5) Eldana is beautiful girl.​


Answer 1

Eldana is very beautiful because she has many other excellent qualities besides physical attractiveness.

She can be kind and helpful, always ready to help those in need. Eldana may have a terrific sense of humor, making everyone around her smile and laugh. She may be engrossed in conversation because of his intelligence and interest because he is eager to learn and explore new concepts.

Aldana's empathy and compassion make her an excellent friend and listener because she supports and understands people. She demonstrates strength and resilience through her unwavering commitment to her goals. These features, along with Aldana's physical beauty, add to her overall beauty.

Learn more about Features, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Eldana is beautiful girl.​

How would you describe Eldana's other qualities or attributes that make her beautiful?

Related Questions

Siobhan is really stuck researching her topic. She’s tried every keyword combination she can think of and narrowed and refined her results in a few different ways, but she’s still barely scratched the surface. What would be the next BEST step for her?

Give up, the information must not be out there.
Look in an encyclopedia.
Try searching on the dark web.
Ask an expert like a professor or research librarian.


The correct answer is D.

Siobhan has already tried a variety of search strategies and has not been able to find the information she needs. At this point, it is a good idea for her to ask an expert for help. A professor or research librarian will be able to point her in the right direction and help her find the information she needs.

Giving up is not a good option, as the information Siobhan needs is likely out there somewhere. Looking in an encyclopedia is also not a good option, as encyclopedias are typically not up-to-date and may not have the information Siobhan needs. Trying to search on the dark web is a dangerous option and is not recommended.

The best option for Siobhan is to ask an expert for help. A professor or research librarian will be able to point her in the right direction and help her find the information she needs.

Encouraging families to contribute to service decisions


Encouraging families to contribute to service decisions is a valuable approach that promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and shared responsibility.

By involving families in the decision-making process, service providers can gain insights, enhance the quality of their services, and ensure that they meet the specific needs and preferences of the families they serve. Firstly, including families in service decisions recognizes their expertise and lived experiences. Families have unique insights into their own situations, challenges, and aspirations. They can offer valuable perspectives that may not be apparent to service providers.

Furthermore, involving families in decision-making fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment. When families feel valued and included, they are more likely to engage actively in the service delivery process. Their contributions can range from participating in program planning and evaluation to providing feedback on service quality. This collaborative approach helps build stronger partnerships between families and service providers, resulting in better outcomes for all parties involved.

Additionally, family involvement in service decisions promotes transparency and accountability. When families have a voice in decision-making, they can hold service providers accountable for their actions and outcomes. This mutual accountability fosters trust and ensures that services are delivered in a manner that aligns with the needs and goals of families.

In conclusion, involving families in service decisions is a beneficial practice that enhances service quality, promotes collaboration, and empowers families. By valuing their insights and contributions, service providers can create a more inclusive and responsive service environment that ultimately leads to improved outcomes for families.

Know more about decision-making process here:



[1] Nothing smells more enticing than piping hot, crispy fries and a cheeseburger that comes straight off a flat top grill-they're satisfying from
the first, mouth-watering bite. But that initial satisfaction is quickly replaced by an overextended stomach and feelings of lethargy-aptly named,
a food coma. These feelings eventually go away, but the long-term effects of diets that regularly entail fast food are much harder to erase and
often result in ailments that can lead to shortened lifespans. An increased awareness of overall health and the long-term effects of nutritional
eating habits are causing fast-food chains to make an effort to serve healthy options to customers.
[2] Having the fast-food industry on board with making decisions about healthy food options is half the battle; consumers must be willing to
change their orders. Health and wellness are lifestyle decisions, but oftentimes Americans leading fast-paced lives succumb to what is quick
and easy rather than what is healthy and nutritious. In order to address the "on-the-go" lifestyle, many fast-food restaurants have pledged to
offer healthier options to customers, especially children.
Which transition should be added to the first sentence of paragraph 2 to link the ideas in the paragraphs?
OA. Furthermore,
OB. Subsequently.
C. Moreover,
D. Above all,


The appropriate transition to be added to the first sentence of paragraph 2 to link the ideas in the paragraphs is "C. Moreover."

This transition is suitable because it signals the addition of a related point that supports the argument being made. The second paragraph discusses the need for consumer willingness to change their orders and emphasizes the importance of health and wellness.

The transition "Moreover" effectively connects this idea to the previous paragraph's discussion about fast-food chains making efforts to serve healthy options. It highlights the complementary nature of the two ideas, strengthening the overall coherence and flow of the text.

Learn more about transition words, here:



What was the miracle about this mansion and the government camp that was released for Corrie to use?



In September 1944, the Nazis deported Corrie and Betsie ten Boom to the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany. In Ravensbrück, the sisters managed to stay together until Betsie died that December. The camp administration released Corrie ten Boom in late December 1944.

24 How is Isabel's life differ to Thami's life? Give TWO points CMA​


The letters "CMA" stand for "Compare and/or Contrast, Mention, and Analyse." It is a typical acronym used to describe the organisation of a response or essay in academic or analytical writing.

The "C" in CMA stands for "Compare" or "Contrast," denoting that the author should point out parallels or discrepancies between two or more subjects or ideas. This entails pointing out the parallels or differences in terms of traits, traits, or attributes.

The letter "M" in CMA stands for "Mention," which denotes that the writer needs to briefly mention the particular topics or elements they will cover in the paragraphs that follow.

Learn more about Analyse here:



1.What’s TV tonight?
A.at B) in C) on D) with
2.I often go abroad _ business.
A.to B) by C) for D) on
3.Do you come to school bus?
A.on B) by C) at D) in
4.I?m very busy the moment.
A)in B) on C) by D) at
5.I can?t understand the instructions. They?re Chinese.
A)by B) at C) in D) for
6.Romeo and Juliet= is a play William Shakespeare.

A.for B) by C) with D) on
7.Is Mr. James work this week?
No. He’s holiday.
A.on / in B) at / in C) in / for D) at / on
8.I hate being late. I like to arrive time.
A.by B) on C) at D) for
9.I spoke to her the phone last week.
A.at B) like C) on D) by
10.I read an interesting article the paper this morning.
A.in B) on C) at D) for
11.Can I ask you something?=
Not now. a moment.=
A.At B) For C) On D) In
12. Here?s a birthday present you.
Oh, thank you!
A) by B) in C) for D) at
Why did you open my letter?=
13.Iam sorry. I did it mistake.=
A.with B) at C) by D) on
14.I arrived England last month.
A.at B) to C) in D) for
15.I live the third floor.
A.at B) on C) by D) in
16.I met my classmates the party.
A.in B) for C) on D) at
17.”Why” does Jane look so happy?
.Because she’s love
A) at B) on C) in D)by
18.Let?s go a walk.
A.on B) to C) in D) for
19.We arrived the station five minutes late.

A.to B) at C) for D) on


Here are the correct answers for the given questions:

C) on

A) for

B) by

D) at

C) in

B) by

B) at / in

C) at

D) by

B) on

A) At

C) for

C) by

C) in

D) in

D) at

C) in

B) to

B) at

MY CHIDRENT MY AFRICAI BY ATHOL FUGARD (DRAMA) In Act 1 Scene 1 the book open with a heated debate between Thai Mkwan School and Isabel Dyson from Camdeboo Girls High School The topic of the debate is "That in view of essential physical and psychological differences between men and h length of your summary should be between 100 and 120 words. Count the number of words and write at the end of your summary​


Answer: Act 1 begins in Mr. M’s classroom at the all-Black Zolile High School, where Black student Thami Mbikwana and visiting white student Isabel Dyson have a heated debate over women’s rights. Thami’s classmates vote Isabel the winner of the debate, and afterward, Thami and Isabel bond by talking about their families and their plans for the future. In a monologue, Isabel explains how truly seeing the Black township of Brakwater for the first time during the inter-school debate taught her that Black people are actually her equals. She feels like she’s discovered “a new world” and is eager to return.

Next, Mr. M pays Isabel a visit. He proposes that she and Thami join a quiz competition about English literature, and she enthusiastically agrees. Mr. M hopes that the literature competition prize money could cover Thami’s college tuition, but Isabel wonders if Mr. M might be trying to impose his own wishes on Thami’s future. In a monologue of his own, Mr. M quotes the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius and explains that he has dedicated his life to education, which Mr. M considers the surest path to creating virtuous citizens and societies. Nevertheless, as he sees poverty and violence spreading around him, he also struggles to keep alive his hope for the future. He even starts to wonder if he is on the wrong side of history.

Isabel and Thami practice for the literature competition, quizzing each other about English poets’ lives and works. When Thami comments that Black people should tear down white colonizers’ statues, Mr. M furiously replies that this is a distraction from Black people’s fight for political rights. Thami admits to Isabel that he thinks Mr. M is full of “old-fashioned ideas” like the literature competition. According to Thami, Mr. M supports the oppressive apartheid government by continuing to teach. Isabel begs Thami to reconcile with Mr. M, but Thami thinks it’s impossible. Isabel is hurt, but she reaffirms that she deeply values her friendship with Thami.

Act 1 ends with Thami’s monologue: he explains that he used to love school and dreamed of becoming a doctor, but now he realizes that what his country most needs is political change. Under the apartheid regime, the brightest Black students are still forced to work humiliating jobs and have no chance of social advancement. In school, they learn about European colonization—but they get their true education on the streets, where they learn about the history of the anti-apartheid movement.

At the beginning of Act 2, Thami tells Isabel that he’s quitting the literature competition. The community protest movement is boycotting the school system, which means he can no longer compete. While Isabel doesn’t want to lose her friendship with Thami, she explains that she understands the protest movement’s goals: she now sees how apartheid laws are designed to keep Black people poor, landless, and trapped in subordinate roles, while the government teaches white people like her to view Black people as inferior. Then, Mr. M walks into the room and defends the school system: while he detests the official curriculum, he insists that words, not weapons, are the key to social change. Mr. M pleas with Thami to keep coming to school, and he reveals that the government wants him to report any students who stop attending. Thami calls Mr. M a traitor to the anti-apartheid movement.

Soon, the community violently rises up against the government. In a monologue, Mr. M recounts his horror at what he sees: policemen attack and arrest his young students, one of whom even writes “Liberation First, Then Education” on the wall.

Mr. M vigorously rings his school bell in his classroom and calls out his students’ names. A rock shatters the schoolhouse’s window, and Thami comes inside to tell Mr. M that the Comrades (the leaders of the protest movement) are after him because of rumors that he is a police informant. Offering Thami his beloved dictionary, Mr. M again proclaims that words are the most powerful tool for political change. Then, he reveals that he is an informant: he thought it was the only way to stop the violence, but he’s no longer sure he made the right decision.

Mr. M tells Thami why he became a teacher: on a school trip as a young boy, he looked out over the Wapadsberg Pass at the vast Karoo desert and asked his teacher about Africa. His teacher told him about all the continent’s peoples, rivers, and mountains. When Mr. M realized it was possible to learn all this from books, he decided to become a teacher, too. But years later, he is disappointed to see what has become of Africa, of all its young people’s promise and potential. He proclaims, “My children…my Africa,” and tells Thami that he’s not afraid to die for his values. He runs outside, where an angry mob awaits, and they kill him.


Which phrase from the passages best explains why certain marine life produce light? A. to ward off predators B. aglow with colored lights C. to find the water alive D. waves of liquid light


The phrase "to ward off predators" best explains why certain marine life produce light. This suggests that the bioluminescent organisms use their light-producing abilities as a defense mechanism to deter or frighten away potential predators in the dark ocean depths.

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of writing that consists of a group of related sentences focused on a single main idea or topic.

It is a fundamental building block of written communication and helps to organize and present information in a coherent and structured manner.A well-formed paragraph typically begins with a topic sentence, which introduces the main idea or central point of the paragraph.

Learn more about bioluminescent here:





The theme of human decency is explored in both the novel "The Bostonians" by Henry James and the novel "Tsotsi" by Athol Fugard. While these novels are set in different times and contexts, they both delve into the complexities of human nature and the capacity for decency within individuals.

In "The Bostonians," human decency is depicted through the character of Basil Ransom. Ransom is initially portrayed as a Southern lawyer with conservative views who clashes with the progressive ideals of the Bostonian feminist movement. However, as the story progresses, Ransom's character develops a sense of empathy and respect for Verena Tarrant, a young woman caught between the conflicting influences of the feminist movement and her own desires. Ransom's decency is demonstrated through his genuine concern for Verena's well-being and his willingness to challenge societal norms in order to protect her. Despite their ideological differences, Ransom's decency shines through in his genuine and respectful treatment of Verena as an individual.

On the other hand, "Tsotsi" portrays the theme of human decency through the character of the eponymous protagonist, Tsotsi. Set in post-apartheid South Africa, Tsotsi is a young gang leader who leads a life of violence and crime. However, when Tsotsi encounters a baby he inadvertently kidnaps during a carjacking, his journey takes a transformative turn. Through his interactions with the baby, Tsotsi's buried humanity begins to resurface. Despite his criminal nature, Tsotsi displays moments of compassion and tenderness as he cares for the child. This showcases his capacity for decency and reveals the potential for redemption even in the darkest of individuals.

Both novels demonstrate that human decency can exist within flawed characters and in unexpected circumstances. In "The Bostonians," Basil Ransom's decency emerges despite his initial opposition to the feminist movement. He challenges his own beliefs and recognizes the humanity of those he initially dismissed. Similarly, Tsotsi's character transformation in "Tsotsi" highlights the possibility for decency to emerge from even the most morally compromised individuals.

Additionally, both novels touch upon the complexities and conflicts that can arise when human decency clashes with societal norms and expectations. In "The Bostonians," Ransom's decency puts him at odds with the feminist movement and the rigid social expectations of the time. In "Tsotsi," Tsotsi's acts of kindness towards the baby challenge the violent world he comes from and force him to confront the consequences of his past actions. These conflicts reflect the internal struggles and external pressures that individuals face when trying to uphold principles of decency in the face of adversity.

Overall, both "The Bostonians" and "Tsotsi" explore the theme of human decency by presenting characters who possess the capacity for kindness, empathy, and moral growth. They highlight that decency can arise even in the most unlikely circumstances and in characters with complex backgrounds. These novels remind us of the potential for goodness and compassion within all individuals, despite their flaws and the challenges they face.

What task does Odysseus tell Penelope he still must accomplish ?


Odysseus tells Penelope that he still must accomplish the task of fulfilling the promise that was made to the prophet, Teireisas.

What did Odysseus say that he must do?

Odysseus told Peelope that he must still accomplish the promise that he made to the prophet, Teireisas.

To fulfill this promise, Odysseus had to embark on a journey that will take so many years before he returned. He also informed Penelope that if he does not return before their son grew a beard, then, she must marry another man.

Learn more about Odysseus here:



what is the names of the costumes in the movie of alice in borderland?


The costumes in the movie of Alice in Borderland are like cards. The costumes in the movie "Alice in Borderland" vary throughout the story and are influenced by the characters and their situations within the alternate reality game.

The story follows a young man named Arisu (Alice) and his friends as they find themselves trapped in a mysterious parallel world where they must compete in deadly games to survive.

The series features a variety of costumes worn by the characters throughout the different games and challenges they face. These costumes are designed to reflect the specific themes.

Learn more about the story, here:



Which sentence from "The Gift of the Magi" provides the best example of the author's use of foreshadowing to create
"While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home."
"But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was called 'Jim' and greatly hugged by Mrs.
James Dillingham Young, already introduced to you as Della."
"Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride."
"Where she stopped the sign read: "Mme. Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds."



"Where she stopped the sign read: "Mme. Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds."


This is because later in the story, Della cuts her hair off to make money to give her husband a gift.

Julius caesar put in the box


The complete sentences are: 1.They were traitors, Honorable men?, 2. O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, that I am meek. gentle with these butchers, 3. Do not consent that Antony speak in his funeral, 4. There are tears for his love, joy for his valor, and death for his ambition, 5. Here's a parchment with the seal of Caesar.

Consent means permission or agreement given willingly or voluntarily. Meek means showing patience and humility, often lacking assertiveness or aggression. Valor means bravery in the face of danger.

Parchment is a type of paper made from animal skin, often used for writing or documents. Traitors are people who betray or deceive others, often by going against their loyalty or allegiance.

Learn more about sentences, here:



1. What is the difference between the two paths as described by the speaker?



The speaker is the imaginary voice a poet uses when writing a poem. It is the character who tells the poem and may not be the poet himself.

which student has moved past the basic level of phomemic awareness, student substituting a sound given in a word and saying the new sound, or the student saying each syllable in a three syllable word, or the student breaking down a word into its onset-rime,


If a student is given the word "cat" and asked to substitute the /t/ sound with a /p/ sound, they would say "cap." This requires the student to recognize the individual sounds in the word "cat" and then manipulate one of those sounds to create a new word. This is a more advanced phonemic awareness skill than simply saying each syllable in a three-syllable word or breaking down a word into its onset-rime.

Phonemic awareness is the ability to recognize and manipulate sounds in spoken language. As students progress in their phonemic awareness skills, they move beyond the basic level of simply recognizing sounds in words and begin to manipulate those sounds. Of the three options given, the student who has moved past the basic level of phonemic awareness is the one who is substituting a sound given in a word and saying the new sound.Substituting a sound given in a word and saying the new sound requires a higher level of phonemic awareness than simply saying each syllable in a three-syllable word or breaking down a word into its onset-rime. When a student substitutes a sound, they are essentially changing the word. For example, if a student is given the word "cat" and asked to substitute the /t/ sound with a /p/ sound, they would say "cap." This requires the student to recognize the individual sounds in the word "cat" and then manipulate one of those sounds to create a new word. This is a more advanced phonemic awareness skill than simply saying each syllable in a three-syllable word or breaking down a word into its onset-rime.

For more such questions on Phonemic awareness, click on:



helpp i don’t know this answer


Answer: b

Explanation: the commas are where they are supposed to be

Their was a place near (a)/ the resort that was known (b)/to be a place haunted by (c)/ a multitude of ghosts. (d)/ No error (e)


(a) There was a place near the resort that was known

(b) to be a place haunted by

(c) a multitude of ghosts.

(d) No error

(a) The use of "their" in the given sentence is incorrect. It should be replaced with "there" to indicate the existence of a place.

(b) The phrase "known to be" is appropriate in the given context, indicating that the place is widely recognized or reputed for being haunted.

(c) The adjective "haunted" correctly describes the state of the place being discussed.

(d) The phrase "a multitude of ghosts" is grammatically correct and effectively conveys the idea that there are many ghosts present in the haunted place.

(e) No error is found in the original sentence.

For more such questions on multitude, click on:



what are the benefits of transformative education to the learners? Give at least five.


The benefits of transformative education to the learners :

Enhanced Critical ThinkingExpanded WorldviewEmpowerment and AgencySocial and Civic EngagementLifelong Learning

How can transformative education help learners ?

Transformative education encourages learners to question and analyze information, assumptions, and societal norms. Through transformative education, learners are exposed to diverse ideas, cultures, and experiences.

Transformative education empowers learners by encouraging them to become active participants in their own learning process. Transformative education fosters a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement.  Transformative education instills a passion for learning and a commitment to lifelong personal and intellectual growth.

Find out more on Transformative education at https://brainly.com/question/32276465


helpppp pleaseeeeeee


Answer: It should be A.


Answer: It should be A,

Explanation: at least, it makes no sense to me, so A.

.pr ay end....helpful. departed soul). Q.N. 7 Write a short story which ends with the moral "as you fell o the sow, so shall you reap" O.N.8 Write a Movie review that you have recently watched (8)​


A short story that ends with the moral, as sow, so shall you reap can tell about the acts of a mean young boy who disrespected his parents and engaged in different vices. In the end, he suffered from drug additction and suffered health problems.

A movie review should state the name of the movie, the highlights and what you learned from it.

How to write a story

To write a story such as the one above, you should use characters and a plot that align with the moral lesson. For the moral lesson given above, you can tell about a main character who did something good or bad and how he paid for his actions.

If good, he would later reap good results but if bad, he would have negative results.

Learn more about story writing here:



Hot weather does not have an affect on me. Is affect right or should it be effect



It is affect


Affect is typically used as a verb, an effect is usually a noun.


Generally, we use affect as a verb (an action word) and effect as a noun (an object word).

5. Vimla said, "I had cooked rice yesterday." 6. She said, "I did not sleep properly last night." 7. He said to me, "You will help me tomorrow. 8. I said to Ujjwal, "You should obey me now." 9. You said to me, "I could go abroad next week." 10. The boys said, "We have done these sums." 11. The student said, "I went to see the Taj a year ago." 12. Sudha said to me, "You came here last year." 13. The players said, "We have won the match today." 14. The girls said to him, "You have brought happiness for us this year." 15. She said to her, "My uncle lives in Delhi now."​


Indirect speech is a way of communicating what a person has said or informed.

The given sentences in the indirect form will be written as:

5. Vimla said that she had cooked rice on the previous day.

6. She said that she had not slept properly the previous night.

7. He told me that I will help him tomorrow.

8. I told Ujjwal to obey me now.

9. You said to me that you could go abroad in the next week.

10. The boys said that they had done those sums.

11. The student said that he had gone to see the Taj a year ago.

12. Sudha said to me that I had come there in the previous year.

13. The players said that they had won the match on that day.

14. The girls said to him that he has brought happiness to them in that year.

15. She said to her that her uncle lives in Delhi currently.

Learn more about indirect speech in:



Your question is incomplete. The entire question probably might be:

5. Vimla said, "I had cooked rice yesterday." 6. She said, "I did not sleep properly last night." 7. He said to me, "You will help me tomorrow. 8. I said to Ujjwal, "You should obey me now." 9. You said to me, "I could go abroad next week." 10. The boys said, "We have done these sums." 11. The student said, "I went to see the Taj a year ago." 12. Sudha said to me, "You came here last year." 13. The players said, "We have won the match today." 14. The girls said to him, "You have brought happiness for us this year." 15. She said to her, "My uncle lives in Delhi now."​

Change into indirect form.

2.2. Indicate how cyber-bullying could negatively. impact the dignity of school going youth.​


Cyber-bullying is a serious issue that can have a negative impact on the dignity of school-going youth. It can lead to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and isolation. The anonymity of the internet can make it easier for bullies to target their victims without fear of being caught. Cyber-bullying can take many forms, including spreading rumors, posting hurtful messages or images, and impersonating someone online. The effects of cyber-bullying can be long-lasting, and can lead to depression, anxiety, and even self harm. It's important for parents, teachers, and students to be aware of the signs of cyber-bullying and to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place.

How does chase react to Aaron and bear on the football field?


Chase's reaction to Aaron and Bear on the football field would depend on various factors, including their roles, relationships, and the context of the situation.

Chase is a teammate of Aaron and Bear:

Chase might react positively and supportively towards Aaron and Bear.

He may encourage them, offer guidance, or cooperate with them to achieve team goals.

Chase might communicate with them, pass the ball, or work together to strategize and execute plays.

Chase is an opponent of Aaron and Bear:

Chase's reaction could vary depending on his competitive nature and the dynamics of the game.

He might closely mark Aaron and Bear, trying to prevent them from scoring or making successful plays.

Chase could engage in fair but intense challenges and physical duels with them during the game.

Learn more about football at:



'Answers need to present in the point form, include 100 to 200 words for each question.Evaluate the current communications mix for an online e-tailer and make recommendations for future communications to achieve customer acquisition and retention.


An examination of the strategies used to draw in and keep consumers is part of the evaluation of the present communication mix for an online e-tailer.

First strategy: customer segmentation

E-tailers must segment their consumer base based on their demographics, geography, past purchases, and behavior in order to successfully target customers. The e-tailer will be able to customize their messaging to each consumer segment as a result.

Technique 2: Individualization

Messages and incentives may be made more personalized for certain clients. Email marketing and the use of artificial intelligence to analyze client data may both be used to personalize communications.

Learn more about e-tailer, here:



what is the theme of the movie in alice in borderland?


Answer: The theme of the movie Alice in Borderland is equality.

Explanation: Equality is a main theme in the movie because of its role in the movie as it progresses and how it is presented throughout.

Read the following passage:

The researchers studied the effects of birth order on personality. The researchers’ studies had surprising results. The researchers found that first-born children tend to associate with other first-born children. The researchers found that middle children tend to associate with other middle children. The researchers found that last-born children tend to associate with other last-born children. The researchers plan to do follow-up studies using a larger group of subjects.

Which revision below most effectively uses referents to create coherence?

A) The researchers studied the effects of birth order on personality. The studies had surprising results. The researchers found that first-born children associate with other first-born children. Middle children associate with other middle children. Last-born children associate with other last-born children. They plan to do follow-up studies using a larger group of subjects.

B) The researchers studied the surprising effects of birth order on personality. Children tend to associate with others like them. Follow-up studies will be larger.

C) Researchers say birth order controls personality. Their surprising studies prove that children group themselves by family rankings. More studies will follow-up.

D) The researchers studied the effects of birth order on personality. Their results were surprising. No matter where they were in the birth order, children tend to associate with others who shared the same place: first-borns play with other first-borns, middle children befriend other middle-children, and last-borns are drawn to other last last-borns. Investigators plan to do follow-up studies using a larger group of subjects.


The revision below that most effectively uses referents to create coherence is - The researchers studied the effects of birth order on personality. The studies had surprising results. The researchers found that first-born children associate with other first-born children. Middle children associate with other middle children. Last-born children associate with other last-born children. They plan to do follow-up studies using a larger group of subjects.  The correct option is d.

The process of looking to find out is simply defined as research. This information could be brand new or it could confirm an established fact. Research has an educational goal and is based on gathered and examined data.

In this methodical exploration, it is either tested or studied to add to a corpus of knowledge. Research is conducted in many fields, including psychology (mind and behaviour), science (chemical reactions), education (human development), medicine (drugs and drug trials), animalistic (animal behaviour), humanistic (social), and technological (software/security).

Learn more about research, here:



A letter to a police commissioner compliment the way the south African police service handled an incident in community ​


Dear Police Commissioner,

I am writing this letter to express my sincere appreciation for the way the South African Police Service handled a recent incident in our community. As a member of the community, I witnessed first-hand how efficiently and professionally your team managed the situation, and I feel compelled to share my positive experience.

On the night of Saturday, June 12th, our neighborhood faced a high-risk situation when a group of gangsters began fighting, and residents were caught in crossfire. The situation was quite terrifying, and everyone was scared for their safety. We immediately called emergency services, and within minutes, your team arrived on the scene.

The way the police officers handled the situation with delicacy was remarkable. They were quick to assess the situation and expertly carried out maneuvers, which ensured that no further harm was caused. We were relieved to see calm restored to our previously chaotic neighborhood, thanks to the police officers' swift and effective action.

Your team acted professionally throughout the incident. You showed a high level of discipline at the scene, and you made sure that the interests and security of the community came before anything else. Your handling of the incident displayed that there is still a great deal of integrity in the South African Police Service.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for the way you and your officers responded to the incident. I hope you continue to set the standard in such emergencies, as your remarkable work gives our community hope and comfort.

Thank you again for all you do in making our community a safe place.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

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recording your fishing hello-david-cook and remember when you get up by brother because he is in love with your sister okay now I've bought my brother to pick you up because you're in love with my sister fair enough ?Put yourself in Davie shoes and write 2 diary entries on how you feel before Salome arrives at your home and the other must express how u felt after​


We can see here that in order to write a diary entry, here is a guide:

Use vivid language to bring your writing to life.Don't be afraid to use dialogue to capture the voices of the people you're writing about.Use sensory details to help your reader feel like they're there with you.

What is a diary entry?

A diary entry is a written record of a person's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It is a personal journal that is typically written in chronological order. Diary entries can be about anything, from the mundane to the profound.

They can be used to process emotions, reflect on life experiences, or simply to document one's thoughts and feelings.

Diary entries can be written in any style, but they are typically informal and conversational. They can be written in first person or third person, and they can be as short or as long as the writer wants.

Learn more about diary entry on https://brainly.com/question/20594836


The meaning of consonance


Answer: Consonance means compatibility

Explanation: Consonance generally means compatibility or an agreement. Such an agreement cna be between thoughts or actions or opinions.

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