A term that Haunai-Kay Trask uses to describe a strategy to resist aspect of US settler colonialism in Hawai'i that has resulted in militarism, along with the rise in tourism, which has resulted in the loss of access to Native lands as well as environmental contamination.


Answer 1

Haunai-Kay Trask uses "decolonization" to describe a strategy to resist aspect of US settler colonialism in Hawai'i that has resulted in militarism, along with the rise in tourism, which has resulted in the loss of access to Native lands as well as environmental contamination.

Haunani-Kay Trask is a Native Hawaiian scholar, poet, and activist who has extensively written about the impacts of US settler colonialism on Hawai'i.

According to Trask, decolonization is not just about the restoration of Native Hawaiian sovereignty but also involves the transformation of the social, economic, and political systems that perpetuate colonialism in Hawai'i.

This means challenging the dominant narrative that portrays Hawai'i as a tropical paradise and exposing the ways in which US colonialism has impacted Native Hawaiians and their land.

Trask argues that the militarization of Hawai'i, which began with the US annexation of Hawai'i in 1898, has led to the displacement of Native Hawaiians and the destruction of their cultural sites.

She also critiques the rise of tourism, which has resulted in the commodification of Native Hawaiian culture and the exploitation of Native lands for profit.

Additionally, Trask highlights the environmental contamination caused by US military activities and the tourism industry.

In summary, Trask's use of the term "decolonization" describes a strategy to resist the impacts of US settler colonialism in Hawai'i, including militarism, tourism, loss of access to Native lands, and environmental contamination.

To know more about decolonization refer here :



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minglewood hall, a music venue in memphis, tennessee, often hosts loud concerts that play late into the night. minglewood provides an annual allotment of free concert tickets to residents who live in the houses directly behind the venue. which solution to the externality problem does minglewood use?


Minglewood Hall uses the concept of “compensation” to address the externality problem.

By providing free concert tickets to residents who live in the houses directly behind the venue, Minglewood is attempting to offset the nuisance of loud music late into the night. This is an example of “positive compensation”, where the producer of the externality (Minglewood Hall) provides a benefit to those affected by the externality (the residents of the houses).

This solution is a win-win for both sides, as Minglewood is able to maintain its concert venue without worrying about the noise, while the residents receive compensation in the form of free concert tickets.

To know more about externality problem, click here:



Explain the purpose of deng clapping speech which addres reform and the the open policy in china


Deng Clapping Speech, also known as Deng Xiaoping's "Southern Tour" speech, had the purpose of promoting economic reform and the open policy in China to the world, particularly to the US, and convince American business leaders and policymakers to support China's economic development.

Deng Xiaoping's clapping speech, delivered in 1979 during a visit to the United States, aimed to introduce China's policy of "Reform and Opening-Up" to the world and promote economic cooperation between China and the US.

Deng's reforms aimed to modernize China's economy by introducing market-oriented policies, opening the country to foreign investment, and encouraging entrepreneurship.

Deng's speech was a significant departure from China's previous economic policies, which emphasized collectivism and self-reliance. Deng argued that China needed to embrace new technologies and foreign expertise to achieve rapid economic development.

The "clapping speech" played a crucial role in promoting China's economic reforms to the world and helped to convince American business leaders and policymakers to support China's economic development.

The speech also marked a turning point in US-China relations and signaled a new era of cooperation between the two countries.

Overall, Deng's clapping speech was a pivotal moment in China's economic development and its relationship with the US.

To know more about Deng Xiaoping refer here :



What does the Constitution say about the voting rights of aliens?



While federal law does not prohibit noncitizens from voting in state or local elections, no state has allowed noncitizens to vote in statewide elections since Arkansas became the last state to outlaw noncitizen voting in state elections in 1926.


I hope I can help you, have a nice day

What term best applies to people who share a culture and a territory?.


The term that best applies to people who share a culture and a territory is "society."

A society is a group of individuals who interact with each other, share a common culture, and occupy a particular territory. Members of a society often have similar beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors that are passed down through generations.

Society can be seen as a complex system of interrelated parts, where each part has a specific function to maintain the stability and well-being of the whole.

Societies can be organized in various ways, ranging from small, egalitarian groups to large, complex, hierarchical societies like modern nations. Understanding the workings of society and its different components is an essential part of many academic disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, and political science.

To know more about society, refer here:



Is conflict always a consequence when different cultures integrate? Answer ASAP. Thanks a bunch. X


No, conflict is not always a consequence when different cultures integrate.

While cultural differences may lead to misunderstandings or disagreements, integration can also lead to the sharing of ideas and perspectives, and the creation of new and diverse communities.

Effective communication and respect for each other's traditions and beliefs can help to minimize potential conflicts.

However, it is important to acknowledge that some degree of tension or discomfort may arise as cultures merge, but with an open-minded and inclusive approach, this can be managed and overcome.

To know more about Effective communication click on below link:



A nation can be prosperous only by the coordinating role legislative,executive and judicary. Analyse this statement


The statement suggests that for a nation to be prosperous, the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches must work together in a coordinated manner.

The statement emphasizes the importance of cooperation and coordination between the three branches of government in a country. Legislative, executive, and judiciary branches play crucial roles in ensuring the prosperity of a nation.

The legislative branch makes laws and policies that are essential for economic growth and social development. The executive branch ensures the implementation of those laws and policies by carrying out administrative and executive functions.

The judiciary branch ensures justice and resolves disputes, providing a stable environment for businesses and investments. Without the coordination between these branches, a nation can experience political instability, weak governance, and economic stagnation.

Hence, a coordinated role of legislative, executive, and judiciary is necessary for a country's prosperity. It fosters trust in the government, ensures the rule of law, attracts foreign investments, and provides opportunities for businesses and individuals to thrive.

To know more about economic growth click on below link:



Why did the authors of the southern manifesto claim that chief justice earl warren’s decision was a threat to the us constitutional order? consider what type of arguments they make. Can you link their argument to any other situations in us history?.


Their arguments were similar to those made by Southern states during the Civil Rights Movement, when they resisted federal efforts to desegregate schools and public spaces. Many Southern politicians argued that the federal government was infringing on their states' rights and that desegregation would lead to chaos and violence.

The authors of the Southern Manifesto claimed that Chief Justice Earl Warren's decision in Brown v. Board of Education was a threat to the US constitutional order because they believed that it undermined the principle of "separate but equal" that had been established by the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson. They argued that the federal government was overstepping its bounds by interfering in matters of state law, and that the decision would lead to the breakdown of the social order in the South.
Overall, the Southern Manifesto was a reflection of the deep-seated racial tensions and resistance to change that existed in the South during the mid-20th century. It represented a last-ditch effort by segregationists to maintain the status quo and resist the forces of progress and equality.
The authors of the Southern Manifesto claimed that Chief Justice Earl Warren's decision in the Brown v. Board of Education case was a threat to the US constitutional order for several reasons:
1. Usurpation of States' Rights: The authors argued that the decision infringed on states' rights, as it overrode the ability of individual states to decide on their own segregation policies. They believed that the federal government was overstepping its bounds, which threatened the balance of power between state and federal authorities.
2. Misinterpretation of the Constitution: The Southern Manifesto claimed that the decision was a misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law. They argued that the original intent of the amendment did not include desegregation of public schools, and that the decision was therefore unconstitutional.
3. Disruption of Social Order: The authors believed that the forced integration of schools would lead to chaos and social upheaval, which they saw as a threat to the stability of the nation.
One historical situation that can be linked to the Southern Manifesto's argument is the debate over states' rights and the role of the federal government during the nullification crisis in the 1830s. In this case, South Carolina argued that it had the right to nullify federal laws that it deemed unconstitutional, leading to a confrontation with the federal government over the supremacy of federal laws. This situation also revolved around the tension between states' rights and federal authority, reflecting the same concerns expressed in the Southern Manifesto.

For more such questions on federal government , Visit:



the four components of emotional intelligence are: emotional self-awareness, emotional self-management, social awareness, and what? a. time management b. coping with failure c. believing in yourself d. relationship management



Relationship management


The four domains of Emotional Intelligence — self awareness, self management, social awareness, and relationship management — each can help a leader face any crisis with lower levels of stress, less emotional reactivity and fewer unintended consequences.

5- Why is the king curious about England? In Gulliver’s adventure


In Gulliver's adventure, the king is curious about England because he is interested in learning more about the country's government, customs, and way of life. He is particularly interested in England's military and commercial power, and he wants to know how the country became so successful. The king hopes to use this knowledge to improve his own kingdom and to establish stronger ties with England.

Give a description of a recent (2018-2020) example of how this problem of Xenophobia displayed itself in our community​


One example of xenophobia in the community during the 2018-2020 period was the increased discrimination and prejudice against Asian Americans in the United States due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the virus originating in Wuhan, China, many people falsely associated the virus with Chinese people and Asians in general, leading to a rise in hate crimes and racist incidents. Asian Americans reported being verbally harassed, physically assaulted, and discriminated against in their workplaces and communities.

The xenophobia behavior was fueled by politicians and media outlets blaming China for the pandemic and using derogatory terms like "China virus" or "kung flu." The effects of this discrimination have been devastating, with many Asian Americans living in fear and feeling unsafe in their own communities.

To learn more about xenophobia follow the link:



Azman was involved in an accident that caused his vision to become blur. According to the doctor who treated him, Azman had to undergo surgery to relocate structure X to its original position. Predict what is X and justify it. ​


The structure X in this scenario is likely the lens of Azman's eye.

The lens of the eye plays a crucial role in focusing light onto the retina, allowing us to see clearly. If Azman's vision has become blurry after the accident, it could be due to a dislocated lens, which would require surgery to relocate it to its original position. By relocating the lens, the light can be properly focused on the retina, potentially restoring Azman's vision to normal.

He had reconstructive surgery to rebuild his face after the accident. I had to go through a medical test to begin my pension plan. Before competing in the championship, athletes are required to take a mandatory drug test. The business is going through a significant reorganisation.

Learn more about the lens of the eye: https://brainly.com/question/30388330


The mark-recapture method would be best for sampling a population of _____


The mark-recapture method would be best for sampling a population of mobile and elusive species.

This method involves capturing and marking a portion of the population, releasing them back into the wild, and then recapturing a portion of the population at a later time. The number of marked individuals in the recapture sample can be used to estimate the total population size.

This method is especially useful for species that are difficult to observe or track, and can provide valuable data for conservation and management efforts. However, it is important to ensure that the marking and recapture process does not harm the animals, and that the assumptions underlying the method are met.

To know more about mark-recapture method click on below link:



a young girl from a poor family is sent to live with wealthy distant relations. her relations expect her to take care of the household cooking and cleaning instead of going to school. they do not pay her and threaten her when she attempts to return home. her situation is an example of a. the new caste system. b. modern apartheid. c. modern slavery. d. the new jim crow.


When young girl from a poor family is sent to live with wealthy distant relations this is an example of modern slavery therefore the correct option is C.

Modern slavery exists when a person is forced to work without pay and with the threat of violence or other forms of coercion if they attempt to leave. This young girl from an impoverished family has been taken in by her wealthy relatives, but instead of receiving an education as she deserves,

she is expected to perform unpaid labor in the form of housekeeping and cooking for her benefactors. Her situation is entirely unfair and violates basic human rights, making it an example of modern slavery that exists today.

Hence the correct option is C.

To know more about Modern slavery visit:



11. Why did Southern senators initially block the organization of the Kansas and Nebraska territories?

They thought the RR that would be built there would only benefit the North

They did not think the area’s American Indians should be moved to Oklahoma

They worried that the area's Indians would be relocated to the South.

They were afraid new free states would give the North control of Congress


Southern senators initially block the organization of the Kansas and Nebraska territories as they were afraid new free states would give the North control of Congress. The right answer is d.

Congress is the wing of government that enacts legislation for the US, thus northerners desired to control it. If the North had more influence in Congress, they could pass laws that benefited them. The controversial Kansas-Nebraska Act created the potential that slavery would be permitted in areas where it had previously been prohibited.

Its adoption heightened the acrimonious debate over slavery in the US, which would later erupt into the Civil War. Nearly each southern voted in favour of the bill, despite every northern Whig having opposed it.

The correct answer is option d.

Know more about Kansas-Nebraska Act here



Directions: You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts.

Breanna likes to do crossword puzzles to reduce stress. She joins a puzzle club to help keep her focused on her new hobby. She participated in her first crossword puzzle tournament over the weekend, and while she thinks she could have done better, she feels good about her experience. She has already signed up for another tournament scheduled to occur in one month. Explain how each of the following might hinder Breanna from preparing for her next tournament.

a- Yerkes-Dodson law

b- Divided attention

c- Perceptual set

While she is practicing different crossword puzzles, Breanna comes across a particularly hard puzzle she cannot figure out quickly. Explain how each of the following might be related to Breanna's ability to respond well to this difficult puzzle.

a- Negative reinforcement

b- Divergent thinking

c- Episodic memory

d- Breanna's high level of the Big Five trait of conscientiousness


Breanna's participation in a crossword puzzle tournament is a new and exciting experience for her, but it also poses potential challenges that could hinder her preparation for the next tournament. One such challenge is the Yerkes-Dodson law, which states that performance increases with arousal but only up to a certain point, after which additional arousal leads to a decline in performance. So, the correct answer is option a.

If Breanna becomes too anxious or stressed about the upcoming tournament, her performance may suffer as a result. Therefore, she should manage her stress level and maintain optimal arousal to perform at her best.

Another factor that might hinder Breanna's preparation for the next tournament is divided attention. If Breanna is distracted by other activities or responsibilities, she may not have enough time to devote to practicing and improving her crossword puzzle skills. Therefore, she should prioritize her puzzle-solving practice and minimize distractions during her study time.

Perceptual set is another potential hindrance to Breanna's preparation for the next tournament. If she relies too heavily on her usual puzzle-solving strategies, she may have difficulty solving puzzles that require different problem-solving approaches. Therefore, she should try to diversify her puzzle-solving strategies and remain open-minded when faced with new and challenging puzzles.

In conclusion, Breanna's performance in the next crossword puzzle tournament can be affected by several factors, including her stress level, attention, and perceptual set. By managing her stress level, prioritizing her puzzle-solving practice, and diversifying her problem-solving strategies, she can increase her chances of success.

a) Negative reinforcement: Negative reinforcement refers to the removal or avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus, which increases the likelihood of a desired behavior. In the context of Breanna's ability to respond well to the difficult puzzle, negative reinforcement may play a role if Breanna experiences frustration or dissatisfaction when she cannot figure out the puzzle. This negative emotional response might motivate her to persist and try different approaches, increasing her chances of eventually solving it. The discomfort she feels from not being able to solve the puzzle acts as a driving force to find a solution and avoid the negative feeling associated with failure.

b) Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking is a cognitive process that involves generating multiple solutions or ideas to a problem. In Breanna's case, her ability to engage in divergent thinking can positively influence her response to the difficult puzzle. Instead of getting stuck on a single approach or solution, she can explore various possibilities, think outside the box, and consider unconventional or creative strategies. Divergent thinking allows Breanna to approach the puzzle from different angles, consider alternative interpretations, and potentially discover an unexpected solution.

c) Episodic memory: Episodic memory refers to the ability to recall specific events or experiences from one's past. In relation to the difficult puzzle, Breanna's episodic memory could aid her in responding well to the challenge. If she has encountered similar puzzles or faced challenging situations in the past and successfully solved them, she can draw upon those memories for guidance and inspiration. The recollection of previous problem-solving experiences, strategies, and techniques can provide valuable insights and assist Breanna in approaching the puzzle with confidence, perseverance, and a belief in her ability to overcome difficulties.

In summary, negative reinforcement may motivate Breanna to persist in solving the puzzle, divergent thinking allows her to explore various approaches, and episodic memory enables her to draw upon past problem-solving experiences. Each of these factors can contribute to Breanna's ability to respond effectively to the difficult puzzle.

Know more about Yerkes-Dodson law here:



Which substance abuse involves injection of the drug to produce intense excitement, energy, boldness, and paranoia similar to that produced by cocaine


The substance abuse that involves injection of the drug to produce intense excitement, energy, boldness, and paranoia similar to that produced by cocaine is called "speedballing."

The substance abuse that involves injection of the drug to produce intense excitement, energy, boldness, and paranoia similar to that produced by cocaine is called "speedballing." This is a dangerous and potentially deadly practice that involves injecting a mixture of cocaine and heroin or other opioids into the bloodstream. The combination of these two drugs creates a high that is both energizing and euphoric, but it can also lead to a range of serious side effects, including heart attack, stroke, respiratory failure, and overdose. Speedballing is often used by individuals who are seeking a more intense and immediate high than either cocaine or heroin can provide on their own. However, this practice is highly addictive and can quickly lead to tolerance and dependence, making it difficult to stop using without professional help. In addition to the physical risks associated with speedballing, there are also mental health risks, such as anxiety, depression, and paranoia, that can occur as a result of prolonged drug use. If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction or substance abuse, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. There are a variety of treatment options available, including therapy, support groups, and medication-assisted treatment, that can help individuals overcome addiction and reclaim their lives.

For more such questions on  cocaine



John decides to spend two weeks traveling in japan. while he is there, he notices that, unlike americans, the japanese cover their mouths when laughing. he is observing


John notices that the Japanese cover their mouths when laughing while traveling in Japan for two weeks. This behavior differs from Americans who tend to laugh with an open mouth.

This observation can be attributed to cultural differences between Japan and the United States. In Japan, people tend to be more reserved in their expression of emotions and value modesty.

Covering one's mouth while laughing is a sign of politeness and humility. On the other hand, in the United States, laughing with an open mouth is seen as a sign of authenticity and sincerity.

It is important to understand and respect cultural differences when traveling abroad. What may seem strange or unusual to one person may be a normal practice in another culture. By observing and learning about these cultural nuances, travelers can gain a better understanding and appreciation of the countries they visit.

To know more about nuances click on below link:



2. what is a neologism?

a made-up word

a string of real words

an incorrect response

o apat answer


A neologism is a made-up word or a new term that has been recently created or introduced into a language.

Neologisms can be derived from existing words or created from scratch and often reflect cultural, technological, or social changes.

In more detail, neologisms are newly coined words, phrases, or expressions that may gain popularity and eventually become part of the standard vocabulary. They are often created to describe new concepts, technologies, or ideas that emerge over time.

Some neologisms are formed by combining existing words, while others are completely new inventions. As language evolves and adapts to changing contexts, neologisms serve as a way to capture and communicate these shifts in a concise and meaningful manner.

To know more about neologism click on below link:



you have been assigned to watch a couple suspected of potential terrorist plots. you are told to record their every move outside of the house, including who they meet with and for how long. which step in the intelligence process is this?


This step in the intelligence process is called collection, which involves gathering information from various sources.

In this case, it would involve collecting information on the suspected terrorists outside of the house through observation and recording their activities. This could include noting who they meet with, for how long, and any other related activities.

Collection is the first step in the intelligence process and is a critical part of the process as it sets the foundation for further analysis and knowledge. It is one of the most important ways that intelligence agencies can acquire information about potential security threats and potential terrorist plots.

To know more about terrorists , click here:



scenario a anthropologists have been studying the role of soybean curd and related products in the culture of hong kong. the researchers interview people about how frequently they eat soybean products, where they eat them (at home or in restaurants), and during what time of day they eat them. the researchers also ask people about how they prepare soybean products, where they obtain soybean products, and any beliefs they might have about the soybean products (such as their nutritional value). the data are used to assess the role of soybean products in the culture. the researchers are also considering how their findings relate to global soybean consumption patterns. what is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research? group of answer choices


The primary field of anthropology addressed in this research is cultural anthropology. Cultural anthropology is the study of cultural patterns and practices across societies and how they are shaped by social and economic factors.

In this scenario, anthropologists are studying the role of soybean curd and related products in the culture of Hong Kong. They are conducting interviews with people to understand their beliefs, practices, and attitudes towards soybean products. By doing so, they are exploring how soybean products are integrated into the daily lives of people in Hong Kong and how they are influenced by cultural norms and values.

Furthermore, the researchers are considering how their findings relate to global soybean consumption patterns, which indicates their interest in understanding how cultural practices vary across different societies. Therefore, cultural anthropology is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research.

The primary field of anthropology addressed in this research is cultural anthropology. Cultural anthropology focuses on the study of human societies and cultures, exploring patterns of behavior, beliefs, and social organization. In this scenario, the researchers are examining the role of soybean curd and related products in Hong Kong culture, including people's eating habits, preparation methods, and beliefs about nutritional value. By analyzing this data and comparing it to global soybean consumption patterns, the researchers aim to better understand the cultural significance of soybean products in Hong Kong.

For more such questions on cultural anthropology , Visit:



What is the main purpose of lobbying?A man is convicted of a crime but did not have an attorney to represent him at his trial. Under what circumstances would this be unconstitutional according to Gideon v. Wainwright?


The main purpose of lobbying is to influence government policies and decisions by advocating for specific interests or issues on behalf of a group or individual.

According to Gideon v. Wainwright, it is unconstitutional for a person to be convicted of a crime without the assistance of an attorney, even if they cannot afford one. This decision established the right to counsel as a fundamental constitutional right guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment.

The Supreme Court held that the right to counsel is necessary for a fair trial and that the state must provide counsel to any defendant who cannot afford one. This decision has had a significant impact on criminal justice in the United States, ensuring that defendants are not left to represent themselves in court and are provided with the legal assistance necessary to ensure a fair trial.

The decision also emphasized the importance of due process and equal protection under the law, principles that are central to the U.S. legal system.

To know more about government policies, refer here:



One good feature of good experiments is verifiability. by this we mean: _____________

a. the prediction should not simply repeat facts that have already been confirmed, but break new ground.
b. the predictions should involve an observable event.
c. there must be a method for deciding, clearly and objectively, the truth or falsity of the prediction.
d. the prediction should be true.
e. the prediction should not be unnecessarily complex.


One good feature of good experiments is verifiability. By this, we mean that there must be a method for deciding, clearly and objectively, the truth or falsity of the prediction. The correct option C.

The predictions should involve an observable event, and should not simply repeat facts that have already been confirmed, but break new ground. Additionally, the prediction should not be unnecessarily complex, but it does not necessarily have to be true as the purpose of the experiment is to test the hypothesis.

Verifiability is indeed a desirable feature of good experiments. In the scientific method, experiments aim to produce results that can be verified or replicated by other researchers.

Verifiability refers to the ability to confirm the findings or outcomes of an experiment through independent observations, measurements, and analyses. Therefore, the correct option C.

To know more about experiments refer: https://brainly.com/question/31356665


Excise taxes are collected by which levels of government? i. local government ii. state government iii. federal government a. i only b. ii only c. i and iii only d. ii and iii only


Excise taxes are collected by state and federal governments.

option d is correct .

A consumption tax is a tax levied on certain goods and services, not on income or property. These taxes are typically imposed by both states and governments in the United States. These tax rates also vary by state and may be used to fund certain programs and services, such as Road improvements or public health initiatives.

At the federal level, excise taxes are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and are levied on a variety of goods and services, including alcohol, tobacco, gasoline, and certain luxury goods. These tax rates vary by product or service. At the state level, excise taxes are usually levied on related goods and services such as alcohol, tobacco, gasoline and automobiles.

Hence , option d is correct .

To know more about federal government visit :



What is the main difference between primary succession and secondary succession?
a. Primary succession begins with the formation of soil from parent material while secondary succession has soil already present.
b. Primary succession begins with large plants like trees while secondary succession begins with shrubs.
c. Secondary succession begins with formation of soils from parent material while primary succession begins with soil.
d. Secondary succession occurs quickly while primary succession is very slow.


The main difference between primary succession and secondary succession is that a) primary succession begins on bare, lifeless surfaces, such as rocks, sand dunes, or lava flows, where no soil exists, c) while secondary succession occurs on areas that have previously supported life but have been disturbed or damaged, leaving behind soil and some vegetation.

In primary succession, the first colonizers are typically hardy pioneer species, such as lichens and mosses, that can tolerate harsh environmental conditions and gradually break down the parent material to form soil. Over time, as the soil becomes richer in nutrients and organic matter, more complex plant species, such as grasses and shrubs, can establish themselves and create a more diverse ecosystem.

In secondary succession, the process is faster and more predictable because soil and some vegetation already exist. The first colonizers are typically fast-growing, opportunistic species, such as weeds and grasses, that can quickly take advantage of available resources. Over time, the ecosystem becomes more diverse and complex as other plant and animal species recolonize the area.

In summary, primary succession occurs on bare, lifeless surfaces, while secondary succession occurs on areas that have been disturbed but already have soil and some vegetation. This fundamental difference in starting conditions leads to different patterns of species succession and ecosystem development.

learn more about colonizers here:



How many total standards are presented in the Scope and Standards of Practice?  10  18  12  6


The Scope and Standards of Practice contains a total of 18 standards.

The Scope and Standards of Practice is a document that provides guidance and direction for the nursing profession. It outlines the expectations for nurses in terms of their professional roles, responsibilities, and competencies.

The document contains a set of standards that nurses are expected to meet in order to provide safe and effective care to patients.

There are a total of 18 standards presented in the Scope and Standards of Practice. These standards are organized into six categories, each of which represents a different aspect of nursing practice.

The six categories are as follows :

1. Assessment : This category includes four standards that relate to the assessment of patients. Nurses are expected to gather and interpret data about patients in order to make informed decisions about their care.

2. Diagnosis : This category includes two standards that relate to the diagnosis of patients. Nurses are expected to use their knowledge and expertise to identify patient problems and to develop appropriate care plans.

3. Outcomes Identification : This category includes three standards that relate to the identification of patient outcomes. Nurses are expected to work with patients to establish realistic goals for their care and to monitor their progress towards those goals.

4. Planning : This category includes three standards that relate to the planning of patient care. Nurses are expected to develop individualized care plans that are based on patient needs and that take into account their preferences and values.

5. Implementation : This category includes four standards that relate to the implementation of patient care. Nurses are expected to deliver care that is safe, effective, and based on best practices.

6. Evaluation : This category includes two standards that relate to the evaluation of patient care. Nurses are expected to regularly assess the effectiveness of their care and to make changes as needed to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

In summary, the Scope and Standards of Practice contains a total of 18 standards that represent the expectations for nursing practice in the United States.

To know more about Scope and Standards of Practice refer here :



As he enters his final year of high school, Hakeem has a fairly solid sense of who he is and where he wants to go in life. From a cognitive perspective, Hakeem is exhibiting


From a cognitive perspective, Hakeem is exhibiting a strong sense of identity and a clear sense of direction.

This is indicative of successful development in Erikson's stage of identity vs. role confusion. Hakeem's ability to navigate the complexities of adolescence and establish a sense of self is a reflection of his successful resolution of this stage.

Additionally, his clear goals for the future suggest a sense of purpose and direction, which is consistent with the development of emerging adulthood.

Hakeem's cognitive development has allowed him to develop a strong sense of self and direction, which will serve him well as he transitions into adulthood.

To know more about adolescence click on below link:



Which geographical future was most important for the growth of cities


One of the most important geographical factors that has contributed to the growth of cities is access to water.

Cities that are located near bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, or oceans, have historically been able to thrive because of the benefits of water transportation, fishing, and agriculture.

Water also provides a source of drinking water and helps to sustain industries like manufacturing and power generation.

Another important geographical factor is the availability of natural resources, such as minerals, timber, or fertile soil.

Cities that are located in areas with abundant natural resources can capitalize on those resources to fuel economic growth and development.

Finally, proximity to transportation networks, such as major highways or rail lines, can also be important for the growth of cities.

These transportation networks make it easier for people and goods to move in and out of a city, which can lead to increased commerce and trade.

To know more about geographical refer here:



A middle-aged man has conservative political views. he joins a conservative group in his neighborhood and participates in its activities. over the years, he becomes more conservative due to the group's influence. according to social psychologists, the man most likely exemplifies ________ in this scenario.


The man most likely exemplifies group polarization in this scenario. Group polarization refers to the phenomenon where individuals become more extreme in their attitudes and beliefs after being exposed to a group that shares similar views. In this case, the man's participation in the conservative group likely reinforced and amplified his conservative views, leading to a more extreme and polarized perspective.

Why do you use the term "polarization"?

Polarization, a property of transverse waves, refers to the geometric orientation of the oscillations. The direction of the oscillation in a transverse wave is the opposite of the wave's motion direction. The early 19th-century discovery that electrolysis caused the elements in an electrolyte to be attracted to one or the other pole, i.e., the gases were polarized towards the electrodes, is where the word "polarization" comes from.

What is the process of polarization?

Polarization happens when an electric field causes the cloud of negative electrons surrounding a positive atomic nucleus to bend in the opposite direction of the field. One side of the atom is somewhat positive and the other is considerably negative because of this minuscule charge difference.

To know more about polarization:



the young creators of a ‘ted meets burning man’ conference bought a $40-million mountain in utah to build a davos for hipsters. what could go wrong?



The young creators may face challenges in attracting attendees and sponsors to their conference, especially given the current economic climate. Additionally, there may be backlash from local communities and environmental groups regarding the impact of building a large-scale event on a natural landscape.


There are several potential issues that could arise with the purchase of a $40-million mountain in Utah to build a Davos for hipsters, namely, sustainability of the conference, mismanagement of funds and pushback from the local community.

Creating a "Davos for hipsters" sounds like a bold and ambitious idea. However, as with any new venture, there are risks and challenges that could potentially arise.

One potential challenge is the sustainability of the conference. While the idea may be trendy and attractive to a certain demographic, it's important to ensure that the conference has a long-term business plan that can sustain it financially.

The conference must also be able to adapt to changes in trends and preferences over time to remain relevant.

Another risk is the potential for mismanagement of funds. When investing a large amount of money, it's crucial to have a clear financial plan and to manage the funds effectively.

The organizers must ensure that the funds are being used appropriately and that they are achieving the desired results.

Additionally, building a "Davos for hipsters" may create some pushback from the local community.

The organizers must ensure that they are working with the community to ensure that their plans align with the needs and desires of the community, and that they are not disrupting the local ecosystem or environment.

In conclusion, while the idea of building a "Ted meets Burning Man" conference and a "Davos for hipsters" may seem appealing, it's important to consider the potential challenges and risks that come with such an ambitious venture.

Proper planning, management, and community involvement will be key to ensuring its success.

To know more about hipsters refer here :



Which term refers to the type of stimulus or sensation produced when a sensory receptor is activated?.


The term that refers to the type of stimulus or sensation produced when a sensory receptor is activated is "sensory modality." Sensory modalities are the different types of sensations or stimuli that our sensory receptors can detect and process.

Sensory receptors are specialized nerve cells that respond to specific types of environmental stimuli, such as light, sound, temperature, and touch. They are responsible for converting these external stimuli into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain for interpretation. The brain interprets these signals to create our perception of the world around us, allowing us to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.

There are several types of sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory. Visual modality refers to the processing of light stimuli to create images and perceive color, while auditory modality deals with the processing of sound. Olfactory modality is responsible for the sense of smell, and gustatory modality involves the sense of taste. Lastly, somatosensory modality includes various types of touch sensations, such as pressure, temperature, and pain.

In summary, sensory modality refers to the specific type of stimulus or sensation that is produced when a sensory receptor is activated. This term encompasses the different ways in which our sensory receptors detect and process information from our environment, allowing us to experience a wide range of sensations.

Know more about sensory modality here:



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