion of their empires? To what extent were they able to achieve these goals? Where did they fail?



Britain gave imperialism the boost by starting with strategic footholds, having many islands in the South Atlantic or Indian Ocean. From there, merchants had access to the interior; years later, the British launched into the exploration of the interior, and thus managed to reconstitute what was surely the largest empire in history, they controlled territories on all six continents. The objectives were to have access to the important commercial potential, territories within which all commerce, finances and customs were controlled.

However, these empires (Germany, France, Russia) could not be maintained. This time it was due to the development of nationalist movements that made colonial rule less and less legitimate.  Other factors were the impact of the two world wars. With the First World War (1914-1918) the legitimacy of European domination in the world began to be questioned and this legitimacy was shattered by the Second World War (1939-1945).

In a historical essay how are body paragraphs different from the conclusion paragraph



In a historical essay, how are body paragraphs different from the conclusion paragraph. ... Each body paragraph should focus on an individual topic, but the conclusion paragraph reviews all the evidence from the body paragraphs.


Hope this helps you :)

Each paragraph is based on one specific thing while the conclusion is just gathering up all the information that you used in your essay

The Persians lost the Battle of Salamis because they had:

[] not been prepared
[] insufficient ships
[] insufficient space



Not been prepared.........

Please Help Me!
How did the US end up fighting Nazi Germany/Hitler
even though Americans did not want to be involved
in WWII?​



Pearl Harbor



The Japanese bombed Pearl harbor.


The Japanese, who were on the Nazi's side in WW2(Axis Powers), bombed Pearl Harbor in America. This caused the neutral America to retaliate(fight back) and join the Allied Powers to fight the Axis.

In a well-rounded paragraph, explain the diplomatic and military negotiations at the conferences in Tehran, Yalta, and
Potsdam during World War II. Include the names of the key negotiators and the outcomes, especially related to Eastern
Europe. Specify which of the negotiations were military and which were diplomatic in nature.



Toward the end of World War II, three leaders met three times for military and polite/(to improve relationships with people) (back-and-forth conversations to agree on something). They were called the big three and consisted of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin. They met for the first time in Tehran in 1943. They decided that the U.S. and Britain would launch an offensive to divide the Axis troops. If Turkey was attacked Russia would help it and make it a friend. Roosevelt has a good idea for the United Nations and this brought about the union of 26 countries against the Axis powers. The second time, the big tree met in 1945 in Yalta. Here they demanded Germany's "absolute and total/without any limits or restrictions (giving up in a fight)". Russia also promised to allow free elections in Eastern Europe. Russia also promised to join the war against Japan. These promises would soon become the reason for the cold war. The third and final (meeting to discuss things/meeting together) was held at the end of July 1945 in Potsdam. They began to ask for the absolute and total/without any limits or restrictions (giving up in a fight) of Japan and later moved their attention toward Europe.

please mark me brainliest!

what conditions allow fascists to gain power more easily


economy is on the edge of or has already collapsed crumbled.

What effect did the British have on the Indian education system?​



The education system before the British was more religion based and the society was full of evils and superstitions. The British brought a rather modern and logic based education system that led to the evolution in the thinking of the people and helped ban a lot of social evils in India.


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