Computers and Technology

Design a Friend class that the following members: A field for the name of the friend (a string). A field for the cell phone number of the friend (a string). A field for the gender of the friend (a character F or M). A static field numObjects (integer). Constructors:A default constructor and a parameterized constructor. Accessors methods for the data fields. Set methods for the cell phone data field and the numObjects field. A toString() method that displays the data fields. Design a testFriend driver class that has an arrFriends array that can hold up to a maximum of 15 objects. Write a static fillArray() method that receives the arrFriends array and allow the user to enter the information of a number of friends. Save the objects to the array. Return the array to the call statement. Write a static displayArray() method that receives the arrFriends array as parameter and display a numbered list of information on the objects saved in the array. Write a static sortData() method that receives the arrFriends array, sort the friends alphabetically according to the names of the friends and return the array. Call the displayArray() method again in the main method to display the sorted list. Write a static method called findAFriend() that receives the arrFriends array and the name of the friend to find as parameters. Display the friend's name and cell phone number if the name was found or display a message indicating that the name was not found. The name must be displayed as part of the message