Discuss three sub- methods of discounted cash flow approach to
valuation of private companies


Answer 1

The three sub-methods of the Discounted Cash Flow approach to valuation of private companies are:

Capitalization of EarningsDiscounted Future Cash FlowsAdjusted Present Value

The three sub-methods of the Discounted Cash Flow approach to valuation of private companies are:

1. Capitalization of Earnings:

This sub-method assumes that a business has a perpetual life and is profitable in the future as it is currently. The future cash flows are expected to remain constant. Therefore, the earnings generated in the future are capitalized at an appropriate capitalization rate to determine the value of the business.

2. Discounted Future Cash Flows:

This sub-method estimates the future cash flows that are expected to be generated by the business and then discounts them to their present value by using an appropriate discount rate.

3. Adjusted Present Value:

This sub-method considers the effect of the interest tax shield that results from using debt to finance the business. The tax shield from interest payments on debt is adjusted to the present value of future tax savings and added to the present value of the business’s free cash flows.

The Discounted Cash Flow approach is one of the widely used methods of business valuation as it considers the future cash flows of the business which is more relevant to a potential investor rather than relying on historical data.

To know more about Discounted Cash Flow approach, refer to the link below:



Related Questions

What is the numerical impact on cash and net earnings of the following scenario: Services worth $44,500 were provided to customers during the period, of which $32,300 of cash remained uncollected by the end of the period. a) Impact on cash: 0; impact on net earnings: $44,500 increase b) Impact on cash: $44,500 increase; impact on net earnings: $12,200 increase c) Impact on cash: $12,200 increase; impact on net earnings: $44,500 increase d) Impact on cash: $44,500 increase; impact on net earnings: $32,300 increase e) Impact on cash: 0; impact on net earnings: $32,300 increase


The numerical impact on cash and net income of the scenario of services worth $44,500 provided to customers during the period, of which $32,300 of cash remained uncollected by the end of the period is that there is an increase in cash and net earnings as well. , the correct answer is option (d)

Net earnings are a corporation's bottom-line profit after all expenses and taxes have been subtracted from its revenue. As a result, net earnings are commonly known as a corporation's "profit" or "earnings."What is cash?Cash refers to the funds on hand or readily accessible.

Cash equivalents and short-term investments that are readily convertible to cash are included in the cash definition.

Impact on cash: $44,500 increase The total services worth $44,500 were provided to the customers during the period. The uncollected cash remained at the end of the period was $32,300. As a result, this would indicate that the company earned revenue from $44,500 in sales.

Furthermore, the company hasn't yet collected the full sum, thus cash increased by $44,500, with the $32,300 difference representing money that will be collected at a future date.

Impact on net earnings: $32,300 increaseThe net earnings of the business will be impacted by $32,300 due to the provision of services. The revenue will increase as a result of providing services worth $44,500, but the cash received would be less as the uncollected amount remains.

Because the $32,300 of unpaid receivables is considered profit, this value will increase net income by the same amount. As a result, the impact on net earnings will be $32,300 increase.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (d) Impact on cash: $44,500 increase; impact on net earnings: $32,300 increase.

To learn more about net income click here:



Risk managers rely on statistics and trend analysis in making their risk decisions. Chapter 2 provides a refresher course in statistics and mathematical concepts. Risk managers must provide executive management is hard number reasons for the directions they must take. Consider an insurance company that wants to underwrite automobile insurance; the actuaries need historical data involving claims and motor vehicle violations to properly rate their product. If you were the risk manager charged with developing a new line of auto insurance, which market would you pursue and which ones would you not pursue? Provide examples with factual data (and cite your sources) in your answer.


As the risk manager responsible for developing a new line of auto insurance for an insurance company, I would pursue the market segments that demonstrate favorable historical data and lower risks, while avoiding segments with higher risks and unfavorable trends.

One market I would pursue is the segment of middle-aged, experienced drivers with a clean driving record. This segment typically has a lower likelihood of accidents and violations compared to younger or inexperienced drivers. By targeting this market, the insurance company can potentially offer competitive premiums while maintaining profitability.

On the other hand, I would avoid pursuing the market segment of young and inexperienced drivers with a history of motor vehicle violations. This segment tends to have a higher risk profile and is more likely to be involved in accidents or incur violations, leading to increased claim costs for the insurance company. Insuring this market segment may result in higher premiums and potentially adverse profitability.

To support these decisions, I would analyze relevant statistical data on accident rates, violations, and claims history across different driver age groups and driving records. Sources such as government transportation agencies, insurance industry reports, and actuarial databases can provide factual data and trends that indicate the relative risks associated with different market segments. By relying on comprehensive statistical analysis, the insurance company can make informed decisions and develop a targeted auto insurance product that aligns with their risk appetite and profitability objectives.

The risk manager's role in developing a new line of auto insurance involves analyzing statistical data and trends to identify market segments with favorable risk profiles. By assessing historical data on claims, motor vehicle violations, and accident rates, the risk manager can make informed decisions on which markets to pursue and which ones to avoid.

In this scenario, the risk manager would consider pursuing the market segment of middle-aged, experienced drivers with clean driving records. This segment typically exhibits lower accident rates and violations compared to younger or inexperienced drivers. By targeting this market, the insurance company can attract lower-risk policyholders, offer competitive premiums, and maintain profitability.

Conversely, the risk manager would choose not to pursue the market segment of young and inexperienced drivers with a history of motor vehicle violations. This segment tends to have higher accident rates and violations, resulting in increased claim costs for the insurance company. Insuring this market segment may require higher premiums to compensate for the higher risk, potentially impacting the company's profitability.

To support these decisions, the risk manager would rely on factual data from reliable sources. Government transportation agencies, insurance industry reports, and actuarial databases can provide statistical information on accident rates, violations, and claims history across different market segments. By analyzing and interpreting this data, the risk manager can provide executive management with evidence-based reasons for pursuing or avoiding specific markets.

By using statistics and trend analysis to inform risk decisions, the risk manager can help the insurance company make strategic choices that optimize profitability, minimize risks, and effectively underwrite auto insurance products.

learn more about risk manager here:



Which of the following is a primary advantage of a sole proprietorship?
I. Ease of company formation.
II. Ease of ownership transfer.
III. Limited liability.
IV. Less regulation.
A) I and II only.
B) I and III only.
C) I and IV only.
D) I, III, and IV only.


The correct answer is: A) I and II only.

A primary advantage of a sole proprietorship is the ease of company formation, as it typically involves fewer legal formalities and lower costs compared to other business structures. Additionally, ownership transfer in a sole proprietorship is relatively easy since the owner has full control and can decide to transfer or sell the business as they see fit.

However, a sole proprietorship does not offer limited liability, meaning the owner is personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business. Furthermore, sole proprietorships are subject to the same regulations as other business entities, so they do not enjoy reduced regulation compared to other forms of business organization.

Learn more about proprietorship visit:



The process would be evaluated as stable when OA random cause of variation is present, but special cause of variation does not exist O random cause of variation is present, but the special cause of variation does not exist OC all variation in the process are of product type Op all variation in the process are of assignable type In order to ensure effective inventory management, it is not required to have reasonable estimates of: A Holding costs O Marketing costs Oc Ordering costs OD Shortage costs


The process would be evaluated as stable when O-A random cause of variation is present, but special cause of variation does not exist.

A stable process is one in which the process's output is predictable over time and the performance is consistent. A stable process is one in which only common causes of variation are present, and there is no unusual or special cause variation.

In other words, it is a system in which the outcome is well-understood and dependable.

A process is considered unstable if it has special cause variation. This is the source of the majority of errors and product quality problems. Unstable systems can result in increased expenses, waste, and low-quality output.

The process would be evaluated as stable when O-A random cause of variation is present, but special cause of variation does not exist.

Inventory management is the practice of managing a company's inventory so that it is well-stocked, secure, and readily available when needed. Effective inventory management will assist a company in reducing expenses, maximizing sales, and increasing profit margins.

However, reasonable estimates of all costs associated with inventory management are critical for effective inventory management. For effective inventory management, it is necessary to have reasonable estimates of all costs, including marketing costs, shortage costs, and ordering costs.

This is an incorrect statement. In reality, reasonable estimates of all expenses, including holding costs, marketing costs, ordering costs, and shortage costs, are essential for effective inventory management.

To learn more about variation, refer below:



This question considers individualised commodity taxation. The economy has two representative households (A and B) and one representative firm. The households sell labour (LA and LB) to the firm and buy the consumer good x produced by the firm. The utility function of household A is UA-x^and the utility function of household B is UB=xB. The firm's production function is x=L and the firm takes input and output prices as given. Labour is a homogenous good and the labour supplies from each of the two households are thus perfect substitutes (i.e. it does not matter whose labour is used as the input in the production of x). The labour supply is inelastic: Household A supplies 4 units of labour (L^-4) and household B supplies 2 units of labour (LB-2) without any disutility. Labour is the numeraire good so that the wage rate w = 1. The producer price of the consumer good x is labelled p. The government has a Rawlsian social welfare function W=min(UA, UB) and wants to maximise social welfare by using personalised specific (unit) taxes on good x. The specific tax levied on household A's consumption of x is t^ and the tax levied on B's consumption is t. Thus, the consumer price of x is q^=p+t^ for household A, while it is q³=p+t³ for household B. The overall tax revenue collected is R = 0. a) Solve the firm's problem to find the producer price ensuring market equilibrium. b) Find from the budget constraint the consumer good demand as a function of the tax rate for each of the two households A and B. [Hint: No differentiation is needed.] c) Find the indirect utility functions for households A and B. d) Set up the government's problem. e) Find the tax rates ensuring the maximisation of the Rawlsian social welfare function. f) Are there situations where such a tax system or pricing scheme is applied in practice?


a) To find the producer price ensuring market equilibrium, we need to consider the firm's profit maximization problem. The firm's production function is x = L, where L represents total labor input. Since labor is the numeraire good and the wage rate is w = 1, the firm's cost function can be expressed as C = wL.

The firm's profit function is given by π = px - C. Substituting the production function and cost function, we have:

π = pL - wL

= pL - L

To maximize profits, the firm will choose the level of labor input that equates marginal revenue (MR) with marginal cost (MC). The marginal revenue from selling an additional unit of x is simply the producer price p. The marginal cost of labor is the wage rate w.

Setting MR = MC, we have:

p = w

p = 1

Therefore, the producer price ensuring market equilibrium is p = 1.

b) The budget constraint for household A can be written as:

UA = qx^ - t^x

Substituting the utility function UA = x^ and the producer price p = 1, we have:

x^ = qx - t^x

Rearranging the equation, we get:

x^ = (1 - t^)x

For household B, the budget constraint can be written as:

UB = q³x - t³x

Using the utility function UB = xB = x, we have:

x = q³x - t³x

Simplifying, we get:

x = (1 - t³)x

From both budget constraints, we can see that the consumer good demand for both households A and B is a function of the respective tax rates (t^ and t).

c) The indirect utility function for household A, V^, can be derived by substituting the budget constraint into the utility function UA:

UA = qx^ - t^x

x^ = UA + t^x

Substituting UA = x^ and rearranging, we get:

x^ = (1 + t^)x

Therefore, the indirect utility function for household A is V^ = (1 + t^)x.

For household B, the indirect utility function VB can be derived in the same manner:

UB = q³x - t³x

x = UB + t³x

Substituting UB = x and rearranging, we have:

x = (1 + t³)x

Hence, the indirect utility function for household B is VB = (1 + t³)x.

d) The government's problem is to determine the tax rates (t^ and t) that maximize the Rawlsian social welfare function W = min(UA, UB).

e) To find the tax rates ensuring the maximization of the Rawlsian social welfare function, we need to maximize the minimum utility between households A and B.

Since household A's utility is UA = x^ and household B's utility is UB = x, we can write the Rawlsian social welfare function as:

W = min(x^, x)

To maximize W, we want to equalize the two utility levels. This occurs when x^ = x.

From the budget constraint for household A, we have:

x^ = (1 - t^)x

Equating it with the budget constraint for household B, we have:

(1 - t^)x = (1 - t³)x

Simplifying, we get:

1 - t^ = 1 - t³

t^ = t³

Therefore, the tax rates ensuring the maximization of the Rawlsian social welfare function are t^ = t³.

To know more about market equilibrium, visit;

Bill has bought a new computer and wants to sell his old one. He sends Mindy the following signed offer: "I, Bill, will sell Mindy my Apple computer for $400." Mindy responds with an acceptance memo that agrees to buy the computer for $400, but which also includes the following term: "Bill agrees to accept $100 down on the computer, with the balance to be paid in 5 days." Which of the following are true: Group of answer choices

A. The common law would be applicable to this contract.

B. The additional term invalidates the acceptance.

C. The contract is void under the mailbox rule.

D. Bill could have revoked his offer at any time before it was accepted.


According to the given scenario, Bill has bought a new computer and wants to sell his old one. He sends Mindy the following signed offer: "I, Bill, will sell Mindy my Apple computer for $400."

Mindy responds with an acceptance memo that agrees to buy the computer for $400, but which also includes the following term: "Bill agrees to accept $100 down on the computer, with the balance to be paid in 5 days."The true statements are:The common law would be applicable to this contract.Bill could have revoked his offer at any time before it was accepted.Explanation:In a unilateral contract, the offeror makes a promise in exchange for a specific act by the offeree. A contract is an offer by one party that is accepted by another. If Mindy agrees to pay $400 for the computer and also includes the payment terms of $100 down and the balance to be paid in 5 days, then this counteroffer indicates her acceptance of Bill's original offer.A counteroffer is a response to an offer in which the terms of the original offer are modified. The original offer is void after a counteroffer has been submitted. If Mindy's counteroffer is accepted by Bill, then the terms of her counteroffer become the conditions of the contract. As a result, option B is incorrect. The additional term does not invalidate the acceptance.The mailbox rule is a legal concept that states that an acceptance becomes effective as soon as it is put in the mail. Therefore, option C is incorrect. The contract is not void under the mailbox rule. The common law would be applicable to this contract. Bill could have revoked his offer at any time before it was accepted. Therefore, options A and D are correct.

To know more about law, visit:



Cavendish University Uganda - Examinations, 20 2 2 Page 2 of 3 A Cheese Producer Pursues A New Market Through E - Commerce: The Case of Mohamed Bakkar Mohamed Bakkar, an entrepreneur running a business called Besma ("joyful" in Arabic), fled to Turkey in 2016. Bakkar had been an electrical engineer in Syria, but he was unable to find a job in his field upon arrival in Turkey due to the Arabic - Turkish language barrier. He decided to pursue a cheese business instead, making the cheese the same way his mother did when he was a child. He produced the cheese in bulk and prepared it for distribution to local Syrian - owned dairy stores. After about five years, Bakkar had built a customer base of 10 Syrian - owned stores in Istanbul, but the Syrian - style cheese market had become increasingly crowded. He needed a strategic plan for growth, and was considering selling directly to individual customers and creating an e - commerce website to expand his reach to include Turks. Q. 1. a) Given Bakkar ’s choices and approach to entrepreneurship what personal traits make him fit for an entrepreneurial career ? (10 marks) b) Different people are driven into entrepreneurial ventures for different reasons, and what are these reasons for Bakkar and many others l ike him? (15 marks) Total 25 Marks Q. 2. "Bakkar needed a strategic plan for growth, and was considering selling directly to individual customers and creating an e - commerce website to expand his reach to include Turks ." a) Many people who are not innovative and enterprising tend to give an excuse of lack of capital resource, given the evidence from the case study, should it be capital that should be the driving force behind new enterprises or unique ideas? Discuss this statement giving clear argume nts for your answer. (10 marks) b ) Using your knowledge of the bus i ness Canvas model, design for Bakkar an appropriate strategic plan for the growth of his cheese business (15 marks) Total 25 Marks Q. 3. a) Given that Bakkar is just new in the market, what would you describe as his best distribution channel? And what marketing options does he have to advertise and popularize his product while leveraging on the advantages of technology given that he is still operating on small scale? (10 marks) b) Design a strategy for Bakkar on how he can employ e - commerce to improve the performance of his business (15 marks) Total 25 Marks


a) Personal traits that make Bakkar fit for an entrepreneurial career:

AdaptabilityResilienceCreativityDeterminationStrong Work Ethic

What is the New Market

Bakkar's adaptability was highlighted by his successful shift from an electrician profession to establishing a cheese business despite encountering a language barrier.

Bakkar demonstrated resilience as he faced various obstacles, but he persisted and successfully established a clientele for his cheese enterprise. Bakkar exhibited his inventive perspective towards entrepreneurship by incorporating the conventional techniques of cheese production from his upbringing.

Learn more about New Market  from



Table Manufacturing Company produces one style of tables. the following data pertain to producing one table Planned production/month no? spolls Tot a units (one table) noitepolls 101 zized 1200 2501) 299yolc to have ending wisigay Piece of woods (M) 19 Estimated M price $20 Actual production themsqeb noitsubo19 of bongia? bserhovc 20 Quantity purchased (QP) from M Actual price (AP) $19 ? Material price variance?


The Material price variance is  -$20. The negative value indicates an unfavorable material price variance. It means that the company paid less than the estimated price for the materials.

To calculate the material price variance, we need to compare the actual price paid for materials with the estimated price. The material price variance measures the difference between the actual cost of materials and the standard cost of materials.

In this case, the estimated price for one unit of wood is $20, but the actual price paid was $19.

Material Price Variance = (Actual Price - Estimated Price) × Quantity Purchased

Material Price Variance = ($19 - $20) × 20 = -$20

The reasons for this variance could be various factors such as negotiated discounts, changes in the market price of materials, or purchasing materials from a different supplier. It could also be due to the company's effective cost management strategies or favorable market conditions. It is important for the company to analyze material price variances to understand the reasons behind them and take appropriate actions. They can negotiate better deals with suppliers, review their purchasing practices, or adjust their estimated costs for future planning.

To know more about material price variance click here



Lara, a single individual, has $154,000 taxable income. Assume the taxable year is 2022. Use Individual Tax Rate Schedules. Required: Compute income tax assuming that: Taxable income includes no capital gain. Taxable income includes $26,800 capital gain eligible for the 15 percent preferential rate. Note: For all requirements, round your intermediate calculations and final answers to the nearest whole dollar amount.


The part of a person's income that is subject to taxation by the government is referred to as their "taxable income." It is computed by deducting the entire income generated during a given tax year from the allowed deductions and exemptions. The calculations for the same are given below:

Assuming $154,000 is the taxable income and as per Individual Tax Rate Schedules of 2022, the marginal tax rate for $154,000 is 24%.So, the total tax liability is $ 37,885.50

Therefore, the income tax assuming taxable income includes no capital gain is $ 37,886.Calculation of the income tax assuming taxable income includes $26,800 capital gain eligible for the 15 per cent preferential rate:

The calculations for the same are given below:

Capital gains are taxed at a preferential rate of 15% for taxable income within $80,000 of the taxable income threshold. The income threshold for the taxable year 2022 for a single filer is $86,350 (i.e., $80,000 plus $6,350). As the taxable income of Lara is $154,000, the taxable income threshold for the preferential rate would be ($154,000 - $80,000) = $74,000.So, for the capital gain of $26,800, the tax rate applicable would be 15%.

Therefore, the tax liability on the capital gain would be:$26,800 × 15% = $4,020Hence, the income tax assuming taxable income includes $26,800 capital gain eligible for the 15 percent preferential rate would be: Total tax liability = ($37,886 + $4,020) = $41,906. Therefore, the income tax assuming taxable income includes $26,800 capital gain eligible for the 15 percent preferential rate would be $41,906.

To know more about Taxable Income visit:



of both Esteem and Self-actualization needs. Question 18 1 Point The Post Office's new organizational structure has four departments: The Government department, the Large Organizations department, the Medium and Small Size Organizations department, and the Households and Individuals department. Accordingly which of the following is correct regarding the Post Office's new base of departmentalization? It is a Matrix departmentalization. B It is Product-Team Departmentalization. C It is Divisional-Customer departmentalization. It is Hierarchical Functional departmentalization.


The Post Office's new base of departmentalization is Divisional-Customer departmentalization. The correct option is C.

The Post Office's new organizational structure has four departments, namely: The Government department, the Large Organizations department, the Medium and Small Size Organizations department, and the Households and Individuals department.

Accordingly, the correct departmentalization structure is Divisional-Customer departmentalization. It is the arrangement of departments and employees within an organization based on customer groups or customer market segments.In the Post Office's structure, they have divided the departments into customer groups or market segments.

Each department is created and designed to provide specific services and cater to specific customer needs. The Government department caters to the government sector, the Large Organizations department to large organizations, the Medium and Small Size Organizations department to medium and small-size organizations, and the Households and Individuals department to households and individuals.

Divisional-Customer departmentalization is a common structure in organizations that are focused on customer service or client satisfaction. It promotes the provision of excellent customer service by providing the customers with a specific department that caters to their unique needs. The correct option is C.

To know more about departmentalization refer here:



The goal of marketing is to a. Achieve organizational profit objectives. b. Differentiate the product offering. c. Create and maintain profitable relationships with customers by delivering superior value. d. Create needs where they did not previously exist. e. Generate awareness for the organization within the market place.


The correct answer is c. Create and maintain profitable relationships with customers by delivering superior value.

The goal of marketing is to create and maintain profitable relationships with customers by delivering superior value. This means that marketing aims to understand and meet customer needs and wants effectively, providing products or services that offer value and satisfaction. By delivering superior value, marketing seeks to attract and retain customers, build customer loyalty, and generate repeat business.

While achieving organizational profit objectives is an important aspect of marketing, it is not the sole goal. Marketing focuses on delivering value to customers, which in turn leads to profitability for the organization. Differentiating the product offering, creating needs, and generating awareness are strategies or activities within the broader goal of delivering superior value and building customer relationships.

The primary goal of marketing is to create and maintain profitable relationships with customers by delivering superior value. This customer-centric approach forms the foundation of successful marketing strategies and helps organizations achieve their profit objectives in the long run.

To know more about marketing process, visit:



Assume I investment; S = sales; P = income; then return on investment is O a. S/I O b. S/PXI O c. S/IX S/P d. P/S X S/I


The return on investment is the benefit that is realized from an investment in a company or a business.

The investment is generally measured by dividing the return earned on the investment by the cost of the investment. The most common measure of return on investment is the return on equity (ROE), which is calculated by dividing the net income of the business by the owner's equity in the business. In this case, if we assume that I = investment, S = sales, and P = income, then the return on investment is given by:S/IWe can also write the return on investment as: P/S X S/II = P/S X (S/I)Therefore, the correct answer is option D, P/S X S/I.

To know more about investment visit :-



5. A project has the activities and activity times (days) listed below. Construct a network diagram for the project. Determine the probability that the project will be completed in 40 days or less. Expected time Standard deviation Activity 1-2 15 2 2-4 17 1 1-3 14 1.5 3-4 16 0.5


The task is to construct a network diagram for a project and determine the probability of completing the project within 40 days. The project consists of several activities with their corresponding expected times and standard deviations.

To construct the network diagram, we need to represent the activities and their dependencies. Based on the given information, the project has four activities: 1-2, 2-4, 1-3, and 3-4. The expected times and standard deviations for each activity are also provided.

Once the network diagram is constructed, we can calculate the expected project completion time and standard deviation using the critical path method. The critical path represents the longest path through the network and determines the minimum project duration.

To determine the probability of completing the project in 40 days or less, we can use the concept of the normal distribution. By considering the expected completion time and standard deviation, we can calculate the probability of completing the project within a specific duration using statistical tables or software.

To learn more about statistical click here  brainly.com/question/32201536


3. Sam and Dave are auditing XYZ Corp. In a post-audit analysis of audit data, they realize that the cash account is low, as compared to the relative level of sales for the year. In response, they run


As per the given scenario, Sam and Dave are auditing XYZ Corp. In a post-audit analysis of audit data, they realize that the cash account is low, as compared to the relative level of sales for the year. In response, they run... a cash receipts journal for the next month. The given information is associated with the topic of Auditing.

Auditing is an independent review or evaluation of the accuracy, reliability, and validity of accounting records, financial statements, or other operational information of an organization.

A cash receipts journal is a book of prime entry that records all cash received into the business. The cash receipts journal is used to record all cash received by a business. It is a chronological record that shows the source of the cash and how it has been utilized. It is an important document in accounting as it helps in maintaining the correct balance of cash accounts in the books of accounts of a business. In response to the low cash account as compared to the relative level of sales for the year, Sam and Dave run a cash receipts journal for the next month to record all the cash received into the business.

To learn more about Auditing



Quantitative easing refers to _____ purchase of _____ from _____ to stimulate _____
A) Central banks, assets, private businesses, money supply. B) Banks, government bonds, central banks, money supply. C) Banks, assets, non-banks, economic growth. D) Central banks, bad loans, banks, bank lending.


Quantitative easing refers to banks' purchase of assets from non-banks to stimulate economic growth. So, the correct answer is option C) Banks, assets, non-banks, and economic growth.

What is Quantitative Easing? Quantitative easing (QE) is a monetary policy that central banks use to stimulate the economy. Central banks like the Federal Reserve can use QE to increase the money supply and help boost economic growth. What is the process of QE? The central bank uses cash to purchase government bonds, mortgage-backed securities, or other financial assets from commercial banks and other institutions. This purchase increases the banks' reserve balances, giving them more money to lend to businesses and consumers. This leads to lower interest rates, making borrowing cheaper for companies and individuals. This increase in lending and borrowing is intended to stimulate economic growth. So, Quantitative easing refers to central banks' purchase of assets from non-banks to stimulate the economy. Answer: C) Central banks, investments, non-banks, economic growth.

Learn more about Quantitative Easing here: https://brainly.com/question/28331000.


Sobeys Lea Dunn started her career with Sobeys (www. sobeys.com) 15 years ago, after graduating from Mount Allison University with a bachelor of commerce degree. She had risen in the ranks and now found herself manag- ing a team of buyers at the company head office. She was reading about a trend in food consumption called farm-to- table. The central aspect of this food trend was the utiliza- tion of locally sourced food ingredients in the preparation of meals and other food sales. While Sobeys had made it a goal to source some of its product locally, there was some question about whether the growth in this cultural food trend would translate into profitability. The Company Sobeys is the second largest food retailer in Canada, with over 1500 supermarkets operating under different brand names (e.g., Sobeys, IGA, FreshCo, Les Marchés Tradition, Thrifty Foods) across all 10 provinces.100 Founded in 1907 by John Sobey, the company is headquartered in Stellarton, Nova Scotia, and is part of the Empire Company family of businesses (which also includes Empire theatres and Gen- star real estate). Revenue in 2018 was $24.2 billion, and the company employs approximately 125 000 people.101 In an effort to differentiate itself from its largest com- petitor, Loblaws, which focused on low pricing, Sobeys had decided to focus on building customer relationships through improved service.


Lea Dunn, who is a manager of a group of buyers at the head office of Sobeys, was intrigued by the trend of farm-to-table, which emphasized locally sourced food components in the preparation of meals and other food sales. Farm-to-table is a food trend that emphasizes the use of locally sourced food components in the preparation of meals and other food sales.

The corporation is part of the Empire Company family of businesses, which also includes Empire theatres and Genstar real estate. In 2018, the company had revenue of $24.2 billion and employed around 125,000 people. Sobeys chose to distinguish itself from Loblaws, its biggest rival, by focusing on establishing customer relationships through better service.

Know more about food sales here:



Sinazo inherits R65 000 from her mother. She invests the money in a savings account. The interest rate is 12,5% p.a. compounded monthly for 18 months, and it is then increased to 14,2% p.a. compounded quarterly. At the end of 2 years he deposits R15 000. Calculate how much money she has in his savings account at the end of 5 years. A. R151 853,11 B. R104 853,11 C. R150 448,66
D. R143 841,82


The correct answer is C. R150 448,66. To calculate the amount of money Sinazo has in her savings account at the end of 5 years, we need to break down the problem into two parts:

1. Calculation for the first 18 months at an interest rate of 12.5% p.a. compounded monthly:

The future value of the initial investment of R65,000 over 18 months can be calculated using the formula:

FV = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

where: FV = Future Value

P = Principal amount (initial investment)

r = Annual interest rate (as a decimal)

n = Number of times interest is compounded per year

t = Number of years

Using the given values, the calculation becomes:

FV1 = R65,000 * (1 + 0.125/12)^(12 * 1.5)

2. Calculation for the remaining 3.5 years at an interest rate of 14.2% p.a. compounded quarterly:

The future value of the new investment of R15,000 over 3.5 years can be calculated using the same formula:

FV2 = R15,000 * (1 + 0.142/4)^(4 * 3.5)

To find the total amount at the end of 5 years, we sum up the two calculations:

Total = FV1 + FV2

By performing these calculations, the correct answer is C. R150 448,66.

learn more about savings account here; brainly.com/question/1446753


Uli Corporation has 91,000 common shares that have been issued.
It declares a 4% stock dividend on December 1 to shareholders of
record on December 20. The shares are issued on January 10. The
share p


Dec. 1:

- Debit Stock Dividends (4% x 91,000 shares x $14) for $5,096

- Credit Common Stock Dividends Distributable for $5,096

Jan. 10:

- Debit Common Stock Dividends Distributable for $5,096

- Credit Common Stock (4% x 91,000 shares x $13.75) for $5,096

On December 1, Uli Corporation declares a 4% stock dividend. This results in an increase in the number of shares outstanding. The debit entry records the Stock Dividends account for the value of the stock dividend (4% x 91,000 shares x $14 = $5,096), and the credit entry records the Common Stock Dividends Distributable account for the same amount.

On January 10, the shares are issued. The debit entry reduces the Common Stock Dividends Distributable account by $5,096, indicating that the dividend has been distributed to the shareholders. The credit entry increases the Common Stock account for the value of the stock dividend (4% x 91,000 shares x $13.75 = $5,096), reflecting the additional shares issued.

The complete question must be:

Uli Corporation has 91,000 common shares that have been issued. It declares a 4% stock dividend on December 1 to shareholders of record on December 20. The shares are issued on January 10. The share price is $14 on December 1, $13.50 on December 20, and $13.75 on January 10. Prepare the entries on the appropriate dates to record the stock dividend. (List all debit entries before credit entries. Credit account titles are automatically indented when the amount is entered. Do not indent manually. If no entry is required, select "No Entry" for the account titles and enter 0 for the amounts.)


Account Titles and Explanation



Dec. 1

enter an account title for the journal entry on december 1

enter a debit amount

enter a credit amount

enter an account title for the journal entry on december 1

enter a debit amount

enter a credit amount

Dec. 20

enter an account title for the journal entry on december 20

enter a debit amount

enter a credit amount

enter an account title for the journal entry on december 20

enter a debit amount

enter a credit amount

Jan. 10

enter an account title for the journal entry on january 10

enter a debit amount

enter a credit amount

enter an account title for the journal entry on january 10

enter a debit amount

enter a credit amount

Learn more about shares outstanding:



Midwest Manufacturing purchased a three-year insurance policy for $34,200 on January 2, 2021.
1. Prepare any journal entries, adjusting journal entries, and closing journal entries required on January 2, 2021, December 31, 2021.
and December 31, 2022.
2. Prepare the T-accounts for Prepaid Insurance, Insurance Expense, Cash, and Retained Earnings. Assume the January 2, 2021,
balances in these accounts were $0, $0, $86,000, and $76,000, respectively.
3-a. Given only the entries for Insurance, indicate what amounts would be reported for each of these accounts on the balance sheet
prepared on December 31, 2021, and December 31, 2022.
3-b. Given only the entries for insurance, indicate what amounts would be reported for each of these accounts on the income
statement prepared on December 31, 2021, and December 31, 2022.


Midwest Manufacturing purchased a three-year insurance policy for $34,200 on January 2, 2021. The answer will provide the journal entries, adjusting journal entries, and closing journal entries required on January 2, 2021, December 31, 2021, and December 31, 2022.

It will also outline the T-accounts for Prepaid Insurance, Insurance Expense, Cash, and Retained Earnings, and indicate the amounts reported for these accounts on the balance sheet and income statement prepared on December 31, 2021, and December 31, 2022.

1. Journal Entries:

  - January 2, 2021: Debit Prepaid Insurance $34,200 and Credit Cash $34,200 (To record the purchase of the insurance policy).

  - December 31, 2021 (Adjusting Entry): Debit Insurance Expense $11,400 and Credit Prepaid Insurance $11,400 (To record the insurance expense for the year 2021, one-third of the total policy cost).

  - December 31, 2022 (Adjusting Entry): Debit Insurance Expense $11,400 and Credit Prepaid Insurance $11,400 (To record the insurance expense for the year 2022, one-third of the total policy cost).

  - December 31, 2022 (Closing Entry): Debit Insurance Expense $11,400 and Credit Retained Earnings $11,400 (To close the insurance expense account).

2. T-Accounts:

  - Prepaid Insurance: January 2, 2021, Balance $34,200, December 31, 2021, Adjusting Entry -$11,400, December 31, 2022, Adjusting Entry -$11,400.

  - Insurance Expense: December 31, 2021, Adjusting Entry $11,400, December 31, 2022, Adjusting Entry $11,400, December 31, 2022, Closing Entry $11,400.

  - Cash: January 2, 2021, Credit $34,200.

  - Retained Earnings: December 31, 2022, Closing Entry $11,400.

3-a. Balance Sheet:

  - December 31, 2021: Prepaid Insurance -$11,400.

  - December 31, 2022: Prepaid Insurance -$22,800.

3-b. Income Statement:

  - December 31, 2021: Insurance Expense $11,400.

  - December 31, 2022: Insurance Expense $11,400.

These entries, adjustments, and T-account balances ensure accurate reporting of the insurance expense and prepaid insurance on the balance sheet and income statement for the given periods.

Learn more about Midwest Manufacturing here:



An investor who is hedging a corporate bond portfolio using a T-bond futures contract is said to have Multiple Choice a cross-hedge a spread hedge С. an over hedge


The correct option is A, An investor who is hedging a corporate bond portfolio using a T-bond futures contract is said to have a cross-hedge.

A cross-hedge is a technique used by investors to hedge their investments by taking positions in related futures contracts that are not precisely linked to the underlying asset being hedged.

A cross-hedge is a type of hedging strategy used by investors to limit the exposure of their investment portfolio. It is done by taking a position in a futures contract that is related to but not directly correlated with the underlying assets being hedged.A T-bond futures contract is often used to hedge a corporate bond portfolio. However, the T-bond futures contract and the corporate bond are not identical assets. As a result, the hedge may not be entirely effective.

Corporate bonds are typically of lower credit quality than T-bonds, which are government bonds that are regarded as low-risk investments. As a result, an investor who holds a corporate bond portfolio may use T-bond futures contracts to hedge their risk of interest rate changes.A cross-hedge can help to reduce risk. However, it may not be as efficient as a perfect hedge. In most cases, cross-hedging may leave investors with a higher degree of risk than they initially intended. Nonetheless, it remains a viable hedging technique that investors use.

To know more about contract  visit:



Consider the following situation. An engineering firm wishes to keep track of the various projects they are involved in, the different tasks each project is divided into, and the hours spent by its engineers on various tasks. Specifically, the firm wishes to keep track of its projects each of which is given a unique Project# and has an estimated budget. Each project is divided up into a sequence of tasks. For each task, its sequence number (i.e., step 1 or step 2 etc.) in the project, a short description, and estimated hours to complete must be maintained. A particular task (such as design or prototyping or user manual preparation) within a project may involve more than one engineer working on it and each engineer may be involved with more than one task. On each day that an engineer works on a task in a project, the firm wishes to log the date and the total hours spent that date on that task by the engineer. The company assigns its engineers a unique Engineer# and needs to store their name as well as their principal specialty.


The situation is about an engineering firm that intends to keep track of the projects they are involved in, the various tasks each project is divided into, and the hours spent by its engineers on various tasks. In specific, the firm wishes to keep track of its projects, each of which has a unique Project# and an estimated budget.

Each project is then divided into a sequence of tasks, which includes its sequence number (e.g. step 1 or step 2), a short description, and the estimated hours to complete. Each task (e.g. design, prototyping, user manual preparation) may require more than one engineer, and each engineer may be involved in multiple tasks.

On each day that an engineer works on a task in a project, the company wishes to log the date and the total hours spent that date on that task by the engineer. The company assigns its engineers a unique Engineer#, and it needs to store their name and principal specialty.


To start with, the company wishes to track the projects they are working on. They want to keep track of the projects with a unique project number and the estimated budget for the project. This information is important to the company since it will allow them to calculate the actual cost of each project and compare it with the estimated budget. It will also enable them to track the progress of the project and ensure that it is completed within the set time frame.

The next step is to divide each project into a sequence of tasks. For each task, the company wishes to track the sequence number, which indicates the position of the task in the project. They also want to keep track of the estimated hours required to complete each task. This information is essential since it allows the company to know the tasks that need more time and resources.

Additionally, the company wishes to keep track of the engineers involved in each task. For each task, they need to know the name of the engineer working on it and their principal specialty. This information is important since it helps the company to know which engineer is working on each task and their area of expertise.

Lastly, the company wants to log the date and total hours spent by each engineer on a particular task. This information is critical since it helps the company to track the progress of the project and know how much time each engineer is spending on each task. It will also enable them to monitor the workload of each engineer and ensure that they are not overburdened with too many tasks.

In conclusion, the company wishes to keep track of its projects, the various tasks in each project, and the hours spent by its engineers on different tasks. By doing this, the company can monitor the progress of the project, ensure that the estimated budget is not exceeded, and ensure that each engineer is not overworked.

Know more about the engineering firm click here:



Alice was hired last year as a first-line manager in the Training and Development department of the bank where she has worked part-time for several years while earning her bachelor's degree in business. Her main responsibility is to train bank tellers. The bank is very big on promotion from within, so most people start as tellers. The bank is also trying to hire (and eventually promote) more females and racial minorities, because there aren't a lot of minorities on the staff. In fact, the bank has been the target of several discrimination lawsuits the last few years and now wants to change its image of being a "racist organization. The bank's classroom facility has training workstations of tellers' equipment. When a trainee is hired, training takes an entire work week, and each trainee is either passed or failed at the end of the week. Each "class" of new trainees usually consists of about a dozen people. Alice has been using written and audiovisual materials developed by the bank. Also, she took a class in Training while a student. Consequently, she knows that adults learn more effectively when they are given positive reinforcement (for doing something correctly) and constructive criticism (for making a mistake). So far, this has worked pretty well. Today, however, three days into a session, she has been hit with a potentially serious complaint. Belinda is an African-American teller-trainee. She seems to have a very hard time learning some of the material, much more so than some of her counterparts. All of the other trainees happen to be male Caucasian. Because much of the training involves objective quizzes and hands-on computer work, Alice knows that Belinda really did make a lot of mistakes. Alice had been careful to point out Belinda's many mistakes and explain how to correct them. Belinda, however, does not appreciate the constructive criticism. She insists that Alice is treating her differently and wants to file a formal complaint unless Alice lets up on her: "You're picking on me because I am distinct from the other trainees, and I don't see you picking on the others. I'd better pass this training, or your company is in trouble." Alice is frustrated and upset; she is considering approaching the misconduct committee in the complaint department with her concern. It might also be possible to contact one of her closest friends working in a local newspaper in order to raise the issue.

Identify and explain what are the two "Types of Whistle-blowing?


Whistleblowing is defined as the act of revealing illegal or unethical behavior by someone who is part of the organization.

It usually happens when an individual is under stress due to a sense of responsibility, ethical dilemmas, or potential legal ramifications, and they want to report misconduct. There are two types of whistleblowing: internal and external whistleblowing. Internal whistleblowing refers to the act of disclosing unethical or illegal behavior to someone within the organization who has the power to address the issue. This may include reporting misconduct to a supervisor, a human resources representative, or an internal compliance officer.

External whistleblowing refers to the act of revealing unethical or illegal behavior to someone outside the organization, such as law enforcement, government agencies, or the media. External whistleblowing might be warranted if internal whistleblowing is unsuccessful or if there is a lack of confidence in the organization's willingness to address the issue. The media is a common outlet for whistleblowers to reveal misconduct and to bring public attention to an issue.

To know more about organization visit:-



Question 4
Ries, Bax, and Thomas invested $44,000, $60,000, and $68,000,
respectively, in a partnership. During its first calendar year, the
firm earned $385,200.
Prepare the entry to close
2. The partners agreed to share income and loss in the ratio of their beginning capital investmen Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Appropriation of profits Allocate $


Income Summary is debited for $385,200, and Ries, Bax, and Thomas' capital accounts are credited for $61,600, $83,200, and $89,400, respectively, based on their beginning capital investment ratios.

1. To close the firm's Income Summary account and allocate the $385,200 net income based on the partners' beginning capital investments, the following journal entry would be made:

Income Summary $385,200

Ries, Capital $61,600 ($44,000 / $172,000 * $385,200)

Bax, Capital $83,200 ($60,000 / $172,000 * $385,200)

Thomas, Capital $89,400 ($68,000 / $172,000 * $385,200)

2. The entry debits the Income Summary account for the total net income of $385,200. It then credits the individual partners' capital accounts based on their respective ratios of the beginning capital investments. The ratios are calculated by dividing each partner's investment by the total beginning capital of $172,000. The amounts credited to the partners' capital accounts reflect their share of the net income based on these ratios.

To learn more about capital investment visit :



So consider that you are an entrepreneur who wants to open up a new restaurant in area of your choice . SO plan for the restaurant . Make a power point presentation and discuss the following points
1. Name and Location of the restaurant
2. reason why you choose this location
3. who is your target customer
4. what kind of cuisine (food) will you serve.. (please i don't need the menu)
5. how will you do the Marketing of your product and business
6. list of equipment you need in front of the house and back of the house of your restaurant


The outline can be expanded with more details, visual elements, and specific information related to your chosen restaurant concept and location, target customers, unique cuisine, comprehensive marketing plan, and equipment list for front and back of house.

Title: New Restaurant Venture: A Culinary Journey

Slide 1: Introduction

- Title: New Restaurant Venture: A Culinary Journey

- Entrepreneur: [Your Name]

- Date: [Current Date]

Slide 2: Name and Location of the Restaurant

- Name: [Restaurant Name]

- Location: [City, State, Country]

- Rationale for Choosing the Location

Slide 3: Reason for Choosing the Location

- Proximity to Target Customer Base

- Demographic Analysis of the Area

- Accessibility and Foot Traffic

- Competitive Analysis

Slide 4: Target Customer

- Define Target Customer Segment

- Key Characteristics and Preferences

- Market Research Findings

Slide 5: Cuisine/Food Concept

- Overview of the Cuisine/Food Style

- Unique Selling Points (USPs) of the Menu

- Brief Description of the Menu's Highlights

Slide 6: Marketing Strategy

- Branding and Positioning

- Online Presence (Website, Social Media)

- Local Advertising (Print, Radio, Television)

- Strategic Partnerships (Local Events, Food Influencers)

- Customer Loyalty Programs

Slide 7: Marketing Budget Allocation

- Marketing Budget Overview

- Percentage Allocation for Each Marketing Channel

- Expected ROI for Different Marketing Strategies

Slide 8: Equipment List - Front of House (FOH)

- Essential Equipment for Customer Service

- Point of Sale (POS) System

- Tables, Chairs, and Decor

- Lighting and Ambiance Setup

Slide 9: Equipment List - Back of House (BOH)

- Kitchen Equipment and Appliances

- Food Preparation and Storage Units

- Cooking Tools and Utensils

- Dishwashing and Sanitation Systems

Slide 10: Conclusion

- Summary of Key Points

- Projected Timeline for Opening

- Q&A Session

To learn more about marketing follow the link:



You are a manager of a food retailer ; you need to expand your business. (WRITE ABOUT 5 PAGES PLS)
a- Provide a description of the different levels of management at this company. You need to identify what are the responsibilities for each type of management in the company.
b- Describe the internal and external stakeholders for this company. You need to clearly explain the type of each stakeholder and how you can work with them to lead a successful expansion.


a) Management is the act of organizing and directing the effort of others toward a common objective.

b)  Internal stakeholders are those who have a direct stake in the company, such as employees, managers, and shareholders.

a.  In order to accomplish this, management must first establish goals and objectives. A good management structure is essential to the success of any company.

There are different levels of management at a food retailer, and each level of management has its own specific set of responsibilities.

1. Top-level management: This level of management is responsible for the overall direction of the company. They are responsible for setting company policy and developing the overall strategy for the company. The chief executive officer (CEO) is the top-level manager of the company.

2. Middle-level management: This level of management is responsible for implementing the policies and strategies developed by the top-level management. They are also responsible for developing plans to achieve the goals and objectives set by the top-level management. This level of management includes managers such as the director of operations, marketing manager, and human resources manager.

3. First-line management: This level of management is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. They are responsible for supervising employees and ensuring that the goals and objectives set by the middle-level management are being met. This level of management includes supervisors such as shift managers, department managers, and team leaders.

B. External stakeholders are those who have an indirect stake in the company, such as customers, suppliers, and creditors.

In order to lead a successful expansion, it is important to identify and work with both internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are important because they are directly involved in the daily operations of the company. They have a vested interest in the success of the company and are often the first to see problems and opportunities.

External stakeholders are important because they can provide resources, such as financing, that can help the company to grow. They can also provide valuable feedback on the company's products and services, which can help the company to improve and expand. To lead a successful expansion, it is important to work with both internal and external stakeholders.

Internal stakeholders can provide valuable feedback on the company's operations and can help to identify areas where the company can improve. External stakeholders can provide resources, such as financing, that can help the company to grow.

They can also provide valuable feedback on the company's products and services, which can help the company to improve and expand. By working with both internal and external stakeholders, a company can develop a comprehensive strategy for expansion that takes into account all of the relevant factors.

Know more about the Management



What Kind of reservation systems do they follow? Types of Rooms and Room Rates for each Kind of Room How did they sustain the business while Covid and what's their strategy Post Covid to regain Quality Business?




Reservation Systems:

Central Reservation Systems (CRS): These systems are used by hotels to manage and distribute their room inventory across multiple online booking channels, including their own website, online travel agencies (OTAs), and global distribution systems (GDS). Examples of popular CRS providers include Sabre, Amadeus, and TravelClick.

Property Management Systems (PMS): PMS software is used by hotels to manage their day-to-day operations, including reservations, guest check-in/out, room assignments, billing, and reporting. PMS can also integrate with CRS for seamless reservation management.

Online Travel Agencies (OTAs): These platforms, such as Booking.com, Expedia, and Airbnb, allow customers to book hotel rooms online. Hotels can partner with OTAs to expand their reach and attract a wider audience.

Types of Rooms and Room Rates:

Hotels typically offer various types of rooms to cater to different guest preferences and needs. Common room types include standard rooms, deluxe rooms, suites, and specialty rooms (e.g., executive rooms, family rooms). Each room type may have its own set of features, amenities, and price points. Room rates can vary based on factors such as room type, seasonality, demand, and length of stay.

Sustaining Business During COVID-19:

Hotels have implemented several strategies to sustain their business during the COVID-19 pandemic, including:

Enhanced health and safety protocols: Implementing rigorous cleaning and sanitization measures, promoting social distancing, and following local health guidelines to ensure guest and staff safety.

Flexible booking policies: Offering flexible cancellation and rescheduling options to accommodate changing travel plans and uncertainties caused by the pandemic.

Local and domestic marketing: Focusing on attracting local and domestic travelers by promoting staycations, special packages, and deals targeted towards nearby markets.

Cost management: Adjusting operational costs, staffing levels, and services offered to align with reduced demand.

Post-COVID Strategy to Regain Quality Business:

Hotels may adopt the following strategies to regain quality business post-COVID:

Rebuilding guest confidence: Communicating the implementation of robust health and safety protocols to reassure guests about their well-being during their stay.

Targeted marketing and promotions: Tailoring marketing campaigns to specific target markets, emphasizing unique selling points, offering attractive packages, and leveraging online platforms and social media to reach potential guests.

Emphasizing personalized experiences: Focusing on delivering exceptional guest service, creating personalized experiences, and leveraging guest feedback and reviews to continuously improve.

Leveraging technology: Adopting contactless check-in/check-out processes, mobile apps for seamless guest interactions, and using data analytics to better understand guest preferences and provide personalized recommendations.

Strengthening partnerships: Collaborating with local businesses, travel agencies, and online platforms to expand market reach and attract quality guests.

It's important to note that specific strategies can vary depending on the location, size, target market, and resources of the hotel. It's recommended to refer to the specific hotel's website, official statements, or contact them directly for information on their reservation systems, room types, rates, and post-COVID strategies.

Elijah Gold and His Restaurant Elijah Gold knew exactly what to expect. He knew how his employees felt about him. That's why he had sent them the questionnaire in the first place. He needed a shot of confidence, a feeling that his employees were behind him as he struggled to build Golden Restaurants Inc. beyond two restaurants and $4 million in annual sales. Gathering up the anonymous questionnaires, Elijah returned to his tiny corporate office in Ann Arbor, Michigan. With one of his partners by his side, he ripped open the first envelope as eagerly as a Broadway producer checking the reviews on opening night. His eyes zoomed directly to the question where employees were asked to rate the three owners' performance on a scale of 1 to 10 A zero. The employee had scrawled in a big, fat zero. "Find out whose handwriting this is," he told his partner, Tyrone Laibson. He ripped open another: zero again. And another. A two.


Elijah Gold, owner of Golden Restaurants Inc., receives low ratings of zero and two from his employees on a questionnaire, leaving him disappointed and seeking to identify the individuals behind the negative feedback.

The passage describes Elijah Gold, the owner of Golden Restaurants Inc., who is seeking feedback from his employees through a questionnaire. He is hoping for positive ratings and support as he works to expand his business. However, upon receiving the questionnaires, Elijah discovers that one employee has given him a rating of zero, and subsequent questionnaires also have low ratings, including another zero and a two.

Elijah's reaction to the low ratings is immediate and intense. He is determined to identify the employee who gave him a zero rating and instructs his partner, Tyrone Laibson, to find out whose handwriting it is. The repeated low ratings leave Elijah feeling disappointed and lacking confidence in his employees' support. The passage portrays his anticipation and anxiety as he opens each envelope, equating it to a Broadway producer awaiting opening night reviews.

This scenario highlights the significance of employee feedback and the impact it can have on a leader's morale and perception of their team. Elijah's desire for positive ratings reflects his need for reassurance and validation as he faces the challenges of growing his business.

Learn more about employee feedback here, https://brainly.com/question/27404382


When negative externalities are present, it leads to ___ whereas positive externalities lead to ___
a underproduction, overproduction b overproduction, underproduction c overproduction; efficient production d shortage; surplus


Negative externalities lead to overproduction and inefficient production, while positive externalities result in underproduction and a potential shortage.

Negative externalities occur when the production or consumption of a good or service imposes costs on third parties. In the presence of negative externalities, producers do not take into account the full social costs, leading to overproduction. This overproduction results in inefficiency and allocative inefficiency, as the social cost exceeds the private cost.

On the other hand, positive externalities arise when the production or consumption of a good or service benefits third parties. In the case of positive externalities, producers do not consider the full social benefits, leading to underproduction. This underproduction means that the good or service is not produced at its socially optimal level, resulting in potential shortages.

In summary, negative externalities lead to overproduction and inefficient allocation of resources, while positive externalities lead to underproduction and a potential shortage of beneficial goods or services.

To learn more about underproduction

Click here brainly.com/question/32364853


FILL THE BLANK. "A(n) ______________________ is a constant stream of cash flows
that continues forever while a(n) ___________________ is a constant
stream of cash flows until some point in time.
1). perpetuity; annuit"


The correct answer is 1). perpetuity; annuity. A perpetuity refers to a constant stream of cash flows that continues indefinitely or forever. It does not have a fixed end date and provides regular payments or income over an infinite period of time.

On the other hand, an annuity is a constant stream of cash flows that is limited to a specific time period. It involves a fixed number of payments occurring at regular intervals, such as monthly or annually, until a certain point in time is reached. Annuities have a defined end date after which the cash flows cease.

In summary, perpetuity represents an infinite duration of cash flows, while annuity represents a finite duration with a specific end date.

To know more about cash visit-



When a worker obtains clear and timely information about his/her performance, his/her job includes which of the following characteristics? feedback skill variety job identity job significance autonomy


When a worker obtains clear and timely information about his/her performance, his/her job includes feedback.

Performance feedback is the information you receive about your work performance. This feedback can come from your manager or supervisor, colleagues, customers, or other stakeholders. It can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for improvement. Performance feedback is critical for workers since it helps them improve their job skills and performance.

Employees who receive feedback are more likely to feel motivated, engaged, and committed to their work, leading to higher levels of productivity, job satisfaction, and retention.A worker who receives clear and timely feedback about their performance is more likely to improve their job performance, increase their skill variety, and develop their job identity. Feedback can also increase job significance and provide greater autonomy to workers by empowering them to take ownership of their work and make decisions about how to improve their performance.

To know more about feedback visit:



Other Questions
A man undertakes to pay off a debt of Rs. 622500 by monthly installments, he pays Rs. 10000 in the first month and continually increases the installments in every subsequent month by Rs. 100. In what time will the debt be cleared up? According to the letter we received, your previous employer recommends you with no qualifications. But I'm afraid we here at the Grove Company hire only people that do have qualifications. So, there's really no point in our talking further. Background Imagine that you work for the World Bank and you have been called to Ghana to aid the new president to come up with a new international trade strategy. You are told that the new government is interested in moving away from agriculture and into manufacturing. To do so, the government wants to pursuit a policy of import substitution industrialization (ISI). You are given a brief about Ghana highlighting the following points: About half of Ghanas population depends on agriculture, but Ghana still imports some of its food. The majority of Ghana's people live in rural areas and exist on a subsistence way of life. Ghana has one of the highest rates of income inequality in the world. Nearly half of the population is employed in agriculture.-MUST BE 200 WORD EXPLANATIONGhana's parliament is debating how to undertake ISI. The debate centres on whether they should impose tariffs on imports or use quotas. Which system is better for consumers? (use a diagram to explain yourself). what are the three main phases of product/service management? Mr. Udefien commence business on |" of January 20x8 by transferring 720,000 from his private current account into a bank account which he had opened for the business. His transaction for the month of January 20x8 was and follows;January 1Bought goods on credit from Yakubu120.000January 2Withdraw cash from bank for office use18.000January 3Sold on credit to Dauda150,000January 4Bought goods on credit from Bashiru180.000January 6Sold goods to Okechukwu on credit220.000January 7Paid rent by cash2,500January 9Withdraw cash from office till for personal use3.000January 10Bought goods from Bemigho on credit100.000January 11Goods returned by Dauda17,000January 12Sold goods on credit to Anthony140,000January 14Cash purchases from Ekpulu paid by cheque40.000January 15Goods returned to Yakubu8.200January 16Cost of goods taken for private use5,000January 17Sold goods (selling price N20,000) to Akintola giving a trade discount of 10%20,000January 25Goods returned to Bemigho5.000January 26Purchased goods worth 70,000 on credit from A minu at a trade discount of 10%January 27Paid cash of w18.000 to Bemigho after deducting discount of 10%January 29Received cash from Dauda in full settlement of his accountJanuary 29Cheque received from AnthonyJanuary 30Deposited cash into bankJanuary 30Paid salaries by cashJanuary 31Withdrew cash from bank to pay his son's school feesJanuary 31Paid Bashiru by cheque130.00050,00080,0005,0003,00080.000You are required to preparei. write up a 3 column cash book and other subsidiary books for 280.0 ml of pure water, calculate the initial ph and the final ph after adding 0.028 mol of naoh . 1. Does the earths temperature always stay the same?2. What is the Urban Heat Island Effect?3. Is there any possible (non-human) reason(s) asto why we might be warming now and in the last 12 tho Value pricing means1) Pricing according to quality2) Give a discount to those who buy several products3) all of the above4) None of the above Translate the following possessive adjective in parentheses: ________(Our) padres regresan a las diez. ______ can be found in broad lowlands at the base of mountainous regions. QUESTION 1Michaelis a avid layer of board pames and is founder and president of the League of SeriousGamers (LSG) social chub. Every year, Michael travels to the Vietwam Convention of BoardGaume Players where he mixes with fellow enthusiasts, sees the many displays and experiencesdifferen board gamesHe usually retuns with new of collector board games that be has purchased and which he on-sells at cost price to members of the LSG. This year he bought a chess set which, he was toldby the German sele. was once owned by Emperor Quang Trung. Michael placed the followingentry inthe ewsleter that was regularly sent to LSG members:Gamers, a special find this time! Emperor Quang Trung's chess board and pieces.$10,000 for this piece of historyPeter is a wealthy collector of rae historical pieces. He was inthe bedroom of his son Mark.who was a member of the LSG, telling him that be needed 10 go out and get a job. Afterdelivering his lecture, be noticed the LSG newsletter, which was open at the advertisementssection, and saw the any about the chess stPeter neve that the Quang Trung ches set was a ult sought ate historical piece However,be thought that the ches set was i the collcion of sa American buyer, ad i any eventwould be wort mach more tan $10.00. Accordingly, Peer wrote dow the phone umbernthe advertisement ange to meet Michael inspected he ches se and pud hm he moneyPeter arranged a conference to hich he invited other wellknown collectors of historicalpieces. However, bis moment of triumph was destioyed when a friend of him loudlyproclaimed to Peter 0d the assembled audience:"Ob, my dear boy! That's not the Quang Trung chess set. Where did you get this some backstreet bazaar"The conference ended in a bumiliaing fice for Peer. Siting alone after everybody bad lef.be suddenly suffered a it of pique. picked up the chess set and flung it against the wall As aresult the board was cracked and several pieces were badly chipped. Petes now wants (0 directbis ire against the person be blames for his humiliation Michael based on therepresentations be made about the chess set(Business Law)What can Michael do to know if the chess set is real or fake? If it is fake, who will be responsible?Please suggest Michael how to handle this case?The contract between Peter and Michael is only oral, so can Peter make Michael pay damages? what is the difference between occurrence vs. aggregated monetary limits? Current Attempt in Progress Laura buys a shirt for $10. The sales tax rate is 7%. How much is the total cost for the shirt? $9.50. $10.70. $10.00. $17.00. 7. You plan to make a series of deposits in an interest-bearing account. You deposit $100 in one year, $200 in two years and $300 in three years. If you withdraw $50 in two years, and $100 in four years, how much will you have in five years? The interest rate is 7%? (10 pts) a company allocates overhead based on direct labor hours (dlh), using a standard amount of 3 dlh per unit produced. its standard overhead rate is $16 per dlh. the company produced 5,420 units this period, and its flexible budget at that activity level shows $63,950 in fixed overhead costs and $97,400 in variable overhead costs. compute the volume variance and identify it as favorable or unfavorable. note: indicate the effect of the variance by selecting favorable, unfavorable, or no variance. 1 .What is a natural language? Give an example2. What is a formal language? Give an example.3. What are some differences between natural and formallanguages?5. What is logic, and, in particular, w if one side of a triangle was increased by 10% and the other was decreased by 10 percent, how would the area be affected blood cell formation in adults occurs in all of the following except theA) flat bones of the skullB) flat bones of the pelvisC) shaft of the femurD) proximal epiphyses of the humerus and femurE) the epiphyseal plates a) Project Manager is a person who leads a project team and is assigned the authority and responsibility for conducting a project. Discuss three (3) main responsibilities of a Project Manager to the project that he or she manages.b) As an assigned Project Manager to a product development project, describe five (5) characteristics of team members that you would want to work with. 2.2. Indicate how cyber-bullying could negatively. impact the dignity of school going youth.