A one-year long forward contract on a dividend-paying stock is entered into when the stock price is AUD 75, the dividend yield is expected to be 6% the risk-free rate of interest is 8% pa with continuous compounding. (1) What are the forward price and the initial value of the contract? (2) Six months later, the price of the stock is AUD 67 and the risk-free interest rate and dividend yield are still 8% and 6% respectively. What are the forward price and value of the forward contract.

Discuss one risk associated with forward contracts that is not applicable to futures contracts. Given this risk, why would you choose to enter into a forward contract rather than a futures contract?


Answer 1

The forward price of the contract is AUD 69.68, and the initial value of the contract is AUD 5.32. (2) Six months later, the forward price of the contract is AUD 65.91, and the value of the forward contract is AUD 1.09.

What is the new forward price and value of the contract after six months?

The forward price of a contract is determined by the current stock price, the risk-free interest rate, and the expected dividends. In this case, the stock price is AUD 75, the dividend yield is 6%, and the risk-free interest rate is 8% with continuous compounding. By using the formula for calculating the forward price, we can find that the forward price is AUD 69.68. The initial value of the contract is the difference between the forward price and the current stock price, which is AUD 5.32.

After six months, the stock price has decreased to AUD 67, but the risk-free interest rate and dividend yield remain the same at 8% and 6% respectively. Using the same formula, we find that the new forward price is AUD 65.91. The value of the forward contract is determined by the difference between the forward price and the current stock price, which is AUD 1.09.

One risk associated with forward contracts that is not applicable to futures contracts is counterparty risk. In a forward contract, the buyer and seller are exposed to the credit risk of the counterparty. If either party fails to fulfill their obligations, the other party may suffer financial losses. Futures contracts, on the other hand, are typically traded on organized exchanges with a central clearinghouse that acts as the counterparty to all transactions, reducing counterparty risk.

Despite the counterparty risk associated with forward contracts, individuals may choose to enter into them instead of futures contracts for several reasons. Forward contracts offer more flexibility in terms of customization, as the terms can be tailored to suit specific needs. Additionally, forward contracts may allow participants to avoid certain fees and margin requirements associated with futures contracts. However, it is important to carefully assess the counterparty's creditworthiness and consider risk mitigation strategies when entering into forward contracts.

Learn more about forward price



Related Questions

Which of the following statements is (are) correct?
i) When using the needs approach to estimate the amount of life insurance, the estimated income needs of the surviving family are added to other available incomes such as social security benefits for surviving spouse and children upon death of the insured to determine the amount of life insurance to be purchased.
ii) Multiple-income approach is more accurate in estimating the needed life insurance than the needs approach.


Statement i) is correct. When using the needs approach to estimate the amount of life insurance, the estimated income needs of the surviving family are indeed added to other available incomes, such as social security benefits, to determine the amount of life insurance to be purchased.

This approach takes into account the financial needs of the family after the death of the insured and aims to provide sufficient funds to cover those needs.Statement ii) is incorrect. The multiple-income approach is not necessarily more accurate in estimating the needed life insurance than the needs approach. The multiple-income approach calculates the amount of life insurance based on the combined income of all income earners in the family, while the needs approach focuses on the specific financial needs of the surviving family members. The appropriate approach depends on individual circumstances and preferences. Both approaches have their merits and can be used in different situations.

To learn more about life insurance:



the national federation of independent businesses (nfib) attributes its newfound power to


The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) attributes its newfound power to a number of factors.

The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) attributes its newfound power to a variety of factors. The organization believes that its power comes from its members and their ability to work together. The NFIB's members are small business owners who work together to promote their interests and to influence government policy.The NFIB also attributes its power to its ability to provide valuable services to its members.

The organization provides members with access to legal services, educational resources, and other tools that help them grow their businesses. Additionally, the NFIB provides a voice for small business owners in the political process. The organization lobbies lawmakers at the state and federal level to promote policies that benefit small businesses.Finally, the NFIB attributes its power to its ability to mobilize its members.

To know more about Federation visit:



(b) A toy factory operates in a perfectly competitive market. Setting up and constructing a factory costs 2 million. The marginal cost of the qth toy is equal to 10 for all q≤ 100 and equal to for all q> 100. 1000 (i) What are average total costs? (iiWhat is short-run supply? (iii) Suppose the price is 14.4. What is the profit maximizing choice of output in the short-run?


The average total costs are $10 for quantities q ≤ 100, while the short-run supply curve is horizontal at a price equal to or above $10 for quantities q ≤ 100 and vertical for quantities q > 100. With a price of $14.4, the profit-maximizing choice of output in the short run is q = 100.

(i) The average total costs (ATC) can be calculated by dividing the total cost by the quantity produced. In this case, since the marginal cost is constant at $10 for q ≤ 100 and $1000 for q > 100, we can determine the average total costs accordingly.

For quantities q ≤ 100, the average total cost is equal to the marginal cost, which is $10. However, for quantities q > 100, the average total cost is the total cost divided by the quantity produced. Since the total cost consists of the fixed cost of $2 million plus the variable cost, we need more information about the variable cost to calculate the average total costs accurately.

(ii) In the short run, the supply of a perfectly competitive firm is determined by its marginal cost. The short-run supply curve is derived by considering the marginal cost curve. In this case, the marginal cost is $10 for quantities q ≤ 100 and $1000 for quantities q > 100. Therefore, the short-run supply curve would be horizontal at a price equal to or above $10 for quantities q ≤ 100.

However, for quantities q > 100, the short-run supply curve would be vertical, indicating that the firm is unwilling to produce beyond that quantity at a price below $1000.

(iii) To determine the profit-maximizing choice of output in the short run, we need to compare the price with the marginal cost. If the price is above or equal to the marginal cost, the firm will maximize its profit by producing the quantity where marginal cost equals the price. In this case, the price is $14.4. Since the marginal cost is $10 for quantities q ≤ 100, the firm will produce the quantity where marginal cost equals the price, which is q = 100.

Beyond that quantity, the marginal cost is significantly higher than the price, so the firm will not produce additional units. Therefore, the profit-maximizing choice of output in the short run would be q = 100.

To learn more about Supply curve, visit:



The following equation describes the median housing price in a community in terms of the amount of pollution (nox for nitrous oxide) and the average number of rooms in houses in the community (rooms): log(price) = B0 + B1 * log (nox) + B2 *rooms + u (i) What are the probable signs of b1 and b2? What is the interpretation of b1? Explain. (ii) Why might nox [or more precisely, log(nox)] and rooms be negatively correlated? If this is the case, does the simple regression of log(price) on log(nox) produce an upward or downward-biased estimator of b1?


The possible signs of b1 and b2 are as follows: b1 is expected to be negative since the price of housing is expected to decrease as pollution increases.

Therefore, log(price) is expected to decrease as log(nox) increases, which is represented by a negative sign in front of B1. B2, on the other hand, is expected to be positive, since the average number of rooms in a home is expected to be positively associated with housing prices. This is reflected in a positive sign in front of B2.The interpretation of b1 is that a 1% increase in nitrous oxide pollution is expected to result in a B1% decrease in median housing prices in a community while holding the average number of rooms constant. Similarly, if the average number of rooms in houses in the community increases by 1%, then median housing prices are expected to rise by B2 percent. Therefore, B1 and B2 denote the percentage changes in log(price) as a result of a 1% increase in log(nox) and a 1% increase in rooms, respectively. (ii) Log(nox) and rooms are negatively correlated because the number of rooms in a home is expected to be lower in areas with higher pollution levels due to higher noise and air pollution levels. As a result, as the number of rooms decreases, pollution levels are expected to increase. This can be seen in the fact that richer communities with larger homes are located in areas with less pollution while poorer communities with smaller homes are located in areas with higher pollution levels. If log(price) is regressed on log(nox), the simple regression would produce an upward-biased estimator of b1. This is because of the negative correlation between log(nox) and rooms. Therefore, as log(nox) increases, the average number of rooms decreases, causing median housing prices to decrease. This relationship is expected to be more severe than the relationship between log(price) and log(nox) if the negative correlation is not taken into account.

to know more about pollution increases visit:



According to the textbook’s adaptation of Dunlop’s IR systems
model, which group is added as actors in the IR system?
End Users


Based on the textbook's adaptation of Dunlop's Industrial Relations (IR) systems model, the group added as actors in the IR system is:

Dunlop's model includes three primary actors in the IR system: employees, employers, and government. These three groups interact and play important roles in shaping and influencing employment relations within a country or organization. The government's inclusion recognizes its role in establishing and enforcing laws and regulations related to labor and employment, as well as its involvement in mediating and resolving disputes between employees and employers.

Learn more about Dunlop's here;



A. Outline THREE (3) factors in favour of self-insurance. (9 marks)
B. Relate THREE (3) factors against self-insurance. (6 marks)
C. Examine the retrospective insurance plan and identify TWO (2) problems associated with it.


Reduced costs: When you purchase insurance from an insurance company, you must pay the premiums and commissions. The costs associated with self-insurance, on the other hand, are far less. These are frequently referred to as "administrative expenses."Protection from market fluctuations:

When you buy insurance from an insurance company, you must pay premiums and commissions. However, with self-insurance, your costs are determined by the number of claims that occur. If you have a good year with few claims, you can save money. If you have a poor year with numerous claims, your costs may be higher. However, over time, you will have greater control over the amount you spend. Flexibility: Insurance firms frequently have set terms and conditions that must be followed.

Benefits of self-insurance can be extended beyond the financial savings. It could promote better risk management and increase control over the company's insurance policy. By retaining the risk, the organization has better insight into the claims process, can control claim reporting procedures, and maintain a deeper awareness of loss trends, which, over time, can help reduce risk and lower costs.B. Factors against self-insurance:Main answer:There are also reasons not to self-insure. Let us discuss three of them The insurance company does not take on any risk or liability, which may be a problem if the insured does not have the financial means to cover all claims.Long answer:As a result, retrospective insurance policies may be an inappropriate method of risk transfer for smaller firms that lack sufficient financial resources to cover the costs of unexpected claims.

To know more about insurance visit:



which of the following is an example of an environmental issue that has reached the third (and final) stage of a norms cycle?


One example of an environmental issue that has reached the third (and final) stage of a norms cycle is the global movement to address climate change.

The norms cycle refers to the process through which an issue moves from being unrecognized or contested to gaining recognition, acceptance, and eventually becoming a widely established norm. In the context of environmental issues, the third stage of the norms cycle is characterized by widespread acknowledgment and acceptance of the problem, leading to concerted efforts and actions to address it.

Climate change has undoubtedly reached this final stage of the norms cycle. There is now a broad consensus among scientific communities, policymakers, and the general public that climate change is a pressing global challenge. Governments, international organizations, and various stakeholders have taken steps to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy, and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Paris Agreement, a global climate accord signed by nearly all nations, further demonstrates the international commitment to addressing climate change.

The recognition of climate change as a significant environmental issue has led to substantial efforts to reduce carbon emissions, transition to sustainable practices, and promote environmental stewardship. This includes the implementation of renewable energy projects, the adoption of stricter environmental regulations, and the promotion of sustainable development practices across sectors.

The global movement to address climate change serves as an example of an environmental issue that has reached the third and final stage of the norms cycle. The widespread recognition and acceptance of climate change as a pressing concern have led to significant efforts and actions to mitigate its impacts and transition toward a more sustainable future.

To know more about global movement visit:



Given the basket of goods for this economy is 4 milk and 6 honey.
Calculate the CPI for 2020, 2021, and 2022 using 2021 as the base year.
Calculate the inflation rate for 2021 and 2022.
Given the following information:
Based on purchasing power, rank and list the salaries by converting all the salaries into Arkansas dollars.


The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for 2020, 2021, and 2022 using 2021 as the base year is 165.71, 100, and 234.29. The inflation rate for 2021 and 2022 is  -39.64% and  134.29%.

To calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for different years and determine the inflation rate, we need price data for the basket of goods. Let's assume we have the following price data for the basket of goods (4 milk and 6 honey):

Year | Price of Milk ($) | Price of Honey ($)

2020 | 2 | 3

2021 | 2.5 | 3.5

2022 | 3 | 4

To calculate the CPI, we will use 2021 as the base year.

CPI for 2020:

CPI_2020 = (Price of Milk in 2020 / Price of Milk in 2021) * 100 + (Price of Honey in 2020 / Price of Honey in 2021) * 100

= (2/2.5) * 100 + (3/3.5) * 100

= 80 + 85.71

= 165.71

CPI for 2021:

CPI_2021 (base year) = 100 (since it is the base year)

CPI for 2022:

CPI_2022 = (Price of Milk in 2022 / Price of Milk in 2021) * 100 + (Price of Honey in 2022 / Price of Honey in 2021) * 100

= (3/2.5) * 100 + (4/3.5) * 100

= 120 + 114.29

= 234.29

To calculate the inflation rate for 2021 and 2022:

Inflation rate for 2021:

Inflation_2021 = ((CPI_2021 - CPI_2020) / CPI_2020) * 100

= ((100 - 165.71) / 165.71) * 100

= (-65.71 / 165.71) * 100

= -39.64%

Inflation rate for 2022:

Inflation_2022 = ((CPI_2022 - CPI_2021) / CPI_2021) * 100

= ((234.29 - 100) / 100) * 100

= 134.29%

Now, to rank and list salaries based on purchasing power by converting all the salaries into Arkansas dollars, we need the exchange rates or relative prices of currencies.

Please provide the exchange rates or relative prices of currencies to proceed with converting salaries into Arkansas dollars and rank them accordingly.

To know more about Consumer Price Index (CPI), please click on:



Subject is international financial crime (Law)
Croesus Ltd (Croesus), an Australian registered gold mining company, plans to acquire gold leases in Zambia, which is ranked as highly corrupt by Transparency International. Croesus creates a new foreign subsidiary in Cayman Islands called Moro Limited, for the purpose of entering into the gold mining market in Zambia.
Fastagus is an Australian national living in Cayman Islands and a non-executive director of
Croesus. Given Fastagus’ political connections to Zambia, Moro Limited hires Fastagus as an advisor for its new business in Zambia. Moro Limited agrees to pay Fastagus an annual retainer of US$500,000 and a US$1million commission for every lease that is granted to Moro Limited.
At a meeting in Melbourne, Australia, Fastagus hires Iris, the wife of the Minister of Mining of Zambia. Fastagus agrees to pays Iris a salary of US$100,000 with a commission of US$700,000 for every lease that Moro Limited secures in Zambia. This meeting is also attended by senior executives of Croesus who give their approval to this arrangement.
Jonathan, an Australian national who is also the Chief Financial Officer of Croesus, authorises a payment of US$100,000 to Lonzo, a public official in the Department of
Customs and Border Control in Zambia to facilitate the ‘quick entry’ of mining equipment into Zambia. The mining equipment is used by Moro Limited to explore potential mining sites. Jonathan makes a record of the US$100,000 payment describing it as "consultation expense".
The Department of Mining awards Moro Limited ten gold mining leases in Zambia. Subsequently, Moro Limited pays a commission of US$10 million to Fastagus, while Fastagus pays Iris a commission of US$7 million.
What is the risk that any person has committed criminal offence(s) under Australian law? You should refer to the provisions in the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth).


There is a risk that several people have committed criminal offences under Australian law in the scenario described.

These offences include bribery, money laundering, and foreign bribery.

Bribery is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any benefit as an inducement to influence the actions of a public official. In this case, Fastagus and Jonathan may have committed bribery by offering to pay Iris, the wife of the Minister of Mining, a salary and commission in exchange for her help in securing gold leases for Moro Limited.

Money laundering is the process of concealing the origins of illegally obtained money. In this case, Jonathan may have committed money laundering by making a false record of the US$100,000 payment to Lonzo, the public official in the Department of Customs and Border Control.

Foreign bribery is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any benefit to a foreign public official in order to obtain or retain business or an advantage in relation to business. In this case, Fastagus may have committed foreign bribery by offering to pay Iris, the wife of the Minister of Mining, a salary and commission in exchange for her help in securing gold leases for Moro Limited.

It is important to note that these are just some of the possible offences that may have been committed. The specific offences that have been committed will depend on the specific facts of the case.

To learn more about criminal code click brainly.com/question/24706076


Suggest some personal traits of a manager or leader?
Optimism, honesty, and a motivational drive.
Why? do you think these traits are valuable? 200 words with no
plagiarism please


Optimism, honesty, and a motivational drive are valuable personal traits for managers and leaders in any organization. These traits are essential for effective leadership and fostering a positive work environment.

Optimism is important because it allows leaders to maintain a positive outlook and inspire their team, even during challenging times. An optimistic leader can see opportunities in adversity, motivate their team to persevere, and instill a sense of hope and confidence. This trait creates a resilient and forward-thinking atmosphere where individuals are more likely to take risks, innovate, and overcome obstacles.

Honesty is crucial for building trust and credibility. Honest leaders are transparent in their communication, actions, and decision-making processes. They are authentic and genuine, which fosters an environment of trust and respect. Employees feel comfortable approaching them with concerns, ideas, and feedback. Honesty also helps in establishing a culture of accountability, where individuals take responsibility for their actions and outcomes.

A motivational drive is essential for inspiring and energizing the team. Leaders with a strong motivational drive set ambitious goals and communicate a compelling vision. They lead by example, demonstrating dedication and commitment. This trait creates a sense of purpose and enthusiasm, motivating employees to perform at their best and strive for excellence. A motivated leader empowers individuals, encourages their professional development, and creates a positive and engaged work environment.

Overall, these traits are valuable because they contribute to effective leadership and enhance team performance. Optimism, honesty, and a motivational drive foster trust, open communication, collaboration, and a positive work culture. They create an environment where individuals feel valued, inspired, and motivated to achieve their full potential. Through these traits, leaders can drive organizational success, build strong teams, and create a workplace that attracts and retains top talent.

To know more valuable personal,



at what level of government is the real estate business primarily regulated?


The real estate business is primarily regulated at the state level of government, with state laws and regulations governing various aspects of the industry.

The regulation of the real estate business primarily falls under the jurisdiction of state governments in most countries. State laws and regulations govern various aspects of the real estate industry, including licensing requirements for real estate agents and brokers, property transactions, property management, landlord-tenant relationships, and disclosure requirements.

While there may be some federal regulations related to specific aspects of real estate, such as fair housing laws or environmental regulations, the majority of real estate regulations, including licensing, contracts, zoning, and property laws, are established and enforced by state governments. Each state may have its own real estate commission or board responsible for overseeing and regulating the industry within its jurisdiction.

It's important to note that local governments, such as cities or municipalities, may also have their own regulations and zoning ordinances that govern specific aspects of real estate development and use within their jurisdictions. However, the primary level of government responsible for the overall regulation of the real estate business is at the state level.

The real estate business is primarily regulated at the state level of government, with state laws and regulations governing various aspects of the industry.

To know more about business visit:



Which statement is true regarding New Common Equity and Equity from Retained Earnings

Equity from Retained Earnings is more expensive than Equity from New Shares

Flotation costs should be included in computing cost of equity, regardless of whether it is from new shares or retained earnings

New equity will have a higher cost than equity from retained earnings due to flotation costs.

The WACC when equity is from retained earnings is higher than the WACC when equity is from selling new shares

Flotation Costs must be factored in when calculating the cost of Equity from Retained Earnings.


The true statement regarding new common equity and equity from retained earnings is that "New equity will have a higher cost than equity from retained earnings due to flotation costs.

The correct answer is A.

The statement that is true regarding new common equity and equity from retained earnings is: New equity will have a higher cost than equity from retained earnings due to flotation costs.Flotation costs are a fee charged by a company that issues new securities. The amount of the fee depends on the type and complexity of security being issued and the market conditions existing at the time of issue.

Flotation costs are normally high for new equity issues, and this causes the cost of new equity to be higher than that of equity from retained earnings.Equity from retained earnings is less expensive than equity from new shares because no flotation costs are involved in the issuance of equity from retained earnings.

To know more about statement visit:



How does the relationship between the airport traffic forecast and the airport master plan? Which future aviation activity is forecasted? What factors need to be considered in forecasting? "Forecast is always wrong", how to understand this sentence? What uncertain factors affect the forecast results?


The relationship between the airport traffic forecast and the airport master plan is crucial for effective long-term planning and development of an airport.

The airport traffic forecast provides an estimation of the future aviation activity, including passenger numbers, aircraft movements, and cargo volumes. This forecast serves as a basis for determining the infrastructure requirements, capacity planning, facility expansions, and operational strategies outlined in the airport master plan.

The airport master plan takes into account the forecasted aviation activity and provides a comprehensive roadmap for the development and management of the airport. It outlines the infrastructure projects, land use plans, terminal expansions, runway extensions, and other necessary improvements needed to accommodate the projected increase in air traffic demand. The master plan ensures that the airport's facilities and services align with the anticipated growth and evolving needs of the aviation industry.

Factors considered in forecasting aviation activity include historical data, economic trends, population growth, airline route networks, government policies, tourism trends, industry forecasts, technological advancements, and geopolitical factors. These factors help estimate the future demand for air travel and cargo services.

The statement "Forecast is always wrong" acknowledges the inherent uncertainty in predicting the future with absolute accuracy. While forecasts are based on available data and modeling techniques, they are subject to numerous variables and unpredictable events. Factors such as economic recessions, natural disasters, geopolitical conflicts, regulatory changes, and technological disruptions can significantly impact actual aviation activity compared to initial forecasts.

Uncertain factors affecting forecast results include changes in consumer behavior, shifts in travel patterns, unexpected events like pandemics, airline bankruptcies, fuel price volatility, competitive dynamics, climate change impacts, and advances in aircraft technology. These uncertainties make it challenging to precisely forecast future aviation activity and emphasize the need for regular reassessment and adjustment of forecasts as new information becomes available.

To mitigate the impact of forecast uncertainty, airports and aviation stakeholders adopt flexible and adaptive planning approaches. This includes incorporating contingency plans, scenario analysis, risk assessments, and regularly updating forecasts based on changing market conditions and emerging trends. Additionally, collaboration among industry experts, data sharing, and continuous monitoring of key indicators help improve the accuracy of forecasts and minimize potential forecasting errors.

To know more about airport, follow the link:



Must post first.

Answer the below questions for this case study AND provide detailed responses to at least two other students before May 23 at 4:30 pm. Students also have the opportunity to obtain marks for the Quality of Participation rubric criteria by engaging in the class discussion on the case study.

Review the organization's mission statement. Is it a good and effective mission statement? Explain why or why not. What might need to change, if anything?
Conduct an internal analysis by evaluating the main functions of SodaStream and assessing its financials.
Complete a SWOT analysis.
What challenges does SodaStream face as a disruptor? How should it approach these challenges?


Must post first is a rule in some online forums and discussion boards that require users to make an initial post before they can view and reply to other posts or threads. It is designed to encourage participation and prevent lurkers, or users who only read posts without contributing anything.

The answers to the below questions regarding SodaStream's case study are:

1. The mission statement of SodaStream: The mission statement of SodaStream is “Water Made Exciting.” It is a good and effective mission statement because it is short and direct to the point. It is also memorable and emphasizes the company’s core product line, which is home carbonated water machines.

2. Conduct an internal analysis by evaluating the main functions of Soda Stream and assessing its financials: SodaStream’s main functions include product development, manufacturing, marketing, and sales. The company has a robust supply chain management system that allows it to source raw materials and manufacture products efficiently. In terms of financials, SodaStream’s revenue has increased consistently over the past few years, although it has faced some challenges with profitability.

3. Complete a SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis of SodaStream: Strengths:• Innovative products and technology• Strong brand recognition• Wide distribution network Weaknesses:• Limited product range• High production costs• Lack of diversification Opportunities:• Growing demand for home carbonation products• Expansion into new markets• Product line diversificationThreats:• Intense competition• Government regulations on plastic waste• Economic downturns

4. Challenges faced by SodaStream as a disruptor: As a disruptor in the home carbonation industry, SodaStream faces several challenges, such as intense competition from established players like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, as well as new entrants like Keurig Dr. Pepper. To address these challenges, Soda Stream needs to focus on innovation and product differentiation. Additionally, the company needs to be mindful of environmental concerns surrounding plastic waste and promote the sustainability of its products.

To know more about product differentiation please refer:



A. Comment on THREE (3) perils associated with ocean transportation.
B. Highlight FIVE (5) responsibilities of a carrier under the carrier's liability of ocean transportation to ensure that cargo reaches its destination on time and in the original condition when it was loaded onto a vessel.
C. Explain the following terms and give an example of each as it relates to the carrier's liability in land transportation. i. Act of God ii. Public enemy iii. Inherent nature of goods iv. Acts of negligence by shipper


A. Perils associated with ocean transportation are:

Bad weather: This is one of the most common problems that can delay the shipment of cargo. When the weather is too bad, the carriers can't leave the port because it can be risky and dangerous for them.Piracy: Piracy is a significant problem that ocean transportation faces. Piracy can damage the cargo, lead to the loss of the cargo or harm the crewmembers and, in some instances, delay cargo shipment.Theft: Ocean transportation can be an attractive target for thieves since the goods are shipped in large quantities. These thieves can steal the cargo, which can result in a loss of property for the owners.

B. The responsibilities of a carrier under the carrier's liability of ocean transportation are:

Proper packaging and handling of goods.Record keeping and filing of all the necessary documents and forms.Arranging for cargo insurance.Transportation of goods in the same condition as they were loaded and ensuring that they reach their destination on time. Keeping track of the cargo and providing regular updates about the status of the cargo throughout the voyage.

C. As it relates to the carrier's liability in land transportation, the following terms are:

Act of God: It is an event that is beyond human control. Examples of these events include hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Public enemy: It is an external force that is beyond the carrier's control. Examples include war, terrorism, and riots. Inherent nature of goods: It is the nature of goods that makes them more prone to damage. For instance, perishable goods that need to be transported in a particular way and time-sensitive goods that require swift delivery.Acts of negligence by the shipper: It is the responsibility of the shipper to pack, label, and load the cargo correctly. If there is any error in the packing, labeling, or loading, it can damage the cargo.

For further information on Ocean Transportation visit :



how many solutions exist for the given equation?startfraction one-half left-parenthesis x plus 12 right-parenthesis equals 4 x minus 1.(x 12)


There is only one solution for the given equation.

To determine the number of solutions for the given equation, we need to simplify and solve it. The equation is:

(1/2)(x + 12) = 4x - 1

Let's simplify it step by step:

1/2 * x + 1/2 * 12 = 4x - 1

1/2 * x + 6 = 4x - 1

1/2 * x - 4x = -1 - 6

-7/2 * x = -7

x = -7 / (-7/2)

x = -7 * 2 / -7

x = 2

After solving the equation, we find that x equals 2. Therefore, there is only one solution for the given equation.

To know more about equations, visit:



QUESTION 17 Which of the following statements is correct:
I. Growing perpetuity payments are always the same dollar amount.
II. Perpetuity investments offer infinite payments.
O a. I only
O b. II only
O c. Both I and II
O d. Neither I nor II


The statement that is correct is (a) I only. Perpetuities may have a limited value determined by factors such as interest rates, inflation, and market conditions.

A growing perpetuity refers to a stream of cash flows that grows at a constant rate and continues forever. The amount of each payment increases by the same percentage every period. Therefore, the first statement is true: growing perpetuity payments are always the same dollar amount.

However, the second statement is not entirely accurate. While perpetuity investments do offer payments that continue indefinitely, they are not necessarily infinite. In reality, perpetuities may have a limited value determined by factors such as interest rates, inflation, and market conditions. As such, statement II is incorrect.

Learn more about Perpetuities here



MNY Co, has preferred stock outstanding that is expected to pay an annual dividend of $4.74 every year in perpetuty, if the required return is 4.59 percent, what is the current stock price? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, eg, 832.16)


The current stock price of MNY Co. is $103.39, assuming a required return of 4.59% and an annual dividend of $4.74 paid in perpetuity.

The present value of a perpetuity formula is given by the formula P = D / r, where P represents the stock price, D is the annual dividend, and r is the required return. In this case, the annual dividend is $4.74, and the required return is 4.59 percent.

Converting the required return to decimal form, we have r = 4.59% = 0.0459. Plugging in the values into the formula, we can calculate the stock price as follows:

P = $4.74 / 0.0459 ≈ $103.37

Therefore, based on the given information, the current stock price of MNY Co's preferred stock is approximately $103.37.

To further elaborate, the current stock price represents the present value of all future dividends that an investor expects to receive from owning the preferred stock. The required return, also known as the discount rate or the investor's expected rate of return, is used to determine the value of these future cash flows.

In this scenario, MNY Co's preferred stock is expected to pay an annual dividend of $4.74 indefinitely, which means the dividend is expected to continue forever. The perpetuity assumption simplifies the valuation process, as we can treat the stream of dividends as a constant annual cash flow.

To learn more about MNY - brainly.com/question/15443293


1-How can organizations use 5S methodology in continuous improvement? You can give more details about 5S and show examples for organizations case which benefited from its application. 2-S&OP needs more discussion
Define Sales and Operations planning (S&OP) and list the importance of that concept in operations management.


5S methodology is a systematic approach for organizing the workplace, reducing waste, and promoting continuous improvement. and Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is a process that involves aligning the sales and operational plans of a business to ensure that the resources of the organization are used efficiently.

It involves the following steps:

Sort: Sort is the process of identifying and separating the necessary items from the unnecessary items and getting rid of the latter. Set in Order: Set in Order involves putting everything in the right place, making sure that it is easy to find and use, and ensuring that the workplace is organized. Shine: Shine is the process of cleaning and inspecting the workplace, equipment, and tools. Standardize: Standardize involves creating standards for the workplace, tools, and equipment, and ensuring that these standards are followed by everyone. Sustain: Sustain is the process of ensuring that the 5S principles are followed over the long term and that the workplace remains organized and efficient.

Examples of organizations that have benefited from the 5S methodology are: Toyota: Toyota is known for its implementation of the 5S methodology. It has helped the company reduce waste and increase efficiency in its production processes. Amazon: Amazon uses the 5S methodology to organize its warehouses and ensure that items are easy to find and retrieve. General Electric: General Electric uses the 5S methodology to improve its manufacturing processes and reduce waste.

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is a process that involves aligning the sales and operational plans of a business to ensure that the resources of the organization are used efficiently. It is an essential tool for operations management, as it helps businesses to achieve their objectives by aligning their resources with their sales forecasts. The importance of S&OP in operations management is:

1. Helps to align resources with sales forecasts.

2. Helps to ensure that the organization is using its resources efficiently.

3. Helps to improve customer service by ensuring that there is sufficient inventory to meet demand.

4. Helps to reduce costs by reducing inventory and improving production efficiency.

5. Helps to improve communication and collaboration between departments.

Therefore, 5S methodology is a systematic approach for organizing the workplace, reducing waste, and promoting continuous improvement. and Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is a process that involves aligning the sales and operational plans of a business to ensure that the resources of the organization are used efficiently.

To know more about Business refer  here :



Which of the following is NOT an example of an Enterprise Environmental Factor? Political climate b. Project Charter Oc Project Management Information System d. Organization's established communication channels L A Moving to another question will save this response.


c. Project Management Information System.

An Enterprise Environmental Factor refers to external factors that can influence a project but are outside the control of the project team. Examples of Enterprise Environmental Factors include the political climate, government regulations, market conditions, cultural influences, and organizational culture.

The Project Charter and the organization's established communication channels are both internal factors that are under the control of the organization. However, the Project Management Information System is an internal tool used by the project team to manage and control project-related information, making it an internal rather than an external factor.

To know more about Management related question visit:



Economic Trade-off of Graduate School

Jessica Sotomajor, of Bangor, Maine, works for a military contractor and hopes to earn an extra $840,000 over her remaining 30-year working career by going back to school to obtain a doctor's degree. If her income projection is correct, that's an average of over $28,000 more income a year. Jessica's employer is willing to pay half, or $49,000, toward the $98,000 cost of the annual Ph.D. program, so she must pay $49,000 of her own money. Jessica wonders if expected extra income would warrant spending the money to get the Ph.D. Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar.

a. What is the forgone lost future value of her $49,000 over the 30 years at 9 percent? Round Future Value of a Single Amount in intermediate calculations to four decimal places. (Hint: See Appendix A-1.)
b. What would be the forgone lost future value of $98,000 over 30 years if Jessica had to pay all the costs for her doctoral degree? Round Future Value of a Single Amount in intermediate calculations to four decimal places. (Hint: See Appendix A-1.)
c. Advise Jessica as to what she should do.


Based on financial considerations, it would be advisable for Jessica to pursue the Ph.D. program as the potential financial gain exceeds the associated costs.

What Jessica should do based on the information provided

a. To calculate the forgone lost future value of Jessica's $49,000 over 30 years at a 9% interest rate, we can use the future value formula:

Future Value = Present Value * (1 + interest rate)^number of periods

Future Value = $49,000 * (1 + 0.09)^30

Future Value ≈ $515,917.62

The forgone lost future value of her $49,000 over 30 years at a 9% interest rate is approximately $515,918.

b. Similarly, to calculate the forgone lost future value of $98,000 over 30 years at a 9% interest rate, we can use the same future value formula:

Future Value = $98,000 * (1 + 0.09)^30

Future Value ≈ $1,031,835.23

The forgone lost future value of $98,000 over 30 years at a 9% interest rate is approximately $1,031,835.

c. Considering the forgone lost future values, we can evaluate the trade-off. By obtaining a Ph.D., Jessica expects to earn an extra $840,000 over her 30-year working career.

However, she would need to pay $49,000 of her own money for the program. If she pays the full cost of $98,000, the forgone lost future value would be approximately $1,031,835.

Comparing these values, it appears that the benefits of obtaining a Ph.D. outweigh the costs. The expected extra income of $840,000 exceeds the forgone lost future value of both $515,918 and $1,031,835.

Therefore, based on financial considerations, it would be advisable for Jessica to pursue the Ph.D. program as the potential financial gain exceeds the associated costs.

Learn more about financial gain at https://brainly.com/question/30281968


Dynamic capabilities refer to ? intangible resources needed to assess & implement enhancements intangible and tangible resources needed to assess and implement enhancements how the organization defines & distinguishes itself the dynamic costs that potentially exist within the organization Question 7 1 pts Drawn from Porter's Producer Strategy concepts and the Value Discipline model in your text, if your firm focuses on selling a tailored motorcycle to a high-end niche consumer segment, the value discipline that is being focused upon by your firm is? Customer Intimacy Product Leadership Operational Excellence Product Differentiation


Dynamic capabilities refer to intangible and tangible resources needed to assess and implement enhancements. The main answer to this question is Option B i.e. intangible and tangible resources needed to assess and implement enhancements.

The term dynamic capability is defined as the ability of an organization to renew and recreate its strategic assets in response to changes in the external environment. It implies a continuous development process of new products, services, and internal systems to improve the firm's effectiveness and efficiency. The dynamic capabilities theory states that companies that are better able to integrate, build, and reconfigure their internal and external resources are more capable of adapting to change, and hence are more competitive and innovative.

Drawn from Porter's Producer Strategy concepts and the Value Discipline model, if a firm focuses on selling a tailored motorcycle to a high-end niche consumer segment, the value discipline that is being focused upon by the firm is customer intimacy. A firm's success depends on its ability to create superior value for its customers. The Value Discipline model, as explained in the text, suggests that firms can focus on one of three value disciplines: operational excellence, customer intimacy, or product leadership.

To know more about resources visit:



How long does it take for your money to double when invested at
the rate of 3% with annual compounding


it would take approximately 24 years for your money to double when invested at a 3% interest rate with annual compounding.

To determine how long it takes for money to double when invested at a 3% interest rate with annual compounding,   use the Rule of 72. The Rule of 72 is a quick approximation that gives  an estimate of the time it takes for an investment to double based on the interest rate.

The formula for the Rule of 72 is:

Number of years to double = 72 / Interest rate

In this case, the interest rate is 3%. Plugging it into the formula, we get:

Number of years to double = 72 / 3 = 24 years

Therefore, it would take approximately 24 years for your money to double when invested at a 3% interest rate with annual compounding.

To know more about Annual compounding visit-



Which choice below correctly indicates the general relationship between a planet's average distance from the Sun and its average orbital velocity?


The general relationship between a planet's average distance from the Sun and its average orbital velocity is not a simple, straightforward relationship.

It is influenced by various factors such as the mass of the planet, the eccentricity of its orbit, and other gravitational interactions. Therefore, no definitive statement can be made about the relationship between average distance and average orbital velocity without considering specific characteristics of the planet and its orbit. The relationship can vary depending on the specific circumstances and cannot be generalized universally for all planets.

To know more about solar systems, visit:



Ronald Lockhart, who was deaf, worked for FedEx as a package handler. Although fluent in American Sign Language, he could not read lips. After 9/11, the company held meetings to talk about security issues. Lockhart complained to the EEOC that he could not understand these discussions. FedEx fired him. Has FedEx violated the law?


Ronald Lockhart was a deaf package handler working for FedEx who filed a complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

After 9/11, the company had security issue meetings where Lockhart raised a concern that he couldn't understand. Although fluent in American Sign Language, Lockhart couldn't read lips, and so he lodged his complaints to EEOC. He was fired by FedEx; has the company violated the law?Yes, FedEx violated the law. FedEx's firing of Ronald Lockhart was a violation of the law. It was a failure to make reasonable accommodations to his hearing disability, as provided for under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Since the employee was fluent in American Sign Language, the employer should have made efforts to accommodate his hearing disability by providing an interpreter who could help him understand discussions during meetings held by the company. If the employee was not reasonably accommodated, as provided for by the law, it would lead to a violation.

To learn more about EEOC :



Entrepreneurs... risks O a avoid Ob. share Oc ignore Od erase


Entrepreneurs should avoid risks. The correct option is a. Entrepreneurs should be aware of the risks associated with starting and running a business and take proactive measures to mitigate them.

Avoid risks (Oa): c This includes conducting thorough market research, developing a solid business plan, seeking advice from mentors or experts, and carefully managing financial resources.

Share (Ob) knowledge and resources: Collaboration and sharing are crucial for entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurs should actively seek opportunities to network, collaborate, and share knowledge and resources with other entrepreneurs, industry professionals, and potential partners. This can lead to valuable insights, partnerships, and access to resources that can accelerate business growth.

Ignore (Oc) naysayers and doubts: Entrepreneurship often involves facing skepticism and doubts from others. Entrepreneurs should stay focused on their vision and goals and not let negative opinions or doubts deter them. By believing in themselves and their ideas, entrepreneurs can maintain the confidence and resilience needed to overcome challenges and pursue success.

Erase (Od) fear of failure: Fear of failure can be a significant barrier for entrepreneurs. It is essential to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and not let the fear of making mistakes hold them back. Entrepreneurs should adopt a growth mindset, view failures as stepping stones to success, and be willing to take calculated risks to innovate and achieve their goals.

By following these principles, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and increase their chances of building successful and impactful businesses.  The correct option is a.

To know more about entrepreneurship, refer here:



14. Economic variables whose values are measured in monetary units are called a. dichotomous variables. b. nominal variables. c. classical variables. d. real variables. 15. Monetary neutrality implies that an increase in the quantity of money will a. increase employment. b. increase the price level. c. increase the incentive to save. d. not increase any of the above.


14. Economic variables whose values are measured in monetary units are called (d) real variables.
15. Monetary neutrality implies that an increase in the quantity of money will (d) not increase any of the above.

14. When it comes to economics, real variables are the most important things. The economy's output, total employment, and unemployment are all examples of real variables. Because they are concerned with the physical world, they are termed as such. Nominal variables are those that are used to represent money in economics. On the other hand, real variables take into account the effects of inflation and interest rates. They're generally used to determine an economy's efficiency.
15. Monetary neutrality is the notion that a change in the money supply has no effect on the economy's actual output. If the total supply of goods and services produced in an economy is constant, it is impossible for an increase in the money supply to change the amount produced. As a result, an increase in the money supply will only result in an increase in the nominal price level. Since real variables such as output, employment, and unemployment are not affected by nominal price level changes, they will remain unchanged even if there is an increase in the money supply. As a result, monetary neutrality implies that the money supply's ability to impact the economy is limited, and that changes in the money supply will only lead to changes in the nominal price level.

To know more about Monetary neutrality visit:

In early 2022, Bovine University (BOVINE U) was trying to encourage more start-ups on campus. They provided funding to two star Bachelor of Commerce students to start finance platforms. Carmelina began one called CLAW-Cash Ltd, named after her favourite subject. Zvonko began Owe You Ltd. Carmelina and Zvonko were unhappy with the existing two major platforms used to pay for events on campus. Almost all students used either, PayBack Ltd, a large international company which had cornered the market for online campus sales. The websites PayBack operated on also offered "old fashioned" payment platforms, like Mastercard and Visa, but most students do not have credit cards so preferred to use PayBack. PayBack make their profit by adding a margin on top of each sale. They charge a 10% margin for every sale. Students are happy to pay this because of the convenience of their online payment service. PayBack has a 60% of share of sales, with the rest going to credit cards. CLAW-Cash was designed to charge no margin, but instead to ask for an annual membership of $25. Owe You worked on the same principle as PayBack, but it was a bit more "fun" for students to use, with a nifty app. After a year, both businesses were struggling to build much traction on campus, so Carmelina and Zvonko got together to come up with a way to build steam. Zvonko suggested that the two of the start hosting their own parties, and have the best looking students walk around campus handing out flyers with the logos of CLAW-Cash and Owe You on them. They could share the cost equally. Carmelina loved the idea. Nothing was written down but they split the costs and began the campaign. It was a huge success, and by the end of the semester, Owe You and CLAW-Cash had a 35% share of sales each. PayBack was left with just 20%. At the end of the semester, Carmelina sent her thanks to Zvonko for the idea. She suggested that next semester, they use the same idea to target different universities. For example, CLAW-Cash would put its logo on invites at BOVINE U, and Owe You could target the biggest university in Melbourne, Swanson Street University. Zvonko quickly agreed. Carmelina's idea did not work out though, and at the end of the next year, the market share of each business stayed the same. Advise all relevant parties on whether there has been a breach of Australian competition law.


Based on the given scenario, it does not appear that there has been a breach of Australian competition law.

The actions of Carmelina and Zvonko, such as hosting parties and distributing flyers to promote their businesses, do not necessarily constitute anti-competitive behavior or unfair trade practices. They were engaging in marketing and promotional activities to increase their market share.

Competition law focuses on preventing anti-competitive practices such as collusion, price-fixing, abuse of dominant market position, or misleading advertising. In this case, there is no indication of any such activities. The market shares of the businesses remained the same after their promotional campaign, suggesting a fair competition environment.

It is important to note that this response is based on the information provided in the given scenario, and a comprehensive analysis of Australian competition law would require a deeper examination of specific laws and regulations.

Learn more about competition law here : brainly.com/question/24260422


Which of the following is true?
a. Pay differences due to seniority differences and differences in amounts earned under a commission pay plan are not acceptable if they result in different pay for male and female employees.
b. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act protects all workers against being discriminated against because they are thought to be too old.
c. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer is required to provide reasonable accommodations to enable a disabled person to perform a job.
d. Protected classes under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 include race, national origin, and sexual preference.


A. Pay differences due to seniority differences and differences in amounts earned under a commission pay plan are not acceptable if they result in different pay for male and female employees.

We are given with four options, and we are asked to determine the true statement from them. Let us discuss each of these options. a. Pay differences due to seniority differences and differences in amounts earned under a commission pay plan are not acceptable if they result in different pay for male and female employees.

This statement is incorrect. The protected classes under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 include race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Therefore, the main answer is: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer is required to provide reasonable accommodations to enable a disabled person to perform a job.

To know more about pay plan visit:-



Dimitri Designs has capacity to produce 30,000 desk chairs per year and is currently selling all 30,000 for $240 each. Country Enterprises has approached Dimitri to buy 800 chairs for $210 each. Dimit


Dimitri Designs should not accept the special order. This decision will have no impact on its profits.

Dimitri Designs has capacity to produce 30,000 desk chairs per year and is currently selling all 30,000 for $240 each. Country Enterprises has approached Dimitri to buy 800 chairs for $210 each. Dimit normal variable cost is $165 per chair, including $50 per unit in direct labor per chair. Dimitri can produce the special order on an overtime shift, which means that direct labor would be paid overtime at 150% of the normal pay rate. The annual fixed costs will be unaffected by the special order and the contract will not disrupt any of Dimitri's other operations.

Normal variable cost per unit = $165 per unit Variable cost per unit including direct labor = $165, including $50 in direct labor per chair Sale price = $240 per unit Special order price = $210 per unit Incremental revenue = (800 × $210) - (800 × $165) = $33,600 - $132,000 = - $98,400. Because the incremental dollar amount is negative, Dimitri Designs should not accept the special order. This decision will have no impact on its profits. Therefore, there will be no increase or decrease in the impact on profit.

Learn more about Dimitri designs: https://brainly.com/question/14482675


Dimitri Designs has capacity to produce 30,000 desk chairs per year and is currently selling all 30,000 for $240 each. Country Enterprises has approached Dimitri to buy 800 chairs for $210 each. Dimitri’s normal variable cost is $165 per chair, including $50 per unit in direct labor per chair. Dimitri can produce the special order on an overtime shift, which means that direct labor would be paid overtime at 150% of the normal pay rate. The annual fixed costs will be unaffected by the special order and the contract will not disrupt any of Dimitri’s other operations. PLEASE NOTE: All dollar amounts are rounded to whole dollars and shown with "$" and commas as needed (i.e. $12,345). If Dimitri accepts the offer, what will be the impact on profits of accepting the order? Incremental dollar amount = .________ Increase or Decrease?

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I have started the thread which contains the question, please post your submissions as responses to that thread. Each discussion topic is worth up to 20 points based on the following criteria: - Original posting is worth 10 points. An original posting must completely answer the question or scenario being discussed in a detailed manner (minimum of 2 paragraphs, each at least 5 sentences long) and meet the Standards of Work outlined in the course syllabus. - Reply postings to other members' discussions are worth 5 points each. A reply must be substantial in nature and contribute to the discussion (at least 5 sentences long) and meet the Standards of Work outlined in the course syllabus. To obtain the full 20 points one original and two replies must be posted prior to the due date. Scenario: You have been asked to develop a company policy on what should be done in the event of a data breach, such as unauthorized access to your company's customer database. 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