[tex] + 5 - 2 = [/tex]


Answer 1
The answer is 3

Because they don’t have same sign

Related Questions

How were the roles of Athens and Sparta in the Persian war alike and different?



Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually.


What determined that the President can only serve two terms?



The 22nd amendment


The amendment was passed by Congress in 1947, and was rectified by the States on the 27 February 1951. The Twenty-Second amendment says a person can only be elected to be president two times for a total of eight years in the United States of America.

What was the United States reaction to the start of World War I in Europe?


Answer:  On August 4, as World War I erupted across Europe, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed America's neutrality, stating the nation “must be neutral in fact as well as in name during these days that are to try men's souls.” With no vital interests at stake, many Americans supported this position.


What did Hitler learn from the response of other countries and the League of Nations which helped him in the future?



Hitler revealed that Germany had begun to construct an air force, and unveiled plans to reinstitute conscription and create a German army of more than half a million men. Britain, France, Italy, and the League of Nations all issued statements condemning Hitler's decision, but did little else to penalize Germany.

When European settlers came to North America, they brought their European seeds with them. When Africans were brought to North America as slaves, they brought African food with them. Based on this information, what can you infer? It is difficult to transport food across the oceans. People are attached to the food from their home. Early settlers and immigrants did not like American food. People are not attached to the food from their home.


When Africans were brought to America to be sold as slaves, they brought food from their home continent with them. These foods became incorporated in what would become known as Southern food.


"People are attached to the food from their home. Early settlers and immigrants did not like American food. People are not attached to the food from their home." that, I guess, is the answer.


See above.

Why did settlement patterns in New England change from the seventeenth to the eighteenth century?



Population growth, natural increase b) Limited Availability of Land [smaller regions with hostile frontiers] c) Partible inheritance [Distributing Land among equally among male heirs] d) Shift from Land Grants to Sales (126-129)

mark me brainliest

Explain the difference between the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.


Answer:The Civil Rights Act that passed Congress in July 1964 did ban segregation in public accommodations. ... 6, 1965, the Voting Rights Act banned literacy tests and other barriers to Black voting.

Which is NOT a qualification of a US senator?
must be 25 years of age
must be 30 years of age
must be a citizen of the US for at least 9 years
must live in state in which they are running


The answer is A must be 25 years of age

How did ancient India influence religion in other parts of the world?


Ancient India was a land of sages and seers as well as a land of scholars and scientists. Research has shown that from making the best steel in the world to teaching the world to count, India was actively contributing to the field of science and technology centuries long before modern laboratories were set up.Jul 30, 2016

How many rules govern the tea ceremony? a. one c. twenty b. seven d. a multitude Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D




sorry i was late...


“. . . The Way of Tea was a matter of observing seven rules : make a satisfying bowl of tea, lay the charcoal so that the water boils efficiently, provide a sense of warmth in the winter and coolness in the summer, arrange the flowers as though they were in the field, be ready ahead of time, be prepared in case it should rain, and act with utmost consideration toward your guests. There ceremony is usually done in two parts, the first being the entrance of guests to the especially prepared room or konnichian (tea house) and the serving of a light meal (kaleski). Following the meal, the host prepares the charcoal or burner for the first time, then the guests retire to the garden for a short break. After the break, the host prepares koicha (thick tea) for guests. Then he prepares the charcoal for a second time and makes usucha (thin tea). When all is done, the host and guest respectfully acknowledge each other one last time and the guests take their leave.”

Nhich set of events from the Nullification Crisis is listed in correct chronological order?
A. 1. Congress passed higher tariffs.
2. South Carolina voted to nullify federal tariffs within its borders.
3. Force Bill threatened to use armed force.
4. South Carolina suspended its nullification.
OB. 1. South Carolina suspended its nullification.
2. Force Bill threatened to use armed force.
3. South Carolina voted to nullify federal tariffs within its borders.
4. Congress passed higher tariffs.
C. 1. South Carolina voted to nullify federal tariffs within its borders.
2. Congress passed higher tariffs.
3. South Carolina suspended its nullification.
4. Force Bill threatened to use armed force.
D. 1. Force Bill threatened to use armed force.
2. South Carolina suspended its nullification.
3. Congress passed higher tariffs.
4. South Carolina voted to nullify federal tariffs within its borders.


this one is tuff i finally found the question though

The events from A segment are listed in correct order. These are the events from nullification crisis. Thus, A is correct option.

What is Nullification Crisis?

Nullification crisis is the conflict between the federal government and the state of South Carolina in 1832-1833, which arose from the latter's attempt to declare the federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and illegal within state.

The constitutional theory that supported states right to void federal actions inside their borders, the nullification doctrine, was undermined in part by the federal government's successful resolution of the nullification crisis.

Therefore, we can conclude that A is the correct option.

Learn more about nullification crisis here:



How do think Texas will play a role in the expansion of the United States? How could the new Republic become a source of conflict between the United States and Mexico?


Texas asked to be annexed by the US. If the US accepts it could lead to a war with Mexico.

What number president was Andrew Jackson?


Andrew Jackson was the seventh President


the answer is 7 napindot ko kasi yung united states na basta dko alam basta alam ko napindot ko yon kaya

What were TWO new aspects of Renaissance art, compared to medieval



Medieval and Renaissance are two different periods in the world history between which we can see an enormous difference in art, music, fashion, architecture, etc. Of these, the most vibrant and distinguishing feature was art.


6. Bartolomé de Las Casas describes the Spanish conquistadors as "Men who were empty of all pity, behaving like savage beasts." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? List 3 at least examples to support your answer.



The statement by Bartolome de las Casas is true.


The Spanish conquistadors were explorers and knights who assisted in conquering the New World and establishing colonies. The Spanish conquistadors conquered Central and South America after the discovery of the New World. The conquistadors were successful in colonizing Central America through invading ancient Civilizations. They were without remorse or pity towards the Natives. They killed thousands of people to acquire wealth and land. Their behaviour was considered to be ruthless.

The statement asserted by Bartolome de las Casas that "the Spanish conquistador were men who were empty of all pity, behaving like savage beasts" is true.

Who are the Spanish conquistadors?

The Spanish conquistadors were explorers and knights who assisted in conquering the New World and establishing colonies.

The Spanish conquistadors conquered the Central and South America after the discovery of the New World.

The Spanish conquistadors were successful in colonizing Central America through invading ancient Civilizations.

During their quest, they were without remorse nor pity towards the Natives, they killed thousands of people in order to acquire wealth and land.

Hence, the statement asserted by Bartolome de las Casas that "the Spanish conquistador were men who were empty of all pity, behaving like savage beasts" is true.

Read more about Spanish conquistador


In the space below, describe the type of governments that Federalists and Anti-Federalists preferred?


Answer: Hello , I normally don't answer these because it is to hard to get the answer straight from memorie  so do not  get mad if it is from another site.


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For the faction opposed to the policies of U.S. President George Washington, see the Anti-Administration party.

The Articles of Confederation, the predecessor to the U.S. Constitution and drafted from Anti-Federalist principles

Anti-Federalism was a late-18th century movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government and which later opposed the ratification of the 1787 Constitution. The previous constitution called the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, gave state governments more authority. Led by Patrick Henry of Virginia, Anti-Federalists worried, among other things, that the position of president, then a novelty, might evolve into a monarchy. Though the Constitution was ratified and supplanted the Articles of Confederation, Anti-Federalist influence helped lead to the passage of the United States Bill of Rights.


Major points

They believed the Constitution needed a Bill of Rights.

They believed the Constitution created a presidency so powerful that it would become a monarchy.

They believed the Constitution did too little with the courts and would create an out-of-control judiciary.

They believed that the national government would be too far away from the people and thus unresponsive to the needs of localities.

They believed the Constitution would abrogate, at least in part, the power of the states.[1]


During the American Revolution and its immediate aftermath, the term federal was applied to any person who supported the colonial union and the government formed under the Articles of Confederation. After the war, the group that felt the national government under the Articles was too weak appropriated the name Federalist for themselves. Historian Jackson Turner Main wrote, "to them, the man of 'federal principles' approved of 'federal measures,' which meant those that increased the weight and authority or extended the influence of the Confederation Congress."[2]

As the Federalists moved to amend the Articles, eventually leading to the Constitutional Convention, they applied the term anti-federalist to their opposition. The term implied, correctly or not, both opposition to Congress and unpatriotic motives. The Anti-Federalists rejected the term, arguing that they were the true Federalists. In both their correspondence and their local groups, they tried to capture the term. For example, an unknown anti-federalist signed his public correspondence as "A Federal Farmer" and the New York committee opposing the Constitution was called the "Federal Republican Committee." However, the Federalists carried the day and the name Anti-Federalists forever stuck.[2]

The Anti-Federalists were composed of diverse elements, including those opposed to the Constitution because they thought that a stronger government threatened the sovereignty and prestige of the states, localities, or individuals; those that saw in the proposed government a new centralized, disguised "monarchic" power that would only replace the cast-off despotism of Great Britain;[3] and those who simply feared that the new government threatened their liberties. Some of the opposition believed that the central government under the Articles of Confederation was sufficient. Still, others believed that while the national government under the Articles was too weak, the national government under the Constitution would be too strong. Another complaint of the Anti-Federalists was that the Constitution provided for a centralized rather than federal government (and in The Federalist Papers, James Madison admits that the new Constitution has the characteristics of both a centralized and federal form of the government) and that a truly federal form of government was a leaguing of states as under the Articles of Confederation.

During the period of debate over the ratification of the Constitution, numerous independent local speeches and articles were published all across the country. Initially, many of the articles in opposition were written under pseudonyms, such as "Brutus" (likely Melancton Smith),[4] "Centinel" (likely Samuel Bryan), and "Federal Farmer." Eventually, famous revolutionary figures such as Patrick Henry came out publicly against the Constitution. They argued that the strong national government proposed by the Federalists was a threat to the rights of individuals and that the president would become a king. They objected to the federal court system created by the proposed constitution. This produced a phenomenal body of political writing; the best and most influential of these articles and speeches were gathered by historians into a collection known as the Anti-Federalist Papers in allusion to the Federalist Papers.

please answer those blanks for me thank you so much

PROVIDED ____________________________ LAND, RESOURCES, TRADE, TRAVEL FOR EXPANSION ____________________________)


1. two

2. water

3. fertile, separated

four characteristics of Populism.



Four including its defensive characteristics of "populism" that I have included in my essay are; the perplexity that may emerge while grappling with populism, the growing discrepancy of populist political methodologies and the financial characteristics of classical populism that have been called upon to answer the winning overall concepts, the elementary highlights of majority rule government may obviously alter, and we contend within these political parties, as with any other subjective party.

Why were there revolutionary disturbances in Russia in 1905 what were the demands of the revolutionaries



The 1905 revolution was spurred by the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, which ended in the same year, but also by the growing realization by a variety of sectors of society of the need for reform. Politicians such as Sergei Witte had failed to accomplish this.


The causes of the revolutionary disturbances in Russia in 1905 were (i) Due to Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, prices of essential goods rose dramatically, so that real wages declined by 20 per cent. (ii) At the Putilov Iron Works, dismissal of some workers caused a strike.

What caused the Seven years' war? And, how did it end?

I give Brainliest!



he Seven Years War, a global conflict known in America as the French and Indian War, officially begins when England declares war on France. However, fighting and skirmishes between England and France had been going on in North America for years.

In the early 1750s, French expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought France into armed conflict with the British colonies. In 1756–the first official year of fighting in the Seven Years War–the British suffered a series of defeats against the French and their broad network of Native American alliances. However, in 1757, British Prime Minister William Pitt (the older) recognized the potential of imperial expansion that would come out of victory against the French and borrowed heavily to fund an expanded war effort. Pitt financed Prussia’s struggle against France and her allies in Europe and reimbursed the colonies for the raising of armies in North America.

By 1760, the French had been expelled from Canada, and by 1763 all of France’s allies in Europe had either made a separate peace with Prussia or had been defeated. In addition, Spanish attempts to aid France in the Americas had failed, and France also suffered defeats against British forces in India.

The Seven Years War ended with the signing of the treaties of Hubertusburg and Paris in February 1763. In the Treaty of Paris, France lost all claims to Canada and gave Louisiana to Spain, while Britain received Spanish Florida, Upper Canada, and various French holdings overseas. The treaty ensured the colonial and maritime supremacy of Britain and strengthened the 13 American colonies by removing their European rivals to the north and the south. Fifteen years later, French bitterness over the loss of most of their colonial empire contributed to their intervention in the American Revolution on the side of the Patriots.


Read the entire passage . Please

What were the political and social consequences of the Protestant Reformation? How did Martin Luther react to these political and social phenomena?


Political: The massive turmoil that the Reformation caused had a lasting impact on European politics. Soon after the Catholic Church deemed Martin Luther a “protestant,” Europe became divided along confessional, as well as territorial, lines. The religious turmoil of the period led to warfare within most states and between many.
Social: The Reformation itself was affected by the invention of the Printing Press and the expansion of commerce which characterized the Renaissance. Both Reformations, both Protestant and Catholic affected print culture, education, popular rituals and culture, and the role of women in society.

Although Luther was critical of the Catholic Church, he distanced himself from the radical successors who took up his mantle.

Who was a victim of Boston Massacre
5 points
A. Thomas Paine
B. Crispus Attucks
C. John Hancock
D. Samuel Adams



a freed black slave Crispus Attucks

A freed black slaves

How did religion influence ancient Indian art?​



characterized by enormous material wealth or by elaborate trade activity.

It was defined by creativity. Flourishing arts, fabulous literature, and stupendous scholars are just a few of the things that marked the period.

In 185 B.C.E., the Mauryan empire collapsed when the last of the Mauryan kings was assassinated. In its place, small kingdoms arose throughout India.

For nearly 500 years, the various states warred with each other. In the northern territories, a new empire arose when a ruler named Chandragupta I ascended the throne in 320 C.E. He revived many principles of Mauryan government and paved the way for his son, Samudragupta, to develop an extensive empire.


How were African Americans treated after the revolutionary war in the north and south?
(please help)



Many were put back into slavery. Slavery is restricted freedom so I would say some were stil treated unfairly.



Many slave owners were allowed to enlist in the war with the promise of their freedom, yet were put back into slavery after the war. In many Northern states, slavery was seen as a right to hold people as property and extremely unjust. The North's economy also did not require slaves, since it was dependent on manufacturing. The South's economy needed slaves. It would be impossible to run a plantation effectively and affordably without the manpower that slaves provided.

In sum, slaves in the North were treated well and with kindness. However, in the South, slaves were disrespected and forced with arduous labor.


Tell me some facts about the Saleh Witch Trials

will give brainlist <3




150 men and women were imprisoned because they were accused of witchcraft. 19 men and women were hanged, 1 man was crushed and 7 people died in prison. The place in Salem where the 'witches' were hanged became known as Gallows Hill.

Which of these was not an outcome of the Treaty of Paris?




there are three different treaty of paris which year did it happen? what are your answer choices?


The Treaty of Paris of 1783, was a peace treaty negotiated between the United States and Great Britain that officially ended the revolutionary war and recognized the independence of the thirteen states.

Title A nation divided:north vs. south .Based on the information in the text, what do you think was the ultimate reason the South lost to the North? what was their greatest weakness? be sure to use complete sentences when responding. ​



I think the reason the south lost is because the north had more resources.

the north had better transportation and the north had more gun distributors.

The north made more bullets, guns, and railways.


a country split between the north and the south  believe to be the main cause of the South's defeat by the North, based on the information in the text, is that the North had greater resources.

The north also had more distributors of guns and better transportation. More railroads, firearms, and ammunition were produced in the north.

What is meant by greatest weakness?

Your initial reaction could be to choose a strength that is essential to the position you are seeking for if you were asked about your biggest strength during a job interview.

This reaction would be accurate. You'll naturally want to respond in the opposite way to questions concerning your flaws. Choose a flaw that, while genuine, does not play a significant role in the position for which you are interviewing. Nobody wants to work for an accountant who ignores the small print or a salesperson who gets anxious when making cold calls.

Learn more about greatest weakness, from :



Natasha wants to know whether adding coffee to the soil will help plants grow. She plants seeds in pots and adds coffee to the soil. What else should Natasha do to find out if coffee helps plants grow? A give the plants fertilizer B. add more water to the soil C. put the plants in the shade D. grow some seeds without coffee​





This will let her knows the deference between plant with coffee and plant without coffee and from this she will know if coffee helps plants grow or not

Why did Roman army experience decline in discipline?



Inflation-Disappearance of money. Decline of loyalty and discipline in military-Roman soldiers became less disciplines and loyal because they gave their loyalty to christianity, and non-violence. Citizen indifference and loss of patriotism-Rome relied on foreign men to fight in the army.


Answer:ima hook it up


What evidence would you use to support the idea that Georgia Gilmore's cooking changed


.it funding by movement rights civil the helped It

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how did tariff policies impact the different sections of the united states PLZ HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!!!!Caleb: Tengo mucho fro hola, amigos. El tiempo en mi casa est muy fro para mi gusto. Qu tiempo hace en tu pas o ciudad? Escribe tu comentario and let me know.Right now, I need to go warm up! Hasta maana!Caleb: Soli est de viaje con su familia en Argentina. Ahora en Argentina las temperaturas son de verano. Me imagino que ella va a ir a la playa todos los das. Here, las temperaturas son la estacin invierno.Brrrrr.Javi: Hola, Caleb, con quin hablas?Caleb: Hola, Javi, pienso en las estaciones. Pienso en cmo en todo el mundo es invierno, pero en Argentina el clima es de verano.Javi: S, en Argentina ahora hace buen tiempo. Me gustara estar en Argentina. El meteorlogo said that this fin de semana va a llover.Caleb: No me hables ms de mal tiempo, chico.Javi: Ok, vamos a imaginar que estamos con Soli en Argentina en una playa con una temperatura muy caliente.Caleb: Let me get my sunblock.Javi: Sunblock?Caleb: S, chico, you don't want this beautiful face to get burned en este clima de Argentina!Based on the dialogue, ________. Soli wishes she was home Caleb wishes it was warmer Javi does not want to travel Soli has a fever and is sick Which sentence demonstrates proper pronoun-antecedent agreement? Answer options with 4 options 1. The host of the party told the guests to put their coats in the bedroom. 2. At five o'clock, Brittany and Anne excused herself because she had to get home before dinner. 3. Neither Brittany nor Anne could find their coat in the lopsided pile. 4. Brittany said, "If somebody calls about taking the wrong coat, give them my phone number!" Is revenge ever justified? Do you agree with the U.S. response to the 9/11 attacks? Why or why not? a letter to your friend telling him about your best subject Mr. DAlton made some radium in his lab. He used kg of the radium every time he 5 2ran his experiment. If he did the experiment four times and had kg left, how much2 3 1radium did Mr. DAlton make at first? Matteo spends a total of 38 min exercising. He walks for 6 min to warm up and then runs at a constant rate of 8 min per mile for the rest of the time. Matteo says that he ran 4.78 mi. Is he correct? Explain why it is necessary that gametes (egg cells and sperm cells) have half the DNA that normal body cells have. The first side of a triangle is four inches longer than twice thesecond side. The third side of the triangle is 5 inches shorter thanthe sum of the other two sides. The perimeter is 72 inches. Findthe lengths of the three sides. Candice, Jill, and Kivo raised money for their school'sgolf team through a bake sale. They sold over-stuffedbrownies for $4.50 each, and they sold gourmetcupcakes for $6 each. After selling 125 baked goods,they collected $633 total. How much of the total did thetrio collect from selling the cupcakes?$351$282$150$78$47 2.Fill in each missing reason.Given: 10x - 4y= 1; X = 2Prove: 19/4=y HELP, im really struggling and having a hard time What do the story details reveal about Arturo? PLSSS HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A bag contains 14 blue, 6 red, 12 green, and 8 purple buttons. 25 buttons are removed from the bag randomly. How many of the removed buttons were red if the chance of drawing a red button from the bag is now 1/3? 4. Encircle the odd one out and give reason A rectangle has a width of 2.5 inches and a length of x inches. The value of the perimeter of the rectangle is equal to the value of the area of the rectangle. Graph a system of linear equations to find x . Determine the no. of permutationsfor the word PHOTOGRAPH What are the environmental issues with using coal as a source of energy? How are you able to light a bunsen burner