ANALOGIES In the space provided, write the letter of the pair of terms or phrases that best complete the analogy shown. An analogy is a relationship between two pairs of words or phrases written as a : b :: c: d. The symbol : is read "is to," and the symbol :: is read "as." 1. demography : populations:: a. ecology: atmosphere b. infant mortality: death rate c. meteorology: weather d. agriculture : farming 2. age structure : population pyramid :: a. exponential growth : population growth b. survivorship: survivorship curve c. fertility rate : replacement level d. population growth increased food production 3. immigration : population increase :: a. migration : population decrease b. emigration : movement out of an area c. migration : movement into an area d. emigration : population decrease 4. preindustrial stage: small, stable population :: a. transitional stage: population explosion b. industrial stage: large, stable population c. transitional stage: low growth rate​


Answer 1

An analogy is a comparison between two pairs of terms or phrases that highlights a similar relationship or similarity between them.

An analogy is a way of comparing two things in order to explain something complex or unfamiliar by using something more familiar or simple. It helps us understand a concept by drawing similarities between two different things.

In an analogy, the first pair (a : b) establishes a relationship, and the task is to find another pair (c : d) that exhibits a similar relationship.

The correct ansers are:

demography : populations :: b. infant mortality: death rate

age structure : population pyramid :: b. survivorship: survivorship curve

immigration : population increase :: c. migration : movement into an area

preindustrial stage: small, stable population :: c. transitional stage: low growth rate.

For more details regarding analogies, visit:


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To live and function, cells need:

A. Carbon dioxide and blood
B. Food, water, and oxygen
C. Size
D. Shape



B. Food, water, and oxygen.


Cells require a supply of essential nutrients to function properly. Food provides the necessary energy and building blocks for cellular processes. Water is essential for maintaining cell structure, facilitating biochemical reactions, and transporting molecules. Oxygen is required for cellular respiration, the process by which cells convert nutrients into energy. Together, food, water, and oxygen support the metabolic activities and survival of cells.

What is the meaning of animal level and barangay level results in research?



The points 2, -1+i√3, and -1-i√3 are right angles in the Argond plane because any two points are equally spaced.


Calculating distances We find that the total equals 2√3. Thus, a triangle has three sides of equal length, which is the definition of an isosceles triangle.

In research, the terms "animal level" and "barangay level" refer to different levels or scales of analysis or investigation within a study.

Animal level: Animal level results in research typically focus on analyzing or evaluating data, outcomes, or observations at the individual animal level. This level of analysis involves studying and understanding specific characteristics, behaviors, or responses of individual animals within a particular context or research setting. For example, in a study on the effects of a new drug on mice, animal level results would involve analyzing the drug's impact on each individual mouse in the experiment.
Barangay level: Barangay level results, on the other hand, pertain to the analysis and findings at the level of a barangay. A barangay is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines, roughly equivalent to a village or neighborhood. Barangay level research focuses on understanding phenomena, trends, or outcomes within a specific barangay or comparing different barangays. This level of analysis often involves examining social, economic, demographic, or other relevant factors that affect the community or population at the barangay level. For instance, a study on healthcare access in different barangays would involve analyzing data and findings specific to each barangay to understand variations in healthcare services or accessibility.
The choice of analyzing data or presenting results at either the animal level or barangay level depends on the research objectives, scope, and context of the study. It allows researchers to examine phenomena at different scales and gain insights into specific individuals or communities as well as broader patterns or trends.

In an undisturbed rock column there is a trace fossil of a desert reptile species in the lowest rock layer, 5 index fossils that were present 500,000 years ago in the middle rock layer, and a fossil of a fish species in the top rock layer.



The information provided describes a rock column with three different types of fossils found in different rock layers. Here is the breakdown:

Lowest Rock Layer: Contains a trace fossil of a desert reptile species. A trace fossil is a preserved evidence of the activity of an organism, such as footprints, burrows, or tracks. In this case, it indicates the presence of a desert reptile species in the past.

Middle Rock Layer: Contains 5 index fossils that were present 500,000 years ago. Index fossils are fossils of organisms that were widespread but existed for a relatively short period of time. They are useful for dating and correlating rock layers. The presence of 5 different index fossils suggests a diverse range of organisms existed during that specific time period.

Top Rock Layer: Contains a fossil of a fish species. This indicates the presence of a fish species in the past, likely in a different geological time period compared to the other fossils in the rock column.

Overall, the rock column provides evidence of different organisms that existed at different times. The trace fossil of the desert reptile suggests the presence of reptiles in the earliest period, followed by the presence of multiple index fossils indicating a diverse ecosystem 500,000 years ago, and finally, the fossil of a fish species in a more recent geological time period.


Nitrogen fixation contributes to carbon dioxide emissions. This connects Biogeochemical Flows to



pollute environment and this drive a series danger to living things

The nitrogen cycle is the process by which nitrogen is transformed into many different forms. It passes through the atmosphere, into the soil, into the body of an organism, and then back through the atmosphere again.

The nitrogen cycle is made up of several steps: nitrogen fixation, nitrogen nitrification, nitrogen denitrification (denitrification), decay, and putrefaction.

Earth’s biogeochemical cycles bring together the energy and molecules of the planet into continuous cycles that sustain life. The fundamental elements of life, such as water, oxygen, and carbon, as well as sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus, are recycled and returned to their respective cycles repeatedly.

To learn more about the nitrogen cycle, refer to the link:


Are Mormoset twins genetically identical?


Answer: they typically are fraternal twins and share have of their genetic material.

Explanation: marmoset females almost always give birth to fraternal twins. In those cases they share half their genetic material, just like any sibling.

2.2.1 2.2.2 State TWO possible advantages of using bananas as a vaccine against diseases. Give TWO reasons why people might be against the use of genetically modified bananas. ​


Advantages of using bananas as a vaccine against diseases: Oral Delivery, Cost-Effective Production.

Reasons why people might be against the use of genetically modified bananas: Safety Concerns, Moral Considerations.

1. Oral Delivery: Bananas can be consumed orally, making them an ideal vehicle for delivering vaccines. This eliminates the need for injections, which can be uncomfortable and require medical professionals to administer.

2. Cost-Effective Production: Bananas are relatively inexpensive to produce and are widely available in many parts of the world.

This makes them a cost-effective option for vaccine production and distribution, particularly in resource-limited settings.

Reasons against the use of genetically modified bananas as vaccines:

1. Safety Concerns: Some individuals may have concerns about the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including genetically modified bananas.

There may be uncertainties about the long-term effects of consuming GMOs, and fears of potential risks to human health and the environment.

2. Ethical and Moral Considerations: Opposition to genetically modified bananas may stem from ethical and moral concerns regarding the alteration of natural organisms.

Some people may view genetic modification as interfering with nature or raising questions about the boundaries of manipulating living organisms.

Know more about the vaccine:


Nitrogen fixation contributes to carbon dioxide emissions. This connects Biogeochemical Flows to



Nitrogen fixation contributes to carbon dioxide emissions. This connects Biogeochemical Flows to plants.

Give a brief explanation of why we might want to create a butterfly garden. In your explanation include:
- what has happened to reduce butterfly numbers
- what impact has this had on biodiversity
- what is biodiversity
- why is this biodiversity loss significant



Creating a butterfly garden can have several important benefits, particularly in the context of declining butterfly populations and the impact on biodiversity.

1. Declining Butterfly Numbers: Over the years, butterfly populations have been declining due to various factors. Habitat loss and fragmentation, pesticide use, climate change, and pollution are some of the significant contributors to this decline. These factors have resulted in the loss of host plants for butterflies and a reduction in suitable habitats for their survival and reproduction.

2. Impact on Biodiversity: Butterflies play a crucial role in ecosystems as pollinators. They visit flowers for nectar, thereby facilitating the transfer of pollen and contributing to plant reproduction. Many plant species rely on butterflies and other pollinators for their pollination, which is essential for the production of fruits, seeds, and overall plant diversity. Declining butterfly populations can disrupt this pollination process and have cascading effects on other organisms that depend on these plants.

3. Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms, including plants, animals, microorganisms, and their interactions within an ecosystem. It encompasses the genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity present in a particular area. Biodiversity is crucial for the stability, resilience, and functioning of ecosystems, providing essential ecosystem services such as pollination, nutrient cycling, and pest control.

4. Significance of Biodiversity Loss: The loss of biodiversity, including declining butterfly populations, is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it can disrupt ecological balance and lead to the loss of critical ecosystem functions. For example, the decline of butterfly pollinators can reduce the reproduction and diversity of plant species, affecting food webs and the availability of resources for other organisms. Secondly, biodiversity loss can reduce the overall resilience of ecosystems, making them more vulnerable to environmental changes and less able to recover from disturbances. Finally, biodiversity loss can have economic and cultural impacts as well since it affects agricultural productivity, tourism, and human well-being linked to natural environments.

By creating butterfly gardens, we can provide suitable habitats and food sources for butterflies, promoting their population recovery and enhancing biodiversity. These gardens can serve as important stepping stones and corridors for butterflies to move between fragmented habitats. Additionally, butterfly gardens offer an opportunity for education, appreciation of nature, and conservation awareness, helping to inspire individuals to take action in preserving biodiversity.

___ uses data collected by satellites combined with data collected at street level to
create detailed maps.



A geographic information system (GIS)


Hybrid mapping uses data collected by satellites combined with data collected at street level to create detailed maps.

What is Hybrid mapping?

Hybrid mapping is a type of mapping that combines data collected from satellites and data collected at street level. This allows for the creation of more detailed and accurate maps than can be created with either type of data alone.

Satellite data can provide a wide view of an area, but it can be low-resolution and may not show features that are close to the ground. Street-level data can provide high-resolution images of features close to the ground, but it can be difficult and time-consuming to collect

Learn about mapping here


Where are the A, B and RH antigens located


Answer: The A, B, and Rh antigens are located on the surface of red blood cells.


what are the products of the ceullular respiration


The products of cellular respiration are carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Cellular respiration is a metabolic process that takes place in the cells of living organisms, including humans, to convert nutrients (such as glucose) into ATP, which is used as a source of energy for various cellular activities. The overall equation for cellular respiration is:

Glucose + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP

So, carbon dioxide and water are the primary waste products, while ATP is the energy currency generated through this process.


Cellular respiration is the process by which cells convert sugars into energy. The main product of cellular respiration is ATP, which stores the energy released during respiration and allows the cell to transfer this energy to various parts of the cell. Other products of cellular respiration include carbon dioxide and water, which are considered waste products and must be removed from the cell. The equation for cellular respiration is:

C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 + 36 ADP (depleted ATP) + 36 Pi (phosphate groups) → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP

Cellular respiration can be divided into three steps: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm and breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, producing two molecules of ATP and two molecules of NADH. The Krebs cycle occurs in the mitochondria and converts pyruvate into acetyl-CoA, producing six molecules of carbon dioxide, eight molecules of NADH, two molecules of FADH2, and two molecules of ATP. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria and uses the electrons from NADH and FADH2 to power a proton pump that creates a gradient across the membrane. This gradient drives the synthesis of ATP by a protein called ATP synthase, producing 32 molecules of ATP and six molecules of water.

Cellular respiration is essential for all living organisms because it provides them with the energy they need to perform various functions such as growth, movement, and reproduction. Cellular respiration also helps maintain a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, as plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and release oxygen as a by-product, while animals use oxygen for cellular respiration and release carbon dioxide as a by-product.


What is the best way to revise for a test and to remember large amounts of information.




Some effective ways to revise for a test and remember large amounts of information are:

Active recall: Practice recalling the information from memory rather than just reading it over and over again. Use flashcards, quizzes, or practice tests to test your knowledge.

Spaced repetition: Review the information regularly over a period of time, rather than cramming all at once. This helps to reinforce the information in your long-term memory.

Break it down: Break the information into smaller chunks and focus on one chunk at a time. This makes it easier to remember and prevents information overload.

Use mnemonic devices: Use acronyms, rhymes, or other memory aids to help you remember the information.

Teach someone else: Teach the information to someone else. This helps to solidify your own understanding and memory of the information.



The best way to revise for a test and remember large amounts of information is by using effective study techniques. Here are some simple steps you can follow:

Break it down: Divide the information into smaller, manageable chunks. This makes it easier to learn and remember.Create a study plan: Set a study schedule that allocates time for each topic or section. This helps you stay organized and focused.

Take breaks: Don't try to study for long hours without breaks. Take short breaks in between study sessions to give your brain time to rest and process the information.

Use active learning techniques: Instead of just reading or highlighting, engage actively with the material. This can include summarizing, creating flashcards, teaching the information to someone else, or solving practice questions.

Make it visual: Use diagrams, charts, or mind maps to visually represent the information. Visual aids can help you remember and understand complex concepts.

Practice retrieval: Test yourself by recalling the information without looking at your notes. This helps reinforce your memory and identify areas that need more attention.

Hope it helps!!

why are mutations considered important in evolution​


Mutations are considered important in evolution because they are the ultimate source of genetic diversity.

Mutations are alterations in the sequence of an organism's DNA, caused by radiation or toxins in the environment. They can also form spontaneously during DNA replication.

Mutations can have a variety of impacts. These are frequently dangerous or have little or no impact. However, changes in DNA sequence can occasionally be helpful to the organism.

Beneficial mutations that offer a survival benefit or reproductive success are more likely to be passed on to subsequent generations, increasing their frequency in the population over time. This accumulation of favorable mutations is a driving factor in the process of evolution.

Without mutations, there would be no supply of new genetic information, and evolution would be greatly hampered.


Mutations are one of the fundamental forces of evolution because they fuel the variability in populations and thus enable evolutionary change.

Label the components of skeletal muscle tissue. Not all will be used.


Answer: skeletal muscle fibers , cardiac and smooth muscle fibre

Explanation: muscle tissue consists of fibers of muscle cells connected together in sheets and fibers.

Skeletal muscle is attached to bones and its contraction makes possible locomotion, facial expressions, posture, and other voluntary movements of the body.

Cardiac muscle forms the contractile walls of the heart. cardiomyocytes are single cells with a single centrally located nucleus.A principal characteristic of cardiomyocytes is that they contract on their own intrinsic rhythm without external stimulation. Cardiomyocytes attach to one another with specialized cell junctions called intercalated discs.

Smooth muscle tissue contraction is responsible for involuntary movements in the internal organs. It forms the contractile component of the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems as well as the airways and blood vessels.

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