Computers and Technology

Given a partial and PlaneQueue class in, write the push() and pop() instance methods for PlaneQueue. Then complete to read in whether flights are arriving or have landed at an airport.An "arriving" flight is pushed onto the queue.A "landed" flight is popped from the front of the queue.Output the queue after each plane is pushed or popped. Entering -1 exits the program.Click the orange triangle next to "Current file:" at the top of the editing window to view or edit the other files.Note: Do not edit any existing code in the files. Type your code in the TODO sections of the files only. Modifying any existing code may result in failing the auto-graded tests.Important Coding Guidelines:Use comments, and whitespaces around operators and assignments.Use line breaks and indent your code.Use naming conventions for variables, functions, methods, and more. This makes it easier to understand the code.Write simple code and do not over complicate the logic. Code exhibits simplicity when its well organized, logically minimal, and easily readable.Ex: If the input is:arriving AA213arriving DAL23arriving UA628landed-1the output is:Air-traffic control queue Next to land: AA213Air-traffic control queue Next to land: AA213 Arriving flights: DAL23Air-traffic control queue Next to land: AA213 Arriving flights: DAL23 UA628AA213 has landed.Air-traffic control queue Next to land: DAL23 Arriving flights: UA628code:from PlaneQueue import PlaneQueuefrom PlaneNode import PlaneNodeif __name__ == "__main__": plane_queue = PlaneQueue() # TODO: Read in arriving flight codes and whether a flight has landed. # Print the queue after every push() or pop() operation. If the user # entered "landed", print which flight has landed. Continue until -1 # is read.