A movement along the production possibilities frontier illustrates the principle that: O "People respond to incentives." O "Rational people think at the margin." O "People face tradeoffs." O "Markets are usually a good way to organize society."


Answer 1

A movement along the production possibilities frontier illustrates the principle that "People face tradeoffs."

The production possibilities frontier (PPF) represents the maximum output of two goods that an economy can produce with its given resources and technology. Any point on the PPF represents an efficient allocation of resources. When there is a movement along the PPF, it implies that the production of one good is being increased while the production of another good is being decreased. This tradeoff reflects the principle that individuals or societies must make choices and allocate resources between different options. For example, if an economy decides to produce more consumer goods, it must allocate fewer resources to produce capital goods.

The principle of tradeoffs is inherent in the concept of the production possibilities frontier. It highlights the reality that resources are scarce and must be allocated between competing alternatives. By making choices, individuals and societies face tradeoffs, sacrificing one option in favor of another. Understanding this principle is crucial for decision-making and resource allocation in various economic contexts.

To know more about production follow the link:



Related Questions

Instructions This assignment asks you to perform some valuation calculations using the formulas and examples discussed on pages 348-353. For the purposes of this assignment, assume a venture with the following characteristics:
$108,000 in assets
$18,000 in net profits
Desired VC investment of $350,000
VC desires an investment multiple of 4X
$15,000 in liabilities
$4,500 in inventory
$540,000 in net sales
Projected profits of $180,000 in Year 5
Price-earnings multiple of a similar company is 15
Upload a document (Word or Excel, whatever you find more convenient) showing the correct calculations (and answers) for each of the following:
1.) The venture's current liquidity ratio
2.) The venture's acid test ratio
3.) The venture's debt ratio
4.) The percentage of ownership the venture would need to give up to obtain the desired $350,000 from a VC firm


The venture's current liquidity ratio:

The liquidity ratio measures the ability of a company to meet its short-term obligations. It is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.

Current assets = $108,000 + $4,500 = $112,500

Current liabilities = $15,000

Liquidity ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities

The venture's acid test ratio:

The acid test ratio, also known as the quick ratio, provides a more stringent measure of liquidity by excluding inventory from current assets. It is calculated by dividing (current assets - inventory) by current liabilities.

Acid test ratio = (Current assets - Inventory) / Current liabilities

The venture's debt ratio:

The debt ratio measures the proportion of a company's assets that are financed by debt. It is calculated by dividing total debt (liabilities) by total assets.

Debt ratio = Total debt / Total assets

The percentage of ownership the venture would need to give up to obtain the desired $350,000 from a VC firm:

To calculate the percentage of ownership, you need to determine the post-investment valuation of the venture. This can be done by multiplying the desired VC investment by the VC's investment multiple and adding it to the pre-investment valuation (total assets - liabilities). The percentage of ownership can then be calculated by dividing the VC investment by the post-investment valuation and multiplying by 100.

Learn more about investment , click here https://brainly.com/question/15105766


What effect will the increase in the cost of education have on
rural and urban people's lifestyles?
What effect will the increase in the cost of transport have on
rural and urban people's lifestyles?


The rise in the cost of education will have a significant impact on the lifestyles of both rural and urban people. Rising transportation costs can also have a significant impact on rural and urban communities.

However, the effect will vary based on the type of education, the community's location, and the individual's financial situation.

For rural populations, higher education expenses can cause significant financial difficulties. Education can be critical to escaping poverty and gaining greater economic and social mobility.

Higher costs may dissuade people from pursuing education, causing the community to miss out on the benefits of a more knowledgeable populace.

For people living in urban areas, the effect of rising education costs can be somewhat mixed.

While higher education expenses can be burdensome, urban communities may have greater access to scholarships, grants, and other financial aid programs that can help offset the expense.

Furthermore, higher education levels tend to lead to better-paying jobs in urban areas, increasing the potential for economic mobility.

For rural residents, the cost of owning and operating a vehicle may rise, making it more difficult to access goods and services that are only available in more populated areas.

Higher transportation expenses may also make it more difficult to commute to work, especially for those living in remote areas.

This can cause individuals to seek employment closer to home, limiting their employment opportunities.

For urban residents, higher transportation costs may lead to increased commuting times and expenses.

Those who live in areas without reliable public transportation may have no choice but to purchase a vehicle, even if it is financially burdensome.

Higher transportation costs may also limit people's ability to access goods and services in other areas of the city, particularly if they live in areas with less public transportation.

Overall, the increase in the cost of education and transportation can have significant impacts on the lifestyles of both rural and urban communities.

Learn more about transportation at: https://brainly.com/question/27667264


the income statement for a company is like a budget in that it shows how much money the company would like to have made in a given accounting period.


The given statement, "The income statement for a company is like a budget in that it shows how much money the company would like to have made in a given accounting period" is partially true. The income statement is also called a profit and loss statement or P&L statement.

It is a financial report that shows a company's revenues and expenses during a specific accounting period, usually a quarter or year. This financial statement reveals how much money the company made (revenues) and spent (expenses) over the time frame covered, resulting in either a profit or loss.A budget, on the other hand, is an estimated financial plan for a future period, usually a year. It is a projection of income and expenses, and it is created to forecast a company's financial performance. It establishes a plan for how much money will be spent or saved in a given period based on expected income and expenses.

A budget is a financial roadmap that assists in the allocation of resources to ensure that all expenses are covered. Budgets and income statements serve distinct purposes and are used for different reasons. A budget serves as a company's financial plan for a specified period, while an income statement shows how well the company's financial activities for a specific period have performed. A budget assists a company in allocating resources and forecasting its financial performance, whereas an income statement provides a detailed analysis of the company's revenue and expenses over a period, enabling it to assess profitability.

To know more about P&L statement visit:-



Consider a situation where one of your team members hasn't been performing as well in the past few weeks. How will you exercise leadership using a) power and b) influence perspectives?


As a leader in an organization, there are many tools and strategies to help manage and motivate a team, including power and influence perspectives, especially when a team member isn't performing well. The power perspective leadership style emphasizes the leader's authority and control over the team, which is suitable for managing teams that need strict guidelines or structure. The following are the steps to exercise leadership using power perspective:

Step 1: Define the specific areas where the employee needs to improve performance.

Step 2: Give constructive feedback to the employee about their performance and encourage them to improve.

Step 3: Reassess the team member's progress in a week or two and reiterate the expectations if needed.

Step 4: Use positive reinforcement when the employee demonstrates the desired behavior.

The influence perspective leadership style emphasizes the leader's ability to persuade, inspire, and guide the team. This style is suitable for managing teams that are highly motivated and skilled, and the following are the steps to exercise leadership using the influence perspective:

Step 1: Build a positive and supportive relationship with the team member.

Step 2: Encourage the team member to set specific, measurable goals.

Step 3: Encourage the team member to engage in activities that help them improve their performance, such as training or coaching.

Step 4: Provide positive feedback and recognition when the employee demonstrates the desired behavior.

Learn more about power and influential perspective : https://brainly.com/question/12883059


a. In today's environment, explain which is more important to organizations efficiency or effectiveness.
b. Explain the two types of problems and decisions Contrast the three decision-making conditions.
c. Explain what studies have shown about the relationship between planning and performance
d. Describe the six steps in the strategic management process
e. Would a good manager be a good entrepreneur? Discuss


In today's environment, efficiency and effectiveness both play crucial roles in organizational growth. Efficiency is the ability of an organization to perform tasks with minimum time, effort, and resources.

It emphasizes on optimizing the existing processes by reducing wastage. It focuses on reducing costs and increasing profits. Organizations have to work effectively to achieve their goals. Effectiveness is the ability of an organization to deliver the right products or services at the right time to the right customers.

There are two types of problems and decisions: Structured and unstructured. Structured problems have clear and defined solutions, while unstructured problems lack clear solutions. Structured decisions are those that are based on a set of rules, whereas unstructured decisions rely on personal judgment and intuition.

To know more about efficiency visit:



Mentioned in part B was a demand side tax policy designed to increase homeownership rates.
In addition to this policy, the government established two Government Sponsored Enterprises
(GSEs) designed to promote homeownership (Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae). Freddie and Fannie’s
mission is to buy mortgages that banks have made in the past so that these banks can have more
money available to make new mortgages to additional homebuyers. Over the years, the financial
markets in which these GSEs operate in have come to believe that despite Freddie and Fannie
"private" ownership the government would never allow them to fail. (In 2008, the market’s belief
turned out to be correct when the government stepped in to prevent Freddie and Fannie from going
under due to the high volume of bad mortgages they purchased, guaranteed and re-sold.) Which side
of the housing market (supply or demand) were Freddie and Fannie designed to influence, and in
which direction?


Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were designed to influence the demand side of the housing market by increasing the availability of mortgage credit and making it easier for more people to purchase homes.

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were created with the aim of promoting homeownership by buying mortgages from banks and mortgage lenders, which in turn provided these institutions with more money to lend out to new homebuyers. By purchasing mortgages, the GSEs helped inject liquidity into the housing market, which made it easier for potential homebuyers to obtain financing and afford a new home.

The presence of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in the mortgage market also helped to lower interest rates and reduce the risk of default among homebuyers. This had the effect of increasing demand for homes, as more people were able to afford mortgages and purchase homes. This increased demand also had the effect of encouraging builders to supply more homes in response to this demand.

The market's perception that the US government would never allow these GSEs to fail increased the demand for mortgage-backed securities that the GSEs issued, which in turn lowered the interest rates paid by homeowners on their mortgages.

In conclusion, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were designed to influence the demand side of the housing market, primarily by increasing the availability of mortgage credit and making it easier for more people to purchase homes. This was achieved by purchasing mortgages from banks and mortgage lenders, thereby making more funds available to lend out to potential homebuyers. These mechanisms have had the effect of lowering mortgage interest rates, making homeownership more affordable, and increasing demand for homes.

To know more about mortgage credit, visit:



General Motors has current assets $5000, non-current assets $3000, plant and equipment $1500, notes payable $800 and retained earnings $1000, using the standardized financial statement method how would notes payables appear? O 10% O 12.5% O 8.42% O 20% QUESTION 12 The cash ratio is a while the cash coverage ratio is a O Profitability ratio - Market value ratio O Liquidity ratio - Financial leverage ratio O Liquidity ratio- Profitability ratio O Financial leverage ratio - Asset utilization ratio


Using the standardized financial statement method, the percentage of notes payable to total assets for General Motors cannot be determined without additional information.

The standardized financial statement method calculates the percentage of various items relative to a specific base amount, usually total assets. In this case, we are given the following information for General Motors: current assets of $5000, non-current assets of $3000, plant and equipment of $1500, notes payable of $800, and retained earnings of $1000.

To calculate the percentage of notes payable to total assets, we need to know the total assets. However, the total assets value is not provided. Without knowing the total assets, we cannot determine the percentage of notes payable to total assets using the given information. Therefore, we cannot definitively state the percentage of notes payable.

To arrive at the answer, we would need the total assets figure. However, since it is not provided in the given information, the correct answer would be that the percentage of notes payable to total assets cannot be determined.

Learn more about assets here:  



10. How much invested now at 8% would be just enough to provide for four lump sum payments of $6,000 at 5, 10, 15, and 20 years? Solve this problem two different ways: Method # 1: Use only single amount equivalence factors. Method # 2: Use only uniform series equivalence factors.


Using Method #1: The amount needed to provide for four lump sum payments of $6,000 at 5, 10, 15, and 20 years is calculated by finding the present value of each payment and summing them up.

Using Method #2: The total amount needed is calculated by finding the equivalent uniform series payment and multiplying it by the appropriate factor for each payment term.

Method #1: Using Method Single Amount Equivalence Factors

To calculate the amount needed to provide for four lump sum payments of $6,000 at 5, 10, 15, and 20 years, we can use single amount equivalence factors to find the present value of each payment and then sum them up.

Present Value of $6,000 at 5 years:

PV1 = $6,000 / (1 + 0.08)^5

Present Value of $6,000 at 10 years:

PV2 = $6,000 / (1 + 0.08)^10

Present Value of $6,000 at 15 years:

PV3 = $6,000 / (1 + 0.08)^15

Present Value of $6,000 at 20 years:

PV4 = $6,000 / (1 + 0.08)^20

Total Amount Needed:

Total Amount = PV1 + PV2 + PV3 + PV4

Method #2: Using Uniform Series Equivalence Factors

To solve this problem using only uniform series equivalence factors, we can calculate the equivalent uniform series payment that will provide for the four lump sum payments of $6,000 at 5, 10, 15, and 20 years.

Equivalent Uniform Series Payment:

PMT = $6,000 * (1 - (1 + 0.08)^(-20)) / 0.08

Total Amount Needed:

Total Amount = PMT * ((1 + 0.08)^5 + (1 + 0.08)^10 + (1 + 0.08)^15 + (1 + 0.08)^20)

By using either method, you will arrive at the same result, which is the amount needed to provide for the four lump sum payments of $6,000 at 5, 10, 15, and 20 years.

To learn more about  lump sum payments visit : https://brainly.com/question/23220127


We can observe only one interest rate per day. O True False The equilibrium interest rate is determined using the Supply and Demand curves for Loanable funds. However, the equilibrium interest rate is only a temporary equilibrium. True False Increased near-term spending needs of households shift the DEMAND curve of funds. O True False
Default risk is the risk that a security issuer will miss an interest or principal payment or continue to miss such payment. O True False The value of a bond equals the present value of the cash flow received from the bond. The present value includes two components: (i) the present value of the principal payment and (ii) the present value of the coupon payments. O True False Bond prices and interest rates are proportionally related. For example, if the interest rate increase the bond price increases as well. O True O False If the coupon rate and the yield are the same, the bond price reflects a discount from par value. True O False Common Stock and Preferred stock are the same in terms of voting rights. O True O False All else equal, Price/Earning ratio should be higher for stocks with (0) Larger dividend payout, (ii) les risk, and (iii) larger growth. True False Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the interest rate that results in Net Present Value (NPV) = 0. If IRR is lower than the Cost of capital, you accept the project. True False


The correct answers are as follows:











Discuss in one or two paragraphs how under the U.S. system of federalism, the federal government and states shared power/responsibility to handle the coronavirus pandemic. Use the terms "expressed powers", "inherent power", and "reserved powers" to describe the actions taken by the federal government and state governments. Using those terms correctly will demonstrate to me that you understand their meaning. Looking forward to reading your thoughts!


The federal government exercised its expressed powers, such as those outlined in the Constitution, to implement nationwide measures and provide guidance to states.

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government employed its expressed powers, which are powers explicitly granted to it by the Constitution. These powers include the ability to regulate interstate commerce, maintain a military, and establish federal agencies. The federal government used these powers to implement nationwide measures, such as travel restrictions, economic stimulus packages, and the distribution of vaccines and resources.

At the same time, state governments exercised their reserved powers, which are powers not delegated to the federal government and therefore retained by the states. These powers allow states to address local concerns and tailor responses to the pandemic based on their unique circumstances. State governments implemented various measures such as issuing stay-at-home orders, implementing testing and contact tracing programs, and making decisions regarding the reopening of businesses and schools.

The shared power/responsibility between the federal government and state governments in handling the pandemic demonstrated the principles of federalism in action. The federal government utilized its expressed powers to provide overarching guidance and support, while state governments exercised their reserved powers to address specific needs and adapt strategies to their respective jurisdictions. This cooperative approach allowed for a coordinated national response while recognizing the diverse needs and conditions across different states.

Learn more about federalism, below:



Jerry borrowed $20,054 for 6.5 years. For the first two and a half years, the interest rate on the loan was 8.4% compounded monthly (j12). The rate then became 7.5% compounded semi-annually (j2). What total amount was required to pay off the loan at the end of the term? Round your answer to 2 decimal places.

with procedure please.


Jerry borrowed $20,054 for a duration of 6.5 years. For the initial 2.5 years, the loan had an interest rate of 8.4% compounded monthly (j12). Afterward, the interest rate changed to 7.5% compounded semi-annually (j2). The task is to determine the total amount needed to repay the loan at the end of the term, including the monthly payment amount for the first 2.5 years.

To calculate the monthly payment amount for the initial 2.5 years, we can use the formula: Loan Payment Amount = PV x i / (1 - (1 + i)^-n), where PV is the loan's present value, i is the monthly interest rate, and n is the total number of months.


PV = $20,054

i = 8.4 / 12 / 100 = 0.007 (monthly interest rate)

n = 2.5 x 12 = 30 (number of months)

Using the formula, the monthly payment amount for the first 2.5 years is:

Loan Payment Amount = $20,054 x 0.007 / (1 - (1 + 0.007)^-30) = $853.49 (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Next, we can determine the total loan payment at a 7.5% interest rate compounded semi-annually (j2) for the remaining 4 years. We will use the future value formula: FV = PV(1 + i)^n, where FV is the future value of the loan payment, PV is the present value of the loan payment, i is the interest rate per period, and n is the number of periods.

For the first 2.5 years, PV = $853.49 x 30 = $25,604.70 (monthly payment multiplied by the number of months).

i = 7.5 / 2 / 100 = 0.0375 (semi-annual interest rate)

n = 4 x 2 = 8 (number of semi-annual periods)

Using the formula, the future value of the next 4 years of payments is:

FV = $25,604.70(1 + 0.0375)^8 = $33,610.57.

The total loan payment is the sum of the future value of the next 4 years of payments and the monthly payment amount for the first 2.5 years:

Total Loan Payment = $33,610.57 + $853.49 = $34,464.06.

Therefore, the total amount required to pay off the loan at the end of the term is $34,464.06.

Read more about interest rate on the loan



If you've had experience conducting employment interviews, discuss ways to conduct a successful interview. As an interviewee, discuss your personal experiences during employment interviews.
What aspect of the employment process do you find most challenging and what have you done (or could you do) to make hiring easier, more effective, or more efficient?


Conducting a successful employment interview requires planning and preparation. During the interview, the interviewer needs to create a comfortable environment and ask open-ended questions to get a sense of the interviewee's personality and work experience. As an interviewer, the following are some ways to conduct a successful interview:Preparation Before the interview, conduct research on the company and the role. Familiarize yourself with the job requirements and the qualifications needed for the job. Prepare a list of open-ended questions to ask during the interview, and ensure that the location is conducive to conducting the interview.Conducting the interviewDuring the interview, create a comfortable environment that will help the interviewee feel relaxed and open up. Start the interview with an introduction and proceed to ask open-ended questions about the interviewee's work experience and personality. Listen carefully to their responses, ask follow-up questions, and take notes if necessary. Avoid interrupting the interviewee or making assumptions based on their answers. After the interview, provide feedback on what you liked about the interviewee's answers, and offer constructive criticism on areas they need to improve on.As an interviewee, personal experiences during employment interviews could range from positive to negative. Some interviewees could have had a great experience where they felt comfortable, while others could have experienced stress and anxiety. The following are some ways to have a successful interview:PreparationBefore the interview, research the company and the role to familiarize yourself with the job requirements and the qualifications needed for the job. Prepare for potential questions that you may be asked during the interview, and ensure that you know the location of the interview.Conducting the interviewDuring the interview, create a positive first impression by arriving early, dressing professionally, and having a positive attitude. Listen carefully to the interviewer's questions and answer them truthfully and succinctly. Provide examples of your work experience and how they relate to the job. Avoid interrupting the interviewer or asking about the salary or benefits during the interview. After the interview, send a thank-you note to the interviewer.Challenging aspects of the employment process could be the sheer number of applicants and the time taken to screen them. To make hiring more effective, employers could use technology to screen applicants, or enlist the help of a staffing agency. Employers could also seek the help of employees or their network to refer qualified candidates.

to know more about Conducting a successful employment interview visit:



As an interviewer, there are several ways to conduct a successful interview. One of the most important things to do is to prepare questions in advance that will help you determine whether or not the candidate is a good fit for the position.

As an interviewee, I have had personal experiences during employment interviews that have varied depending on the interviewer and the company. Some interviewers have been friendly and made me feel at ease, while others have been cold and aloof, making me feel nervous and unsure of myself.

One aspect of the employment process that I find most challenging is the application process. Filling out applications can be time-consuming, and it can be difficult to know which positions to apply for. To make hiring easier, more effective, and more efficient, I could create a targeted resume that highlights my skills and experiences that are relevant to the position I am applying for.

To know more about interviewer visit :



This module provides a general framework for the study of economic growth. The model allows to understand both, growth in developed and developing economies, and the level of income across countries. In the model, developing countries exhibit lower income because they are thought to have the equivalent of an implicit tax on capital (because of bribes or frictions for doing business), which reduces investment, output, and wages.
The question of income differences across countries is a big puzzle among economists. If you think for a moment about the issue, natural questions arise: why are the gaps so large given that capital and technology can move around the world, and that countries’ populations can be educated? Part of the explanation lies in history and its by-product institutions: rules and norms that govern social and economic interactions.
In this Box you have to synthesize the theoretical and empirical aspects that explain the gap between rich and poor nations. Theory suggests that a "tax" on capital reduces investment, wages, and output; on the flip side, in practice, weak institutions in the form of bribes or heavy regulatory burden, for instance, lead to the same result.
The challenge in this Box is to lay out both lines of reasoning (growth theory and institutions) and illustrate the point using the resources below.
- Go to worldbank.org and look for the World Development Indicators. Once you are there pick a developing country (or countries ---could be more than one) and also look for the USA. Retrieve the data for GDP per capita starting in the year 2000, up to the latest available year. There are many variables with that name so pick: GDP per capita constant -"latest year"-US$; the series are constantly updated, so look for the latest base-year available.
- Look online for the Worldwide Governance Indicators and match the countries and years that you have picked from the World Bank. There are six categories for institutional scores, you can focus on one only, on all (average), or on a few. You will find a percentile ranking and an absolute score. The absolute score, which ranges between -2.5 to 2.5, is better suited for this analysis so use that one.
In this box talk about the income gap between the countries in general [25 points]. Explain through the lens of the theory and institutions why this is the case [25 points]. Discuss whether there is evidence of convergence/divergence in income terms [25 points] and institutional quality [25 points] among your selection of countries. The charts (one for GDP per capita and another for Governance Indicators) should have a title and have the axis labeled (with time in x-axis, and label variable(s) and units in the y-axis).
When talking about the theory from the book chapter be sure touch on the set up of the model, interpretation, and its predictions. For the practical side, a good reference to get a sense of the role of institutions in economic performance read Hali Edison, "How strong are the links between institutional quality and economic performance?", Finance and Development, June 2003, Vol. 40, Num. 2, International Monetary Fund. There is a large literature on the topic, but this a good introduction, so don’t look further for this assignment. In the Box focus on the complementarity between the theory and the concept of institutions to explain the issue to a reader that does not much about either. This type of exercise is useful for, say, a firm looking to expand into foreign markets.


Theory and institutions complement each other in explaining the issue, and the comparison of governance indicators of various countries shows a significant difference in institutional quality.  

Introduction.The study of economic growth is crucial as it helps in understanding the levels of income across various countries.

The income differences across countries have been a puzzle among economists. Capital and technology can move around the world, and countries’ populations can be educated, but the gaps still remain very large. The model provides a general framework that allows the study of economic growth in both developed and developing economies.

Developing countries exhibit lower income, primarily due to implicit taxes on capital, reducing investment, output, and wages. Part of the explanation lies in history and its by-product institutions: rules and norms that govern social and economic interactionsSynthesis of Theoretical and Empirical AspectsThe income gap between the countries is significant due to various reasons.

The first reason is the implicit tax on capital in developing countries, leading to reduced investment, wages, and output. Secondly, weak institutions in the form of heavy regulatory burdens or bribes lead to the same result. Institutions play a critical role in bridging the gap between rich and poor nations.

Theory and institutions complement each other in explaining the issue. The growth theory suggests that the implicit tax on capital leads to reduced investment, output, and wages. The model set up explains how this works in both developed and developing economies. The interpretation is that capital and technology can move around the world, but institutional quality plays a vital role in ensuring that the benefits of these movements are realized.

Institutions help to create an enabling environment that supports the flow of capital and technology, leading to increased productivity, wages, and output. The Worldwide Governance Indicators help to measure the institutional quality of various countries. A comparison of the governance indicators of a developing country like India and a developed country like the United States of America shows a significant difference.

The institutions in the United States have scored highly in all categories, while India has scored lower in all categories. There is evidence of divergence in income terms and institutional quality among the selected countries. ConclusionIn conclusion, understanding economic growth is crucial, and the model provided an excellent framework for studying the growth in developed and developing economies.

The study has shown that institutions play a critical role in bridging the gap between rich and poor nations. Theory and institutions complement each other in explaining the issue, and the comparison of governance indicators of various countries shows a significant difference in institutional quality.

The gap between the countries is large, and there is evidence of  divergence  in income terms and institutional quality among the selected countries.    

Learn mor about economic here,



Which of the following events would result in a greater demand for U.S. dollars in the foreign-exchange market, ceteris paribus?

An increase in interest rates in the United States.

An increase in interest rates in Japan.

Higher tariffs imposed by the United States on imports.

Higher quotas imposed by the United States on imports.


Among the given options, the event that would result in a greater demand for US dollars in the foreign-exchange market, ceteris paribus, would be an increase in interest rates in the United States. The demand for a particular currency is affected by various factors, such as economic growth, interest rates, political stability, inflation, etc.

In general, a higher interest rate would increase the demand for a currency due to the higher return on investment.The higher return on investment would attract foreign investors who would buy that currency in the foreign exchange market, which would result in an increase in the value of that currency. Thus, an increase in interest rates in the United States would lead to an increase in demand for US dollars in the foreign-exchange market, ceteris paribus. This is because higher interest rates would attract foreign investors, who would demand US dollars to invest in the US economy.

To know more about US dollars visit:



internal auditors 9 With this type of accounting and financial reporting system, revenues are recorded when earned and realized, and expenses are matched to those revenues a. the American basis b. the


Internal auditors 9 With this type of accounting and financial reporting system, revenues are recorded when earned and realized, and expenses are matched to those revenues is B. the accrual basis accounting.

This type of accounting system helps in recording the transactions when they occur, rather than recording them when the money actually exchanges hands. According to the accrual basis of accounting, the revenues are recognized when they are earned and realized, and expenses are matched to those revenues. The American basis, on the other hand, is also recognized as cash-basis accounting. It is the type of accounting system that helps in recording the transactions only when money changes hands.

In this type of accounting system, the revenues are recognized only when the cash is received, and expenses are matched when cash is paid. The accrual basis of accounting is considered to be a much more accurate measure of the business performance than cash-basis accounting due to its ability to record the revenue when it is earned rather than when the money is received. Therefore, accrual basis accounting is more widely used by businesses in today's world than cash-basis accounting. So the correct answer is B. the accrual basis accounting.

To know more about revenues here



() = 15% = 45% = 9% = 29% = 0.30
Would any investor find it optimal to hold a 25/75 portfolio of stocks C/D? Demonstrate/Explain.


A 25/75 portfolio comprises a quarter of stock C and three-quarters of stock D. The expected return on a portfolio of C and D is calculated by taking the weighted average of the returns of the two stocks.

Therefore, the expected return for the 25/75 portfolio can be calculated as:Expected return = (0.25 × 15%) + (0.75 × 29%) = 24%.Based on the expected return on the portfolio, an investor may find it optimal to hold a 25/75 portfolio of stocks C/D. This is because the expected return on the portfolio is higher than the expected return on stock D (29%).However, when making investment decisions, investors need to consider other factors such as their risk appetite, investment goals, and the volatility of the stocks in the portfolio. If the volatility of stock C is higher than that of stock D, then the risk of the portfolio will be higher.

If the investor has a low-risk appetite, they may not find the 25/75 portfolio optimal even though it has a higher expected return. Hence, investors need to evaluate different portfolios before making an investment decision.

To know more about Stock Portfolio visit-



To accomplish their strategic objectives, HR managers must be aware of and analyze the threats and opportunities they face in their company's external environments. Choose three (3) external factors and briefly define: (9 Marks).


As a HR manager, you must be aware of the external factors that pose a threat to your company or that may create opportunities for growth such as economic factors, technological factors, and societal factors.

To accomplish their strategic objectives, HR managers must be aware of and analyze the threats and opportunities they face in their company's external environments. The three external factors are briefly defined below:

1. Economic Factors: This is the study of the interplay between economic policies and decisions taken by companies and individuals. These decisions are affected by factors such as interest rates, inflation, employment levels, and exchange rates.

For example, if the interest rate increases, the cost of borrowing money also increases. This can lead to decreased consumer spending, which may result in a decline in sales for companies.

2. Technological Factors: This factor covers the changes that take place in technology, including innovation and advancements that affect a business environment. For instance, technology helps companies to streamline their processes, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

Technological factors can also help companies to gain a competitive edge by improving product quality, enabling quicker time-to-market, and expanding distribution channels.

3. Societal Factors: These factors refer to the demographics, social attitudes, values, and cultural norms that impact a company's operations. Demographics include age, gender, income, and education level of the population. Social attitudes and values determine how people react to different situations. Cultural norms refer to the accepted ways of behavior and thinking that have been passed down through generations.

For example, the aging population in many countries has led to an increased demand for healthcare services. Companies that provide healthcare services are therefore well positioned to take advantage of this trend.

Learn more about External environments:



BoTeck is a full-service technology company. It provides equipment, installation services, and training services. For a recent major group sale, the transaction price had a variable component contingent upon a threshold being reached. Revenue allocated to equipment and installation services was recognized in fiscal year 2019; revenue allocated to training services is being recognized over the next two years through the end of 2021. Now, in February 2020, the contingent outcome previously expected has proven to be false and the transaction price has changed such that additional revenue should be recognized for these performance obligations What is the proper accounting for this change in transaction price for equipment and installation services? prior period adjustment to increase 2019 revenue for the full amount of change increase 2020 and 2021 revenue by allocating adjustment equally to cach year for the proportional amount of change increase 2020 revenue by allocating adjustment to January and February equally to each month for the proportional amount of change с с 17. A customer agrees to pay a seller over time with a promissory note. Which of the following statements related to this situation is false? The transaction price is determined by adjusting the promised amount of future consideration to reflect the time value of money The objective for the adjusting for time value of money is to separate the contract into a revenue element and a financing element When adjusting for the time value of money, the seller should use the current prime lending rate as the discount rate. Sellers are not required to adjust for the time value of money if the time period between the customer's payment and the company's transfer of goods or services is less than one year 18. Donner Construction enters into a contract with a customer to build a warehouse for $600,000 on March 30, 2020 with a performance bonus of $30,000 if the building is completed by August 31, 2020. The bonus is reduced by $10,000 each week that completion is delayed. Donner commonly includes these completion bonuses in its contracts and based on prior experience, estimates the following completion outcomes. Completed by Probability August 31, 2020 60% September 7, 2020 30% September 14, 2020 10% 14. What is the appropriate revenue recognition procedure for upfront payments received in a contract with a + customer? capitalize and amortize over the contract term defer recognition until the end of the contract recognize immediately recognize whenever the related performance obligation is satisfied 11. A contract adds distinct goods and services, and the contract price does not reflect the stand-alone selling price of these goods and services. How is the contract modification accounted for? as a separate contract prospective method retrospective method cumulative catch-up method с SRR ord Г


The cumulative catch-up method is used to adjust the revenue of the current period and the remaining period to reflect the new price of the contract.

Proper accounting for change in transaction price for equipment and installation services:

The change in the transaction price for equipment and installation services can be accounted by increasing 2020 and 2021 revenue by allocating adjustment equally to each year for the proportional amount of change. This method will ensure that the revenue is accounted for and allocated to the years in which it was earned.

In the given scenario, revenue allocated to equipment and installation services was recognized in fiscal year 2019, which means that any change in transaction price should only be accounted for in 2020 and 2021. The revenue allocated to training services is already being recognized over the next two years through the end of 2021.

The following is the appropriate accounting for the change in transaction price for equipment and installation services:

Increase 2020 and 2021 revenue by allocating adjustment equally to each year for the proportional amount of change. False statement related to the customer agreement:

When a customer agrees to pay a seller over time with a promissory note, sellers are not required to adjust for the time value of money if the time period between the customer's payment and the company's transfer of goods or services is less than one year. This statement is false. The sellers are still required to adjust for the time value of money even if the time period between the customer's payment and the company's transfer of goods or services is less than one year.

Appropriate revenue recognition procedure for upfront payments received in a contract with a customer:

The appropriate revenue recognition procedure for upfront payments received in a contract with a customer is to recognize whenever the related performance obligation is satisfied. This means that the revenue should be recognized in the accounting period in which the goods or services are delivered or performed.

Contract modification accounted for:

When a contract adds distinct goods and services, and the contract price does not reflect the stand-alone selling price of these goods and services, the contract modification is accounted for using the cumulative catch-up method.

To know more about Revenue Recognition visit:



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictive measures on movement, the way many companies operate has changed, leading 8 out of 10 companies to adopt forms of teleworking. This directly affects employee performance appraisal systems.
Question: Briefly describe two (2) weaknesses of conventional rating systems due to teleworking application. Link each weakness of the teleworking evaluation system to one way of dealing with it and substantiate (justify) your answer.


Weakness 1: Lack of Direct Observation and Face-to-Face Interaction

Conventional rating systems heavily rely on direct observation and face-to-face interaction between managers and employees.

However, in a teleworking setup, where employees work remotely, this aspect becomes challenging. Managers may find it difficult to assess employees' performance accurately without being physically present to observe their work habits, behavior, and collaboration with colleagues. Way of Dealing: Result-Oriented Performance Evaluation

To address this weakness, organizations can shift towards result-oriented performance evaluation. Instead of solely focusing on the process and activities performed by employees, managers can emphasize the outcomes and results achieved. This approach measures performance based on the quality and quantity of the work delivered, rather than solely relying on direct observation. Clear goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs) can be set, allowing employees to demonstrate their productivity and effectiveness through measurable results.

Substantiation: Result-oriented evaluation ensures that employees are evaluated based on the actual value they contribute to the organization, regardless of their physical presence in the office. It shifts the focus from the process of work to the outcomes achieved, which aligns well with the teleworking environment. By setting clear goals and objectives, managers can assess performance based on tangible results, promoting accountability and productivity among remote employees.

Weakness 2: Difficulty in Providing Timely and Continuous Feedback

Conventional rating systems often involve regular face-to-face feedback sessions between managers and employees, where performance strengths and areas for improvement are discussed. In a teleworking setup, the lack of frequent in-person interaction makes it challenging to provide timely and continuous feedback. Communication barriers, time zone differences, and reliance on digital communication tools can hinder the flow of feedback and timely performance discussions.

Way of Dealing: Enhanced Communication and Feedback Channels

To overcome this weakness, organizations can establish enhanced communication and feedback channels that support regular and timely interaction between managers and employees. This can include scheduled video conferencing or virtual team meetings to discuss performance, ongoing feedback through instant messaging or email, and utilizing collaborative platforms for real-time feedback exchange. Encouraging open communication and setting up structured feedback mechanisms can help bridge the gap caused by remote work.

Substantiation: By adopting enhanced communication and feedback channels, organizations ensure that performance feedback remains consistent and ongoing, despite the challenges posed by teleworking. Regular check-ins and opportunities for dialogue enable managers to provide timely guidance, address performance issues promptly, and recognize achievements in a timely manner. This helps maintain employee engagement, development, and motivation, even in a remote work environment.

In conclusion, the weaknesses of conventional rating systems in the context of teleworking include the lack of direct observation and face-to-face interaction, as well as difficulties in providing timely and continuous feedback. By implementing result-oriented performance evaluation and enhancing communication and feedback channels, organizations can mitigate these weaknesses. This allows for a focus on outcomes, productivity, and measurable results while ensuring regular and meaningful feedback exchange between managers and remote employees.

learn more about Conventional rating systems here:



GAF Materials Corp. (GAFMC) began modestly in 1886 as the Standard Paint Company, with 18 people working in a remodeled sawmill. Today it is one of the most fully-integrated roofing manufacturers in the U.S. with sales over $1 billion and 3,300 employees working in 26 plants across the country (its plants are dispersed because of the high cost of shipping shingles). GAFMC markets its diverse building materials products to contractors and distributors throughout the U.S. and in selected areas of the world. Its professional customer service representatives are trained to assist customers and coordinate a range of services. GAFMC has built its success on the diverse range of its building materials products along with key corporate acquisitions, research and development, and customer service. Its integrated operations and self-sufficiency are the mainstay of the Company's future growth.


GAF Materials Corp. (GAFMC) is one of the most fully-integrated roofing manufacturers in the US, with 26 plants across the country.

It began as the Standard Paint Company in 1886 and has built its success on a diverse range of building materials products and key corporate acquisitions, research and development, and customer service. Its professional customer service representatives are trained to assist customers and coordinate a range of services.

Its integrated operations and self-sufficiency are the mainstay of the Company's future growth.GAF Materials Corp. (GAFMC) has a diverse range of building materials products that it markets to contractors and distributors throughout the US and selected areas of the world.

Its professional customer service representatives are trained to assist customers and coordinate a range of services. The Company has built its success on a diverse range of building materials products along with key corporate acquisitions, research and development, and customer service.

GAFMC's integrated operations and self-sufficiency are the mainstay of the Company's future growth. Its plants are dispersed due to the high cost of shipping shingles, and it has sales over $1 billion and 3,300 employees working in 26 plants across the country.

To know more about customer service click on below link:



Question: Apple Glass VR/AR is expected to be released by 2025,
explain the following:
what will the Commercial viability look like (Market demand
& revenue model)


The commercial viability of Apple Glass VR/AR, expected to be released by 2025, will depend on several factors including market demand and the revenue model.

While we cannot predict the exact details of Apple's product strategy, we can discuss potential considerations: Market Demand: The success of Apple Glass VR/AR will depend on the level of market demand for such technology. Apple will need to assess the consumer interest and potential adoption of VR/AR devices at the anticipated release date. Factors such as price, functionality, content availability, and user experience will influence market demand.

Learn more about market here;



question 1 a purchaser at your company wants to optimize the price they will pay to order office supplies for the coming year. which of the following is a good initial hypothesis to test in order to help the purchaser optimize their spending? select all that apply. 1 point office supply prices increase seasonally. office supply prices remain the same throughout the year. the budget for office supplies should increase. the budget for office supplies can remain the same.


The hypothesis that should be tested to help the purchaser optimize their spending is "office supply prices increase seasonally" and "the budget for office supplies can remain the same".

The purchaser at your company wants to optimize the price they will pay to order office supplies for the coming year. For this, a good initial hypothesis should be tested in order to help the purchaser optimize their spending. There are some options available for testing the hypothesis. They are: Office supply prices increase seasonally. Office supply prices remain the same throughout the year.

The budget for office supplies should increase.The budget for office supplies can remain the same.Out of these options, the hypothesis that should be tested to help the purchaser optimize their spending is "office supply prices increase seasonally" and "the budget for office supplies can remain the same".Therefore, option A and D are the correct answers.

To know more about prices increase visit :



The expected return-beta relationship Multiple Choice - assumes that investors hold well-diversified portfolios. - refers to the way in which the covariance between the returns on a stock and returns on the market measures the contribution of the stock to the variance of the market portfolio, which is beta. - is the most familiar expression of the CAPM to practitioners. - All of the options are true. - None of the options are true.


In the expected return-beta relationship All of the options are true. The correct answer is option d.

The expected return-beta relationship refers to the relationship between the expected return on an investment and its beta, which measures the stock's sensitivity to market movements.

This relationship assumes that investors hold well-diversified portfolios, meaning they have a range of different investments to minimize risk. The covariance between the returns on a stock and returns on the market is used to calculate beta, which represents the contribution of the stock to the variance of the market portfolio.

This relationship is a fundamental concept in the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and is widely used by practitioners in finance.

Therefore, all of the options presented are true statements about the expected return-beta relationship. The correct answer is option d.

To know more about Capital Asset  refer to-



Complete question

The expected return-beta relationship Multiple Choice -

a. assumes that investors hold well-diversified portfolios. -

b. refers to the way in which the covariance between the returns on a stock and returns on the market measures the contribution of the stock to the variance of the market portfolio, which is beta. -

c. is the most familiar expression of the CAPM to practitioners. -

d. All of the options are true.

e.None of the options are true.

If an investor currently has 100 shares of ABC and believes the stock will decline in the next few weeks, what strategy should they perform?

a.Outright call purchase


c.Protective put



If an investor currently holds 100 shares of ABC and anticipates a potential decline in the stock's value in the coming weeks, they may consider implementing a protective put strategy.

A protective put strategy involves purchasing an equivalent number of shares of the underlying stock and put options simultaneously. The put option serves as a protective measure, mitigating the investor's downside risk while still allowing them to benefit if the stock price rises.

The protective put strategy works as follows: The investor, who already owns the stock, buys a put option to safeguard their position against potential value declines. The put option grants the investor the right, though not the obligation, to sell the underlying stock at a predetermined price (strike price) within a specific time frame (expiration date).

This strategy provides a maximum loss limit for the investor while still enabling them to capitalize on potential stock price increases. It is typically employed when the investor has a long-term optimistic outlook for the stock but has concerns about a short-term decline.

Here's how the protective put strategy operates: If the investor currently holds 100 shares of ABC and foresees a stock decline, they would purchase a put option to safeguard their position from potential value decreases. In the event that the stock does decline, the put option will appreciate in value, offsetting the loss on the stock position. Conversely, if the stock price increases, the investor will profit from the stock position, and any loss on the put option will be limited to the premium paid.

In summary, by implementing a protective put strategy, an investor holding 100 shares of ABC can protect their position from potential losses due to a stock decline while still having the opportunity to benefit if the stock price rises.

Learn more about stock at: https://brainly.com/question/26128641


Suppose the government introduces a subsidy on purchasing electric vehicles that give about $20 billion per year to consumers. Is this new subsidy likely to shift the demand or supply (pick one) for electric vehicles? And will that shift be an increase or a decrease (pick one)?


The new subsidy on purchasing electric vehicles is likely to shift the demand for electric vehicles. This shift in demand will be an increase.

By introducing a subsidy on purchasing electric vehicles, the government is providing a financial incentive to consumers, effectively reducing the cost of buying an electric vehicle. This reduction in cost encourages more consumers to consider purchasing electric vehicles, leading to an increase in the quantity demanded.

As a result, the demand curve for electric vehicles will shift to the right, indicating a higher quantity demanded at each price level. This shift reflects the increased willingness of consumers to buy electric vehicles due to the subsidy. It is important to note that the subsidy affects the demand side of the market, as it directly influences consumers' purchasing decisions and their willingness to buy electric vehicles.

To learn more about subsidy click here :brainly.com/question/20911373


cost codes allocate the financial impact to the appropriate. area
in the financial records


The statement "Cost codes allocate the financial impact to the appropriate area in the financial records" is true. Cost codes are used to categorize and track project costs, making it easier to allocate expenses to specific areas in financial records.

Cost codes are a series of numbers or letters that are used to classify expenses according to categories that reflect the nature of the expense incurred. This helps project managers track and report costs associated with specific areas of the project, such as labor, materials, equipment, and overhead.

Cost codes are used by businesses of all sizes and across all industries to manage and track project costs, monitor expenses, and analyze profitability.

To know more about Cost codes refer here:



Cash Receipts Processing Narrative Customer payments are received by the Treasurer and include cash received at the time of purchase and payments received in the mail. At day’s end, the Treasurer endorses all the checks and prepares a deposit slip for all the monies received, and gives the funds and the deposit slip to the company Clerk. The Clerk deposits the checks, cash, and deposit slip at the local bank each day. When checks are received as payment for accounts due, a remittance slip is included with the payment. The Treasurer sends the remittance slip to Accounts Receivable.


Cash receipts processing is a crucial aspect of overall financial accounting of a company. Cash receipts processing cycle is an important aspect of company's financial accounting process. The cycle involves several steps, starting from receiving payments from customers.

This process is a cycle, which typically involves a few steps including receiving payments from customers, endorsing checks, preparing a deposit slip, depositing checks, cash, and deposit slip at the local bank, and sending the remittance slip to the accounts receivable.

This cycle is initiated when a customer pays for a product or service by cash or mail. The Treasurer receives customer payments, which include cash received at the time of purchase and payments received in the mail.  At day’s end, the Treasurer endorses all the checks and prepares a deposit slip for all the monies received, and gives the funds and the deposit slip to the company Clerk.

The process ensures that the company's financial transactions are accurate, and customer accounts are properly maintained. Efficient cash receipts processing ensures that the company maintains good relationships with its customers by providing timely and accurate account information.

Know more about Cash receipts here:



Semsbury Originals Corp purchased US$9,600 of American maple
syrup to sell in Canada At the time of the June 2 purchase, the
change rate was 13504 When the payment was made July 25 the change
rate w 1


The total cost in Canadian dollars for the purchase of American maple syrup on June 2 was $129,830,400.

The total cost in Canadian dollars for the payment made on July 25 was $120,084,000.

What is the total cost in Canadian dollars?

Exchange rate on June 2: 1 USD = 13504 CAD

Exchange rate on July 25: 1 USD = 12509 CAD

Calculation for the purchase on June 2:

Cost in CAD = Purchase amount in USD × Exchange rate on June 2

Cost in CAD = $9,600 × 13504

Cost in CAD = $129,830,400

Calculation for the payment on July 25:

Cost in CAD = Purchase amount in USD × Exchange rate on July 25

Cost in CAD = $9,600 × 12509

Cost in CAD = $120,084,000.

Full question:

Semsbury Originals Corp purchased US$9,600 of American maple syrup to sell in Canada At the time of the June 2 purchase, the change rate was 13504 When the payment was made July 25 the change rate w 12509 tons. Find the total cost in Canadian dollars

Read more about Journal entry



In PPP, Why are partnerships and consortium engagements used for
large scale projects?


Partnerships and consortium engagements are commonly used for large-scale projects in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) for several reasons:

Resource Pooling: Large-scale projects often require significant financial resources, technical expertise, and operational capacity. By forming partnerships or consortiums, multiple entities can pool their resources together, combining their strengths to effectively deliver the project. This allows for the sharing of financial burdens, risk mitigation, and access to a broader range of expertise.

Risk Sharing: Large-scale projects typically involve various risks, including financial, technical, and operational risks. Partnerships and consortiums enable the distribution of risks among the participating entities. This risk sharing arrangement provides greater resilience and helps mitigate the potential negative impacts that may arise during project implementation

Synergy and Expertise: Large-scale projects often require diverse skills and expertise across multiple domains. Partnerships and consortiums bring together entities with complementary capabilities, allowing for a synergy of knowledge, resources, and experience. This collaboration enhances the overall project outcomes and increases the likelihood of successful project delivery.

Mobilization of Capital: Large-scale projects often require substantial financial investments. Partnerships and consortiums enable access to a larger pool of capital by combining the financial resources of multiple entities. This improves the financing capacity and facilitates the mobilization of the necessary funds for the project.

Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: Large-scale projects typically involve multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, and other relevant entities. Partnerships and consortiums provide a platform for effective stakeholder engagement and collaboration. This ensures that the project addresses the needs and concerns of various stakeholders, leading to better project outcomes and increased public acceptance.

Overall, partnerships and consortium engagements in PPPs for large-scale projects enable the efficient utilization of resources, risk sharing, enhanced expertise, mobilization of capital, and improved stakeholder engagement. These collaborative arrangements contribute to the successful delivery of complex projects that may have significant economic, social, or environmental impacts.

Learn more about Private here



Chapter 18 talked about public economy and one of the issues is voter participation. In the U.S. voting is not mandatory, but in several countries in the world citizens do have to vote in every election. Economists have suggested why a utility-maximizing person might rationally decide not to vote or not to become informed about the election. This theory is called Rational Ignorance. Describe what rational ignorance is, and state your opinion about voting. Do you agree with this theory? Provide at least 2 arguments for why you agree or disagree with the rational ignorance.
(minimum of 100 words, maximum of 250 words


Rational ignorance is a theory in political science that suggests that voters have little incentive to become informed about political issues because the cost of acquiring information is greater than the expected benefit.

This is because the probability of any one vote changing the outcome of an election is very small. I agree with the theory of rational ignorance to some extent. I believe that it is rational for voters to not become informed about political issues if they believe that their vote will not make a difference. However, I also believe that it is important for voters to be informed about political issues so that they can make informed decisions about who to vote for.

Here are two arguments for why I agree with the theory of rational ignorance:

The cost of acquiring information about political issues can be high. This includes the time and effort it takes to research the issues, as well as the cost of obtaining information from reliable sources.

The expected benefit of becoming informed about political issues is low. This is because the probability of any one vote changing the outcome of an election is very small.

Here are two arguments for why I disagree with the theory of rational ignorance:

It is important for voters to be informed about political issues so that they can make informed decisions about who to vote for.

Voter participation is essential for a healthy democracy. When people do not vote, they are essentially giving up their voice in government.

In conclusion, I believe that the theory of rational ignorance is a valid explanation for why some people do not vote or become informed about political issues. However, I also believe that it is important for voters to be informed about political issues so that they can make informed decisions about who to vote for.

To know more about public economy, click here:-



Other Questions
(A) If the majority of assets owned by businesses are intangibles such as intellectual property rights, why is it so difficult to use those assets as security against loans from banks or other lenders?(B) Pol Engineering Limited wants to develop some technology and has approached a professor experienced in this field at a local university to assist. Pol has never previously done any research-based work with a university and wants to understand the implications of a decision to enter a Research and Development Agreement with the University for the production of some intellectual property-based results. Write a concise memorandum identifying the problems associated with a research based agreement of this sort and how those problems may be dealt with. Which one of the following statements is correct?Market value is the amount of cash the owner hopes to receive if an asset is sold.Market value is equal to the replacement value of an asset.Book value is equal to the initial cost minus the depreciation to date.Book value is the greater of the depreciated cost or the current market value.Book value is the greater of the initial cost or the current market value. Define the measurement principle. Select one: a. Transactions should be recorded on the basis of objective evidence where different people looking at the evidence would all arrive at the same conclusion. b. Accounting records should all be reported in a single currency. c. Items must be recorded at their historical cost. d. A business will continue to operate into the foreseeable future. What is the purpose of an alpha level? In what way does it reduce error in hypothesis testing? The MBA DecisionRaj Danielson graduated from university six years ago with a nance undergraduate degree.Although he is satifed with his current job, his goal is to become an investment banker. He feelsthat an MBA degree would allow him to achieve this goal. After examining schools, he has narrowedhis choice to either Assiniboine University or the University of Passy. Both schools encourage intern-ships, but to get class credit for the internship, no salary can be accepted. Other than internships,neither school allows its students to work while enrolled in its MBA program.Raj currently works at the money management rm of Prash and Sid. His annual salary at the rmis $53,000 and his salary is expected to increase at 3% per year until retirement. He is currently 28years old and expects to work for 38 more years. His current job includes a fully paid health insur-ance plan, and his current average tax rate is 26%. Raj has a savings account with enough money tocover the entire cost of his MBA program.The Sentinel School of Business at Assiniboine University is one of the top MBA programs in thecountry. The MBA degree requires two years of full-time enrollment at the university. The annualtuition is $58,000, payable at the beginning of each school year. Books and other supplies are es-timated to cost $2,000 per year. Raj expects that after graduation from Assiniboine, he will receivea job fer for about $87,000 per year, with a $10,000 signing bonus. The salary at this job will in-crease at 4% per year. Because of the higher salary, his average income tax rate will increase to 31%.The Pond School of Business at the University of Passy began its MBA program 16 years ago. ThePond School is smaller and less well known than the Sentinel School. It fers an accelerated one-year program, with a tuition cost of $75,000 to be paid upon matriculation. Books and other suppliesfor the program are expected to cost $4,200. Raj thinks that he will receive an fer of $78,000 peryear upon graduation, with an $8,000 signing bonus. The salary at this job will increase at 3.5% peryear. His average tax rate at this level of income will be 29%.Both schools fer an extended health insurance plan that will cost $3,000 per year, payable at thebeginning of the year. Raj also estimates that room and board expenses will decrease by $4,000 peryear at both schools. The appropriate discount rate is 6.5%.Questions1. How does Rajs age affect his decision to get an MBA?2. What other, perhaps nonquantifiable, factors affect Rajs decision to get an MBA?3. Assuming all salaries are paid at the end of each year, what is the best option for Raj from astrictly financial standpoint?4. Raj believes that the appropriate analysis is to calculate the future value of each option. Howwould you evaluate this statement?5. What initial salary would Raj need to receive to make him indifferent between attendingAssiniboine University and staying in his current position?6. Suppose, instead of being able to pay cash for his MBA, Raj must borrow the money. Thecurrent borrowing rate is 5.4%. How would this affect his decision? Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?a. Whenever IRR on a project equals its required rate of return, its NPV equals zero.b. If a project is acceptable using the NPV criterion, then it will also be acceptable using the discounted payback period since both methods use discounted cash flows to make the accept or reject decision.c. Profitability index provides an advantage over the NPV method by reporting the present value of the benefits per dollar invested.d. NPV of a project will increase as the required rate of return keep decreasing, assuming only one sign reversal. (a) The continuous random variable X has density function f(x) as defined below, f(x) = {3/x^4, x > 1, 0, elsewhere. (i) Verify that this is a valid density function. (ii) EvaluateF(x). (iii) Find P(X> 3). (b) The continuous random variable X has density function f(x) as defined below.f(x) = { (k(x + 2), -2 x < 0 4k , 0x 4/3 0, elsewhere. (i) Find the value of the constant k. (ii) Find the cumulative distribution function (iii) Find P(-1x 1). (iv) Find. P(X> 1) A building has 15 floors: 1 (ground), 2, 3, ..., 15. Three people -o the elevator on the ground floor and each presses the button of the floor they g to. What is the probability that 3 consecutive buttons (for example: 2, 3, 4; -, 12) are pressed? Keep in mind that nobody entering the elevator on the ground floor is going to nd floor itself. Andrew Industries is contemplating issuing a 30-year bond with a coupon rate of 7.17% (annual coupon payments) and a face value of $1,000 Andrew believes it can get a rating of A from Standard & Poor's. However, due to recent financial difficulties at the company, Standard & Poor's is warning that it may downgrade Andrew Industries' bonds to BBB. Yields on A-rated, long-term bonds are currently 6.46%, and yields on BBB-rated bonds are 6.71% a. What is the price of the bond if Andrew Industries maintains the A rating for the bond issue? b. What will be the price of the bond if it is downgraded? "Question: In both examples, we use more than 1000repetitions. What if we use only 10 repetitions?Set-up Capacity at each plant: 100 Demand for each product: Normal (100,40) Add one link at a time For each case, generate 1100 demands For each demand, compute sales Compute average sales Simulation We would like to compare different scenarios or ask many what-if questions about changes. Some situations are extremely to understand, let along optimize. Simulation We would like to compare different scenarios or ak many what-if questions about changes. Some situations are extremely to understand, le along optimize. Simulation model is a computer model that imitates a real-life situation and it allows us to answer the what-if questions before changes take place or without actual changes. FIN 311> Chapter 5 Homework-Time... Problem 10 Intro You want to borrow $700,000 from your bank to buy a business. The loan hasan annual interest rate of 3% and calls for equal annual payments over 10 A. Discuss main theories of financial intermediation and their rationale for the existence of financial intermediaries. B. Explain the logic behind the credit multiplier and the main limitations of the model. why do you think education is so important to William Based on the book ( The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind ) When using the same instruments in a batch surgery, the instruments may be disinfected between patients provided that the instruments were sterilized at the outset.a. trueb. false In 2021, a basketball player signed a contract reported to be worth $95.6 million. The contract was to be paid as $14.2 million in 2021, $14.5 million in 2022, $16.6 million in 2023, $16.7 million in 2024, $16.7 million in 2025, and $16.9 million in 2026. If the appropriate interest rate is 8 percent, what kind of deal did the player dunk? Assume all payments are paid at the end of the year.Note: Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer in dollars, not millions of dollars, rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 1,234,567.89. The Basel III capital accord has a framework that includes three pillars. The first pillar explains the minimum capital required by a commercial bank and incorporates three risk components: credit risk, operational risk and market risk. Discuss the approaches that may be used to measure the credit risk capital adequacy component of Pillar 1. Using the standardized approach to credit risk, explain, with an example, how a commercial bank can use this method to calculate its minimum capital requirement.[4 marks]B. Assume that your supervisor at YTM Financials is pleased with your explanations written in your memo. However, in a meeting with you, they suggested that YTM should never consider securitising "Car Loan" products. Respond to your supervisor with a short report by explaining two benefits and two costs of securitising car loans. [4 marks]C. One of your junior colleagues at TBC Bank commented in a meeting that Australian banking practices have changed a lot due to deregulation. Write a short report by evaluating this statement with a consideration to an Australian banks asset and liability management function. explain why some economists are against a target of zero inflation? Outline and describe the different styles of service (9 stylesas discussed in Chapter 4) Two groups of reports are discussed in Chapter 11: the job reports, which focus on ____, and the time tracking reports, which focus on ____.profitability; how employees spend their time The average height of a member of a certain tribe of pygmies is 3.4 ft, with a standard deviation of 0.3 ft. If the heights are normally distributed, what are the largest and smallest heights of the m