Assignment # 14 Doc, B13A Export reporting Take the 2 items you imported from LA Exports and you are sending them to Great Britain: This document is no longer available on the CBSA website. Go to the learning hub and see in CBSA documents. Print the document then fill it out and scan or take a picture of it. You have sold these items to: England importers London England


Answer 1

The CBSA Export Reporting Program requires the submission of documentation for all commercial export shipments.

The exporter must submit a B13A Export Declaration form to the CBSA for each shipment. The B13A form serves as a declaration of the value, quantity, and nature of the goods being exported. The B13A form has to be filled out with care that requires accurate information about the goods, their value, and the final destination. To fill out the B13A form, go to the Learning Hub and see in CBSA documents and print the document and fill it out and scan or take a picture of it. Since the document is no longer available on the CBSA website, it is crucial to ensure that the filled-out document is accurate and reflects the nature of the items being exported.

To learn more about document click here


Related Questions

ournal Entry 3 Color of Water Chapter 13
The journal is a place for you to express your thoughts and
feelings. Please write in response to the prompt, but don't worry
about grammar and mechanics. Grad


Chapter 13 of "The Color of Water" explores racial complexities and self-discovery, evoking reflection on identity and acceptance.

In Chapter 13 of "The Color of Water," I was deeply moved by James McBride's exploration of his teenage years and the racial complexities that shaped his identity.

Reading his candid reflections on his mixed-race heritage and the societal pressures he faced resonated with me on a personal level. McBride's honest portrayal of his relationship with his white Jewish mother, Ruth, and his own journey of self-discovery evoked a range of emotions within me. It reminded me of the importance of embracing and celebrating our diverse backgrounds.

This chapter served as a powerful reminder of the strength that comes from accepting and embracing our unique identities. McBride's storytelling continues to inspire me to reflect on my own sense of self and the significance of racial and cultural identities in our lives.

To learn more about “reflection” refer to the


There was a Serious fight in your Class in the absence of the class teacher and few students were Suspended Write letter to your friend in another School explaining the cause the two виси ways be avoided of an fight suggest Can occurence​


"виси" This has to be in English. [Clarification, - hang -]


Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to share an unfortunate incident that recently took place in my school.

Last week, there was a serious fight in our class when our teacher was absent. A few students got into a physical altercation and it became quite violent. As a result, some of the students involved were suspended from school.

I believe that this could have been avoided if the students involved had shown more restraint and maturity. It is important to remember that physical violence is never the answer and that we should always try to resolve conflicts through peaceful means. I think it is also important for our school to have better measures in place to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

In my opinion, one way to prevent such fights is to have a more positive and supportive school culture, where students are encouraged to express their feelings and opinions in a respectful manner. It is also important for teachers and school staff to be more vigilant and to intervene early when they notice any signs of tension or conflict.

I hope that this incident serves as a reminder to all of us to be more responsible and respectful towards each other. Let us work together to create a safe and harmonious school environment where everyone can thrive.

Take care and stay safe.


[Your Name]

How do researchers prevent "professional respondents from participating in focus groups? selecting a good moderator combining qualitative with quantitative research creating a discussion guide pre-screening respondents V3LD A B C


To prevent professional respondents from participating in focus groups, researchers employ various strategies such as:

The Strategies to use

Pre-screening respondents: Before selecting participants, researchers may conduct screenings to identify individuals who have previously participated in similar research studies or have a history of being professional respondents.

Selecting a good moderator: An experienced and skilled moderator is crucial to ensure the focus group remains unbiased and participants engage in genuine discussions. A moderator can identify and handle professional respondents effectively.

Creating a discussion guide: A well-crafted discussion guide helps guide the conversation and prevents professional respondents from dominating the discussion or providing insincere responses.

Combining qualitative with quantitative research: By incorporating quantitative research methods, such as surveys or questionnaires, researchers can cross-reference responses from focus groups to identify inconsistencies or patterns that may indicate professional respondents.

These measures collectively help researchers ensure the authenticity and reliability of focus group data.

Read more about respondents here:


Response should be around 500 words. Please amplify your points by drawing from the text for evidence and examples as you formulate your thoughts.

After reading chapter 3 and 4 of "The End of Nature," explain how and why global warming will cause economic, political, and social changes in our world. Point to precise moments in the text to amplify your points.


In the book, "The End of Nature," Bill McKibben offers a thought-provoking, well-researched, and insightful view of the effects of global warming. Global warming is one of the most significant threats to life on earth and has already caused significant economic, political, and social changes in our world. In chapter 3 and 4 of the book, McKibben has explained how and why global warming will cause economic, political, and social changes in our world. Here are the precise moments in the text to amplify our points.

Economic Changes:
Global warming will cause significant economic changes in our world. According to McKibben, the costs of global warming will be substantial and will affect everyone, from individuals to entire nations. He notes that global warming will result in increased sea levels, which will cause flooding and displacement of people living in coastal areas. These impacts will have a direct impact on property values, with many homeowners finding themselves with properties that are no longer viable or livable. McKibben also suggests that global warming will result in decreased agricultural productivity and, as a result, food shortages and increased food prices.

Political Changes: McKibben believes that global warming will have significant political implications as well. In chapter 4, he suggests that global warming could result in political instability, which could lead to conflict. He notes that the competition for resources could increase in regions where water, food, and energy are scarce. This competition could lead to conflict and even war. McKibben also suggests that global warming could lead to increased migration, as people are forced to leave their homes due to rising sea levels or decreased agricultural productivity.

Social Changes: Global warming will also cause significant social changes. According to McKibben, global warming will result in increased poverty and inequality, as the effects of global warming will disproportionately affect the poor and vulnerable. He notes that the impacts of global warming will be felt most acutely in regions where people lack the resources to adapt. This could lead to increased social unrest, as people demand action from their governments to address the effects of global warming.

In conclusion, global warming will cause significant economic, political, and social changes in our world. McKibben has presented a compelling argument for why we need to take action to address global warming. It is clear that the costs of inaction will be substantial and will affect everyone, from individuals to entire nations. We need to take action now to address the effects of global warming, and we need to do so in a way that is equitable and fair for everyone.

To know more about political instability, click here:


‘Competencies do not equal performance’. Kindly Discuss.


The statement "competencies do not equal performance" suggests that possessing certain competencies or skills does not necessarily guarantee high levels of performance or success in a particular domain.

How to explain the information

While competencies are important and often serve as foundational elements for performance, other factors can influence how effectively individuals apply their competencies in real-world settings.

Competencies are often developed and assessed in controlled environments, such as classrooms or training programs. However, the real world is complex and dynamic, and performance is influenced by various contextual factors. These factors can include organizational culture, team dynamics, resource availability, external market conditions, and individual motivation. Even if someone has the necessary competencies, their performance may be impacted by these external factors.

Learn more about Competencies on


of Math IS
stage directions
a backdrop of objects that visually represent -
a physical location in a play
the writer of a play
Exploring Elements
a description of the movement, position,
and tone of the actors



Stage directions are written by the playwright to inform readers of the time period, set considerations, production requirements, stage action, character movement, entrances and exits, line interpretations, even the style and tone of the play.

While Sola was away I took occasion to examine more minutely the room in which I found myself captive. The mural painting depicted scenes of rare and wonderful beauty; mountains, rivers, lake, ocean, meadow, trees and flowers, winding roadways, sun-kissed gardens—scenes which might have portrayed earthly views but for the different colorings of the vegetation. The work had evidently been wrought by a master hand, so subtle the atmosphere, so perfect the technique; yet nowhere was there a representation of a living animal, either human or brute, by which I could guess at the likeness of these other and perhaps extinct denizens of Mars.

Based on the passage, the reader can conclude that A Princess of Mars is a fantasy because it

a. is told by a narrator.
b. features a prisoner.
c. analyzes a piece of art.
d. is set on another planet.


Based on the passage, the reader can conclude that A Princess of Mars is a fantasy because it is set on another planet.

A Princess of Mars is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. It was first serialized in All-Story Magazine from February–July 1912. The novel tells about the adventures of John Carter, an American Civil War veteran who is mysteriously transported to Mars or Barsoom.The story is set on Mars, a different planet, and contains rare and wonderful beauty. Thus, based on the passage, it can be concluded that A Princess of Mars is a fantasy because it is set on another planet. Option d is correct.

To know more about  A Princess of Mars visit:


In your own words, and supported with diagrams where appropriate, describe your understanding of the meaning of, and relationship between, each of the following pairs of terms. GDA94 and GDA2020


GDA94 and GDA2020 are geodetic datums used for referencing locations on the Earth's surface. GDA94 was developed in 1994 and widely used in Australia, while GDA2020 was introduced in 2020 as an updated and more accurate version. GDA2020 considers the movement of the Australian continent and provides better alignment with GPS and satellite measurements. The relationship between the two can be seen as an evolution or upgrade, with GDA2020 improving upon GDA94 by incorporating more precise measurements and adjustments. The transition from GDA94 to GDA2020 involves a coordinate shift, and it's important to use the correct datum for accurate measurements.

What can you do with your social media profile (LinkedIn) to establish your credibility as an industry sales Professional? Include not only the different steps you would take but also 1-2 examples of how you would take those steps. BIUA A LE H 4 D Y T 10 pts √¶¶ 12pt HTML Editor


In order to establish credibility as an industry sales professional on LinkedIn, there are several steps one can take. Here are some tips, Keep your profile up-to-date and complete Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and contains all relevant information about your professional experience and qualifications.

This includes your current job title, job responsibilities, education, and any certifications you have. You should also include a professional headshot to help humanize your profile. Share relevant content Sharing relevant content related to your industry can help establish you as an authority in your field. You can share articles, blog posts, and other content that you find interesting and relevant to your followers. This can help position you as a thought leader and establish your credibility. Participate in LinkedIn groups LinkedIn groups can be a great way to connect with others in your industry and participate in discussions about topics that are important to you.

To know more about authority refer :


What is the differences between slavery in Olaudah Equiano's native
West African home and what he experienced in the New World


Olaudah Equiano, a prominent African writer, and abolitionist, provided a detailed account of his experiences as a slave in his autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano." In his narrative, he highlights several differences between slavery in his native West Africa and the New World (America).

Origins: In West Africa, slavery existed before the arrival of Europeans. It was often a result of warfare, debt, or punishment for crimes. Slaves in West Africa were often prisoners of war or individuals who had been captured through raids. In contrast, in the New World, slavery was primarily driven by the transatlantic slave trade, where Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas to be sold as slaves.

Treatment: Equiano describes that in his native West Africa, slaves were treated with relative leniency and were considered part of the household, often integrating into the family structure. However, in the New World, slaves were treated as property and subjected to harsh and brutal conditions. They were subjected to physical and psychological abuse, forced labor, and were frequently treated as commodities rather than human beings.

Cultural Displacement: Equiano highlights the loss of cultural identity experienced by African slaves in the New World. In West Africa, slaves often retained their cultural practices, language, and familial ties. In the New World, slaves were forcibly separated from their families, stripped of their native languages, and often denied the opportunity to practice their cultural traditions.

Slave Trade: Equiano notes the vast difference in scale between the slave trade in West Africa and the New World. While the slave trade existed in West Africa, it was not as extensive or organized as the transatlantic slave trade that brought millions of Africans to the Americas. The transatlantic slave trade involved large-scale trafficking of slaves, involving European ships, plantations, and slave markets.

Potential for Freedom: Equiano highlights the greater possibility of obtaining freedom in the New World compared to West Africa. Although the conditions were harsh, slaves in the Americas had opportunities to gain their freedom through various means such as self-purchase, escape, or manumission. In West Africa, the prospect of regaining freedom was often limited, and the status of slavery was more entrenched in the social structure.

It is important to note that the experiences of slaves varied widely depending on the specific time, location, and circumstances. Equiano's account provides insight into the general differences he observed, but it may not necessarily represent the experiences of all African slaves during that time.

Learn more about Olaudah Equiano:


Hello I am having trouble with my syllogisms. I keep going round
and round trying to decide what is the major and minor premise and
what the conclusion is...
1. He must be a nice person. He smile


Syllogism is a type of logical argumentation that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true.

A syllogism contains a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. The major premise is a general statement that is accepted to be true, the minor premise is a particular statement that relates to the major premise, and the conclusion is the logical conclusion that is drawn from the premises provided. In the syllogism "He must be a nice person. He smiles," the minor premise is "He smiles," and the major premise is "Nice people smile." The conclusion that can be drawn from these premises is "Therefore, he must be a nice person." The major premise of a syllogism is typically the more general statement that can be applied to a wide range of situations, while the minor premise is a more specific statement that relates to the major premise. The conclusion is the logical conclusion that can be drawn from the premises provided.

know more about syllogism.


Listed below are some examples of frequently used transitional words or phrases to use as signposts in business writing.

To signal Examples
Addition or Amplification: And, furthermore, besides, next, moreover, in addition, again, also, similarly, too, finally, second, subsequently, last
Contrast: But, or, nor, yet, still, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, conversely, on the other hand, although
Example: For example, for instance, such as, thus, sequence, first, second, third, next, then
Conclusion: Therefore, thus, finally, in conclusion, consequently, as a result, accordingly, then
Time or Place: At the same time, simultaneously, above, below, further on, so far, until now
Create example sentences to illustrate three (3) of the following:

Back-and-forth references
Section previews
Establish a common context
Explain your purpose for writing
Make your structure explicit
Effective closing


We can create example sentences using some of the transitional words provided to exemplify the use of references, previews and to establish a common context.

Back-and-forth references:

In the previous section, we discussed the benefits of implementing a new marketing strategy. Now, let's delve into the challenges associated with its execution.

Section previews:

In the following sections, we will explore three key factors contributing to the company's success: customer satisfaction, efficient operations, and effective marketing strategies.

Establish a common context:

As we all know, the company has been experiencing a decline in sales over the past quarter. In light of this situation, it is crucial to identify strategies to boost revenue and regain market share.

What are transitional words?

Transitional words or phrases are linguistic devices used to establish connections and provide coherence between ideas, sentences, or paragraphs in written or spoken language. They serve as signposts that guide readers or listeners through the flow of information, helping them understand the logical relationships between different parts of a text.

These words or phrases indicate shifts in thought, introduce additional information, show cause and effect, contrast ideas, provide examples, or indicate the sequence of events. By using transitional words or phrases effectively, writers and speakers can improve the clarity, organization, and overall coherence of their communication, facilitating comprehension and creating a smoother reading or listening experience for their audience.

Learn more about transitional words here:


Q 15-16 (Two questions)


Langston Hughes believed in the power of poetry to change social injustice.

Select one:



Question 16

Modernism and postmodernism are fairly similar, and their primary difference is in attitude toward the characteristics both types of works contain.

Select one:




Langston Hughes was not cynical about his poetry and Modernism and postmodernism differ not only in attitude but also in their approach and characteristics of artistic works. Therefore, both statements are False.

(A) False. Langston Hughes was not cynical about his poetry; in fact, he was passionate about its potential to address and challenge racism. He believed that poetry had the power to raise awareness, provoke thought, and inspire social change.

Through his works, Hughes expressed the experiences and struggles of African Americans, highlighting racial injustices and advocating for equality. His poetry aimed to give voice to the marginalized and shed light on societal issues.

(B) False. One of the defining characteristics of modernism is its rejection of rigid adherence to traditional rules of form. Modernist writers sought to break free from conventional structures and experiment with new forms, styles, and techniques.

They embraced innovation and often challenged established literary norms, pushing the boundaries of expression. This departure from traditional rules of form allowed for greater artistic freedom and exploration of unique narrative structures and linguistic techniques. Modernist works showcased a range of innovative approaches, from stream-of-consciousness narration to fragmented narratives, reflecting the changing attitudes and perceptions of the time.

To learn more about “traditional rules” refer to the


what is a lucid dream? group of answer choices it is a dream that accompanies rem activity in dogs, cats, and other mammals. it is a dream in which you become aware that you are dreaming while you are still asleep. it is a dream with very clear and lucid content that is always remembered in the morning. it is a dream in which you are killed or die.


Answer:  It is a dream in which you become aware that you are dreaming while you are still asleep.


According to the letter we received, your previous employer recommends you with no qualifications. But I'm afraid we here at the Grove Company hire only people that do have qualifications. So, there's really no point in our talking further.


Based on the letter we received, the previous employer recommends a candidate with no qualifications. But, the company's policy requires employees to have the required qualifications.

Hence, there's no point in further communication. The letter suggests that the candidate recommended by the previous employer has no qualifications. However, the Grove Company only hires candidates that possess the necessary qualifications. The lack of qualifications indicates that the candidate may not have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the job duties.In this scenario, there is no point in the Grove Company talking further with the candidate. Since the Grove Company only hires candidates with the required qualifications, the lack of qualifications makes the candidate ineligible for the job. Therefore, the letter received serves as evidence that the candidate does not meet the eligibility criteria for the job vacancy in the Grove Company.

To know more about   job vacancy    visit:


Identify the structure of this sentence.
At the club lunch on Wednesday, the food was delicious, and the speaker was hilarious.
O simple
O compound
O complex


The structure of the sentence "At the club lunch on Wednesday, the food was delicious, and the speaker was hilarious" is compound.

A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more independent clauses. Independent clauses are complete sentences that can stand alone as separate sentences. Examples of a compound sentence

1. I went to the party, but I didn't stay long.

2. I don't have any food at home, so I'm going out to eat tonight.

3. She's a talented singer, and she also plays the guitar.

4. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing.

5. We can go to the beach, or we can go to the mountains.

An independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand alone. It has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. It does not depend on any other clauses or phrases to form a complete sentence. Examples of independent clauses:

1. I'm going to the store.

2. She loves to read books.

3. The car needs an oil change.

4. They are going on vacation next week.

5. He ate dinner early tonight.

To know more about the sentence refer to:


The structure of the sentence "At the club lunch on Wednesday, the food was delicious, and the speaker was hilarious" is compound.

A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more independent clauses. Independent clauses are complete sentences that can stand alone as separate sentence.


State four constitutional freedom of expression​


The 4 constitutional freedoms of expression includes:

freedom of speech,freedom of the press,freedom of assembly, freedom of religion.

What are the four constitutional freedoms of expression?

The Constitution of many countries including United States guarantees various freedoms of expression. These include freedom of speech which allows individuals to express their thoughts and opinions without government censorship or interference.

Freedom of the press ensures that the media can report news and information without undue influence or restrictions. Freedom of assembly protects the right to gather and protest peacefully. Freedom of religion grants individuals the freedom to practice their chosen religion or belief system without persecution or discrimination.

Read more about freedoms of expression


Describe the classic management functions and their
relationship to each other, including the extent to which they may
or may not be interrelated. For each function, provide one specific
example, and


The classic management functions are planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Each of the management functions is interrelated to the other. They rely on each other for their successful operation. Planning is the process of setting objectives and choosing how to accomplish them.

A manager must develop a course of action to meet the company's goals. In terms of planning, an example of this could be setting a sales goal for a specific period, such as increasing sales by 15% over the next quarter.Organizing is the act of putting the plan into action. A manager must assign tasks, delegate responsibilities, and distribute resources to meet the organization's objectives. A good example of organizing is when a manager develops an organizational chart showing the different departments, the individuals in each department, and their responsibilities.Directing is the act of leading and guiding employees to achieve the objectives of the organization. This function requires effective communication and leadership skills. For example, a manager can conduct a team-building exercise to enhance communication and cooperation among the employees.Controlling is the process of monitoring and measuring performance to ensure that the company's objectives are achieved. This function involves measuring progress against the goals established in the planning phase. An example of controlling is when a manager establishes a benchmark for the number of customer service calls to be answered in a given period. If the company falls short of the benchmark, the manager must take corrective action.

know more about classic management functions.


Which of the following statements is correct 1. The article of partnership is used to form a partnership II. One of the advantages of a partnership is profit sharing Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. MAH


The correct statement is: II. One of the advantages of a partnership is profit sharing. Partnerships are business structures where two or more individuals come together to carry on a business for profit.

One of the advantages of a partnership is that the partners share in the profits and losses of the business. Profit sharing is a key characteristic of partnerships, where the distribution of profits is based on the terms outlined in the partnership agreement. This allows partners to receive a portion of the profits generated by the business according to their agreed-upon share.

Statement I, which states that the article of partnership is used to form a partnership, is incorrect. The document used to form a partnership is commonly referred to as the partnership agreement or the articles of partnership, depending on the jurisdiction. It outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the rights, responsibilities, and profit-sharing arrangements among the partners.

Visit here to learn more about business:


How is the more direct performative aspect of drama and/or
poetry reflected? (Consider for example, each genre’s uses of
literary structure, language, technique, and style.) How do these
literary el


Drama and poetry reflect performative aspects through language, structure, and techniques, engaging audiences in immediate experiences.

The more direct performative aspect of drama and poetry is reflected in their respective literary structures, language usage, techniques, and styles.

In drama, the performative nature is evident through the use of dialogue, stage directions, and acts or scenes, providing a blueprint for actors to bring the text to life on stage. The language in drama is focused on character interactions and emotions, aiming to engage the audience in the immediate experience of the performance.

Poetry, on the other hand, employs rhythmic and musical language, utilizing techniques such as rhyme, meter, and imagery to create a performative quality. The structure of a poem can vary, allowing for experimentation and expressive freedom.

Both drama and poetry utilize literary devices and styles to enhance the performative aspect and elicit a profound response from the audience or reader.

To learn more about “literary devices” refer to the


the kate runnur
on page 93 of the kate runnur we se hassan
crush a pomegtanate aginst his forehead . why do you think he does
this ?


In the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, on page 93, it is mentioned that Hassan crushes a pomegranate against his forehead. The reason why Hassan does this is not explicitly mentioned in the book. However, we can infer some possible reasons based on the context and characterization of Hassan.

The Kite Runner is a novel by Khaled Hosseini published in 2003. The book tells the story of Amir, a young boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, Afghanistan, and his journey to redemption. The novel explores themes such as guilt, betrayal, friendship, family, class differences, and the immigrant experience.In the scene mentioned in your question, Hassan and Amir are in the pomegranate tree together. They are both eating the fruit, and Hassan smashes a pomegranate against his forehead, letting the juice and seeds drip down his face.

Amir is surprised and asks him why he did that. Hassan replies, "It's a tradition of my people, of Hazaras." This suggests that the act of crushing a pomegranate against one's forehead may have some cultural or religious significance for the Hazara people, who are an ethnic minority in Afghanistan and are often subjected to discrimination and oppression by the dominant Pashtun majority. Another possible interpretation is that Hassan is trying to express his emotions through this action.

Throughout the book, Hassan is portrayed as a character who internalizes his feelings and rarely expresses them verbally. By smashing the pomegranate against his forehead, Hassan may be releasing his frustration, anger, or pain in a physical way. This is supported by the fact that Amir describes his face as "twisted in concentration or pain" after he does it. In conclusion, while the exact reason why Hassan crushes a pomegranate against his forehead is not explicitly stated in The Kite Runner, we can interpret it as a cultural or religious tradition, an expression of emotions, or a combination of both.

To learn more about novel


All of the following are characteristics that a sales
manager should consider when hiring a salesperson except
-ability to communicate


All of the given options - age, resilience, ability to communicate, adaptiveness, and optimism - are characteristics that a sales manager should consider when hiring a salesperson.

When hiring a salesperson, a sales manager should consider various characteristics that contribute to their success in the role. Age can be a relevant factor as it may impact experience, industry knowledge, and customer relations. Resilience is crucial as sales can be challenging, requiring individuals to bounce back from rejection and setbacks. The ability to communicate effectively is essential for building relationships, conveying product information, and closing deals.

Adaptiveness is vital in a dynamic sales environment, where individuals need to adjust their approach to meet customer needs and market changes. Optimism is valuable as it helps maintain motivation, handle rejection, and remain positive in the face of challenges.

In conclusion, all of the provided options - age, resilience, ability to communicate, adaptiveness, and optimism - are important characteristics that a sales manager should consider when hiring a salesperson. Each attribute contributes to the individual's ability to succeed in the sales role, build customer relationships, and achieve sales targets.

Learn more about manager here:


Narrateasceane real or imaginary incident when a schoolmate saved a life of someone at aconsiderble time of risk


Here's a narrative about a schoolmate who saved a life at a considerable time of risk: It was a regular day at school when the fire alarm went off.

At first, everyone assumed it was just a drill, but soon they realized it was not a drill, and there was a real fire in the school. Everyone was panicking and running in every direction. The fire was coming from the chemistry lab, and there were flames and smoke everywhere. It was a scary and chaotic scene. Suddenly, a student named John realized that his friend, Jack, was still in the chemistry lab. Without thinking, John ran back to the lab to find Jack. The smoke was so thick that John could hardly see anything, and it was incredibly hot. However, he didn't give up and continued to search for Jack. Finally, he found Jack, who had passed out on the floor.

John dragged him out of the lab and carried him to safety. Everyone was relieved to see that John and Jack had made it out safely. It was a close call, and John's bravery saved Jack's life. John's actions were heroic and selfless, and he risked his own life to save his friend. From that day on, John was known as a hero among his peers, and everyone looked up to him with respect and admiration.

To know more about narrative visit:-


the following events occurred in beowulf : beowulf is granted treasures from hrothgar. beowulf becomes king of his own land and rules for fifty years. beowulf dies from a wound inflicted by a dragon that he kills. beowulf is buried with the dragon's treasure by the sea. beowulf is a prince who slays two monsters in denmark. beowulf is burned on a funeral pyre. the geats return to sweden. beowulf gives his treasures to hygelac. put the events in order by selecting the correct step from each blue box. first event: choose... second event: choose... third event: choose... fourth event: choose... fifth event: choose... sixth event: choose... seventh event: choose... final event: choose...


These events depict the heroic journey and eventual passing of Beowulf, showcasing his valor, leadership, and the legacy he leaves behind. In the epic poem Beowulf, the events occur in the following order.

First event: Beowulf is a prince who slays two monsters in Denmark. This marks his initial heroic exploits and establishes his reputation as a formidable warrior.

Second event: Beowulf is granted treasures from Hrothgar. As a token of gratitude for his heroic deeds, King Hrothgar rewards Beowulf with valuable treasures, symbolizing honor and recognition.

Third event: Beowulf becomes king of his own land and rules for fifty years. After the death of Hygelac, Beowulf ascends to the throne and leads his people, the Geats, as their king for five decades.

Fourth event: Beowulf dies from a wound inflicted by a dragon that he kills. In the later stages of his life, Beowulf faces a mighty dragon and manages to slay it, but he sustains a fatal injury during the battle.

Fifth event: Beowulf is burned on a funeral pyre. Following his death, Beowulf receives a grand funeral ceremony, where his body is placed on a pyre and burned as a mark of respect and honor.

Sixth event: Beowulf is buried with the dragon's treasure by the sea. As per Beowulf's dying wishes, his body is laid to rest alongside the vast hoard of treasure he acquired from the dragon. His burial site is located near the sea, symbolizing his connection to the heroic and maritime traditions.

Seventh event: The Geats return to Sweden. With Beowulf's demise, the Geats mourn their fallen king and return to their homeland in Sweden, bringing an end to their time in the land of the Danes.

Final event: Beowulf gives his treasures to Hygelac. Before becoming king himself, Beowulf had served under Hygelac's rule. In a gesture of loyalty and respect, Beowulf presents the treasures he received from Hrothgar to Hygelac, symbolizing their bond and Beowulf's noble character.

Visit here to learn more about Beowulf:


List the three conditions required for causality and highlight the main difference between the ordinary and the scientific meaning of causality. (5 points)


The three conditions required for causality are, association, time-order, and non-spuriousness.

Association is the occurrence of two variables being related in some way. Time-order is the occurrence of the independent variable happening before the dependent variable. Non-spuriousness is when the relationship between the variables is real and not caused by another third variable. The difference between the ordinary and scientific meaning of causality is that ordinary causality suggests a sense of inevitability, whereas scientific causality suggests probabilistic causality. In other words, when people say that one event caused another event, it implies that there is a necessary relationship between the two.

To learn more about causality click here


What does this quote from Bob Dylan mean? " Name me someone that
is not a parasite, And I will go out and say a prayer for him". And
how does this also relate to the 1960's?


The quote from Bob Dylan, "Name me someone that is not a parasite, And I will go out and say a prayer for him," reflects a sense of skepticism and disillusionment towards society. This also relates to the 1960s, Dylan's quote can be seen as a critique of the societal norms and values prevalent during that time.

It suggests that Dylan perceives many individuals as parasitic, implying that they rely on others for their own gain without contributing positively or genuinely. He challenges the listener to identify someone who is not behaving in such a way, promising to pray for that person as a rare exception. The 1960s was a period marked by significant social and cultural changes, with movements like civil rights, anti-war protests, and counterculture challenging established systems.

Dylan, as a prominent figure in the folk and protest music scene, often expressed his discontent with the status quo. During the 1960s, many people were questioning traditional institutions, such as government, corporations, and social structures, viewing them as oppressive or corrupt. Dylan's quote reflects this sentiment by highlighting the widespread presence of parasitic behavior and suggesting a lack of genuine and virtuous individuals in society.

Furthermore, Dylan's lyrics and music played a significant role in expressing the frustrations, hopes, and desires of the 1960s generation. His words resonated with the growing counterculture movement, which sought to challenge societal norms and create a more just and equitable world. The quote encapsulates Dylan's skepticism towards the prevailing power structures and his yearning for authenticity and integrity in individuals.

know more about Bob Dylan here:


In a 100-200-word short essay, address the following questions:
When considering the whole essay in revision, how do you understand
FACT? What is your definition of each of the letters of this


When revising an essay, it is important to consider the whole piece and ensure that the information presented is factually accurate.

FACT is an acronym that can be used to guide this process. Each letter of the acronym represents a step that can be taken during the revision process. F stands for "focus." During revision, it is important to make sure that the essay stays focused on the main topic or argument. Good essays have a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or point being made. When revising, writers should make sure that the rest of the essay supports this argument or point. A stands for "accuracy." Essays should be factually accurate and well-researched. During revision, writers should fact-check their work to make sure that they are not making any false claims or presenting misleading information. C stands for "clarity." Essays should be written in a clear and easy-to-understand way. When revising, writers should make sure that their writing is free of jargon or overly complex language. T stands for "tone." The tone of an essay should be appropriate for the audience and purpose of the essay.

When revising, writers should make sure that their tone is consistent throughout the essay and that it aligns with the intended message of the essay.

In summary, when considering the whole essay in revision, the acronym FACT can be used to guide writers. This means focusing on the main argument or point, ensuring accuracy of information, writing in a clear and easy-to-understand way, and using an appropriate tone.

To learn more about essay


where within these two changes ,pragmatist and purist appraches
to organizationl culture are you most likely to encounter change
naturally as a manager?


As a manager, you are most likely to encounter change naturally in the pragmatist approach to organizational culture. Pragmatists and Purists are two changes in approaches to organizational culture.

The pragmatist approach is inclined to be more flexible, whereas the purist approach is more strict. Managers are more likely to encounter a natural change in the pragmatist approach to organizational culture. Managers who prefer to embrace change are more likely to adopt a pragmatist approach to organizational culture. Pragmatist approachPragmatists aim to be adaptable, which implies they are willing to adopt new ideas and theories. Pragmatists believe that they should be able to adapt to the situation rather than trying to adjust the situation to meet their needs. Pragmatists aim to create an organizational culture that is adaptable, encouraging innovation and creativity.

Purist approachPurists, on the other hand, believe that organizational culture should adhere to specific established principles and rules. Purists believe that there is a right and wrong way to do things and that any deviation from these principles or rules is detrimental to the organization. Purists believe that the preservation of established values and principles is critical to the success of an organization. Therefore, they are more likely to resist change and prefer to maintain the status quo.

To know more about culture please refer:


1 .What is a natural language? Give an example
2. What is a formal language? Give an example.
3. What are some differences between natural and formal
5. What is logic, and, in particular, w


Natural language: Evolved human communication (e.g., English). Formal language: Precise rules for specific purposes (e.g., Python programming). Differences: Acquisition, flexibility, usage. Logic: Study of valid reasoning.

A natural language is a language that has evolved naturally among humans for communication purposes. Example: English, Spanish, Chinese.

A formal language is a language with precise rules and structures, often used for specific purposes such as mathematics or computer programming. Example: Programming languages like C++, Python, or mathematical notation.

Some differences between natural and formal languages include:

Natural languages are acquired through exposure and cultural interaction, while formal languages are learned through study and instruction.Natural languages are more flexible and allow for ambiguity and interpretation, while formal languages have strict syntax and rules.Natural languages are used for everyday communication, while formal languages serve specialized purposes.

Logic is the study of reasoning and valid inference. It focuses on the principles of correct reasoning and provides a systematic framework for analyzing arguments and drawing conclusions based on given premises.

To learn more about “communication” refer to the


What accounts for the explosion of population of elk in Banff National Park? the horns of predators of elk were removed by the park managers which offset the predator-prey relationship. more of the animals gather at summer time in Banff National Park and they mate during this period. Oregeneration of more aspen trees which elks depend on as food. global warming has released more ice-covered lands for feeding and mating. None of the above Identify a tree which is commonly found in the Tropical rainforest? Birch Beech Oak Maple Eucalyptus


The explosion of population of elk in Banff National Park can be accounted for by the removal of the horns of predators of elk by the park managers which offset the predator-prey relationship.

More of the animals gather at summer time in Banff National Park and they mate during this period. Moreover, the Oregeneration of more aspen trees which elks depend on as food. Global warming has released more ice-covered lands for feeding and mating. However, the correct answer to the tree that is commonly found in the Tropical rainforest is Eucalyptus. This tree is commonly found in Australia. It is important to note that tropical rainforests are characterized by tall trees, with over 30 meters in height. These trees form a dense canopy that covers the forest floor. Some of the trees found in the tropical rainforest include Kapok trees, Ceiba trees, and Ironwood trees. The tropical rainforests cover less than 6% of the earth's surface but are home to more than 50% of the earth's biodiversity.

To know more about commonly refer :


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