1. Está llenando una solicitud para entrar a la universidad y tiene que contestar una
pregunta acerca de su futuro. Escriba siete (7) oraciones sobre el tema indicado.
Incluya el vocabulario que aprendió para hablar de la búsqueda de trabajo y las
profesiones que le interesan. Mencione también las habilidades que le permitirán
llevar a cabo lo que se propone. Use algunos verbos reflexivos/no reflexivos y la
frase verbal ir+a+infinitivo cuando sea apropiado.
Tema: Mis planes para el futuro y cómo pienso tener éxito. (28 puntos)

1. Est Llenando Una Solicitud Para Entrar A La Universidad Y Tiene Que Contestar Unapregunta Acerca De


Answer 1



El trabajo que estoy solicitando es "Líder de Proyecto"Me siento calificado para ese puesto, pues soy Ingeniero en sistemas y tecnologías de comunicaciónTengo experiencia de cinco años manejando proyectos en empresas lideres.Mis principales habilidades son saber trabajar bajo presión y gran capacidad de resolución de problemas técnicos.Puedo ir a desarrollar sistemas en lenguajes distintos lenguajes de programaciónTengo experiencia en el manejo de personal se tratar a quienes sean mis colaboradores para obtener un óptimo rendimiento de parte de ellos.Siempre he estado enfocado a resultados y he obtenido diversos reconocimientos por mi desempeño.

Related Questions

¿Dónde puedo enviar cartas?
______________ cartas en la oficina de correos. (enviar)





In Act I of Twelfth Night, Olivia claims that she does not want to marry the Duke. How does this develop the plot of Twelfth Night?

Cesario comforts Olivia and a serious romance develops between the two characters.

The Duke sends Cesario to win Olivia's affection, but Olivia falls in love with Cesario.

The Duke discovers that Olivia does not want to marry him because she is in love with someone else.

Olivia becomes angry with the Duke and takes it out on Cesario when the Duke commands the page to visit Olivia.






it is b


En el futuro Ud. será periodista. ¿Cuáles son algunos avances del mundo del futuro que
describirá en sus artículos? (Use el tiempo futuro en su respuesta).


only have to write If you were a journalist, what would you write?

Give the correct question that goes with the following answers



What country are You from. De qué país eres

Thats how we así we're are You from un spanish... good luck

Complete the sentence with the correct conjugation ustedes____(ir) de paseo
Brainly points!


it’s Ustedes van de paseo


Lee el fragmento y contesta la pregunta. Read the excerpt and respond to the question.

En Cenizas de Izalco, la búsqueda de la identidad y la autoridad son temas centrales inscritos en las diversas voces narrativas; tanto Frank como Carmen desean establecerse como voces autorales con el fin de relatar sus experiencias. Menos obvia, sin embargo, es la intención de Alegría de establecer las identidades narrativas de las voces oprimidas, tales como la mujer y, sobre todo, la voz de los campesinos que quedan excluidos del canon textual. El narrador masculino de Cenizas de Izalco pertenece a una sociedad capitalista que desconoce a fondo la sociedad fragmentada de El Salvador.

Identidad y discurso en Cenizas de Izalco de Claribel Alegría por Edith Dimo

The sentence "Menos obvia, sin embargo, es la intención de Alegría de establecer las identidades narrativas de las voces oprimidas" means that ________.

the author is writing from the women’s and the country people’s point of view, which are the least represented in literature
the book reviewer’s intent is to affirm that Alegría only wants to write about women and country people as Hispanic principles
Alegría uses a feminine narrator as the main character given that there are not many books with women as protagonists
there is an emphasis on the country people as the main character in the book, and in El Salvador society



The answer is A "the author is writing from the women’s and the country people’s point of view, which are the least represented in literature "


I just took the test and got that answer right!!

1. Según el meteorólogo, la temperatura en Santo Domingo es de 26 grados.
O cierto
2. La temperatura máxima en Santo Domingo hoy va a ser de 30 grados.
O cierto
3. Está lloviendo ahora en Santo Domingo.
O falso
4. En San Francisco de Macorís la temperatura minima de hoy va a ser de 20 grados.
O cierto
O falso
5. Va a llover mucho hoy en San Francisco de Macoris.



1. Según el meteorólogo, la temperatura en Santo Domingo es de 26 grados.


2. La temperatura máxima en Santo Domingo hoy va a ser de 30 grados.


3. Está lloviendo ahora en Santo Domingo.


4.  En San Francisco de Macorís la temperatura mínima de hoy va a ser de 20 grados.


5. Va a llover mucho hoy en San Francisco de Macorís.



Lleva el cuaderno y los bolígrafos en ____. a. una mochila c. una papelería b. una camisa d. una regla


A. Mochila/backpack

please change the verb in the parentheses to the correct preterite form to match the subject .
Anoche tú_______(tocar) el piano.



Anoche tú_tocaron______ el piano.


The correct answer is TOCASTE. “Anoche tú tocaste el piano”

Help meeeeeeee

B) Write the name of the food that does not belong to the same category and explain why.
Ex. tarta- helado-pimienta-manzana. La pimienta. No es dulce.

1. refresco/agua/leche/carne/. _______________________. _________________________
2. banana/manzana/pescado/naranja/.________________. ________________________
3. fruta/helado/torta/pescado/. ________________________. ________________________
4. pollo/ pescado/carne/refresco/. _______________________. ______________________
5. pastel/ leche/ jugo de naranja/té/______________________. _______________________



Explanation carne is meat so its carne

pescado is fish and the others are fruits

they seem to not all fall in the same catergory

and the last odd one is refrescro

1) Refresco/Agua/Leche/Carne. La Carne. No es un líquido

2) Banana/Manzana/Pescado/Naranja. El pescado. No es una fruta

Can someone please help


the correct term would be soy




Because I took Spanish and had the same question two days ago

Very easy!!

Describe only TWO(2) pictures. Write at least 5 sentences for 2 of the pictures. Describe them in spanish. IM IN SPANISH 2!!

These are sentence starts to help you--
1) what is the setting? 2) What happened before the event? 3) What is happening in the picture? 4) What happened after the event.





"Mujer frente a un espejo". Picasso

Se trata de una obra, elaborada en 1932 por Pablo Picasso

Supongo que antes de pintar este cuadro Picasso pensó en la concordancia que debía haber entre el objeto reflejado y el reflejo

Durante la elaboración de la obra pudo Picasso determinar cual era el ángulo que mejor resaltaba el reflejo del espejo y establecer claramente su idea.

Después de pintarlo quedó claro el contraste entre ambas figuras.


"La creación de Adán" Miguel Ángel

Se trata de una obra, elaborada entre 1508 y 1512 por Miguel Ángel.

Antes de pintar dicha obra, Miguel Ángel, leyó sobre el apartado del Génesis en la Biblia y estableció su interpretación de como Dios creó a Eva y posteriormente a Adán

Su elaboración trascurrió durante casi cuatro años pero valió la pena púes es una obra excelsa.

Después de pintarlo esta obra es una de sus máximos exponentes de este pintor.

Antes de abordar el metro compro el
el tique
b. el plano
la parada
la esquina
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Antes de abordar el metro compro el tique


The answer is A )El tique The sentence in English will be "Before boarding the train I bought the ticket "

indicates action or state of being.
O An adjective
O A noun
O A preposition
0 Averb


The answer is “A verb”
The answer should be a verb

State Whether the Following Statements are Verdadero or Falso.
If the statement is false, correct it.
All direct and indirect pronouns are the same.
Direct object pronouns answer the questions “who” or “what.”
Direct object pronouns only replace people and subject pronouns.
There are four options to direct object pronoun placement.
There is no direct object pronoun option for “it.”
You can use lo to replace any object.
Transitive verbs are verbs that take an indirect object.
All verbs that are transitive are exclusively transitive.
La, los, and las are both direct object pronouns and articles.
When there are both direct and indirect object pronouns in a sentence, the direct object pronoun comes first.



¡Hola! Lamento que nadie haya respondido a tu pregunta. qué tengas un lindo día



^^^Hello! I'm sorry no one answered your question. have a nice day


please help

Ellos ____________________ una película en su casa. (ver)

A. están viendo

B. estamos viendo

C. ven

D. viendo

No dam links


It’s A because it’s present tense

Create a week-long wellness plan for yourself in Spanish. Describe what you would eat and the physical activities you would participate in.


Answer: (This is not my answer found this somewhere else hope this helps)

Para todos los días después de levantarse:

Tomas 2 vasos de agua y hacer 20 minutos de estiramientos y ejercicios de movilidad seguidos de 5 minutos de meditación. Después, desayunar fruta fresca con granola o avena con leche de almendra.


Hacer entrenamiento con pesas y cardio en el gimnasio. Ir y regresar en bicicleta.

Almuerzo y cena: Pechuga de pollo asada con vegetales a la parrilla.

Refrigerio: Malteada de proteína por la mañana y por la noche


Partido de baloncesto en el centro deportivo

Almuerzo y cena: Filete de pescado al vapor con vegetales asados y papas al horno

Refrigerio: Malteada de proteína por la mañana y por la noche


Entrenamiento de calistenia y cardio en el gimnasio por 2 horas. Ir y volver en bicicleta

Almuerzo y cena: Hamburguesa de lentejas con vegetales y papas horneadas

Refrigerio: Malteada de proteína por la mañana y por la noche


Día de descanso

Almuerzo y cena: Falafel de garbanzos con ensalada fresca y puré de batatas

Refrigerio: Malteada de proteína por la mañana y por la noche


Partido de fútbol en el centro deportivo

Almuerzo y cena: Pasta con salsa de vegetales y pollo con queso parmesano y pan.

Refrigerio: Malteada de proteína por la mañana y por la noche


Ciclismo de montaña al aire libre

Almuerzo y cena: Estofado de carne con papas y plátano, ensalada y sopa de vegetales

Refrigerio: Malteada de proteína por la mañana y por la noche


Día de descanso

Almuerzo y cena: Cazuela de frijoles con carne molida, aguacate, plátano y arroz

Refrigerio: Malteada de proteína por la noche


The wellness plan in English is:

For every day after waking up:

Drink 2 glasses of water and do 20 minutes of stretching and mobility exercises followed by 5 minutes of meditation. For breakfast have fresh fruit with granola or oatmeal with almond milk


Do weight and cardio training at the gym. Go and return by bicycle.

Lunch and dinner: Roasted chicken breast with grilled vegetables

Snack: Protein shake in the morning and in the evening


Basketball match at the sports center

Lunch and dinner: Steamed fish fillet with grilled vegetables and baked potato

Snack: Protein shake in the morning and in the evening


Calisthenics and cardio training at the gym for 2 hours. Go and return by bicycle.

Lunch and dinner: Lentil hamburger with vegetables and baked potatoes

Snack: Protein shake in the morning and in the evening


Rest day

Lunch and dinner: Chickpea falafel with fresh salad and mashed sweet potato

Snack: Protein shake in the morning and in the evening


Football match at the sports center

Lunch and dinner: Pasta with vegetables and chicken sauce, parmesan cheese and bread

Snack: Protein shake in the morning and in the evening


Mountain biking outdoors

Lunch and dinner: Beef stew with potatoes and plantain, salad and vegetables soup

Snack: Protein shake in the morning and in the evening


Rest day

Lunch and dinner: Red beans casserole with ground beef, avocado, plantain and rice

Snack: Protein shake in the evening

El____(ir) a la bibloteca



answer is va


i think that

Listen to the audio and then answer the following question. Feel free to listen to the audio as many times as necessary before answering the question. Where are you most likely to hear these instructions? el hospital en la escuela en la oficina en el parque





its b

The instructions mentioned in the Audio in Spanish, very surely belong to:

B. En la escuela

Audio summary.

In the audio you can hear many instructions given by someone who seems to be a school teacher, things regarding the assignments that a student could receive, tasks that would be left to deliver in the near future and other things regarding the organization of the classroom class.

All these instructions, in general are usually heard in a school, which translates into Spanish "escuela."

More information:


Future Tense. Select the best choice from the options available in order to fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb in parenthesis of the following sentence. Yo __________________ (mirar) esta película nueva el viernes por la tarde. Group of answer choices mirará miré miró miraré


Answer: yo voy a ver esta pelicula nueva el viernes por la tarde.


voy a ver is future

mirando is present


Yo miraré esta película nueva el viernes por la tarde.

Can someone please help meee!!!


A donde vas?
Por que te vas?
A que hora vas?
Como te vas?
Con quien vas?

2. Carlos _____ (vivir) en Mexico


Carlos vivió en México (he lived in Mexico) or Carlos vive en México (he lives in Mexico.
Carlos vive en Mexico

what is the full form of mcc and BBC​



ᴍᴄᴄ - ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ /ᴍᴏᴛᴏʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ ᴄᴇɴᴛʀᴇ

ʙʙᴄ - ʙʀɪᴛɪsʜ ʙʀᴏᴀᴅᴄᴀsᴛɪɴɢ ᴄᴏʀᴘᴏʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

[tex] \infty \infty [/tex]


[tex] \underline{ \underline{ \large{ \tt{ ☃ \: F\: U \: L \: L \: \: F \: O\: R \: M \: S}}}}: [/tex]

MCC = Millennium Challenge Corporation

BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation

[tex] \underline{ \underline{ \large{ \tt{☂ M \:E\: A \: N \: I\: N \: G \: S}}} }: [/tex]

British Broadcasting Corporation - A large publicly financed broadcaster of television and radio programmes in the UK , the world via the BBC World service.

MCC - The Millennium Challenge Corporation is an agency established by the US Congress in 2004 applying the philosophy towards foreign aid.

♡ Hope I helped! ツ

☥ Have a wonderful day / night ! ♪

♨ [tex] \underbrace{ \overbrace{ \mathfrak{Carry \: On \: Learning}}}[/tex] ✎


Unscramble the following traditional Mexican dishes:
1. sadalichen
2. sotca
3. maletas
4. liquedsasla
5. utorbirs



1. enchiladas

2. tacos

3. tamales

4. quesadillas

5. burritos



Tacos , enchiladas, tamales,burritos, quesadillas

What finally convinces Jeannette that she must leave , and that she must do so herself


We need more information in order to give a proper answer.


what the heck are you talking about

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb ir to say where the people are going.
Mis amigos _____ al cine para ver una película.


answer: Mis amigos VAN al cine para ver una película
mis amigos (van) al cine para ver una película

can someone write 5-6 sentences describing the things in nature you love the most, and then why do you like them. brainliest to you plus 100 points.


Everything that we see and feel around us such as trees, plants, animals, the aroma of flowers, the sweetness of fruit, and any other products that are manufactured by the earth is collectively called Nature. It’s a non-returnable blessing to mankind. Nature can also be mentioned as the phenomenon which takes place around us daily like the flowing of water, the sense of cold air, and the birds chirruping we hear. Healthy and wealthy nature is very important for the well-being of humans. However, it can also show you its worst negative side. If you want the best from nature, just give it the best you can.

I like all of these things because it shows what the real world is like without all the chemicals in the air and all the cities. The sounds of nature are amazing and nice because they are all natural, and not fake or from a speaker.

¿Cómo le llamaban al instrumento de labranza? a. hacha c. juego de pelota b. coa d. repelente de mosquitos



B. Coa


Find the translation for the following verbs. Also conjugate them in the 1st person singular (Yo) and the first person plural (Nosotros). Follow the examples provided. Use the conjugation tables provided in the attachment.

Aceptar- to accept Yo acepté Nosotros aceptamos

Cerrar- to close Yo cerré Nosotros cerramos

Cocinar- to cook Yo cociné Nosotros cocinamos













Comprar-to buy. yo compre. Nosotros compramos

Cantar- to sing. yo cante. nosotros cantamos

Conversar- to converse. Yo conversé. Nosotros conversamos

Copiar- to copie. Yo copié. Nosotros copiamos

Contar- to tell. yo conté. nosotros contamos

Desayunar- to have breakfast. Yo desayuné. Nosotros desayunamos

Encontrar- to find. yo encontré. nosotros encontramos

Enviar- to send. Yo envié. Nosotros enviamos

Estudiar- to study. Yo estudié. Nosotros estudiamos

Examinar- to examine. Yo examiné. Nosotros examinamos

pleaseeeeeeeee helpppppppp



1. sus

2. su

3. sus

4. nuestra

5. mi

6. tus

7. de

8. su


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A silicon wafer is textured to minimize light reflection. This results in a surface made up of square pyramids. Each triangular face of one of the pyramids has a base of 5 micrometers and a height of 5.6 micrometers. Find the surface area of the pyramid, including the base. Explain how depth of the ocean determines ocean topography. Please help 14 MATH PROBLEM 8. You deposit $1600 in a bank account. Find the balance after 3 years. The account pays 2% annual interest compoundedquarterly. AHH IM BEGGING OMG YOU DONT KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND I WILL BE FOREVER GREATEFUL PLSSSSSOwen can type 30 and 2/3 words in 2/35 of a minute. What is his rate in words per minute? The Offspring produced by a cross between two given types of plants can be any of the three genotypes denoted by A, B, and C. A theoretical model of any of the three genotypes denoted by A, B, and C should be in the ratio 1:2:1. For experimental verification, 100 plants are bred by crossing the two given types. Their genetic classifications are recorded. Do these data contradict the genetic model how do they say hello and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 in Chinese A rectangle has a perimeter of 30 yards. If one side is 5 yards long, how long is the other side?A. 15 yardsB. 25 yardsC. 10 yardsD. 30 yards Try These out and Ill give you brainliest no links posted on My question or I will report you What is an example of an event that can compromise an ecosystem?1.seasonal climate change2.seasonal dry period3.d eveloping land around cities4.high temperatures Saber or conocer_____dnde esta la escuela?(sabemos or conocemos)_____usted la fecha de mi cumplenos? (sabe or conoce)Ellos no____al ladrn.( saben or conocen)____ustedes el nombre del director? (saben or conocen)l____el color de mi cartera( sabe or conoce)Yo no_____a todos mis parientes.(s or conozco)Quin_____a la mujer del zapatera.(sabe or conoce)Cmo____todo eso.(sabe or conoce)Yo no quiero____a aquel mdico.(saber or conocer) Ellos____contar hasta ciento.( saben or conocen) what is the range of magazines sold?please answer will give brainliest Michael is measuring fabric for the costumes of a school play he needs 11.5 meters of fabric. He has 280 centimeters of fabric. How many more centimeters does he need ? What is the area of a rectangle that is 1 1 4 1 4 1 1, start fraction, 1, divided by, 4, end fraction meters long and 3 4 4 3 start fraction, 3, divided by, 4, end fraction of a meter wide? 1. Discuss What camera techniques are used to film Horgan's art, such as the Navajo Sentinel? Explain how these techniques influence public perception of art. ANSWER RIGHT DO NOT EXPLAIN does anyone have a 3ds or ds and plays yokai watch 2 fleshy souls?if yes please give me your friend code and ill give you mine 1. Why did people call General Scott's plan of attack The Anaconda Plan? The owner of a company determines the median and mean salaries for his 20 employees. The median salary is $41,000, and the mean is $52,000. Which BEST explains why the mean is so much greater than the median? Each pail of plaster covers 97 square feet of ceiling. How many pails of plaster would you need to buy to cover the ceiling of a room with walls 14 feet long?