David gallo: underwater astonishments
1. gallo spends his short talk examining amazing underwater creatures
and pointing out their adaptations. he mentions two squid that are
fighting. what part of his description of these squid is an adaptation?
why might this be useful for the male squid
2. what adaptation does gallo describe when talking about the
3. gallo mentions several things that sea creatures use
bioluminescence for that were also mentioned by widder in the
previous video. describe the similarities and differences between the
two talks.


Answer 1

In David Gallo's talk "Underwater Astonishments," he discusses various adaptations of underwater creatures, focusing on squid and octopus.

1. Regarding the fighting squid, the adaptation Gallo mentions is the ability to change color and pattern rapidly. This adaptation is useful for male squid because it helps them communicate their intentions, establish dominance, and deter rivals during confrontations.

2. When talking about the octopus, Gallo describes their remarkable ability to camouflage themselves by changing not only their color but also their skin texture to match their surroundings. This adaptation helps the octopus avoid predators and ambush prey effectively.

3. Both Gallo and Widder's talks address the topic of bioluminescence among sea creatures. They mention similar uses of bioluminescence, such as communication, attracting prey, and deterring predators.

However, while Gallo focuses on various underwater creatures and their adaptations, including bioluminescence, Widder's talk is more specifically centered around bioluminescence and its role in the deep sea. The main difference between the two talks is the emphasis on different aspects of underwater life and adaptations.

To know more about Underwater Astonishments :



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The basic characteristics that differentiate living from non-living things are called​


The basic characteristics that differentiate living from non-living things are called​ life, growth, and reproduction.

More about the differentiation between living and non-living things

All living things have senses, breathe, eat, grow, move, and reproduce. Non-living things do not consume food, grow, breathe, move, or reproduce. They have no senses.

Also, Non-living entities do not give birth. They do not mature, reproduce, age, or die. Non-living items can be both natural and artificial.

Learn more about living and non-living things here:



The tendon for the palmaris longus is superficial to:.


The tendon for the palmaris longus is superficial to the flexor retinaculum of the wrist. The palmaris longus is a long, slender muscle in the forearm that runs from the elbow to the wrist. It is absent in some individuals and present in others.

Its tendon runs along the anterior aspect of the wrist and inserts into the palmar aponeurosis. The flexor retinaculum is a thick band of connective tissue that runs across the wrist and forms the roof of the carpal tunnel.

It is located deep to the palmaris longus tendon and helps to hold the flexor tendons in place as they pass through the wrist.

To know more about the palmaris longus refer here :



The table below shows the complete classification of ion, wolf, tiger, fruitfly and red fox. TAXON LION WOLF TIGER FRUITFLY RED FOX Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordataa Arthropoda Chordata Class Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Insecta Mammalia Order Carnivora Carnivora Carnivora Diptera Carnivora Damily Felidae Cranidae Felidae Drosophilidae Canidae Genus Panthera Canis Panthera Drosophila Vulpes Species Leo Lupus Tigris Melanongaster Vulpes Explain what happens to the characteristics and the number of organisms as you move from the phylum down the species. ( 2 marks)​



The characteristics become more similar to each other while the no. of organisms decreases from phylum to species.


This is because the no. of organisms decreases, making the characteristics of the organisms similar due to the small no. of organisms in the taxon.

Which organism belongs to the Kingdom Eubacteria?
A. Paramecium
B. Thermophile
C. Algae
D. Cyanobacteria​


Answer : D
Algae, paramecium, is kingdom protista
thermophile is kingdom monera

Why is the number of hours of daylight 24 seen by the observer at location c on june 21.


The number of hours of daylight seen by an observer at location c on June 21 is 24. This is due to the fact that June 21 marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, which is the longest day of the year.

During the summer solstice, the sun is at its highest point in the sky, and the tilt of the Earth's axis is such that the observer at location c is receiving direct sunlight for the entire 24 hours of the day.

The summer solstice also marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, and the sun's rays are the strongest and most direct they will be all year. This causes the days to be longer and the nights to be shorter, with 24 hours of daylight for the observer at location c on the summer solstice.

Know more about summer solstice here



Describe major trends in the evolution of life on Earth seen over geologic time supported by fossils


Major trends in the evolution of life on Earth over geologic time, as supported by fossils, include the following:

1. Origin of life: The first life forms, such as simple bacteria and archaea, appeared around 3.5 billion years ago in the Archean Eon.

2. Photosynthesis: Cyanobacteria emerged around 2.7 billion years ago, introducing oxygen-producing photosynthesis, which significantly altered Earth's atmosphere and paved the way for more complex life forms.

3. Eukaryotic cells: Around 2 billion years ago, eukaryotes, organisms with more complex cells containing a nucleus, began to evolve.

4. Multicellular organisms: Approximately 600 million years ago, during the Ediacaran Period, the first multicellular organisms, such as soft-bodied invertebrates, started to appear.

5. Cambrian explosion: This event, which occurred around 540 million years ago, marks the rapid diversification of multicellular life, with the emergence of various animal phyla, including arthropods, mollusks, and early chordates.

6. Colonization of land: During the Silurian Period, around 430 million years ago, plants and invertebrates, such as arachnids and myriapods, began to colonize land. Later, during the Devonian Period, the first tetrapods, or four-limbed vertebrates, evolved.

7. Mass extinctions: There have been five major mass extinctions throughout Earth's history, which have led to the disappearance of numerous species and triggered the evolution of new ones.

The most well-known is the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, which occurred around 66 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs.

8. Rise of mammals: After the extinction of dinosaurs, mammals diversified and evolved into various forms, occupying niches previously held by dinosaurs. This process occurred during the Cenozoic Era.

9. Human evolution: The first hominids appeared around 6-7 million years ago, eventually leading to the evolution of Homo sapiens around 300,000 years ago. Fossils of early hominids and their tools provide evidence for the progression of human evolution over time.

To learn more about evolution, refer below:




Poison ivy is a weed that synthesizes an oil, urushiol, that causes skin rashes. Researchers have found that if poison ivy grows in an environment that contains an increased concentration of carbon dioxide, the plants grow larger, faster, and produce more urushiol. To test this idea, researchers create an experiment where different experimental groups of poison ivy are exposed to different concentrations of carbon dioxide to determine how tall they will grow.

Identify two conditions that should be kept the same for control and experimental groups. ​


Light and water should be kept the same for control and experimental groups.

To ensure that the growth of poison ivy is only affected by the concentration of carbon dioxide, it is essential to keep all other environmental factors the same. Light is an essential factor for plant growth, and any difference in light exposure could significantly affect plant growth.

Therefore, the same amount of light exposure should be maintained for both the control and experimental groups. Similarly, water is also crucial for plant growth, and any variation in water supply could affect the growth rate. Thus, keeping the same amount of water supply for both groups is crucial to eliminate any confounding variables.

To learn more about water follow the link:



Which type of light bulb do you think are the safest for the



LED light bulbs are considered the safest for the environment. LED bulbs consume significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a longer lifespan, which reduces the amount of waste produced.

They also do not contain any hazardous materials, such as mercury, which is found in compact fluorescent bulbs.

Additionally, LED bulbs produce less heat, reducing the need for air conditioning and contributing to energy savings.

Overall, LED bulbs are a more environmentally friendly option compared to other types of light bulbs.

To know more about LED light bulbs, refer here:



Improvements in harvesting systems include all of the following advances EXCEPT

trees are now cut closer to the ground.

trees are lifted by machine instead of manually.

trees can be transported using much smaller equipment.

trees grow at faster rates than they did in previous decades


Improvements in harvesting systems include all of the following advances EXCEPT trees grow at faster rates than they did in previous decades.

Harvesting systems have seen a lot of improvements over the years. Trees can now be cut closer to the ground, allowing for more efficient harvesting. This is especially useful in areas where the trees are densely packed, as it allows for more efficient removal of the forest.

In addition, trees can now be lifted using machines instead of manually. This makes it faster and easier for harvesters to move large amounts of timber in a short amount of time. Trees can also be transported using much smaller equipment, reducing the amount of fuel and manpower needed.

These improvements have allowed for much more efficient and effective harvesting of timber, allowing harvesters to collect more timber in less time with less resources. However, despite these advances, trees still grow at a slower rate than they did in previous decades.

Therefore, correct option is D.

Know more about harvesting here



Which organs are the ultimate acid-base regulatory organs?.


The ultimate acid-base regulatory organs in the human body are the kidneys.

The kidneys are responsible for regulating the acid-base balance of the body by selectively retaining or excreting ions such as hydrogen, bicarbonate, sodium, and potassium.

This regulation occurs in the renal tubules of the nephrons, which are the functional units of the kidneys. The kidneys work in tandem with the respiratory system to maintain acid-base balance.

The lungs regulate the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the body, which can affect the pH of the blood. When CO₂ levels increase, the blood becomes more acidic, and when CO₂ levels decrease, the blood becomes more basic.

The kidneys help to compensate for any changes in pH that result from changes in CO₂ levels by excreting or retaining bicarbonate ions.

To know more about the kidneys refer here :



Why couldnt we test density of water and alcohol in their solid state


We cannot test the density of water and alcohol in their solid state because: they do not have a defined solid form.

Both water and alcohol have a unique property known as anomalous expansion, where they expand when cooled below a certain temperature, resulting in a decrease in density.

This is because the molecules in the liquid state are more tightly packed than they are in the solid state. As a result, water and alcohol both form less dense ice when they freeze.

Attempting to measure the density of water and alcohol in their solid state would be difficult as they do not have a defined shape and can have different densities based on how they freeze.

Water can form various types of ice, such as hexagonal ice or cubic ice, which can have different densities. Similarly, alcohol can also have different solid forms, resulting in different densities.

Therefore, to accurately measure the density of water and alcohol, it is necessary to measure them in their liquid state.

To know more about "Density" refer here:



What statement is best supported by the survivorship curves?

A. American robins have a high survival rate for most of their lifespan and then decline rapidly in old age.

B. American robins have similar death rates throughout their lifespan, while the death rate of common green darners changes over their lifespan.

C. A very high proportion of common green darners reach adulthood and live to older ages.

D. Younger American robins have higher death rates than older American robins, while younger and older common green


Survivorship curves are graphs that show the proportion of individuals in a population that survive to each age. Based on the survivorship curves, the statement that is best supported is option A: American robins have a high survival rate for most of their lifespan and then decline rapidly in old age.

Survivorship curves are categorized into three types: Type I, Type II, and Type III. Type I curves show a high survival rate for most of an organism's lifespan, with a rapid decline in old age. Type II curves show a relatively constant death rate throughout an organism's lifespan, while Type III curves show a high death rate for young individuals, with a sharp decrease in death rate for those that survive to adulthood.

The survivorship curve for American robins shows a Type I pattern, indicating that they have a high survival rate for most of their lifespan, with a rapid decline in old age. In contrast, the survivorship curve for common green darners shows a Type III pattern, indicating that they have a high death rate for young individuals, with a sharp decrease in death rate for those that survive to adulthood.

Therefore, option A is the statement that is best supported by the survivorship curves.

To know more about survivorship curve, refer to the link below:



If vegetables become wilted, they can often be

made crisp again by soaking them in water.

However, they may lose a few nutrients during

this process.

Using the concept of diffusion and concentration,

state why some nutrients would leave the plant

cell. [1]


When vegetables are soaked in water, it creates a concentration gradient where there is a higher concentration of nutrients in the plant cells than in the water.

As a result of this gradient, nutrients such as ions, minerals, and vitamins diffuse out of the plant cells and into the surrounding water until the concentration of nutrients is equalized. This is known as osmosis.

The movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.

The loss of nutrients is due to the fact that the plant cells are surrounded by a semi-permeable membrane which allows certain substances, like water, to pass through but restricts the passage of others, like nutrients, depending on their size and polarity.

To know more about concentration refer here :-



What string of amino acids will form if the original

DNA strand had the following code:


O A. Cysteine, glycine, proline, lysine, threonine,


O B. Threonine, cysteine, glycine, phenylalanine,

lysine, serine

O C. Lysine, serine, leucine, proline, glycine,


D. Phenylalanine, serine, asparagine, glycine,

proline, serine


The string of amino acids that will form from the given DNA strand is:
the correct option is C. Lysine, serine, leucine, proline, glycine, serine

To determine the string of amino acids that will form from the given DNA strand, we need to translate the DNA code into the RNA code and then into the corresponding amino acids using the genetic code.

The RNA code for the given DNA strand would be UUCAGUAACGGTCCCAGU.
Using the genetic code, we can then match each codon to its corresponding amino acid:
UU(C) AG(U) AA(C) G(G) UC(C) GG(A) U(G)
The amino acids for each codon are:
Cysteine, Serine, Lysine, Glycine, Serine, Proline, Valine

Therefore, the string of amino acids that will form from the given DNA strand is:
Lysine, serine, leucine, proline, glycine, serine

So, the correct option is C. Lysine, serine, leucine, proline, glycine, serine

To know more about amino acids click here:



how do cells at the completion of meiosis compare with cells that have replicated their dna and are just about to begin meiosis? responses they have half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of dna. - no response given they have half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of dna. they have half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of dna. they have twice the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of dna. - no response given they have twice the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of dna. they have twice the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of dna. they have half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of dna. - no response given they have half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of dna. they have half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of dna. they have the same number of chromosomes and half the amount of dna. - no response given they have the same number of chromosomes and half the amount of dna. they have the same number of chromosomes and half the amount of dna. they have half the amount of cytoplasm and twice the amount of dna. - no response given they have half the amount of cytoplasm and twice the amount of dna.


Half the amount of dna. they have twice the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of dna. cells at the completion of meiosis compare with cells that have replicated their dna and are just about to begin meiosis therefore the correct option is C.

Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces haploid cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. During meiosis, each chromosome divides into two sister chromatids that are held together by a centromere. The sister chromatids then move to opposite sides of the cell and undergo independent segregation.

The result is four gametes, or sex cells, each containing one copy of each chromosome from the parent cell. Meiosis also involves crossing over, in which homologous chromosomes exchange DNA segments in order to form recombinant chromosomes with unique combinations of genetic material.

Hence the correct option is C.

To know more about meiosis visit:



Identify an independent variable in the researchers' experiment. Justify the use of multiple trees for each ground cover treatment. Describe the concentration of anthocyanins relative to flavonoids in apples grown with the reflective ground cover. Calculate the concentration of flavonoids in apples grown with reflective ground cover relative to the concentration of flavonoids in apples grown without reflective ground cove


The independent variable in the researchers' experiment is the type of ground cover used for the apple trees. The researchers use multiple trees for each ground cover treatment to ensure the accuracy of their results by controlling for any individual tree variation.

The concentration of anthocyanins relative to flavonoids in apples grown with the reflective ground cover was found to be higher than in apples grown without the reflective ground cover. Specifically, the concentration of flavonoids in apples grown with reflective ground cover was found to be 2.3 times higher than the concentration of flavonoids in apples grown without reflective ground cover.

This indicates that reflective ground cover can contribute to a higher concentration of flavonoids, which can have implications for health benefits.

Know more about independent variable here



Wild Soay sheep live in a cold environment on a small Scottish Island. The sheep used to be large because they gained extra weight during the summers in order to survive the harsh winters. A recent change in the Island's climate has càused grass to be available for a longer perlod each year, so survival conditions for the sheep have become less challenging. Researchers who study these sheep have most likely observed a decrease in the wild Soay's ââ


In recent years, researchers studying wild Soay sheep on a small Scottish Island have noticed that the island's climate has been changing.

This climate change has caused grass to be more readily available for longer periods of time during the year, resulting in less challenging survival conditions for the sheep.

As a result, the sheep are no longer having to gain extra weight during the summer in order to survive the harsh winters, and they have become smaller in size. This change in the climate and environment has allowed the wild Soay sheep to live more comfortable lives, and has improved the overall health of the population.

know more about population here



complete question is :

Wild Soay sheep live in a cold environment on a small Scottish Island. The sheep used to be large because they gained extra weight during the summers in order to survive the harsh winters. A recent change in the Island's climate has cà used grass to be available for a longer perlod each year, so survival conditions for the sheep have become less challenging. Researchers who study these sheep have most likely observed a decrease in the wild Soay's ââ. EXPLAIN.

In the space below, name two brain regions that are particularly important in puberty. Explain how these two brain regions affect our risk-taking behavior during adolescence for both girls and boys.


Two brain regions that are particularly important in puberty are the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and planning, is not fully developed until the mid-20s. The limbic system, which includes the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens, is involved in emotional processing and reward-seeking behavior.

During puberty, there is an increase in activity in the limbic system, which can lead to more risk-taking behaviors. In girls, the increase in activity is less pronounced and tends to involve more social risks. In boys, the increase in activity is more pronounced and tends to involve more physical risks.

The prefrontal cortex, on the other hand, is not as fully developed during adolescence, which can lead to poor decision-making and difficulty regulating emotions. This can make it harder for adolescents to weigh the risks and benefits of their actions and make more responsible choices.

Overall, the interplay between these two brain regions during puberty can contribute to the characteristic risk-taking behavior often associated with adolescence.

To know more about the limbic system refer here :



In the process of succession, how does biodiversity change?

a) Biodiversity does not change during the process of succession.

b) Biodiversity decreases and then drastically increases during primary succession.

c) Biodiversity decreases and then eventually increases at varying rates depending on the type of succession.

d) Biodiversity increases and then eventually decreases at varying rates depending on the type of succession


During primary succession, when a previously barren environment is colonized by organisms, biodiversity decreases and then drastically increases as new species move in and fill available niches.

Here, correct option is B.

During secondary succession, when an area has been disturbed but not completely destroyed, biodiversity decreases but then eventually increases at varying rates depending on the type of succession. In some cases, the biodiversity can increase faster than it did in primary succession.

In either case, the overall trend is an increase in biodiversity over time as species move in and compete for resources. As the environment continues to change, species composition can change as well, resulting in a dynamic and diverse ecosystem.

Therefore, correct option is B.

Know more about primary succession here



Tabulate two difference between growth in plants and that of animals​


lants keep growing, but animals stop growing until a certain period; it grows for a definite period and stops

Based on this picture:

A. How many chromosomes should be in a normal gamete?

B. What would be different about a child made from the fusion of a normal egg with a sperm like
the 3rd daughter cell pictured?

C. What would be different about a child made from the fusion of a normal egg with a sperm like the 44 daughter cell pictured?

Please help!!!!!


A typical gamete, sometimes referred to as a sex cell, should have half as many chromosomes as a typical body cell. The third daughter cell visible in the photograph appears to have an extra chromosome, making the total number of chromosomes there 47 rather than the typical 46.

How many chromosomes should a typical gamete contain?

In humans, gametes are haploid cells with 23 chromosomes—one of each chromosomal pair found in diplod cells—and are hence haploid. The haploid number, commonly known as n, is used to indicate the number of chromosomes in a single pair.

When compared to the cells of the offspring, how many chromosomes are present in gametes?

Gametes are haploid because they have half as many DNA bases as from the initial diploid germ cell's chromosomes. In other words, the secondary gametes only have one set (23), whereas the germ cell had two sets (46) of chromosomes.

To know more about chromosomes visit:-



over the years the vegetation in africa has grown taller and the giraffe population has also grown taller. Which type of selection is this?


What type of selection has occurred in this giraffe population?

Directional Selection

Example: Giraffes with the longest necks are able to reach more leaves to each. Selective pressures will work in the advantage of the longer neck giraffes and therefore the distribution of the trait within the population will shift towards the longer neck trait.


This is an example of directional selection. Directional selection occurs when individuals at one end of the phenotypic range have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or at the other end of the range. In this case, the increase in vegetation height has provided a selective advantage to giraffes with longer necks, as they can reach leaves high up in the trees. As a result, the average height of the giraffe population has increased over time as individuals with shorter necks are less likely to survive and reproduce. This is an example of directional selection because the trait of interest (neck length) is shifting in one direction (towards longer necks) over time.


what are the two traits that are determined by incomplete dominance


Incomplete dominance is a genetic phenomenon in which the phenotype of the heterozygous individual is intermediate between those of the homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive individuals. In other words, the expression of both alleles is not completely dominant or recessive, resulting in a blended phenotype.

The two traits that are determined by incomplete dominance are:

1. Flower color in snapdragons: In snapdragons, the allele for red flowers (R) is incompletely dominant over the allele for white flowers (W). Heterozygous individuals (RW) have pink flowers, which is an intermediate phenotype between red and white.

2. Coat color in some animals, such as horses: In some animals, such as horses, the allele for black coat color (B) is incompletely dominant over the allele for white coat color (W). Heterozygous individuals (BW) have a gray coat color, which is an intermediate phenotype between black and white.

In both cases, the expression of both alleles is not completely dominant or recessive, resulting in a blended phenotype that is intermediate between the homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive phenotypes.

What happens if you take lamictal and are not bipolar.


Lamictal is a medication that is primarily used to treat bipolar disorder and epilepsy. It is an anticonvulsant drug that works by stabilizing the electrical activity in the brain. While it is effective in treating these conditions, taking Lamictal without having bipolar disorder can cause a range of unwanted side effects.

Some of the common side effects of taking Lamictal include headaches, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, and fatigue. In rare cases, Lamictal can also cause severe skin reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, which can be life-threatening.

It is essential to talk to a doctor before taking Lamictal or any other medication to avoid potentially harmful side effects. It is also crucial to take Lamictal as prescribed and not to stop taking it suddenly, as this can lead to withdrawal symptoms.

To know more about the Lamictal refer here :



One’s natural predisposition to think and act in a certain way is one’s __________. a. learned habit b. self-esteem c. antisocial behavior d. temperament


One’s natural predisposition to think and act in a certain way is one’s temperament. The correct option is (d).

Temperament refers to an individual's natural predisposition to think, feel, and behave in a particular way.

It is believed to be influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, and it can shape a person's personality, preferences, and behavior patterns.

Temperament can include traits such as activity level, sensitivity, mood, and sociability, and it is generally thought to be relatively stable across the lifespan.

Temperament can have a significant impact on various aspects of an individual's life, including their relationships, career choices, and overall well-being.

Understanding one's temperament can be useful for personal growth and development, as well as for improving communication and relationships with others.

While temperament can influence behavior, it is important to note that it is not the only factor that shapes behavior, and individuals have agency to make choices and act in ways that align with their values and goals.

To know more about "Environmental factors" refer here:



In example 17. 5, if the grating had 500 lines/mm but everything else about the experiment were the same, would the two yellow fringes be farther apart or closer together on the screen?.


If the grating had 500 lines/mm instead of 100 lines/mm in example 17.5, the two yellow fringes would be farther apart on the screen.

The distance between the fringes on the screen is determined by the spacing between the lines on the diffraction grating, as well as the angle of incidence of the light and the wavelength of the light. When the grating has more lines per millimeter, the spacing between the fringes is increased.

In example 17.5, the distance between the fringes is 3.7 mm, which is based on the assumption of a 100 lines/mm grating. If the grating had 500 lines/mm instead, the distance between the fringes would be approximately 0.74 mm, which is five times larger than the distance in the original example. This means that the two yellow fringes would be farther apart on the screen if the grating had 500 lines/mm instead of 100 lines/mm.

To know more about the fringes refer here :



I Need help finding this


The 15 natural disasters in the crossword puzzle are:



What are natural disasters?

Natural disasters are severe and sudden events caused by natural processes that result in significant damage to life and property.

These events can include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, landslides, tsunamis, wildfires, and droughts.

Natural disasters can occur anywhere in the world and often lead to the loss of life, destruction of property, and long-term negative economic and environmental impacts.

Learn more about natural disasters at: https://brainly.com/question/13800641


which of the following are characteristics shared between humans and apes? select all that apply. group of answer choices big toe and thumb separate from other digits stereoscopic vision femurs that turn inward toward the knee spines that have the same curvatures rotating shoulder joint


The characteristics shared between humans and apes are big toe and thumb separate from other digits, stereoscopic vision, and rotating shoulder joint, the correct options are a, b, and e.

Both humans and apes have opposable thumbs, which allow them to grasp and manipulate objects, and a big toe that is separated from the other digits, which helps with balance and stability. Both humans and apes have two eyes that are located in the front of their heads, which allows for depth perception and the ability to judge distances accurately.

They have a rotating shoulder joint, which allows for a wide range of arm movements and the ability to reach and grasp objects from different angles, the correct options are a, b, and e.

To learn more about apes follow the link:



The complete question is:

Which of the following are characteristics shared between humans and apes? select those that apply:

a. big toe and thumb separate from other digits

b. stereoscopic vision

c. femurs that turn inward toward the knee

d. spines that have the same curvatures

e. rotating shoulder joint

Complete the paragraph based on this food chain: polar bears feed on seals. so, polar bears and seals share a . climate change has caused ice caps to melt in colder regions where polar bears live. this change has made it harder for polar bears to successfully hunt seals. this situation will lead to .


Polar bears are noted for their strength and ability to hunt, both of which are necessary for catching seals, which are their primary source of food. The polar bear gets the nutrients and energy it needs to survive in the harsh Arctic environment from seals.

Seals and polar bears share a predator-prey relationship because polar bears eat seals. In colder regions where polar bears live, ice caps have melted as a result of climate change. This change has made it harder for polar bears to effectively chase seals as they depend on the ice to chase and travel. Polar bears are forced to swim for longer distances as a result of the loss of sea ice, which results in an increase in their energy expenditure and a decline in their overall health. Because they are unable to procure sufficient food to sustain themselves, this circumstance will result in a decrease in the population of polar bears. It can likewise have more extensive natural effects, as polar bears assume a vital part in the Cold pecking order and the deficiency of this dominant hunter can disturb the whole biological system.

To learn more about Polar bears here



Which three glands secrete the protein fluids which are constituents of semen?

-seminal vesicles

-prostate gland

-Cowper's gland

-vas deferens



The three glands that secrete protein fluids that are constituents of semen are the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and Cowper's gland.

Seminal vesicles are responsible for producing a thick, sticky fluid that contains various proteins and other substances. The prostate gland produces a thin, milky fluid that also contains proteins and enzymes.

The Cowper's gland produces a clear, slippery fluid that helps to lubricate the urethra during ejaculation.

These fluids combine with sperm from the testes and pass through the vas deferens before being released through the urethra during ejaculation.

The ovum is not involved in the production of semen as it is a female reproductive cell, responsible for fertilization by sperm to create a zygote.

To know more about semen refer here :-



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The author developed this piece using a problem-solution organization. What piece of text evidence supports why the author chose this text organization? Kathleen made 29, 38, 45, 42, and 36 points on her assignments. What is the mean number of points Kathleen made? Based on the endosymbiotic theory, which explanation is supported by evidence for how eukaryotes evolved?*Engulfed means to eatQuestion options:A: Prokaryotic organisms engulfed* a virus and developed a symbiotic relationship which led to the evolution of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. B: Organelles engulfed* a prokaryote and developed a symbiotic relationship which led to the evolution of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. C: Prokaryotic organisms engulfed* a eukaryote and developed a symbiotic relationship which led to the evolution of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. D: Prokaryotic organisms engulfed* another prokaryote and developed a symbiotic relationship which led to the evolution of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts Pete's Market is a small local grocery store with only one checkout counter. Assume that shoppers arrive at the checkout lane according to a Poisson probability distribution, with an arrival rate of 13 customers per hour. The checkout service times follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 20 customers per hour. It is the manager's service goal to limit the waiting time prior to beginning the checkout process to no more than five minutes. After reviewing the waiting line analysis of his store, the manager of Pete's Market wants to consider one of the following alternatives for improving service. Option 1: Hire a second person to bag the groceries while the cash register operator is entering the cost data and collecting money from the customer. With this improved single-server operation, the service rate could be increased to 30 customers per hour. (Note: Although we hire one more person, it is still an M/M/1 queueing system, Because we do not operate a second counter but only hire a person to help with the first cashier counter, the service rate of the cashier improves. ) What are the arrival and service rates in Option 1 During the combustion of propane(C3H8), 197. 4 grams of oxygen gas is consumed. How much water vapor is produced as a result? QUESTION 6Which two words are the closest antonyms?HINTA. accommodation and sanctuaryB. signified and obscuredC. makeshift and impromptuD. integrated and congregatedSUBMIT6/8 Please help Thanksthere is a FRACTION symbol two variable symbols y and x A man sets out to travel from A to C via B. From A he travels a distance of 8km on a bearing N30degreesE to B. From B he travels further 6km due east. Calculate how far is north of A, east of A Norma and david crawled to the barn and then hopped back to the house. they crawled at 300 centimeters per minute and hopped at 400 centimeters per minute. if round took 7 minutes, hiw long did they crawl If you think of a cell as a factory that makes proteins and ships them out, which function would vesicles perform? Please help me with this question. I need a detailed explanation if possible. I am offering 25 points. who called mammoth cave home A(n) __________ is a financial incentive a firm offers to encourage employees to accept an early retirement offer. Why is the article People Can Now Frame Their Tattoos After They Die important and for whom it is most important? Please help me. discuss the key characteristics of the plot. consider the points when potential energy u is maximum, u is minimum, kinetic energy k is maximum, k is minimum and when u and k are the same value. what is the significance of these points? Question 3 of 26Which sentence describes both computer models and mathematical models?O A. They are able to produce exact copies of real-life objects andsystems.B. They use mental images to compare a process to a conceptualidea so that it is easier to visualize.C. They are useful for representing the physical shape or function ofan object.D. They can involve looking for patterns and relationships innumerical data. This play's discussion of death is foreshadowing. Romeo and Juliet will die, or at least someone will die, according to the author. Foreshadowing is a good way to give your audience a hint about what's coming next so they'll be interested in finding out what happens next Help with problem in photo Write an expression for the speed of the heavier mass as a function of their separation distance, r, which is measured cm to cm and decreases over time as the masses move toward each other due to their gravitational attraction. A lesson objective.. O a. describes the knowledge, skills, and values that a learner should know and be able to demonstrate at the end of lesson. O b. provides direction and purpose to a lesson that is essential for lesson planning. O c. enables learners to know in advance what they are expected to know at the end of a lesson. O d. enable a teacher to know in advance what learners expects to know and be able to do at the end of a lesson.