Why are pleasurable (and virtuously imbalanced) friendships liable to rapid alteration?
Select one:

These friendships are accidental when the object of affection is loved.

These friendships are quickly made and, therefore, quickly dissolved.

These friendships are based on essential character, in the truest sense.

These friendships are grounded on what is pleasant to the other person.


Answer 1

Answer:  b. These friendships are quickly made and, therefore, quickly dissolved.

Explanation: Pleasurable and virtuously imbalanced friendships are liable to rapid alteration because they are often based on superficial factors such as shared interests, enjoyable experiences, or personal benefits. These friendships are quickly formed as they are primarily driven by the pleasure and enjoyment derived from the relationship.

However, since these friendships lack a strong foundation built on deeper emotional connection, shared values, or mutual support, they are more likely to dissolve rapidly. When the pleasurable aspect or the imbalanced nature of the friendship changes, such as when the object of affection is no longer loved or when the benefits become less apparent, the friendship loses its initial appeal and can easily fall apart.

Learn more about friendships here: https://brainly.com/question/31234166.

Related Questions

(HELP I LITERALLY NEED THIS TO GRADUATE) Explain how Gandhi’s non-cooperation concept is supported by the diction of his open letter to the Englishmen in India. FLVS ENGLISH 4 HONORS


Gandhi's non-cooperation concept is supported by the diction of his open letter to the Englishmen in India. In this letter, he strongly urges the Englishmen to 'accept the position of equals' and to return the autonomy of India to the 'Indian people'.

He encourages the Englishmen to accept India's 'right to self-determination' and to leave the country without causing any harm. He further states that 'non-violence and non-cooperation are the only methods which will meet with success'. He also makes a plea for 'the return of the rights which were taken away from us' and for the 'recognition of our rights as free men'.

By using these terms and phrases, Gandhi is emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, understanding and cooperation between the two countries. This powerful diction highlights the importance of the non-cooperation concept and its relevance to India's struggle for independence.

know more about autonomy here



I need someone to edit this essay for me. Like add stuff....

A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry is a compelling and thought-provoking play that features scenic, costuming, lighting, and sound aspects that were critical to establishing the story and underlining the themes. It chronicles the life of an African-American family in a cramped apartment in 1950s Chicago. The drama examines issues of racism, poverty, aspirations, and familial ties. All of the aspects are critical to the production's message and audience perception, as well as the general idea of the play.

A Raisin in the Sun is a theatrical play with many dramatic aspects that build suspense and conflict throughout the plot. The rivalry between the younger family members and Mama, the family matriarch, is one of the play's most important dramatic aspects. Mama values family and tradition, but her children are more interested in following their own particular goals. Walter Lee, mother's son, would rather invest the cash with his pals at a bar. He thinks the investment will permanently end the family's financial issues. But Ruth, Walter's wife, agrees with Mama and hopes that she and Walter can give their son, Travis, more room and opportunities. Beneatha, who is also Mama's daughter and Walter's sister, wants to utilize the funds to pay for her medical school tuition. She also wishes that her family members were less eager to blend in with the white community. Beneatha instead looks to the past and to Africa in an effort to discover who she is. This tension creates multiple dramatic moments, such as when Walter begs Mama for the insurance money to invest in a business and Mama refuses.
The tension between the Youngers and the outside world is another dramatic aspect in the play. The family encounters discrimination and prejudice at every step, from white neighbors attempting to evict them from their new house to a labor market with little options for black employees. The characters of Mama, Walter, and Beneatha experience challenges as a result of their ambitions being dashed by racial injustice, discriminatory housing, and a lack of family support for her education. This external conflict adds to the family's stress as they strive to navigate a world hostile to their own survival.
Finally, the play contains several dramatic moments that illustrate the characters' interior conflicts. Each member of the younger family is dealing with their own worries, doubts, and anxieties, which frequently boil over in dramatic moments of confrontation and revelation. For example, when Beneatha confronts Walter about his decision to abandon his ambition, both characters have a tremendous moment of reflection and self-discovery. These internal and external conflicts combine to produce a compelling and fascinating drama that continues to captivate spectators today.


The edited essay has been written in the space below

How to edit the essay

One aspect that could be added to the essay is the significance of the play's title, "A Raisin in the Sun." The title is taken from Langston Hughes' poem "Harlem," which asks the question, "What happens to a dream deferred? / Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?" The play explores the dreams of each character and how they are affected by the harsh realities of their lives. The title highlights the theme of the play, which is the struggle to achieve one's dreams despite the obstacles in one's path.

Another important aspect to consider is the historical context of the play. "A Raisin in the Sun" was written during the Civil Rights Movement, a time of great social change and upheaval in the United States. The play reflects the struggle of African Americans during this time period, as they fought for equal rights and opportunities. Hansberry's work provides insight into the experiences of African American families during the 1950s and serves as a reminder of the progress that has been made, as well as the work that still needs to be done.

Lastly, the play's impact and legacy could also be discussed. "A Raisin in the Sun" was the first Broadway play written by an African American woman and has become a seminal work in American literature. It has been adapted into a film and has been performed in theaters around the world. The play's themes and messages continue to resonate with audiences today, and it remains a powerful commentary on the American experience.

Read more on essay here:https://brainly.com/question/25607827


Write: What is the author's point of view about the role of parents and financial education?






    The author's point of view about the role of parents in financial education is paramount, believing that it is the parent's responsibility to teach their children the basics of financial management from a young age. Parents serve as role models and guides, instilling the importance of budgeting, saving, and understanding the value of money. The author contends that through hands-on experience and practical lessons, children can develop healthy financial habits that will carry them into adulthood. Furthermore, by discussing their own financial successes and failures openly, parents can help their children become better prepared for real-world financial challenges. In summary, the author strongly promotes parents playing an active role in teaching their children about money matters and being involved in their financial education journey.

    On the other hand, the author takes a proactive stance on integrating financial education into the broader academic curriculum at schools. They argue that schools should offer appropriate courses or activities to supplement parents' efforts in teaching kids about different aspects of finance such as banking, investing, and debt management. Recognizing that not all parents may have expertise in these fields or may lack access to resources necessary for effective learning, schools ought to step up to fill these gaps. The author envisions students building strong foundations in money management principles while also learning how to adapt these principles to economic changes throughout their lives. Ultimately, the author believes both parents and formal education systems must work together for raising financially literate individuals.


Write an informative essay examining how Roosevelt’s ""Second Bill of Rights"" protects citizens’ pursuit of happiness


Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights" is a set of economic and social rights that he proposed in his 1944 State of the Union address.

These rights include the right to a job, the right to a living wage, the right to affordable housing, the right to adequate medical care, the right to a good education, and the right to security in old age. By guaranteeing these rights, Roosevelt sought to ensure that all Americans had the opportunity to pursue happiness and live fulfilling lives.

The Second Bill of Rights protects citizens' pursuit of happiness by addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality. By providing access to education, healthcare, and housing, it helps individuals to improve their quality of life and achieve their goals.

Additionally, by guaranteeing the right to a job and a living wage, it ensures that individuals can provide for themselves and their families, reducing financial stress and promoting economic stability.

Overall, the Second Bill of Rights represents a significant step towards ensuring that all Americans have access to the resources and opportunities they need to pursue happiness and live fulfilling lives.

While many of these rights have yet to be fully realized, they remain an important reminder of the government's responsibility to promote the well-being of its citizens.

To know more about social rights  click on below link:



Select the hyperbole in the passage.
Now I stared out the window, wondering if those houses with lights had trees up
already and if there were presents under them. The Christmas before last, I'd
gotten so much stuff, I thought I'd never stop unwrapping. Most of it was still in
Denver somewhere. Stuffed animals, games, clothes, gone. Even the ring Daddy had
given me with TOSWIAH engraved into the gold.


Answer: "I thought I'd never stop unwrapping" is the hyperbole in the passage.


The hyperbole is an exaggeration used to emphasize the point. In this passage, the statement "I thought I'd never stop unwrapping" is a hyperbole as it exaggerates the amount of time it took to unwrap the presents, implying there were too many of them.

Directions: Using the evidence you included in your Evidence Tracker, write an essay explaining your claim to the argument. This essay must be 5 paragraphs in length and must use textual evidence. flowers or elgernon


Flowers for Algernon, a science fiction novel by Daniel Keyes, explores the consequences of intelligence enhancement.

What is the novel about?

The protagonist, Charlie Gordon, undergoes a surgical procedure that boosts his IQ, transforming him from a mentally disabled man into a genius.

However, the experiment ultimately fails, and Charlie regresses back to his previous state. Through Charlie's experiences, Keyes argues that intelligence enhancement, while promising, is fraught with ethical dilemmas and unpredictable outcomes.

Firstly, the novel highlights the potential dangers of manipulating intelligence. Before the experiment, Charlie is happy, albeit unaware of his limitations.

Learn more about novel on



Why are memebrs of the creighton family so divided about the idea of secession from the union ?


The Creighton family in the American television series "Mercy Street" is divided about the idea of secession from the Union for various reasons.

Some members believe that secession would protect their economic interests and way of life, as they are slave-owning Southern aristocrats. They fear that the abolitionist movement in the North threatens their property and status.

On the other hand, some members of the family, particularly the women, sympathize with the Union cause and are opposed to slavery. They believe in equality and the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Furthermore, they fear the devastation and loss of life that a civil war would bring.

The divisions within the Creighton family reflect the broader divisions within the country at the time. The issue of slavery was a deeply divisive issue that led to the Civil War, and families and communities were torn apart by it. The Creighton family serves as a microcosm of the larger conflict, highlighting the complexity and emotional weight of the issue.

To know more about secession refer here:



…rattled me to the core"" – What took place in the summer of 1955 that made Carlota feel this way?


In the summer of 1955, an event took place that rattled Carlota to the core.

This event could have been a significant historical occurrence, a personal experience, or a combination of both. Without more specific information about Carlota or the context of the quote, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of her feeling.

In the summer of 1955, an event occurred that deeply affected Carlota, causing a profound impact on her emotional state.

The nature of this event, whether it was a significant historical occurrence, a personal experience, or a combination of both, is not explicitly stated, leaving room for interpretation and speculation.

If the event is a significant historical occurrence, it could be an event that had widespread consequences or resonance during that period. For instance, it could be a major political event, a social movement, or a natural disaster that captured the attention of the nation or the world.

Such events often have far-reaching implications, and individuals may be deeply affected by them, leading to a sense of vulnerability, fear, or uncertainty.

On the other hand, if the event is a personal experience, it could be an event that directly impacted Carlota's life or the lives of those close to her.

This could include events such as the loss of a loved one, a traumatic incident, or a life-changing decision. Personal experiences can have a profound emotional impact, reshaping one's worldview and leaving lasting impressions.

It is also worth considering the possibility that the event was a combination of both historical and personal factors. Historical events often have a personal dimension, as they can affect individuals on a personal level, intersecting with their own experiences, beliefs, and values.

For example, a historical event that reflects or challenges the values Carlota holds dear could significantly shake her core.

To learn more about beliefs, refer below:



3. READ As you read lines 1–38 of "Who Understands Me But Me," begin to collect and cite text evidence. Underline each thing the speaker lives without in lines 1-16. In the margin, explain what setting the speaker evokes in lines 1-16. In the margin, explain what the speaker finds when he follows the tracks (lines 30-38 ).

Who Understands Me But Me Jimmy Santiago Baca


I don't have clocks, walls, mirrors, books, chairs, tables, carpets, pictures, music, windows, doors, light, darkness, sleep, or dreams, and I don't have clocks, walls, mirrors, or clocks.

Setting: The speaker conjures up a scene that is devoid of material possessions and is marked by loneliness and isolation.

I can locate my heart's tracks by tracing the deer, coyote, and rabbit footprints. I locate my soul. I locate my life. There I am. A river of love and a river of sorrow are present. In the fog and the stars, I can see myself. The wind, the sand, and the snow are where I discover my heart. The moon, sun, and rain are where I find love. The chirping of the birds and the nighttime calm are where I locate my soul.

When the speaker follows the tracks, he feels a sense of connection to nature and to his own feelings. He discovers himself in the splendor of the natural world, and he discovers his love, spirit, and soul in the avian singing and the nighttime silence.

To learn more about Who Understands Me But Me link is here



the main idea of ​​the night face up and the purpose of the author please help is for tomorrow

la idea principal de la noche boca arriba y el propósito del autor por favor ayuda es para mañana


The story's central message is that dreams can become realities and that they often do. The protagonist's "dream" is actually his "life" as he tries to flee the unpleasant truth.

What crucial circumstances occur at night?

The remainder of the book chronicles his travels through many European concentration camps, including Auschwitz/Birkenau, Buna, Gleiwitz, and Buchenwald.

What in The Night Face Up foreshadowing is there?

He had never dreamed about odours, thus it was uncommon for a dream because of that . The conclusion, where we learn what is actually happening to the man, is hinted at by this. He is not dreaming, but rather, actually smelling this.

To know more about  night face up visit:



The porcelain doll that Esperanza brought from Mexico is an important symbol in Esperanza Rising. Explain what the doll stands for in the novel and what it says about how Esperanza’s character develops when she gives the doll to Isabel


Esperanza's porcelain doll from Mexico serves as a reminder of her former existence and of her heritage as a Mexican child.

Esperanza treasured and guarded the doll as a child since it served as a reminder of her family and her heritage. She must leave the doll behind as a tangible reminder of the life she has left behind when she is forced to flee to the United States.

Esperanza shows her newfound maturity by giving Isabel the porcelain doll. She is embracing her new life rather than clinging to her old one. She is learning to accept her new home and let go of her past.

The doll is a representation of Esperanza's fortitude and power, and it demonstrates how she can overcome her obstacles and accept her new life.

To learn more about Esperanza link is here



Why do you think the poet portrays the lake in two opposing views?


The poet portrays the lake in two opposing views to emphasize the complexity of nature. On one hand, the lake is described as being peaceful and tranquil, with breezes that "tread with silent feet".

On the other hand, it is also described as being powerful and dangerous, with waves that "lash the shore". This duality of the lake is meant to show that nature is not simply one thing, but is instead a complex and ever-changing entity. By emphasizing the duality of the lake, the poet is able to express the idea that nature is both beautiful and powerful.

The poet also uses the image of the lake to express the idea that, despite its beauty and power, nature is ultimately uncontrollable and unpredictable. This unpredictability adds a sense of mystery to the poem and serves as a reminder that, despite our best efforts, we are ultimately at the mercy of nature.

know more about poet here



I need help with this question


In the "The Lady or the Tiger," the lover was sent to the arena to choose his fate. Option C

what happened in the story "The Lady or the Tiger"?

In the short story "The Lady or the Tiger" by Frank Stockton, the conflict between the king and his daughter's lover is not explicitly resolved. The story ends on a cliffhanger, leaving it up to the reader's imagination to determine the outcome of the lover's fate.

The story describes a system of justice in which accused persons are given the choice between two doors, one of which hides a beautiful woman (who will be the person's wife) and the other hides a ferocious tiger (which will kill the person). The king's daughter falls in love with a young man who is accused of a crime, and she learns which door hides the tiger and which hides the woman. She is faced with a difficult choice between betraying her lover or allowing him to marry someone else.

the above answer is in response to the full question;

how was the king's conflict with his daughter's lover resolved? Lady or the Tiger

a. The king relented and allowed the relationship

b. He offered the young man a woman much more fair than the princess

c. The lover was sent to the arena to choose his fate.

Find more exercises on lady or the Tiger;



Use the notes from your reading of "Second Quarter. "

3. Read "Tipping Point. " In 3-4 sentences, identify a tipping point in your life and explain how it (4 points)

was similar to or different from the one Josh describes in the poem. Use specific details from

your life and text evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Select the link to access the Short Answer Rubric.


A tipping point in my life was when I had to make a decision about what college I was going to attend. It was similar to Josh's tipping point in the poem because I had to weigh the pros and cons of each college and decide which one was the best fit for me.

Josh had to do the same thing when deciding whether he should keep his job or switch careers. Josh's tipping point was also different from mine because he had to consider his family's financial situation, while I was more focused on the educational opportunities and programs that each college offered.

In the poem, Josh acknowledges that his decision will have a lasting impact, which I felt as well when I was making my choice. Ultimately, I chose a college that was the best fit for me, just as Josh did when he decided to switch careers.

know more about tipping point here



Literary divides in the book speak by Laurie Anderson


A collection of essays, interviews, and performances that investigate the interface of art and technology is highlighted in Laurie Anderson's book "Speak Memory".

The narrative, Speak Memory investigates how technology is altering how we communicate and see the world. Anderson considers the function of language in influencing our view of the world.

"Speak Memory" is a deep and complicated book that delves into a variety of subjects linked to art, technology, and memory. The book is organized into four sections that give a unified and structured framework.

Learn more about speak by Laurie Anderson, here:



Correct the statement Another thing to think about is it the chance of crimes getting worse.



the "it" before the chance should not be the there


which live action films was the first to be completely storyboard

What is the author's purpose in "Marian Anderson Sings"?


The author's purpose in "Marian Anderson Sings" is to provide a biographical account of Anderson's life and career as a renowned African-American opera singer.

The main goal is to highlight Anderson's achievements as a trailblazer for racial equality in the arts and to emphasize the impact of her historic performance at the Lincoln Memorial in 1939.

The author's tone is celebratory, and the overall message is one of inspiration and admiration for Anderson's talents and perseverance in the face of discrimination.

The author also seeks to educate readers about the cultural and historical significance of Anderson's legacy, emphasizing the role of music as a powerful force for social change.

Overall, the purpose of the text is to honor Anderson's contributions to the arts and to celebrate her as a symbol of hope and progress in American history.

To know more about racial equality click on below link:



Fast help pls
Which is not an example of honesty in journalism


The option that is not an example of honesty in journalism is option C.  A journalist makes up a quote from a source to help her article seem more credible.

What is honesty?

Journalists have an responsibility to seek out the validity and report it as correctly as possible. This demands diligence: this way making every exertion to seek out all basic facts having to do with a story. Journalists endure also story any facts with diversified beginnings.

Honesty is an essential need of reporting that demands correspondents to report the truth, expected obvious about their beginnings, and to correct wrongs when they happen.

The Examples of Honesty are:

Admitting when you were Wrong. Choosing not to Cheat. Saying when you've had your Fair Share etc.

Learn more about honesty   from



see text below

Select the correct answer.

Which is NOT an example of honesty in journalism?

A.A journalist writes at the end of an article that a company refused to comment on the contents of the article.

B. A newspaper prints a retraction, or apology, after incorrect details are found in a story.

C.A journalist makes up a quote from a source to help her article seem more credible.

D.A newspaper fact checks all of its stories and does not print those that do not check out.


iready!!! It is the first answer: The dog harrowed the poor cat until it finally hissed and fled the room


Hope this helps!


This sentence describes a situation where a dog is bothering a cat, and the cat is feeling distressed and scared.

How to explain the phrase

The word "harrowed" means to disturb or torment, so the sentence suggests that the dog is pestering the cat in a persistent and unpleasant way. The cat's reaction to this treatment is to hiss, which is a defensive behavior used by many cats to signal their discomfort or aggression.

Finally, the cat flees the room, likely seeking safety and refuge from the dog's harassment. Overall, this sentence paints a picture of a situation where one animal is bullying another, and the victim eventually has to resort to defensive measures to protect itself.

Learn more about dog on



When reading an informational text that proposes a solution to a problem, what should the reader evaluate?
Select one:
a. the potential success of the solution
b. the details used to describe the problem
c. the sequence of events that led to the problem
d. the similarities and differences between this and other problems



a. the potential success of the solution


When reading an informational text that proposes a solution to a problem, the reader should evaluate the potential success of the solution. This involves analyzing the evidence provided by the author to support their solution and considering any potential challenges or drawbacks to the proposed solution. While it is important to understand the details used to describe the problem and the sequence of events that led to it, the primary focus should be on evaluating the proposed solution and its potential effectiveness.

a doctor/mother/be/my​


The correct arrangement of the sentence is "My mother be a doctor".

To rearrange the sentence we have to follow:

Step 1: Read the sentence.

Step 2: Break the sentence into manageable chunks.

Step 3: Analyze the meaning of each chunk.

Step 4: Rearrange the chunks into a logical order.

Step 5: Check the new sentence to ensure it is grammatically correct.

Sentence in English and follows the standard Subject-Verb-Object structure.  It consists of a subject (the doer of the action), a verb (the action being done), and an object (the thing or person the action is being done to). In this case, the subject is "My mother", the verb is "be", and the object is "a doctor".

To learn more about arrange the sentence link is here



The complete question is:

Rearrange the sentence.

a doctor/mother/be/my

Describe how the public education system in Malawi is different than the public education system in the United States


The public education system in Malawi is different from the public education system in the United States in several ways.

Firstly, Malawi follows an 8-4-4 structure, with eight years of primary education, four years of secondary education, and four years of higher education. The United States follows a K-12 structure, which consists of 13 years, including kindergarten and grades 1 through 12.

Secondly, Malawi faces resource constraints that impact education quality, such as inadequate infrastructure, teacher shortages, and limited teaching materials. In contrast, the United States typically has better educational resources, though this can vary based on location and funding.

Thirdly, Malawi's education system is highly centralized, with the government controlling curriculum, teacher training, and exams. The United States has a more decentralized system, with each state setting its own curriculum and standards.

Lastly, in Malawi, education is not compulsory, leading to lower enrollment and higher dropout rates compared to the United States, where education is compulsory until a certain age, depending on the state.

Overall, these differences contribute to disparities in educational quality and outcomes between Malawi and the United States.

To know more about education system refer here:



Which statement explains why this myth is a misconception? even in the presence of acid, bacteria can grow very rapidly. letting microwaved food sit for a few minutes helps the food cook more thoroughly. the bacteria that cause food poisoning do not affect the look, smell, or taste of food. bacteria grow rapidly at room temperatures.


The statement explaining why the myth is a misconception is: "The bacteria that cause food poisoning do not affect the look, smell, or taste of food."

This statement debunks the myth that we can determine if food is safe to eat based on its appearance, smell, or taste. Food poisoning bacteria can grow rapidly, even in acidic conditions or at room temperatures, and may not change the food's sensory characteristics.

Letting microwaved food sit for a few minutes helps with even cooking, but does not guarantee the elimination of harmful bacteria. Therefore, proper food handling and storage are essential to prevent foodborne illnesses.

To know more about food poisoning click on below link:



How do the examples of gaga and goat demonstrate the

conflict in the story?


In the story, there is a conflict between the two main characters, Gaga and Goat. Gaga is a curious and adventurous character who wants to explore the world outside of their farm. Goat, on the other hand, is more cautious and wants to stay close to home. This conflict is demonstrated in the examples of Gaga and Goat's actions throughout the story.

For instance, when Gaga wants to venture out into the forest, Goat tries to persuade her to stay home, warning her of the dangers outside. However, Gaga is determined to explore and ends up getting lost, causing Goat to have to rescue her. This highlights the conflict between their different personalities and desires.

Another example is when Gaga finds a strange object in the forest and wants to investigate it, while Goat is hesitant and worried about the potential dangers. This disagreement leads to tension and further highlights the conflict between the two characters.

Ultimately, the conflict between Gaga and Goat is a key element of the story and drives the plot forward as the two characters learn to understand and appreciate each other's perspectives.

To know more about conflict, click below.



Can someone help me with there examples from the love song of j. alfred prufrock?


Sure, here are some examples from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot:

"Let us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized upon a table;"

This simile compares the evening sky to a patient under anesthesia, suggesting a feeling of lifelessness and passivity.

"The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes"

This personification of the fog gives it a sinister quality, as though it is a living creature with intent.

"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;"

This metaphor suggests the speaker's life is mundane and measured, as if he is simply marking time.

"Do I dare

Disturb the universe?

In a minute there is time

For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse."

This rhetorical question asks if the speaker has the courage to disrupt the order of the world around him, while the repetition of "minute" emphasizes the brevity and fleeting nature of time.

"And indeed there will be time

To wonder, 'Do I dare?' and, 'Do I dare?'"

This repetition of the question "Do I dare?" emphasizes the speaker's indecisiveness and anxiety.

These are just a few examples, but "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is full of literary techniques like simile, metaphor, personification, repetition, and more.

To know more about love song refer to-



Answer with reference to the context. 1. For the next three Saturdays, accordingly, he traversed the corridor as us taking every possible precaution.
a) Who is 'he' in the above line?
i. one of the twins
ii. the ghost ii.
iii. Mr Otis
iv. the narrator​


If for the next three Saturdays, accordingly, he traversed the corridor as us taking every possible precaution. The person 'he' in the above line is:

iii. Mr Otis.

Who is Mr Otis?

The phrase "he traversed the corridor" in the context tent to  suggests that the person being discussed is actually travelling through the corridor. Additionally saying that you are "taking every possible precaution" shows that you are being watchful or cautious

The phrase "For the next thrly," which appears in the provided text, suggests that the sentence is refeee Saturdays, accordingrring to a certain time frame.

Therefore the correct option is iii.

Learn more about  Mr Otis here:https://brainly.com/question/1039639


How many species of fish can be caught via fishing.



carp, bass


So when you fish sometimes, you sometimes catch carp or bass

"When I’m queen…" That’s a phrase you’ll often hear me say as I’m explaining the way the world ought to be. When I am the (1)mon of my own personal country, I will pursue several (2)ions and objectives. For one, drivers who fail to use their turn signals will have their cars taken away. Decaffeinated coffee will be outlawed, and so will spam email, telemarketing, and glitter. In this ideal world, I will never age because when I am queen, the laws of time won't apply to me; I will be beyond (3)al boundaries. As queen, I will be focused on the interests of my subjects. They will be required to use (4)syllabic words to improve their vocabulary and intelligence. And I will care very much about their opinions. . . Of me. I’ll be surrounded by (5)devots who are eager to hear my (6)monos on any subject. And I will be known as the most (7)ted and inspiring of speakers. Naturally, I will be a (8)ign ruler, kind and beloved by the ordinary (9)als who are my people. I will allow them to do almost anything they wish, as long as they follow the strictest (10)et of my queendom: everyone must obey me at all times


When I'm queen, my queendom will be a place of unparalleled freedom, fun, and justice. Drivers who fail to use their turn signals will have their cars taken away, while decaffeinated coffee, spam email, telemarketing, and glitter will be outlawed.

I will never age, and my subjects will be required to use more syllabic words to improve their vocabulary and intelligence. I will be surrounded by devoted followers who are eager to hear my opinions on any subject.

My subjects will know me as the most articulate and inspiring of speakers, and I will be a just and kind ruler who is beloved by the ordinary people who inhabit my realm. The only law my subjects must follow is to obey me at all times. Together, we will create a world that is full of joy and justice for all.

know more about decaffeinated here



complete question is :

"When I’m queen…" That’s a phrase you’ll often hear me say as I’m explaining the way the world ought to be. When I am the (1)mon of my own personal country, I will pursue several (2)ions and objectives. For one, drivers who fail to use their turn signals will have their cars taken away. Decaffeinated coffee will be outlawed, and so will spam email, telemarketing, and glitter. In this ideal world, I will never age because when I am queen, the laws of time won't apply to me; I will be beyond (3)al boundaries. As queen, I will be focused on the interests of my subjects. They will be required to use (4)syllabic words to improve their vocabulary and intelligence. EXPLAIN.

Read the sentence and then answer the question that follows:
There are many things that people must do to become physically fit. A large population of the world has become used to staying still for too much of the day
Which transition should go between these sentences?
O Therefore,
O One example,
O However,
O Finally,


I believe it’s C-However

From the story the wedding dance by amador daguio

1. are those scenario really happen in our society right now? why or why not?​


The scenario in "The Wedding Dance" by Amador Daguio is a fictional story, so it does not necessarily reflect what is happening in our society right now.

The plot of Amador Daguio's fictional story "The Wedding Dance" does not necessarily reflect what is going on in our society at the moment. The characters' experiences are highly particular to that period and location because the novel is set in a small Philippine village.

The narrative focuses on the power relationships between a husband and wife as well as how a woman might become stuck in an unloving union. Although it may not necessarily be reflected in the specific events of this story, this type of power inequality is a problem that is still prevalent in our society today.

To learn more about Daguio link is here



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