Which sentence from the text best shows the thrush's idea about making a nest?
A "First came the thrush with plump, soft feathers and one of the best
singing voices of all the birds."
"Once all the birds were assembled, Madge took some mud and formed
it into a round cake."
"At that, the thrush said, "Oh, that's how it's done," and away she flew."
"With that, the blackbird exclaimed, "Now I know all about building a
nest," and off she flew."


Answer 1


The sentence that best shows the thrush's idea about making a nest is: "At that, the thrush said, "Oh, that's how it's done," and away she flew." This sentence indicates that the thrush learned how to build a nest by watching Madge the magpie, and it suggests that the thrush is now confident in her ability to build a nest.


This sentence indicates that the thrush learned how to build a nest by watching Madge the magpie, and it suggests that the thrush is now confident in her ability to build a nest.

Related Questions

which learning styles would David best be suited to​


The learning styles David would best be suited to include visual learning and auditory learning.

How to explain the information

Visual learners prefer to process information through images, diagrams, and visual aids. They benefit from using charts, graphs, and color-coded materials to enhance their understanding.

Auditory learners learn best by listening and speaking. They grasp information through lectures, discussions, and audio materials. They may benefit from reading aloud or engaging in group discussions.

Read/write learners prefer written materials, such as textbooks, articles, and note-taking. They excel at reading information and converting it into written form. Summarizing, outlining, and rewriting notes can be effective study techniques for them.

Learn more about learning on



Practice 2 The underlined words show the errors in the sentences. Write the correct word in the spaces given. 1. It is raining when I got home from school. 2. If he will be late, I will be angry. 3. I fell asleep while I read a book. 4. The children have a good time at the party today. 5. The students were not listening to the teacher because they found the lesson bored. 6. Did you ever baked a cake? 7. My father stopped to smoke cigarettes after he was advised by the doctor. 8. How does your new gown for Chinese New Year look like? was raining come vided reading Practice 3 Identify the mistakes in the sentences below and write them in th​



1 it was raining when I got home from school.

2 If he gets late, I will be angry.

3 I fell asleep while I was reading a book.

4 The children had a good time at the party today.

5 The students were not listening to the teacher because they found the lesson boring.

6 Have you ever baked a cake?

7 My father stopped smoking cigarettes after he was advised by the doctor.


why pregnant girls have a right to learn essay​


Pregnant girls have a right to learn for a variety of reasons. This essay will discuss the factors that contribute to this circumstance and why it is important to uphold the right of pregnant girls to learn. Pregnant girls have a right to learn because it is their fundamental right to education.

Education is critical in empowering individuals to have a better understanding of the world around them and their own abilities. By learning, pregnant girls can become independent and make informed choices that will have an impact on their lives and the lives of those around them. When they have the chance to attend school, they can learn about health care, basic needs for their newborn babies, and contraception to help prevent another pregnancy.

Pregnant girls face a variety of social, economic, and health issues, which make it challenging for them to pursue an education. In many societies, pregnant girls face stigma and discrimination. People, in particular, their peers, consider them to be less important than the others, which results in exclusion from society.

Education provides pregnant girls with the opportunity to learn about their rights and entitlements, as well as the laws that protect them from harm. Moreover, education may help to reduce the dropout rate and, as a result, reduce the number of girls who are forced to marry early due to their inability to access education. This way, the girls will be empowered and be able to negotiate their rights in the future.

Pregnant girls also have a right to learn because they can inspire other girls in their community. When pregnant girls attend school, they demonstrate that it is possible to combine motherhood with education. By seeing pregnant girls in school, other girls in the community can be motivated and inspired to pursue their education even when they have children.

Consequently, pregnant girls who are allowed to learn can serve as role models for other young women, empowering them to become more independent and confident in their choices and opportunities. In conclusion, pregnant girls have the right to learn.

Education is critical to promoting equality and improving lives, and it is crucial for pregnant girls to have access to this right so that they can develop their skills and abilities, raise their children, and make informed decisions about their future. When pregnant girls learn, they become empowered to participate in society and to contribute to its development.

For more such questions on fundamental right



Look at the following two lines from Romeo and Juliet. What type of verse are they?

Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight.
For I n'er saw true beauty till this night.
(Act 1, Scene 5, lines 50–51)

a. blank verse
b. couplet
c. quatrain
d. sonnet
e. tetrameter


Answer: They are a couplet, B.


Typically, a couplet comprises of two lines that follow each other, rhyme, and have the same meter.

All the other options are incorrect.

a) is incorrect as, blank verse is a literary term that refers to poetry written in unrhymed but metered lines, almost always iambic pentameter.

c) is incorrect as, a quatrain is a type of stanza, or a complete poem, consisting of four lines.

d) is incorrect as, a sonnet is a type of fourteen-line poem that is structured with 2 quatrains and a stanza  of 6 lines.

e) is incorrect as, a tetrameter is a line of four metrical feet.

Figure of speech used in the short story Triumph in the face of adversity


The figure of speech used in the short story Triumph in the face of adversity is personification.Personification is a figure of speech in which an inanimate object or animal is given human qualities, characteristics, or emotions. This type of literary device is used to create a more vivid image in the reader's mind and to help them better understand the intended meaning of the author.

In Triumph in the face of adversity, the author uses personification to describe the sun as a "blazing chariot," which gives the reader a mental image of the sun as a powerful and unstoppable force. The sun is personified as if it is a chariot with flames coming out of it, which also makes it seem as if it is on a mission and is not going to stop until it reaches its destination.The author also uses personification to describe the storm as a "wild animal." This description helps to emphasize the strength and ferocity of the storm, making it seem more dangerous and unpredictable. The storm is personified as if it has a life of its own and is capable of causing destruction and chaos.Personification is a powerful tool that is often used in literature to help readers better understand complex ideas and to create a more engaging reading experience. In Triumph in the face of adversity, personification is figure of speech which is used to help the reader understand the power of nature and the struggle that the main character faces in his journey.

For more such questions on figure of speech, click on:



Getting poor scores led



Getting poor scores led to him being disappointed.


Write an essay of 1000-1200 words (this is about 2-3 typed pages) in which you discuss why bullying is increasing in our South African schools and what you think the role and responsibilities of the Department of Basic Education, the school authorities and/or the parents are in dealing with this? Ensure that you discuss the role and responsibilities of all three of the stake holders and provide reasoning for why you think they have a responsibility to act or if not, why they should not be involved.​


Addressing the Increase in Bullying in South African Schools: Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders


Bullying has become a prevalent issue in South African schools, causing significant distress and harm to students. This essay aims to delve into the reasons behind the increasing trend of bullying. It explores the roles and responsibilities of the Department of Basic Education, school authorities, and parents in dealing with this pressing issue. By examining the unique perspectives and contributions of each stakeholder, we can gain insights into effective strategies to combat bullying in South African schools.

I. Bullying in South African Schools: Contributing Factors

A. Societal and Cultural Dynamics:

1. Inequality and poverty: Socioeconomic disparities can contribute to an environment where bullying thrives. Children facing economic hardships may experience heightened stress, leading to aggressive behaviors as an outlet.

2. Violence normalization: In some areas, violence is unfortunately normalized in society, and this can infiltrate school environments, perpetuating bullying behaviors.

B. Lack of Awareness and Empathy:

3. Insufficient education: The absence of comprehensive educational programs on bullying prevention leaves students uninformed about the consequences and impact of their actions.

4. Empathy deficit: A lack of empathy among students may stem from societal factors or personal experiences, making it difficult for them to understand the consequences of their actions on their peers.

II. The Role and Responsibilities of Stakeholders:

A. Department of Basic Education (DBE):

1. Policy development and implementation: The DBE has a crucial role in creating and implementing national policies that address bullying, ensuring consistent guidelines and standards across all schools.

2. Curriculum integration: Including comprehensive anti-bullying programs within the curriculum can help raise awareness, develop empathy, and equip students with conflict resolution skills.

3. Training and support: The DBE should provide ongoing training and support for educators to effectively identify, prevent, and address bullying incident

B. School Authorities:

1. Establishing a safe environment: Schools must create a safe and inclusive environment where students feel protected. Implementing clear policies against bullying, and consistently enforcing them, is essential.

2. Staff training and awareness: School authorities should provide training and awareness programs for teachers and staff to identify early signs of bullying, respond appropriately, and provide support to victims and perpetrators.

3. Communication and involvement: Maintaining open lines of communication with parents, students, and staff allows for timely intervention and effective collaboration in addressing bullying incidents.

C. Parents:

1. Promoting empathy and respect: Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's attitudes and behaviors. Instilling values of empathy, respect, and kindness at home can help prevent bullying behaviors.

2. Active involvement: Engaging in open and supportive conversations with their children about bullying can encourage reporting and foster a sense of trust. Parents should be proactive in cooperating with school authorities to address incidents and support victims.

3. Recognizing signs of bullying: Parents should be vigilant in recognizing potential signs of bullying, such as changes in behavior, social withdrawal, or unexplained injuries. Prompt action and intervention can prevent further harm.

III. The Importance of Collaboration:

It is vital to emphasize that all three stakeholders need to work collaboratively to effectively tackle bullying in South African schools.

A. Coordinated efforts: The DBE, school authorities, and parents should collaborate to create a unified approach against bullying, ensuring consistent policies, programs, and support systems across all schools.

B. Communication channels: Establishing effective communication channels between stakeholders facilitates the reporting of incidents, sharing of information, and timely intervention.

C. Resource allocation: Adequate resources, both financial and human, should be allocated to implement anti-bullying programs,


Bullying is one of the most prevailing issues faced by the education system in South Africa. Though this problem exists globally, it seems to be increasing exponentially in our country's schools. Countless students have been affected by bullying, both physically and mentally, leading to its devastating consequences. It is the duty of the Department of Basic Education, school authorities, and parents to act as stake holders and take responsibility for this continuous and detrimental issue.

The first stakeholder that must assume responsibility for bullying is the Department of Basic Education. One of the essential duties of the Department must be to ensure the safety of all students within the school premises. This includes protecting students from any form of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. The Department should formulate policies and enforce strict disciplinary action against perpetrators of bullying. By providing workshops and training sessions, the Department of Basic Education can educate teachers and students alike about preventing and recognizing different bullying tactics. These measures would enable students to report instances of bullying without fear of being victimized, ultimately creating a safer environment.

School authorities, including teachers and the administrative body, holds a significant responsibility for preventing bullying. Educators can use classroom lessons that create empathy and respect for others, making it more unlikely for students to participate in bullying behaviour. Teachers must create a classroom culture where bullying is condemned, and students feel safe to report instances. Schools can also encourage the installation of surveillance cameras to monitor students and aid in preventing bullying incidents. Additionally, school authorities must enforce strict disciplinary action against offenders of bullying, ensuring that all students are protected within the school premises.

Lastly, parents have a significant role in ensuring that their children do not engage in bullying behaviours. It is the parent's responsibility to instill values and morals in their child. Unfortunately, some parents are not aware of their child's behaviour and its impact on others. Parents must have open communication with their children, making them aware of the harm and negative effects of bullying. Additionally, these parents should teach their children to resolve conflicts without resorting to bullying or violence. By working together with the school, parents can provide support in creating an anti-bullying culture that emphasizes inclusivity and respect for all individuals.

In conclusion, bullying is an ever-present issue that necessitates a combined effort from everyone responsible for ensuring the welfare of the children. The Department of Basic Education, school authorities, and parents must assume responsibility for the safety of children in their care. The Department of Basic Education must create and enforce policies against bullying, while schools should create a classroom culture that explicitly condemns bullying. Parents should communicate openly about the negative effects of bullying with their children, teaching their children, empathy and conflict resolution skills. By working together, South Africa can successfully address the issue of increasing bullying cases in our schools and provide a safer environment for future generations to come.

Which sentences in the following passage use correctly spelled -ie and -ei words? Select all that apply.

While playing flag football, Nicole slipped on the feild and hurt her leg. His roommate retrieved his phone so he could call his parents. When the paramedics came, they perceived that she should go to the emergency room.


The sentences that use the correctly spelled -ie and -ei words are "His roommate retrieved his phone so he could call his parents" and "When the paramedics came, they perceived that she should go to the emergency room."

What is an observational source?

an experience you have personally through your five senses
a person you talk to or interview
a source you find online
a source you find in a database



A or D


why traditional assessment is more convenient for students?


Traditional assessments often yield reliable results that accurately reflect the student's knowledge and abilities. Traditional evaluation strategies like short-answer and essay-style questions provide students with more time to reflect and think through their answers, resulting in more accurate scores. Traditional evaluation strategies have also been honed to eliminate bias in grading and ensure fairness to all students, which means that students can be confident in their grades.

Traditional assessment refers to any means of evaluating student learning that is not based on technology. It is primarily designed to assess the level of knowledge and skills of students in the classroom. Traditional assessments are a better choice for students for a variety of reasons, including a sense of security, reduced stress levels, and reliable results.Traditional evaluation strategies have been used for years and have proven to be effective in determining what students have learned. When compared to new assessment methods, traditional assessment has a long history of use, making it more comfortable and convenient for both educators and students. It provides a sense of continuity, which aids in the development of a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning.Traditional evaluation methods can also aid in the reduction of student anxiety. Students who are required to take digital exams often experience technical difficulties that can disrupt their concentration and lead to test anxiety. Traditional evaluation, on the other hand, allows students to demonstrate their knowledge without having to navigate unfamiliar technology, which can be very daunting in some cases.Traditional assessments often yield reliable results that accurately reflect the student's knowledge and abilities. In general, traditional evaluation strategies like short-answer and essay-style questions provide students with more time to reflect and think through their answers, resulting in more accurate scores. Traditional evaluation strategies have also been honed to eliminate bias in grading and ensure fairness to all students, which means that students can be confident in their grades.

For more such questions on Traditional assessments, click on:



Revenge and Justice are finely balanced themes in the play hamlet. Discuss this statement, supporting your answer with reference to the text.



I havebeen living here july 1998?a,since b,for c,when d,ago

One way to brainstorm a topic for an informative essay is to decide the purpose for writing the essay. present an opinion on a topic. use prior knowledge about a topic. provide supporting details for the essay.


One way to brainstorm a topic for an informative essay is to use prior knowledge about a topic.

1. Start by reflecting on your areas of expertise or subjects you are familiar with. Consider topics that you have a good understanding of or have studied in the past.

2. Make a list of potential topics based on your prior knowledge. Think about specific subtopics or aspects within each broader subject that you could explore in your essay.

3. Narrow down your list by considering the relevance and significance of each topic. Choose a subject that is not only interesting to you but also has the potential to engage and inform your readers.

4. Research the selected topic to ensure that you have accurate and up-to-date information. Expand your knowledge by reading books, articles, or academic papers, and take notes on key points or supporting details that you find compelling.

5. Once you have gathered sufficient information, evaluate the potential of each topic to provide informative content. Consider the depth and breadth of the subject matter and how effectively you can communicate it to your audience.

6. Choose the topic that offers the most potential for providing comprehensive and insightful information in your essay. Ensure that you have enough supporting details and evidence to back up your points and provide a well-rounded understanding of the subject.

By following these steps, you can brainstorm a topic for an informative essay by utilizing your prior knowledge about a particular subject.

For more such questions on brainstorm, click on:



Before a company can sell a new drug, they have to ............. tests and trials to make sure it’s safe.


Before a company can sell a new drug, they have to conduct tests and trials to make sure it’s safe. The process of testing and validating a new drug is known as drug development.

Drug development is a lengthy and costly process that involves several stages of clinical trials that must be conducted in accordance with the regulations of the regulatory authorities of each country. A new drug’s journey to regulatory approval begins with preclinical testing in a laboratory. Preclinical testing is the first stage of drug development, in which a new drug is tested on animals, including rats and mice, to determine its safety and efficacy. The goal of preclinical testing is to assess the drug’s safety and effectiveness in treating the disease it was developed to treat. If the drug passes preclinical testing, it proceeds to clinical trials.Clinical trials are the next stage in the development of a new drug. Clinical trials are conducted to determine the safety, efficacy, and side effects of the drug in human volunteers. The process is carried out in three phases: Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III.Phase I clinical trials are small-scale trials involving a small number of healthy volunteers. The main goal of Phase I clinical trials is to determine the safety and tolerance of the drug in humans. Phase II clinical trials are larger-scale trials involving a larger number of patients who have the disease or condition that the drug is intended to treat. The main goal of Phase II clinical trials is to determine the efficacy of the drug in treating the disease or condition. Phase III clinical trials are large-scale, randomized, controlled trials involving thousands of patients who have the disease or condition that the drug is intended to treat. The main goal of Phase III clinical trials is to confirm the safety and efficacy of the drug and to gather information on any side effects that may occur.Finally, if the drug has been found to be safe and effective in clinical trials, the company that developed the drug must submit a New Drug Application (NDA) to the regulatory authorities for approval. The regulatory authorities will review the NDA and decide whether to approve the drug for sale to the public. If the drug is approved, the company can then begin selling the drug.

For more such questions on drug, click on:



I will remember to get your book. which tenses​





tense (noun): a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking.

The answer is future tense.

Explanation: ‘I will remember’ = future

Please name brainliest if correct
Hope this helps!

Is this a weak or strong thesis statement and explain why.

2. Despite many positive steps toward gender equality, women's sports are still treated
unfairly by mainstream media.

3. Because many children’s toys have potential safety hazards, it’s clear many toys are unsafe.

4. My experience with young children has taught me that I want to be a disciplinary parent because I believe that a child without discipline can be a parent’s worst nightmare.

5. The book has many themes and symbols.

6. I believe domestic abuse is harmed and should not be done.


2. This is a strong thesis statement because it clearly states the main argument of the essay and provides a clear focus for the reader. The statement is specific, debatable, and supported by evidence, which makes it an effective guide for the rest of the essay.

3. This is a weak thesis statement because it is too general and does not provide a clear argument or focus for the essay. The statement is also not debatable, as it is a widely accepted fact that some toys can be unsafe.

4. This is a weak thesis statement because it is based solely on the writer's personal experience and does not provide a clear argument or focus for the essay. The statement is also not debatable, as it is a personal opinion that may not be shared by all readers.

5. This is a weak thesis statement because it is too general and does not provide a clear argument or focus for the essay. The statement is also not debatable, as it is a statement of fact that does not require further analysis or discussion.

6. This is a weak thesis statement because it is too general and does not provide a clear argument or focus for the essay. The statement is also not debatable, as it is a widely accepted fact that domestic abuse is harmful and should not be done.

Which part of the extended metaphor that exists within Robert Frost’s "The Road Not Taken” best represents the idea that one of the choices faced by the author looked particularly appealing?


The Road that was grassy and leaves were trampled was looking more appealing.

In the poem, Robert Frost described the diversion as two paths of life or chances which the person standing on the diversion could choose. One path will lead to a destination that was chosen by a lot of people as the road was grassy and the leaves were trampled by the people who walked through this path. So it was looking easy and more appealing.

The other path will lead to a new destination that might be difficult as it was not chosen by many people as the grass on the path was green and the leaves were intact as they were not trampled by the people who walked through this path. So it was looking difficult and less appealing.

To learn more


What will happen next in the story?
Why do you think this will happen?
This is the story


In the story, the professor told the students to write an essay and they can write from their personal life by taking a snapshot from life. The students started to think about it and wrote one of their journeys as a story. Once they start to write about their personal journey, the students will be more relieved as they feel like they are sharing it with someone.

A story is any nonfictional (memoir, biography, news report, documentary, travelogue, etc.) as well fictional (fairy tale, fable, legend, thriller, novel, etc.) account of a series of related events or experiences. Narratives can be told through a series of written or spoken words, still or moving images, or any combination of these.

The term comes from the Latin verb narrare (to tell), which comes from the adjective gnarus (knowledgeable or skilled). Narration (i.e., the process of presenting a narrative) is one of four rhetorical modes of discourse, broadly defined (as well as paralleling argumentation, description, and exposition).

Learn more about story, here:



Which sentence contains a comma splice?

After I finish my chores, I am going to take a nap.

I am going to visit my cousin after school, and then I'm going to the library.

Whenever I need help, my friend Mia always volunteers.

I'm going to take the garbage out, it smells!



D. I'm going to take the garbage out, it smells!

When two separate clauses are brought together by a comma alone, without a coordinating conjunction or other suitable punctuation, this is known as a comma splice. This sentence wrongly joins the independent clauses "I'm going to take the garbage out" and "It smells!" with a comma.

Which sentence contains a comma splice?

A) Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur, that means the dinosaurs are still alive!

B) The last known Tasmanian tiger, nicknamed Benjamin, died in a zoo in 1936; the species was declared extinct after 50 years passed with no further sightings.

C) Some scientists want to clone woolly mammoths, yet others worry that bringing an extinct species back from the dead could trigger an ecological disaster.

D) To save the California condor, scientists trapped the surviving 27 birds and bred them in captivity, but the condor is still one of the rarest birds in the world.


Option A contains a comma splice because the sentence is made up of two complete thoughts. The first is “Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur,” and the second is “That means the dinosaurs are still alive!”

A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined by a comma rather than a conjunction or a semicolon. The comma splice is a common grammatical error. In this case, a comma splice refers to a sentence that contains two or more complete sentences joined together by a comma instead of a semicolon or conjunction. Therefore, the sentence that contains a comma splice is: Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur, that means the dinosaurs are still alive! It contains a comma splice because the sentence is made up of two complete thoughts. The first is “Birds are the direct descendants of a type of small, feathered dinosaur,” and the second is “That means the dinosaurs are still alive!” Although the sentence has a comma, the clause following the comma is not an independent clause; it cannot stand alone as a sentence.In option B, a semicolon is used to join the two independent clauses. In option C, a conjunction is used to join the two independent clauses. In option D, a semicolon is used to join the two independent clauses. In all three cases, the clauses are correctly joined with the appropriate punctuation mark, thereby avoiding a comma splice. Hence, Option A contains a comma splice.

For more such questions on comma splice, click on:



4.2.1. INSTRUCTIONS You are leading the debating team of your school and your school will be hosting Zolile High School's debating team. Both your school and Zolile High School debating teams will be debating against each other. Write instructions on how both the debaters and the audience should carry/conduct themselves during the debate. [20]​


As the leader of our school's debating team, I want to remind everyone involved to conduct themselves with respect and professionalism during our upcoming debate against Zolile High School. For our debaters, it's important to remember to speak clearly and confidently, make logical arguments, and provide evidence to support your points. It's also important to listen carefully to your opponents and respond to their arguments thoughtfully and respectfully. For our audience, please remember to remain quiet and attentive during the debate, and avoid interrupting or heckling the speakers. After the debate, we encourage everyone to engage in a respectful and thoughtful discussion of the issues raised. Let's make this a productive and enjoyable event for all involved!



The complete sentences using the infinitive are:

a) as predicative:

All they do is to complain.

To get straight to the best is our goal.

The only safe and sane thing to do was to leave immediately.

What my father should do is to apologize.

My original idea was to start a business.

b) as subject:

To give up is not my custom.

To sing in public is quite unusual for her.

To be caught stealing was the last thing any man wanted.

To live without electricity is a hardship.

c) as object:

I order you to clean your room.

Has your mother persuaded you to join the club?

It occurred to me to call him.

Don't bother to buy milk.

d) as attribute:

He regretted his inability to swim.

There is nothing to worry about.

His wife was the first to graduate from college.

e) as an adverbial modifier of purpose:

The family had gathered to celebrate a birthday.

She might have dropped in to say hello.

She bowed graciously and turned to leave the stage.

We climbed up the mountain to enjoy the view.

He rose from his chair to give a speech.

f) as an adverbial modifier of the result:

The novel was easy enough to finish in one day.

She was too sad to attend the party.

He couldn't do enough to impress his boss.

He knew enough of the country not to get lost.

We are too aware of the fact not to take action.

He was astonished to hear the news.

For more details regarding infinitives, visit:



Why does Theseus go to Thebes?



Theseus goes to Thebes in Greek mythology to confront and defeat the Minotaur, a fearsome creature that is half-human and half-bull. The Minotaur resides in the Labyrinth, which is located in the city of Thebes. Theseus undertakes this journey as part of his heroic quest to rid the land of dangerous monsters and establish himself as a renowned hero. He is driven by a sense of duty and a desire to protect his people and bring honor to his name. His goal is to slay the Minotaur and free the city of Thebes from the terror it imposes.

As a general guideline, about how many sources do you need for a research paper?
A. One per printed page, or 250 words
B. Seven to ten
C. One per paragraph
D. Three to five


The number of sources needed for a research paper varies, but a general guideline is three to five sources (option b).

When it comes to the number of sources needed for a research paper, it is important to consider the quality and relevance of the sources rather than focusing solely on the quantity. However, as a general guideline, having a balance of sources is crucial to support your arguments and provide a solid foundation for your research.

A. One per printed page, or 250 words:

This guideline may not provide sufficient depth and breadth of information for a research paper. Relying on only one source per page or word count limit might limit the scope of your research and potentially overlook alternative viewpoints or evidence.

B. Seven to ten:

While having a range of sources can enhance the credibility of your research, seven to ten sources might be excessive for a typical research paper. The actual number of sources required depends on the complexity and depth of the topic. However, it is important to focus on quality rather than aiming for a specific quantity.

C. One per paragraph:

Assigning one source per paragraph might not be necessary or practical. This approach assumes that each paragraph requires distinct and separate sources, which may not always be the case. Some paragraphs might require multiple sources, while others might not require any external sources at all.

D. Three to five:

This option provides a reasonable guideline for most research papers. Aim for a minimum of three sources to ensure that your arguments are well-supported and you have considered multiple perspectives. However, including up to five sources allows for additional depth and variety of information, reinforcing the strength of your research.

Remember, the number of sources required for a research paper can vary depending on factors such as the academic level, subject area, and specific requirements set by your instructor or institution. It is always advisable to consult your assignment guidelines or seek clarification from your instructor regarding the expected number of sources for your particular research paper.

For more such questions on research, click on:



You will complete an Argument Organizer based on the topic you choose.

Select the Argument Organizer.
Important: Immediately save the worksheet to your computer or drive.
Select one topic to research. You may choose from one of the following questions:
Should teens be allowed to play dangerous sports?
Should volunteering be required to graduate high school?
Should bullies be legally responsible for their actions?
Choose one side of the issue. Add the following information to your Argument Organizer:
The question your essay will answer
A claim clearly stating your stance on the issue that is written in the third person point of view, does not include emotions or feelings, and can be supported with facts
Reason 1 why readers should agree with your claim. Evidence/support for the reason. A reliable source for the information
Reason 2 why readers should agree with your claim. Evidence/support for the reason. A reliable source for the information
Rebuttal with evidence from a reliable source
Locate at least two reliable sources and complete each box of the Argument Organizer.
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 06.04 Organize Your Argument.
If you cannot save your worksheet, you can type the information into a document and submit.


Question: Should bullies be legally responsible for their actions?

Claim: Bullies should be legally responsible for their actions as it holds them accountable for the harm they cause and helps deter future bullying incidents.

Reason 1: Legal responsibility promotes accountability

Evidence/support: According to a study published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, legal consequences for bullying can lead to a decrease in bullying behavior as it instills a sense of accountability in the bully (Smith et al., 2019).

Reliable source: Smith, P. K., Tippett, N., & Law, A. (2019). Effects of Legal and School Authority in Combating Bullying in Adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(9), 1729-1742.

Reason 2: Protection for victims and prevention of harm

Evidence/support: Legal consequences for bullying can provide a level of protection for victims by deterring potential bullies and preventing further harm. It sends a message that bullying is not tolerated in society.

Reliable source: National Association of School Psychologists. (2019). Legal and Ethical Considerations for Cyberbullying Intervention and Prevention. Retrieved from https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources/school-safety-and-crisis/preventing-youth-involved-violence-tips-for-parents-and-educators/legal-and-ethical-considerations-for-cyberbullying-intervention-and-prevention

Counterclaim: Some argue that legal consequences may not be effective in addressing the root causes of bullying and that alternative approaches, such as counseling or restorative justice, are more appropriate.

Rebuttal: While counseling and restorative justice have their merits in addressing underlying issues, legal consequences can complement these approaches by providing a clear and enforceable deterrent against bullying. In cases where bullying behavior persists despite other interventions, legal responsibility can be a necessary measure to protect victims and promote a safer environment.

What are 5 things that you would be doing in a day at veterinarian?


Wash hands, take blood, bathe animals, feed animals, administer check ins.

I need the answers please,


The answers to the fill in the blanks are as following :

Usain Bolt is the world's fastest man.

Kerry's house is further away from the center.

Jenny's sister is better at maths than her.

Jack is the worst singer in the school.

Going by car isn't as safe as taking the train.

David is older than his brother but only by a little.

Taking the train into town is less convenient than taking the bus.

In my opinion, individual sports are not as exciting as team sports.

The Hotel Luxe is a bit more expensive than the Hotel Grand.

The students in Class F are not as lazy as the students in Class A.

These are sentences that have been finished using two to four words, including the word supplied in capital letters, to have a meaning comparable to that of the first phrase.

These sentences in the fill ups are the solutions  that are given as per the instructions asked in the following meaning . The proper fill in the blanks are filled in order to make the sense of the lines.

Learn more about sentences at :



discuss three ways of sustaining the stem program​




three ways of sustaining the STEM program:

Collaboration with Industry: One of the most effective ways to sustain the STEM program is to collaborate with industry partners. This can provide students with real-world experience and opportunities to work on projects that are relevant to their future careers. It can also help to secure funding and resources for the program.

Community Involvement: Engaging the local community in the STEM program can help to build support and awareness for the program. This can include hosting events, inviting guest speakers, and providing opportunities for students to showcase their work.

Teacher Professional Development: Providing ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers can help to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach STEM subjects. This can include training on new technologies, teaching methods, and curriculum development.

What memory is a type of short term memory but we use it when we actively performing a task


Working memory is the kind of memory that is utilized when actively carrying out a job. The working memory system is in charge of processing and temporarily storing data that is required for cognitive processes.

Although it relates particularly to the active processing of information, it is a subset of short-term memory.

People may engage in complicated mental tasks including problem-solving, decision-making, and learning while simultaneously manipulating and retaining information in their working memory.

It includes the temporary storage and modification of data for a short time, often between seconds and minutes.

To know more about Working memory:



What is the falling action in lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine?


In the novel "Lions of Little Rock", the falling action is Marlee and Liz's friendship deepens: After the climax of the story, Marlee and Liz's friendship continues to develop and strengthen.

They support each other through challenging times and rely on each other for emotional support and understanding. As the story progresses, Marlee becomes more vocal and takes a stand against injustice. She begins to speak up for what is right and advocates for equality and tolerance.

The novel explores the consequences of the "Lost Year," during which the Little Rock school district was closed to avoid integration.

Learn more about novels, here:



help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee


Of the supports for a thesis statement, facts is using specific information known to be true and refer to authority means supported by an expert in the field. Thus, the correct option is A.

Facts are statements that provide specific information that are known to be true.

A thesis statement requires to be supported by evidence to give it substance and to develop it. Without evidence, such a thesis statement will be considered just a hypothesis, idea or opinion.

A thesis statement can be supported by personal observations, experiences, opinions, facts, statistical data and examples, as well as by reference to authority.

Thus, the correct option is A.

Learn more about thesis statement in:



Other Questions
The main sequence lifetime of a star with a mass of 1.75 solar masses and 8.7 solar luminosities is approximately ... 1.6.0 x 10^10 years 2.0.2 x 10^10 years 3.3.0 x 10^10 years 4.5.0 x 10^10 years 5. Qv When using a sling psychrometer, what happens to the two thermometers as the psychrometer is spun? How do these changes make it possible to measure relative humidity? Explain. Q3 (Essential to cover) Consider a four-year bond with a face value of $100 and a coupon rate of 15%. The term structure of interest rates is flat at 6%, i.e. y = 6% for all t. a. Please calculate the duration of this bond, and use the duration rule to estimate the change in price (in dollars) if the term structure of interest shifts to 7%? b. What would be the actual price change? c. Could you please explain the approximation error of using duration rule by the price-yield curve and thus the relationship between yield and duration? d. Now let's assume that the convexity of this bond is 13.47. Please estimate the price change by using both duration and convexity. e. Would the dollar error using the duration approximation be larger or smaller if the term structure would shift from 15% to 16% (instead of from 6% to 7%)? Why? You are saving money for your first car, and you plan to make regular deposits into a an account, earning 10%. Your first deposit of RM4,500 will be made today. You also plan to make four additional deposits at the beginning of the next four years. After that, you plan to increase your deposits by 9% a year. (You plan to deposit RM4,500 at t = 0, and RM4,905 at t = 1, etc.) How much money will be in your account after five years? Which step in developing a financial plan requires you to define specific actions to achieve your desired objective?Points: 1A. Step 2: Consider your current financial positionB. Step 3: Identify and evaluation alternative plansC. Step 4: Select and implement the best planD. Step 1: Establish your financial goals The Foundational 15 (Algo) (L02.1, LO2-2, LO2-3, LO2-4) (The following information applies to the questions displayed below) Sweeten Company had no jobs in progress at the beginning of the year and no beginning inventories. It started completed, and sold only two jobs during the year-Job P and Job Q. The company uses a plantwide predetermined overhead rate based on machine-hours. At the beginning of the year, it estimated that 4,000 machine-hours would be required for the period's estimated level of production. Sweeten also estimated $32.200 of fixed manufacturing overhead cost for the coming period and variable manufacturing overhead of $3.50 per machine-hout Because Sweeten has two manufacturing departments --Molding and Fabrication- it is considering replacing its plantwide overhead rate with departmental rates that would also be based on machine-hours. The company gathered the following additional Information to enable calculating departmental overhead rates Holding Fabrication Estimated total machine-hours used Total 2,500 1,500 Estimated total fixed manufacturing overhead 4,000 $ 14,500 $ 17,700 $ 32,200 Estimated variable manufacturing overhead per machine-hour $ 3.20 5 4.00 The direct materials cost, direct labor cost, and machine-hours used for Jobs P and Q are as follows: Job P Job Direct materials $ 31,000 $ 17,000 Direct labor cost $ 35,400 $ 14,700 hetual machine-hours used: Molding 3,500 2,600 Fabrication 2.400 2.700 Total 5.900 5,300 Sweeten Company had no overapplied or underapplied manufacturing overhead costs during the year. Required: For questions 1-8, assume that Sweeten Company uses a plantwide predetermined overhead rate with machine-hours as the allocation base. For questions. 9-15, assume that the company uses predetermined departmental overhead rates with machine-hours as the allocation base in both departments, OS mune-hours as the allocation base in both departments W mieue departmental overhead rates with Foundational 2-14 (Algo) 14. Assume that Sweeten Company uses cost-plus pricing (and a markup percentage of 80% of total manufacturing cost) to establish selling prices for all of its jobs. If Job Pincludes 20 units and Job includes 30 units, what selling price would the company establish for Jobs P and Q? What are the selling prices for both jobs when stated on a per unit basis? (Do not round Intermediate calculations, Round your final answers to nearest whole dollar.) Job P Job Total price for the job Selling price per unit Create a dummy variable indicating the top 25% of price and label the variable. from question one and foreign group briefly explain.here is the first question: One of your high school best friend wants to buy a car. Your friend is debating whether to choose a car from a domestic car or a foreign car. When choosing a car, the most important factors for your friend are price, mileage, and trunk space. Given the used car data, please analyze followings and give advice on which group to choose a car from: domestic vs.foreign. 1. Which variables should be analyzed in the data? which action(s) will increase the equilibrium concentration of an inert gas (such as n2) in water? 1. decreasing the temperature of the water 2. increasing the volume of water 3. decreasing the pressure of the gas above the liquid ABC Limited also manufactures a specialised accessory for automobiles called Stabiles, which is a type of box which can be easily fixed in the front compartment of any vehicle. The company has been in operation for two years and, now that the production process has been established and refined, the directors have decided to focus on the income and costs arising from activities. The managing director has recently read an article about product costing and, in particular, absorption and variable costing and is keen to understand how this would affect company profits. ECN 300 Money and Banking-DQs1. Describe the major goals of the Fed and how well they have been achieved in the past 20 years.2. Compare and contrast the output gap, the unemployment gap, and the inflations gap.3. Why have rules for monetary policy based on money growth been unsuccessful in recent years?4. Would it make sense for a central bank to try inflation targeting by using the Taylor rule? What problems might the central bank encounter in trying to do so? Benchmark Metrics Inc. (BMI), an all-equity financed firm, reported EPS of $4.05 in 2008. Despite the economic downturn, BMI is confident regarding its current investment opportunities. But due to the financial crisis, BMI does not wish to fund these investments externally. The Board has therefore decided to suspend its stock repurchase plan and cut its dividend to $1.04 per share (vs. almost $2 per share in 2007), and retain these funds instead. The firm has just paid the 2008 dividend, and BMI plans to keep its dividend at $1.04 per share in 2009 as well. In subsequent years, it expects its growth opportunities to slow, and it will still be able to fund its growth internally with a target 41% dividend payout ratio, and reinitiating its stock repurchase plan for a total payout rate of 57%. (All dividends and repurchases occur at the end of each year.) Suppose BMI's existing operations will continue to generate the current level of earnings per share in the future. Assume further that the return on new investment is 15%, and that reinvestments will account for all future earnings growth (if any). Finally, assume BMI's equity cost of capital is 10%. a. Estimate BMI's EPS in 2009 and 2010 (before any share repurchases). b. What is the value of a share of BMI at the start of 2009 (end of 2008)? Hint. Make sure to round all intermediate calculations to at least four decimal places. Please find variance and standard deviationPizza Deliveries A pizza shop owner determines the number of pizzas that are delivered each day. Number of deliveries X 33 34 35 36 37 Probability P(X) 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 Send data to Excel Part 1 of Calculate the following double integral. -CL I = y=1 Jx=0 I = (Your answer should be entered as an integer or a fraction.) (8 + 12xy) dx dy Quality can best be described as a blank activity?Options: 1) Buyer2) Supply chain 3) Purchasing 4) Corporate 5) Executive. All of the following customers are exempt from receiving a risk disclosure document relating to penny stocks EXCEPT: - Accredited investors - Established customers - Investors who enter unsolicited orders to buy penny stocks - Customers of firms that generate no more than 5% of total commissions and markups from penny stock trades Clear water leaking from the underside of your vehicle is likely coming from what?a) an oil leakb) leaking transmission fluidc) Air conditioning condensation drainingd) a leaking coolant system Assume that the State of Florida has recently passed a statute that prohibits any sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation operating a business in the state from contributing any funds or property to political election campaigns.This statute is challenged by a group of business law students taking a course at Polk State College. Your business also files a legal action seeking to invalidate the state law.Your business desires to make a donation of $10,000 or more to your former bookkeeper, Homer Simpson, in the upcoming election for the Mayor of Springfield, Florida, where you are planning on opening up a store or facility to carry on your business.1 In what state and/or federal court could the business law students file their legal action? Who would be the plaintiffs and defendants in both actions?2. The party named as defendant in the students action files a motion to dismiss their legal action on the ground that they do not have standing to sue. What will be the likely result of this motion to dismiss? Explain your answer.3. On what legal or constitutional ground(s) should your business challenge the state law?4. Based on the current case law, what is the likely result of your businesss legal challenge to the state law? which of the following is the general electron configuration for the outermost electrons of the halogens? a. ns1 b. ns2np7 c. ns2np6 d. ns2np5 the resulting film created by angiography is known as a/an _____. Need some help with these I will be using this as a study marker for an exam.1. Some scholars believe that when Clemens began to work on Huckleberry Finn in the late 1870s, he was planning to write the novel as a mystery. Do you see "clues" being planted in the opening chapters (I-XIII)? If Clemens abandoned a mystery plot for Huck, did he weaken the book by doing so? What sort of plot did he replace it with? Is there a plot in this novel?2. Look carefully at the way that Jim is portrayed in chapters XIV and XV. How would you describe his portrayal in the earlier chapter? In the later one? Does this succession of chapters indicate that Clemens has changed his mind about Jim in the process of creating him? Or are there continuities here that we should observe in thinking about Jim as an imaginative creation? Now look at the way in which Jim is portrayed in chapter XXXVII, and comment on how Clemens is developing Jim at this point.3. Some critics regard Tom Sawyer as one of the villains of this novel--a young boy who forces the real world and actual people into dramatic forms and types that he has picked up from reading romantic fiction. How many other people in the novel suffer from overexposure to romanticism? Is this a major theme in the novel? If Huckleberry Finn ranks as a major work in the American realist tradition, then is its "realism" evident in the values that are affirmed -- or in the values that are rejected? Offer evidence from the novel in developing your answer.